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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch.

XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

the requirements contained in various sec- quired confined space entry can safely
tions of the standard: enter into and work within the space.
1. Bresnahan, Thomas F., and Bryk, Jo- Attendant means an individual sta-
seph, ‘‘The Hazard Association Values of Ac- tioned outside one or more permit
cident Prevention Signs’’, Journal of Amer-
spaces who monitors the authorized en-
ican Society of Safety Engineers; January 1975.
2. Dreyfuss, H., Symbol Sourcebook, McGraw
trants and who performs all attend-
Hill; New York, NY, 1972. ant’s duties assigned in the employer’s
3. Glass, R.A. and others, Some Criteria for permit space program.
Colors and Signs in Workplaces, National Bu- Authorized entrant means an em-
reau of Standards, Washington DC, 1983. ployee who is authorized by the em-
4. Graphic Symbols for Public Areas and Oc- ployer to enter a permit space.
cupational Environments, Treasury Board of Blanking or blinding means the abso-
Canada, Ottawa, Canada, July 1980.
5. Howett, G.L., Size of Letters Required for
lute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by
Visibility as a Function of Viewing Distance the fastening of a solid plate (such as a
and Observer Acuity, National Bureau of spectacle blind or a skillet blind) that
Standards, Washington DC, July 1983. completely covers the bore and that is
6. Lerner, N.D. and Collins, B.L., The As- capable of withstanding the maximum
sessment of Safety Symbol Understandability by pressure of the pipe, line, or duct with
Different Testing Methods, National Bureau of no leakage beyond the plate.
Standards, Washington DC, 1980.
Confined space means a space that:
7. Lerner, N.D. and Collins, B.L., Workplace
Safety Symbols, National Bureau of Stand- (1) Is large enough and so configured
ards, Washington DC, 1980. that an employee can bodily enter and
8. Modley, R. and Meyers, W.R., Handbook perform assigned work; and
of Pictorial Symbols, Dover Publication, New (2) Has limited or restricted means
York, NY, 1976. for entry or exit (for example, tanks,
9. Product Safety Signs and Labels, FMC Cor- vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers,
poration, Santa Clara, CA, 1978.
vaults, and pits are spaces that may
10. Safety Color Coding for Marking Physical
Hazards, Z53.1, American National Standards have limited means of entry.); and
Institute, New York, NY, 1979. (3) Is not designed for continuous em-
11. Signs and Symbols for the Occupational ployee occupancy.
Environment, Can. 3–Z–321–77, Canadian Double block and bleed means the clo-
Standards Association, Ottawa, September sure of a line, duct, or pipe by closing
1977. and locking or tagging two in-line
12. Symbols for Industrial Safety, National
valves and by opening and locking or
Bureau of Standards, Washington DC, April
1982. tagging a drain or vent valve in the
13. Symbol Signs, U.S. Department of Trans- line between the two closed valves.
portation, Washington DC, November 1974. Emergency means any occurrence (in-
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43
cluding any failure of hazard control or
FR 49749, Oct. 24, 1978; 43 FR 51759, Nov. 7, monitoring equipment) or event inter-
1978; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10, 1984; 51 FR 33260, nal or external to the permit space
Sept. 19, 1986; 61 FR 9239, Mar. 7, 1996] that could endanger entrants.
Engulfment means the surrounding
§ 1910.146 Permit-required confined and effective capture of a person by a
spaces. liquid or finely divided (flowable) solid
(a) Scope and application. This section substance that can be aspirated to
contains requirements for practices cause death by filling or plugging the
and procedures to protect employees in respiratory system or that can exert
general industry from the hazards of enough force on the body to cause
entry into permit-required confined death by strangulation, constriction,
spaces. This section does not apply to or crushing.
agriculture, to construction, or to ship- Entry means the action by which a
yard employment (Parts 1928, 1926, and person passes through an opening into
1915 of this chapter, respectively). a permit-required confined space.
(b) Definitions. Entry includes ensuing work activities
Acceptable entry conditions means the in that space and is considered to have
conditions that must exist in a permit occurred as soon as any part of the en-
space to allow entry and to ensure that trant’s body breaks the plane of an
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employees involved with a permit-re- opening into the space.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146

Entry permit (permit) means the writ- NOTE: For air contaminants for which
ten or printed document that is pro- OSHA has not determined a dose or permis-
vided by the employer to allow and sible exposure limit, other sources of infor-
control entry into a permit space and mation, such as Material Safety Data Sheets
that comply with the Hazard Communica-
that contains the information specified tion Standard, § 1910.1200 of this part, pub-
in paragraph (f) of this section. lished information, and internal documents
Entry supervisor means the person can provide guidance in establishing accept-
(such as the employer, foreman, or able atmospheric conditions.
crew chief) responsible for determining
if acceptable entry conditions are Hot work permit means the employer’s
present at a permit space where entry written authorization to perform oper-
is planned, for authorizing entry and ations (for example, riveting, welding,
overseeing entry operations, and for cutting, burning, and heating) capable
terminating entry as required by this of providing a source of ignition.
section. Immediately dangerous to life or health
NOTE: An entry supervisor also may serve (IDLH) means any condition that poses
as an attendant or as an authorized entrant, an immediate or delayed threat to life
as long as that person is trained and or that would cause irreversible ad-
equipped as required by this section for each verse health effects or that would
role he or she fills. Also, the duties of entry
interfere with an individual’s ability to
supervisor may be passed from one indi-
vidual to another during the course of an escape unaided from a permit space.
entry operation. NOTE: Some materials—hydrogen fluoride
Hazardous atmosphere means an at- gas and cadmium vapor, for example—may
mosphere that may expose employees produce immediate transient effects that,
to the risk of death, incapacitation, even if severe, may pass without medical at-
impairment of ability to self-rescue tention, but are followed by sudden, possibly
(that is, escape unaided from a permit fatal collapse 12–72 hours after exposure. The
space), injury, or acute illness from one victim ‘‘feels normal’’ from recovery from
transient effects until collapse. Such mate-
or more of the following causes:
rials in hazardous quantities are considered
(1) Flammable gas, vapor, or mist in to be ‘‘immediately’’ dangerous to life or
excess of 10 percent of its lower flam- health.
mable limit (LFL);
(2) Airborne combustible dust at a Inerting means the displacement of
concentration that meets or exceeds its the atmosphere in a permit space by a
LFL; noncombustible gas (such as nitrogen)
NOTE: This concentration may be approxi- to such an extent that the resulting at-
mated as a condition in which the dust ob- mosphere is noncombustible.
scures vision at a distance of 5 feet (1.52 m)
or less. NOTE: This procedure produces an IDLH ox-
(3) Atmospheric oxygen concentra- ygen-deficient atmosphere.
tion below 19.5 percent or above 23.5 Isolation means the process by which
percent; a permit space is removed from service
(4) Atmospheric concentration of any and completely protected against the
substance for which a dose or a permis- release of energy and material into the
sible exposure limit is published in space by such means as: blanking or
Subpart G, Occupational Health and En- blinding; misaligning or removing sec-
vironmental Control, or in Subpart Z, tions of lines, pipes, or ducts; a double
Toxic and Hazardous Substances, of this block and bleed system; lockout or
part and which could result in em- tagout of all sources of energy; or
ployee exposure in excess of its dose or blocking or disconnecting all mechan-
permissible exposure limit; ical linkages.
NOTE: An atmospheric concentration of Line breaking means the intentional
any substance that is not capable of causing
opening of a pipe, line, or duct that is
death, incapacitation, impairment of ability
to self-rescue, injury, or acute illness due to or has been carrying flammable, corro-
its health effects is not covered by this pro- sive, or toxic material, an inert gas, or
vision. any fluid at a volume, pressure, or tem-
(5) Any other atmospheric condition perature capable of causing injury.
that is immediately dangerous to life Non-permit confined space means a
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or health. confined space that does not contain


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

or, with respect to atmospheric haz- measures for the protection of authorized en-
ards, have the potential to contain any trants and to determine if acceptable entry
hazard capable of causing death or seri- conditions are present immediately prior to,
ous physical harm. and during, entry.
Oxygen deficient atmosphere means an (c) General requirements. (1) The em-
atmosphere containing less than 19.5 ployer shall evaluate the workplace to
percent oxygen by volume. determine if any spaces are permit- re-
Oxygen enriched atmosphere means an quired confined spaces.
atmosphere containing more than 23.5
percent oxygen by volume. NOTE: Proper application of the decision
Permit-required confined space (permit flow chart in appendix A to § 1910.146 would
space) means a confined space that has facilitate compliance with this requirement.
one or more of the following character- (2) If the workplace contains permit
istics: spaces, the employer shall inform ex-
(1) Contains or has a potential to posed employees, by posting danger
contain a hazardous atmosphere; signs or by any other equally effective
(2) Contains a material that has the means, of the existence and location of
potential for engulfing an entrant; and the danger posed by the permit
(3) Has an internal configuration spaces.
such that an entrant could be trapped
or asphyxiated by inwardly converging NOTE: A sign reading ‘‘DANGER—PERMIT-
walls or by a floor which slopes down- REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE, DO NOT
ward and tapers to a smaller cross- sec- ENTER’’ or using other similar language
tion; or would satisfy the requirement for a sign.
(4) Contains any other recognized se- (3) If the employer decides that its
rious safety or health hazard. employees will not enter permit
Permit-required confined space program spaces, the employer shall take effec-
(permit space program) means the em- tive measures to prevent its employees
ployer’s overall program for control- from entering the permit spaces and
ling, and, where appropriate, for pro- shall comply with paragraphs (c)(1),
tecting employees from, permit space (c)(2), (c)(6), and (c)(8) of this section.
hazards and for regulating employee
(4) If the employer decides that its
entry into permit spaces.
employees will enter permit spaces, the
Permit system means the employer’s
employer shall develop and implement
written procedure for preparing and
issuing permits for entry and for re- a written permit space program that
turning the permit space to service fol- complies with this section. The written
lowing termination of entry. program shall be available for inspec-
Prohibited condition means any condi- tion by employees and their authorized
tion in a permit space that is not al- representatives.
lowed by the permit during the period (5) An employer may use the alter-
when entry is authorized. nate procedures specified in paragraph
Rescue service means the personnel (c)(5)(ii) of this section for entering a
designated to rescue employees from permit space under the conditions set
permit spaces. forth in paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this sec-
Retrieval system means the equipment tion.
(including a retrieval line, chest or (i) An employer whose employees
full-body harness, wristlets, if appro- enter a permit space need not comply
priate, and a lifting device or anchor) with paragraphs (d) through (f) and (h)
used for non-entry rescue of persons through (k) of this section, provided
from permit spaces. that:
Testing means the process by which (A) The employer can demonstrate
the hazards that may confront entrants that the only hazard posed by the per-
of a permit space are identified and mit space is an actual or potential haz-
evaluated. Testing includes specifying ardous atmosphere;
the tests that are to be performed in (B) The employer can demonstrate
the permit space. that continuous forced air ventilation
NOTE: Testing enables employers both to alone is sufficient to maintain that
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devise and implement adequate control permit space safe for entry;


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146

(C) The employer develops moni- (E) Continuous forced air ventilation
toring and inspection data that sup- shall be used, as follows:
ports the demonstrations required by (1) An employee may not enter the
paragraphs (c)(5)(i)(A) and (c)(5)(i)(B) of space until the forced air ventilation
this section; has eliminated any hazardous atmos-
(D) If an initial entry of the permit phere;
space is necessary to obtain the data (2) The forced air ventilation shall be
required by paragraph (c)(5)(i)(C) of so directed as to ventilate the imme-
this section, the entry is performed in diate areas where an employee is or
compliance with paragraphs (d) will be present within the space and
through (k) of this section; shall continue until all employees have
(E) The determinations and sup- left the space;
porting data required by paragraphs (3) The air supply for the forced air
(c)(5)(i)(A), (c)(5)(i)(B), and (c)(5)(i)(C) ventilation shall be from a clean
of this section are documented by the source and may not increase the haz-
employer and are made available to ards in the space.
each employee who enters the permit (F) The atmosphere within the space
space under the terms of paragraph shall be periodically tested as nec-
(c)(5) of this section or to that employ- essary to ensure that the continuous
ee’s authorized representative; and forced air ventilation is preventing the
(F) Entry into the permit space accumulation of a hazardous atmos-
under the terms of paragraph (c)(5)(i) phere. Any employee who enters the
of this section is performed in accord- space, or that employee’s authorized
ance with the requirements of para- representative, shall be provided with
graph (c)(5)(ii) of this section. an opportunity to observe the periodic
NOTE: See paragraph (c)(7) of this section testing required by this paragraph.
for reclassification of a permit space after (G) If a hazardous atmosphere is de-
all hazards within the space have been elimi- tected during entry:
nated. (1) Each employee shall leave the
(ii) The following requirements apply space immediately;
to entry into permit spaces that meet (2) The space shall be evaluated to
the conditions set forth in paragraph determine how the hazardous atmos-
(c)(5)(i) of this section. phere developed; and
(A) Any conditions making it unsafe (3) Measures shall be implemented to
to remove an entrance cover shall be protect employees from the hazardous
eliminated before the cover is removed. atmosphere before any subsequent
(B) When entrance covers are re- entry takes place.
moved, the opening shall be promptly (H) The employer shall verify that
guarded by a railing, temporary cover, the space is safe for entry and that the
or other temporary barrier that will pre-entry measures required by para-
prevent an accidental fall through the graph (c)(5)(ii) of this section have been
opening and that will protect each em- taken, through a written certification
ployee working in the space from for- that contains the date, the location of
eign objects entering the space. the space, and the signature of the per-
(C) Before an employee enters the son providing the certification. The
space, the internal atmosphere shall be certification shall be made before
tested, with a calibrated direct-reading entry and shall be made available to
instrument, for oxygen content, for each employee entering the space or to
flammable gases and vapors, and for that employee’s authorized representa-
potential toxic air contaminants, in tive .
that order. Any employee who enters (6) When there are changes in the use
the space, or that employee’s author- or configuration of a non-permit con-
ized representative, shall be provided fined space that might increase the
an opportunity to observe the pre- hazards to entrants, the employer shall
entry testing required by this para- reevaluate that space and, if necessary,
graph. reclassify it as a permit-required con-
(D) There may be no hazardous at- fined space.
mosphere within the space whenever (7) A space classified by the employer
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any employee is inside the space. as a permit-required confined space


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

may be reclassified as a non-permit space program meeting the require-

confined space under the following pro- ments of this section;
cedures: (ii) Apprise the contractor of the ele-
(i) If the permit space poses no actual ments, including the hazards identified
or potential atmospheric hazards and if and the host employer’s experience
all hazards within the space are elimi- with the space, that make the space in
nated without entry into the space, the question a permit space;
permit space may be reclassified as a (iii) Apprise the contractor of any
non-permit confined space for as long precautions or procedures that the host
as the non-atmospheric hazards remain employer has implemented for the pro-
eliminated. tection of employees in or near permit
(ii) If it is necessary to enter the per- spaces where contractor personnel will
mit space to eliminate hazards, such be working;
entry shall be performed under para- (iv) Coordinate entry operations with
graphs (d) through (k) of this section.
the contractor, when both host em-
If testing and inspection during that
ployer personnel and contractor per-
entry demonstrate that the hazards
sonnel will be working in or near per-
within the permit space have been
eliminated, the permit space may be mit spaces, as required by paragraph
reclassified as a non-permit confined (d)(11) of this section; and
space for as long as the hazards remain (v) Debrief the contractor at the con-
eliminated. clusion of the entry operations regard-
ing the permit space program followed
NOTE: Control of atmospheric hazards and regarding any hazards confronted
through forced air ventilation does not con-
or created in permit spaces during
stitute elimination of the hazards. Para-
graph (c)(5) covers permit space entry where entry operations.
the employer can demonstrate that forced (9) In addition to complying with the
air ventilation alone will control all hazards permit space requirements that apply
in the space. to all employers, each contractor who
(iii) The employer shall document is retained to perform permit space
the basis for determining that all haz- entry operations shall:
ards in a permit space have been elimi- (i) Obtain any available information
nated, through a certification that con- regarding permit space hazards and
tains the date, the location of the entry operations from the host em-
space, and the signature of the person ployer;
making the determination. The certifi- (ii) Coordinate entry operations with
cation shall be made available to each the host employer, when both host em-
employee entering the space or to that ployer personnel and contractor per-
employee’s authorized representative. sonnel will be working in or near per-
(iv) If hazards arise within a permit mit spaces, as required by paragraph
space that has been declassified to a (d)(11) of this section; and
non-permit space under paragraph (iii) Inform the host employer of the
(c)(7) of this section, each employee in permit space program that the con-
the space shall exit the space. The em- tractor will follow and of any hazards
ployer shall then reevaluate the space
confronted or created in permit spaces,
and determine whether it must be re-
either through a debriefing or during
classified as a permit space, in accord-
the entry operation.
ance with other applicable provisions
of this section. (d) Permit-required confined space pro-
(8) When an employer (host em- gram (permit space program). Under
ployer) arranges to have employees of the permit space program required by
another employer (contractor) perform paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the em-
work that involves permit space entry, ployer shall:
the host employer shall: (1) Implement the measures nec-
(i) Inform the contractor that the essary to prevent unauthorized entry;
workplace contains permit spaces and (2) Identify and evaluate the hazards
that permit space entry is allowed only of permit spaces before employees
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through compliance with a permit enter them;


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146

(3) Develop and implement the (ix) Any other equipment necessary
means, procedures, and practices nec- for safe entry into and rescue from per-
essary for safe permit space entry oper- mit spaces.
ations, including, but not limited to, (5) Evaluate permit space conditions
the following: as follows when entry operations are
(i) Specifying acceptable entry condi- conducted:
tions; (i) Test conditions in the permit
(ii) Providing each authorized en- space to determine if acceptable entry
trant or that employee’s authorized conditions exist before entry is author-
representative with the opportunity to ized to begin, except that, if isolation
observe any monitoring or testing of of the space is infeasible because the
permit spaces; space is large or is part of a continuous
(iii) Isolating the permit space; system (such as a sewer), pre-entry
(iv) Purging, inerting, flushing, or testing shall be performed to the ex-
ventilating the permit space as nec- tent feasible before entry is authorized
essary to eliminate or control atmos- and, if entry is authorized, entry condi-
pheric hazards; tions shall be continuously monitored
(v) Providing pedestrian, vehicle, or in the areas where authorized entrants
other barriers as necessary to protect are working;
entrants from external hazards; and (ii) Test or monitor the permit space
(vi) Verifying that conditions in the as necessary to determine if acceptable
permit space are acceptable for entry entry conditions are being maintained
throughout the duration of an author- during the course of entry operations;
ized entry. and
(4) Provide the following equipment (iii) When testing for atmospheric
hazards, test first for oxygen, then for
(specified in paragraphs (d)(4)(i)
combustible gases and vapors, and then
through (d)(4)(ix) of this section) at no
for toxic gases and vapors.
cost to employees, maintain that
equipment properly, and ensure that (iv) Provide each authorized entrant
employees use that equipment prop- or that employee’s authorized rep-
erly: resentative an opportunity to observe
the pre-entry and any subsequent test-
(i) Testing and monitoring equipment
ing or monitoring of permit spaces;
needed to comply with paragraph (d)(5)
(v) Reevaluate the permit space in
of this section;
the presence of any authorized entrant
(ii) Ventilating equipment needed to
or that employee’s authorized rep-
obtain acceptable entry conditions; resentative who requests that the em-
(iii) Communications equipment nec- ployer conduct such reevaluation be-
essary for compliance with paragraphs cause the entrant or representative has
(h)(3) and (i)(5) of this section; reason to believe that the evaluation of
(iv) Personal protective equipment that space may not have been ade-
insofar as feasible engineering and quate;
work practice controls do not ade- (vi) Immediately provide each au-
quately protect employees; thorized entrant or that employee’s au-
(v) Lighting equipment needed to en- thorized representative with the re-
able employees to see well enough to sults of any testing conducted in ac-
work safely and to exit the space cord with paragraph (d) of this section.
quickly in an emergency;
(vi) Barriers and shields as required NOTE: Atmospheric testing conducted in
accordance with appendix B to § 1910.146
by paragraph (d)(3)(iv) of this section; would be considered as satisfying the re-
(vii) Equipment, such as ladders, quirements of this paragraph. For permit
needed for safe ingress and egress by space operations in sewers, atmospheric test-
authorized entrants; ing conducted in accordance with appendix
(viii) Rescue and emergency equip- B, as supplemented by appendix E to
ment needed to comply with paragraph § 1910.146, would be considered as satisfying
the requirements of this paragraph.
(d)(9) of this section, except to the ex-
tent that the equipment is provided by (6) Provide at least one attendant
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rescue services; and outside the permit space into which


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

entry is authorized for the duration of space program may not protect em-
entry operations; ployees and revise the program to cor-
NOTE: Attendants may be assigned to mon-
rect deficiencies found to exist before
itor more than one permit space provided the subsequent entries are authorized; and
duties described in paragraph (i) of this sec- NOTE: Examples of circumstances requiring
tion can be effectively performed for each the review of the permit space program are:
permit space that is monitored. Likewise, at- any unauthorized entry of a permit space,
tendants may be stationed at any location the detection of a permit space hazard not
outside the permit space to be monitored as covered by the permit, the detection of a
long as the duties described in paragraph (i) condition prohibited by the permit, the oc-
of this section can be effectively performed currence of an injury or near-miss during
for each permit space that is monitored. entry, a change in the use or configuration
(7) If multiple spaces are to be mon- of a permit space, and employee complaints
itored by a single attendant, include in about the effectiveness of the program.
the permit program the means and pro- (14) Review the permit space pro-
cedures to enable the attendant to re- gram, using the canceled permits re-
spond to an emergency affecting one or tained under paragraph (e)(6) of this
more of the permit spaces being mon- section within 1 year after each entry
itored without distraction from the at- and revise the program as necessary, to
tendant’s responsibilities under para- ensure that employees participating in
graph (i) of this section; entry operations are protected from
(8) Designate the persons who are to permit space hazards.
have active roles (as, for example, au-
thorized entrants, attendants, entry NOTE: Employers may perform a single an-
supervisors, or persons who test or nual review covering all entries performed
during a 12-month period. If no entry is per-
monitor the atmosphere in a permit formed during a 12-month period, no review
space) in entry operations, identify the is necessary.
duties of each such employee, and pro-
vide each such employee with the Appendix C to § 1910.146 presents exam-
training required by paragraph (g) of ples of permit space programs that are
this section; considered to comply with the require-
(9) Develop and implement proce- ments of paragraph (d) of this section.
dures for summoning rescue and emer- (e) Permit system. (1) Before entry is
gency services, for rescuing entrants authorized, the employer shall docu-
from permit spaces, for providing nec- ment the completion of measures re-
essary emergency services to rescued quired by paragraph (d)(3) of this sec-
employees, and for preventing unau- tion by preparing an entry permit.
thorized personnel from attempting a
rescue; NOTE: Appendix D to § 1910.146 presents ex-
amples of permits whose elements are con-
(10) Develop and implement a system sidered to comply with the requirements of
for the preparation, issuance, use, and this section.
cancellation of entry permits as re-
quired by this section; (2) Before entry begins, the entry su-
(11) Develop and implement proce- pervisor identified on the permit shall
dures to coordinate entry operations sign the entry permit to authorize
when employees of more than one em- entry.
ployer are working simultaneously as (3) The completed permit shall be
authorized entrants in a permit space, made available at the time of entry to
so that employees of one employer do all authorized entrants or their author-
not endanger the employees of any ized representatives, by posting it at
other employer; the entry portal or by any other equal-
(12) Develop and implement proce- ly effective means, so that the entrants
dures (such as closing off a permit can confirm that pre-entry prepara-
space and canceling the permit) nec- tions have been completed.
essary for concluding the entry after (4) The duration of the permit may
entry operations have been completed; not exceed the time required to com-
(13) Review entry operations when plete the assigned task or job identi-
the employer has reason to believe that fied on the permit in accordance with
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the measures taken under the permit paragraph (f)(2) of this section.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146

(5) The entry supervisor shall termi- (10) The results of initial and periodic
nate entry and cancel the entry permit tests performed under paragraph (d)(5)
when: of this section, accompanied by the
(i) The entry operations covered by names or initials of the testers and by
the entry permit have been completed; an indication of when the tests were
or performed;
(ii) A condition that is not allowed (11) The rescue and emergency serv-
under the entry permit arises in or ices that can be summoned and the
near the permit space. means (such as the equipment to use
(6) The employer shall retain each and the numbers to call) for sum-
canceled entry permit for at least 1 moning those services;
year to facilitate the review of the per- (12) The communication procedures
mit-required confined space program used by authorized entrants and at-
required by paragraph (d)(14) of this tendants to maintain contact during
section. Any problems encountered the entry;
during an entry operation shall be (13) Equipment, such as personal pro-
noted on the pertinent permit so that tective equipment, testing equipment,
appropriate revisions to the permit communications equipment, alarm sys-
space program can be made. tems, and rescue equipment, to be pro-
(f) Entry permit. The entry permit vided for compliance with this section;
that documents compliance with this (14) Any other information whose in-
section and authorizes entry to a per- clusion is necessary, given the cir-
mit space shall identify: cumstances of the particular confined
(1) The permit space to be entered; space, in order to ensure employee
(2) The purpose of the entry; safety; and
(3) The date and the authorized dura- (15) Any additional permits, such as
tion of the entry permit; for hot work, that have been issued to
(4) The authorized entrants within authorize work in the permit space.
the permit space, by name or by such (g) Training. (1) The employer shall
other means (for example, through the provide training so that all employees
use of rosters or tracking systems) as whose work is regulated by this section
will enable the attendant to determine acquire the understanding, knowledge,
quickly and accurately, for the dura- and skills necessary for the safe per-
tion of the permit, which authorized formance of the duties assigned under
entrants are inside the permit space; this section.
NOTE: This requirement may be met by in-
(2) Training shall be provided to each
serting a reference on the entry permit as to affected employee:
the means used, such as a roster or tracking (i) Before the employee is first as-
system, to keep track of the authorized en- signed duties under this section;
trants within the permit space. (ii) Before there is a change in as-
(5) The personnel, by name, currently signed duties;
serving as attendants; (iii) Whenever there is a change in
(6) The individual, by name, cur- permit space operations that presents a
rently serving as entry supervisor, hazard about which an employee has
with a space for the signature or ini- not previously been trained;
tials of the entry supervisor who origi- (iv) Whenever the employer has rea-
nally authorized entry; son to believe either that there are de-
(7) The hazards of the permit space to viations from the permit space entry
be entered; procedures required by paragraph (d)(3)
(8) The measures used to isolate the of this section or that there are inad-
permit space and to eliminate or con- equacies in the employee’s knowledge
trol permit space hazards before entry; or use of these procedures.
(3) The training shall establish em-
NOTE: Those measures can include the ployee proficiency in the duties re-
lockout or tagging of equipment and proce- quired by this section and shall intro-
dures for purging, inerting, ventilating, and
duce new or revised procedures, as nec-
flushing permit spaces.
essary, for compliance with this sec-
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(9) The acceptable entry conditions; tion.


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

(4) The employer shall certify that (4) Remains outside the permit space
the training required by paragraphs during entry operations until relieved
(g)(1) through (g)(3) of this section has by another attendant;
been accomplished. The certification NOTE: When the employer’s permit entry
shall contain each employee’s name, program allows attendant entry for rescue,
the signatures or initials of the train- attendants may enter a permit space to at-
ers, and the dates of training. The cer- tempt a rescue if they have been trained and
tification shall be available for inspec- equipped for rescue operations as required by
tion by employees and their authorized paragraph (k)(1) of this section and if they
representatives. have been relieved as required by paragraph
(h) Duties of authorized entrants. The (i)(4) of this section.
employer shall ensure that all author- (5) Communicates with authorized
ized entrants: entrants as necessary to monitor en-
(1) Know the hazards that may be trant status and to alert entrants of
faced during entry, including informa- the need to evacuate the space under
tion on the mode, signs or symptoms, paragraph (i)(6) of this section;
and consequences of the exposure; (6) Monitors activities inside and out-
(2) Properly use equipment as re- side the space to determine if it is safe
quired by paragraph (d)(4) of this sec- for entrants to remain in the space and
tion; orders the authorized entrants to evac-
(3) Communicate with the attendant uate the permit space immediately
as necessary to enable the attendant to under any of the following conditions;
monitor entrant status and to enable (i) If the attendant detects a prohib-
the attendant to alert entrants of the ited condition;
need to evacuate the space as required (ii) If the attendant detects the be-
by paragraph (i)(6) of this section; havioral effects of hazard exposure in
(4) Alert the attendant whenever: an authorized entrant;
(i) The entrant recognizes any warn- (iii) If the attendant detects a situa-
ing sign or symptom of exposure to a tion outside the space that could en-
dangerous situation, or danger the authorized entrants; or
(ii) The entrant detects a prohibited (iv) If the attendant cannot effec-
condition; and tively and safely perform all the duties
(5) Exit from the permit space as required under paragraph (i) of this
quickly as possible whenever: section;
(i) An order to evacuate is given by (7) Summon rescue and other emer-
the attendant or the entry supervisor, gency services as soon as the attendant
(ii) The entrant recognizes any warn- determines that authorized entrants
ing sign or symptom of exposure to a may need assistance to escape from
dangerous situation, permit space hazards;
(iii) The entrant detects a prohibited (8) Takes the following actions when
condition, or unauthorized persons approach or enter
(iv) An evacuation alarm is acti- a permit space while entry is under-
vated. way:
(i) Duties of attendants. The employer (i) Warn the unauthorized persons
shall ensure that each attendant: that they must stay away from the per-
(1) Knows the hazards that may be mit space;
faced during entry, including informa- (ii) Advise the unauthorized persons
tion on the mode, signs or symptoms, that they must exit immediately if
and consequences of the exposure; they have entered the permit space;
(2) Is aware of possible behavioral ef- and
fects of hazard exposure in authorized (iii) Inform the authorized entrants
entrants; and the entry supervisor if unauthor-
(3) Continuously maintains an accu- ized persons have entered the permit
rate count of authorized entrants in space;
the permit space and ensures that the (9) Performs non-entry rescues as
means used to identify authorized en- specified by the employer’s rescue pro-
trants under paragraph (f)(4) of this cedure; and
section accurately identifies who is in (10) Performs no duties that might
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

the permit space; interfere with the attendant’s primary


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146

duty to monitor and protect the au- ticular permit space or types of permit
thorized entrants. spaces identified;
(j) Duties of entry supervisors. The em- (iii) Select a rescue team or service
ployer shall ensure that each entry su- from those evaluated that:
pervisor: (A) Has the capability to reach the
(1) Knows the hazards that may be victim(s) within a time frame that is
faced during entry, including informa- appropriate for the permit space haz-
tion on the mode, signs or symptoms, ard(s) identified;
and consequences of the exposure; (B) Is equipped for and proficient in
(2) Verifies, by checking that the ap- performing the needed rescue services;
propriate entries have been made on (iv) Inform each rescue team or serv-
ice of the hazards they may confront
the permit, that all tests specified by
when called on to perform rescue at the
the permit have been conducted and
site; and
that all procedures and equipment
(v) Provide the rescue team or serv-
specified by the permit are in place be-
ice selected with access to all permit
fore endorsing the permit and allowing
spaces from which rescue may be nec-
entry to begin;
essary so that the rescue service can
(3) Terminates the entry and cancels develop appropriate rescue plans and
the permit as required by paragraph practice rescue operations.
(e)(5) of this section;
(4) Verifies that rescue services are NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (k)(1): Non-mandatory
appendix F contains examples of criteria
available and that the means for sum-
which employers can use in evaluating pro-
moning them are operable; spective rescuers as required by paragraph
(5) Removes unauthorized individuals (k)(1) of this section.
who enter or who attempt to enter the
(2) An employer whose employees
permit space during entry operations;
have been designated to provide permit
space rescue and emergency services
(6) Determines, whenever responsi-
shall take the following measures:
bility for a permit space entry oper- (i) Provide affected employees with
ation is transferred and at intervals the personal protective equipment
dictated by the hazards and operations (PPE) needed to conduct permit space
performed within the space, that entry rescues safely and train affected em-
operations remain consistent with ployees so they are proficient in the
terms of the entry permit and that ac- use of that PPE, at no cost to those
ceptable entry conditions are main- employees;
tained. (ii) Train affected employees to per-
(k) Rescue and emergency services. (1) form assigned rescue duties. The em-
An employer who designates rescue and ployer must ensure that such employ-
emergency services, pursuant to para- ees successfully complete the training
graph (d)(9) of this section, shall: required to establish proficiency as an
(i) Evaluate a prospective rescuer’s authorized entrant, as provided by
ability to respond to a rescue summons paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section;
in a timely manner, considering the (iii) Train affected employees in
hazard(s) identified; basic first-aid and cardiopulmonary re-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (k)(1)(i): What will be suscitation (CPR). The employer shall
considered timely will vary according to the ensure that at least one member of the
specific hazards involved in each entry. For rescue team or service holding a cur-
example, § 1910.134, Respiratory Protection, rent certification in first aid and CPR
requires that employers provide a standby is available; and
person or persons capable of immediate ac- (iv) Ensure that affected employees
tion to rescue employee(s) wearing res- practice making permit space rescues
piratory protection while in work areas de-
at least once every 12 months, by
fined as IDLH atmospheres.
means of simulated rescue operations
(ii) Evaluate a prospective rescue in which they remove dummies, mani-
service’s ability, in terms of pro- kins, or actual persons from the actual
ficiency with rescue-related tasks and permit spaces or from representative
equipment, to function appropriately permit spaces. Representative permit
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

while rescuing entrants from the par- spaces shall, with respect to opening


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

size, configuration, and accessibility, aware that rescue is necessary. A me-

simulate the types of permit spaces chanical device shall be available to re-
from which rescue is to be performed. trieve personnel from vertical type per-
(3) To facilitate non-entry rescue, re- mit spaces more than 5 feet (1.52 m)
trieval systems or methods shall be deep.
used whenever an authorized entrant (4) If an injured entrant is exposed to
enters a permit space, unless the re- a substance for which a Material Safe-
trieval equipment would increase the ty Data Sheet (MSDS) or other similar
overall risk of entry or would not con- written information is required to be
tribute to the rescue of the entrant. kept at the worksite, that MSDS or
Retrieval systems shall meet the fol- written information shall be made
lowing requirements. available to the medical facility treat-
(i) Each authorized entrant shall use ing the exposed entrant.
a chest or full body harness, with a re- (l) Employee participation. (1) Employ-
trieval line attached at the center of ers shall consult with affected employ-
the entrant’s back near shoulder level, ees and their authorized representa-
above the entrant’s head, or at another tives on the development and imple-
point which the employer can establish mentation of all aspects of the permit
presents a profile small enough for the space program required by paragraph
successful removal of the entrant. (c) of this section.
Wristlets may be used in lieu of the (2) Employers shall make available
chest or full body harness if the em-
to affected employees and their author-
ployer can demonstrate that the use of
ized representatives all information re-
a chest or full body harness is infeasi-
quired to be developed by this section.
ble or creates a greater hazard and that
the use of wristlets is the safest and APPENDIXES TO § 1910.146—PERMIT-REQUIRED
most effective alternative. CONFINED SPACES
(ii) The other end of the retrieval line
NOTE: Appendixes A through F serve to
shall be attached to a mechanical de- provide information and non-mandatory
vice or fixed point outside the permit guidelines to assist employers and employees
space in such a manner that rescue can in complying with the appropriate require-
begin as soon as the rescuer becomes ments of this section.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146



APPENDIX B TO § 1910.146—PROCEDURES FOR of the permit space and verification that ac-
ATMOSPHERIC TESTING ceptable entry conditions for entry into that
space exist.
Atmospheric testing is required for two
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

distinct purposes: evaluation of the hazards


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
(1) Evaluation testing. The atmosphere of a specific monitoring programs will be devel-
confined space should be analyzed using oped.
equipment of sufficient sensitivity and speci- Presence of explosive/flammable gases. Equal to
ficity to identify and evaluate any hazardous or greater than 10% of the lower flammable
atmospheres that may exist or arise, so that limit (LFL).
appropriate permit entry procedures can be
Oxygen Deficiency. A concentration of oxygen
developed and acceptable entry conditions
in the atmosphere equal to or less than 19.5%
stipulated for that space. Evaluation and in-
by volume.
terpretation of these data, and development
of the entry procedure, should be done by, or A. Entry Without Permit/Attendant
reviewed by, a technically qualified profes- Certification. Confined spaces may be entered
sional (e.g., OSHA consultation service, or without the need for a written permit or at-
certified industrial hygienist, registered tendant provided that the space can be main-
safety engineer, certified safety professional, tained in a safe condition for entry by me-
certified marine chemist, etc.) based on eval- chanical ventilation alone, as provided in
uation of all serious hazards. § 1910.146(c)(5). All spaces shall be considered
(2) Verification testing. The atmosphere of a permit-required confined spaces until the
permit space which may contain a hazardous pre-entry procedures demonstrate otherwise.
atmosphere should be tested for residues of Any employee required or permitted to pre-
all contaminants identified by evaluation check or enter an enclosed/confined space
testing using permit specified equipment to shall have successfully completed, -as a min-
determine that residual concentrations at imum, the training as required by the fol-
the time of testing and entry are within the lowing sections of these procedures. A written
range of acceptable entry conditions. Results copy of operating and rescue procedures as re-
of testing (i.e., actual concentration, etc.) quired by these procedures shall be at the work
should be recorded on the permit in the site for the duration of the job. The Confined
space provided adjacent to the stipulated ac- Space Pre-Entry Check List must be com-
ceptable entry condition. pleted by the LEAD WORKER before entry
(3) Duration of testing. Measurement of val- into a confined space. This list verifies com-
ues for each atmospheric parameter should pletion of items listed below. This check list
be made for at least the minimum response shall be kept at the job site for duration of
time of the test instrument specified by the the job. If circumstances dictate an interrup-
manufacturer. tion in the work, the permit space must be
(4) Testing stratified atmospheres. When re-evaluated and a new check list must be
monitoring for entries involving a descent completed.
into atmospheres that may be stratified, the Control of atmospheric and engulfment hazards.
atmospheric envelope should be tested a dis- Pumps and Lines. All pumps and lines which
tance of approximately 4 feet (1.22 m) in the may reasonably cause contaminants to flow
direction of travel and to each side. If a sam- into the space shall be disconnected, blinded
pling probe is used, the entrant’s rate of and locked out, or effectively isolated by
progress should be slowed to accommodate other means to prevent development of dan-
the sampling speed and detector response. gerous air contamination or engulfment. Not
(5) Order of testing. A test for oxygen is per- all laterals to sewers or storm drains require
formed first because most combustible gas blocking. However, where experience or
meters are oxygen dependent and will not knowledge of industrial use indicates there
provide reliable readings in an oxygen defi- is a reasonable potential for contamination
cient atmosphere. Combustible gasses are of air or engulfment into an occupied sewer,
tested for next because the threat of fire or then all affected laterals shall be blocked. If
explosion is both more immediate and more blocking and/or isolation requires entry into
life threatening, in most cases, than expo- the space the provisions for entry into a
sure to toxic gasses and vapors. If tests for permit- required confined space must be im-
toxic gasses and vapors are necessary, they plemented.
are performed last. Surveillance. The surrounding area shall be
APPENDIX C TO § 1910.146—EXAMPLES OF surveyed to avoid hazards such as drifting
PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE PROGRAMS vapors from the tanks, piping, or sewers.
Testing. The atmosphere within the space
Example 1. will be tested to determine whether dan-
Workplace. Sewer entry. gerous air contamination and/or oxygen defi-
ciency exists. Detector tubes, alarm only gas
Potential hazards. The employees could be ex-
monitors and explosion meters are examples
posed to the following:
of monitoring equipment that may be used
Engulfment. to test permit space atmospheres. Testing
Presence of toxic gases. Equal to or more than shall be performed by the LEAD WORKER
10 ppm hydrogen sulfide measured as an 8- who has successfully completed the Gas De-
hour time-weighted average. If the presence tector training for the monitor he will use.
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

of other toxic contaminants is suspected, The minimum parameters to be monitored


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146
are oxygen deficiency, LFL, and hydrogen used. Testing shall be performed by the SU-
sulfide concentration. A written record of PERVISOR who has successfully completed
the pre-entry test results shall be made and the gas detector training for the monitor he
kept at the work site for the duration of the will use. The minimum parameters to be
job. The supervisor will certify in writing, monitored are oxygen deficiency, LFL and
based upon the results of the pre-entry test- hydrogen sulfide concentration. A written
ing, that all hazards have been eliminated. record of the pre- entry test results shall be
Affected employees shall be able to review made and kept at the work site for the dura-
the testing results. The most hazardous con- tion of the job. Affected employees shall be
ditions shall govern when work is being per- able to review the testing results. The most
formed in two adjoining, connecting spaces. hazardous conditions shall govern when
Entry Procedures. If there are no non-atmos- work is being performed in two adjoining,
pheric hazards present and if the pre-entry connected spaces.
tests show there is no dangerous air con- Space Ventilation. Mechanical ventilation
tamination and/or oxygen deficiency within systems, where applicable, shall be set at
the space and there is no reason to believe 100% outside air. Where possible, open addi-
that any is likely to develop, entry into and tional manholes to increase air circulation.
work within may proceed. Continuous test- Use portable blowers to augment natural cir-
ing of the atmosphere in the immediate vi- culation if needed. After a suitable ven-
cinity of the workers within the space shall tilating period, repeat the testing. Entry
be accomplished. The workers will imme- may not begin until testing has dem-
diately leave the permit space when any of onstrated that the hazardous atmosphere has
the gas monitor alarm set points are reached been eliminated.
as defined. Workers will not return to the Entry Procedures. The following procedure
area until a SUPERVISOR who has com- shall be observed under any of the following
pleted the gas detector training has used a conditions: 1.) Testing demonstrates the ex-
direct reading gas detector to evaluate the istence of dangerous or deficient conditions
situation and has determined that it is safe and additional ventilation cannot reduce
to enter. concentrations to safe levels; 2.) The atmos-
Rescue. Arrangements for rescue services are phere tests as safe but unsafe conditions can
not required where there is no attendant. reasonably be expected to develop; 3.) It is
See the rescue portion of section B., below, not feasible to provide for ready exit from
for instructions regarding rescue planning spaces equipped with automatic fire suppres-
where an entry permit is required. sion systems and it is not practical or safe to
B. Entry Permit Required deactivate such systems; or 4.) An emer-
Permits. Confined Space Entry Permit. All gency exists and it is not feasible to wait for
spaces shall be considered permit-required pre-entry procedures to take effect.
confined spaces until the pre-entry proce- All personnel must be trained. A self con-
dures demonstrate otherwise. Any employee tained breathing apparatus shall be worn by
required or permitted to pre-check or enter a any person entering the space. At least one
permit-required confined space shall have worker shall stand by the outside of the
successfully completed, as a minimum, the space ready to give assistance in case of
training as required by the following sec- emergency. The standby worker shall have a
tions of these procedures. A written copy of self contained breathing apparatus available
operating and rescue procedures as required by for immediate use. There shall be at least
these procedures shall be at the work site for the one additional worker within sight or call of
duration of the job. The Confined Space Entry the standby worker. Continuous powered
Permit must be completed before approval communications shall be maintained be-
can be given to enter a permit-required con- tween the worker within the confined space
fined space. This permit verifies completion and standby personnel.
of items listed below. This permit shall be If at any time there is any questionable ac-
kept at the job site for the duration of the tion or non- movement by the worker inside,
job. If circumstances cause an interruption a verbal check will be made. If there is no re-
in the work or a change in the alarm condi- sponse, the worker will be moved imme-
tions for which entry was approved, a new diately. Exception: If the worker is disabled
Confined Space Entry Permit must be com- due to falling or impact, he/she shall not be
pleted. removed from the confined space unless
there is immediate danger to his/her life.
Control of atmospheric and engulfment hazards.
Local fire department rescue personnel shall
Surveillance. The surrounding area shall be be notified immediately. The standby worker
surveyed to avoid hazards such as drifting may only enter the confined space in case of
vapors from tanks, piping or sewers. an emergency (wearing the self contained
Testing. The confined space atmosphere shall breathing apparatus) and only after being re-
be tested to determine whether dangerous lieved by another worker. Safety belt or har-
air contamination and/or oxygen deficiency ness with attached lifeline shall be used by
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

exists. A direct reading gas monitor shall be all workers entering the space with the free


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
end of the line secured outside the entry 6. Slipping and falling on grease in the cook-
opening. The standby worker shall attempt er/dryer;
to remove a disabled worker via his lifeline 7. Electrically shocked by faulty equipment
before entering the space. taken into the cooker/dryer;
When practical, these spaces shall be en- 8. Burned or overcome by fire or products of
tered through side openings—those within 3 combustion; or
1/2 feet (1.07 m) of the bottom. When entry 9. Overcome by fumes generated by welding
must be through a top opening, the safety or cutting done on grease covered surfaces.
belt shall be of the harness type that sus- Permits. The supervisor in this case is always
pends a person upright and a hoisting device present at the cooker/dryer or other permit
or similar apparatus shall be available for entry confined space when entry is made.
lifting workers out of the space. The supervisor must follow the pre-entry iso-
In any situation where their use may en- lation procedures described in the entry per-
danger the worker, use of a hoisting device mit in preparing for entry, and ensure that
or safety belt and attached lifeline may be the protective clothing, ventilating equip-
discontinued. ment and any other equipment required by
When dangerous air contamination is at- the permit are at the entry site.
tributable to flammable and/or explosive Control of hazards. Mechanical. Lock out
substances, lighting and electrical equip- main power switch to agitator motor at
ment shall be Class 1, Division 1 rated per main power panel. Affix tag to the lock to
National Electrical Code and no ignition inform others that a permit entry confined
sources shall be introduced into the area. space entry is in progress.
Continuous gas monitoring shall be per-
Engulfment. Close all valves in the raw mate-
formed during all confined space operations.
rial blow line. Secure each valve in its closed
If alarm conditions change adversely, entry
position using chain and lock. Attach a tag
personnel shall exit the confined space and a
to the valve and chain warning that a permit
new confined space permit issued.
entry confined space entry is in progress.
Rescue. Call the fire department services for The same procedure shall be used for secur-
rescue. Where immediate hazards to injured ing the fat recycle valve.
personnel are present, workers at the site Burns and heat stress. Close steam supply
shall implement emergency procedures to fit valves to jacket and secure with chains and
the situation. tags. Insert solid blank at flange in cooker
Example 2. vent line to condenser manifold duct system.
Vent cooker/dryer by opening access door at
Workplace. Meat and poultry rendering discharge end and top center door to allow
plants. natural ventilation throughout the entry. If
Cookers and dryers are either batch or con- faster cooling is needed, use a portable ven-
tinuous in their operation. Multiple batch tilation fan to increase ventilation. Cooling
cookers are operated in parallel. When one water may be circulated through the jacket
unit of a multiple set is shut down for re- to reduce both outer and inner surface tem-
pairs, means are available to isolate that peratures of cooker/dryers faster. Check air
unit from the others which remain in oper- and inner surface temperatures in cooker/
ation. dryer to assure they are within acceptable
Cookers and dryers are horizontal, cylin- limits before entering, or use proper protec-
drical vessels equipped with a center, rotat- tive clothing.
ing shaft and agitator paddles or discs. If the Fire and fume hazards. Careful site prepara-
inner shell is jacketed, it is usually heated tion, such as cleaning the area within 4
with steam at pressures up to 150 psig (1034.25 inches (10.16 cm) of all welding or torch cut-
kPa). The rotating shaft assembly of the ting operations, and proper ventilation are
continuous cooker or dryer is also steam the preferred controls. All welding and cut-
heated. ting operations shall be done in accordance
Potential Hazards. The recognized hazards as-
with the requirements of 29 CFR Part 1910,
sociated with cookers and dryers are the risk
Subpart Q, OSHA’s welding standard. Proper
that employees could be:
ventilation may be achieved by local exhaust
1. Struck or caught by rotating agitator; ventilation, or the use of portable ventila-
2. Engulfed in raw material or hot, recycled tion fans, or a combination of the two prac-
fat; tices.
3. Burned by steam from leaks into the cook-
Electrical shock. Electrical equipment used in
er/dryer steam jacket or the condenser duct
cooker/dryers shall be in serviceable condi-
system if steam valves are not properly
closed and locked out;
4. Burned by contact with hot metal sur- Slips and falls. Remove residual grease before
faces, such as the agitator shaft assembly, or entering cooker/dryer.
inner shell of the cooker/dryer; Attendant. The supervisor shall be the at-
5. Heat stress caused by warm atmosphere tendant for employees entering cooker/dry-
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

inside cooker/dryer; ers.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146
Permit. The permit shall specify how isola- er, dry bulk trailer or truck, etc. meet per-
tion shall be done and any other prepara- mit requirements before authorizing entry.
tions needed before making entry. This is es- Attendant. The area supervisor shall des-
pecially important in parallel arrangements ignate an employee to maintain communica-
of cooker/dryers so that the entire operation tion by employer specified means with em-
need not be shut down to allow safe entry ployees working in tanks to ensure their
into one unit. safety. The attendant may not enter any
Rescue. When necessary, the attendant shall permit entry confined space to rescue an en-
call the fire department as previously ar- trant or for any other reason, unless author-
ranged. ized by the rescue procedure and, and even
then, only after calling the rescue team and
Example 3. being relieved by as attendant by another
Workplace. Workplaces where tank cars, worker.
trucks, and trailers, dry bulk tanks and Communications and observation. Communica-
trailers, railroad tank cars, and similar port- tions between attendant and entrant(s) shall
able tanks are fabricated or serviced. be maintained throughout entry. Methods of
A. During fabrication. These tanks and dry- communication that may be specified by the
bulk carriers are entered repeatedly permit include voice, voice powered radio,
throughout the fabrication process. These tapping or rapping codes on tank walls, sig-
products are not configured identically, but nalling tugs on a rope, and the attendant’s
the manufacturing processes by which they observation that work activities such as
are made are very similar. chipping, grinding, welding, spraying, etc.,
Sources of hazards. In addition to the me- which require deliberate operator control
chanical hazards arising from the risks that continue normally. These activities often
an entrant would be injured due to contact generate so much noise that the necessary
with components of the tank or the tools hearing protection makes communication by
being used, there is also the risk that a voice difficult.
worker could be injured by breathing fumes Rescue procedures. Acceptable rescue proce-
from welding materials or mists or vapors dures include entry by a team of employee-
from materials used to coat the tank inte- rescuers, use of public emergency services,
rior. In addition, many of these vapors and and procedures for breaching the tank. The
mists are flammable, so the failure to prop- area permit specifies which procedures are
erly ventilate a tank could lead to a fire or available, but the area supervisor makes the
explosion. final decision based on circumstances. (Cer-
Control of hazards. tain injuries may make it necessary to
Welding. Local exhaust ventilation shall be breach the tank to remove a person rather
used to remove welding fumes once the tank than risk additional injury by removal
or carrier is completed to the point that through an existing manhole. However, the
workers may enter and exit only through a supervisor must ensure that no breaching
manhole. (Follow the requirements of 29 CFR procedure used for rescue would violate
1910, Subpart Q, OSHA’s welding standard, at terms of the entry permit. For instance, if
all times.) Welding gas tanks may never be the tank must be breached by cutting with a
brought into a tank or carrier that is a per- torch, the tank surfaces to be cut must be
mit entry confined space. free of volatile or combustible coatings with-
Application of interior coatings/linings. At- in 4 inches (10.16 cm) of the cutting line and
mospheric hazards shall be controlled by the atmosphere within the tank must be
forced air ventilation sufficient to keep the below the LFL.
atmospheric concentration of flammable ma- Retrieval line and harnesses. The retrieval
terials below 10% of the lower flammable lines and harnesses generally required under
limit (LFL) (or lower explosive limit (LEL), this standard are usually impractical for use
whichever term is used locally). The appro- in tanks because the internal configuration
priate respirators are provided and shall be of the tanks and their interior baffles and
used in addition to providing forced ventila- other structures would prevent rescuers from
tion if the forced ventilation does not main- hauling out injured entrants. However, un-
tain acceptable respiratory conditions. less the rescue procedure calls for breaching
Permits. Because of the repetitive nature of the tank for rescue, the rescue team shall be
the entries in these operations, an ‘‘Area trained in the use of retrieval lines and har-
Entry Permit’’ will be issued for a 1 month nesses for removing injured employees
period to cover those production areas where through manholes.
tanks are fabricated to the point that entry B. Repair or service of ‘‘used’’ tanks and bulk
and exit are made using manholes. trailers.
Authorization. Only the area supervisor may Sources of hazards. In addition to facing the
authorize an employee to enter a tank with- potential hazards encountered in fabrication
in the permit area. The area supervisor must or manufacturing, tanks or trailers which
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

determine that conditions in the tank trail- have been in service may contain residues of


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
dangerous materials, whether left over from (Follow the requirements of 29 CFR 1910,
the transportation of hazardous cargoes or Subpart Q, OSHA’s welding standard, at all
generated by chemical or bacterial action on times.)
residues of non-hazardous cargoes. Permits. An entry permit valid for up to 1
Control of atmospheric hazards. A ‘‘used’’ tank year shall be issued prior to authorization of
shall be brought into areas where tank entry entry into used tank trailers, dry bulk trail-
is authorized only after the tank has been ers or trucks. In addition to the pre-entry
emptied, cleansed (without employee entry) cleaning requirement, this permit shall re-
of any residues, and purged of any potential quire the employee safeguards specified for
atmospheric hazards. new tank fabrication or construction permit
Welding. In addition to tank cleaning for areas.
control of atmospheric hazards, coating and Authorization. Only the area supervisor may
surface materials shall be removed 4 inches authorize an employee to enter a tank trail-
(10.16 cm) or more from any surface area er, dry bulk trailer or truck within the per-
where welding or other torch work will be mit area. The area supervisor must deter-
done and care taken that the atmosphere mine that the entry permit requirements
within the tank remains well below the LFL. have been met before authorizing entry.
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

APPENDIX E TO § 1910.146—SEWER SYSTEM exists any way to completely isolate the

ENTRY space (a section of a continuous system) to
be entered; second, because isolation is not
Sewer entry differs in three vital respects
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

complete, the atmosphere may suddenly and

from other permit entries; first, there rarely


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.146
unpredictably become lethally hazardous entry. Only the employer can decide, based
(toxic, flammable or explosive) from causes upon his or her knowledge of, and experience
beyond the control of the entrant or em- with permit spaces in sewer systems, what
ployer, and third, experienced sewer workers the best type of testing instrument may be
are especially knowledgeable in entry and for any specific entry operation.
work in their permit spaces because of their The selected testing instrument should be
frequent entries. Unlike other employments carried and used by the entrant in sewer line
where permit space entry is a rare and excep- work to monitor the atmosphere in the en-
tional event, sewer workers’ usual work en- trant’s environment, and in advance of the
vironment is a permit space. entrant’s direction of movement, to warn the
(1) Adherence to procedure. The employer entrant of any deterioration in atmospheric
should designate as entrants only employees conditions. Where several entrants are work-
who are thoroughly trained in the employ- ing together in the same immediate loca-
er’s sewer entry procedures and who dem- tion, one instrument, used by the lead en-
onstrate that they follow these entry proce- trant, is acceptable.
dures exactly as prescribed when performing (3) Surge flow and flooding. Sewer crews
sewer entries. should develop and maintain liaison, to the
(2) Atmospheric monitoring. Entrants should extent possible, with the local weather bu-
be trained in the use of, and be equipped reau and fire and emergency services in their
with, atmospheric monitoring equipment area so that sewer work may be delayed or
which sounds an audible alarm, in addition interrupted and entrants withdrawn when-
to its visual readout, whenever one of the ever sewer lines might be suddenly flooded
following conditions are encountered: Oxy- by rain or fire suppression activities, or
gen concentration less than 19.5 percent; whenever flammable or other hazardous ma-
flammable gas or vapor at 10 percent or more terials are released into sewers during emer-
of the lower flammable limit (LFL); or hy- gencies by industrial or transportation acci-
drogen sulfide or carbon monoxide at or dents.
above 10 ppm or 35 ppm, respectively, meas- (4) Special Equipment. Entry into large bore
ured as an 8-hour time-weighted average. At- sewers may require the use of special equip-
mospheric monitoring equipment needs to be ment. Such equipment might include such
calibrated according to the manufacturer’s items as atmosphere monitoring devices
instructions. The oxygen sensor/broad range with automatic audible alarms, escape self-
sensor is best suited for initial use in situa- contained breathing apparatus (ESCBA) with
tions where the actual or potential contami- at least 10 minute air supply (or other
nants have not been identified, because NIOSH approved self-rescuer), and water-
broad range sensors, unlike substance-spe- proof flashlights, and may also include boats
cific sensors, enable employers to obtain an and rafts, radios and rope stand-offs for pull-
overall reading of the hydrocarbons ing around bends and corners as needed.
(flammables) present in the space. However,
such sensors only indicate that a hazardous APPENDIX F TO § 1910.146—RESCUE TEAM OR
threshold of a class of chemicals has been ex- RESCUE SERVICE EVALUATION CRITERIA
ceeded. They do not measure the levels of (NON-MANDATORY)
contamination of specific substances. There- (1) This appendix provides guidance to em-
fore, substance-specific devices, which meas- ployers in choosing an appropriate rescue
ure the actual levels of specific substances, service. It contains criteria that may be used
are best suited for use where actual and po- to evaluate the capabilities both of prospec-
tential contaminants have been identified. tive and current rescue teams. Before a res-
The measurements obtained with substance- cue team can be trained or chosen, however,
specific devices are of vital importance to a satisfactory permit program, including an
the employer when decisions are made con- analysis of all permit-required confined
cerning the measures necessary to protect spaces to identify all potential hazards in
entrants (such as ventilation or personal those spaces, must be completed. OSHA be-
protective equipment) and the setting and lieves that compliance with all the provi-
attainment of appropriate entry conditions. sions of § 1910.146 will enable employers to
However, the sewer environment may sud- conduct permit space operations without re-
denly and unpredictably change, and the sub- course to rescue services in nearly all cases.
stance-specific devices may not detect the However, experience indicates that cir-
potentially lethal atmospheric hazards cumstances will arise where entrants will
which may enter the sewer environment. need to be rescued from permit spaces. It is
Although OSHA considers the information therefore important for employers to select
and guidance provided above to be appro- rescue services or teams, either on-site or
priate and useful in most sewer entry situa- off-site, that are equipped and capable of
tions, the Agency emphasizes that each em- minimizing harm to both entrants and res-
ployer must consider the unique cir- cuers if the need arises.
cumstances, including the predictability of (2) For all rescue teams or services, the
the atmosphere, of the sewer permit spaces employer’s evaluation should consist of two
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

in the employer’s workplace in preparing for components: an initial evaluation, in which


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§ 1910.146 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
employers decide whether a potential rescue potential bottlenecks or traffic congestion
service or team is adequately trained and that might be encountered in transit, the re-
equipped to perform permit space rescues of liability of the rescuer’s vehicles, and the
the kind needed at the facility and whether training and skill of its drivers.
such rescuers can respond in a timely man- 3. What is the availability of the rescue
ner, and a performance evaluation, in which service? Is it unavailable at certain times of
employers measure the performance of the the day or in certain situations? What is the
team or service during an actual or practice likelihood that key personnel of the rescue
rescue. For example, based on the initial service might be unavailable at times? If the
evaluation, an employer may determine that rescue service becomes unavailable while an
maintaining an on-site rescue team will be entry is underway, does it have the capa-
more expensive than obtaining the services bility of notifying the employer so that the
of an off-site team, without being signifi- employer can instruct the attendant to abort
cantly more effective, and decide to hire a the entry immediately?
rescue service. During a performance evalua- 4. Does the rescue service meet all the re-
tion, the employer could decide, after ob- quirements of paragraph (k)(2) of the stand-
serving the rescue service perform a practice ard? If not, has it developed a plan that will
rescue, that the service’s training or pre- enable it to meet those requirements in the
paredness was not adequate to effect a time- future? If so, how soon can the plan be imple-
ly or effective rescue at his or her facility mented?
and decide to select another rescue service, 5. For off-site services, is the service will-
or to form an internal rescue team. ing to perform rescues at the employer’s
workplace? (An employer may not rely on a
A. Initial Evaluation rescuer who declines, for whatever reason, to
I. The employer should meet with the pro- provide rescue services.)
spective rescue service to facilitate the eval- 6. Is an adequate method for communica-
uations required by § 1910.146(k)(1)(i) and tions between the attendant, employer and
§ 1910.146(k)(1)(ii). At a minimum, if an off- prospective rescuer available so that a res-
site rescue service is being considered, the cue request can be transmitted to the res-
employer must contact the service to plan cuer without delay? How soon after notifica-
and coordinate the evaluations required by tion can a prospective rescuer dispatch a res-
the standard. Merely posting the service’s cue team to the entry site?
number or planning to rely on the 911 emer- 7. For rescues into spaces that may pose
gency phone number to obtain these services significant atmospheric hazards and from
at the time of a permit space emergency which rescue entry, patient packaging and
would not comply with paragraph (k)(1) of retrieval cannot be safely accomplished in a
the standard. relatively short time (15–20 minutes), em-
II. The capabilities required of a rescue ployers should consider using airline res-
service vary with the type of permit spaces pirators (with escape bottles) for the res-
from which rescue may be necessary and the cuers and to supply rescue air to the patient.
hazards likely to be encountered in those If the employer decides to use SCBA, does
spaces. Answering the questions below will the prospective rescue service have an ample
assist employers in determining whether the supply of replacement cylinders and proce-
rescue service is capable of performing res- dures for rescuers to enter and exit (or be re-
cues in the permit spaces present at the em- trieved) well within the SCBA’s air supply
ployer’s workplace. limits?
1. What are the needs of the employer with 8. If the space has a vertical entry over 5
regard to response time (time for the rescue feet in depth, can the prospective rescue
service to receive notification, arrive at the service properly perform entry rescues? Does
scene, and set up and be ready for entry)? the service have the technical knowledge
For example, if entry is to be made into an and equipment to perform rope work or ele-
IDLH atmosphere, or into a space that can vated rescue, if needed?
quickly develop an IDLH atmosphere (if ven- 9. Does the rescue service have the nec-
tilation fails or for other reasons), the rescue essary skills in medical evaluation, patient
team or service would need to be standing by packaging and emergency response?
at the permit space. On the other hand, if 10. Does the rescue service have the nec-
the danger to entrants is restricted to me- essary equipment to perform rescues, or
chanical hazards that would cause injuries must the equipment be provided by the em-
(e.g., broken bones, abrasions) a response ployer or another source?
time of 10 or 15 minutes might be adequate. B. Performance Evaluation
2. How quickly can the rescue team or
service get from its location to the permit Rescue services are required by paragraph
spaces from which rescue may be necessary? (k)(2)(iv) of the standard to practice rescues
Relevant factors to consider would include: at least once every 12 months, provided that
the location of the rescue team or service the team or service has not successfully per-
relative to the employer’s workplace, the formed a permit space rescue within that
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

quality of roads and highways to be traveled, time. As part of each practice session, the


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.147
service should perform a critique of the prac- that are ‘‘worst-case’’ or most restrictive
tice rescue, or have another qualified party with respect to internal configuration, ele-
perform the critique, so that deficiencies in vation, and portal size. The following charac-
procedures, equipment, training, or number teristics of a practice space should be consid-
of personnel can be identified and corrected. ered when deciding whether a space is truly
The results of the critique, and the correc- representative of an actual permit space:
tions made to respond to the deficiencies (1) Internal configuration.
identified, should be given to the employer (a) Open—there are no obstacles, barriers,
to enable it to determine whether the rescue or obstructions within the space. One exam-
service can quickly be upgraded to meet the ple is a water tank.
employer’s rescue needs or whether another (b) Obstructed—the permit space contains
service must be selected. The following ques- some type of obstruction that a rescuer
tions will assist employers and rescue teams would need to maneuver around. An example
and services evaluate their performance. would be a baffle or mixing blade. Large
1. Have all members of the service been equipment, such as a ladder or scaffold,
trained as permit space entrants, at a min- brought into a space for work purposes
imum, including training in the potential would be considered an obstruction if the po-
hazards of all permit spaces, or of represent- sitioning or size of the equipment would
ative permit spaces, from which rescue may make rescue more difficult.
be needed? Can team members recognize the (2) Elevation.
signs, symptoms, and consequences of expo- (a) Elevated—a permit space where the en-
sure to any hazardous atmospheres that may trance portal or opening is above grade by 4
be present in those permit spaces? feet or more. This type of space usually re-
2. Is every team member provided with, quires knowledge of high angle rescue proce-
and properly trained in, the use and need for dures because of the difficulty in packaging
PPE, such as SCBA or fall arrest equipment, and transporting a patient to the ground
which may be required to perform permit from the portal.
space rescues in the facility? Is every team (b) Non-elevated—a permit space with the
member properly trained to perform his or entrance portal located less than 4 feet above
her functions and make rescues, and to use grade. This type of space will allow the res-
any rescue equipment, such as ropes and cue team to transport an injured employee
backboards, that may be needed in a rescue normally.
attempt? (3) Portal size.
3. Are team members trained in the first
(a) Restricted—A portal of 24 inches or less
aid and medical skills needed to treat vic-
in the least dimension. Portals of this size
tims overcome or injured by the types of
are too small to allow a rescuer to simply
hazards that may be encountered in the per-
enter the space while using SCBA. The por-
mit spaces at the facility?
tal size is also too small to allow normal spi-
4. Do all team members perform their func-
nal immobilization of an injured employee.
tions safely and efficiently? Do rescue serv-
(b) Unrestricted—A portal of greater than
ice personnel focus on their own safety be-
24 inches in the least dimension. These por-
fore considering the safety of the victim?
tals allow relatively free movement into and
5. If necessary, can the rescue service prop-
out of the permit space.
erly test the atmosphere to determine if it is
(4) Space access.
(a) Horizontal—The portal is located on
6. Can the rescue personnel identify infor-
the side of the permit space. Use of retrieval
mation pertinent to the rescue from entry
lines could be difficult.
permits, hot work permits, and MSDSs?
(b) Vertical—The portal is located on the
7. Has the rescue service been informed of
top of the permit space, so that rescuers
any hazards to personnel that may arise
must climb down, or the bottom of the per-
from outside the space, such as those that
mit space, so that rescuers must climb up to
may be caused by future work near the
enter the space. Vertical portals may require
8. If necessary, can the rescue service prop- knowledge of rope techniques, or special pa-
erly package and retrieve victims from a tient packaging to safely retrieve a downed
permit space that has a limited size opening entrant.
(less than 24 inches (60.9 cm) in diameter), [58 FR 4549, Jan. 14, 1993; 58 FR 34845, 34846,
limited internal space, or internal obstacles June 29, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 26114, May
or hazards? 19, 1994; 63 FR 66038, 66039, Dec. 1, 1998]
9. If necessary, can the rescue service safe-
ly perform an elevated (high angle) rescue? § 1910.147 The control of hazardous
10. Does the rescue service have a plan for energy (lockout/tagout).
each of the kinds of permit space rescue op-
erations at the facility? Is the plan adequate (a) Scope, application and purpose—(1)
for all types of rescue operations that may Scope. (i) This standard covers the serv-
be needed at the facility? Teams may prac- icing and maintenance of machines and
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

tice in representative spaces, or in spaces equipment in which the unexpected


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§ 1910.147 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

energization or start up of the ma- ment is controlled by the unplugging of

chines or equipment, or release of the equipment from the energy source
stored energy could cause injury to em- and by the plug being under the exclu-
ployees. This standard establishes min- sive control of the employee per-
imum performance requirements for forming the servicing or maintenance.
the control of such hazardous energy. (B) Hot tap operations involving
(ii) This standard does not cover the transmission and distribution systems
following: for substances such as gas, steam,
(A) Construction, agriculture and water or petroleum products when they
maritime employment; are performed on pressurized pipelines,
(B) Installations under the exclusive provided that the employer dem-
control of electric utilities for the pur- onstrates that (1) continuity of service
pose of power generation, transmission is essential; (2) shutdown of the system
and distribution, including related is impractical; and (3) documented pro-
equipment for communication or me- cedures are followed, and special equip-
tering; and ment is used which will provide proven
(C) Exposure to electrical hazards effective protection for employees.
from work on, near, or with conductors (3) Purpose. (i) This section requires
or equipment in electric utilization in- employers to establish a program and
stallations, which is covered by sub- utilize procedures for affixing appro-
part S of this part; and priate lockout devices or tagout de-
(D) Oil and gas well drilling and serv- vices to energy isolating devices, and
icing. to otherwise disable machines or equip-
(2) Application. (i) This standard ap- ment to prevent unexpected
plies to the control of energy during energization, start-up or release of
servicing and/or maintenance of ma- stored energy in order to prevent in-
chines and equipment. jury to employees.
(ii) Normal production operations are (ii) When other standards in this part
not covered by this standard (See sub- require the use of lockout or tagout,
part 0 of this part). Servicing and/or they shall be used and supplemented by
maintenance which takes place during the procedural and training require-
normal production operations is cov- ments of this section.
ered by this standard only if;: (b) Definitions applicable to this sec-
(A) An employee is required to re- tion.
move or bypass a guard or other safety Affected employee. An employee whose
device; or job requires him/her to operate or use a
(B) An employee is required to place machine or equipment on which serv-
any part of his or her body into an area icing or maintenance is being per-
on a machine or piece of equipment formed under lockout or tagout, or
where work is actually performed upon whose job requires him/her to work in
the material being processed (point of an area in which such servicing or
operation) or where an associated dan- maintenance is being performed.
ger zone exists during a machine oper- Authorized employee. A person who
ating cycle. locks out or tags out machines or
NOTE: Exception to paragraph (a)(2)(ii): equipment in order to perform serv-
Minor tool changes and adjustments, and icing or maintenance on that machine
other minor servicing activities, which take or equipment. An affected employee be-
place during normal production operations, comes an authorized employee when
are not covered by this standard if they are
that employee’s duties include per-
routine, repetitive, and integral to the use of
the equipment for production, provided that forming servicing or maintenance cov-
the work is performed using alternative ered under this section.
measures which provide effective protection Capable of being locked out. An energy
(See subpart 0 of this part). isolating device is capable of being
(iii) This standard does not apply to locked out if it has a hasp or other
the following. means of attachment to which, or
(A) Work on cord and plug connected through which, a lock can be affixed, or
electric equipment for which exposure it has a locking mechanism built into
to the hazards of unexpected it. Other energy isolating devices are
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

energization or start up of the equip- capable of being locked out, if lockout


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.147

can be achieved without the need to specting, modifying, and maintaining

dismantle, rebuild, or replace the en- and/or servicing machines or equip-
ergy isolating device or permanently ment. These activities include lubrica-
alter its energy control capability. tion, cleaning or unjamming of ma-
Energized. Connected to an energy chines or equipment and making ad-
source or containing residual or stored justments or tool changes, where the
energy. employee may be exposed to the unex-
Energy isolating device. A mechanical pected energization or startup of the
device that physically prevents the equipment or release of hazardous en-
transmission or release of energy, in- ergy.
cluding but not limited to the fol- Setting up. Any work performed to
lowing: A manually operated electrical prepare a machine or equipment to per-
circuit breaker; a disconnect switch; a
form its normal production operation.
manually operated switch by which the
Tagout. The placement of a tagout
conductors of a circuit can be discon-
nected from all ungrounded supply con- device on an energy isolating device, in
ductors, and, in addition, no pole can accordance with an established proce-
be operated independently; a line dure, to indicate that the energy iso-
valve; a block; and any similar device lating device and the equipment being
used to block or isolate energy. Push controlled may not be operated until
buttons, selector switches and other the tagout device is removed.
control circuit type devices are not en- Tagout device. A prominent warning
ergy isolating devices. device, such as a tag and a means of at-
Energy source. Any source of elec- tachment, which can be securely fas-
trical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneu- tened to an energy isolating device in
matic, chemical, thermal, or other en- accordance with an established proce-
ergy. dure, to indicate that the energy iso-
Hot tap. A procedure used in the re- lating device and the equipment being
pair, maintenance and services activi- controlled may not be operated until
ties which involves welding on a piece the tagout device is removed.
of equipment (pipelines, vessels or (c) General—(1) Energy control pro-
tanks) under pressure, in order to in- gram. The employer shall establish a
stall connections or appurtenances. It program consisting of energy control
is commonly used to replace or add procedures, employee training and
sections of pipeline without the inter- periodic inspections to ensure that be-
ruption of service for air, gas, water, fore any employee performs any serv-
steam, and petrochemical distribution icing or maintenance on a machine or
systems. equipment where the unexpected ener-
Lockout. The placement of a lockout
gizing, start up or release of stored en-
device on an energy isolating device, in
ergy could occur and cause injury, the
accordance with an established proce-
machine or equipment shall be isolated
dure, ensuring that the energy iso-
from the energy source, and rendered
lating device and the equipment being
controlled cannot be operated until the
lockout device is removed. (2) Lockout/tagout. (i) If an energy iso-
Lockout device. A device that utilizes lating device is not capable of being
a positive means such as a lock, either locked out, the employer’s energy con-
key or combination type, to hold an trol program under paragraph (c)(1) of
energy isolating device in a safe posi- this section shall utilize a tagout sys-
tion and prevent the energizing of a tem.
machine or equipment. Included are (ii) If an energy isolating device is
blank flanges and bolted slip blinds. capable of being locked out, the em-
Normal production operations. The uti- ployer’s energy control program under
lization of a machine or equipment to paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall
perform its intended production func- utilize lockout, unless the employer
tion. can demonstrate that the utilization of
Servicing and/or maintenance. Work- a tagout system will provide full em-
place activities such as constructing, ployee protection as set forth in para-
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

installing, setting up, adjusting, in- graph (c)(3) of this section.


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§ 1910.147 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

(iii) After January 2, 1990, whenever icing or maintenance; (5) a single lockout de-
replacement or major repair, renova- vice will achieve a locked-out condition; (6)
tion or modification of a machine or the lockout device is under the exclusive
control of the authorized employee per-
equipment is performed, and whenever forming the servicing or maintenance; (7)
new machines or equipment are in- the servicing or maintenance does not create
stalled, energy isolating devices for hazards for other employees; and (8) the em-
such machine or equipment shall be de- ployer, in utilizing this exception, has had
signed to accept a lockout device. no accidents involving the unexpected acti-
(3) Full employee protection. (i) When a vation or reenergization of the machine or
tagout device is used on an energy iso- equipment during servicing or maintenance.
lating device which is capable of being (ii) The procedures shall clearly and
locked out, the tagout device shall be specifically outline the scope, purpose,
attached at the same location that the authorization, rules, and techniques to
lockout device would have been at- be utilized for the control of hazardous
tached, and the employer shall dem- energy, and the means to enforce com-
onstrate that the tagout program will pliance including, but not limited to,
provide a level of safety equivalent to the following:
that obtained by using a lockout pro- (A) A specific statement of the in-
gram. tended use of the procedure;
(ii) In demonstrating that a level of (B) Specific procedural steps for
safety is achieved in the tagout pro- shutting down, isolating, blocking and
gram which is equivalent to the level securing machines or equipment to
of safety obtained by using a lockout control hazardous energy;
program, the employer shall dem- (C) Specific procedural steps for the
onstrate full compliance with all placement, removal and transfer of
tagout-related provisions of this stand- lockout devices or tagout devices and
ard together with such additional ele- the responsibility for them; and
ments as are necessary to provide the (D) Specific requirements for testing
equivalent safety available from the a machine or equipment to determine
use of a lockout device. Additional and verify the effectiveness of lockout
means to be considered as part of the devices, tagout devices, and other en-
demonstration of full employee protec- ergy control measures.
tion shall include the implementation (5) Protective materials and hardware.
of additional safety measures such as (i) Locks, tags, chains, wedges, key
the removal of an isolating circuit ele- blocks, adapter pins, self-locking fas-
ment, blocking of a controlling switch, teners, or other hardware shall be pro-
opening of an extra disconnecting de- vided by the employer for isolating, se-
vice, or the removal of a valve handle curing or blocking of machines or
to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent equipment from energy sources.
energization. (ii) Lockout devices and tagout de-
(4) Energy control procedure. (i) Proce- vices shall be singularly identified;
dures shall be developed, documented shall be the only devices(s) used for
and utilized for the control of poten- controlling energy; shall not be used
tially hazardous energy when employ- for other purposes; and shall meet the
ees are engaged in the activities cov- following requirements:
ered by this section. (A) Durable. (1) Lockout and tagout
NOTE: Exception: The employer need not
devices shall be capable of with-
document the required procedure for a par- standing the environment to which
ticular machine or equipment, when all of they are exposed for the maximum pe-
the following elements exist: (1) The ma- riod of time that exposure is expected.
chine or equipment has no potential for (2) Tagout devices shall be con-
stored or residual energy or reaccumulation structed and printed so that exposure
of stored energy after shut down which could to weather conditions or wet and damp
endanger employees; (2) the machine or locations will not cause the tag to de-
equipment has a single energy source which
teriorate or the message on the tag to
can be readily identified and isolated; (3) the
isolation and locking out of that energy
become illegible.
source will completely deenergize and de- (3) Tags shall not deteriorate when
activate the machine or equipment; (4) the used in corrosive environments such as
machine or equipment is isolated from that areas where acid and alkali chemicals
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

energy source and locked out during serv- are handled and stored.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.147

(B) Standardized. Lockout and tagout include a review, between the inspector
devices shall be standardized within and each authorized and affected em-
the facility in at least one of the fol- ployee, of that employee’s responsibil-
lowing criteria: Color; shape; or size; ities under the energy control proce-
and additionally, in the case of tagout dure being inspected, and the elements
devices, print and format shall be set forth in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this
standardized. section.
(C) Substantial—(1) Lockout devices. (ii) The employer shall certify that
Lockout devices shall be substantial the periodic inspections have been per-
enough to prevent removal without the formed. The certification shall identify
use of excessive force or unusual tech- the machine or equipment on which
niques, such as with the use of bolt the energy control procedure was being
cutters or other metal cutting tools. utilized, the date of the inspection, the
(2) Tagout devices. Tagout devices, in- employees included in the inspection,
cluding and their means of attachment, and the person performing the inspec-
shall be substantial enough to prevent tion.
inadvertent or accidental removal. (7) Training and communication. (i)
Tagout device attachment means shall The employer shall provide training to
be of a non-reusable type, attachable ensure that the purpose and function of
by hand, self-locking, and non-releas- the energy control program are under-
able with a minimum unlocking stood by employees and that the
strength of no less than 50 pounds and knowledge and skills required for the
having the general design and basic safe application, usage, and removal of
characteristics of being at least equiv- the energy controls are acquired by
alent to a one-piece, all-environment- employees. The training shall include
tolerant nylon cable tie. the following:
(D) Identifiable. Lockout devices and
(A) Each authorized employee shall
tagout devices shall indicate the iden-
receive training in the recognition of
tity of the employee applying the de-
applicable hazardous energy sources,
the type and magnitude of the energy
(iii) Tagout devices shall warn
available in the workplace, and the
against hazardous conditions if the ma-
methods and means necessary for en-
chine or equipment is energized and
ergy isolation and control.
shall include a legend such as the fol-
lowing: Do Not Start, Do Not Open, Do (B) Each affected employee shall be
Not Close, Do Not Energize, Do Not Oper- instructed in the purpose and use of
ate. the energy control procedure.
(6) Periodic inspection. (i) The em- (C) All other employees whose work
ployer shall conduct a periodic inspec- operations are or may be in an area
tion of the energy control procedure at where energy control procedures may
least annually to ensure that the pro- be utilized, shall be instructed about
cedure and the requirements of this the procedure, and about the prohibi-
standard are being followed. tion relating to attempts to restart or
(A) The periodic inspection shall be reenergize machines or equipment
perfomed by an authorized employee which are locked out or tagged out.
other than the ones(s) utilizing the en- (ii) When tagout systems are used,
ergy control procedure being inspected. employees shall also be trained in the
(B) The periodic inspection shall be following limitations of tags:
conducted to correct any deviations or (A) Tags are essentially warning de-
inadequacies identified. vices affixed to energy isolating de-
(C) Where lockout is used for energy vices, and do not provide the physical
control, the periodic inspection shall restraint on those devices that is pro-
include a review, between the inspector vided by a lock.
and each authorized employee, of that (B) When a tag is attached to an en-
employee’s responsibilities under the ergy isolating means, it is not to be re-
energy control procedure being in- moved without authorization of the au-
spected. thorized person responsible for it, and
(D) Where tagout is used for energy it is never to be bypassed, ignored, or
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

control, the periodic inspection shall otherwise defeated.


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§ 1910.147 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

(C) Tags must be legible and under- elements and actions and shall be done
standable by all authorized employees, in the following sequence:
affected employees, and all other em- (1) Preparation for shutdown. Before
ployees whose work operations are or an authorized or affected employee
may be in the area, in order to be effec- turns off a machine or equipment, the
tive. authorized employee shall have knowl-
(D) Tags and their means of attach- edge of the type and magnitude of the
ment must be made of materials which energy, the hazards of the energy to be
will withstand the environmental con- controlled, and the method or means to
ditions encountered in the workplace. control the energy.
(E) Tags may evoke a false sense of (2) Machine or equipment shutdown.
security, and their meaning needs to be The machine or equipment shall be
understood as part of the overall en- turned off or shut down using the pro-
ergy control program. cedures established for the machine or
(F) Tags must be securely attached equipment. An orderly shutdown must
to energy isolating devices so that they be utilized to avoid any additional or
cannot be inadvertently or acciden- increased hazard(s) to employees as a
tally detached during use. result of the equipment stoppage.
(iii) Employee retraining. (3) Machine or equipment isolation. All
(A) Retraining shall be provided for energy isolating devices that are need-
all authorized and affected employees
ed to control the energy to the ma-
whenever there is a change in their job
chine or equipment shall be physically
assignments, a change in machines,
located and operated in such a manner
equipment or processes that present a
as to isolate the machine or equipment
new hazard, or when there is a change
from the energy source(s).
in the energy control procedures.
(4) Lockout or tagout device applica-
(B) Additional retraining shall also
tion. (i) Lockout or tagout devices shall
be conducted whenever a periodic in-
be affixed to each energy isolating de-
spection under paragraph (c)(6) of this
vice by authorized employees.
section reveals, or whenever the em-
ployer has reason to believe, that there (ii) Lockout devices, where used,
are deviations from or inadequacies in shall be affixed in a manner to that
the employee’s knowledge or use of the will hold the energy isolating devices
energy control procedures. in a ‘‘safe’’ or ‘‘off’’ position.
(C) The retraining shall reestablish (iii) Tagout devices, where used, shall
employee proficiency and introduce be affixed in such a manner as will
new or revised control methods and clearly indicate that the operation or
procedures, as necessary. movement of energy isolating devices
(iv) The employer shall certify that from the ‘‘safe’’ or ‘‘off’’ position is
employee training has been accom- prohibited.
plished and is being kept up to date. (A) Where tagout devices are used
The certification shall contain each with energy isolating devices designed
employee’s name and dates of training. with the capability of being locked, the
(8) Energy isolation. Lockout or tag attachment shall be fastened at the
tagout shall be performed only bythe same point at which the lock would
authorized employees who are per- have been attached.
forming the servicing or maintenance. (B) Where a tag cannot be affixed di-
(9) Notification of employees. Affected rectly to the energy isolating device,
employees shall be notified by the em- the tag shall be located as close as
ployer or authorized employee of the safely possible to the device, in a posi-
application and removal of lockout de- tion that will be immediately obvious
vices or tagout devices. Notification to anyone attempting to operate the
shall be given before the controls are device.
applied, and after they are removed (5) Stored energy. (i) Following the ap-
from the machine or equipment. plication of lockout or tagout devices
(d) Application of control. The estab- to energy isolating devices, all poten-
lished procedures for the application of tially hazardous stored or residual en-
energy control (the lockout or tagout ergy shall be relieved, disconnected, re-
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

procedures) shall cover the following strained, and otherwise rendered safe.


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.147

(ii) If there is a possibility of re- (i) Verfication by the employer that

accumulation of stored energy to a the authorized employee who applied
hazardous level, verification of isola- the device is not at the facility;
tion shall be continued until the serv- (ii) Making all reasonable efforts to
icing or maintenance is completed, or contact the authorized employee to in-
until the possibility of such accumula- form him/her that his/her lockout or
tion no longer exists. tagout device has been removed; and
(6) Verification of isolation. Prior to (iii) Ensuring that the authorized
starting work on machines or equip- employee has this knowledge before he/
ment that have been locked out or she resumes work at that facility.
tagged out, the authorized employee (f) Additional requirements—(1) Testing
shall verify that isolation and or positioning of machines, equipment or
components thereof. In situations in
deenergization of the machine or
which lockout or tagout devices must
equipment have been accomplished.
be temporarily removed from the en-
(e) Release from lockout or tagout. Be- ergy isolating device and the machine
fore lockout or tagout devices are re- or equipment energized to test or posi-
moved and energy is restored to the tion the machine, equipment or compo-
machine or equipment, procedures nent thereof, the following sequence of
shall be followed and actions taken by actions shall be followed:
the authorized employee(s) to ensure (i) Clear the machine or equipment of
the following: tools and materials in accordance with
(1) The machine or equipment. The paragraph (e)(1) of this section;
work area shall be inspected to ensure (ii) Remove employees from the ma-
that nonessential items have been re- chine or equipment area in accordance
moved and to ensure that machine or with paragraph (e)(2) of this section;
equipment components are operation- (iii) Remove the lockout or tagout
ally intact. devices as specified in paragraph (e)(3)
(2) Employees. (i) The work area shall of this section;
be checked to ensure that all employ- (iv) Energize and proceed with test-
ees have been safely positioned or re- ing or positioning;
moved. (v) Deenergize all systems and re-
(ii) After lockout or tagout devices apply energy control measures in ac-
have been removed and before a ma- cordance with paragraph (d) of this sec-
chine or equipment is started, affected tion to continue the servicing and/or
employees shall be notified that the maintenance.
(2) Outside personnel (contractors, etc.).
lockout or tagout device(s) have been
(i) Whenever outside servicing per-
sonnel are to be engaged in activities
(3) Lockout or tagout devices removal. covered by the scope and application of
Each lockout or tagout device shall be this standard, the on-site employer and
removed from each energy isolating de- the outside employer shall inform each
vice by the employee who applied the other of their respective lockout or
device. Exception to paragraph (e)(3): tagout procedures.
When the authorized employee who ap- (ii) The on-site employer shall ensure
plied the lockout or tagout device is that his/her employees understand and
not available to remove it, that device comply with the restrictions and prohi-
may be removed under the direction of bitions of the outside employer’s en-
the employer, provided that specific ergy control program.
procedures and training for such re- (3) Group lockout or tagout. (i) When
moval have been developed, docu- servicing and/or maintenance is per-
mented and incorporated into the em- formed by a crew, craft, department or
ployer’s energy control program. The other group, they shall utilize a proce-
employer shall demonstrate that the dure which affords the employees a
specific procedure provides equivalent level of protection equivalent to that
safety to the removal of the device by provided by the implementation of a
the authorized employee who applied personal lockout or tagout device.
it. The specific procedure shall include (ii) Group lockout or tagout devices
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

at least the following elements: shall be used in accordance with the


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§ 1910.147 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)

procedures required by paragraph (c)(4) quire additional training and more rigorous
of this section including, but not nec- periodic inspections. When tagout is used
essarily limited to, the following spe- and the energy isolating devices are lock-
able, the employer must provide full em-
cific requirements:
ployee protection (see paragraph (c)(3)) and
(A) Primary responsibility is vested additional training and more rigorous peri-
in an authorized employee for a set odic inspections are required. For more com-
number of employees working under plex systems, more comprehensive proce-
the protection of a group lockout or dures may need to be developed, documented
tagout device (such as an operations and utilized.
Lockout Procedure
(B) Provision for the authorized em-
ployee to ascertain the exposure status Lockout procedure for
of individual group members with re- llllllllllllllllllllllll
gard to the lockout or tagout of the (Name of Company for single procedure or
machine or equipment and identification of equipment if multiple pro-
(C) When more than one crew, craft, cedures are used)
department, etc. is involved, assign-
ment of overall job-associated lockout
or tagout control responsibility to an This procedure establishes the minimum
authorized employee designated to co- requirements for the lockout of energy iso-
lating devices whenever maintenance or
ordinate affected work forces and en-
servicing is done on machines or equipment.
sure continuity of protection; and It shall be used to ensure that the machine
(D) Each authorized employee shall or equipment is stopped, isolated from all
affix a personal lockout or tagout de- potentially hazardous energy sources and
vice to the group lockout device, group locked out before employees perform any
lockbox, or comparable mechanism servicing or maintenance where the unex-
when he or she begins work, and shall pected energization or start-up of the ma-
remove those devices when he or she chine or equipment or release of stored en-
ergy could cause injury.
stops working on the machine or equip-
ment being serviced or maintained. Compliance With This Program
(4) Shift or personnel changes. Specific
All employees are required to comply with
procedures shall be utilized during the restrictions and limitations imposed
shift or personnel changes to ensure upon them during the use of lockout. The au-
the continuity of lockout or tagout thorized employees are required to perform
protection, including provision for the the lockout in accordance with this proce-
orderly transfer of lockout or tagout dure. All employees, upon observing a ma-
device protection between off-going chine or piece of equipment which is locked
and oncoming employees, to minimize out to perform servicing or maintenance
exposure to hazards from the unex- shall not attempt to start, energize or use
that machine or equipment.
pected energization or start-up of the
machine or equipment, or the release llllllllllllllllllllllll
of stored energy. Type of compliance enforcement to be taken
NOTE: The following appendix to § 1910.147 for violation of the above.
services as a non-mandatory guideline to as- Sequence of Lockout
sist employers and employees in complying
with the requirements of this section, as well (1) Notify all affected employees that serv-
as to provide other helpful information. icing or maintenance is required on a ma-
Nothing in the appendix adds to or detracts chine or equipment and that the machine or
from any of the requirements of this section. equipment must be shut down and locked out
to perform the servicing or maintenance.
Name(s)/Job Title(s) of affected employees
General and how to notify.
The following simple lockout procedure is (2) The authorized employee shall refer to
provided to assist employers in developing the company procedure to identify the type
their procedures so they meet the require- and magnitude of the energy that the ma-
ments of this standard. When the energy iso- chine or equipment utilizes, shall understand
lating devices are not lockable, tagout may the hazards of the energy, and shall know
be used, provided the employer complies the methods to control the energy.
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

with the provisions of the standard which re- llllllllllllllllllllllll


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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.151
Type(s) and magnitude(s) of energy, its haz- (5) Notify affected employees that the serv-
ards and the methods to control the energy. icing or maintenance is completed and the
(3) If the machine or equipment is oper- machine or equipment is ready for use.
ating, shut it down by the normal stopping [54 FR 36687, Sept. 1, 1989, as amended at 54
procedure (depress stop button, open switch, FR 42498, Oct. 17, 1989; 55 FR 38685, 38686,
close valve, etc.). Sept. 20, 1990]
Type(s) and location(s) of machine or equip- Subpart K—Medical and First Aid
ment operating controls.
(4) De-activate the energy isolating de-
AUTHORITY: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occu-
vice(s) so that the machine or equipment is
pational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29
isolated from the energy source(s).
U.S.C. 653, 655, and 657; Secretary of Labor’s
llllllllllllllllllllllll Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR
Type(s) and location(s) of energy isolating 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6–
devices. 96 (62 FR 111), or 3–2000 (65 FR 50017), as ap-
plicable, and 29 CFR part 1911.
(5) Lock out the energy isolating device(s)
with assigned individual lock(s).
§ 1910.151 Medical services and first
(6) Stored or residual energy (such as that
in capacitors, springs, elevated machine
members, rotating flywheels, hydraulic sys- (a) The employer shall ensure the
tems, and air, gas, steam, or water pressure, ready availability of medical personnel
etc.) must be dissipated or restrained by for advice and consultation on matters
methods such as grounding, repositioning, of plant health.
blocking, bleeding down, etc.
(b) In the absence of an infirmary,
llllllllllllllllllllllll clinic, or hospital in near proximity to
Type(s) of stored energy—methods to dis- the workplace which is used for the
sipate or restrain. treatment of all injured employees, a
(7) Ensure that the equipment is discon- person or persons shall be adequately
nected from the energy source(s) by first trained to render first aid. Adequate
checking that no personnel are exposed, then first aid supplies shall be readily avail-
verify the isolation of the equipment by op- able.
erating the push button or other normal op-
erating control(s) or by testing to make cer-
(c) Where the eyes or body of any per-
tain the equipment will not operate. son may be exposed to injurious corro-
sive materials, suitable facilities for
CAUTION: Return operating control(s) to
neutral or ‘‘off’’ position after verifying the quick drenching or flushing of the eyes
isolation of the equipment. and body shall be provided within the
work area for immediate emergency
Method of verifying the isolation of the
equipment. APPENDIX A TO § 1910.151—FIRST AID KITS
(8) The machine or equipment is now (NON-MANDATORY)
locked out. First aid supplies are required to be readily
Restoring Equipment to Service. When the available under paragraph § 1910.151(b). An
servicing or maintenance is completed and example of the minimal contents of a generic
the machine or equipment is ready to return first aid kit is described in American Na-
to normal operating condition, the following tional Standard (ANSI) Z308.1–1998 ‘‘Min-
steps shall be taken. imum Requirements for Workplace First-aid
(1) Check the machine or equipment and Kits.’’ The contents of the kit listed in the
the immediate area around the machine or ANSI standard should be adequate for small
equipment to ensure that nonessential items worksites. When larger operations or mul-
have been removed and that the machine or tiple operations are being conducted at the
equipment components are operationally in- same location, employers should determine
tact. the need for additional first aid kits at the
(2) Check the work area to ensure that all worksite, additional types of first aid equip-
employees have been safely positioned or re- ment and supplies and additional quantities
moved from the area. and types of supplies and equipment in the
(3) Verify that the controls are in neutral. first aid kits.
(4) Remove the lockout devices and reener- In a similar fashion, employers who have
gize the machine or equipment. unique or changing first-aid needs in their
NOTE: The removal of some forms of block- workplace may need to enhance their first-
ing may require reenergization of the ma- aid kits. The employer can use the OSHA 200
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

chine before safe removal. log, OSHA 101’s or other reports to identify


VerDate Aug<31>2005 08:47 Jul 26, 2007 Jkt 211112 PO 00000 Frm 00501 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\211112.XXX 211112
§ 1910.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–07 Edition)
these unique problems. Consultation from which is capable of suppressing the
the local fire/rescue department, appropriate generation of fuel vapors.
medical professional, or local emergency
(3) Approved means acceptable to the
room may be helpful to employers in these
circumstances. By assessing the specific Assistant Secretary under the fol-
needs of their workplace, employers can en- lowing criteria:
sure that reasonably anticipated supplies are (i) If it is accepted, or certified, or
available. Employers should assess the spe- listed, or labeled or otherwise deter-
cific needs of their worksite periodically and mined to be safe by a nationally recog-
augment the first aid kit appropriately. nized testing laboratory; or
If it is reasonably anticipated that employ-
ees will be exposed to blood or other poten-
(ii) With respect to an installation or
tially infectious materials while using first equipment of a kind which no nation-
aid supplies, employers are required to pro- ally recognized testing laboratory ac-
vide appropriate personal protective equip- cepts, certifies, lists, labels, or deter-
ment (PPE) in compliance with the provi- mines to be safe, if it is inspected or
sions of the Occupational Exposure to Blood tested by another Federal agency and
borne Pathogens standard, § 1910.1030(d)(3) (56 found in compliance with the provi-
FR 64175). This standard lists appropriate
sions of the applicable National Fire
PPE for this type of exposure, such as
gloves, gowns, face shields, masks, and eye Protection Association Fire Code; or
protection. (iii) With respect to custom-made
equipment or related installations
[39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 63
FR 33466, June 18, 1998; 70 FR 1141, Jan. 5,
which are designed, fabricated for, and
2005] intended for use by its manufacturer
on the basis of test data which the em-
§ 1910.152 [Reserved] ployer keeps and makes available for
inspection to the Assistant Secretary.
Subpart L—Fire Protection (iv) For the purposes of paragraph
(c)(3) of this section:
(A) Equipment is listed if it is of a
AUTHORITY: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occu-
pational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29
kind mentioned in a list which is pub-
U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s lished by a nationally recognized test-
Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR ing laboratory which makes periodic
25059), 9–83 (48 F 35736), 6–96 (62 FR 111), or 3– inspections of the production of such
2000 (65 FR 50017), as applicable; and 29 CFR equipment and which states that such
part 1911. equipment meets nationally recognized
standards or has been tested and found
§ 1910.155 Scope, application and defi- safe for use in a specified manner;
nitions applicable to this subpart.
(B) Equipment is labeled if there is
(a) Scope. This subpart contains re- attached to it a label, symbol, or other
quirements for fire brigades, and all identifying mark of a nationally recog-
portable and fixed fire suppression nized testing laboratory which makes
equipment, fire detection systems, and periodic inspections of the production
fire or employee alarm systems in- of such equipment, and whose labeling
stalled to meet the fire protection re- indicates compliance with nationally
quirements of 29 CFR part 1910. recognized standards or tests to deter-
(b) Application. This subpart applies mine safe use in a specified manner;
to all employments except for mari- (C) Equipment is accepted if it has
time, construction, and agriculture. been inspected and found by a nation-
(c) Definitions applicable to this sub- ally recognized testing laboratory to
part. (1) After-flame means the time a conform to specified plans or to proce-
test specimen continues to flame after dures of applicable codes; and
the flame source has been removed. (D) Equipment is certified if it has
(2) Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) been tested and found by a nationally
means a fluorinated surfactant with a recognized testing laboratory to meet
foam stabilizer which is diluted with nationally recognized standards or to
water to act as a temporary barrier to be safe for use in a specified manner or
exclude air from mixing with the fuel is of a kind whose production is peri-
vapor by developing an aqueous film on odically inspected by a nationally rec-
rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR

the fuel surface of some hydrocarbons ognized testing laboratory, and if it


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