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Comfort Zone Expansion (C.Z.E.

© Sonia Czernik 2019 – DivMond Light –

(Inspired by an anonymous verse: comfort zone)

This uniVERSE speaks of how to find the courage needed to step out of your comfort
zone to expand not just your comfort zone, but your consciousness at the same time,
creating a ‘higher’ version of you. As consciousness is constantly expanding, one zone
will automatically need to the next zone, and so on. All zones represent limits you’ve
placed on you – what I refer to as belief boundaries.

Once I had a comfort zone – From where I could not fail.
My DivMond Box of Busy-ness, with walls just like a jail.

I dreamed of doing many things, I'd never dared before.

Yet kept within my Comfort Zone, pacing the same old floor.

I lied that it was ‘no big deal’ - I wasn't doing much.

I said I didn't care for ‘stuff’, like divmonds, clothes and such.

I made myself so busy, with things inside my zone.

Though deep inside I craved for, something special of my own.

How could I let my life slip by, just watching others win?
I breathed in deep and stepped outside, and felt the change begin.

I took that step with power and strength, unsure and all alone.
Waving “good-bye” to that old lie inside that Comfort Zone.

If you are in a Comfort Zone, afraid of stepping out.

Remind yourself, all winners were, at some point filled with doubt.

Positive self-talk will aid your steps, and make your dreams come true.
As you shift to your future self, success is there for you!

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