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Takarah Cherrington


Leadership skills in Human Resources

When you hear the words Human Resources you only think of them in certain

circumstances. Such as Harassment cases, payroll, or hiring and termination of employees. You

simply think of them as the enforcers or rule makers, but HR is so much more than that. Human

Resources has a very valuable entity, leadership. Which is something not often taught about

when it comes to HR personnel, but how can you train or company on something if you're not a

good leader. Being a leader and a good one at that is very important when it comes to your

professional relationships with your employees. As stated by many employees that have quit

their jobs, not because of the company, but the poor leadership.

A good leader should have the following skills: 1.) Communicate Effectively. 2.) Learn

something new every day. 3.) Always be thinking long -term. 4.) Always be flexible. 5.) lead by

example. I believe these are things that make a great leader. You want to be someone who your

employees feel comfortable talking to you. Whether it is about a way to improve the company,

personal problems, or even if they are looking for mentorship. You always want to be someone

they respect and know that they can trust your ability to lead. Another important rule of being

a leader is your ability to learn and adapt. You don't want to shut out or silence employees,

who have a new idea for the company. It might increase value in the company and you gain the

employee's trust. What if they have something to bring to the table, a way to expand the vision

of the company, they will be heard and not ignored.

I tend to find that one of the best skills to have is to be able to plan long-term, and the ability

to improvise is key. The ability to think outside the box and long term, to change and evolve is

human nature. The ability to transfer that and improve the vision of a company is outstanding.

Leaders who are not willing to change are more likely, to have disgruntled workers and a tough

work environment. Change is strange and different but, it is not always bad, it's called "Being


Lastly, you want to lead by example, all the things that we have previously explained go

hand in hand with this one. If you lead by a great example, that teaches your employees if they

are ever in a management position how things should run. I believe in creating a work

environment that you don't mind going to. When you think about it we spend most of our day

at work or ding a job we hate. But what if we took the time to create a great work environment

where productivity is up, and so is the employee workforce. That in itself is a win-win situation.

Of course, you should also be competent and well versed in the roles and mission of the

company and HR practices but that doesn't mean that work needs to be miserable. Also, the

employees' matter, because without them the company simply does not run.

Being a leader, a good leader is something that can be taught. By following and

incorporating these rules into your HR practices makes you a better leader. Being a leader is

just knowing about the rules and regulations of a company and the laws. It's about inspiring

others, challenge, they help others grow and create a cohesive work environment. All the while

giving constructive criticism and teaching others.

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