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The purpose of this plan (VERP) is

to achieve the following goals: What is the

Goal #1: Assist the Volcano Community in
preparing for disasters.

Goal #2: Effect implementation of the

V olcano
Volcano Emergency Response Plan (VERP).

Goal #3: Preservation of human life and welfare.

E mergency
Goal #4: Assist in clearing local roadways.
R esponse
Emergency Advisory Group
Goal #5: Provide short-term temporary shelter.

Goal #6: Set up a center for communications.

Goal #7: Help the community stabilize and

P lan?
The Emergency Advisory Group (EAG) will
serve as a mechanism for maintaining and
return to pre-disaster conditions.
Residents in the County of Hawaii have
activating the Volcano Emergency Response had their fair share of disasters in recent
Plan. This group is made up of representa- W e N e e d P e o p l e L i k e Yo u ! years, including hurricanes, earthquakes,
tives from various community organizations lava flows, wildland fires, tsunamis, dengue
We are looking for volunteers with various
and other leaders within the Volcano commu- backgrounds such as: fever outbreaks and other impactful events.
nity. The EAG will evaluate an impending dis- In most cases Hawaii Island communities
aster and activate the VERP when and if it u Medical and first aid services and their residents have not been prepared
deems appropriate. u Search and rescue to deal with these situations before, during
Temporary shelter management and after the event. County emergency re-
Members of the EAG shall include
u Food services sources on Hawaii Island are limited and
the following 5 people: u Transportation isolated communities, like Volcano, must be
1. Current Incident Commander under the u Ham radio operator prepared to help themselves until County
VERP u Documentation and/or other government assistance be-
u Clearing roads of debris comes available.
2. Current President of the Cooper Center u Supplies management
Council u Facilities maintenance & Planning for a potential disaster makes it
management possible for a community like Volcano to
3. Current Fire Captain, Volcano Volunteer
u Claims processing and fundraising bring together and manage its available
Fire Department
physical and human resources for its resi-
4. Current Volcano CERT Team Leader If you are strong and just want to help with dents until other assistance arrives. This is
moving things, please let us know. why the Planning Team has taken on this
5. Current President of the Volcano call Doug Wilson (808) 985-9362 task of developing an emergency response
Community Association or email plan for the Volcano community.
Hazard and Risk Analysis
Although almost every natural and man-made disaster is possible, this plan focuses on those
disasters that are most likely to affect the Volcano Community in the future.
Threat/Hazard Community Impact Resources Needed
•Loss of power. •Generators.
•Damage to catchment tanks. •Pumps for flooding and access to
•Downed power lines and trees on catchment tanks.
Highway 11 restricting access to and •Rain gear and tarps.
from the Volcano area – isolation. •Fuel – gasoline and propane.
•Downed power lines, trees and build- •Heavy equipment.
ings that could restrict road access •Two-way radios and other
within the Volcano area. communications equipment.
•Damaged transformers that may •Chainsaws.
Hurricanes or expose residents to PCB . •Personnel trained in first aid and
The purpose of the Volcano Emergency
Earthquakes (Polychlorinated biphenyls) other needed initial response needs.
•Fires and potential propane tank •Search and rescue gear, tools, etc.
explosions. •Trained volunteers. Response Plan (VERP) is to identify potential
•Loose animals. •Charging facilities for phones and disaster risks to the Volcano Community; de-
•Loss of Communications. other devices. fine how individuals and groups within the
•Serious injuries/death. •Temporary shelters. community will prepare and respond to emer-
•Distress among residents. •Drones for observing damages in gency situations; create an emergency organ-
•Lack of sanitation. the area. ization that can respond to a disaster event
•Lack of food resources. •Implementation of the Volcano within the scope of the communities capabili-
•Lack of security. Emergency Response Plan. ties and resources; outline emergency re-
•Lack of food for livestock. sponse tasks and responsibilities; and define
the conditions that would activate this plan.
•Risk of smoke inhalation. •Access to water.
•May need to evacuate some •Transportation for evacuation.
residents. •Heavy equipment. This plan will apply to all residents in the
•May have a need for medical services. •Protective gear for volunteers. Volcano Community and generally covers the
•Destruction of buildings. •Basic fire fighting equipment for volun- area from Kahauale`a Road (a.k.a. Akatsuka
•May not have sufficient fire fighting teers such as shovels and hoes. Road) to the 40 mile marker on Highway 11
resources to protect residents and •Temporary shelter. and include Volcano Village, Volcano Farm
Wildland Fires their property (ies). •Food and water for volunteers. Lots, Cymbidium Acres, Mauna Loa Estates,
or Volcanic •Lack of communications. Ohia Estates, Volcano Golf Course, Royal
Eruption •May not be able to provide security Hawaiian Estates and Hawaiian Orchid Isle
in the affected area. Estates. This plan may be implemented when
•Potential road closures preventing emergency conditions, as defined in this plan,
escape routes and access to fight Originally printed in December 2017
threaten or affect the population in any of the
Updated June 2019
the fire(s). visit our webpage at: residential areas described above or the
Volcano Community as a whole.

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