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Be A Useful Young Generation

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

The honorable the judges and all of the audience

Let us thanks to our god Allah the almighty who has given us the mercy and
blessing so we can attend this program without any obstacle in this happy place
and time.

Secondly, our salutation be with our prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him who
has guided us from the darkness to the lightness as well as in the next world.

My name is Noviani, I am a student of MAN 1 Muara Enim would like to talk

about “Be A Useful Young Generation”.

Ladies and Gentleman,

As we know that adolescence is a very unstable period. Right now, teenagers are
more easily affected to negative things. They are usually quicker to accept the bad
things that they think are cool . This certainly has a negative impact on life in the

We can see in this daily life, their behavior is very disrespectful. Many of them
who commit juvenile delinquency such as skipping school, joining motorcycle
gang, brawls, drug addict, and even end up getting unwed pregnancy. It’s a pity
for us who feel as a one generation.

The audience that I respect of,

We as young generation who are still given awareness, should be able to remind
of each other to avoid all kinds of promiscuity dangers. Don’t let us become
victims, but ourselves don’t realize that we are victims.

It’s not the time for us to be easily tempted or persuade, it’s not the time anymore
we don’t have our own principle. We must be realize of using life well. Don’t
waste our time as a teenager who just want to have fun and regret when we will
There are few simple steps that we can do from now on, those are:

1. Get closer to Allah the almighty by carrying out his orders and stay away from
his prohibitions.
2. Use gadgets for useful things like learning media and always remember to
limit the use of gadgets so that they are not adversely affected by gadget.
3. Work hard with study well and show our parents that we are also able to
achieve the best score.
4. Try hard to refuse friends who want to invite us to do wrong and prohibit
5. No matter how much money we have, try to be able relieve it as well as
possible with full responsibility and awareness.
6. Look for positive friends and places to hang out both at school or outside

As students, maybe these 6 simple steps can you apply from now on. We are the
one who will determine our future destiny, so I personally invite all of you, let’s
do the best now by using the best possible time, so that we could have a better

This is the end of my speech. That’s all I would like to say, I hope everything I
said can be useful for all of you. And please forgive me for any mistakes on my
words. Thank you for the attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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