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•at present • right away

•presently • these days
•in the recent • momentarily
times •Here and now
2. people

•public • communities
•Layman • general public
• human beings • citizens
• human race • crowd
• mankind • person in the street
• common people • inhabitants
• society • bourgeois
3. information

• facts • story
• news • instructions
• knowledge • wisdom
• material • clue
• tips • data
• what’s what • learning
• notification • orientation
• message •enlightenment
4. newspapers

•periodicals •metropolitan daily

•dailies •Continuous publications
•tabloid •broad sheets
5. journalists

•columnists •Television reporters

•correspondent •press
•editors •broadcaster
•media-person •reporter
6. meanwhile

•in the meantime
•for the time
•for the moment
•for now
7. uncertain

•doubtful •dubious
8. truth

•fact •validity
•factualness •reality
•plain talk •legitimacy
9. believe

•accept •take for granted

•admit •conceive the
•have faith in opinion that
•regard •consider
•be of the opinion •attach weight to
of •affirm
•place confidence in
10. qualities

•characteristic •mark
•feature •nature
•aspect •virtue
•element •attribute
•factor •condition
•essence •description
•peculiarity •kind
11. teacher

•educator •mentor
•faculty •disciplinarian
•tutor •coach
•trainer •instructor
•guide •scholar
•lecturer •pedagogue
12. organize

13. study

•academic work •research

•school work •investigation
•review •thought
14. students

•pupil •sophomore
15. benefits

•advantage •perk
•gain •work
•profit •blessing
•merit •boon
•plus •benediction
16. effective

•productive •compelling
•capable •striking
•efficient •efficacious
17. crime

•offence •wickedness
•against the law •illegality
•antisocial •breach the law
•atrocity •criminality
•lawlessness •felony
•misconduct •delinquency
18. world

•Planet •Terrene
•Globe •Everywhere
•Cosmos •Every nook and
•Earth corner
19. method

•way •scheme
•procedure •ways and means
•arrangement •nuts and bolts
•design •technique
•fashion •recipe
•formula •proceedings
•system •modus operandi
20. city

•metropolis •Municipal
•megapolis •metropolitan
•urban •metro
21. increase

•grow •escalation
•rise •enlargement
•raise •hike
•surge •expansion
•swell •intensification
•upgrade •maximization
•upsurge •optimization
•multiplication •boost
•elaboration •step-up
22. problem

•issue •complication
•challenge •worriment
•hurdle •predicament
•obstacle •hindrance
•dispute •matter
•trouble •bother
23. reasons

•cause •understanding
•sense •rationalization
•wisdom •reasoning
•mental analysis
24. solution

•idea •step
•suggestion •caution
•way •medicine
•remedy •path
•cure •band-aid
25. food

•something to eat •grub

•edible •nutrition
•eatable •diet
•nourishment •standard fare
•fodder •staple
•feed •bread
26. cheap

•not expensive •easy on the

•affordable pocket
•cost effective •slashed price
•inexpensive •economical
•nominal •low tariff
27. improved

•upgrade •corrected
•developed •evolved
•refined •renovated
•advanced •mended
•modified •bolstered up
28. Machinery

•machine devices •Devices

•apparatus performing work
•gadget •paraphernalia
29. Dangerous

•risky •thorny
•unsafe •menacing
•dangersome •precarious
•chancy •insecure
•critical •jeopardous
30. health

• well being
• wellness
• fitness
• healthfulness
• robustness
• salubriousness
31. agree

•be in unison •come to terms

•to be of the with
same mind • support
• consent • vote for
• go along with • favour
• permit • see eye to eye
• take up on • make a deal
32. disagree

• vote against • run counter to

• protest • vary (with)
• differ from • disharmonize
• be discordant • counter claim
• be dissimilar • think in a reverse
• conflict manner
33. leisure

• free time •vacant hours

• idle hours •one’s own sweet
• relaxation time
• spare time • sabbatical
• time off
• spare moments
34. industry

• manufacturing • manufactory
• business • megacorp
• production unit
• trade
• commercial
35. entertainment

• charm • inspirit
• cheer • gladden
• comfort • distract
• delight • make merry
• interest • elate
• divert • engross
• please • ecstasize
• recreate
36. entertainment

• amusement • celebration
• pleasure • merrymaking
• enjoyment • cheer
• recreation • leisure activity
• treat
• gaiety
37. technology

• electronics •robotics
• applied science •scientific know-
• automation how
• computers •technical
• hi-tech knowledge
• mechanics
• mechanization
38. modern

• contemporary minute
• latest • modernized
• fresh • cutting-edge
• new-fashioned • latter-day
• present-day • leading edge
• up-to-the- • prevailing
39. effect(s)

• result • aftermath
• consequence • backlash
• reaction • eventuality
• response • reflex
• upshot • repercussion
• end product • corollary
• follow up
40. individual

• singular • each individual

• person • as a unit
• self
• singleton
• unit
• each
41. visitors

• guest
• foreigner
• invitee
• visitant
• out-of-towner
• transient
42. country

• political territory • terrain

• nation • grass
• land • roots
• native land • soil
• region • homeland
• state • kingdom
43. local

• of a community • neighborhood
• bounded to the • provincial
immediate area • sectional
• confined • territorial
• legendary
• vernacular
44. customer

• buyers of goods
• clients
• consumer
• regular shopper
• purchaser
• patron
45. seller

• merchant • tradesperson
• retailer • vendor
• shopkeeper • businessperson
• storekeeper • sales help
• storekeeper • dealer
• trader • peddler
46. host

• person who • keeper

entertains • manager
• owner
• person of the
• proprietor
47. culture/cultured

• cultivation • manners
• refinement • nobility
• civilization • proficiency
• breeding • polish
• education • aestheticism
• sophistication
48. opinion/view

• points of view • estimate

• thought • conception
• viewpoint • inclination
• judgement • impression
• mind • attitude
• nation • belief
49. animals

• beast
• creature
• living thing
• being
• mammal
• vertebrate
50. science

• study of material • body of

world knowledge
• technique
• education
• information
51. organization

• management • structure
• company • framework
• method
• arrangement
• composition
• configuration
52. secondary school

• junior high • middle school

• high school • high school
• college
• intermediate
53. education

• learning • tuition
• nurture • tutelage
• coaching • tutoring
• training • enlightenment
• cultivation • pedagogy
• teaching • preparation
54. important

• vital • necessary
• crucial • salient
• emphasized • principal
• forefront • urgent
• decisive • chief
• paramount • imperative
55. tradition

• customs • unwritten law

• heritage • belief
• legend • established
• culture practice
• ethics • myth
• ritual • mythology
• habit
56. save

• rescue • recover
• defend • redeem
• salvage • bail
• come to rescue • conserve
• pull • preserve
• recover • out
• out of fire • protect
(trouble) • shield
57. young

• budding • childish
• blooming • youthful
• juvenile • the young
• little • youth
• inexperience • young people
• tender
58. positive

• definite • advantage
• certain • irrefutable
• affirmative • undeniable
• firm • assured
• genuine
• thorough
59. negative

• bad • denying
• contradictory • opposing
• antagonistic • pessimistic
• unfavorable • uninterested
• unwilling • gloomy
• detrimental • rejecting
60. outweigh

• cancel out • dominate

• outbalance • override
• eclipse
• exceed
• counterbalance
• overshadow
61. changes

• alteration • novelty
• remodeling • revision
• correction • adjustment
• tampering • differ
• diversity • variation
• mutation
62. environment

• surroundings • terrain
• atmosphere • conditions
• background • domain
• circumstances • context
• habitat • area around
• territory
63. social/society

• related to the • social order

society • public
• culture • civilization
• familiar • general public
• friendly • camaraderie
• community • communicative
64. international/global

• cosmopolitan • worldwide
• allover • all-embracing
• universal
• global
• intercontinental
• world
65. transport

• move • truckage
• transfer • shipment
• conveyance • freightage
• passage • carting
• movement • commute
• transit
66. resources

• possessions • means
• natural resources• funds
• belongings • capital
• materials • reserves
• supplies • wealth
• savings
67. research

• study
• experimentation
• examination
• fact-finding
• ground-work
• investigation
68. Old people

• elderly person • geriatric

• oldster
• retired person
• retiree
• pensioner
• golden-ager
69. Mobile phones

• cellular phones
• cell phone
• digital phone
• car phones
70. trend

• pattern • swing
• fashion • tendency
• flow • drift
• current • leaning
• bent • inclination
• course • progression
71. awareness

• alertness • aliveness
• realization • attentiveness
• knowledge
• enlightenment
• mindfulness
• perception
72. media

• communication • disclosure
by publication • news
• announcement • publishing
• cable
• radio
• television
73. fuel

• combustible • ammunition
• food • something
• nourishment providing energy
• incitement propellant
• material
• means
74. prison

• jail • keep
• lockup • stockable
• penal institution •Guardhouse
• reformatory •Detention centre
• confinement
• dungeon
75. prisoner

• captive • detainee
• convict • hostage
• culprit • offender
• lifer
• jailbirds
• inmates
76. species

• class • order
• variety • type
• category • division
• collection • breed
• group
• kind
77. Rural areas

• backwoods • countryside
• interior
• outback
• woodland
• back country
• frontier
78. farming

• agriculture • harvesting
• agronomics • landscaping
• agronomy • soil-culture
• crop-raising • producing crops
• cultivation
• growing
79. Fast food

• junk food
• convenience food
80. extinct

• dead and gone • disappeared

• gone • ended
• inactive • obsolete
• vanished
• terminated
• abolished
81. endangered

• at risk
• in danger
• threatened
• facing extinction
82 work
• Labor
• Chore
• Job
• Task
• Assignment
• Drudge
• Drudgery
• Industry
• Endeavor
• Efforts
• Pains
• obligation
83. advertising

Exhibiting Screamer
Promo promotion
Public notice of
84. future

• expected time
• approaching • just around the
• impending corner
•Prospective • destined
• unfolding up • forthcoming
• in the course of • likely
85. suspicious

• distrustful • quizzical
• doubtful • wondering
• questioning
• cagey
• apprehensive
• skeptical
86. government

• administration • union
• management • jurisdiction
• authority • command
• ministry • law
• regime • rule
• state
87. internet

• computer • hyperspace
network • the Net
• www • the Web
• cyberspace • online
• information • network
highway • world wide web
88. sports

• physical activity • play

• recreational
• exercise
• athletics
• games
89. television

• T.V
• T.V. sets
• idiot
• box
• small screen
• telly tube
90. architecture

• design of • planning
• architectonics
• building
• engineering
91. immigration

• emigration • displacement
• colonization • relocation
• crossing • settling
• migration • shift
• relocation • displacement
• settling • reestablishment
• shift • transmigration
92. weapon

• ammunition • firearm
• arms • revolver
• armament • missile
• pistol • machine
• gun • gun
• ballista
93. money

• currency • banknote
• cash • payment
• funds • medium of
• resources exchange
• wage
• wealth
94. corporal

• bodily
• physical
• gross
• objective
95. punishment

• abuse • trial
• disciplinary • chastening
• action
• victimization
• penalty
• penance
96. behaviour

• manner of • social grace

conducting • decorum
oneself • ethics
• action • way of life
• decency
• morals
97. waste

• filth • trash
• junk • bits and pieces
• muck • debris
• rubbish • wreck
• scrap • litter
• sewage
98. pollution

• impurity • soiling
• contamination • uncleanness
• corruption • adulteration
• fouling
• dirtying
• spoliation
99. parent

• creator • author
• guardian • cause
• root • originator
• source
• ancestor
• architect
100. multicultural

• multinational
• international
• global
• universal
• worldwide
• continental

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