ASTM E119-98 Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials Polysteel Form Concrete Wall

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ASTM E119-98

Fire Tests of Building

Construction and Materials
Polysteel ® Form Concrete Wall
Project No. 8503-106742


January 10, 2001

Prepared for:

American Polysteel, LLC.

5150 F Edith, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
American Polysteel, LLC. January 10, 2001
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A 6" thick EPS insulated concrete form wall assembly produced,

assembled and tested as described herein, achieved a fire endurance
rating of 4 hours when tested in accordance with ASTM Method E119-98
Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. The wall system
successfully resisted the fire exposure without exceeding the allowable
cold-side temperature limits, while maintaining an imposed load of 3000
pounds per lineal foot.

This report and the information contained herein is for the exclusive use of the client named
herein. Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. authorizes the client to reproduce this report only i f
reproduced in its entirety.

The description of the test procedure, as well as the observations and results obtained, contained
herein are true and accurate within the limits of sound engineering practice. These results apply
only for the specimens tested, in the manner tested, and may not represent the performance of other
specimens from the same or other production lots nor of the performance when used i n
combination with other materials.

The subject test specimen is a traceable sample selected from the manufacturers facility. Omega
Point selected the specimen and has verified the composition, manufacturing techniques and
quality assurance procedures under its Listing & Follow-up Service program.

This report does not imply certification of the product by Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. Any use of
the Omega Point Laboratories name, any abbreviation thereof or any logo, mark, or symbol
therefor, for advertising material must be approved in writing in advance by Omega Point
Laboratories, Inc. The client must have entered into and be actively participating in a Listing &
Follow-up Service program. Products must bear labels with the Omega Point Laboratories
Certification Mark to demonstrate acceptance by Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. into the Listing

January 10, 2001

Michael E. Dey, Technologist Date

Reviewed and approved:

William E. Fitch, P.E. No. 55296 Date: January 10, 2001

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Project No. 8503-106742 Page iii


Introduction 1

Test Procedure 3

Conditions of Acceptance 7

Test Specimen Construction 8

Test Results and Observations 9

Conclusions 13


Appendix A: Construction Drawings 14

Appendix B: Thermocouple Locations 17

Appendix C: Thermocouple Data 19

Appendix D: Photographs 39

Last Page of Report 57

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"The performance of walls, columns, floors, and other building members under
fire exposure conditions is an item of major importance in securing constructions
that are safe, and that are not a menace to neighboring structures nor to the pub-
lic. Recognition of this is registered in the codes of many authorities, municipal
and other. It is important to secure balance of the many units in a single build-
ing, and of buildings of like character and use in a community; and also to pro-
mote uniformity in requirements of various authorities throughout the country.
To do this it is necessary that the fire-resistive properties of materials and assem-
blies be measured and specified according to a common standard expressed in
terms that are applicable alike to a wide variety of materials, situations, and con-
ditions of exposure.

Such a standard is found in the methods that follow. They prescribe a standard
exposing fire of controlled extent and severity. Performance is defined as the pe-
riod of resistance to standard exposure elapsing before the first critical point in
behavior is observed. Results are reported in units in which field exposures can
be judged and expressed.

The methods may be cited as the "Standard Fire Tests," and the performance or
exposure shall be expressed as "2-h," "6-h," "1/2-h," etc.

When a factor of safety exceeding that inherent in the test conditions is desired, a
proportional increase should be made in the specified time-classification period.

The ASTM E119 test procedure is identical or very similar to the following stan-
dard test methods:
UL 263
UBC 7-1
NFPA 251
1. Scope
1.1 These methods are applicable to assemblies of masonry units and to compos-
ite assemblies of structural materials for buildings, including bearing and other
walls and partitions, columns, girders, beams, slabs, and composite slab and
beam assemblies for floors and roofs. They are also applicable to other assem-
blies and structural units that constitute permanent integral parts of a finished
1.2 It is the intent that classifications shall register performance during the pe-


MATERIALS, American Society for Testing and Materials, Volume 04.07 Building Seals and
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riod of exposure and shall not be construed as having determined suitability for
use after fire exposure.
1.3 This standard should be used to measure and describe the properties of ma-
terials, products, or assemblies in response to heat and flame under controlled
laboratory conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise the fire haz-
ard or fire risk of materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire
conditions. However, results of this test may be used as elements of a fire risk
assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an
assessment of the fire hazard of a particular end use.
Note 1 - A method of fire hazard classification based on rate of flame spread is
covered in ASTM Method E84, Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials.
1.4 The results of these tests are one factor in assessing fire performance of
building construction and assemblies. These methods prescribe a standard fire
exposure for comparing the performance of building construction assemblies.
Application of these test results to predict the performance of actual building
construction requires careful evaluation of test conditions.

2. Significance
2.1 This standard is intended to evaluate the duration for which the types of
assemblies noted in 1.1 will contain a fire, or retain their structural integrity or
exhibit both properties dependent upon the type of assembly involved during a
predetermined test exposure.
2.2 The test exposes a specimen to a standard fire exposure controlled to achieve
specified temperatures throughout a specified time period. In some instance,
the fire exposure may be followed by the application of a specified standard fire
hose stream. The exposure, however, may not be representative of all fire
conditions which may vary with changes in the amount, nature and distribution
of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink
characteristics of the compartment. It does, however, provide a relative measure
of fire performance of comparable assemblies under these specified fire exposure
conditions. Any variation from the construction or conditions (that is, size,
method of assembly, and materials) that are tested may substantially change the
performance characteristics of the assembly.
2.3 The test standard provides for the following:
2.3.1 In walls, partitions and floor or roof assemblies: Measurement of the transmission of heat. Measurement of the transmission of hot gases through the assembly,
sufficient to ignite cotton waste. For load bearing elements, measurement of the load carrying ability of
the test specimen during the test exposure.
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2.3.2 For individual load bearing assemblies such as beams and columns: Mea-
surement of the load carrying ability under the test exposure with some consid-
eration for the end support conditions (that is, restrained or not restrained).
2.4 The test standard does not provide the following:
2.4.1 Full information as to performance of assemblies constructed with com-
ponents or lengths other than those tested.
2.4.2 Evaluation of the degree by which the assembly contributes to the fire haz-
ard by generation of smoke, toxic gases, or other products of combustion.
2.4.3 Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of the passage of
smoke or products of combustion through the assembly.
2.4.4 Simulation of the fire behavior of joints between building elements such
as floor-wall or wall-wall, etc., connections.
2.4.5 Measurement of flame spread over surface of tested element.
2.4.6 The effect of fire endurance of conventional openings in the assembly, that
is electrical receptacle outlets, plumbing pipe, etc., unless specifically provided
for in the construction tested."

Test Furnace

The test furnace is designed to allow the specimen to be uniformly exposed to the
specified time-temperature conditions. It is fitted with 39 symmetrically-located
propane gas burners designed to allow an even heat flux distribution across the
face of a test specimen. Furnace pressures may be maintained at any value from
+0.04" W.C. to -0.20" W.C. It must be realized that any full-size vertical fire test
furnace will have a pressure difference between the bottom and top of approxi-
mately 0.1 in. W.C. after operating temperatures are reached. For this reason,
the furnace is operated by controlling the pressure within the furnace (with re-
spect to the laboratory ambient pressure) by regulating the pressure at a specific
horizontal plane in the furnace. Many times the furnace pressure will be ad-
justed so that the "neutral pressure plane" (that where the pressure difference be-
tween the furnace interior and the laboratory is zero) is at a desired location: for
instance; at the top, at a point 1/3 of the way down from the top, or at the bottom of
the specimen.

The temperature within the furnace is determined to be the mathematical aver-

age of thermocouples located symmetrically within the furnace and positioned six
inches away from the vertical face of the test specimen. The materials used in the
construction of these thermocouples are those suggested in the test standard.
During the performance of a fire exposure test, the furnace temperatures are
recorded at least every 15 seconds and displayed for the furnace operator to allow
control along the specified temperature curve.
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The fire exposure is controlled to conform with the standard time-temperature

curve shown in Figure 1, as determined by the table below:

Time Temperature
2500 (min) (°F)
2000 0 68
Temperature (°F)

1750 5 1000
1500 10 1300
20 1462
30 1550
60 1700
90 1792
500 120 1850
250 180 1925
0 240 2000
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 300 2075
Time (min) 360 2150
420 2225
480 2300
Figure 1

The furnace interior temperature during a test is controlled such that the area
under the time•temperature curve is within 10% of the corresponding area under
the standard time•temperature curve for 1 hour or less tests, 7.5% for those less
than 2 hours and 5% for those tests of 2 hours or more duration.

Temperatures of Unexposed Surfaces

Temperatures of unexposed surfaces are monitored using 24 gage, type K ther-

mocouples placed under 6 in. x 6 in. x 0.4 in. thick dry, felted pads as described in
the standard. Temperature readings are taken at not less than nine points on the
surface, at intervals not exceeding 1.0 minute. The temperature on the unex-
posed surface of a test specimen during the test is taken to be the average value of
all nine thermocouples.

Applied Load

If required, this test method may be used to expose a wall to fire and hose stream
tests while maintaining a compressive load on the wall. Unlike a non-load
bearing test (in which the specimen is typically constructed within the bounds of a
masonry/structural steel frame, and is effectively restrained on all four perimeter
sides), a load bearing test is performed by "pinching" the test wall from top to bot-
tom, while leaving the vertical sides unrestrained. This is accomplished at this
laboratory, by the use of a load-bearing frame which has a movable bottom section.
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The test wall is placed (or constructed in place) between the top and bottom beams
of the load frame, and hydraulic actuators press upwards on the bottom beam un-
til the desired load is applied to the wall assembly. The entire frame, while main-
taining the desired load, is moved into position in front of the vertical fire resis-
tance furnace and the fire exposure and subsequent hose stream tests are per-

Fire Endurance Test

The fire exposure is continued on the specimen with its applied load if applicable,
until failure occurs, or until the specimen has withstood the test conditions for the
desired fire endurance rating.

Hose Stream Test

"10.1 Where required by the conditions of acceptance, subject a duplicate speci-

men to a fire exposure test for a period equal to one half of that indicated as the re-
sistance period in the fire endurance test, but not for more than 1 h, immediately
after which subject the specimen to the impact, erosion, and cooling effects of a
hose stream directed first at the middle and then at all parts of the exposed face,
changes in direction being made slowly.

10.2 Exemption - The hose stream test shall not be required in the case of con-
structions having a resistance period, indicated in the fire endurance test, of less
than 1 h.

10.3 Optional Program - The submitter may elect, with the advice and consent of
the testing body, to have the hose stream test made on the specimen subjected to
the fire endurance test and immediately following the expiration of the fire en-
durance test.

10.4 Stream Equipment and Details - The stream shall be delivered through a
21/2-in. (64-mm) hose discharging through a National Standard Playpipe of corre-
sponding size equipped with a 11/8-in. (28.5-mm) discharge tip of the standard-ta-
per smooth-bore pattern without shoulder at the orifice. The water pressure and
duration of the application shall be as prescribed [in the table below]:
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Conditions For Hose Stream Test

Water Pres- Duration of Application,
2 2
Resistance sure at Base of min/100 ft (9 m )
Period Nozzle,psi (kPa) exposed area

8 h and over 45 (310) 6

4 h and over if less than 8 h 45 (310) 5
2 h and over if less than 4 h 30 (207) 2-1/2
1-1/2 h and over if less than 2 h 30 (207) 1-1/2
1 h and over if less than 1-1/2 h 30 (207) 1
Less than 1 h, if desired 30 (207) 1

10.5 Nozzle Distance - The nozzle orifice shall be 20 ft (6-m) from the center of the
exposed surface of the test specimen if the nozzle is so located that when directed
at the center its axis is normal to the surface of the test specimen. If otherwise lo-
cated, its distance from the center shall be less than 20 ft by an amount equal to 1
ft (305-mm) for each 10 deg of deviation from the normal."

Correction Factor

When the indicated resistance period is 1/2 h or over, determined by the failure
criteria of the standard, a correction shall be applied for variation of the furnace
exposure from that prescribed, where it will affect the classification. This is to be
done by multiplying the indicated period by two thirds of the difference in area
between the curve of average furnace temperature and the standard curve for the
first three fourths of the period and dividing the product by the area between the
standard curve and a base line of 68°F (20°C) for the same part of the indicated
period, the latter area increased by 3240°F•min to compensate for the thermal lag
of the furnace thermocouples during the first part of the test. For a fire exposure
in the test higher than standard, the indicated resistance period shall be
increased by the amount of the correction. For a fire exposure in the test lower
than standard, the indicated resistance period shall be similarly decreased for
fire exposure below standard. The correction is accomplished by mathematically
adding the correction factor, C, to the indicated resistance period.
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The correction can be expressed by the following equation:

2 I (A – A s)
C = 3 (As + L)
C = correction in the same units as I,
I = indicated fire-resistance period,
A = area under the curve of indicated average furnace temperature for the
first three fourths of the indicated period,
As = area under the standard furnace curve for the same part of the
indicated period, and
L = lag correction in the same units as A and A s (54°F•h or 30°C•h
(3240°F•min or 1800°C•min))


16. Conditions of Acceptance – [Loadbearing Walls]

16.1 Regard the test as successful if the following conditions are met:
16.1.1 The wall or partition shall have sustained the applied load during the fire
endurance test without passage of flame or gases hot enough to ignite cotton
waste, for a period equal to that for which classification is desired.
16.1.2 The wall or partition shall have sustained the applied load during the fire
and hose stream test as specified in Section 11, without passage of flame, of gases
hot enough to ignite cotton waste, or of the hose stream. The assembly shall be
considered to have failed the hose stream test if an opening develops that permits
a projection of water from the stream beyond the unexposed surface during the
time of the hose stream test.
16.1.3 Transmission of heat through the wall or partition during the fire
endurance test shall not have been such as to raise the [average] temperature on
its unexposed surface more than 250°F (139°C) above its initial temperature.

[The E119 standard further states:]

7.4 Where the conditions of acceptance place a limitation on the rise of

temperature of the unexposed surface, the temperature end point of the fire
endurance period shall be determined by the average of the measurements taken
at individual points; except that if a temperature rise of 30% [325°F above initial
temperature] in excess of the specified limit occurs at any one of these points, the
remainder shall be ignored and the fire endurance period judged as ended.
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The subject test specimen is a traceable sample selected from the manufacturer's facility. Omega
Point selected the specimen and has verified the composition, manufacturing techniques and
quality assurance procedures under its Listing & Follow-up Service program.

The concrete installed into the test forms was ordered by the client and delivered
to the laboratory by a premix company. The concrete mix was described by the
premix company as:


GR 7 LS 2853 2800
Cement Type 1 4360 1610
MFG Sand 4438 4360
Fly Ash 536 540
Silica Sand 2940 2880
Water 47 (gal) 46 (gal)

The total amount of normal weight concrete in the batch was 3.5 cubic yards. The
slump of the mix was not measured but was described on the batch ticket from the
concrete supplier as 5 inches. The Polysteel®Forms panels were formed from
EPS, with a density of 1.5 pcf, a compressive strength of 15-21 psi (10%
deformation), with an average panel thickness of 2.4 inches, height of 16" and
length of 48" (dimensions verified by OPL). The connectors were formed from
galvanized expanded steel, 16 GA minimum thickness. 1/2" steel rebars (No. 4,
Grade 60) were cut 118" long and placed 32" o.c. horizontally and 24" o.c. vertically
inside the forms prior to pouring the concrete. The rebar junctions were secured
to rebar saddles using 16 GA tie wire. As the form wall was constructed, a
polyurethane foam adhesive (Enerfoam) was applied to all mating surfaces of the

The Polysteel®Forms panels were assembled and the concrete pumped into them
on June 22, 2000. The finished wall dimensions were 120" tall and 120" wide. The
concrete was allowed to set for 28 days and then the EPS form on one side of the
wall was removed to facilitate the evaporation of water. A drawing of the
completed form wall is shown in Appendix A: Construction Drawings.

After approximately four months of drying at atmospheric conditions, the wall

was placed within the confines of an insulated room and the temperature brought
to 120°F. A 3/4" hole was drilled to the center of the concrete at a distance greater
than 12" from one edge of the wall, and used to monitor the relative humidity of
the air within. The hole was sealed with a piece of aluminum tape when between
measurements. Periodically, the tape was removed and a relative humidity
meter was inserted to the nominal center of the concrete and the moisture content
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of the internal air measured. The wall was left at that temperature until its
internal relative humidity had fallen to 78.2%. It was then removed from the
room and considered ready to test. (See Appendix C for time-moisture data.)


All temperatures monitored on the unexposed surface of this wall assembly were
measured using 24 GA., electrically-welded, Type K Chromel-Alumel, glass-
glass insulated (Special Limits of Error: ±1.1°C) thermocouples, purchased with
calibration certifications and lot traceability.

To meet the requirements of ASTM E119, nine thermocouples were installed on

the unexposed surface of the wall, directly on the EPS forms and covered with 6
in. x 6 in. x 0.40 in. thick dry, felted, mineral fiber pads, held in place with a small
daub of silicone adhesive on each corner. Anticipating the sagging of the EPS,
three vertical thin steel wires were also installed and each thermocouple pad was
attached to one of these wires with adhesive tape. These thermocouples were
distributed across the unexposed surface of the wall at various locations (see Fig.
2, Thermocouple Locations, Appendix B).


The test wall, contained in a loadbearing frame assembly, was placed in front of
the Laboratory’s vertical wall furnace with the bare concrete side towards the heat
on December 18, 2000. The wall was placed under a total load of 3000 lbf per linear
foot (total load = 30,000 lbf). The thermocouple leads were then connected to the
data acquisition system and their outputs verified. The laboratory air tempera-
ture was 58°F, with a humidity of 72%. At 10:21 a.m., the furnace was fired and
the standard E119 time-temperature curve followed for a period of 240 minutes.
The pressure difference between the inside of the furnace (measured by a pres-
sure tap located approximately 1/3 of the way down from the top of the specimen,
on the horizontal centerline of the furnace) and the laboratory ambient air, was
maintained at -0.03 in. of water column throughout the entire test, following the
first five minutes of the test, which resulted in a neutral pressure near the top of
the assembly.
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Observations made during the test are as follows:

(h:min:sec) Observation

0:0:00 Furnace fired at 10:21 a.m.

0:2:20 Light flaming on the exposed surface between forms. Water
being driven off visible at the connectors on the fire side.
0:9:20 Audible popping and slight spalling from the exposed surface
0:11:00 Small pieces of concrete breaking off the exposed surface
0:13:05 Water being driven off the unexposed surface; mostly at the
connector sites
0:20:00 Thermocouple pads over TCs #10 and #11 becoming saturated
with water
0:21:00 Steam and water bubbling through EPS near the middle of the
unexposed surface. The EPS is beginning to deform in this
0:27:14 Thermocouple pad over TC #11 has fallen off the unexposed
0:31:00 Heavy steam issuing from the entire unexposed surface
0:37:00 Many of the thermocouple pads are wet. The pads were
periodically replaced with dry pads throughout the course of
the test and the pads were readjusted to maintain contact with
the EPS as the surface deformed and eroded from the heat.
1:00:00 Holes forming in the EPS near the top of the unexposed side
1:30:00 More holes forming in the EPS, mostly around the connector
sites on the unexposed surface
2:00:00 Small cracks visible in the concrete behind the EPS on the
unexposed surface. The pad over TC #2 has fallen away and
no EPS remains in this location to replace it. The data from TC
#2 is removed from the unexposed side average from the 2-
hour mark to the end of the fire exposure.
3:15:00 EPS continues to erode
3:20:00 Cracks in concrete have opened to approximately 1/8" on the
unexposed surface
3:55:00 The pad over TC #1 has fallen away and was not replaced since
the fire exposure was almost over.
4:00:00 Furnace extinguished
4:07:17 Hose stream test started. The pressure was 45 psi from a
distance of 20 feet.
4:12:17 Hose stream test stopped. The wall withstood the hose stream
test without allowing passage of water through the assembly.
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The wall withstood the fire endurance test without passage of flame or gases hot
enough to ignite cotton waste, for a period of four hours. Transmission of heat
through the wall during the fire endurance test did not raise the average
temperature on the unexposed surface more than 250°F, nor any individual
temperature more than 325°F.

Following the 240-minute fire exposure test, the test wall was removed from the
furnace, and exposed, against the heated surface, to the impact, cooling and
erosion effects of the standard hose stream test. The nozzle pressure was 45 psi,
the distance between the nozzle and the wall surface was 20 feet and the water
was applied for a total period of five minutes.

The wall withstood the fire and hose stream tests without passage of flame, of
gases hot enough to ignite cotton waste, or of the passage of water from the hose
stream. No openings developed that permitted a projection of water from the
stream beyond the unexposed surface during the time of the hose stream test.

The table below shows the maximum temperatures measured at each location
during the 240-minute fire endurance test.

TC # (°F) TC # (°F)

1 259 7 272
2 155 8 243
3 232 9 183
4 236 10 261
5 320 11 220
6 308 Average 225

During the fire test, the wall was measured for deflection at three points along its
vertical centerline: at 30" (position #1), 60" (position #2) and 90" (position #3) from
the left side of the wall. Measurements were made from a taut string to the wall
surface at each location.
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(min) Position #1 Position #2 Position #3

unloaded 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-3/4

Loaded: 0:00 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-3/4
30 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-3/4
60 4-3/8 4-3/4 5
83 4-1/2 4-7/8 5
126 4-5/8 5 5-1/8
225 5 5 5-1/4

Obviously, the wall did not warp excessively during the fire test.

In accordance with the E119 test standard, a calculation for any correction to the
indicated fire resistance period was done. The correction factor was then
mathematically added to the indicated fire resistance period, yielding the fire
resistance period achieved by this specimen:


C correction factor +0.05 min

(+3 seconds)

I indicated fire-resistance period 240 min

A area under the curve of indicated
average furnace temperature for the 294 453°F•min
first three fourths of the indicated
As area under the standard furnace curve 294 365°F•min
for the same part of the indicated period
L lag correction 3240°F•min



Note: The standard specifies that the fire resistance be determined to the nearest
integral minute. Consequently, if the correction factor is less than 30 seconds, and
the test specimen met the criteria for the full indicated fire resistance period, no
correction is deemed necessary.

Listings and plots of the furnace control temperatures and specimen unexposed
surface temperatures may be found in Appendix C. A drawing showing the
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location of the pressure tap and all furnace control thermocouples may also be
found in Appendix C. A photographic documentation of each test has been
included in Appendix D.


The subject test specimen is a traceable sample selected from the manufacturer's facility. Omega
Point selected the specimen and has verified the composition, manufacturing techniques and
quality assurance procedures under its Listing & Follow-up Service program.

The bearing wall assembly consisting of a concrete wall formed by filling

Polysteel®Forms with normal weight concrete (resulting in a "waffle" design, 6"
thick maximum and 2" thick minimum, reinforced concrete wall) with an overall
thickness of 9-1/4" including the forms, produced, assembled and tested as de-
scribed herein, successfully met the conditions of acceptance as outlined in ASTM
Method E119-98 Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials for a
loadbearing fire endurance rating of 240 minutes (4-h) with the fire exposure
against either side. The wall was tested under a total load of 3,000 lbf per linear
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Project No. 8503-106742 APPENDICES



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