Brag Sheet

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Name: Christine Nguyen

School: Franklin High School

Cumulative GPA: 3.98

Highest SAT or ACT:

List the top three career goals at this time:

1​st Pharmacy
2​nd​ physical therapist
3​rd Engineer

Activities​ (including high school clubs/organizations, sports, organizations outside of school,

work experience, community service, family responsibilities, religious organizations, etc.)
Activity Name Description
UW Math Science Upward Summer Academy: lectures from UW professors, ___ elective,
Bound college prep, math, and field trips. School year: academic
advising and tutoring

Grades School Weeks/year Hours/week Positions held, awards, shared

9 10 ​11 Summer 52 1-35 leadership?
12 STEM ambassador?

Activity Name Description

Cross Country Sport: Summer conditioning throughout the entire summer and
official cross country runner in the fall. Running 5k one or two
times a week.

Grades School Weeks/year Hours/week Positions held, awards, shared

9 10 11​ 12 Summer 27 4-12 leadership?
Varsity and veterinarian
Activity Name Description
Track and Field Sport: Runs all long distance and short distance races. Qualified
for districts.

Grades School Weeks/year Hours/week Positions held, awards, shared

9 10 11​ 12 Summer 16 4-12 leadership?
Varsity and veterinarian

Activity Name Description: Volunteer for public services. Contributing to making

National Honor Society society better.

Grades School Weeks/year Hours/week Positions held, awards, shared

9 ​10 11 12 Summer 30-39 1-7 leadership?
Leading a volunteering
program and opportunity.

Activity Name Description: Planning and welcoming community. Supporting

Link Crew freshmen getting situated in a high school environment.

Grades School Weeks/year Hours/week Positions held, awards, shared

9 10 ​11 12 Summer 5 1-6 leadership?
Leading freshmen into a new
high school environment at the
beginning of the year.

Activity Name Description: Childcare: tutor academic, monitoring safety, and

Live Love Summer becoming a class teacher.
Grades School Weeks/year Hours/week Positions held, awards, shared
9 10 ​ 11 12 Summer 7 35 leadership?
Leading children and other
volunteers. Being a teacher
and watching a class full of
kindergarteners and first

Honors and Awards​ (include name of award, reason for award, year received)

Brag Sheet Information Questions

Why do you want to attend college? OR Why are you college material?
I want to attend college in order to improve and demonstrate mastery in specific areas. I
believe I am college ready because I am determined to improve on any weaknesses and focus
on achieving my goals.

Why are you scholarship material? OR Why would scholarships make a difference for you/your
I am scholarship material because I have always been a hard worker and never quit from
my task until they are done. Hence having this scholarship would make a huge difference for me
and my family because I would be the first generation in my family to go to college if I do get
enough scholarships.

What is unique about you as a learner? OR What is unique about you as a person?
Even though I can be a slow learner, I always try to ask questions and use all my
materials in order to learn about the subject. I try my best to contribute as much as I can in
group work but I also try to push my team members to work towards their fullest potential
because I know communications, encouragement, and reminders go a long way.

Describe a challenge you have overcome in your life.

I am always caring for my friends and family. They have always been a close part of my
life that I would never want to abandon. One challenge in my life that I have never really faced is
losing someone. In the same year, I lost my aunt who died to ovarian cancer and I also got
distance from my best friend. No matter how hard I tried, it was inevitable that this was going to
happen. I tried my best to take time out of school and activity time to visit my Aunt and tried to
socialize with my best friend daily. From this turning point, I have learned to let things go.

Describe something you are proud of.

I know I am not the smartest kid at school but I felt so much pressure of who’s willing to
sacrifice more to be on top. I respect people who work hard but I also think they should never
lose their morals and values when they are reaching the top. Though I admit I have neglected
others as well as my well-being to achieve my goals, I slowly learn that my achievements do not
have to be mine alone. I decided to focus on other people until I stumbled on my friend almost
failing a class first semester. He was never excited for this class so I decided I would boost his
grades up by the end of semester two. Slowly I got to know more about him and his quirkiness.
Soon, I reminded him about homework and chose him for partner work. By the end of the
second semester, he was two letter grades above his first semester.

Is there anything else you would like me to know about you that would help me know you
One thing I like to do for fun is to draw or paint. It would be good if I could incorporate
some of my art skills alongside my career with STEM since I am still thinking about which career
I would like to pursue.

What do you consider to be your strongest personal asset? And your weakest?
I am very reliable and easy-going most of the time. One of my biggest assets is that I
can be very flexible with work. However, one of my weakest assets is that I can be very bossy if
my group or someone does not do what they are supposed to do. Overall, I have learned to be
more open towards ideas and express myself more honestly when things do not go my way
instead of forcing others to do what I want.

What three teachers know you well and would speak highly of you? (list name and subject
● Ms.Honig AP Human Geography
● Mr.Mathly Pre-Cal Honors
● Ms. States Advisory

List 3-5 adjectives that describe you and explain each by using a personal anecdote. Which
adjective do you feel best about?
Compassionate- I do not like being lonely or bored so when I have something to do; I do
it. I enjoy being around others and seeing their point of view in life even when I do not see eye
to eye with them. This is why I try to volunteer because even though I do not get paid, I get to
form connections and experience I would have not done alone.
Understanding/tolerant- In any circumstances concerning conflicts, I try to come up with
many scenarios. Usually, I would not be overly sensitive whenever things do not happen my
way. This happens a lot in group projects. I know it would not be efficient if I became angered at
my group members for something they did not do. So I work with them head out and find out
strategies that would work for everyone in order to get the work done.
Persistent- I do not give up until my goal is complete. I am working hard and studying for
midterms in calculus. One thing I am currently struggling on when I am writing this brag sheet
right now is learning about derivatives. However, I am currently taking a break and picking
myself back up in order to not just succeed in college but to succeed in life.

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