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Have you ever imagined yourself without the bones within your body?

Do you think you can do works

without this framework? For sure, you would agree with me that our body is useless without the skeletal
system. Do you know why? Because it performs vital functions-like support, movement, protection,
blood cell production, calcium storage and endocrine regulation- that enable us to survive.

Good morning everyone. Today, I will show and discuss to you the parts of the skeletal system. The
skeletal system in an adult body is made up of 206 individual bones. These bones are arranged into two
major division namely the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial runs along the body’s
midline axis and is made up of 80 bones in the following regions: skull, hyoid, auditory ossicles, ribs,
sternum and vertebral column. The appendicular skeleton is made up of 126 bones in the following
regions namely upper limbs, lower limbs, pelvic girdle and pectoral girdle.

The skull is composed of 22 bones. The bones of the superior portion of the skull are known as cranium
and protect the brain from damage while the bones of the inferior and anterior portion of the skull are
known as facial bones that support the eyes, nose and mouth. The hyoid is a floating bone and sternum
is called breastbone that connect to the ribs. There are 12 pairs of ribs that together with the sternum
form the ribcage of the thoracic region.

The pectoral girdle connects the upper limb bones. The humerus is a bone of the upper arm. The radius
and ulna are the two bones of the forearm. The lower arm bones form the wrist joint with the carpals
then the carpals are connected to the five metacarpals that form their bones of the hand and connect to
the phalanges.

The femur is the largest bone found in the thigh region while the tibia and fibula are the bones of the
lower leg. The tarsals are a group of seven small bones which form joints with the five long metatarsals
of the foot. Each metatarsal forms a joint with one of the set of phalanges.

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