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Pace 12 EIPFY. Thane Codes and standards This wsw'se material refers to the following cades and standards, which cover the stzied wieas + ANSI/ASME 831.3 - Chemical plant and palroleum refinery piping + ANSIAASME B3?.4 — Pav ping (Liquid transport) + ANSUASME B31 8. goa "ae NEPA 30 - Tan ao 2 + NFPA 458 - Liat wpm gas storage vaidhancting + NFPA 594 Ljquefied natutalgas storage and: haneling 4 + OSHA 19165%24~ Fixed Sais * OSHA Ea : 27 Fixed ladders Terming|ogy. Us riniféiogy usod in tax ang ilustrations is detinad in the folowing sections = : + Procoss Bow diagram: ini Teen’ ‘kehamaticglly] majoF equicinent errs withig a_plant and how they ara\linked fogeiMer by. so duets, and corsayorgit sows equipmé ers, flow rales and.o; Eke ots and tenperatucas-and is used ofa he mechanicatfiow diag He. piping and insiruengatian diggrams). WFTS°Elso used lo prepara cone ¢ahd preliminary ols: alans| ag - Equipment sco jemized aang cage: vipment to be used ae 1 on a_ project, ives tgs Sy? umbers and basic ecnettone tapesty ni posts erate er project enginserng Piping and: mena gerne shows all precess, utilty, aRetiats rt eaten valving, Speci lens itetumentation Weigh epiamnents Piping Specitication: This document lists the type of malerial to be used for Tapes valves, and fittings for each commodity in a plant. This listing 1s based or diessufa, temperature, and the corrosive nature of the flow medium. ti also deser oes pipe wail thickness, how brarich connections are made, and itenizea k codes that are used for ordering materials. Line Run ore pan 2his is the physical route a pipe takes between any twa points as sat ay ‘ayout designer

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