Unrequited Sacrifice of A Teacher

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I am a catalyst builder, a moulder of the future and a maker of dreams. Although I may
have a small voice, but it is good enough to be heard by few - could transform and touch
lives of those given a chance to hear it. There is one thing you don’t exactly know about
me, I never dreamt of becoming who I am today yet I am happy and contented.

To our distinguished members of the board of judges, to my equally competent

contenders, to our keen visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

To some, I maybe an antagonist in their story. I maybe one of the factors of their
frustrations and failures in life. To others, I maybe a confidant, a friend, a best friend, an
in loco parentis whom they can rely on while building bridges and making their dreams
come true.

In order to perform my duty, I must keep the fire of enthusiasm burning within me just
to make my class lively even though at times I may suffer from illness that may trigger
me in going to school. Yes, at times I am bombarded by the different challenges that test
my patience, faith and courage in inculcating to the minds of the young all the
knowledge and technological skills necessary for the worldwide market but I never give
up. I could be seen standing still with head held up high transforming learners into
productive citizens of the country leaving to them all the legacies and the ideals I have.

With the demands brought about by the developments in the educational system, I am
challenged to improve my knowledge and techniques so I could master the art of
teaching using the 21st century approaches - teaching that will make me invincible,
teaching that will mould, develop and create globally competent individuals. Poor ME,
does not just settle to be called as a traditional teacher; I continue my educational
pursuits to level up what I could extend and offer to those who hope I could help them.

Even in the midst of conflict, I am expected to triumph. Sadly, I am expected to perform

even the unimaginable tasks. I, in the eyes of the many must be a hero - a hero willing to
take risks and sacrifice my time, money, effort and resources for the betterment of the
country, a hero who can mediate and lessen the degree of conflict and make things work
together smoothly.

In the face of war, my bravery, strength and safety are challenged. My fellows from
Mindanao for example, put their life in the way of bullets, grenades, landmines and
torture each time they crosses back into the academe just to quench the thirst for
knowledge of the learners for the time and learning opportunity stolen from them
during the war. Can you imagine, ladies and gentlemen, how risky it is for a teacher
from Mindanao to perform their sworn statement of duties and responsibilities against
all odds? They are teaching about peace and friendship amidst the possibility that
gunshots and explosion might erupt any minute.

In the face of calamities, I am a forefront runner in responding to the needs of the

victims by opening the gates of the school and the doors of my classroom to shelter the
displaced. I make do with the make - shift shack or sometimes teach under the shade of
trees, bearing the scorching heat of the sun, running towards the next nearest roof
where I can protect my students from the ails of the unforgiving cold, gust and rain. I
must sacrifice because duty calls him.

In order to teach the hands of the people in far flung areas to trace the numbers and
letters of the alphabet between the blue and the red lines of the paper, poor ME trods
the weir and crosses the river just to open the door of opportunities and to give them
hope that they too can elevate themselves from oppression, ignorance and poverty.
These are but my small, unknown, unrequited sacrifices as a teacher. Because of my
commitment to service, I put hold my personal goals, my personal interests, sometimes,
even sacrificing time and youth and the opportunity to look for love, to be married and
to start a family I can call my own.

I need not to boast about what else I have to offer and do because my students will one
day prove my worth and all my hard work will then be paid off.

I am a catalyst builder, a moulder of the future and a maker of dreams. Although I may
have a small voice, but it is good enough to be heard by few - could transform and touch
lives of those given a chance to hear it. There is one thing you don’t exactly know about
me, I never dreamt of becoming who I am today yet I am happy and contented. Good

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