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Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:

a. Identify the Objects Seen in the Sky.

b. Describe the objects seen in sky at the day and night.

c. Appreciate the objects that we had.

II. Subject Matter: Objects seen in the sky

Reference: Science 3

Author: Job S. Zape, et,al.

Materials: Visual aids and Pictures

Values Integration: Give importance and appreciate everything.

Subject Integration: CL

III. Procedure: Inductive Method

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A. Elicit
 Prayer
 Energizer
 Checking of Attendance
 Rules

Who can still remember our past lesson? Our last topic is all about weather.

The condition of the air at a particular

And what is weather?
place and time. Weather warm or cold, wet
or dry on a cloudy or windy tells the
weather of that particular place.

Again ,what are the four weather The sunny , rainy, windy and cloudy.

Okay ! Do you have any questions in our

past lesson ? None Teacher

b. Engage

I will group you into 4 groups. I have here

4 envelops, all you have to do is re-
assemble the cutting papers inside the
Yes , Teacher
envelop. Am I Clear?

A sun Teacher
In group 1, what did you assembled?
(Pupil’s do as told)
Very good! Just one representative to
paste it on the board and write the word

How about the 2nd group? What did you We assembled a moon.

Okay ! Do what the group 1 did. The rest

will follow.

Clouds, teachers.
How about the group 3?
We got stars.
And the last group will be 2?

Yes, teacher.
Let’s clap our hands. Do you know the
fireworks clap?

Okay let’s do it!

Everybody read.

What do you call this object? None teacher.


This morning we will discuss further the

“Objects seen in the sky”.
Are you excited to know, class ? Yes !

Group activity

As you can see, there is a graphic

organizers. I have here a cards then all
you have to do is fill up the missing
graphic organizers.

The first graphic organizer will be the

group 1 and the 2nd will be the group 2. Am Yes , teacher
I clear?

Sky at
Sun, Stars, Clouds and birds.

Sky at
Moon, Clouds, stars and Shooting stars.

Now, let’s check your answer.

Very good! All your answers are correct.


The objects that we seen in the sky is

being posted in the graphic organizer.

Now let’s go back to the graphic organizer.

At daytime, what can we see in the sky?

Sun teacher
give me one Ashley ?

Very good! Do we need sun in our live? Yes, because without sun we don’t have
Why? energy.

Okay! Another idea? It gives source to all living things.

You have the idea!

Sun is very important! We can only see the

sun during the day.

Understand? Yes, teacher.

And aside from the sun , what other Stars and clouds, teacher.
objects can be seen in the sky during
daytime ?

Yes , teacher
Very good, can we see stars at day?

Stars can be seen with the unaided human


Again, what are the objects that can be A sun, stars and clouds.
seen at daytime?

Very good!

How about the nighttime? Give me one Moon, teacher

object. Luke?

Again, when can we see the moon ?

At nighttime.

If without moon, what will happen to us?

We cannot take rest. Because , during
night time we can take a rest.
Another idea? Aside from that , it is where we can sleep
for a long hour of time

Very good!

Moon can also be seen during at night.

Aside from moon, what are the other
objects that can be seen in the sky? Clouds also teacher

Very good! Another idea? Stars and shooting star.

Again, what are the objects seen in the sky Moon, stars, clouds and shooting star.
during nighttime?

Activity 2

I will group you into 4 groups all you have

to do is draw one object that can be seen
in the sky. Group 1 will be draw a sun, and
group 2 will be stars group 3 will be clouds
and lastly will be the moon. Choose 1
representative to tell us if it can be seen at
day or nighttime.


What is the difference between the sun Sun can only be seen at day while the

and moon? moon can only be seen at night.

What are the objects that can be seen at The sun, clouds and stars.


How about the nighttime? Moon, stars , shooting stars and clouds.

When can we see a sun, day or night time Daytime.


How about the stars and clouds?

It can be either day or night time.

Very good. Can we see moon at day?

No ,teacher
When can we see it?
At night time.

Aside from moon, what other objects can

Clouds, stars and shooting stars.
be seen at night?
By the way, who made these objects, God made all these objects.

Do we need these objects in our lives, Yes, teacher.


Why do you say so? Philip?

Yes , teacher

Because without these objects we cannot

Very good! Especially the sun, because it live on earth.
give us energy to have energy and to live.
Yes , teacher
Am I clear?



In a sheet of paper. Copy & answer the ff.

questions write daytime if the objects seen
at day and nighttime for objects seen at
night in the space provided.

_____1. Sun

_____2. Shooting stars Morning

_____3. Moon Night
_____4.clouds Night
_____5.birds Night/morning


Feb 26, 2019


Go out of the house at nighttime when

the sky is clear. List the objects you see in
the sky and draw it. Write your answers in
your notebook
Pass it on Tuesday!

Prepared by: Jiddie R. Hegakit

Cooperating teacher: Mrs. Emily Gonzaga

Date prepared: Feb. 21, 2019

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