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 Referred to as inflammation of
nasal mucosa
 Synonyms : Nasal cattarh, Coryza
Characterized clinically by :Sneezing ,
wheezing & serous mucoid or purulent
nasal discharge

 Bacterial rhinitis in bovines:
Pasturella multocida boviseptica,
streptococcus & staphylococcus
 In horses : pseudomonas mallei &
streptococcus equi
 In pigs : spehophorus
 Viral rhinitis in bovines :
parainfluenza virus, mucosal
disease virus, IBRT
In horses :herpes virus 1, parainfluenza
 Fungal rhinitis : Aspergillus fumigatus &
 May be due to dust, fumes, smoke,
pollen grains due to these it is called
allergic rhinitis
 Sudden change in the ambient
 It can be acute or chronic
 In acute there is acute inflammation of
nasal mucosa
mainly entire airways are affected leading to
serous & mucosal discharge
 Irritation by various aetiological
agents results in swelling &
congestion in nasal mucosa
 There is hydropic degeneration of
epithelial cell
 This leads to excessive nasal
secretion which is watery or serous
initially but soon becomes mucoid
to mucopurulent due to secondary
bacterial invasions.
 In severe cases there is
obstruction of nasal passage
In atrophic rhinitis of pigs the
obstruction of turbinate bone &
distortion og face appear
 In early stages sneezing followed
by snorting & expulsion of large
mucopurulent discharge
 In acute cases serous or watery
nasal discharge which soon
becomes mucoid to mucopurulent
 Discharge may be unilateral or
bilateral ,copious or scanty, yellow
or greenish, having foetid or musty
 Nasal mucosa may show erosion,
erythema or ulceration
 Enlargement of submaxillary
lymph nodes
 Conjuctivitis may be seen in some
 Difficulty in breathing exists due to
oedema of nasal mucosa.
 Due to obstruction of nostrils there
is open mouth breathing
 In nasal granuloma, blockage of
nasal passage causing dyspnoea &
snoring type of respiration re
 Pigs suffering from inclusion body
rhinitis discharge a plaque, which
adheres to hair, face & eye lashes
Thickening of mucoid discharge in horses
may block the nose compelling mouth

 On the basis of clinical history and
 Rhinoscopy may be done for
visualization of nasal mucosa
 Bilateral nasal discharge
 Intermittent nasal discharge occurs
when the head is lowered
 Guttural pouches inflammation in
horses characterized by purulent,
persistent & unilateral nasal discharge
There is persistent rise of body
temperature due to systemic involvement
Enlargement of lymph glands
 Open mouth breathing
 Sneezing
 coughing
 salvation
ocular discharge
 Thick tenacious exudate is removed from
each nostril by flushing with saline
 Antiseptic inhalation may be
indicated to remove nasal exudate
 Oxetazoline hydrochloride or chlorbutol
1% solution in liquid paraffin may be
used as nasal drop or spray
 Chlorpheniramine maleate @ 5-10 ml in
large animals & 0.5-1 ml in small animals
 Streptopenicillin ,procaine penicillin,
oxytetracycline, sulphamezathine,
sulphadimidine can be given
 In case of nasal granuloma in cattle
lithium antimony thiomalate @ 20 ml
i/m , 3 doses at weekly interval basis
 Pharyngitis is the inflammation of
 characterized by painful
swallowing & coughing
 variable appetite
regurgitation of food through the nostrils
in severe cases

 Traumatic
 Administration of undiluted irritant
 Ingestion of hot or cold substances
 Pharyngeal obstruction with foreign
 In cattle : Actinobacillus lignieresi
 In calves : Fusobacterium
 In horses : Streptococcus equi,
Streptococcus euisimilis, euine herpes
virus, parainfluenza virus
In pigs : Bacillus anthracis

 Inflammation of pharyngeal
mucosa occurs due to the physical
injury or infectious agent
 Causing painful swallowing &
disinclination to eat
Severe swelling of the mucosa & wall
may cause obstruction of the pharynx as
noticed in enlargement of
retropharyngeal lymph node

 Animal refused to take feed & water
 There will be difficulty in opening
the mouth
 Palpation of the throat from exterior
cause paroxysmal coughing & also
indicating pain
 Mucopurulent nasal discharge can be
 In pharyngeal phlegmon high fever,
rapid heart rate, depression and
swelling of soft tissues can be seen
Affected horses persistently cough specially
during exercise, are dyspnoeic & get tired

In pharyngeal phlegmon oedema ,
haemorrhage and abscessation of
affected areas are noticed
 Symptoms and history of feeding
 Examination of the oral cavity and
 By seeing expulsive coughing with
systemic signs
Throat and nasal swabs may be
collected for isolation and identification
of organisms

 In acute cases broad spectrum
antibiotics parentrally along with
analgesic can be given
 Animal should be given soft
palatable food which is blended &
easy to swallow
In chronic cases potassium iodide 6-
10 gm can be given orally in large

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