Chanakya National Law University, Patna: Subject: Legal Research and Methodology Project Title

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Submitted by
Roll No.

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Chanakya National Law University, Patna

1. To know what is Right to Information?
2. To know what is the importance of RTI?
3. To know how this Right has Evolved?
4. To know what was the recent Amendment bill
5. To know what was the recent controversies?
The hypothesis taken by the researcher is that Right to Information is a Fundamental right and it
is very important for the Citizen of India but the Govt. came with some amendment bill to amend
this act after which it came into controversy. How those amendment bill will be unhealthy for the
Democracy and independence of this act.
1. What isRight to information?
2. How RTI is important
The various books, various articles, websites, Law journals are referred for this topic. The sources
from which the material for this research collected are primary and secondary. The methodology
used in the research has been doctrinal. No non-doctrinal method has been used by the researcher
in this project work. The research is followed with uniform method of citation throughout the
course of this research paper.

The endless growth of computer network and telecommunications facilitated by the digital
technologies has given birth to a common space called Cyberspace. This cyberspace has become
a platform for a galaxy of human activities which converge on the internet. In fact, it promotes all
sort of activities which are prohibited by law. The Constitution of India does not patently grant the
fundamental right to privacy. However, a legal framework for the cyber world was adopted by
India in the form of E-Commerce Act, 1998. Afterwards, the basic law for the cyberspace
transactions in India has emerged in the form of the Information Technology Act, 2000 which was
amended in the year 2008. The Information Technology Act, 2000 (also known as IT Act-2000)
is an Act of the Indian Parliament (No 21 of 2000) notified on 17 October 2000. This law deals
with the cybercrime and electronic commerce. This Act deals with many issues but when it comes
specifically to Internet privacy and freedom of expression in cyberspace, the act lacks somewhere
because in India this two issues comes directly under constitution of India under Article-21 (right
to life and personal liberty) and Article 19A (freedom of speech and expression) respectively.
There have been many cases in which it is difficult to differentiate between privacy under civil
law and internet privacy with encroachment of freedom of expression. It‘s high time to introduce
these fundamental issues in IT Act, 2000. Though the government has mandated checks for
monitoring and protection of user privacy-- it is largely absent. In effect, all Internet traffic of any
user is open to interception at the international gateway of the bigger ISP from whom the smaller
ISPs buy bandwidth. Since cybercrime is not a matter of concern for India only but it is a global
concern and therefore the world at large has to come forward to stricture upon this hazard. When
we look up to U.S. Federal Cyber Crime laws and compare it to the India‘s IT Act, we see a lot of
difference when dealing with privacy and freedom issues. Internet privacy should be a legal right
to any individual or institution, if the privacy is violated by any mean then user has full right to
seek legal actions against it as it is considered as the cybercrime. However, to deal with this type
of internet crime, a law has to be enforced specially in IT Act 2000. There have been made many
amendments in IT Act but nothing focuses on internet privacy and freedom of expression. Internet
privacy should include the user‘s right to control the information, the user should have all the right
to decide whether to allow others to collect, access or use his information and the right to access
judicial relief which gives the user right to bring a civil suit against any institution or individual
engaged in infringement on his privacy.


2. Nature of Freedom of speech and expression in cyberspace.

- Freedom of Speech and expression
- Freedom of speech and expression in International and National law
- Freedom of speech and expression in protection in cyberspace.
3. Restrictions Of freedom of speech and expression
-Blocking internet blogs- Public Interest a ground for restrictions
-Law related to privacy of freedom of expression
-Current trends of privacy in digital forensics.

4. Cybercrimes in India and Safeguard.

5. Conclusion


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