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Photos of people to be separated
Name of people
1 Glass jar (painted black)
Black Salt
Ground chili pepper
Dog feces
Cat feces
7 live ants
1 Poisonous Plant a wedge (Cala, Elephant Ear, Amoena)
½ cup of Brandy
1 Stamp or I said of San La Muerte
4 Black Veils
We will begin by invoking Saint Death and offering as the saint pleases. Now
We can perform this ritual.
We will draw on the floor with the pemba the seal of San La Muerte and place the
candles inside
of the circle forming a cross.
We will start filling the bottle and introduce the dog feces and cat feces. Now
we will put a slice of some poisonous plant, a little ground pepper, 3 tablespoons
of black salt,
add in half a glass of burning water and the 7 live ants.

If we have pictures of the couple we will also put it inside the jar. On a paper we will write the
name of one of the people to work 13 times, then we will write above and formed a cross the
name of the other person to work also 13 times (Scripture Cross), We smear the writing with
dende oil and introduce it inside with all the content. Before to close the bottle we put the
saying or stamp of the saint.

We put the bottle on the seal and light the candles. We will take the Dagger and do gestures
of court forming a cross over the work and we will pray to our entity the following prayer
several times:
"Lord of Death as well as short with this Dagger I ask that this relationship be cut
malevolent I humbly beg you, O Majesty, for the power of your scythe
the evils are cut. Lord of Darkness cuts this malevolent couple for the sake of
Everyone, this relationship is cut off. So be it and it will be. Amen".
“Señor de La Muerte así como corto con esta Daga pido que se corte esta relación
malévola. Con humildad te suplico Oh Majestad, que por la potencia de tu guadaña
se corten los males. Señor de la Tinieblas corta esta pareja malévola por el bien de
todos, sea cortada esta relación ya. Que así sea y así será. Amén”.

Black beans
Dende oil
1 White Plate
Signature of San La Muerte (paper)

A pan will be simmering, when the container has
taken temperature we will spray some dende oil, what
Enough to cook black beans.
We will always simmer the beans making them toast. When ready what
we will put on a plate to cool.
We will take the signature of San La Muerte previously consecrated in the Altar
and write back 13
Sometimes the name of the person we want to affect. We will coat the paper with
dende oil and
we will fold to place it on the plate with the roasted beans being on top.
At midnight we will invoke our entity playing the film. We will present the dish that
We prepare by way of offering and we will leave it on the Altar by dressing for 7
Then we will pray a prayer from the saint asking him to affect the health of the
worked person,
we light a cigar for San La Muerte giving it 3 whistles and we light one for us, with
cigar smoke we will blow on the given offering.
After last week we will dispatch work in a place with abundant vegetation, if
there is a much better river nearby as water runs.


Very old ritual that gradually weakens the health of our enemy causing
It becomes soft and dies.
4 Black Candles
Black Pepper (in grain)
Walnut Leaves
Pork Meat (boneless)
Coarse salt
A willow branch (rod type)
2 Bones (of animal or dead person)
Black pepper, walnut leaves and a small piece of pork will be ground in a mortar
raw Salt in grains will be added until it becomes a paste. This ritual must be
performed in a cave or cave
A circle will be drawn with a willow stick and the bones will be placed inside it
a cross. The name of the enemy will be written inside the circle using the stick
and the paste obtained.
Four candles will be lit around the circle. The candle on our right is lit first, it
follow the one on the back, now we light the candle on the left and finally the
candle on the front
They will proceed to invoke San Severo of the Good Death:
“Skeleton that you can do everything and nothing is impossible for you because of
your infinite strength. I ask you
that you take care of me (name of the person) my enemy. With your great power
that falls
like the leaves, may your anger be strong and your scythe warm as the sun.
winds of your storm move them and feel your strength until they fall like the
leaves that
(person's name) dries and withers as far as your will disposes. ”
Wait for the candles to burn, then proceed to face the work done, of
back to the exit of the cave.


Ritual to counteract some kind of magical work and not be detected by the
aggressor, either
That this bearer of the Black Book.
1 Image of Saint Black Death
1 Image of a Black Owl
1 White Owl (live)
1 Cage (for the animal)
1 White Cloth (clean)
3 Glass plates
3 Pork Steaks (boneless)
3 Black Candles
Dende oil
1 Kg. Of Sugar
1 wooden spoon
Cinnamon and Myrrh (ground)
Coarse salt
A little dende oil, seven grains of salt, a teaspoon of
Cinnamon and other myrrh. Mix with the spoon while repeating this sentence:
“Powerful skeletal spirit owner of the beginning and the end. That nobody can
of your arrival or see you in your search. I ask you to be present before me and
grant your powers so that my enemy cannot see me. Amen."

The white cloth with the preparation will be soaked and the animal will be
covered, leaving it in the

The image of San La Muerte and the Lechuza next door will be located on the
ground. In front of the images
the dishes will be put on, the first one will have the onions cut in circles, the
second one will have the
Pork with plenty of salt, and the third dish we will put the sugar. In front of the
We will put the candles and light them.

Once the offering is served, a prayer of punishment from San La Muerte will be
said against our
enemy. At the end of the order, the Owl is released by pulling it upwards. Used
as well as the images remain in the place of the ritual.

This work must be done on a full moon, since the Moon is the ruling planet of San
Death. It is advisable to carry out this work in a less frequented place, as it would
be a
field or a cave.
No wizard or sorcerer can detect who attacked him, since the owl will take care of
protection and that they do not detect the origin of the work. It doesn't matter
what kind of magic he uses
or if you have owls, cats, etc., you will not be able to see them even if you own
the Black Book, preventing
Try to revoke the ritual. The prayer or request to be made must be a strong
punishment since
that this ritual only serves once against a wizard or sorcerer.


Ritual that is used to reverse damage and generate serious neuronal problems to the
aggressor. Elements 1 Image of Saint Black Death Black Sugar 1 Bottle of Vodka 1 Bottle of
Vinegar 3 Laurel Leaves Peel of a dried Orange 7 Black Candles 7 Red Carnations Dagger or
Knife (consecrated) 1 Black Rooster (alive) 1 Pure Sandalwood Censer, Coals

Process It begins in ritual by placing the image of San La Muerte on the floor, then placed in
front the 7 black candles lighting them one by one from left to right. The offering of the 7 red
carnations and a cigar, which will light up giving three beeps to let it be consumed at the feet
of the Saint.
We will continue drawing on the ground a circle large enough to be one
In there and perform the ritual, for this we will use the black sugar to highlight the
Open the bottle of Vodka now and have 7 drinks, then leave it as an offering in
front of the image of the
Holy. It is important to purify the environment, we will light the coals and put them
in the
censer. We will add a teaspoon of black sugar, 3 bay leaves, orange peel
Dry and a little sandalwood. We will smoke the whole place and leave the censer
in front of the saint.
We will enter the circle in front of the image of San La Muerte, we will carry the
bottle of vinegar, the Dagger to make the cut and we will also put the animal (the
rooster must
be tied carefully so that the cut is as calm as possible). It will proceed to
This prayer invoking Saint Death (the film is played):
"O Lord chosen of God to distribute justice, owner of all the souls of the World and my
skeletal lawyer. Spirit in you I commend (name of the person) as entrusting of the Apocalypse.
Accompanied with the six souls most powerful of your property, find it to (name of person) and
me hidden enemy and you have to curse when you attacked me. That as this blood runs (the
sacrifice is made with the Dagger) and ends on earth, so my enemies run chased and end up
on earth. Amen."
Once the ritual is over, wait until the candles are consumed, wash the
hands with vinegar. Consumed the candles will thank the Saint and ask permission
to leave the
circle, it will only carry the Dagger and the vinegar.
The utensils used as well as the images remain in the place of the ritual. It is
advisable to perform
this work in a place little frequented, as it would be a field or a cavern. It's a ritual
very strong, with a lot of energy, remember for no reason to touch the animal's
blood when
It has fallen to the ground.

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