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Republic of the Philippines

ACLC College Gapan

Maharlika Highway, Sto. Nino, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija

Chapter I
The Problem and Its Setting

A. Introduction and its Background

Today, one of the top issues in technology is technological
devices. The new technologies such as cell phones, computer and
laptop belong to technological devices. These technological
devices has become a significant part of student’s everyday lives.
But the question is, how are these devices affect student’s
learning? This question is not easy to answer because these new
technologies interact the student’s in several ways.
Technology is an integral part of our society and a major
contributor towards education. If you are student from this decade,
then it is obvious that you have encountered technology, either in
the form of smartphone or laptop. Technological devices influence
the access to the educational outcomes and can be an incredibly
effective tool for teaching and learning. Modern technological
devices can be defined as the advancement of old technology. Back
from the world has undergone great technological changes that can
cause positive and negative impacts to our lives. For us we concur
that modern technological devices have made our lives easier.
However, there is some evidence that these devices are also a
source of distraction.
Technology is growing at a faster pace than we can imagine
off. We are in the midst of technological revolution. Technology
has become so helpful to our lives in so many ways. It aids us to
live life more conveniently by allowing us to do more in less
effort. Modern technology has greatly improved people’s lives
through different fields such as medicine, work, education and
industry, especially education. However, we cannot say that
technology is all good in itself. There are many possible effects
on using it. And it depends on the way the user used it. They have
to know how to use it for their benefit and should not abuse its
use. It should be properly used rather than rely on it totally.
These problems motivated researcher to conduct more study about
technological devices. These problems motivated researcher to
conduct more study about technological devices. The researcher
focused on how students should interact to those technological
devices in order to attain learning with the help of it.

Purpose of the study

The goal of this study is to determine the effects of using
technological devices to the academic performance of STEM

B. Theoretical Framework
This part deal with the theories and concept related to
this study.

Since the 20th century, some major educational theories, such as

Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Multiple
Intelligence, have been widely implemented in education, greatly
linked to the development and utilization of the educational
technology. Ivan Pavlov (1949-1936), Russian biologist and
psychologist, innovated behaviorism, Edward Thorndike (1874-
1949), American educator and psychologist of Columbia University
and Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990), one of the founders of
American new behaviorism, further developed the behavior theory.
Behaviorists believe external stimulation influences one’s leaning
behavior, rewards and punishment can change one’s learning
performance. Researchers and scholars confirmed that Behaviorism
has greatly promoted and effectively implemented in programmatic
instruction, and has strongly promoted and widely applied in
computing-assisted-instruction and the development of educational
Cognitive theory concerns those mental processes that cannot be
observed through human beings’ problem solving process and human
beings’ learning strategies. It studies human brains’ thinking
process. Cognitivists believe that a human being possesses
intrinsic modes of receiving, processing and utilizing
information at different cognitive development stages; advocate
the study of people’s cognitive development processes and
models, and design different instructional programs based on
one’s cognitive development needs at different developmental
stages. This theory is represented by Jane Piaget (1898-1980),
Jerome Seymour Bruner (1915- ) and David P. Ausubel (1918-2008).
In education, cognitive developmental theory is to develop
students' capabilities of creative thinking, information
analyzing, and problem-solving through computer-assisted
instruction. Constructivist theory is in favor of letting
students to construct their point of view of the world,
philosophy of living, technical expertise, and knowledge
structures; emphasizes one’s learning initiative, and social and
situational learning experiences. The core of this theory is
discovery learning. Students learn by doing. John Dewey (1859-
1952), a well-known educational psychologist, believed that
practicing is a foundation of learning, and without learning
practice, students would get lost. He stressed that students
construct their knowledge in practice, and instructional design
should respect students’ psychological development needs. Former
Soviet psychologist Vygotsky proposed a social constructivist
theory that emphasizes one’s social and cultural backgrounds to
determine one’s behavior. He believed human’s growth is a
product of culture. The influence of Constructivist theory on
the development and implementation of educational technology is
mainly reflected in the pioneering educational games, multimedia
development and dynamic online interactions.

C. Conceptional Framework


Technological Devices
(laptop, computer, Academic Performance
cellphone etc.) Of STEM Students
Figure 1 shows hypothesized between variables on the Effect
of Technological Devices to the performance of STEM students.
Independent variable are the technological devices (computer,
laptop, cellphone etc). These technological devices are the
response variable which is observed and measured to determine the
performance of the students, which is dependent variable.

D. Statement of the Problem

Problem: This problem aimed to know the effects of educational

devices in the academic performance of STEM students in ACLC Senior
High School. Specifically, it attempts to answer the following

1. What are the negative effects of common technological devices

to the performance of STEM student?

2. What are the positive effects of common technological devices

to the performance of STEM student?

3. Is there a significant relationship between using

technological devices and the academic performance of STEM

E. Research of Hypothesis

This study is being undertaken with the following hypotheses:

1. Technological devices can cause distraction in STEM
2. Technological devices support STEM students to improve
their learning skills.
3. There is no significant relationship between using
technological devices and the performance of STEM student.

F. Scope and Limitation

This study is limited on the effects of educational devices

in the academic performance of STEM students in ACLC Senior High
This study focuses only in 40 of STEM students of ACLC Senior
High School who are using technological devices, are the subject
of investigation. Each student will be given same set of
This also limited to the objectives of the study since the
researcher only wanted to determine the effects of using
technological devices to the academic performances of the STEM
students. The attainment of this study is dependent to the answer
of the respondents. The respondents are composed of students in
STEM strand, in ACLC Senior High School.
The study will be conducted in this school year 2018-2019.
Any changes or progress in details and updated information beyond
the said point are not covered by the framework of this study.

G. Definition of Terms

Listed below are the terms taken from this research, which
the researcher believed to be defined. This is necessary to enable
the future readers of this research to easily understand the
content of this research.
Technology refers to methods, system, and devices which are the
result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.
Technological devices refers to any device that helps you to do
school work as and as for entertainment. It is the technology
that allows those tasks to be performed via cellular phone, laptop,
and computers.
Computer refers to a device that helps student to do their school
work and as for entertainment.
Cell Phone small wireless device that has at least the same
functions of a standard wired telephone but is smaller and more
Laptop refers to portable computer devices that helps student, do
their school work and as for entertainment anywhere they want
Technological revolution is a period in which one or more
technologies is replaced by another technologies in a short period
of time.
Review of Related Literature
Foreign Literature
Technology aids student expression. Present what they have
learned. They can use software to make presentations and projects.
This makes them more interested in the subject and leads to better
retention of information. With technological aids, they can make
easy-to-remember notes and a creative presentation of the
information they have acquired. It won’t be wrong to say that
application of technology has made a student’s life easy. It’s
easier for students to carry PDA than carrying big books to school.
An iPad is less bulky than a pile of notebooks or an eBook reader
much lighter than a book. (Andersen and Becker, 2009).
Due to the rapid expensiveness of technology and its wide
array of uses, the incorporation of technology in learning has
become a viable and inexpensive option. Almost three-quarters of
Americans, 73% believe that investing in innovation and advanced
technology sciences in education is the key to the country’s long
term success (Harris Interactive, 2009).
Technology has revolutionized the field of education. The
importance of technology in schools cannot be ignored. In fact,
with the onset of computers in education, it has become easier for
teachers to import knowledge and for students to acquire it. The
use of technology has made the process of teaching and learning
enjoyable. (Muir-Herzig, 2008)
However, it is important to realize that failure to present
multimedia technology in an appropriate form can lead to negative
results. The perception of display on a multimedia application is
of significant importance in terms of transfer learning. In fact,
too much multimedia stimulation can interfere with the deeper
cognitive processing that is critical to learning (Mayer,
Griffith, Jurkowitz and Rothman,2008).
According to them technological devices may affect the
academic performance of the student in negative result if they
failed to use those devices in a right way.
Local Literature
According to Ryan T. Gertner in 2011, on his study about
“The effects of multimedia technology on learning” he concludes
that multimedia gives light on some possible effects of it to
the performance of a student. This means that technological
devices may affects the academic performance of a student.
The recent increase in use of digital devices such as
laptop, computer and cell phones has generated concern about how
technologies affect student performance. Combining observation,
survey, and interview data, this research assesses the effect of
technology use on students attitudes and learning. Data were
gathered in eight introductory science courses at a major
Bringing the electronic media into the schools could
capitalize on the strong motivation qualities that these media
have for children. Many children who are turned off by school
are not turned off by one or another of the electronic media;
quite the opposite. An educational system that capitalized on
this motivation would have a chance of much greater success.
Each medium has its own profile of cognitive advantages and
disadvantages, and each medium can be used to enhance the impact
of others. (Chaves, 2008)
A. Research Design
The subjects of the study are, the students of ACLC Senior
High School, school year 2018-2019. They were from STEM strand
consisting of 40 students.
The researcher used the unrestricted random sampling under
scientific design. This the best random sampling design due to
no restrictions imposed; each member in the population is given
an equal chance of being included in the sample.

B. Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are forty (40) students of
STEM in ACLC Senior High School which are present by the time of
distribution of the questionnaire.

C. Data Gathering instruments

The researcher developed a questionnaire with rating scale
to gather the required information.
The questionnaire was the main instrument in gathering
data. Aside from the questionnaire, documentary analysis, and
observation were used to gather the information needed in the
study. The researcher adopted the mentioned instrument and
techniques which more appropriate for gaining insights on the
effect of technological devices to the performance of STEM
The questionnaire has two parts: the student’s profile and
the question for them. The first question involves the personal
data about them; second part is effects of technological devices
to the students as they perceived.

D. Data Gathering Procedure

The needed data for the study was securing a permit in the
school administration to a conduct a survey. After securing the
said permit, the researcher will administer the questionnaires
to the respondents after giving them some background information
of what are our intentions and what is study all about. The
respondents will be given only 15 minutes to complete their
answers and the mean is appropriate for scale option.
The Effects of Technological
devices to the Academic
Performance of STEM Students

Group 5
Leader: Alrence A. Bajum
Member(s): John Michael Manalo
Ivan Gamboa

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