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Full-time Lecturer, School of Library and Information Science

San José State University
San José, CA 95192-0029
Phone: 408.393.5270


(2004-11) Ed.D. (Educational Leadership and Change), Fielding Graduate University.

Primary specialization: Media Studies.
Dissertation: “Introducing an Avatar Acceptance Model: Student Intention to
Use 3D Immersive Learning Tools in an Online Learning Classroom.”

(2000-01) A.M. (Learning Design and Technology), Stanford University, Palo Alto.
Final project: “Dosimetry Online: Serving Radiation Therapists with
animated tools for understanding” based on my research assistantship in
Stanford Medical School.
Primary specialization: Curriculum Design and Web Usability.
Secondary specialization: Computers as Persuasive Technologies

(1991-92) M.S.J. (Magazine Publishing), Northwestern University, Evanston.

Final project: “Women's Sports Monthly,” devoted exclusively to covering
women's sports.
Primary specialization: Digital Media.
(1987-91) B.A. (Magazine Journalism), University of Oregon, Eugene.
Primary specialization: Magazine publishing.
Secondary specialization: Mandarin Chinese.


(2012 forthcoming). “Introducing an Avatar Acceptance Model: Correlating Students’

Intention to Use 3D Immersive Learning Tools in an Online Learning
Classroom.” In Sigal, A. (Ed.), Advancing Librarian Education: Technological
Innovation and Instructional Design.

(2012 forthcoming). “Using Virtual Worlds to Enhance the Social and Educational
Experiences of Online Learners: A Case Study.” In Gregory, S., Lee, M. J. W.,
Dalgarno, B., & Tynan, B. (Eds.) Virtual Worlds in Online and Distance
Education. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press.

(2009). Livingstone, D., Kemp, J., Edgar, E., Surridge, C., & Bloomfield, P. R. “Multi-
user virtual environments for learning meet learning management.” In Connolly,
T., Stansfield, M., & Boyle, L. (Eds.), Games-based learning advancements for
multi-sensory human computer interfaces: Techniques and effective practices
(pp. 34-50). IGI Global.
Page 1
(2008). Kemp, J. W. & Haycock, K. “Immersive learning environments in parallel
universes: Learning through Second Life.” School Libraries Worldwide 14(2), 89-
97. <>

Livingstone, D., Kemp, J., & Edgar, E. “From Multi-User Virtual Environment to
3D Virtual Learning Environment.” ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology
15(3), 139-150. doi: 10.1080/09687760802526707.

Livingstone, D., & Kemp, J. “Integrating Web-Based and 3D Learning

Environments: Second Life Meets Moodle.” UPGRADE, The European Journal
for the Informatics Professional IX (3). <>

Luo, L. & Kemp, J. “Second Life: Exploring the immersive instructional venue for
Library and Information Science education.” Journal of Education for Library
and Information Science 49(3), 147-166.

(2006). Livingstone, D., & Kemp, J. “Massively Multi-Learner: Recent Advances in 3D

Social Environments.” Computing and Information Systems Journal 10(2).
< v10n2/LinvingstoneKemp.doc>



(2009). Kemp, J. W., Livingstone, D., & Bloomfield, P. R. “SLOODLE: Connecting VLE
tools with emergent teaching practice in Second Life.” British Journal of
Educational Technology, 40(3), 551-555. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00938.x

(2008). Kemp, J. “Avatar in the classroom: Teaching the Nation’s first MLIS class in
second life.” In L. Bell, & R. B. Trueman (Eds.), Virtual worlds, real libraries:
Librarians and educators in second life and other multi-user virtual
environments. Medford, N.J.: Information Today.

(2007). Livingstone, D., & Kemp, J. (Eds.). “Proceedings of the 2007 Second Life
education workshop, part of the Second Life Community Convention.” Chicago,
IL. <>

Kemp, J. “Second Life: Some love it. Some hate it. But no one ignores it...”
Bayline: Newsletter of San Francisco Bay Region Chapter of SLA 77(6), 4-6.

(2006). Kemp, J., & Livingstone, D. Putting a Second Life “metaverse” skin on learning
management systems. In D. Livingstone & J. Kemp (Eds.), Proceedings of the
Second Life Education Workshop at SLCC (pp. 13-18). San Francisco.

Page 2
Kemp, J. “SimTeach: Information and Community for Educators using
M.U.V.E.'s [Website and Wiki].” Started March 15, 2006.

(1999). Kemp, J. “Grow Enrollment using E-Commerce Techniques,” The Agenda, PBS
Adult Learning Service.

(1989). Kemp, J. “TEAMA Provides insight into electronics industry,” Tradewinds Asia,
Hong Kong: Tradewinds Publishing Group.


(2007-Present) School of Library and Information Science

LIBR 203 - Online Social Networking
LIBR 246 - Information Technology Tools and Applications – Advanced
LIBR 251 - Web Usability
LIBR 287 - Seminar in Information Science

(2002-2005) College of Business, Undergraduate Education

Bus 100W - Business Communication

(2002) College of Education

EdIT 289 - Distance Learning and Telecommunication


(2009). CASA Dean’s Research Incentive Grant. Co-PI with Nursing College Faculty.

(2008). ANGEL Learning Systems, to create an integration module for Second Life.

(2002). SJSU College of Business, to perfect a telephone-based instruction tool using

Voice XML.


(2009). Best paper for 2008 for Integrating Web-Based and 3D Learning
Environments: Second Life Meets Moodle. With Daniel Livingstone by Spanish
Ministry of Industry.

Fellow of the Virtually Abroad Program for Academic Year 2009-2010 by SJSU
International Studies to give our students the opportunity to interact with
students at the University of West of Scotland inside Second Life.

Page 3

(2009, January 8). Demonstrating SCORM integration with Virtual Worlds via
Sloodle. ADL Colab/US Defense Department Workshop. SRI, Palo Alto, CA.

(2009, March 13). SLOODLE Tools for eLearning. International Symposium on e-

learning. (2009年国際シンポジウム多分野におけるe-Learning活用). Hosei
University Research Institute, California (HURIC) to Tokyo, Japan via video
teleconference and Second Life.

(2009, June 18). Into the Third Dimension with SLOODLE: New Developments in
Serving E-learners with 3D Learning Management Systems. MoodleMoot San
Francisco 2009. San Francisco, CA.

(2009, June 25). Your Next Student May be an Avatar. The Online Summer Institute
for Community Colleges.

(2009, June 18). Into the Third Dimension with SLOODLE New Developments in
Serving E-learners with 3D Learning Management Systems. Sloan-C
International Symposium. San Francisco, CA. 45 minutes. 60 attended. See:

(2009, June 25). Your Next Student May be an Avatar: New developments in serving
e-learners with 3D learning management systems like the SLOODLE project.
Online Summer Institute for Community Colleges. Via teleconference. 45
minutes. 60 attended. See:

(2009, October 7). Seven Tips for Using 3D Worlds for Teaching and Learning. Jossey-
Bass Online Teaching and Learning Conference. Via teleconference. 60 minutes.
150 attended. See:

(2008, October 15). From 7 to 700 – Scaling graduate instruction in virtual

environments. SRI. Palo Alto, CA.

(2008, August 2). From 7 to 700 – Scaling graduate instruction in virtual

environments. IBM Almaden Research Center. San Jose, CA.

(2007). SJSU SLIS has a Second Life Campus. Presentation to the annual conference of
Library 2.0: The Future of Libraries. San Francisco, CA.

(2007, October). What’s Happening In Il Space? Presentation to the annual meeting of

Internet Librarian, Monterey, CA. <>

Page 4
(2007, July). It's Not a Game! Building a Campus Second Life. Presentation to the
American Library Association Techsource Gaming Symposium, Chicago, IL.

(2007, May). Sloodle for Second Life Integration. Presentation to the annual conference
of MoodleMoot Canada, Edmonton.

(2007, May). Second Life: An Overview for Educators. Presentation to the annual
conference of Canadian Association of Distance Education., Winnipeg.

(2007, April). Second Life: An Exploration of Libraries and Education. Presentation to

the Digital Library Federation Forum, Pasadena, CA.

(2007, March). A chocolate and peanut butter combination of Second Life and Moodle.
Presentation to the annual conference of Massively Multi-learner, Glasgow,
Scotland. <>

(2007, March). Second Life and Sloodle. Workshop for the Open University, Milton-
Keynes, UK.

(2006). Design Considerations for Different Game Engines. Panel presentation to the
annual conference of Stanford Designing Case-based Learning for Virtual
Worlds, Palo Alto, CA.

(2006). Second Life for Teaching. Presentation to the annual conference of Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Palo Alto, CA.

(2006). Second Life Builder's Demo: Tools for Teaching in a Virtual Classroom.
Presentation to the annual conference of CSU Community of Academic
Technology Staff, Monterey, CA.

(2003). From Browsing to Dialing: Using Telephone-enabled Web Applications to

Enhance Teaching and Assessment. Presentation to the annual conference of
CSU Community of Academic Technology Staff, Chico, CA.

(2001). Online Learning Communities: When they work and how to make them better.
Workshop for Volunteers in Asia. Palo Alto, CA. <>

(2000). Rapid Web Development Using ColdFusion. Presentation to the annual

conference of Association of Computer Professionals in Education, Welches,
Oregon. <>

Page 5
(1999). Grow Enrollment using E-Commerce Techniques. Presentation to the annual
conference of Telelearning: Education in Transition, Austin, TX.

(1999). Internet Marketing: What works, what doesn’t. Presentation to the annual
Small Business Fair. Portland, OR. <>


San Jose State University eCampus (2001 to 2007). Instructional Designer, assisting
faculty entering online learning. WebCT administrator, lead website coordinator.

Stanford Medical School (2000-01). Design Research Associate, creating content for
nationwide web-enabled graduate course in nuclear medicine. Served as an
education theory resource, built multimedia lectures, and exercises and
conducted user testing.
/dosimetry/1.html >

Stanford Learning Lab (2000). Education Research Associate, designing pilot project
“courselet” for electrical engineering department in advanced math topics.

Portland Community College (1998 to 2000). Academic Program Manager, managed

academic administrative website that served 750 unique visitors per day and took
in $50-$150K per month via secure server

MTi Interactive (1995-97). Product Manager, developed new products for in-store
electronics merchandising systems at Portland, OR engineering firm.


University service

(2011). University Library Board.

(2011). Curriculum consulting for SJSU Department of Educational Leadership.

(2008-2010). Student Affairs Committee. College of Applied Sciences.

Conference Coordination

(2010). Conference Co-Chair. Emerging Technology for Online Learning. Sloan

Consortium, MERLOT, Moodle. July 20-23, 2010. San Jose, CA.

(2009). Special Interest Group Co-Chair. Applied Research in Virtual Environments for
Learning. American Educational Research Association.

Page 6
(2009). Track Co-Chair, Immersive Learning and Virtual Environments track. Sloan-C
International Symposium on Emerging Technology Applications for Online
Learning. June 17-19, 2009. San Francisco, CA.

(2007). Co-Chair, Educator’s track. Second Life Community Convention. Chicago, IL.

(2006). Co-Chair, Educator’s track. Second Life Community Convention. San Francisco,


(2008). Oregon Community College Distance Learning Advisory Board, Salem OR.

(2007). Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL.

(2006). Second Life Heart Murmur Sim. Developed concept and oversaw construction
of an immersive training module to teach heart examination procedures. Built
using the Second Life Multi-User Virtual Environment platform, this five-room
walkthrough experience allowed users to hear heart sounds from healthy and sick
simulated patients and then practice diagnosing the illnesses on unmarked
patients. Video walkthrough: <>

Page 7

(2008, November 23). Andrade, K. “The Virtual University: San Jose State joins
Internet-Based World of Second Life.” San Jose Mercury News, pp. 1B, 9B. 5
million readers, 230,870 copies.

(2008, February 27). Watson, C. “Welcome to SJSU v2.0: Via the virtual realm, a
lecturer brings the campus to the students.” The Spartan Daily, pp. 1. 6500
copies. <>

Graves, L. “A Second Life for Higher Ed.” US News and World Report, 144:2, 49-
50. 2,018,403 copies. <

(2007). Bhatia, M. “Second Life Librarians Ride the Latest Virtual Wave.” SJSU
Washington Square. Winter - Inside Cover. 175,000 copies.

Sadiq, S., Producer. “Second Life: Big Avatar on Campus [Quest].” San Francisco:
KQED Television. Broadcast on September 25 and rebroadcast multiple times
and again in February, 2008. 3 million viewers.

Blumenstein, L. & Oder, N. “San Jose SLIS Embraces Second Life.” Library
Journal - June 15. 19,000 copies.

Orphan, S. “San Jose State opens Second Life campus.” College & Research
Libraries News, 68(6). 13,685 copies.

Page 8

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