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Subject Health

Grade Level Kindergarten

Learning Objective K.1 The student will identify and describe key health and safety
The objective of the lesson is what students
will be able to do as they finish the activity.
a) Recognize the importance of making healthy food choices (e.g.,
For this objective, use the Standards of
Learning (SOL) to say what you want to
focus on.
eating a variety of foods from
You can find the SOLs at all food groups, eating breakfast, choosing healthy snacks, eating at look
least five fruits and
on the right of the screen for the subjects

and go from there. vegetables a day).

d) Recognize the importance of a regular bedtime routine and
enough sleep.
Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to touch and move
Pedagogy Planning

different types of food from one category to another and learn about the proper steps
to take before bedtime like washing your hands and brushing your teeth .

Activity Describe what the learning Students will enter the classroom and will then sit at their assigned
activity will be. What will the students and
the teacher be doing? (This includes what
tables. Teacher will then welcome students to class and start by
they are doing with the technology). asking the question “what food tastes good to you.” Students will
raise their hand to answer the question. Then the question “what
food do you think is good for you?” The teacher will now review
with the student’s foods that are health or good for you and taste
and when to eat certain foods. Then, the teacher will ask all
students to draw a picture of them brushing their teeth. Once 10
minutes has passed, the teacher will ask students to share and
explain their drawings. After a few students have shared the teacher
will review with students the proper steps to brushing your teeth
and how often to do it as well as review the steps to washing your
hands. Once the verbal review has ended, students will then be
called up one at a time to use the SMART board to touch and drag 1
food item into either the Least healthy or More healthy category.
Once all food has been placed in a category, review the answers
with the students. Next students will be called up to move the steps
to washing your hands in the correct order on the wheel. Once all

answer are placed, review the correct answers with the students.
Next the students will watch the embedded video and then touch
and drag the pictures in the correct order of brushing your teeth,
then review answer with students. Then ask the students out loud
which picture belongs on the toothbrush. Once the slide is complete
and reviewed with students move on to the last slide. Last as a
wrap up, have some students come up the smart board and have
them draw a picture of them being healthy and happy.

Keep Going to Page 2

The link to the IWB lesson.
Note: If using the
Smart Exchange,
your link should look
like this:

Not this (no

"notebook", no


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