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Wi-Fi Outdoor Positioning System

Based on RSSI Measurements from Wi-Fi Access Points,

A Triangulation Approach

During this research about outdoor textit WiFi position is rarely explored, research conducted so
far is searching textit WiFi position using GPS and GSM. In addition, research on textit indoor WiFi
position uses the Trilateration method. In this journal, a textit WiFi position study uses the approved
Triangulation method, compositions from textit Vincent Pierlot and textit Marc Van Droogenbroeck.
Calculation method proved to be useful for searching for textit WiFi indoor and outdoor.

Keywords: WiFi position, Triangulation, RSSI .

1 Introduction 32-bit processor, has multiple functions for var-
ious purposes. In this study, Wemos D1 is used
Research textit WiFi position in the previous study as a Server Router, which functions to transmit
was carried out in the building ( textit Indoor WiFi signals to four or more Access Points.
position) with AP placement in each room connected
The prototype of Wemos D1, can be seen in the
to the user’s cellular telephone / textit user. Thus,
following figure 1:
wherever the user moves inside the building, it can be
monitored / understood well. There is also something
done in the building / textit (positio indoor WiFi)
using the Trilateration algorithm.
The research method textit other WiFi positions,
is done by textit outdoor / in an open field, using
GPS and GSM connected to the car application /
textit mobile apps. Using this method, textit WiFi
position can be tracked quickly and accurately. In
addition, there are also outdoor / building studies
that use the Trialateration algorithm. Figure 1: Wemos D1 devices.
In this study, an attempt to search textit WiFi po-
sition, outdoors using a signal beam indicator (RSSI)
from WiFi devices using the Triangulation algorithm
that has been rediscovered. It is hoped that this 2. Battery: it is for storing/backup power.
study can provide an alternative research textit WiFi 3. Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI): is one
position by using dbm signal (RSSI) and calculations standard measure to determine the signal emis-
using the Triangulation method. sion power emitted by Social D1 and received by
the client. The relationship between RSSI and
1.1 Aim of the Study distance can be obtained from the following for-
This study aims to find wiFi positions using the Tri-
angulation method, as an alternative to the use of RSSI[dBm] = A - 10 x n x log10(d) [8]
dBm/RSSI signals in searching WiFi positions in ex- Using the equation approach, the formula will be
isting methods. obtained as follows:
Distance −→ d(m) = 10((A−RSSI)/10 )

2 Methodology With the following values:

2.1 WiFi Access Point • A: is the signal transmit power received by

the client at a distance of 1 meter in dBm
It’s contain:
1. Wemos D1 device: Wemos D1 is embedded de- • d: is the distance between the transmitter
velopment board device which is integrated ac- (transmitter) and the receiver (receiver) in
cording to the Esp8266EX standard which has a meters.

2.2 Monitoring Devices 2 METHODOLOGY

• RSSI: is a strong signal emitted by the re- 2.4 Triangulation algorithm

ceiver (receiver) in units of dBm.
Calculations using the Triangulation method are used
• n: is pathloss, which has different condi- to find the coordinates closest to the actual Wemos
tions in each environment, according to the D1 coordinates. The Triangulation method used in
conditions shown in table 1. this study adopted the Triangulation formula from
Pierlot Vincent, et al. [7]. They modified the Tri-
Table 1: Path Loss Exponent on many environment angulation formula and used it to create applications
that could track the position of robots in the room,
Path Loss the concept can be seen in figure 3 below:
Exponent, n
Free Space 2
Urban area cellular
2.7 up to 3.5
Shadowed urban
3 up to 5
cellular radio
In building Line-of-Sight 1.6 up to 1.8
Obstructed in factories 2 up to 3

2.2 Monitoring Devices

While the hardware and software used to create and
run research can be seen in table 2 below:
Figure 3: Pierlot Vincent and friend’s Triangulation
Algorithm version [7]
Table 2: Monitoring devices

Hardware Software
The explanation of the formula in Figure 3 is as
Laptop & WiFi Device Linux Ubuntu follows: The coordinates of AP1, AP2, and AP3 are
Solar Power Bank Wavemon known x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, and from the measure-
Gauge ments that have been made, angles include: α1, α2,
α3, then the formulation is as follows:

1. compute the modified beacon coordinates:

2.3 Location • x01 =x1 -x2 ,

The test location is in an outdoor location with size • y10 =y1 - y2 ,
11.23 m x 12.25 m, the plan can be seen in figure 2. • x02 =x3 -x2 ,
• y20 =y3 -y2
2. compute the three cot(.):
• T12 = cot(α2 − α1 ),
• T23 = cot(α3 − α2 ),
(1T12 T23 )
• T31 = (T12 +T23 )

3. compute the modified circle center coordinates

measurement results:

• x012 = x01 + T12 y10 ,

• y12 = y10 − T12 x01 ,
• x023 = x03 − T23 y30 ,
• y23 = y30 + T23 x03 ,
• x031 = (x03 + x01 ) + T31 (y30 − y10 ),
• y31 = (y30 + y10 ) − T31 (x03 − x01 ),
Figure 2: Plan location test
4. compute k’31 :
k’31 = x01 x03 + y10 y30 + T31 (x01 y30 − x03 y10 ),

2.5 Calculation of Accuracy 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSS

5. compute D (if D=0, return with an error):

Table 3: The dbm signal conversion becomes a mea-
D = (x012 − x023 )(y23
0 0
− y31 )−
0 0 0 0 suring distance in a measurement experiment using 4
(y12 − y23 )(x23 − x31 ),
6. compute the Wemos D1 position {xR , yR }:
Coordinate RSSI Measuring
k31 0
(y12 0
−y23 ) Nu. AP X Y (dbm) Distance
• xR = x2 + ,
D (m)
k31 (x023 −x012 )
• yR = y2 + D . 1 AP 1 0 0 -53.10 17.99
2 AP 2 6.97 0.51 -53.60 19.05
Although this journal was published in 2014, un- 3 AP 3 11.23 0 -39.00 3.55
til now this algorithm from Vincent Pierlot is still 4 AP 4 11.23 12.25 -38.33 3.29
the best and most possible, which can be applied to
tracking non-GPS moving objects.

2.5 Calculation of Accuracy 4 Results and Discuss

Accuracy or location error is the average calculation 4.1 Calculation
of the distance of the AP to the object (Wemos D1)
actually reduced by the distance of the AP to the 4.1.1 Calculation using 4 AP
object (Wemos D1) estimate / result of calculation.
The smaller the accuracy of the deviation value, the Measuring the distance between each AP with We-
better the accuracy of the system, and vice versa [9]. mos D1, you can see the coordinates and the results
in the form of distance in meters in table 3.
Euclidean distance is a calculation of the distance
between two points in the Euclidean sphere, this The results of the calculation are then drawn into a
formula was introduced by a mathematician from circle and look for lines of intersection between circles
Greece. To study the relationship between angle and that represent the measurement distance on each AP,
distance. Euclidean is usually applied to two dimen- as shown in figure 4.
sions and three dimensions. But it’s also easier if ap-
plied to higher dimensions. The Euclidean formula
has the following equation:
d= (x − x)2 + (y − y)2
with values:

• d : euclidean distance / value accuracy,

• (x,y) : the location of the object (Wemos D1)


• (x’,y’) : object location (Access Point) the re-

sults of calculations

By combining the results of the Triangulation al-

gorithm calculations that have been modified in the
Euclidean formula, the following formula is obtained: ina
d= (x − xR )2 + (y − yR )2 Figure 4: The measurement results use 4 AP
Where (x, y) is the actual coordinate, while
(xR , yR ) is the coordinate of the measurement results. By using the Triangulation method, the calculation
results are shown in table 4.
3 Implementation
4.1.2 Calculation using 5 AP
The method used in this study is a quantitative
method through experiments with data retrieval in Measuring the distance between each AP with We-
the field, namely by conducting a test of measuring mos D1, you can see the coordinates and the results
the signal output of the communication between the in the form of distance in meters in table 5.
laptop and WeMos D1. The test that will be carried The results of the calculation are then drawn into a
out is comparing the measurement results using the circle and look for lines of intersection between circles
Triangulation algorithm that has been modified with that represent the measurement distance on each AP,
the actual coordinates. as shown in figure 5.

4.1 Calculation 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSS

Table 4: Measurement results using 4 AP Table 6: Measurement results using 5 AP

Coordinate Coordinate
Nu. AP Nu. AP
1 AP 1 0 0 1 AP 1 0 0
2 AP 2 6.97 0.51 2 AP 2 6.97 0.51
3 AP 3 11.23 0 3 AP 3 11.23 0
4 AP 4 11.23 12.25 4 AP 4 11.23 12.25
Wemos D1 Coordinate 6.97 4.6 5 AP 5 0 12.25
Coordinate measurement results 7.83 0.46 Wemos D1 Coordinate 6.97 4.6
Coordinate measurement results 5.89 5.29

Table 5: dbm signal conversion into a measuring dis-

tance using 5 AP Table 7: dbm signal conversion into a measuring dis-
tance using 6 AP
Coordinate RSSI Measuring
Nu. AP X Y (dbm) Distance Coordinate RSSI Measuring
(m) Nu. AP X Y (dbm) Distance
1 AP 1 0 0 -53.10 17.99 (m)
2 AP 2 6.97 0.51 -53.60 19.05 1 AP 1 0 0 -53.10 17.99
3 AP 3 11.23 0 -39.00 3.55 2 AP 2 11.23 0 -39 3.55
4 AP 4 11.23 12.25 -38.33 3.29 3 AP 3 10.6 4.58 -43.17 5.73
5 AP 5 0 12.25 -45.80 7.76 4 AP 4 11.23 12.25 -38.33 3.29
5 AP 5 5.66 12.25 -56.09 25.38
6 AP 6 0 12.25 -45.80 7.76

Figure 5: Measurement results using 5 AP

Figure 6: Measurement results using 6 AP

By using the Triangulation method, the calculation
results are shown in table 6.

4.1.3 Calculation using 6 AP By using the Triangulation method, the calculation

results are shown in table 8.
Measuring the distance between each AP with We-
mos D1, you can see the coordinates and the results
4.1.4 Calculation using 7 AP
in the form of distance in meters in table 7.
The results of the calculation are then drawn into a Measuring the distance between each AP with We-
circle and look for lines of intersection between circles mos D1, you can see the coordinates and the results
that represent the measurement distance on each AP, in the form of distance in meters in table 9.
as shown in figure 6. The results of the calculation are then drawn into a

4.2 Discussion and Analysis 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSS

Table 8: Measurement results using 6 AP Table 10: Measurement results using 7 AP

Coordinate Coordinate
Nu. AP Nu. AP
1 AP 1 0 0 1 AP 1 0 0
2 AP 2 11.23 0 2 AP 2 6.97 0.51
3 AP 3 10.6 4.58 3 AP 3 11.23 0
4 AP 4 11.23 12.25 4 AP 4 10.6 4.58
5 AP 5 5.66 12.25 5 AP 5 11.23 12.25
6 AP 6 0 12.25 6 AP 6 5.66 12.25
Wemos D1 Coordinate 6.97 4.6 7 AP 7 0 12.25
Coordinate measurement results 3.53 2.33 WiFi Position Coordinate 6.97 4.6
Coordinate measurement results 6.77 4.6

Table 9: dbm signal conversion into a measuring dis-

tance using 7 AP 4.2 Discussion and Analysis
Based on the results of the Wemos D1 coordinate
Coordinate RSSI Measuring search calculation, using 4, 5, 6, and 7 textit Access
Nu. AP X Y (dbm) Distance Point, we can analyze the distance accuracy using the
(m) Euclidean formula as follows:
1 AP 1 0 0 -53.10 17.99
2 AP 2 6.97 0.51 -53.60 19.05 • Calculations using 4 AP with the following ac-
3 AP 3 11.23 0 -39 3.55 curacy:
4 AP 4 10.6 4.58 -43.17 5.73 d = (6, 97 − 7, 83)2 + (4, 60 − 0, 46)2
5 AP 5 11.23 12.25 -38.33 3.29 d = 4,23
6 AP 6 5.66 12.25 -56.09 25.38 • Calculations p
using 5 AP with the following ac-
7 AP 7 0 12.25 -45.80 7.76 curacy: d = (6, 97 − 5, 89)2 + (4, 60 − 5, 29)2
d = 1,28
• Calculations p
using 6 AP with the following ac-
circle and look for lines of intersection between circles curacy: d = (6, 97 − 3, 53)2 + (4, 60 − 2, 33)2
that represent the measurement distance on each AP, d = 4,154
as shown in figure 7.
• Calculations p
using 7 AP with the following ac-
curacy: d = (6, 97 − 6, 77)2 + (4, 60 − 4, 60)2
d = 0,19

Thus the red thread can be drawn, as follows:

1. WiFi Position search experiment using 4 AP,

produces coordinates x = 7.83 and y = 0.46.
The difference in the coordinates of the results of
this measurement is 4.23 which shows the lowest
value of accuracy.
2. WiFi Position search experiment using 5 AP,
produces coordinates x = 5.89 and y = 5.29. The
difference in measurement is 1.28 which shows
the better value of accuracy.
3. WiFi Position search experiment using 6 AP,
produces coordinates x = 3.53 and y = 2.33.
The difference in the coordinates of the results
of this measurement is 4.15 which indicates the
lower accuracy value.
Figure 7: Measurement results using 7 AP 4. WiFi Position search experiment using seven
APs produces coordinates x = 6.77 and y = 4.60.
The difference in the coordinates of the results of
By using the Triangulation method, the calculation this measurement is 0.19 which shows the high-
results are shown in table 10 . est accuracy value.


5 Conclusions and Future [6] Vincent Pierlot and Marc Van Droogenbroeck
Members, IEEE INTELSIG, Laboratory for Sig-
Works nal and Image Exploitation Montefiore Institute,
University of Liège, Belgium, June 2014, A New
In this research, to find WiFi Position , which is a
Three Object Triangulation Algorithm for Mobile
representation of the boundary stakes by using the
Robot Positioning.
Triangulation method, has proceeded well, with re-
sults close to the actual coordinates. The more Ac- [7] Afrizar Fikri Reza, 2018, Telekomunikasi FTI
cess Points (AP) used in WiFi Position search are UII Dengan Algoritma Trilateration Menggu-
proven to make the calculation results closer to the nakan Bluetooth Low Energy, Skripsi, Jurusan
actual coordinates or become more accurate. Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknologi Industri,
The use of even numbered Access Points (4 and Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
6 AP) in the WiFi Position search, results in a low
accuracy / high error rate. On the other side, the use
of odd number of Access Points is proven to produce
low errors or higher accuracy.
The use of Triangulation methods can be made ad-
vanced applications using Artificial Intelligent (AI)
programming, due to the search for complex and dy-
namic angles. In addition, a high level of accuracy is
also needed, so that the possibility of human error is
quite high.
This research can be used in various models of dy-
namic needs, such as: robot position, stake boundary,
and other moving models.

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