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DLP No.: 1 Learning Area: Math Grade Level: 10 Quarter: 1 Duration: 60 minutes
Competency/i Code:M10AL-Ia-1
es: Generates patterns.***

Key Concepts A sequence is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers.Sequence can be finite or
/ infinite.A sequence is finite if its domain is the set of positive integers that has the last term n
Understandin while a sequence is infinite if its domain is the set of positive integers without a last term. A
gs to be sequence is established or defined only if a rule is given that determines the nth term.
1. Objectives
Knowledge List the next few terms of a sequence
Skills Solve for the required number of terms in a sequence
Attitudes Solve for the required number of terms in a sequence with patience
Values Practice carefulness in doing one’s work
2. Content Writing the Next Few Terms of a Given Sequence and the Few Terms Generated From a Given
3. Learning
Resources/ LM in Math 10, Powerpoint Presentation, Projector/TV, Laptop/Netbook, Workbook, Chalk,
Materials/E Chalkboard
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each
step will consume)
Preparation A.Prayer
8 minutes B.Attendance and Physical Arrangement Check
Let’s Play a Game!
The teacher will let the students count numbers 1 to 5 until all of them have a number. Let the
3rd student of each set say HI and the 5th say HELLO. This is to be done one at a time.

Presentation ACTIVITY
25 minutes
In pair, let the students answer the following questions:
1.What is the next number?
What is the 10th number?
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, _____
2. What is the next number?
What is the 8th number?
9, 4, -1, -6, -11, ____
3. What is the next number?
What is the 12th number?
1, 3, 9, 27, 81, ____
(taken from learner’s material pages 9-10)


1. How did you find the activity?

2. Were you able to find patterns and get the next number in the sequence?
3. What mathematical skills or principles that will be used to recognize the pattern and to
get the next number?
The teacher also discusses examples 1 and 2 on page 10 of the Learner’s Material


Formalize students’ ideas by inviting them to look for the definition of sequence on page 10 of
the Learner’s Material.
A sequence is a function whose domain is the finite set {1,2,3,…,n} or the infinite set {1,2,3,…}.
It is also an order list of numbers defined by certain conditions.

Practice Answer the following

8 minutes 1.What is the next number? What is the 6th number?
200, 100, 50, 25, ______.

2. Find the first five terms of the sequence given below

a. a n  n  3
b. a n  (3) n
5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to
learners and/or Analysis of Learner’s Products and/or Tests)
A.List the next three (3) terms.(Refer to the Workbook,WS1.0 page 1, letter A nos. 1-3)
1. 24, 12, 6, 3, _____, _____, _____
Written Test
16 minutes 2. 0, 4, 8, 12, _____, _____, _____
3.  5, 15,  45, 135, _____, _____, _____
B. Give the first five terms of the sequence given the nth term. (WS1.0, B. 1&3)
1. an  3n  1 2. an  2(n  3)
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or
Enhancement of the day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
Preparation for Formulate the nth term for each sequence below. (WS 1.0, page 2, C. 1-5)
a new Lesson
2 minutes 1. 7, 5, 3, 1, ___________________________

2. 5, 12, 19, 26, ___________________________

7 5 13
3. , , , 4,  __________________________
4 2 4

4. 0, 3, 8, 15 , ___________________________

 3,  8,  13,  18, , ___________________________

7. Wrap-
up/Concludin EDUCATION is the most powerful weapon you can use to CHANGE the WORLD.
g Activity
1 minute

Prepared by:

Name: Rosalinda L. Perez School: SSNHS

Position/Designation: Teacher III/Assistant School Head Division: Danao City

Contact Number: 09436439446 Email address:

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