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Concept - Array Difficulty Level 1

Create a class Library with below attributes:

int - id

String - name

String - address

Make all the attributes private.Create corresponding getters and setters.

Create a constructor which takes all parameters in the above sequence. The constructor should
set the value of attributes to parameter values inside the constructor.

Create a class LibraryDemo with main method

Create the below static method searchLibraryById in the LibraryDemo class.

searchLibraryById(Library[] objArray)

This method will take array of Library objects and id as input and returns the position of the id if
found or -1 if not found.

Create an array of 5 Library objects in the main method

Refer below sample main method and test the output:

Call the above static method from the main method

public class LibraryDemo {

public static void main(String args[]){
Library library1= new Library(27,"vjxiyhc","kyoyfsl");
Library library2= new Library(34,"oguybhh","cuaxany");
Library library3= new Library(10,"oxhdjcs","gvhtlzw");
Library library4= new Library(19,"thamkrf","arijclh");
Library library5= new Library(32,"cvljyye","heijkiv");

Library[] objArray= {library1,library2,library3,library4,library5};

int libraryres= searchLibraryById(objArray, 59);

System.out.println("Output after first search: "+libraryres);
int libraryres1= searchLibraryById(objArray, 34);
System.out.println("Output after second search: "+libraryres1);
Output after first search: -1
Output after second search: 1

public class LibraryDemo {

public static void main(String args[]) {
Library library1 = new Library(27, "vjxiyhc", "kyoyfsl");
Library library2 = new Library(34, "oguybhh", "cuaxany");
Library library3 = new Library(10, "oxhdjcs", "gvhtlzw");
Library library4 = new Library(19, "thamkrf", "arijclh");
Library library5 = new Library(32, "cvljyye", "heijkiv");

Library[] objArray = { library1, library2, library3, library4, library5 };

int libraryres = searchLibraryById(objArray, 59);

System.out.println("Output after first search: " + libraryres);

int libraryres1 = searchLibraryById(objArray, 34);

System.out.println("Output after second search: " + libraryres1);

public static int searchLibraryById(Library[] objArr,int ID)
for(int i=0;i<objArr.length;i++)
return i;
return -1;

class Library
private int id;
private String name,address;

public Library(int id, String name, String address) {

super(); = id; = name;
this.address = address;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;

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