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Cotabato City National High School - Don E.

Sero Site
English 8 First Quarter Examination

Name: _______________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________________

Instruction: Read and understand each item carefully. Select the correct answer from the given choices and write the letter
that corresponds your answer on the space provided.

_____1. Based on the article “Deep Learning vs. Surface Learning”, what is the difference between deep learning and
surface learning?
A. Deep learning refers to memorizing only to forget and reciting while surface learning refers to regurgitating
what really isn’t understood and can’t be applied.
B. Surface learning refers to memorizing only to forget and reciting while deep learning refers to regurgitating
what really isn’t understood and can’t be applied.
C. Deep learning refers to the recitation and memorization of the lesson that isn’t understood while surface
learning requires understanding of the lesson and involves cognitive learning.
D. Surface learning refers to the recitation and memorization of the lesson that isn’t understood while
deep learning requires understanding of the lesson and involves cognitive learning.
_____2. What does the author refers to as “superficial measures” of assessing understanding?
A. Types of tests that only measure memorization to assess understanding.
B. Types of tests that measure understanding and involves cognitive thinking.
C. Types of tests that measure the cognitive-active learning behaviors of the students.
D. Types of tests that gives students understanding of the lesson that they can apply in their daily life.
_____3. What is meant by the underlined word in the sentence? “Surface learning is regurgitating what really isn’t
understood and cannot be applied.”
A. Repeating without understanding C. Memorization involving active learning
B. Learning with deep understanding D. Recitation in connection to active learning
_____4. What is meant by the underlined word in the sentence? “She is living in an obscured village in the middle of the
mountains that is known by few people.”
A. Accessible B. Hidden C. Prominent D. Well-known
_____5. Stress is putting emphasis on a syllable in a word, which of the following words is a two syllable noun?
A. ignore B. inform C. learning D. rely
_____6. What is the significance of a blacksmith in African culture?
A. It is just a simple job C. An ordinary level of status
B. It holds high social status D. Someone who melts metal
_____7. “The blacksmith in one village becomes a blacksmith’s apprentice in another.” What does this proverb wants to
A. Shows how one’s skills or talents are compared to those of another in a foreign place.
B. It refers to the loyalty of someone to the ruler or leader of a certain group.
C. It refers to the people’s trust towards other people.
D. Shows what someone takes to gain success.
_____8. “Allan knows what constitutes a deep learning strategy.” This sentence is in what voice of the verb?
A. Active voice B. Passive voice C. Silent voice D. Sound voice
_____9. It encourages readers to change perspective or take action towards transformation. What type of text is this?
A. Expository B. Journalistic C. Narrative D. Persuasive
_____10. Which type of writing strategies refers to connecting words or phrases that are related to a subject, and is also
called webbing?
A. Brainstorming B. Clustering C. Freewriting D. Narrating
_____11. How does Nelson Mandela show good leadership?
A. He influenced the world with his stand on victory against apartheid or the enforced segregation of the
blacks, and had high respect for others’ opinion.
B. He influenced the world with his extraordinary intelligence and good governance by using the military for
martial law.
C. He influenced the world by showing how intelligent he is in managing his own country.
D. He influenced the world by his adoption of martial law.
_____12. In the fable “Whiteman and Snake”, what did Whiteman do upon seeing Snake’s condition?
A. He lifted the stone so the snake could rise and able to be free.
B. He was frightened by the snake so he run away.
C. He stubbed the snake to death.
D. He killed the snake.
_____13. In the same fable, who do you think the jackal represent in the society today?
A. Fickle person B. Greedy man C. Kind human D. Wise individual
_____14. Provide an appropriate cohesive device for the given sentence: Selena would rather work on future projects than
attend the party (cause) she is shy.
A. after B. because C. due to D. therefore
_____15. Provide an appropriate cohesive device for the given sentence: (Contrast) Bruce forgot his lines, the audience
still loved how he acted.
A. Although B. But C. Even D. Nevertheless
For items 16-18: Study each complex sentence, identify the underlined words.
_____16. Snake wanted to bite Whiteman after being freed.
A. Dependent clause B. Independent clause C. Relative pronoun D. Subordinating conjunction
_____17. Let’s go to the place where you say it happened.
A. Dependent clause B. Independent clause C. Relative pronoun D. Subordinating conjunction
_____18. He met Snake who has been covered by a big stone.
A. Dependent clause B. Independent clause C. Relative pronoun D. Subordinating conjunction
_____19. Which of the following tips is not included in writing a comparative paragraph?
A. Select your subjects. C. Use unclear and ambiguous words in writing.
B. Determine the limits of your comparison. D. Find at least two or three points of comparison.
_____20. In the folktale entitled “The Tale of the Cow-Tail”, what does the saying “A man is not dead until he is forgotten”
A. Our dead is never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.
B. Someone who came back to life after being dead.
C. A dead is dead, they should be forgotten.
D. When someone dies, they are forgotten.
_____21. In the same folktale, how does the story ended?
A. The father gave the cow-tail switch to his son who found his trail, because of him, they found the bones of their
dead father.
B. The father gave the cow-tail switch to his son who gave him breathe, because if he didn’t do that, the father will
not come back to life.
C. The father gave the cow-tail switch to his youngest son Puli, because in his absence, the father will be
forgotten and will not come back to life.
D. The father gave the cow-tail switch to his son who had the power to put blood into his flesh, because of his
power the blood circulates in their father’s veins and he is the reason their father is alive.
For items 22-24, identify the meaning of the affix used in each item.
_____22. separable
A. Capable of separating C. Having qualities of separating
B. Full of separation D. State of separation
_____23. improper
A. Against proper C. Not proper
B. Full of proper D. State of proper
_____24. spacious
A. Against space C. Opposite of space
B. Full of space D. State of space

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