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Research Designs
Osama Bin Laden is a notorious Muslim extremist who successfully, along with his cohorts, destroyed
the World Trade Center also known as the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001. After
years of wild goose chase, he was successfully eliminated. Justice was almost out of hand but due to
careful planning and research, the United States military and government designed a very complex but
detailed strategy. Here are the detailed plans the U.S. government took in order to achieve success in
ridding the world of such a monstrosity in the personality of Osama Bin Laden:

1. Years of research – the U.S. Military intelligence gathered as much information as possible.
U.S. Intelligence personnel scattered around the globe carried out research. They observed how
Bin Laden’s cohorts moved and lived their lives day in and day out. They mingled with people
close to him until they have traced Bin Laden’s whereabouts – a small compound in a Pakistani
town of Abbottabad.
2. Patience – The U.S. government with its U.S. intelligence personnel in place continued to
observe the compound. They used drones to take pictures high above the atmosphere. It took
them more months of careful observation to confirm if the notorious terrorist is indeed inside
the compound. When they confirmed that it is him, the next phase was then initiated.
3. Weighing of options - The U.S. government then planned a number of options how to eliminate
the terrorist. First was an airstrike. However, the U.S. president did not want that since bombing
a small compound in a foreign land could strain the United States’ diplomatic ties with Pakistan
and the president did not want innocent blood in his hands. The president opted to use a team
of Special Forces to neutralize Bin Laden. It will be quick and silent but it will be very
dangerous. The U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team 6 was activated for the job.
4. Testing – The SEAL team began training and memorizing their method of infiltration, attack,
and extraction from the compound. They needed to be surgically accurate to minimize innocent
casualties. They memorized the
interiors of the compound based in
intelligence reports.
5. Putting it all into practice – The team
was sent to the compound under the
cover of darkness. It only took 40
minutes to neutralize the terrorist and to
gather all his valuables for intelligence
purposes. The Seal Team 6 also made
sure to get a DNA sample to confirm
and reinforce that the neutralized body
was indeed Osama Bin Laden. (Bowden, Picture 1. Members of the U.S. Navy’s Seal Team 6.

In quantitative research, designing a plan is imperative. Conducting a study can be quite time
consuming but it is what is. But with careful planning the design the whole process of research can be
a walk in the park. Gathering all the needed information can work magic. What the U.S. government
did was a good example of careful planning to come up with a good strategic design. In any research

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type, a researcher would deal with so much abstraction. By using a research design, it will provide
structure to the research at hand (Baraceros, 2017).

I. Types of Research Designs

Bases its research method on a scientific activity called experiment. In this type of design, a variable
or group variables are manipulated or controlled to know if a formulated hypothesis is valid or
displays truthfulness. It is composed of an experimental group on which manipulation, treatment, or
alterations are applied and the control group which is not given any treatment. In this design, the
researcher conducts two (2) kinds of tests: a pre-test for both groups and a post-test for the
experimental group to learn the difference between them based on the effect of the treatment or
condition given to the experimental group.
There are two (2) types of experimental research:
1. True Experimental Design – Uses random selection of participants. It is free from bias and
ensures objectivity of results. It is the best design to use when examining causal relationships.
2. Quasi-Experimental Design – The term quasi means pseudo, partly, or almost. This design is
prone to bias since the researcher purposely selects the participants. It is incapable of
determining cause and relationships.

This type of design is capable of providing qualitative and quantitative data but more on qualitative
data. It is often used in the field of social sciences. Non-experimental designs do away with
manipulating variables. Instead, it relies on how these variables naturally exist in their environment
and how they interact with one another sans alterations, conditions, manipulations, or changes.
According to Baraceros (2017), there are five (5) types of non-experimental research:
1. Descriptive – shows an image or picture of an individual or group.
2. Comparative – tells the differences or similarities among individuals, groups, occurrences, and
3. Correlative – shows the extent of relationship of people, occurrences, places, and others
whether if it is negative of positive.
4. Survey – describes the behavior, preferences, opinions, views, stand, or attitudes of a huge
amount of people.
5. Ex Post Facto – Derives data from stuff that normally occurs as is. No alterations whatsoever
are done to not influence the reactions of variables. This is done to explain about past events.
It means “that which is done afterwards” in English.

II. Research Design Stages

Different research design stages follow the same steps.
1. The researcher must have a clear knowledge of the objectives of the research. This enables the
researcher to choose not only on the type of research s/he has to do, but also the manner the
researcher needs to follow in doing the study.
2. Formulate the hypothesis to state guesses of what may not be true or what may be factual.
3. Determine the method of testing the hypothesis.
4. Choose which instrument to use in collecting the data whether interview, observation, or

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5. Process the selecting of subjects and participants.

6. Perform the experiment
7. Collect and analyze the data.


Baraceros, E. (2016). Practical Research 2. Manila: Rex Bookstore Inc.

Bowden, M. (2012, October 12). The death of Osama Bin Laden: How the US finally got its man.
Retrieved April 23, 2018, from

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