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Rayvon Patrick’s TPACK Creating Assignment

Subject Physical Education

Grade Level Fifth

Content Knowledge

Learning Objective 5.5 The student will identify and explain the nutrition component and
activity guidelines for energy balance.

f) Explain that physical activity guidelines recommend 60 minutes

of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) every day.

In this activity, my students are going to use Google Slides to create a PowerPoint
presentation on the definition and life enhancements Energy, Strength, Flexibility, &
Pedagogy Planning

Balance does for an individual.

Activity This activity will help students understand the importance of exercise
and participating in 60-minutes of activity each and every day. The
class will begin with the teacher explaining the activity they will be
doing and an overview of how much balanced exercising impacts our
daily lives. The teacher will then have the students read through the tabs
within the activity in groups of 2. In regards to the Standards of
Learning, the students will understand the definition(s) of energy,
strength, flexibility, & balance and the many exercises they can do to
enhance those four healthy traits. In term, the students will be able to
create a PowerPoint presentation, utilizing Google Slides, containing
the definition, an activity they can participate in outside of school to
enhance the aspect of health, & an image of that specific aspect of
health. With a classmate, the students will be using to
retain information needed for their PowerPoint presentation. At the
conclusion of the activity, each student should have included on their
Google Slide PowerPoint presentation:
 definition of energy/activity to enhance energy/image
of energy
 definition of strength/activity to enhance strength/image
of strength
 definition of flexibility/activity to enhance
flexibility/image of flexibility
 definition of balance/activity to enhance balance/image
of balance

Directions for Use 1. Open google chrome on the computer
2. Once the google chrome opens, type the link in the search bar at
the top:
3. once the website opens, read the opening tab consisting of
4. Click the tab “energy” at the top of the page & read.
5. Click the tab “strength” tab beside the energy tab & read.
6. Click the “flexibility” tab beside the strength tab & read.
7. Click the “balance” tab beside the flexibility tab & read.
8. NOTE: keep the “Sheppard Software” tab open for the next
9. In the search bar at the top of the page, add a new tab by
clicking the “+”
10. Enter “” into the search bar.
11. Click on the boxes at the top right-hand corner of the page and
click “Slides.”
12. Enter my email:
13. Password: GoMonarchs21!
14. Click “Blank +” at the top of the page to create a new
PowerPoint presentation.
15. Choose the template of your choice
16. For the title, enter “4 Aspects of Health.” Be sure to include
your name(s), date, class period, and teacher.
17. On the first slide, entitle it “Energy.” Below, include the
definition of energy, how you will use energy within your life,
and a picture to represent energy.
18. To add an image, go to google and pick an image of your
choice. Left click the mouse and select “copy” and then
paste the image to that specific slide.
19. Add a new slide by clicking the “+” in the top left-hand corner
of the page.
20. On the second slide, entitle it “strength.” Below, include the
definition of strength, how you will use strength within your
life, & a picture to represent strength.
21. Add a new slide.
22. On the third slide, entitle it “flexibility.” Below, include the
definition of flexibility, how you will use flexibility within your
life, & a picture to represent flexibility.
23. Add a new slide.
24. On the fourth & final slide, entitle it “balance.” Below, include
the definition of balance, how you will use balance in your life,
& a picture to represent balance.
25. In the top left-hand corner of your presentation, edit the title of
the presentation and put in you & your partners name(s).
Link to the example
product JXBrdDzS3aZ3nXRTYjWXs/edit#slide=id.g5b37f1a72d_0_62

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