Enhancements For Reorganization and Rebuild

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SAP Note

    1080376 - Enhancements for reorganization and rebuild  

Version   5     Validity: 17.07.2009 - active   Language   English

Header Data
Released On 17.07.2009 20:58:45
Release Status Released for Customer
Component BC-DB-ORA-DBA Database Administration with Oracle
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Advance development

The following enhancements in for the table reorganization and index rebuild were implemented in
BR*Tools 6.40 and 7.00:

1. Reduction of the INITIAL extent size when reorganizing

Similar to the table reorganization (see Note 914174, point 3), a new option "-l|-initial" or menu
parameter "initial" has been introduced for the BRSPACE function "idrebuild", which allows you to
define a new INITIAL category. This reduces the INITIAL extent size of the newly created indexes.
Six INITIAL categories can be specified:
1 - 16 KB
2 - 64 KB
3 - 1 MB
4 - 8 MB
5 - 64 MB
6 - 1 GB
As of BRSPACE 7.10 patch 24:
7 - 8 GB
8 - 64 GB
Therefore, the new option has the following syntax:
-l |-initial <category>
If you do not specify this, the newly created indexes retain the old INITIAL extent size.
2. "Offline" index rebuild
It is now possible to rebuild indexes offline. The ONLINE clause in the ALTER INDEX REBUILD
statement is left out. This method may be faster than an online rebuild, however, it locks the
affected indexes. Therefore, the SAP system should not be running during this procedure.
The mode regarding how the these indexes are rebuild is controlled by a new option "-m|-mode" or
menu parameter "mode" of the BRSPACE function "idrebuild":
-m |-mode online|offline
Default value: online

3. "Offline" table reorganization (only in BRSPACE 7.00)

You can now reorganize tables offline. Instead of the Oracle DBMS_REDEFINITION package, the system
uses the ALTER TABLE [PARTITION] MOVE statement. DDL statements are not generated. This method may
be faster than an online reorganization, however, it locks the affected tables. Therefore, the SAP
system should not be running during this procedure.
The mode regarding how the these tables are reorganized is controlled by a new option "-m|-mode" or
menu parameter "mode" of the BRSPACE function "tbreorg":
-m |-mode online|offline
Default value: online

Note 1:
Because the command ALTER TABLE [PARTITION] MOVE does not support tables with LONG or LONG RAW
fields, you cannot reorganize these tables offline.

Note 2:
When you reorganize tables with LOB fields, the following error messages may occur, for example:
BR0301E SQL error -905 at location tab_offl_move-2, SQL Statement:
ORA-00905: missing keyword
This problem has been solved in BRSPACE 7.00 patch 30 and BR*Tools 7.10 patch 5.

Other Terms

Reason and Prerequisites

This is an advance development.

Point 1:
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 6.40 patch 45.
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 7.00 patch 28.
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 7.10 patch 4.
Point 2:
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 6.40 patch 44.
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 7.00 patch 27.
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 7.10 patch 4.
Point 3:
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 7.00 patch 28.
This enhancement is contained in BRSPACE 7.10 patch 4.
For more information about downloading patches, see Notes 12741 and 19466.

Software Component From Rel. To Rel. And Subsequent
SAP_BASIS 640 640  

700 700  

710 710  

This document refers to:
SAP Notes
1060305   Corrections in BR*Tools Version 7.10
849483   Corrections for BR*Tools Version 7.00
680046   Corrections in BR*Tools Version 6.40
541538   FAQ: Reorganization
332677   Rebuilding fragmented indexes
105047   Support for Oracle functions in the SAP environment

This document is referenced by:

SAP Notes (6)
105047   Support for Oracle functions in the SAP environment
332677   Rebuilding fragmented indexes
680046   Corrections in BR*Tools Version 6.40
849483   Corrections for BR*Tools Version 7.00
1060305   Corrections in BR*Tools Version 7.10
541538   FAQ: Reorganization

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