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Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Learn about abdominal aortic aneurysm symptoms and treatments

Learn about acne symptoms and treatments

Acute cholecystitis
Learn about acute cholecystitis symptoms and treatments

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Learn about acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a cancer of the white blood cells

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Children

Around three out of four childhood leukaemia cases are acute lymphoblastic
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Teenagers and young adults
Learn more about acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in young people

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Acute myeloid leukaemia
Learn about acute myeloid leukaemia, a cancer of the white blood cells

Acute myeloid leukaemia: Children

Learn more about acute myeloid leukaemia, an overproduction of myeloid white blood cells

Acute myeloid leukaemia: Teenagers and young adults

Information about acute myeloid leukaemia, a type of blood cancer that can affect young people

Acute pancreatitis
Learn about acute pancreatitis symptoms and treatments

Addison's disease
Learn about Addison's disease symptoms and treatments

Alcohol misuse
Learn more about the risks of alcohol misuse

Alcohol poisoning
Learn about alcohol poisoning symptoms and treatments

Alcohol-related liver disease

Learn about alcohol-related liver disease symptoms and treatments
Allergic rhinitis
Learn about allergic rhinitis symptoms and treatment
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Learn more about allergies and their symptoms and treatments

Alzheimer's disease
Learn about Alzheimer's disease symptoms and treatments

Anal cancer
Learn about anal cancer, a cancer that affects the end of the large bowel

Learn about anaphylaxis symptoms and treatments

Learn about angioedema symptoms and treatments

Ankylosing spondylitis
Learn about ankylosing spondylitis

Anorexia nervosa
Learn about anorexia nervosa symptoms and treatments
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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Anxiety disorders in children
Learn about anxiety disorders in children

Learn about appendicitis symptoms and treatments

Learn about arthritis symptoms and treatments

Learn about asbestosis symptoms and treatments

Learn about asthma symptoms and treatments

Atopic eczema
Learn about atopic eczema symptoms and treatments

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Learn about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and treatments

Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)

Learn about autism spectrum disorder symptoms and treatments

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Bacterial vaginosis
Learn about bacterial vaginosis symptoms and treatments

Benign prostate enlargement

Learn about benign prostate enlargement symptoms and treatments

Bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma)

Learn about cholangiocarcinoma, a rare cancer that can develop in the bile duct

Binge eating
Learn about binge eating causes and effects

Bipolar disorder
Learn about bipolar disorder symptoms and treatments

Bladder cancer
Learn about bladder cancer which can develop in the lining of the bladder

Blood poisoning (sepsis)

Learn about sepsis symptoms and treatments

Bone cancer
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of primary cancer of the bones

Bone cancer: Teenagers and young adults

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Symptoms and treatment information on different types of bone cancer

Bowel cancer
Learn more about bowel cancer, one of the most common types of cancer in the UK

Bowel incontinence
Learn about bowel incontinence causes and treatments

Bowel polyps
Learn about bowel polyps causes and treatments

Brain stem death

Learn about brain stem death and how it's diagnosed

Brain tumours
Learn about both cancerous and non-cancerous brain tumours

Brain tumours: Children

Read more about brain tumours in children, including signs and symptoms

Brain tumours: Teenagers and young adults

Information on brain tumours in teenagers and young adults
Breast cancer (female)
Learn more about the symptoms and treatments of breast cancer, the most common type of cancer in
the UK

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Breast cancer (male)

Breast cancer is often thought only to affect women, but men can also develop it

Learn about bronchiectasis symptoms and treatments

Learn about bronchitis symptoms and treatments

Learn about bulimia symptoms and treatments

Learn about bunion symptoms and treatments

Learn about bursitis symptoms and treatments

Carcinoid syndrome and carcinoid tumours

Learn about carcinoid tumours, and their symptoms known as carcinoid syndrome
Learn about catarrh symptoms and treatment
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Learn about cellulitis symptoms and treatments

Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer develops in a woman's cervix, learn about its symptoms and how it can be prevented

Chest infection
Learn about chest infection symptoms and treatments

Chest pain
What to do if you have chest pain and when to seek help

Learn about chickenpox symptoms and treatments

Learn more about chilblains symptoms and treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Learn about chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms and treatments
Chronic kidney disease
Learn about chronic kidney disease symptoms and treatments

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Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Learn about chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, a cancer of the white blood cells

Chronic myeloid leukaemia

Learn about chronic myeloid leukaemia, a cancer of the white blood cells

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Learn more about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Chronic pancreatitis
Learn about chronic pancreatitis symptoms and treatments

Learn about cirrhosis symptoms and treatment

Clostridium difficile
Learn about clostridium difficile symptoms and treatment

Coeliac disease
Learn about coeliac disease symptoms and treatments

Cold sore
Learn about cold sore symptoms and treatments
Learn what a coma is and the recovery process
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Common cold
Learn about common cold symptoms and treatments

Common heart conditions

Some of the conditions and problems that can affect your heart, including angina and heart failure

Congenital heart disease

These are conditions which develop in the womb, find out more about the causes and treatments

Learn about conjunctivitis symptoms and treatments

Learn about constipation symptoms and treatments

Learn about costochondritis symptoms and treatments

Learn about cough causes and treatments
Crohn's disease
Learn about Crohn's disease symptoms and treatments

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Croup is a childhood condition of the windpipe, airways and voice box

Cystic fibrosis
Learn about cystic fibrosis symptoms and treatments

Learn about cystitis symptoms and treatments

Learn about deafblindness symptoms and treatments

Deep vein thrombosis

Learn about deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Learn about dehydration symptoms and treatment

Learn about dystonia causes and treatment
Dementia with Lewy bodies
Learn about dementia with Lewy bodies

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Dental abscess
Learn about dental abscess symptoms and treatments

Learn about depression symptoms, causes, and treatments

Dermatitis herpetiformis
Learn about dermatitis herpetiformis symptoms and treatments

Learn about diabetes symptoms and treatments

Diabetic retinopathy
Learn about diabetic retinopathy symptoms and treatment

Learn about diarrhoea causes and treatments

Discoid eczema
Learn about discoid eczema symptoms and treatments

Diverticular disease and diverticulitis

Diverticular disease and diverticulitis symptoms and treatments
Dizziness (Lightheadedness)
What to do if you feel dizzy or lightheaded and when to seek help
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Down's syndrome
Learn about Down's syndrome, its causes and living with the condition

Dry mouth
Learn about the causes and treatment of a dry mouth

Dysphagia (swallowing problems)

Learn about dysphagia causes and treatments

Learn about dystonia causes and treatment

Learn about earache symptoms and treatment

Earwax build-up
Learn about earwax build-up symptoms and treatments

Ebola virus disease

Learn about Ebola virus disease symptoms and treatments

Ectopic pregnancy
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Learn about ectopic pregnancy symptoms and treatment

Learn about endometriosis symptoms and treatments

Learn about epilepsy symptoms and treatments

Erectile dysfunction (impotence)

Learn about erectile dysfunction causes and treatments

Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157

Learn about escherichia coli O157 symptoms and treatment

Ewing sarcoma
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of Ewing sarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer

Ewing sarcoma: Children

Ewing sarcoma is a type of bone cancer most common in children and young people

Eye cancer
Learn about melanoma of the eye, how it can be detected and its treatments

Febrile seizures Page | 15

Learn about febrile seizure symptoms and treatment

Fever in children
Learn about fever in children and its causes

Learn about fibroids symptoms and treatments

Learn about fibromyalgia symptoms and treatments

Learn about flatulence causes and treatments

Learn about flu symptoms and treatments

Foetal alcohol syndrome

Learn about foetal alcohol syndrome symptoms and outlook

Food poisoning
Learn about food poisoning symptoms and treatments
Fungal nail infection
Learn about fungal nail infection symptoms and treatments

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Gallbladder cancer
Learn about gallbladder cancer, a rare cancer that can develop in the gallbladder, a small organ beneath
the liver

Learn about gallstones symptoms and treatments

Ganglion cyst
Learn about ganglion cyst symptoms and treatments

Learn about gastroenteritis symptoms and treatments

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

Learn about gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

Genital herpes
Learn about genital herpes symptoms and treatments

Genital warts
Learn about genital warts symptoms and treatments
Germ cell tumours
Learn more about germ cell tumours, a type of cancer that can develop in the cells that produce eggs or
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Glandular fever
Learn about glandular fever symptoms and treatments

Learn about gout symptoms and treatments

Gum disease
Learn about gum disease symptoms and treatments

Haemorrhoids (piles)
Learn about haemorrhoids symptoms and treatments

Hairy cell leukaemia

Learn about hairy cell leukaemia, a rare type of chronic leukaemia

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Learn about hand, foot and mouth disease
Hay fever
Learn about hay fever symptoms and treatments

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Head and neck cancer
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of cancers that can develop in the head and neck

Head lice and nits

Learn about head lice detection and treatment

Learn about the causes and treatment and causes of headaches.

Hearing loss
Learn about hearing loss symptoms and treatments

Heart failure
Learn about heart failure symptoms and treatments

Hepatitis A
Learn more about hepatitis A symptoms and treatments

Hepatitis B
Learn more about hepatitis B symptoms and treatments

Hepatitis C
Learn about hepatitis C symptoms and treatments
Hiatus hernia
Learn about hiatus hernia symptoms and treatments
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High cholesterol
Learn about cholesterol, its effects and treating high cholesterol

Learn about HIV symptoms and treatments

Hodgkin lymphoma
Learn about Hodgkin lymphoma, an uncommon cancer that develops in the lymphatic system

Hodgkin lymphoma: Children

Learn more about Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of blood cancer

Hodgkin lymphoma: Teenagers and young adults

Information on Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, one of the body’s defenses
against infection

Huntington's disease
Learn about Huntington's disease symptoms and treatments

Hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar)

Learn about hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar)
Learn about hyperhidrosis symptoms and treatments

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Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
Learn about hypoglycaemia symptoms and treatment

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Learn about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis symptoms and treatments

Learn about impetigo symptoms and treatments

Learn about indigestion symptoms and treatments

Ingrown toenail
Learn about the causes and treatment of an ingrown toenail

Inherited heart conditions

These are passed on through your parents' gene and cover a wide range of cardiac conditions

Learn about insomnia causes and treatments
Iron deficiency anaemia
Learn about iron deficiency anaemia symptoms and treatments

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Learn about irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and treatments

Irritable hip
Learn about irritable hip symptoms and treatments

Learn about itching causes and treatments

Itchy bottom
Learn about itchy bottom causes and treatments

Kaposi's sarcoma
Learn about Kaposi's sarcoma, a rare type of cancer that affects the skin and internal organs

Kidney cancer
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of kidney cancer, the eighth most common cancer in adults in
the UK

Kidney infection
Learn about kidney infection symptoms and treatments
Kidney stones
Learn about kidney stones symptoms and treatments
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Learn about labyrinthitis symptoms and treatments

Lactose intolerance
Learn about lactose intolerance symptoms and treatments

Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Information is about a condition called Langerhans cell histiocytosis which is classed as a type of cancer

Laryngeal (larynx) cancer

Learn about laryngeal cancer which develops in the larynx (voice box)

Learn about laryngitis symptoms and treatments

Leg cramps
Learn about the possible causes of leg cramps and their treatment

Lichen planus
Learn about lichen planus symptoms and treatments

Liver cancer
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Learn about symptoms and treatments of primary cancer of the liver

Liver disease
Learn about liver disease types and causes

Liver tumours
Information on liver tumours in children including symptoms and treatments

Loss of libido
Learn what causes a loss of libido and how to treat it

Lung cancer
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of lung cancer, one of the most common cancer types in the

Learn about lupus symptoms and treatments

Lyme disease
Learn about Lyme disease symptoms and treatments

Learn about lymphoedema symptoms and treatments

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Learn about malaria symptoms and treatments

Malignant brain tumour (cancerous)

Learn about the symptoms and treatments of malignant brain tumours

Learn about malnutrition symptoms and treatments

Learn about the symptoms of measles and how it can be treated

Learn about meningitis symptoms and treatments

Learn about menopause symptoms and treatment

Learn about mesothelioma, a type of cancer that develops in the outer lining of some of the body's
Middle ear infection (otitis media)
Learn about middle ear infection symptoms and treatments

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Learn about what can cause migraines and its treatments

Learn about miscarriage symptoms and recovery

Motor neurone disease (MND)

Learn about motor neurone disease (MND)

Mouth cancer
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer

Mouth ulcer
Learn about mouth ulcer symptoms and treatments

Multiple myeloma
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of multiple myeloma, a type of bone cancer

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Learn about multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms and treatments

Learn about mumps symptoms and treatments
Meniere's disease
Learn about Ménière's disease symptoms and treatments
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Nasal and sinus cancer

Learn about symptoms and treatments of cancer of the nasal cavity and sinuses

Nasopharyngeal cancer
Learn about nasopharyngeal cancer, a rare type that affects a part of the throat, nose and mouth

Learn about neuroblastoma, a rare cancer that mostly affects children and young people

Neuroblastoma: Children
Neuroblastoma is the most common solid tumour in children that occurs outside of the brain and makes
up 8% of the total number of children’s cancers.

Neuroendocrine tumours
Learn about symptoms and treatments of neuroendocrine tumours, a wide-ranging and rare group of

New or worsening back pain

What to do if you have sudden back pain
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
Learn about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Learn about non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer that can develop in part of the circulatory system

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Children

Information on non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that can be found in children

Learn about norovirus symptoms and treatments

Learn about nosebleed causes and treatments

Learn about obesity causes and treatments

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Learn about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms and treatments

Obstructive sleep apnoea

Learn about obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) symptoms and treatments
Oesophageal cancer
Learn about oesophageal cancer, a cancer that can develop in the tube that carries food from the throat
to the stomach

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Oral thrush in adults

Learn about oral thrush symptoms and treatments

Learn about osteoarthritis symptoms and treatments

Learn about osteoporosis symptoms and treatments

Information on symptoms and treatments of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer

Otitis externa
Learn about otitis externa symptoms and treatments

Ovarian cancer
Learn about ovarian cancer, the fifth most common cancer among women

Ovarian cancer: Teenagers and young adults

Information on cancer of the ovaries, part of the female reproductive system

Ovarian cyst
Learn about ovarian cyst symptoms and treatments

Overactive thyroid
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Learn about overactive thyroid symptoms and treatments

Paget's disease of the nipple

Learn about Paget's disease of the nipple, a rare type of breast cancer

Pancreatic cancer
Learn about cancer of the pancreas, a large gland that's part of the digestive system

Panic disorder
Learn about panic disorder symptoms and treatments

Parkinson's disease
Learn about Parkinson's disease symptoms and treatments

Pelvic organ prolapse

Learn about pelvic organ prolapse symptoms and treatments

Penile cancer
Learn about penile cancer, a rare type of cancer that occurs on the skin or tissue of the penis.
Peripheral neuropathy
Learn about peripheral neuropathy symptoms and treatments

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Personality disorder
Learn about personality disorder symptoms and treatments

Learn about pleurisy symptoms and treatments

Learn about pneumonia symptoms and treatments

Polymyalgia rheumatica
Learn about polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) symptoms and treatments

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Learn about post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and treatments

Postnatal depression
Learn about postnatal depression symptoms and treatment

Pregnancy and baby

Everything you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby

Pressure ulcers
Learn about pressure ulcers (bedsores)
Prostate cancer
Learn about prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men in the UK
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Learn about psoriasis symptoms and treatments

Psoriatic arthritis
Learn more about psoriatic arthritis

Learn about psychosis symptoms and treatments

Rare tumours
Childhood cancers are rare but there are a number of very rare types

Raynaud's phenomenon
Learn about Raynaud's phenomenon symptoms and treatments

Reactive arthritis
Learn about reactive arthritis symptoms and treatments

Restless legs syndrome

Learn about restless legs syndrome symptoms and treatments

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Learn about retinoblastoma, a rare type of eye cancer that can affect young children

Retinoblastoma: Children
Informtaion on retinoblastoma, an uncommon eye cancer that usually affects children under five

Information on rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of soft tissue tumour

Rheumatoid arthritis
Learn about rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and treatments

Ringworm and other fungal infections

Learn about ringworm symptoms and treatments

Learn about rosacea symptoms and treatments

Learn about scabies symptoms and treatment
Scarlet fever
Learn about scarlet fever symptoms and treatments

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Learn about schizophrenia symptoms and treatments

Learn about scoliosis symptoms and treatments

Septic shock
Learn about septic shock symptoms and treatment

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Learn about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Learn about shingles symptoms and treatments

Shortness of breath
Learn about the causes of shortness of breath and when to see a doctor

Sickle cell disease

Learn about the different types and symptoms of sickle cell disease

Learn about sinusitis symptoms and treatments
Sjogren's syndrome
Learn about Sjögren's syndrome symptoms and treatments
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Skin cancer (melanoma)

Learn about melanoma, a type of skin cancer that can spread to other organs in the body

Skin cancer (non-melanoma)

Learn about non-melanoma skin cancer which can develop in the upper layers of skin

Slapped cheek syndrome

Learn about slapped cheek syndrome symptoms and treatments

Soft tissue sarcomas

Soft tissue sarcomas can develop in tissue that surrounds other organs and body structures

Soft tissue sarcomas: Teenagers and young adults

Information including the symptoms and treatments of the different types of soft tissue sarcoma

Sore throat
Learn about sore throat causes and treatments

Spleen problems and spleen removal

Problems with the spleen and living well without a spleen
Learn about stillbirth causes and the support available

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Stomach ache and abdominal pain
Learn about stomach ache and abdominal pain

Stomach cancer
Learn about the symptoms, treatments and different types of stomach cancer

Stomach ulcer
Learn about stomach ulcer symptoms and treatments

Stress, anxiety and low mood

Advice dealing with low mood, anxiety, phobias, stress and where you can get help

Learn more about stroke signs, symptoms and treatment

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Learn about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Learn about why people might attempt suicide and where to find help

Learn about sunburn and its treatment
Swollen glands
Swollen glands are usually caused by a minor infection, although sometimes can be more serious
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Testicular cancer
Learn about testicular cancer, a less common type of cancer which tends to affect men between 15 and
49 years of age

Testicular cancer: Teenagers and young adults

Symptoms of testicular cancer and how it can be treated

Testicular lumps and swellings

Lumps and swellings in the testicles are relatively common, and can have a number of different causes

Learn about the causes of thirst

Learn about threadworms symptoms and treatments

Thrush in men
Learn about thrush symptoms and treatments
Thyroid cancer
Learn about thyroid cancer, a rare type of cancer that affects the thyroid gland located at the base of the

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Thyroid cancer: Teenagers and young adults

Information on the symptoms and treatments of thyroid cancer

Learn about tinnitus symptoms and treatments

Learn about tonsilitis symptoms and treatments

Tooth decay
Learn about tooth decay symptoms and treatments

Learn about toothache causes, treatment and prevention

Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)

Learn about transient ischaemic attack symptoms and treatments

Trigeminal neuralgia
Learn about trigeminal neuralgia symptoms and treatments

Tuberculosis (TB)
Learn about tuberculosis (TB) symptoms and treatments

Type 1 diabetes
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Learn about type 1 diabetes symptoms and treatments

Type 2 diabetes
Learn about type 2 diabetes symptoms and treatments

Ulcerative colitis
Learn about ulcerative colitis symptoms and treatments

Underactive thyroid
Learn about underactive thyroid symptoms and treatments

Urinary incontinence
Learn about urinary incontinence symptoms and treatments

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Learn about urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms and treatments

Urinary tract infection (UTI) in children

UTIs in children are fairly common and are usually treated with antibiotics
Urticaria (hives)
Learn more about Urticaria (hives)

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Vaginal cancer
Learn about the symptoms and treatments of vaginal cancer, a rare type of cancer that can develop in a
woman's vagina

Vaginal thrush
Learn about vaginal thrush symptoms and treatments

Varicose eczema
Learn about varicose eczema symptoms and treatments

Varicose veins
Learn about varicose veins symptoms and treatments

Venous leg ulcer

Learn about leg ulcer symptoms and treatments

Learn about vertigo causes and treatment

Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia

Learn about vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia
Vomiting in adults
Learn about nausea and vomiting in adults, its potential causes and its treatments
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Vulval cancer
Learn about vulval cancer, a rare cancer type that affects women

Warts and verrucas

Learn about warts symptoms and treatments

Whooping cough
Learn about whooping cough symptoms and treatments

Wilms’ tumour
Learn more about Wilm's tumour, a type of kidney cancer in children

Womb (uterus) cancer

Learn about womb (uterus) cancer, also called uterine cancer and endometrial cancer


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Infectious Diseases - A to Z List
 Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) CDC FAQ's More
 Anaplasmosis CDC Data
 Anthrax CDC FAQ's
 Babesiosis CDC FAQ's Data
 Botulism CDC FAQ's
 Brucellosis CDC FAQ's
 Burkholderia mallei (Glanders) CDC FAQ's
 Burkholderia pseudomallei (Melioidosis) CDC
 Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter) CDC FAQ's Data
 Carbapenem-resistant Infection (CRE/CRPA) CDC FAQ's More
 Chancroid CDC
 Chikungunya Virus Infection (Chikungunya) CDC
 Chlamydia CDC Data
 Ciguatera CDC
 Clostridium Difficile Infection CDC
 Clostridium Perfringens (Epsilon Toxin) CDC FAQ's
 Coccidioidomycosis fungal infection (Valley fever) CDC
 Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (CJD) CDC
 Cryptosporidiosis (Crypto) CDC FAQ's Data
 Cyclosporiasis CDC FAQ's
 Dengue, 1,2,3,4 (Dengue Fever) CDC FAQ's
 Diphtheria CDC
 E. coli infection, Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) CDC FAQ's Data
 Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) CDC Data
 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola) CDC FAQ's More
 Ehrlichiosis CDC FAQ's Data
 Encephalitis, Arboviral or parainfectious CDC
 Enterovirus Infection , Non-Polio (Non-Polio Enterovirus) CDC
 Enterovirus Infection , D68 (EV-D68) CDC More Page | 42
 Giardiasis (Giardia) CDC FAQ's Data
 Gonococcal Infection (Gonorrhea) CDC FAQ's Data
 Granuloma inguinale CDC
 Haemophilus Influenza disease, Type B (Hib or H-flu) CDC Data
 Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) CDC
 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) CDC More
 Hepatitis A (Hep A) CDC FAQ's More Data
 Hepatitis B (Hep B) CDC FAQ's More
 Hepatitis C (Hep C) CDC FAQ's More
 Hepatitis D (Hep D) CDC FAQ's
 Hepatitis E (Hep E) CDC FAQ's
 Herpes CDC FAQ's
 Herpes Zoster, zoster VZV (Shingles) CDC FAQ's
 Histoplasmosis infection (Histoplasmosis) CDC
 Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS (HIV/AIDS) CDC FAQ's Data
 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) CDC FAQ's
 Influenza (Flu) CDC FAQ's
 Lead Poisoning
 Legionellosis (Legionnaires Disease) CDC Data
 Leprosy (Hansens Disease) CDC
 Leptospirosis CDC FAQ's
 Listeriosis (Listeria) CDC Data
 Lyme Disease CDC Data
 Lymphogranuloma venereum infection (LGV) CDC
 Malaria CDC FAQ's Data
 Measles CDC FAQ's More Data
 Meningitis, Viral (Meningitis, viral) CDC
 Meningococcal Disease , Bacterial (Meningitis, bacterial) CDC More
 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) CDC FAQ's
 Mumps CDC FAQ's Page | 43
 Norovirus CDC FAQ's Data
 Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, Ciguatera) CDC FAQ's
 Pediculosis (Lice, Head and Body Lice) CDC FAQ's More
 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) CDC FAQ's
 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) CDC FAQ's Data
 Plague; Bubonic, Septicemic, Pneumonic (Plague) CDC FAQ's
 Pneumococcal Disease (Pneumonia) CDC FAQ's Data
 Poliomyelitis (Polio) CDC
 Powassan CDC FAQ's
 Psittacosis CDC
 Pthiriasis (Crabs; Pubic Lice Infestation) CDC
 Pustular Rash diseases (Small pox, monkeypox, cowpox)
 Q-Fever CDC FAQ's
 Rabies CDC More
 Ricin Poisoning CDC FAQ's
 Rickettsiosis (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) CDC FAQ's
 Rubella, Including congenital (German Measles) CDC FAQ's
 Salmonellosis gastroenteritis (Salmonella) CDC FAQ's Data
 Scabies Infestation (Scabies) CDC FAQ's More
 Scombroid CDC
 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) CDC FAQ's
 Shigellosis gastroenteritis (Shigella) CDC FAQ's Data
 Smallpox CDC FAQ's
 Staphyloccal Infection , Methicillin-resistant (MRSA) CDC Data
 Staphylococcal Food Poisoning, Enterotoxin - B Poisoning (Staph Food
Poisoning) CDC
 Staphylococcal Infection, Vancomycin Intermediate (VISA) CDC
 Staphylococcal Infection, Vancomycin Resistant (VRSA) CDC
 Streptococcal Disease , Group A (invasive) (Strep A) CDC FAQ's Data
 Streptococcal Disease, Group B (Strep-B) CDC FAQ's Data Page | 44
 Streptococcal Toxic-Shock Syndrome, STSS, Toxic Shock (STSS, TSS)
 Syphilis , primary, secondary, early latent, late latent,
congenital CDC FAQ's More Data
 Tetanus Infection, tetani (Lock Jaw) CDC FAQ's
 Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas infection) CDC FAQ's
 Trichonosis Infection (Trichinosis) CDC FAQ's
 Tuberculosis (TB) CDC FAQ's Data
 Tuberculosis (Latent) (LTBI)
 Tularemia (Rabbit fever) CDC FAQ's
 Typhoid Fever, Group D
 Typhus
 Vaginosis , bacterial (Yeast Infection) CDC FAQ's
 Varicella (Chickenpox) CDC FAQ's More Data
 Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) CDC FAQ's
 Vibriosis (Vibrio) CDC FAQ's
 Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola, Lassa, Marburg) CDC
 West Nile Virus CDC FAQ's Data
 Yellow Fever CDC FAQ's
 Yersenia (Yersinia) CDC FAQ's
 Zika Virus Infection (Zika) CDC
List of cancer types
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Specialty Oncology

This is a list of cancer types. Cancer is a group of diseases that involve abnormal increases in the
number of cells, with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.[1] Not all tumors or
lumps are cancerous; benign tumors are not classified as being cancer because they do not spread
to other parts of the body.[1] There are over 100 different known cancers that affect humans.[1]
Cancers are often described by the body part that they originated in. However, some body parts
contain multiple types of tissue, so for greater precision, cancers are additionally classified by
the type of cell that the tumor cells originated from. These types include:

 Carcinoma: Cancers derived from epithelial cells. This group includes many of the most common
cancers, particularly in older adults. Nearly all cancers developing in
the breast, prostate, lung, pancreas, and colon are carcinomas.
 Sarcoma: Cancers arising from connective tissue (i.e. bone, cartilage, fat, nerve), each of which
develop from cells originating in mesenchymal cells outside the bone marrow.
 Lymphoma and leukemia: These two classes of cancer arise from cells that make blood.
Leukemia is the most common type of cancer in children accounting for about 30%.[2]However,
far more adults develop lymphoma and leukemia.
 Germ cell tumor: Cancers derived from pluripotent cells, most often presenting in the testicle or
the ovary (seminoma and dysgerminoma, respectively).
 Blastoma: Cancers derived from immature "precursor" cells or embryonic tissue. Blastomas are
more common in children than in older adults.
Cancers are usually named using -carcinoma, -sarcoma or -blastoma as a suffix, with the Latin or
Greek word for the organ or tissue of origin as the root. For example, cancers of the
liver parenchyma arising from malignant epithelial cells is called hepatocarcinoma, while a
malignancy arising from primitive liver precursor cells is called a hepatoblastoma, and a cancer
arising from fat cells is called a liposarcoma. For some common cancers, the English organ name is
used. For example, the most common type of breast cancer is called ductal carcinoma of the breast.
Here, the adjective ductal refers to the appearance of the cancer under the microscope, which
suggests that it has originated in the milk ducts.[citation needed]
Benign tumors (which are not cancers) are usually named using -oma as a suffix with the organ
name as the root. For example, a benign tumor of smooth muscle cells is called a leiomyoma (the
common name of this frequently occurring benign tumor in the uterus is fibroid). Confusingly, some
types of cancer use the -noma suffix, examples including melanoma and seminoma.[3][4]
Some types of cancer are named for the size and shape of the cells under a microscope, such
as giant cell carcinoma, spindle cell carcinoma, and small-cell carcinoma.[citation needed]

 1Bone and muscle sarcoma

 2Brain and nervous system Page | 46
 3Breast
 4Endocrine system
 5Eye
 6Gastrointestinal
 7Genitourinary and gynecologic
 8Head and neck
 9Hematopoetic
 10Skin
 11Thoracic and respiratory
 12HIV/AIDS related
 13Unsorted (so far)
 14See also
 15References
 16External links

Bone and muscle sarcoma[edit]

 Chondrosarcoma
 Ewing's sarcoma
 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone/osteosarcoma
 Osteosarcoma
 Rhabdomyosarcoma
 Heart cancer

Brain and nervous system[edit]

 Astrocytoma
 Brainstem glioma
 Pilocytic astrocytoma
 Ependymoma
 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
 Cerebellar astrocytoma
 Cerebral astrocytoma
 Glioma
 Medulloblastoma
 Neuroblastoma
 Oligodendroglioma
 Pineal astrocytoma
 Pituitary adenoma
 Visual pathway and hypothalamic glioma
 Breast cancer
 Invasive lobular carcinoma
 Tubular carcinoma
 Invasive cribriform carcinoma Page | 47
 Medullary carcinoma
 Male breast cancer
 Phyllodes tumor
 Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Endocrine system[edit]
 Adrenocortical carcinoma
 Islet cell carcinoma (endocrine pancreas)
 Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome
 Parathyroid cancer
 Pheochromocytoma
 Thyroid cancer
 Merkel cell carcinoma

 Uveal melanoma
 Retinoblastoma

 Anal cancer
 Appendix cancer
 cholangiocarcinoma
 Carcinoid tumor, gastrointestinal
 Colon cancer
 Extrahepatic bile duct cancer
 Gallbladder cancer
 Gastric (stomach) cancer
 Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor
 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
 Hepatocellular cancer
 Pancreatic cancer, islet cell
 Rectal cancer

Genitourinary and gynecologic[edit]

 Bladder cancer
 Cervical cancer
 Endometrial cancer
 Extragonadal germ cell tumor
 Ovarian cancer
 Ovarian epithelial cancer (surface epithelial-stromal tumor)
 Ovarian germ cell tumor
 Penile cancer Page | 48
 Renal cell carcinoma
 Renal pelvis and ureter, transitional cell cancer
 Prostate cancer
 Testicular cancer
 Gestational trophoblastic tumor
 Ureter and renal pelvis, transitional cell cancer
 Urethral cancer
 Uterine sarcoma
 Vaginal cancer
 Vulvar cancer
 Wilms tumor

Head and neck[edit]

 Esophageal cancer
 Head and neck cancer
 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
 Oral cancer
 Oropharyngeal cancer
 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer
 Pharyngeal cancer
 Salivary gland cancer
 Hypopharyngeal cancer

 Acute biphenotypic leukemia
 Acute eosinophilic leukemia
 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
 Acute myeloid leukemia
 Acute myeloid dendritic cell leukemia
 AIDS-related lymphoma
 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
 B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
 Burkitt's lymphoma
 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
 Chronic myelogenous leukemia
 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
 Follicular lymphoma
 Hairy cell leukemia
 Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
 Hodgkin's lymphoma
 Hairy cell leukemia
 Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
 Large granular lymphocytic leukemia Page | 49
 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
 Mantle cell lymphoma
 Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
 Mast cell leukemia
 Mediastinal large B cell lymphoma
 Multiple myeloma/plasma cell neoplasm
 Myelodysplastic syndromes
 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
 Mycosis fungoides
 Nodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma
 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
 Precursor B lymphoblastic leukemia
 Primary central nervous system lymphoma
 Primary cutaneous follicular lymphoma
 Primary cutaneous immunocytoma
 Primary effusion lymphoma
 Plasmablastic lymphoma
 Sézary syndrome
 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma
 T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia

 Basal-cell carcinoma
 Melanoma
 Skin cancer (non-melanoma)

Thoracic and respiratory[edit]

 Bronchial adenomas/carcinoids
 Small cell lung cancer
 Mesothelioma
 Non-small cell lung cancer
 Pleuropulmonary blastoma
 Laryngeal cancer
 Thymoma and thymic carcinoma

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