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DOI: 10.1097/JPN.


J Perinat Neonat Nurs r Volume 26 Number 1, 27–36 r Copyright 

C 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Relationship-Based Nursing Practice

Transitioning to a New Care Delivery Model in Maternity Units
Cathleen C. Hedges, MSN, RN, B-C; Amy Nichols, EdD, CNS, RN; Lourdes Filoteo, BSN, RN

ABSTRACT ince the release of the Institute of Medicine’s

In a fast-paced, high-volume maternity unit, the goal for
nursing care delivery is to provide care that is perceived
by patients as personal and caring, is rewarding to nurses,
S (IOM’s) report, To Err Is Human,1 agencies and
organizations such as the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, the IOM, the National Quality
and is in an environment of maximum patient safety. A Forum, and The Joint Commission have made recom-
care delivery model is the organizing structure that can fa- mendations and put requirements in place to address
cilitate this goal. Relationship-Based Nursing Practice is patient safety. In addition, the Lucian Leape Institute,
a care delivery model designed to transition nursing care established by the National Patient Safety Foundation,
from task-focused to relationship-based. A shared vision states that patient safety depends on a significant trans-
of the registered nurse as a professional member of the formation to achieve a culture of trust, reporting, trans-
healthcare team, working in an optimally safe and family- parency, and discipline.2 This vision for healthcare
centered care environment, inspired the model design. includes doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers
Three relationships—the nurse with the patient, the nurse who treat each other with respect, patients’ interests are
with colleagues, and the nurse with self—provided the foremost, and patients and families are fully involved in
foundation for the creation of guiding principles. Guiding their care. One key attribute of such a culture is trans-
principles were operationalized to support 1 or more of parency, so that everyone is encouraged and given the
the 3 relationships, contribute to improved patient safety, opportunity to talk openly about errors and mistakes.
and actualize the role of the professional registered nurse, A second attribute is joy and meaning in work; to meet
in daily patient care. Outcomes include improvement in the challenge of making healthcare safe and caregivers
patient safety, increased patient satisfaction, and percep- feel valued.2 At the core of such a cultural transition
tion of improved teamwork among nurses. The process for nurses are 3 types of relationships. These relation-
for sustainability and ongoing evaluation of the model is ships comprise nurse and patients; nurse and cowork-
discussed. ers, management, and other members of the healthcare
Key Words: briefing-debriefing, care delivery model, team; and nurse and self, in self-advocacy, autonomy,
handoff communication, nurse handoff, nurse-patient and responsibility for the safe and effective care of pa-
relations, relationship-based, team attitude tients and families. The purpose of this article is to
describe the design, the implementation process, and
Author Affiliations: Center for Nursing Excellence, Lucile Packard preliminary outcomes of a relationship-based nursing
Children’s Hospital, Menlo Park, California (Ms Hedges); and SFSU care delivery model with specific examples in mater-
School of Nursing, and Center for Nursing Excellence, Lucile Packard
nity units.
Children’s Hospital (Dr Nichols), and Johnson Center for Pregnancy and
Newborn Services, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital (Ms Filoteo), Palo
Disclosure: The authors have disclosed that they have no significant CARE DELIVERY
relationships with, or financial interest in, any commercial companies
pertaining to this article. In a tertiary care, university-affiliated children’s hospital
with full obstetric services and approximately 5000 de-
Corresponding Author: Cathleen C. Hedges, MSN, RN, B-C, Center
for Nursing Excellence, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, 4700 liveries annually, a significant transition in nursing care
Bohannon Dr, No. 150, Menlo Park, CA 94025 ( delivery was undertaken to realign priorities of care
Submitted for publication: July 15, 2011; accepted for publication: with the vision and goals of the organization. Before
October 26, 2011. implementation, patient care was largely task driven

The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 27

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
with an emphasis on moving patients through their tention to special/personal needs,8 and pain control.7,8
hospital stay as quickly as possible. In this func- Caring-focused care delivery models have demon-
tional model, care was provided primarily by registered strated a positive impact on nursing retention,7,9
nurses (RNs). However, the professional RN’s role was nursing satisfaction,7 and specific improvements in
poorly understood by nurses and other members of nurse-to-nurse relationships including mutual respect,
the healthcare team alike. Because of 12-hour shifts, gossip avoidance, decreased complaining, and nurse-
rapid turnover of patients, and frequent adjustments to-nurse conflict resolution.10 Relationships between
to staffing patterns, continuity of care was a daunting patients and nurses, and nurses and coworkers, are
challenge in the fast-paced, often-chaotic work envi- common threads found in caring-focused care delivery
ronment. Critical thinking and clinical judgment were models.
difficult to incorporate into nursing assessments. Nurses The philosophy and vision of nursing, and the or-
were hindered in their ability to develop therapeutic re- ganization’s mission and values, must be in alignment
lationships with patients and families, to participate in with the tenets of the care delivery model and pro-
team rounds, and to proactively plan the patient’s care. vide the basic foundation.11,12 Traditional care deliv-
Handoffs were memory based and variable in quality ery models (total patient care, functional nursing, team
and did not enable safe transfer or continuity of in- nursing, and primary nursing) have advantages and dis-
formation needed for coordination and care planning. advantages and were developed to address past so-
Teamwork was hit or miss. The patient experienced cioeconomic and cultural values in healthcare.13 These
fragmented care from shift to shift, which was often models focused on delegation of duties and work al-
perceived as impersonal and lacking coordination. The location. Looking beyond division of workload and
hospital needed to transition nursing practice to a new, considering the work environment, a caring-focused
transformative culture. care delivery model was needed to best achieve the
This transition began with a vision put forth by the organization’s vision of family-centered, relationship-
chief nursing officer. The 3 goals for achieving the cul- based care that would optimize patient safety, cost, and
tural change were to focus nursing practice on caring quality.
where the top priority is building and maintaining a The organization wanted to improve the care en-
therapeutic relationship with the patient and family; es- vironment, specifically teamwork and relationships
tablish a clear, tangible RN presence within the health- among nurses and other colleagues through the pro-
care team; and clearly define and operationalize the cess of team briefing and debriefing. The aim of team
role of the RN as a coordinator of the patient’s plan of briefing and debriefing was to promote a sense of team-
care. A nursing care delivery model was needed to pro- work and professionalism, provide a consistent forum
vide the infrastructure for cultural transformation. The to provide input about safety and operational issues,
purpose of a care model is to organize the work that and foster the relationship of the nurse with coworkers
nurses do. It provides common language, formal struc- and colleagues. The concepts of briefing and debriefing
ture, and processes for delivering optimal patient care. have been in use among commercial and fighter pilots
A care model defines the decision-making authority and and were formalized in Crew Resource Management
responsibilities of the nurse and others in the healthcare training by the National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
environment, as well as work distribution, communica- istration in 1979.14 Briefing and debriefing in the hospi-
tion, and management.3 By focusing on a relationship- tal setting have been studied primarily in the operating
based approach, the model would help transition pa- room setting15−17 and have been shown to reinforce
tient care and the unit environment to a more optimal professionalism and improve communication.17,18 De-
patient experience. This model would need to include briefing has allowed for the identification and analysis
core principles to guide nursing practice, roles and re- of recurring problems through real-time reporting.17,19
sponsibilities of the RN and leadership, processes and Nurses, surgeons, and anesthesiologists report that pa-
tools, and desired outcomes for success. tient safety in the operating room has improved with
briefings and debriefings.19 The Salas Theory of Team-
work supports fostering teamwork through team brief-
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ing, which provides the shared knowledge necessary
There are several reports in the literature of a rela- for a functioning team. The group is made aware of
tionship between better care environments and bet- itself as a team, communicates the possible need for
ter patient outcomes.4−6 Care delivery models based backup (helping each other) and adaptability (adjusting
on caring theories and relationships have shown im- to work environment changes), and establishes team
provements in overall patient satisfaction,7 specifically leadership. Mutual trust can be fostered through mu-
in concern for privacy, meeting emotional needs, at- tual understanding of the work to be performed.20

28 January/March 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Communication across a shift or episode of care can isfaction related to nurses anticipating needs, respond-
be fragmented with 12-hour shifts, part-time workers, ing to requests,7,28 explaining procedures, and calming
and variable lengths of stay. The organization aimed to fears.28
improve continuity of clinical and psychosocial infor-
mation by addressing the change of shift RN handoff.
The IOM’s report, Crossing the Quality Chasm,21 urged DESIGN PROCESS AND DESCRIPTION
that healthcare organizations standardize the handoff Relationship-Based Care3 provided the inspiration for
process, linking patient safety with ensuring that infor- the care delivery model. The fundamental construct of
mation is not lost or forgotten during transitions in care. RBC involves 3 relationships: the nurse and the pa-
In 2005, The Joint Commission22 found that nearly 70% tient, the nurse and colleagues, and the nurse and self.
of sentinel events in hospitals were caused by commu- When optimized, this model can result in safe, patient-
nication issues, and the majority of these occurred dur- centered, well-communicated, and well-coordinated
ing handoffs, which led to the creation of a National Pa- care. Clearly articulating the responsibilities, authority,
tient Safety Goal requiring standardized handoffs. The and accountability of the professional nurse optimizes
World Health Organization23 and others24 urge the use the role of the RN. Expectations of the role can be
of common language and a standard communication communicated to providers for better collaboration and
tool such as Situation, Background, Assessment, Rec- coordination of care. These concepts resonated with
ommendation (SBAR). Standardized handoff communi- the goals of creating an environment in which care is
cation can decrease adverse events and increase patient a priority and nurses are contributing members of the
safety. It has been shown to improve compliance with healthcare team. The focus on relationships with pa-
medication reconciliation upon admission, which can tients and families paralleled the hospital’s core value
reduce medication errors.25,26 In a pilot study, the use of family-centered care.29
of standardized nurse handoff communication using an A project plan was developed that included initial in-
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)–supported SBAR tool put from nurses.30 Successful implementation requires
was related to a reduction in adverse nurse-sensitive customization of the model for integration into the ex-
outcomes, which are monitored and reported to the isting organizational system and infrastructure. This pro-
National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators. These cess acknowledges the strengths and best practices in
included a reduction in patient falls, use of restraints, patient care that currently exist and focuses on how
and catheter-associated urinary tract infections.27 The to reach excellence.31 The IOM’s report, The Future of
literature was clear that a standardized RN handoff had Nursing32 recommends that healthcare organizations in-
the potential to improve patient safety and continuity volve nurses in developing and adopting new patient-
of information by improving the transfer of information centered care models. The input from frontline nurses
between nurses at the change of shift. was essential in developing a model that would be real-
The concept of focus time was identified to provide istic and achievable. The design team consisted of staff
structure to daily nurse-patient engagement. A corner- nurse representatives from councils within the nursing-
stone of building and maintaining therapeutic relation- shared governance structure, managers, and clinical
ships between patients and nurses involves spending nurse specialists. In a preparatory workshop, the team
dedicated time with patients to understand their needs became grounded in the principles of RBC; the roles,
and concerns. Upon implementing Relationship-Based responsibilities, and scope of practice of the RN; and
Care (RBC), 1 hospital found that both verbal caring the philosophy and vision for nursing at the organi-
behaviors (eg, discussing a topic of patient concern zation. The 4 elements of a successful care delivery
other than current health needs) and nonverbal car- model, which are the nurse-patient relationship and
ing behaviors (eg, sitting at the bedside, sustaining eye decision making, work allocation and/or patient assign-
contact, and entering a patient’s room without having ments, communication among members of the health-
been summoned) increased among nurses.9 One of the care team, and the management and leadership of the
key elements of the Caring Theory28 is that direct care- unit or care area, provide additional direction.33 The
givers sit at the patient’s bedside for at least 5 minutes team developed 5 guiding principles related to the con-
each shift to review and discuss the plan of care and cepts learned in the workshop and 7 practices that op-
desired outcomes. Within the Quality-Caring Model,7 erationalized the principles (see Figure 1).
purposeful interaction is described as a caring practice Because the care delivery model was specific to the
in which the nurse sits down at the patient’s bedside, organization and its vision, it was named “Relationship-
looks at the patient, and initiates a conversation start- Based Nursing Practice” (RBNP). A shared governance
ing with something meaningful to that patient. These leadership council comprised of RN unit council coor-
behaviors have been related to improved patient sat- dinators and nursing management gave feedback and

The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 29

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Relationship- Maternity Units
Principles and
Based Nursing PRINCIPLE: Clinical Practices Date:
Decision Making:
Practice Knowing the Patient Supporting the
PRACTICE: Focus Time

PRINCIPLE: PRINCIPLE: Work Start Time: / Stop Time:

Coordination, Allocation and Patient NOTES
Communication, and Assignments:
Collaboration Nurse and TOPIC AM PM
Patient PRACTICE: Continuity Staffing (Unit appropriately
•! Standardized Handoffs
of Care staffed? RNs, NAs, USAs?)
•! Patient Care Rounds (Phase 2) (Phase 2) # of patients on the units?
•! Integrated Plan of Care (Phase 2)
Nurse and Nurse and # of expected discharges?
Self Colleagues F1/F2
# of possible discharges?
Sickest patients on the unit?
PRINCIPLE: PRINCIPLE: (e.g., high acuity, MgSO4,
Professionalism and Self- Leadership and Team
Care approach 1:2 ratio, isolation)
Fetal Demise /Condition of
PRACTICE: (Phase 2) baby
Briefing and Debriefing Any procedures expected?
(e.g., CT, MRI, US, PICC,
Circ, L&D events)
Figure 1. Relationship-based nursing practice: Principles Any patients with
and practices supporting the relationships. Used with per- confidentiality
status? (e.g., Visitor / phonecall
mission from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. restrictions / social issues?
Which RN has heaviest load?
Stork Award recipient /
Orientees / New Grads /
input to the creation of RBNP. The 7 practices that op- Nursing
students working this shift?
erationalize the guiding principles are described below. New Protocols / Updates /
Policies (if applicable, refer
colleague to policy or e-mail)
Systems upgrade/downtime,
Team briefing and debriefing Meetings / Celebrations
Principles taken from Crew Resource Management
Briefing given by:
briefing and debriefing and adapted for the care de-
livery model include punctuality, which sets a tone of Figure 2. Team briefing checklist. Used with permission
professionalism and respect, using a briefing checklist, from F1/F2 units, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.
introducing members of the team, and identifying po-
tential patient care issues.17 The team briefing begins
colleagues, as well as enabling near real-time reporting
immediately at the start of each shift with the off-going
of patient-safety issues. Either in a group or individually,
charge nurse briefing the oncoming unit staff about
the charge nurse, assistant nurse manager, or manager
what to expect for the coming shift. A briefing check-
elicits input from each nurse. In maternity units, the
list is used, and in the maternity units, this checklist
debriefing can include issues related to management
includes such information as most critical or unstable
of critical incidences, such as postpartum hemorrhage,
patients, for example, those on magnesium infusions or
difficulties with other departments, or other problems
on isolation, expected admissions and discharges, and
within the unit. The issues are logged on a debriefing
which nurse may have the heaviest assignment (see
checklist and addressed by the management team (see
Figure 2).
Figure 3).
The charge nurse includes the shift staffing status,
Management then communicates the issues, actions
and whether additional staff will be coming in to assist
taken, and follow-up status back to staff either in staff
with discharges or with patients in antepartum. When
meetings or by posting the issues and follow-up. De-
the off-going charge nurse describes what to expect,
briefing promotes a more transparent culture of error
the oncoming nurses gain a shared mental model of
reporting, as nurses are encouraged and supported to
the shift ahead. The oncoming nurses become aware
share their experiences and to provide input during de-
of possible adjustments that may be needed, where
briefing sessions on every shift.
strengths and challenges may lie among the team and
patients, who may need help, and who is available to
help. Standardized RN handoff
Debriefing occurs within the final 2 hours of each There were several compelling reasons to include a
shift. The aim is to give nurses the opportunity to be standardized RN handoff process in this care delivery
heard and supported about operational and interper- model implementation. Nurse-to-nurse, change-of-shift
sonal issues, thus enhancing the nurse relationship with reporting was based on a written report worksheet;

30 January/March 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Maternity Units discharge date, and last charted values for fundal height,
Debriefing Checklist fundal tone, position, lochia color and amount, and es-
(Occurs 16:30 and 04:30 daily) timated blood loss were pulled from other documen-
tation to the RN handoff tab. The infant’s RN handoff
Start Time:____________/ Stop Time:____________/Date:_____________
tab included Apgar scores, current weight, birth weight,
Lead By: lactation consult status, last stool and void, and last
What worked well during the shift?
feeding. A standardized process for reviewing the EMR
in SBAR format was designed to reduce memory-based
Who would you like to appreciate? handoff communication. The situation and background
are reviewed from the patient summary tab, which in-
What needs changing for next time? cludes presenting diagnosis, history of present illness,
significant hospital events, and physiologic data in sum-
mary format. Additional background and current situa-
tion information along with assessment and recommen-
dations are discussed using the RN handoff tab. Review
Patient Safety Concerns?
of current orders, the medication administration tab,
and the care plan ensured that all current relevant in-
formation was reviewed and validated. The face-to-face
process provides the opportunity to ask and respond to
questions. The nurses completed a joint visualization at
How did (pick one process from list) it go today? the bedside, a timely assessment during shift change,34
Team briefing, Assignments, RN handoff, 5-min focus, Rounding, Team debriefing,
which includes review of therapies, infusions, catheters,
tubes, drains, and any pertinent assessments, such as
wounds and other relevant physical characteristics of
the patient. To inform the patient and family of the
change of care provider, the off-going nurse introduces
Figure 3. Maternity units debriefing checklist. Used with the oncoming nurse,35 explains what will happen over
permission from F1/F2 units, Lucile Packard Children’s the subsequent few hours, and instructs to ask whether
Hospital. the patient has any concerns.34 With couplet care, an
abbreviated handoff process and checklist are used for
however, the EMR was the source of truth for real- handing off relevant information about the infant, for
time, accurate information and was not being reviewed. example, pertinent laboratory test results and breast-
With no visualization of patients at change of shift, there feeding status. Both mother and infant are included in
were sometimes discrepancies between the information the bedside joint visualization.
given in reports and actual patient conditions. Critical
information was left to hand-written notes or memory. Focus time
The design team wanted the RN handoff to support Focus time is the intentional, uninterrupted communi-
relationship-based nursing by enabling nurses to hand cation intervention between the nurse and the patient
off not only patient information but the relationship or family on each shift. The aim of focus time is to
as well. On the basis of the literature review, the new assist the patient and nurse in establishing and main-
standardized RN handoff process included SBAR format. taining a therapeutic relationship. It enables the nurse
The team developed an electronic documentation form to learn what the patient or family is most concerned
designed to capture the details unique to each patient. about and to identify support needs, which can facili-
These details included an assessment summary state- tate patient participation in care planning. When nurses
ment; ongoing medical, psychosocial, and cultural con- are being educated about focus time, a common sen-
cerns; recommendations such as patient/family prefer- timent is that nurses already do this task, so there is
ences and interdisciplinary recommendations; priorities no need to relearn it. Although nurses do spend time
for the next shift and day; and goals for discharge. talking with patients and families, it is often done while
This information then flowed to a new RN handoff tab they are multitasking, with the nurse standing and look-
in the EMR, customized for the unique clinical infor- ing down at the patient. The nurse is often interrupted
mation needs of each unit or region. For example, in or may focus discussions on what is most important
the mother’s EMR, current weight, gravidity/parity, rea- for the nurse to accomplish. The practice of focus time
son for cesarean delivery, resulted laboratory values, is intended to convey that nothing else matters at that
attending physician and contact numbers, anticipated time but the patient.

The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 31

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Continuity of care Implementation
Continuity of care can contribute to the enhancement The care delivery model was implemented in 1 unit or
of clinical outcomes through a better understanding of care area at a time in a wave approach.31 This method
the clinical response over time and can lead to more allowed each care area to further customize the prac-
effective clinical decision making.36 In designing this tices to apply to the patient care context, while meeting
practice, the team emphasized the prioritization of as- the intent of the guiding principles. With each wave, the
signment making in which continuity of assignments project team and nursing leadership learned to develop
was the first priority when acuity and skill levels were best practices that were shared with the next unit or
not a consideration. In addition, the practice of continu- care area. The implementation plan for the care delivery
ity of care is translated into continuity of information, so model was structured around the change management
any nurse can become familiar with the patient’s clini- model of Inspiration and Infrastructure, Education, and
cal and psychosocial picture. From shift to shift, during Evidence.37 Inspiration involves creating a shared vision
break coverage and rapid changes in assignments, con- of the future of nursing among stakeholders. Infrastruc-
tinuity of information is maintained on the RN hand- ture means designing the processes, tools, roles, and
off tab in the EMR. Further work in phase II of the responsibilities to support the change. Education is re-
project will address staffing and scheduling to promote quired to convey the rationale and specific details of
continuity. new procedures, processes, roles, and responsibilities.
Evidence is defining the metrics and targets to evaluate
Role of the RN in rounds how the change is leading to the original vision. The
Nurses must overcome many systemwide barriers to Leadership Launch, a day-long work session, was de-
be able to consistently attend rounds. A multiple- signed to inspire the informal nurse leaders and man-
patient assignment often means multiple sets of agement team to champion the change on the units.
rounds. In the university-affiliated medical center, The leadership team included the shared governance
teaching rounds, subspecialty rounds, and interdisci- unit council members, charge nurses, unit clinical nurse
plinary rounds, among others, each occurring at differ- specialist, and managers. The team became immersed
ent times and/or overlapping, pose a major challenge to in the guiding principles and practices of RBNP. The
the bedside nurse. The initial goal in this care delivery infrastructure of the care delivery model was defined
model is for each nurse to attend rounds on a mini- as the processes, roles and responsibilities, and tools
mum of 1 patient of his or her assignment. The aim needed to implement the practices, as well as a com-
is for physicians and nurses to experience better com- munication plan. The unit leadership team customized
munication and coordination of care, thus supporting the practices to the unique complexities and patient-
the changes required to standardize rounds schedul- care context.
ing and roles. As a part of phase II of the project, the Education about the change began with the lead-
medical center is collaborating with its physician teams ership team’s communication plan and formal training
to schedule and structure rounds that will enable the for each nurse prior to the start date. The 4-hour train-
active participation of the bedside nurse in shared de- ing session curriculum design included instructor-led
cision making about the plan of care for the patient. content on the vision, guiding principles, and 7 prac-
tices; staff nurse videos to show suboptimal and opti-
Coordination of the plan of care mal handoff and focus-time processes; hands-on com-
To operationalize a truly interdisciplinary patient plan puter training for the handoff; and focused discussion
of care, where the goals for the patient from the medical on likes, concerns, and possible issues and barriers to
team, ancillary services, and nursing are in 1 location, success. Summary evaluation of the training enabled
the team is redesigning the care planning functionality improvements with each session. During the prepara-
of its EMR, as a part of phase II. In the meantime, the tion preceding the start date, the unit leadership met
care delivery model is the vehicle for defining the role to track communication and resolution of issues and
and responsibilities of the RN as the coordinator of care. barriers identified by the nurses during the training
The nurse learns what is most important in the care of sessions. Modeling robust relationships with cowork-
the patient from focus time and communicates that in a ers and colleagues by the leadership team began with
standardized handoff to other nurses. By participating the leadership launch and continued through the prepa-
in rounds, the nurse takes information to and from the ration, training, and implementation of RBNP. The ev-
healthcare team. Focus time, handoffs, and participating idence illustrating that the practices were leading to
in rounds provide the nurse with necessary tools and improvements in patient satisfaction, nursing satisfac-
information to manage the patient’s plan of care. tion, and patient safety were defined as metrics and

32 January/March 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
targets, which were built into the process for daily mon- ical nurse specialist. The target for focus time was that
itoring of the practices. all patients would receive focus time at each shift. Focus
Implementation began in 2009, and by 2010, RBNP time performance was tracked by the charge nurses and
was successfully implemented in the pediatric medi- was based on self-report by the bedside nurses. The tar-
cal/surgical units. In the fall of 2010, RBNP was imple- get for debriefing was also 2-fold: It should occur within
mented in the maternity unit. the final 2 hours of every shift and include all nurses
on shift. The person conducting the debriefing docu-
mented issues and compliments using the debriefing
checklist. Compliance with the 4 practices met targets
of 80% to 90% during the first 2 weeks. Daily monitor-
The maternity unit is a 52-bed, combined postpartum
ing was adjusted to 3 to 4 times per week on varying
and antepartum unit. There are 12 dedicated antepar-
shifts. Any reduction in compliance targets resulted in a
tum beds for high-risk patients with diagnoses ranging
period of increased monitoring, one-on-one coaching,
from diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-
and reinforcement through email communications and
mature labor, and various types of adherent placen-
staff meetings.
tas. In 2010, there were 4582 births, of which 16 were
triplets and 226 were twins. The average cesarean de-
livery rate was 32% and the average length of stay was
3.2 days. In 2010, the ethnic makeup of the patient pop- SATISFACTION AND PATIENT SAFETY
ulation was 41% Hispanic, 32.1% white, 21% Asian, 3% OUTCOMES
African American, and 2.9% Pacific Islander. It is not un- The project team surmised that RBNP would improve
common to see patients with comorbidities such as hu- patient satisfaction with nursing care through enhanced
man immunodeficiency virus, various cancers, asthma, nurse-patient relationships. The organization mailed the
thrombophilia, and sickle cell disease. The maternity Press Ganey Family Satisfaction Survey38 to patients’
unit receives transports from other counties determined homes 10 days after discharge to evaluate patient satis-
by neonatal or maternal morbidities. Couplet care is faction. Survey results were used to evaluate the impact
practiced at the bedside, with a nurse-to-patient ratio of RBNP on indicators related to nurse-patient rela-
of 1:3 couplets for the first 4 hours of a 12-hour shift tionships. The indicators selected were as follows: ad-
(days or nights). The smaller ratio allows for better dis- dressed emotional needs, kept the patient informed,
charge preparation and more time at the bedside at and treated the patient with respect. At about 7 months
the beginning of each shift. The nurse-to-patient ra- postimplementation, the patient satisfaction scores of
tio is increased at 11 AM and 11 PM to 1:4 couplets. the 3 indicators during that time period (October 2010
With higher-acuity patients, such as those recovering to May 2011) were compared with scores from the same
from postpartum hemorrhage, a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio is used. time period a year before (October 2009 to May 2010).
Clinical outcomes from the implementation of RBNP The mean score is the average of all responses to a spe-
included those related to patient satisfaction, nursing cific question based on a Likert scale, in which a score
perception, and patient safety.

After implementation of the model, performance out- 95
comes were measured to monitor the level of compli-
ance of nurses performing the practices. This step is crit-
mean score

90 89.2
ical in determining whether the changes to care deliv- 87.8

ery can produce improved patient care outcomes. The 85

targets for team briefing were for it to occur on time, 81.8
82.8 82.7
at every shift, for no more than 5 minutes and be at- 80
tended by all oncoming staff. The team-briefing check-
list included start/stop times and attendance tracking 75
Addressed emotional needs Kept you informed Treated with respect
and was used to monitor the targets. The target for the
10/1/09 – 5/31/10 n=632 10/1/10 – 5/31/11 n=617
RN handoff process was that all nurses would be able
to demonstrate the process with a score of at least 90% Figure 4. Obstetrics unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hos-
of the steps, using a standardized audit tool. Registered pital at Stanford Inpatient Survey: Press Ganey Associates,
nurse handoffs were observed and monitored by the Inc. Used with permission from Lucile Packard Children’s
nurse manager, assistant nurse managers, and the clin- Hospital.

The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 33

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
of 0 indicates Very Poor and a score of 100 indicates process, including review of the EMR. Not only was
Very Good (see Figure 4). there a new process to learn but many nurses also had
Although the improvements are small, a trend is in to learn how to access information in the EMR in a
the positive direction. Patient satisfaction scores signifi- concise and efficient manner. Because of the new RN
cantly improved among Spanish-speaking patients dur- handoff process, 79% of nurses reported feeling better
ing a 3-month trial of dedicated interpreter support for prepared to assume responsibility for the patient’s care.
focus time (see Figure 5). Although no preimplementation patient-safety data re-
The comments sections of the Press Ganey Surveys lated to RN handoffs were available, perceived improve-
have indicated positive response to RBNP. For example, ments in patient safety because of the handoff process
patients have mentioned the bedside handoff as one of were striking: 68% of nurses reported that omissions, er-
the highlights of their maternity experience, contrary to rors, duplications, or near misses were identified during
nurses’ belief that going into patient rooms during the the handoff process. Nurses described 30 patient safety–
early hours of the morning or late hours at night may related issues, nearly 50% of which were medication-
interrupt patients’ sleep. related, including documentation errors and verification
To learn nurses’ perspectives on how the practices issues. Catching missed laboratory orders in the EMR re-
influenced nursing care, the RBNP Nursing Impact Sur- sulted in early interventions and aborted care failures
vey was developed and then administered 6 months (see Figure 6).
after implementation with a 59% response rate. Approx- Focus time seemed simple to nurses at the outset, but
imately 73% of respondents replied that team briefings in practice proved to be challenging. Focus time chal-
provided valuable information that helped nurses un- lenges many nurses because it requires them to move
derstand the unit and who they could assist. Teamwork away from their standard checklist and reflect on what
improved because of team briefing according to 69% of the patient is saying and not saying. The use of Spanish
the respondents. interpreters enabled nurses and Spanish-speaking pa-
The new handoff process was challenging for mater- tients to talk about personal issues, uncovering a case
nity nurses to adopt. The process required 3 “Plan, Do, of potential domestic abuse in 1 situation. According to
Study, Act” cycles39 to improve the flow of information the Nursing Impact Survey, 81% of nurses agreed that
from the EMR. The standardized handoff process was focus time helped them learn things to better address
initially designed for use in pediatric acute care units. patient needs and influence care. Debriefing was most
The process had to be customized and streamlined so effective when nurses were asked for input individu-
that using it for an assignment of 4 mothers and 4 in- ally by the charge nurses or management team within
fants was achievable within the 25-minute change-of- the final 2 hours of each shift. Approximately 72% of
shift timeframe. Prior to the start of RBNP in maternity, nurses reported that they gave important information
a baseline survey found that only 29% of nurses in ma- about what gets in the way of patient care. Through
ternity reviewed the EMR during the handoff. Through the debriefing process, nonurgent issues were batched
the RBNP Nursing Impact Survey, 96% of nurses re- all at once during the shift. The management team ex-
sponded that they used the standardized RN handoff perienced fewer interruptions and was able to address
reported issues in a timelier manner.


92.9 92.4
Changing long-held practices and behaviors in a health-
90.0 90.3
care environment can be daunting. The wave approach
mean score

to implementation enabled improvements in the imple-
85 mentation process with each new unit. The initial scope
of the project included all 7 practices. This proved to be
80 too much to monitor and manage for both the nurses
and the management teams. The implementation pro-
Attended to special/personal Treated with respect Responded to concerns/complaints Addressed emotional needs
cess was scaled down to include the first 4 practices
instead of all 7. Metrics and targets were standard-
2/10 – 4/10 2/11 – 4/11
ized for the project so that outcomes data could be
Figure 5. Obstetrics unit at Lucile Packard Children’s Hos- compared across the organization. Some experienced
pital at Stanford Monolingual Spanish-Speaking Patients nurses seemed to have greater difficulty embracing the
Inpatient Survey: Press Ganey Associates, Inc. Used with standardized RN handoff and focus time. A common
permission from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. expression was, “We already do this!” Reinforcing the

34 January/March 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
issues, 10%

Medication -
13% Medication omissions: medications not omission, 13%
23% Medication documentation errors:
Medication not charted; not charted on
time Verification of
13% Medication verification: errors or care, 17%
Medication -
questions about dose or rate documentation
error, 23%
13% Laboratory: missed laboratory draws
Orders, 10%
10% Orders: duplicate or missed orders
17% Verification of care: clarifying tasks
not done from previous shift.
10% Other information issues: errors in Laboratory, Medication -
documentation 13% verification,

Figure 6. Patient-safety issues reported with RN handoff (N = 30). Used with permis-
sion from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.

concept of standardization to improve patient safety scheduling models. Finally, the future work in phase
and enhance nurse-patient relationships was key. Unit II implementation will focus on relationship with self,
management encouraged nurses to give recommenda- addressing self-advocacy, personal/professional devel-
tions during debriefing. Relaying positive patient and opment, and a holistic approach to work-life balance.
family comments about focus time and introductions at
handoffs was also effective in reinforcing the value of
the changes. SUMMARY
A significant challenge of implementing RBNP in the To successfully implement a transition from a culture
maternity units was monitoring the performance met- of tasks, silos, and production pressures to a culture
rics and meeting the target goals. Multiple competing with the nurse-patient relationship as the cornerstone,
priorities reduced capacity for monitoring, coach- nurses need leadership support and attention on an on-
ing, and performance counseling. A project steering going basis. The implementation of RBNP has driven a
committee was formed to provide oversight and gov- change in how nurses in the maternity unit work to-
ernance at the executive level. The management team gether, communicate with patients and families, and
met periodically with the project steering committee call out patient-safety concerns. These changes are the
to give a status report of the targets and discuss issues beginning of the vision for healthcare described by the
and barriers to successful sustainability. This process Lucian Leape Institute.2 Focusing on the relationship
promoted accountability and provided executive-level between the nurse and the patient places the patient’s
support for the change process at the unit level. As needs first. Building teamwork and improved communi-
of September 2011, the organization is transitioning to cation between nurses and leadership is fostering trans-
a model of continuous performance improvement.40 parency and respect. Joy and meaning in work come
By shifting the focus of RBNP from a project with a from being able to spend time listening and learning
start and end date to being part of a daily management about what matters most to patients, and then being
system, monitoring of nurse performance will be made able to act on what is learned. While cultural transfor-
a part of daily operations. mation takes years, a care delivery model provides the
Nurses and nursing management continue the or- common purpose, language, and infrastructure to drive
ganization’s transitioning work with evaluation of the the transition forward.
care delivery model practices through Plan, Do, Study,
Act cycles. Phase II implementation will include stan- References
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