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QEF08EL Non Conformance Report

Jl. Tamansari No. 1, Bandung, Jawa Barat,

Organisation Name: Universitas Islam Bandung Location:
40116, Indonesia
Date: 14/10/2016 Audit team leader: Sofian Efendi Activity/Report ID: AS-414005 License/Certificate No.: QEC30019
Organisation’s acknowledgement of receipt of NCR Employee Name: Mrs Nan R Date NCR Accepted:
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Details of non-conforming SAI Correction : Root Cause and Corrective SAI Global SAI Global Verification of Corrective
N situation and Objective Verification Action : Response Review: Action for Effectiveness:
C (immediate fix)
Standard(s) Evidence : (how and (action to prevent recurrence)
R Classification when)
& clause(s)

1 ISO 9001 Minor Tidak ditemukan bukti Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
2008       pencapaian target mutu IPK di Next audit SELECT      
cl.4.2.4 Program Doctorial TA 2015/16.
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

2 ISO 9001 Minor Prodi Magister Management: Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
2008       Belum ada bukti verifikasi Next audit SELECT      
cl. 4.2.4 kesesuaian (SS,TS,SM,SW) di       Name
BAP untuk MK Manajemen SDM
TA 2015/16 SAI SELECT      
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

3 ISO 9001 Minor Prodi Magister Management: Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
2008       Belum ada bukti verifikasi soal Next audit SELECT      
cl. 4.2.4 MK Manajemen SDM TA       Name
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

4 ISO 9001 Minor Prodi Magister Profesi Psikologi: Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
2008       Belum ada bukti verifikasi soal Next audit SELECT      
cl.4.2.4 Blind Case TA 2015/16       Name
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

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Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Details of non-conforming SAI Correction : Root Cause and Corrective SAI Global SAI Global Verification of Corrective
N situation and Objective Verification Action : Response Review: Action for Effectiveness:
C (immediate fix)
Standard(s) Evidence : (how and (action to prevent recurrence)
R Classification when)
& clause(s)

5 ISO 9001 Minor Prodi Magister Profesi Psikologi: Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
2008       Belum ada bukti verifikasi Next audit SELECT      
cl. 4.2.4 kesesuaian (SS,TS,SM,SW)       Name
untuk BA Praktikum
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

6 Minor Prodi Statistik: Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

ISO 9001: Inkosistensi dalam pengisian
2008 cl. form Berita Acara Perkuliahan Next audit SELECT      
4.2.4 (BAP) dimana untuk program       Name
studi Statistik mata kuliah SAI SELECT      
Analisa Regresi 2/3 dan Follow up
Manajemen Data tidak Reviewer:       Date:
mencantumkan tanggal Onsite SELECT
pertemuan dan masih ditemukan
penggunaan tip ex pada form      
BAK dan Daftar Peserta dan
Nilai Kuliah.

7 8.2.3,8.2.4, MINOR Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

Didapat bahwa Tindakan
8.5.2 Koreksi dan Korektif atas hasil Next audit SELECT      
Survey Kepuasan Mahasiswa       Name
(Index Proses Layanan ) yang SAI SELECT      
tidak mencapai target 2,40 Follow up
belum dapat di tunjukkan. Reviewer:       Date:
Contoh : Smt Ganjil dan Genap Onsite SELECT
2015/2016 di Psikologi.

8 MINOR Didapat bahwa dalam Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

7.5.1 Rekapitulasi Berita Acara
Perkuliahan pada Genap Next audit SELECT      
2015/2016 masih belum di       Name
lengkapi dgn Jumlah Kehadiran SAI SELECT      
Dosen dan Jumlah Kehadiran Follow up
Mahasiswa. Contoh : Prodi Reviewer:       Date:
Psikologi – Patologi Sosial, Onsite SELECT
Psikologi Umum II,

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Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Details of non-conforming SAI Correction : Root Cause and Corrective SAI Global SAI Global Verification of Corrective
N situation and Objective Verification Action : Response Review: Action for Effectiveness:
C (immediate fix)
Standard(s) Evidence : (how and (action to prevent recurrence)
R Classification when)
& clause(s)

9 MINOR Didapat bahwa Bobot Penilaian Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
7.5.1 Perkuliahan berbeda antara
bobot yg di tetapkan dalam Next audit SELECT      
GBPP dengan bobot yang       Name
diberikan dalam Rekap Nilai. SAI SELECT      
Contoh: Filsafat (GBPP UTS Follow up
40% & UAS 45% - 50%, Reviewer:       Date:
sedangkan rekap nilai UTS 35% Onsite SELECT
dan UAS 40%).

10 MINOR DIdapat bahwa Nilai Ujian Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
7.5.1 Skripsi Komprehensif aspek
Penyajian 20% , Metodologi Next audit SELECT      
30% dan Materi 50%, belum di       Name
tetapkannya secara tertulis SAI SELECT      
untuk parameter setiap Follow up
aspeknya. Reviewer:       Date:

11 MINOR Didapat bahwa soal UAS genap Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
7.6 2015/2016 tidak selalu di review
oleh Tim Verifikasi Naskah Soal Next audit SELECT      
Ujian sesuai SK Dekan. Contoh :       Name
Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi di Fakultas SAI SELECT      
FEB Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

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050 611 642 Page 4 of 8
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Details of non-conforming SAI Correction : Root Cause and Corrective SAI Global SAI Global Verification of Corrective
N situation and Objective Verification Action : Response Review: Action for Effectiveness:
C (immediate fix)
Standard(s) Evidence : (how and (action to prevent recurrence)
R Classification when)
& clause(s)

12 MINOR Didapat bahwa Formulir Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

7.5.1 Evaluasi Soal Ujian UAS Genap
2015/2016 kesesuaian soal ujian Next audit SELECT      
dengan BAP mata kuliah, tidak       Name
selalu di lakukan oleh dosen SAI SELECT      
sesuai dengan kompetensi mata Follow up
kuliah yang di ampu. Contoh: Reviewer:       Date:
Mata Kuliah Akuntansi Syariah Onsite SELECT
pada Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi di
evaluasi / diverifikasi oleh Ka      
Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi dgn
background keahlian bukan

13 MINOR Didapat bahwa Kurikulum Prodi Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
7.1 Ahwal Al Syakhsiyyah tahun
2016, belum di validasi dan Next audit SELECT      
disetujui oleh Rektor UNISBA.       Name
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

14 MINOR Didapat bahwa standard Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

7.5.1 penilaian mata kuliah yang telah
di tetapkan dalam Peraturan Next audit SELECT      
Akademik Fakultas Syariah tidak       Name
sesuai dengan Nilai yang SAI SELECT      
diberikan kpd mahasiswa dalam Follow up
mata kuliah. Contoh : Pedoman Reviewer:       Date:
Akademik Nilai A = diatas 80 , Onsite SELECT
sedangkan mata kuliah Bhs
Inggris; genap 2015/2016,      
Mrs.Dra.Chairiawaty dgn Nilai
Akhir 6, diberi A.

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Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Details of non-conforming SAI Correction : Root Cause and Corrective SAI Global SAI Global Verification of Corrective
N situation and Objective Verification Action : Response Review: Action for Effectiveness:
C (immediate fix)
Standard(s) Evidence : (how and (action to prevent recurrence)
R Classification when)
& clause(s)

15 MINOR Didapat bahwa Syllabus / RPS Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
7.1 mata kuliah tidak selalu di buat
oleh Dosen ybs. Contoh : Prodi Next audit SELECT      
Muamalat – Laboratorium Bank       Name
Mini, genap 2015/2016 . SAI SELECT      
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

16 MINOR Didapat bahwa terdapat Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

7.5.1 perbedaan jumlah tatap muka
perkuliahan antara BAP dengan Next audit SELECT      
SAP/Sillabus yang telah di       Name
tetapkan. Contoh : Prodi SAI SELECT      
Muamalat – Akuntansi Bank Follow up
Syariah, genap 2015/2016. Reviewer:       Date:
(BAP 12 x sedangkan SAP / Onsite SELECT
Sillabus 14 X).

17 MINOR Didapat bahwa mahasiswa Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:

7.5.1 dengan kehadiran di bawah
ketentuan Peraturan Akademik Next audit SELECT      
Fakultas Syariah (80% dr total       Name
pertemuan atau maksimal absen SAI SELECT      
2x) tetap diberi nilai oleh dosen Follow up
yang bersangkuta. Contoh : Reviewer:       Date:
Mhsiswi WIEKE J, tidak hadir 3x Onsite SELECT
dalam Mata kuliah Ilmu Hukum
genap 2015/2016. Mrs.Titin      

18 MINOR Didapat bahwa jumlah penguji Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
7.5.1 dalam Pedoman Penulisan
Skripsi di Fakultas Syariah ( 3 Next audit SELECT      
penguji), tidak selalu di       Name
implementasikan karena sidang SAI SELECT      
skripsi selalu di uji oleh 2 penguji Follow up
dan 2 pembimbing. Reviewer:       Date:

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050 611 642 Page 6 of 8
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Details of non-conforming SAI Correction : Root Cause and Corrective SAI Global SAI Global Verification of Corrective
N situation and Objective Verification Action : Response Review: Action for Effectiveness:
C (immediate fix)
Standard(s) Evidence : (how and (action to prevent recurrence)
R Classification when)
& clause(s)

19 7.4 MINOR Didapat bahwa Supplier / Due Date: Response: Verification of Effectiveness:
Rekanan pengadaan Alat alat Next audit SELECT      
kantor dan Alat alat laboratorium
, tidak selalu di evaluasi       Name
kinerjanya. SAI SELECT      
Follow up Reviewer:       Date:

Opportunity for improvement:

Prodi Hukum :
- Disarankan agar formulir kartu bentrok dijadikan form standard ISO dan diberi nomor dokumen
- Disarankan agar nomor mata kuliah Hukum Jaminan di RPS (HKK410) disinkronkan dengan di FRS (HKB408)
- Disarankan agar hasil meeting tanggal 3 Juni 2016 terkait tentang tindak lanjut yang akan dilakukan dilengkapi dengan PIC , target dan status tindaklanjutnya
(selesai /in progress)

Prodi Matematika:
- Proses review kurikulum KKNI sudah dilakukan namun disarankan agar ada SK tim penyusun kurikulumnya.
- Disarankan agar lebih akurat dalam menghitung hasil IKD (index kinerja dosen) TA 2015/16 (nilai = 3.15) agar sesuai dengan laporan pencapaian target mutunya
(nilai = 3.25)

Prodi teknik Industri:

- Proses remidial perlu dilakukan terkait dengan beberapa mahasiswa tidak lulus MK Elektronika Industri kelas B Sem. 3 TA 2015/16
- APAR di ruang lab SisProd perlu dicek kondisinya

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Failure to provide action plans as arranged with SAI Global and/or to implement correction and corrective action within the nominated time frames may lead to a recommendation that your certification be denied
or suspended. Certain sectors require both Major and Minor NCR’s to be cleared within a specified time. Refer to sector specific requirements for details.

Section 1

To be completed by the SAI Global Team Leader at the time of the audit. A copy of the NCR shall be left with the Client at the completion of the audit.

Organization Acknowledgement: Name of the organizations representative who was presented the non-conformance. Signature is not required.
SAI Global Verification Method Record if site visit is required or what information is to be provided to effect NCR closure.

Section 2 - Organization Response

Complete Section 2 as described below and return it to SAI Global. In lieu of completing SAI Global NCR form, the Client may submit an equivalent corrective action document.

Root Cause: Consider using appropriate root-cause analysis tools such as, 5 Why’s, FMEAs, Fault tree analysis and fish bone diagrams, etc., to
ensure identification of root cause.
Correction: Describe the action taken to correct the incident and contain the problem. Objective evidence in the form of revised procedures,
records, etc. shall be submitted unless otherwise identified by the Audit Team Leader
Corrective Action: Client shall describe the systemic (long term) corrective action(s) planned or taken to eliminate the root cause to prevent recurrence.
Objective evidence in the form of revised procedures, records, etc. shall be submitted unless otherwise identified by the Audit Team

Section 3

The SAI Global Team Leader /Client/Project Manager will review the completed NCR or Client’s equivalent corrective action document for adequate root cause analysis, systemic corrective action taken on root
cause and objective evidence submitted. Upon completion of the review the SAI Global Team Leader will either accept the corrective action taken and clear the NCR or request that the Client provide an
additional or revised response or objective evidence in order to clear the NCR. Comments shall be added to the hardcopy of the NCR or electronically as appropriate to identify any request for additional
information, including the date for submittal.

Section 4 – Verification of Effectiveness and NCR Closure

Detail what evidence was sighted to verify the effectiveness of the clients correction and corrective action. Where appropriate,
Verification of Effectiveness records of the client’s method of verifying effectiveness can be utilized but must demonstrate the correction, root cause and
corrective action. Record in the results the actual method and documents reviewed to verify effectiveness.
NCR Closure Name and date of individual performing the verification and NCR closure.

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