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1. Always listen to your parents.

You should always listen to your parents. You awe your life
to them. They are the best persons in your life. They raised
and love you, without them you are nothing. Respect them and
all their family and friends. Give them gifts in their special
days. LOVE THEM as who they are because they are the one of the
greatest gift you have receive from our God. Make them proud of
what you achieve in your life.

2. Always put a smile on your face.

Smile is the best make up you will always wear. Smiling

is very contagious and it attracts positive vibes and people.
Smile from the moment you wake up in the morning and your
whole day will be wonderful. Smile when you meet your family
and friends. Give your sweetest smile to the people, maybe
you can save them from their sadness and be their happy pill.
And maybe, you can attract the ideal man you wanted in your

3. Always think positive thoughts everyday

Think positive thoughts every day. Be grateful every day

you wake up. Thank God for all the things that you receive.
Give importance to the gifts of God to you. Just avoid toxic
people, because they will just ruin your life. Avoid them
while you can, but if you can’t avoid them just show them
respect. Always surrounds yourself with positive thoughts to
attract them in your life. In this way, negative thoughts
will not ruin your life anymore.

4. Be confident

Confidence is a commodity as a person. We use this in

our daily lives. In talking to anyone, we need to be confident
and show our true self. Always be confident and avoid the
harsh comment of other people about you. You are the person
you think about, not what they define to be who you are. Be
confident in your own way, if they don’t accept you, it’s
their loss. Being shy is being a selfish person because you
don’t show the genuine you.

5. Cherish your memories.

Cherish your memories. Treasure all of them, you can
keep a photo album for all the pictures you have or you can
save it in your flash drive. In this way, you can go back to
the past just by seeing those unforgettable memories in those
pictures. Value those memories that show how beautiful the
world is. You can share this to your family and friends and
they will appreciate all the things you’ve experience.

6. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

This quote that you always hear is really a valuable

idea. Don’t judge people on the way they look. They have
stories that they don’t know. Maybe those people we judge is
experiencing struggles in their lives. Be good to other
people. Treat them fairly and kindly. If you want to talk to
someone just count one to twenty-five seconds and then uttered
a words. Just relax yourself and talk confidently.

7. Don’t spend time on Social Medias (especially facebook except

YOUTUBE and GOOGLEPLUS because I really love it so much).

Social Medias are brainwashing you. Most of the

information they feed you are lie. They just want to show the
positive side but hide the negative sides, for you to believe
in their lies. Their job is to brainwash you every day you
watch television. In facebook, you are more exposed to the
toxic people. We can only see that positive thoughts but
hidden on it is the fact that you see negative thoughts and
experiences depression. Not all the pictures in there are
genuine. They just want to look it the way they want to be
but in reality those things are full of lies. We shouldn’t
use them in our daily lives.

8. Don’t use earphone when you ride on a vehicle and walking.

There is a saying that no man is an island. It means

that no man should be lonely and spend his time just for
himself. You always need someone. Talk to anyone you know.
Avoid using earphone when you are with somebody especially
family and friends. This can affect your communication with
your love ones. Just use it when you are studying, want to
learn new songs, and watching something useful. For me, it is
a sign you show to anybody when you want to show them that
you are busy. Just use it when you barely need it.

9. It’s better to give than to receive.

There is a saying that “It’s better to give than to

receive”, this advice should be applied in our lives. It’s
better to give people something that they deserve. Just
practice being a giver and you will feel so overwhelmed when
somebody give their big thanks to you and show how grateful
they are. Just always give and the greatest things will come
back to you.

10. Love studying

Studying is an important aspects of your life. Love

studying because this will help you improve and develop as a
person. Don’t just waste your time on other things instead
love studying. Studying is a marvelous thing, this can help
you to accomplish your dreams. While others hate studying,
love it because it can help you grow as a person.

11. Love yourself

Before you love someone else you should love yourself.

You can’t love someone dearly if you aren’t loving yourself.
Show people that you love your true self and they will begin
to love you. Love begins to yourself, next is to your family,
friends, and others. Love is the answer to all your struggles
in your life.

12. Love your parents, siblings, family and friends.

Having a family and friends is such an amazing thing in

your entire lives. They are your strengths and weaknesses.
They support you and most especially they love you. They are
the most precious gift from God. Love them
unconditionally. Treat them special while you are young
because time is running so fast. Make memorable moments with
13. Maintain cleanliness in your surroundings.

Always maintain your surroundings clean to feel

comfortable and relax. When you see that you are surrounded
by beautiful and presentable things you feel so much happiness
and you do all the work you have to do.
14. Maintain proper hygiene.

Maintain your proper hygiene. Always smells good. Take

a bath every day. Brush your teeth regularly, to maintain
your perfect smile. Groom yourself to attract people. Always
be presentable and know that you are beautiful. In this way,
you will always be confident in front of other people. Always
be the beautiful version of yourself outside and inside, for
you to be admired by the man you wanted.

15. Make an eye contact to people.

Eye is the window of the soul. You can read what the
person is thinking just by looking at their eyes. In this
way, you can read their mind. Avoid looking somewhere else.
If you are talking to people look them in the eye. It shows
that you are listening to what they are saying.

16. Practice makes perfect.

Practicing the things you wanted feels so much

enthusiasm. You can express yourself by this. Learning
something you are interested about is a good thing and
practicing it often will make you happy. Spend time wisely,
and practice yourself to be nearly perfect.

17. Share your knowledge to anyone.

As a future educator, share your knowledge to others,

especially your students. That’s your purpose, give them
knowledge and understanding not just about the subjects you
will teach but also the lessons you’ve learnt in your life.
In this way, you will inspire your students and they will
admire you as an excellent and amazing teacher.

18. Show good attitude.

Every day, show a good attitude. Avoid being rude to

people. If you feel angry and upset don’t show it to others.
Avoid showing them if you really feel this emotions. They can
judge you in just a little things you do because people are
judgmental. Think that other people are important in the
world. Treat people as you want to be treated.

19. Spend your time reading, writing, and listening to

These habits are my favorite. I really love to read,
write and listen to music. Reading can develop your knowledge.
While writing can help you expresses the things you wanted.
And lastly, my favorite among the rest is listening to music.
It relaxes me and I admit it, I’m really addicted to it.
Spending time with these three things helps me improve as a

20. Sunday is a rest day and family day.

Spend your time on your family on Sundays. Don’t spend

so much time on your assignments in schools. Do it on
weekdays. If you really can’t avoid it just do it on the
evening. The most important thing is that you spend your time
to your family and friends. Attend mass if possible. Spend
time with your love ones and show them you really love them.

21. Touch the lives of the people.

If you are given a chance to touch the lives of other

people, do it. Give them advices that will show your true
self. Inspired them to the things you’ve experiences. Let
them know that life is so beautiful and we should appreciate
it so much.

22. Use Cellphone for sending messages for your family,

friends, and others don’t use it often.

Cellphone is a helpful tool for people but spending your

time with it is such an immature action. It is considered as
an addiction. Don’t use it often.

23. Walk every day.

Walking is a good thing for your health. Every day, walk

from your school. Maintain your good health, because what is
wealthy if you are not healthy. Avoid riding when it is just
near. Keep the fares in riding a vehicle. Have interactions
to billion people in the world. You might have friends in the
streets or roads while walking.

24. Watch your words.

There is a saying “Think before you speak”, it shows

that you are an intelligent person if you do this. It is
because you don’t uttered a words so easily and really think
before you speak. Count one to ten before you utter a words
or think 10 times before you let the words out in your mouth.
You can never give back all the words you have spoken
especially if it is too rude.

25. Watch informational and motivational videos, movies and


Time is gold and don’t waste your time watching garbage

things in the television. Just watch inspirational and
motivational videos, movies and series. Just avoid watching
especially if it is really a long one. Watch the time you
spent with it.

My favorite quotes


Thinking what you want to be in the future will help you

attract those things. In this way, you will avoid all the
negative thoughts in your subconscious mind. Only positive
thoughts will register in your mind. You will attract them if
you will think as if it was really happening. Imagine and it
will become a reality. Don’t forget to be specific in what
you want, make it vivid and clear. This help you grow and
avoid being depressed.

“The game of life is a game of boomerangs, our thoughts,

deeds and words return to us sooner or later with
astounding accuracy” Florence Scovel Shinn

This quote is my second favorite quote. The line our

THOUGHTS, DEEDS, AND WORDS is very important because this
will manifest in your life. She also compare life into
boomerangs because all these three things will return to you
no matter what. Just be careful on these three things remember
these always.


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