Terminology Extraction Tools

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OneClick Terms - terminology extractor.

OneClick Terms is a simple term extractor interface

giving easy access to terminology extraction functionality. It is powered by the Sketch Engine

Terminology Extraction by Translated uses Poisson statistics, the Maximum Likelihood

Estimation and Inverse Document Frequency between the frequency of words in a given
document and a generic corpus of 100 million words per language. It uses a probabilistic part of
speech tagger to take into account the probability that a particular sequence could be a term. It
creates n-grams of words by minimizing the relative entropy. Terminology Extraction by
Translated can be also used to improve search results in traditional search engines (es. Google)
by giving a better estimation of how much a keyword is relevant to a document.
Uploading: Texts may be submitted for analysis through entering it into the text window.
Languages supported: English, Italian, French.
Supported file formats: .txt

TerMine: Developed specifically for bio medical-area.

Technical terms are important for knowledge mining, especially in the bio-medical area where a
vast amount of documents are available. The number of terms (e.g., names of genes, proteins,
chemical compounds, drugs, organisms, etc) is increasing at an astounding rate in the biomedical
literature. Existing terminological resources and scientific databases cannot keep up-to-date with
the growth of neologisms. A domain-independent method for term recognition is very useful to
Uploading: Texts may be submitted for analysis through any of the following ways:
 entering the text you would like to analyze into the topmost text window;
 specifying a text file (*.txt or *.pdf) from your computer's hard drive;
 entering an URL of the Web resource (*.html or *.pdf.

Languages supported: all Unicode-compliant languages.

fivefilters : This is a free software project to enable easy term extraction through a web service.
Given some text, it will return a list of terms with the most relevant first.
The list is returned in JSON format. It is a free alternative to Yahoo's Term Extraction service. It is
being developed as part of the Five Filters project to promote alternative, non-corporate media.
Languages supported: English

AlchemyAPI employs sophisticated statistical algorithms and natural language processing

technology to analyze data, extracting keywords that can be utilized to index content, generate
tag clouds, and more. API endpoints are provided for performing keyword extraction on
Internet-accessible URLs and posted HTML files or text content.
Extracted metadata may be returned in XML, JSON, RDF, and Microformats rel-tag formats.
topic keywords from HTML, text, or web-based content.
Languages supported: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.

Maui - indexer: Maui automatically identifies main topics in text documents. Depending on the
task, topics are tags, keywords, keyphrases, vocabulary terms, descriptors, index terms or titles
of Wikipedia articles. It also shows how keyphrases can be extracted from document text.
File formats supported: text, PDF, Microsoft Word.

Vocab Grabber analyzes any text, generating lists of the most useful vocabulary words and
shows how those words are used in context. VocabGrabber creates a list of vocabulary from the
text, which can be then sorted, filtered, and saved. By selecting any word on the list it is possible
to see a snapshot of the Visual Thesaurus map and definitions for that word, along with
examples of the word in the text.
Languages supported: English, Supported file formats: all formats.

Anchovy: a free multilingual cross-platform glossary editor and term extraction tool based on
the open Glossary Markup Language (GlossML) format.

ArayaBilingual Terminology Extraction: an automated terminology extraction service which is

based on a statistical method and results in bilingual term pairs.

Bibclassify - A module in CDS Invenio (CERN’s document server software) for automatic
assignment of terms from SKOS vocabularies, developed on the High Energy Physics vocabulary.
Developed in the collaboration between CERN and DESY.

Dandelion dataTXT: a web-based multi-lingual named entity extraction extraction API.

Extractor - Commercial software for keyword extraction in different languages. There is also a
demo. Developed at the National Research Council of Canada.

TerminologyExtractor - TerminologyExtractor is a tool that extracts word and collocation lists,

with frequencies, from Microsoft Word document, HTML, Rich-Text Format and plain text files.

TexLexAn - An open-source text summariser and keyword extractor.

Topia term extractor - Part-of-speech and frequency based term extraction tool implemented in

Yahoo term extraction - Web-service based content analysis via term extraction, includes a

WordFish: standard corpus and terminology extraction.

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