Pediatric Intestinal Failure Review

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Bacterial Overgrowth

and Intestinal Microbiome

Jason Soden

Abbreviations and its central role in the pathogenesis of intesti-

nal failure and its inherent complications.
CFU Colony-forming units The microbiome, a dynamic ecosystem of
MMC Migratory motor complex intraluminal microorganisms, can be thought
SIBO Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth of as the playing field where the various aspects
SBS Short bowel syndrome of intestinal health and disease compete. Gut bac-
HBT Hydrogen breath test teria both influence and are influenced by the
NEC Necrotizing enterocolitis host’s nutritional intake, gastrointestinal anatomy
and motility, mucosal inflammatory pathways,
and extraintestinal organ systems. The microbi-
ome has been well studied in a myriad of human
Background, Microbiology, diseases, including inflammatory bowel diseases,
and Etiology functional gastrointestinal disorders, liver dis-
ease, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and more
Intestinal failure is the end result of various eti- [1, 2]. The symbiotic relationship between the
ologies that may affect gastrointestinal function host and the intestinal microbiome defines vari-
to the extent that parenteral nutrition is required ous physiologic processes that result in a mutu-
to maintain adequate fluid, electrolyte, or energy ally beneficial interaction between the two. A
balance. The causes of intestinal failure may be classic example of symbiosis in human intestinal
due to an insult in anatomy, motility, or mucosal failure is the carbohydrate salvage pathway,
function. Although the individual disorders that whereby colonic bacteria ferment malabsorbed
lead to intestinal failure are diverse, there are dietary carbohydrates, yielding short-chain fatty
common themes in gut dysfunction that influence acids that can be utilized as an energy source by
natural history, prognosis, and therapeutic tar- colonocytes. The fatty acids further act to acidify
gets. One such area is the intestinal microbiome the colonic milieu, which inhibits the growth of
pathogenic gram-negative aerobic bacteria [3].
The intestinal microbiome functions as a diverse
population of bacteria, with a delicate and bal-
J. Soden, MD
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and anced interaction between colonies of organisms.
Nutrition, University of Colorado School of Dysbiosis, a pathologic state derived from imbal-
Medicine, Children’s Hospital Colorado, ance in the microflora population, may be a key
Aurora, CO, USA component to downstream complications in

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 39

R.J. Rintala et al. (eds.), Current Concepts of Intestinal Failure,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-42551-1_3
40 J. Soden

intestinal failure. Perhaps more notorious in interaction between bacteria and the gut epithe-
intestinal failure is the concept of small intestinal lium is critical to the maintenance of mucosal
bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), whereas colonic integrity. From an immunologic standpoint, the
flora overpopulate in the small intestine leading interplay between bacteria and the host immune
to clinical symptoms. system influences immune conditioning, toler-
The intestinal lumen houses an immense num- ance, and homeostasis. All of these functions are
ber and diversity of microbial species. In a likely to be influenced by a balanced intestinal
healthy state, the proximal small intestine con- microbiome, which further maintains proper
tains 103–105 colony-forming units (CFU) bacte- nutrient competition and bacterial population
ria per milliliter (mL) fluid. This number increases homeostasis.
to an estimated 1010–1012 CFU per mL in the Furthermore, the physiologic state of the
colon. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is microbiome is maintained by several intestinal
therefore defined as >105 CFU bacteria per mL functions. Luminal pH gradient, which is regu-
duodenal or jejunal fluid. Although this quantita- lated by gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal
tive estimate is important, patients may manifest secretions, influences bacterial population and
clinical symptoms with bacterial counts that are anatomic distribution of colonies. Pancreatic
less than this presumed cutoff. Similarly, patients secretions have additional bacteriocidal proper-
may remain clinically asymptomatic with a larger ties, and therefore dysbiosis and overgrowth are
small intestinal bacterial burden. Therefore, aside found in chronic pancreatitis [6]. The gut
from the number of bacterial CFU, the types of mucosa contains an elaborate network of immu-
bacteria play a crucial role as well. The human nologic cells, mucous layer, and nutrient by-
gut contains >500 microbiological species. These products which stimulate and fuel bacterial
bacteria have a characteristic distribution from subpopulations and maintain homeostasis.
mouth to anus (Fig. 3.1). In the setting of small From an anatomic standpoint, the ileocecal
intestinal bacterial overgrowth, the small intes- valve is an established barrier that prevents ret-
tine is overpopulated by colonic-type flora, rograde contamination of colonic flora into the
namely, gram-negative coliforms, gram-positive small intestine. Finally, the enteric nervous sys-
anaerobes, and enterococci. This entity is com- tem fires regular contractions through the MMC
mon in intestinal failure. Gutierrez and Duggan Phase III contractions that play a critical house-
reported their results of duodenal aspirates from keeping role.
pediatric patients with intestinal failure, in which In the patient with intestinal failure, several
70 % of patients had bacterial overgrowth perturbations in these physiologic processes may
(defined as duodenal aspirate >105 CFU/mL), lead to alterations in gut microbial homeostasis
with predominant species including S. viridans, (Table 3.1). Perhaps the most widely recognized
Enterococcus, E. coli, and Klebsiella [4]. category involves alterations in the host anatomy
In a healthy state, intestinal bacteria play a that predispose to bacterial overgrowth. In short
role in several key physiologic functions. bowel syndrome, which accounts for the majority
Luminal bacteria are involved in nutrient metab- of both pediatric and adult intestinal failure [7],
olism, including degradation and absorption of the foreshortened intestine has altered function
amino acids, starches and complex carbohy- typically following surgical resection. The neo-
drates, and fat, in addition to micronutrient and natal patient with congenital intestinal atresia or
vitamin metabolism (vitamin K, vitamin B12, gastroschisis typically has dilated small intestine
and folate). Bacterial conjugation of intralumi- that may be dysfunctional, leading to altered
nal bile acids is integral to micelle formation and motility and stasis. Anastomotic narrowing and
dietary fat absorption. The carbohydrate salvage strictures may create stagnant proximal loops of
pathway supports short-chain fatty acid produc- bowel that fester luminal overgrowth. It is well
tion, which influences cell proliferation, intesti- established that the absence of the ileocecal valve
nal adaptation, and energy recovery [5]. The propagates retrograde contamination of the small
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 41

< 10 3 CFU/mL

Some fungi
Duodenum Staphylococci
< 10 3–104 CFU/mL


Ileum Colon
< 10 8–1010 CFU/mL < 10 11–1012 CFU/mL

Bacteroides Bacteroides
Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium
Clostridium Clostridium
Coliforms Enterococci

Fig. 3.1 Distribution of bacterial flora in the healthy human intestine (Reproduced from Cole and Ziegler [5])

intestine with coliform bacteria. The absence of contractions that migrate distally toward the
the ileocecal valve is therefore a key prognostic ileum [11, 12]. This critical phase serves a house-
factor in predicting outcome in short bowel syn- keeping function, important in anterograde
drome, likely mediated by the role of bacterial clearance of secretions, debris, and microbes.
overgrowth [8, 9]. As the postsurgical bowel Extensive intestinal or predominantly ileal resec-
undergoes adaptation, the bowel may dilate to tion alters small intestinal motility as measured
increase absorptive surface area. This compensa- by shortened MMC cycles [13]. Furthermore,
tory response may further result in an overly alterations in MMC have been associated with
dilated, dysfunctional bowel that drives ongoing the development of bacterial overgrowth [13].
anatomic disadvantages. Therefore, patients with The intestinal microbiome is therefore altered in
a shorter length of residual small intestine carry a postsurgical states, influenced by perturbations in
higher risk for bacterial overgrowth [10]. normal motility. Because the intestinal micro-
Although congenital and postsurgical ana- flora plays a role in determining normal motility
tomic changes create the scaffolding for short patterns, these alterations may spiral into down-
bowel syndrome, the secondary alterations in gut stream cycles of motility disturbances [12].
motility further influence the bowel dysfunction Aside from postsurgical short bowel syndrome,
that leads to intestinal failure. The enteric ner- gastrointestinal motility disorders account for an
vous system regulates gastrointestinal motility in important subset of etiologies in refractory intesti-
both fasting and postprandial states. In the fasting nal failure [14]. Severe motility disorders, includ-
state, motility is dominated by the migrating ing chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, radiation
motility complex (MMC), a three-phase cycle enteritis, and systemic sclerosis, all have been
that terminates in Phase III MMC. Phase III shown to impact the MMC cycles [15–19]. Luminal
MMC activity originates in the proximal small stasis inherent in these disorders leads to bacterial
bowel, generating progressive, short and intense overgrowth, which may further complicate the
42 J. Soden

Table 3.1 Factors contributing to microbiome altera- human milk, and has been demonstrated with vari-
tions in intestinal failure
ations in formula components, individual diets,
Anatomic and regional and cultural dietary and environmen-
Dilated intestine tal influences. In contrast, the lack of enteral nutri-
Foreshortened intestine tion alters the function of the dynamic intestinal
Stricture epithelial barrier, which plays a role in influencing
Absence of the ileocecal valve
the populations of individual bacterial strains that
compose the microbiome [2, 22].
Maladaptive bowel dilation
Pharmacologic alterations in intestinal pH
Primary/idiopathic motility disorder
Pharmacologic: loperamide, narcotic
may further impact the microbiome, contributing
Nutritional influences: to bacterial overgrowth. Acid suppressive agents
Enteral nutrition source are commonly prescribed in to reduce the effects
Parenteral nutrition, including parenteral lipid source of post-resection gastrin hypersecretion, and to
Malnutrition treat the suspected symptoms of gastroesopha-
Pharmacologic: geal reflux disease or gastroduodenal hyperacid-
Acid suppression ity. The Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium
Antibiotics reported that 57 % of their patient cohort was
Antimotility agents exposed to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy,
Narcotics and 69 % received histamine-2 receptor antago-
nist treatment [23]. PPI-induced alteration in
small intestinal pH decreases bifidobacteria pop-
motility failure of the underlying disorder. A com- ulation and has been demonstrated to result in
mon pharmacologic treatment in diarrhea-predom- bacterial overgrowth [24]. Changes in the colonic
inant intestinal failure is the use of antimotility pH alter population of both Lactobacillus and
agents including loperamide, which may also alter Bacteroidetes species and may foster Clostridium
MMC [20]. Disorders that result in a “two-hit” sce- difficile infection [24]. Therefore, the relatively
nario, with significant alteration in both anatomy common practice of acid suppression prescrip-
and motility, may result in more complicated out- tion in the intestinal failure population may fur-
comes in intestinal failure, and this may be medi- ther impact dysbiosis, overgrowth, and associated
ated by the impact of bacterial overgrowth. sequelae.
Characteristic pediatric conditions, including long- Another pharmacologic necessity in the neo-
segment aganglionosis or gastroschisis with atre- natal intestinal failure population is the use of
sia/short bowel syndrome, tend to result in more broad-spectrum antibiotics. Antibiotics are pre-
guarded prognosis and longer parenteral nutrition scribed commonly in neonatal and NICU care
requirement [7]. and have established effects on the developing
Aside from underlying gastrointestinal anat- infant microbiome [25]. The routine manage-
omy and function, the host’s nutritional state influ- ment of life-threatening surgical emergencies
ences the small intestinal microbiome. The including necrotizing enterocolitis and volvu-
maldigestive and malabsorptive state, present in lus requires systemic, broad-spectrum antibiot-
short bowel syndrome and pancreatic insuffi- ics to treat the effects of peritonitis and sepsis.
ciency, provides substrate that fuels the prolifera- Subsequent infectious events in the intestinal
tion of bacterial populations that may not be failure patient, namely, catheter-associated
present in health. Furthermore, malnutrition in bloodstream infections, are relatively common
itself may alter immunologic homeostasis and per- and require intermittent courses of systemic
turb physiologic checks and balances that regulate antibiotics. These treatment regimens, although
the microbiome [21]. Individual sources of enteral critical in the current standard of care in intesti-
nutrition play a large influence in gut microbiota nal failure, may further lead to perturbations in
development, as is well established with the use of gut flora.
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 43

Finally, the sine qua non in the definition of a population that favors a proinflammatory state
intestinal failure is the requirement for parenteral [28–30]. Therefore, alterations in the microbi-
nutrition (PN), which, in itself, has been demon- ome in intestinal failure undoubtedly influence
strated to alter the intestinal microbiome through unique complications of the disorder and long-
various mechanisms. In humans, isolation of the term outcomes.
role of PN is challenging, based primarily on the
multitude of clinical factors that cumulate in fail-
ure to tolerate adequate enteral nutrition. Bacterial Overgrowth:
Therefore, the majority of data characterizing the Pathophysiology and Clinical
effect of PN on microbial population changes Presentation
derive from animal models. In both mouse and
piglet models, PN exposure led to an expansion Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth manifests
in Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes species, with predictable clinical presentations in the
with a decrease in Firmicutes [2, 26, 27]. This patient with intestinal failure (Table 3.2). The
population shift leads to a proinflammatory state classic clinical presentation is driven by luminal
by affecting cytokine signaling within the intesti- bacterial fermentation of dietary carbohydrates,
nal immune system, theoretically leading to leading to bloating, gas, and malabsorptive
downstream mucosal and systemic inflammatory stools. Furthermore, the bacteria interact with
cascades that further influence the host and intraluminal bile acids, leading to a higher profile
microbiome [26]. of deconjugated (and therefore inactive) bile
Taking these factors into account, there are acids. Bile acid-mediated micelle formation is
multiple risk factors in the patient with intestinal secondarily impacted, resulting in fat malabsorp-
failure that may conspire to create significant tion [5, 31]. Therefore, classic symptoms would
alterations in gut flora leading to dysbiosis and include gas, bloating, watery diarrhea, and fat
overgrowth. The complex interplay between malabsorption. Bacteria may further lead to
anatomy, motility, enteral nutrient intake and depletion or interference with intestinal disaccha-
malabsorption, epithelial barrier function, and ridases, trypsin, and digestive enzymes, further
mucosal/systemic inflammation summarizes a driving osmotic diarrhea [32]. To the clinician,
multifactorial pathogenesis, challenging the util- these symptoms are essentially identical to the
ity of a single therapeutic target for the down- malabsorptive symptoms associated with many
stream sequelae of microbial alterations in the anatomic etiologies of intestinal failure, namely,
intestinal failure patient. It is therefore not sur- short bowel syndrome. Therefore, it may be
prising that alterations in gut microbiome have impossible to distinguish the signs and symptoms
been directly linked to outcome in intestinal fail- of the patient’s underlying intestinal failure from
ure. In a large retrospective series of pediatric the secondary development of bacterial over-
patients with short bowel syndrome, the pres- growth. One should consider SIBO when the
ence of bacterial overgrowth was predicated a SBS patient has developed an increase in symp-
significantly prolonged reliance on parenteral toms compared to baseline, especially in the set-
nutrition as compared to patients who did not ting of bowel dilation, and in later phase of
have bacterial overgrowth [10]. In the evolving adaptation. To that end, bacterial overgrowth
era of intestinal microbiomics, new techniques should theoretically not be seen in the acute,
including 16s rRNA sequencing allow a detailed postsurgical setting, characterized by fast transit,
analysis of the intestinal flora in health and dis- high output, and likely without adequate time for
ease states. Both pediatric and adult patients maladaptive colonization to incur [33].
with short bowel syndrome have been found to Another luminal impact of small intestinal
have uniquely different microbial patterns as bacterial proliferation involves the downstream
compared to healthy controls, including descrip- effects on micronutrient status. Decreased
tion of decreased bacterial diversity in SBS with micelle formation impacts fat-soluble vitamin
44 J. Soden

Table 3.2 Clinical manifestations of dysbiosis and bac- tory evidence of an anion gap-positive meta-
terial overgrowth in intestinal failure
bolic acidosis [36]. D-lactic acidosis may occur
Luminal: through a few mechanisms, including high
Gastrointestinal symptoms related to carbohydrate dietary carbohydrate intake (leading to overpro-
duction of d-lactate from colonic flora), a dysbi-
Gas, bloating, distension, diarrhea
otic state that favors the overpopulation of
Toxin production: d-lactic acidosis
d-lactate-producing organisms, bacterial over-
Fat malabsorption (bile acid deconjugation)
Micronutrient deficiencies:
growth, or short bowel syndrome. In the latter
B12, fat-soluble vitamins two scenarios, bacterial overpopulation and/or
Mucosal: excessive carbohydrate malabsorption fuels
Mucosal inflammation/enteritis microbial fermentation and secondary lactate
Alterations in intestinal permeability and epithelial production. As luminal pH declines, this milieu
barrier function favors the survival of d-lactate-producing spe-
Translocation/catheter-related bloodstream infection cies, including Lactobacillus fermenti, L. aci-
Systemic: dophilus, and Streptococcus [36]. D-lactic
Systemic inflammatory symptoms: arthritis, acidosis should be considered in any patient
constitutional complaints
with intestinal failure/short bowel syndrome
Liver disease
that presents with changes in mental status.
Sepsis/catheter-related bloodstream infection
Diagnosis is traditionally confirmed with labo-
ratory analysis of d-lactate level in plasma.
absorption, which may result in vitamin A, D, Treatment recommendations include correction
and E deficiency states. Because vitamin K is of acidosis, dietary carbohydrate restriction, and
produced by many strains of coliform bacteria, initiation of oral/enteric antibiotics. Akin to
vitamin K deficiency and PT/INR prolongation D-lactic acidosis are clinical syndromes that
is not commonly seen. Intestinal anaerobes have been described by other by-products of
compete with the host for vitamin B12, and bacterial carbohydrate fermentation, including
therefore vitamin B12 levels may be low, com- ethanol and ammonia [33].
pounded by the anatomic impact of ileal resec- An important and evolving area of both clini-
tion in short bowel syndrome. Monitoring of cal and laboratory investigation is the spectrum
B12 status in the intestinal failure patient with of mucosal inflammatory disorders in intestinal
overgrowth may be particularly challenging, as failure. Enteritis is a recognized complication in
some strains of intestinal microbes may produce short bowel syndrome, and it has been associated
B12 analogues that interfere with conventional with the occurrence of bacterial overgrowth [10,
assays [34]. Methylmalonic acid, which is an 37]. The spectrum of mucosal inflammatory dis-
established indicator for B12 status, has been ease is variable, and may include patchy visual or
shown to be elevated in a patient with SIBO, microscopic inflammation, anastomotic ulcer-
speculating that bacteria may lead to methylma- ations, and Crohn’s-like ulcers with severe,
lonic acidemia [35]. chronic inflammation, typically without granulo-
Intraluminal microbial toxin production may mata [38–40]. Although the pathogenesis of this
result in clinical sequelae, as is seen in the set- complication is not well understood in intestinal
ting of D-lactic acidosis. This unique entity failure, the interaction between luminal bacteria
occurs when dietary carbohydrates are fer- and mucosa in other disorders including inflam-
mented by intestinal bacteria, leading to d-lac- matory bowel diseases may have overlapping
tate production. In large quantities, the d-lactate mechanisms to intestinal failure-associated
crosses the blood-brain barrier and leads to enteritis [41–43]. Facultative anaerobes produce
D-lactic encephalopathy. Patients classically endotoxin, and aerobes produce proteolytic
present with neurologic symptoms (altered enzymes, which may have direct effects on
mentation, slurred speech, ataxia) and labora- mucosal injury and inflammation [5, 44]. As has
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 45

previously been discussed, changes in intestinal sterols may favor the overpopulation of proinflam-
microbiome related to TPN may further drive matory taxa [54, 55]. Therefore, parenteral lipid
disturbances in the epithelial barrier and influ- emulsions coupled with dysbiosis and overgrowth
ence proinflammatory immunologic pathways. may play a key role in the multifactorial pathogen-
Luminal and mucosal disease that is influ- esis of PN-associated liver disease.
enced by the microbiome may dictate some of the
more notorious extraintestinal complications in
intestinal failure. Disruption of the epithelial bar- Diagnostic Testing
rier function coupled with luminal bacterial over-
population may trigger bacterial translocation In the present era, confirmatory diagnostic testing
and spawn septic events including catheter- for bacterial overgrowth is wrought with chal-
related bloodstream infections [45–47]. Cole lenges, and therefore empirical therapy is often
et al. described a high incidence (0.80) of blood- employed in clinical practice. Because a defini-
stream infections in a cohort of ten infants with tion of SIBO requires greater than 105 CFU/mL
intestinal failure, and the presence of bacterial of intestinal fluid, duodenal/jejunal aspirate is
overgrowth (confirmed by breath testing) considered a theoretical gold standard. Fluid can
increased odds for infection by sevenfold, with- be obtained relatively easily by standard endo-
out evidence of altered small intestinal permea- scopic techniques. The proceduralist should be
bility [48]. careful to avoid suctioning fluid from the oro-
As the host inflammatory state is turned on, pharynx or stomach prior to duodenal intubation
either by overt bacteremic events or subclinical to minimize contamination, and sterility may be
mucosal injury with or without endotoxemia, improved by passing a sterile suction catheter
patients may develop other systemic manifesta- through the endoscope channel. The procedure
tions attributed to overgrowth. Rash, arthritis, itself is complicated by relative expense, and the
and fatigue may occur. Utilizing the model of requirement for procedural sedation or general
inflammatory bowel disease, the mucosal inflam- anesthesia. Gutierrez et al. reported a high yield
matory state carries a comorbid risk for venous of positive diagnostic aspirates for SIBO in their
thrombosis [49, 50]. Furthermore, small bowel series of 57 patients with intestinal failure that
bacterial overgrowth has recently been linked to a underwent diagnostic endoscopy, in which 70 %
higher risk for deep vein thrombosis [51]. One of patients were found to have overgrowth
may extrapolate that the microbial-derived (defined as >105 CFU/mL fluid) [4]. Challenging
inflammatory state contributes to the high burden this approach, however, is the relative difficulty
of catheter-associated venous thrombosis in in culturing many species of intestinal microbi-
patients with intestinal failure [52]. omes, including anaerobes. Clinical laboratories
No discussion involving the impact of the may have varied degrees of expertise in this tech-
microbiome in the patient with intestinal failure is nique. Therefore, quantitative results may under-
complete without mention of its implicated role in estimate true luminal bacterial load, and
liver pathogenesis. Sepsis events, possibly influ- speciation may not accurately reflect the patho-
enced by overgrowth and mucosal injury, have genic spectrum [56]. Nevertheless, this technique
been well associated with the severity and progres- is used by many centers to reinforce clinical sus-
sion of PN-associated liver disease [53]. From a picion and decipher appropriate antibiotic treat-
mechanistic level, dysbiosis and increased intesti- ment choices.
nal permeability may lead to increased absorption Hydrogen breath testing (HBT) is a less inva-
of microbe-associated molecular pattern, leading sive modality that utilizes exhaled hydrogen gas
to Kupffer cell activation through Toll-like recep- as a by-product of luminal bacterial carbohydrate
tor signaling. These pathways, and the luminal metabolism. Various ingested substrates have
microbial patterns, are further influenced by par- been evaluated including glucose, lactulose, and
enteral lipid emulsions, in that soy-derived plant xylose. A positive test results in a change in
46 J. Soden

exhaled hydrogen by >10 ppm compared to base- be performed with attention to vitamin B12 and
line. Unique features in patients with short bowel other vitamin levels that are influenced by micro-
syndrome may complicate interpretation of the bial overgrowth.
tests. Most importantly, alterations in gut transit,
either fast or slow transit, impact results.
Similarly, the patient with a short small bowel Treatment
length and colon intact may register a “positive”
test based on substrate interaction with colonic Oral/enteric antibiotic treatment remains the
flora. In addition, some species of intestinal bac- mainstay of therapy in bacterial overgrowth.
teria preferentially produce methane, which may Initiation of antibiotic treatment should be con-
not register in the HBT. Finally, cooperation may sidered when the patient has digestive symptoms
be limited in younger pediatric patients with (gas, bloating, diarrhea, early satiety, distension)
intestinal failure leading to inadequate breath that are increased compared to clinical baseline,
collection. especially in the setting of dilated bowel, diag-
A compelling future direction in the clinical nostic confirmation of SIBO, or previous treat-
assessment of microbial profile employs 16s ment response to antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing. This may also be considered as an adjunct treatment in
technique allows extensive microbial profiling of intestinal failure-associated enteritis, recurrent
relatively easy-to-obtain biological samples, catheter-related bloodstream infections, or anas-
including stool or intestinal mucosal biopsy. tomotic ulcerations – although these treatment
Engstrand et al. recently reported on 11 pediatric pathways are experience based without conclu-
patients with IF/SBS who had 16s rRNA sequenc- sive clinical evidence supporting benefit of ther-
ing of fecal samples. They found an abundance of apy. The decision to initiate antimicrobials should
facultative anaerobic Enterobacteriaceae in chil- be weighed against the potential consequences,
dren on PN compared to those weaned from PN including further cycles of dysbiosis, microbial
and healthy siblings, a microbial profile similar selection, and resistance patterns.
to patients with inflammatory bowel disease and Selection of the appropriate antibiotic remains
NEC [30, 57]. Thus, 16s rRNA sequencing may largely empirical, with center-to-center variation
provide detailed characterization of the dysbiotic in prescription patterns. The ideal antimicrobial
microbiome in intestinal failure, offering further choice would be largely active in the intestinal
insight on pathogenesis and potential treatments. lumen only, with little systemic absorption, and
Because of challenges in accuracy and reli- have penetrance toward typical offending coli-
ability of objective diagnostic testing for SIBO, form and anaerobic bacteria, but carry low risk of
intestinal rehabilitation centers frequently resort side effect or antibiotic resistance. Medications
to utilization of empiric antibiotics when clinical that target anaerobes include metronidazole and
suspicion is warranted. This widely accepted nitazoxanide. Rifaximin and Amoxicillin/clavu-
practice continues to carry risk for antimicrobial lanic acid both have a relatively large spectrum of
resistance and microbial selection and may foster activity, including aerobic and anaerobic gram-
worsening dysbiosis. negative and gram-positive species [58–60].
Finally, when bacterial overgrowth is sus- Augmentin carries the additional benefit of a pro-
pected, one should consider evaluations for motility agent; therefore, it may have a dual thera-
underlying etiology and/or sequelae. Structural peutic benefit. Rifaximin is nonabsorbable and
evaluations utilizing gastrointestinal contrast has primarily bacteriostatic properties; there is
(e.g., upper gastrointestinal series with small less concern about development of microbial
bowel follow-through) may reveal stricture or resistance patterns in comparison to standard bac-
pathologically dilated loops of bowel. Endoscopy teriocidal alternatives [33]. Ciprofloxacin affects
with mucosal biopsy may demonstrate mucosal coliform bacteria including enterococcus and
inflammation. Micronutrient surveillance should anaerobes. Antibiotics that target gram-negative
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 47

aerobes include aminoglycosides (gentamicin lactobacillus and other probiotic strains have
and tobramycin), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim been reported in patients with central venous
(Bactrim), and cephalosporins [3]. catheters [69–71]. Akin to the principles behind
Antibiotics may be prescribed for a single probiotic therapy, a recent case report describes
1–2 week courses, or may be cycled. Cycling the successful use of fecal microbiota transplant
patterns vary, but typically include utilization of to treat recurrent D-lactic acidosis in a child with
an antibiotic with anaerobic penetrance (e.g., short bowel syndrome [72].
metronidazole), followed by an antibiotic with Aside from direct inoculation of live bacte-
targeted gram-negative penetrance (e.g., genta- ria to alter flora, prebiotic therapy aims to “feed
micin), with a gap either in between or following the gut” with substrates that are conducive to
back-to-back courses. The potential benefits of the proliferation of symbiotic bacterial strains.
rifaximin for small bowel bacterial overgrowth The administration of fructo-oligosaccharides,
in other gastrointestinal disorders, including irri- human milk oligosaccharides, and inulin-type
table bowel syndrome, make this a favorable fructans may help to improve intestinal barrier
choice and may be incorporated into treatment function and fuel the development of appropri-
protocols [61]. When available, duodenal aspi- ate flora.
rate and culture may inform antibiotic selection More global management strategies in
strategies. approaching the patient with intestinal failure
Treatment of dysbiosis and overgrowth would and bacterial overgrowth may target underlying
ideally be targeted at restoring normal bacterial etiology, or secondary complications. As has
homeostasis, rather than broadly eliminating been discussed, the patient may likely have a
potential overpopulated strains. Therefore, the dilated, dysfunctional bowel, with secondary
utilization of probiotics and prebiotics has theo- associated dysmotility. The use of promotility
retical benefit in this arena. Probiotic therapy, agents, including Augmentin, cisapride, and
that is, the luminal inoculation of live strains of erythromycin, may be beneficial [73–75]. It
theoretically beneficial bacteria, has many poten- should be mentioned that cisapride carries an
tial benefits in gastrointestinal and systemic established risk of QTc prolongation and sudden
human disease. Probiotics may induce effects by cardiac death; therefore, careful consideration
producing bacteriocins that affect local microor- and monitoring should occur if this therapy is
ganism populations, competing for physical considered. When bowel dilation has evolved and
space and nutrients in the mucosa, and improving the intestinal architecture promotes stasis and
epithelial border function, immune response, and failed enteral advancement, then autologous
gut adaptation [62]. Current available probiotic bowel reconstruction should be considered.
therapies largely include Lactobacillus, Serial transverse enteroplasty and other “length-
Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces strains. ening” procedures may induce significant effects
Probiotics are largely utilized in inflammatory by improving luminal diameter and restoring
and functional gastrointestinal disorders with function, as opposed to the measured increase in
mixed reported benefit [63–65]. Interpreting the length alone. Therefore, these surgical interven-
results of clinical studies involving probiotic tions may be required in refractory dysbiotic
therapy is challenging, based on variant micro- states including recurrent D-lactic acidosis [76].
bial strains and concentrations, as well as analy- Finally, management of intestinal failure-
sis of benefit in the setting of largely heterogeneous associated enteritis presentations, from “short
groups of disorders. These challenges exist in bowel-associated colitis” to Crohn’s-like ulcer-
translating the potential benefits of probiotic ations, may require combined approach of anti-
therapy in the patient with intestinal failure. microbial management of the overgrowth,
Various reports have demonstrated benefit of pro- targeted mucosal anti-inflammatory therapy, or
biotic therapy in short bowel syndrome and intes- systemic immunosuppressive agents. At present,
tinal failure [66–68]. However, bacteremia with the pathogenesis of this complication is not well
48 J. Soden

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