Snow White and The Huntsman Scene I

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Narrator I : Once upon a time, long long ago a king and queen ruled over a distant land. The
queen was kind and lovely and all the people of the realm adored her. The only
sadness in the queen’s life was that she wished for a child but did not have one.

On the winter day, the queen was doing needle work while gazing out her ebony
window at the new fallen snow. A bird flew by the window startling the queen
and she pricked her finger. A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her
window. As she looked at the blood on the snow, she said to herself,

The Queen : “Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as
red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.”

Narator I : Soon after that, the kind queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl
who had white skin as snow, red lips as blood, and black hair as ebony. They
named a baby ‘Princess Snow White’, but sadly the queen died after giving birth
Snow White.


After the queen died, the king married a beautiful woman, but he didn’t know that
the woman was evil and she had learned a dark magic. Her name was Raveena.
She owned a magic mirror of which she would daily ask,

Raveena :“Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful queen in this world?”

Magic Mirror: “You are the most beautiful queen in this world, my queen,”

Narrator I : Raveena who became the Queen was very proud of her beauty as a magic mirror
never lied.

Day after day Snow White was growing up and she was becoming very beautiful
girl. Raveena-the Queen was very jealous with her beauty.

One day, Raveena-the Queen asked the magic mirror,

Raveena : “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful queen in this world?”

Magic Mirror: “You are, my queen, but Snow White is more beautiful.”

Narrator I : Raveena flew into a jealous rage and ordered the huntsman to take Snow White
into the woods to be killed. She asked the huntsman to give her Snow White’s

heart as a proof. Then in the midnight, the huntsman kidnapped Snow White
and took her away into the forest.


Snow White : “Just Let me go! What do you want from me?”

The Huntsman : “My Raveena Queen asked me to kill you.”

Snow White : “Why should I?”

The Huntsman : “I don’t know. All I know is I have to obey My Queen’s order.”

Snow White : “Please, let me go. I promise I’ll never return to the palace again.”

The Huntsman : “OK then. If I still look at you near the palace, I can’t guarantee if I’m
not going to kill you.”

Snow White : “Thank you, Huntsman.” (Snow White was crying and running away)

Narrator I : Snow White was now all alone in the great forest. She didn’t know what to

The trees seemed to whisper each other, scaring Snow White who began to
run. She ran as far as her feet could carry her. Then she found a small house
and went into it. There were seven beds inside the house. All the beds,
tables, plates, cups, and others looked smaller than normal size.

Snow White was so hungry. She ate a few vegetables and little bread from
each plate and from each cup she drank a bit of milk. Afterward, she was so
tired; she laid down on one of the little beds and fell asleep.


Narrator I : After dark, the owners of the house came home. They were the seven
dwarves who had already mined for the gold in the mountains.

The 1st Dwarf : “Who has been sitting my chair?”

The 2nd Dwarf : “Who has been eating from my plate?”

The 3rd Dwarf : “Who has been eating my bread?”

The 4th Dwarf : “Who has been eating my vegetables?”

The 5th Dwarf : “Who has been eating with my fork?”

The 6th Dwarf : “Who has been drinking from my cup?”

But 7th Dwarf : “Who is sleeping on my bed?”

Narrator II : The seven dwarves all came running up and they cried out with amazement.

ALL DWARVES : “Oh My God! She is so beautifulll!” (they looked Snow White sleeping on
the bed)

Narrator II : They were so happy that they won’t wake her up. In the morning, Snow
White woke up and she was shocked because there were seven dwarves
who were staring on her.

ALL DWARVES : “Who are you?”

Snow White : “My name is Snow White.”

ALL DWARVES : “How did you find your way to our house?”

Snow White : “I ran away because my stepmother wants to kill me. If you don’t
mind, can I stay here for a while? I don’t know where to go.”

ALL DWARVES : “If you will keep the house, cook for us, make beds, you can stay with
us as long as you want.”

Snow White : “I’d love to do it. Thank you so much, Dwarves!”

Narrator II : Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning they went
into the mountains looking for the gold, and in the evening they came
home, Snow White had already cooked their meal and made their house

Raveena-The Queen was so happy to know Snow White died. She didn’t
know that the huntsman didn’t kill Snow White. The huntsman lied to
Raveena if Snow White was dead. He brought Raveena the heart of a wild
boar instead of Snow White’s heart. Again, she asked to her magic mirror:

Raveena : “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful queen in this world?”

Magic Mirror: “You are, my queen, but Snow White who lives in the mountain with seven
dwarves is still thousand more beautiful than you.”

Raveena : “How dare you, Huntsman! You deceived me. Snow White is still alive.
Okay, I’ll do it with my hand.”


Narrator II : Raveena disguised as an old lady and carried a basket of poisoned apples.
Anyone who ate a little piece of it would be died. She went to Dwarves’ house
while they were working. Then she knocked the door.

Raveena : (knocking the door)

Snow White : “Is it you, dwarves? (opening the door)

“Oh, can I help you, old lady?

Raveena : “I have a good apple. Look! It’s still fresh from the tree. You will be look
prettier if you eat this.”

Snow White : “Oh really?” (doubt)

Raveena : “You don’t trust me? Oh, I’m just an old lady. No one trust me.”
(looking sad)

Snow White : “It doesn’t mean like that. Sorry, Grand Ma. I’ll eat it.” (eating the
apple and fainted)

Raveena : “HAHAHA… Now no one could ever defeat my beauty. You’ll never
be awake!”

Narrator II : Raveena came back to the palace. Then she went to the room where the
magic mirror was in it.

Raveena : “Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful queen in this

Magic Mirror : “You are the most beautiful queen in this world, my queen.”

Raveena : “ HAHAHA… I am the most beautiful queen in this world now.”



Narrator II : When the dwarves came home, they found Snow White lying on the ground.
She was not breathing at all. But she still looked as fresh as living person.
They were very sad. They put her in a transparent glass coffin made on a
mountain, so she could be seen from all sides. Each day, one of the dwarves

watched over her. The animal too came and mourned for Snow White, first
own, then a raven, and finally a dove.

One day, a Prince passed by the forest. He saw the coffin on the mountain
with beautiful Snow White in it.

PRINCE : “What’s happened with her?”

1st Dwarf : “She was killed.”

PRINCE : “Can I wake her up?”

2nd Dwarf : “Who do you think you are? We can’t even awake her up.” (grumbling)

3rd Dwarf : “You can wake her up.” (feel sad and hopeless)

PRINCE : “My Princess Snow White, wake up please!”

Narrator II : Then a magic things happened.

Snow White : “Oh, someone is awakened me. Who are you? Are you a Prince?”

Prince : “Yes, I’ve been waiting you to wake up so long, My Princess. Will you
come with me to My Castle?

Snow White : “Certainly, My Prince.”

Narrator II : Snow White and the Prince finally married. Raveena-Snow White’s
stepmother was invited to go to Snow White and Prince’s wedding’s party.
She was very convinced that she must be the most beautiful queen in that
palace. She didn’t know that she would come to her stepdaughter’s wedding.

When she arrived at the wedding’s party, she was dread that Snow White
was still alive. Raveena was caught by the guards and expelled out of the
palace, far far away place.

Raveena : “No!!! You can’t do this to me! Snow White, I am the Queen. I am the
most beautiful QUEEN in this world!!!!”


Subject of the Story:

1. Tiara as Narrator I

2. Putri as Narrator II

3. Yuniar as Raveena

4.. Irfa as Snow White

5. Nilam as Queen

6. Ali as King

7. Faiq as Huntsman

8. Arkaan as the Prince

9. Rusda as Magic Mirror

10. Ajeng as 1st Dwarf

11. Giselle as 2nd Dwarf

12. Isti as 3rd Dwarf

13. Rahma as 4th Dwarf

14. Fira as 5th Dwarf

15. Octa as 6th Dwarf

16. Suci as 7th Dwarf

17. Regita, Desi, Alifia, Firda, Selvi, Sepnia and Nafa as whispering trees

18. Diana as Own

19. Viranda as Raven

20. Rizkia as Dove

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