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ftra^ T ^ ^T^rfPn T T ^^ 113 I I

If a querist does not have the knowledge of his birth year,
ayana, ritu, month etc. paksha, day, navamsa, dwadasamsa,
lagna, star and janma rasi, he can gain the information f r o m a n
astrologer. The querist should come to the astrologer w h e n the
sky is clear (i.e. cloudless) w i t h dakshina, flowers, fruits etc. and
declare such a purpose. The sky's clarity is a good augury for
prasna. One should not give predictions w h e n there is a state of
cloud i n the sky, rain, thunder etc. The offer of flowers etc. are
considered to be good omens.
Notes: One's natal data right from navamsa lagna to the year
and also planetary positions can be ascertained f r o m the plan-
etary chart cast for the time of question relating to such desire.
This is called Nashta Jataka Paddhati. This system has also been
discussed briefly i n Varaha Mihira's Brihat Jatakam, m y transla-
tion of Saravali etc. W e have already brought out an exclusive
classic text's tramslation i n English, entitled "Nashta Jatakam"
w h i c h the reader m a y procure f r o m Ranjan P u b l i c a t i o n , 16,
A n s a r i Road, N e w Delhi-110002 ( I N D I A ) for exhaustive infor-

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