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Q1. Self Exploration is a process of dialogue between what you are

and what you really want to be. Explain and illustrate.(give examples)
Ans. Self exploration is the process to find out what is valuable to me
by investigating within myself, what is right for me, true for me, has
to be judged within myself. Through self exploration we get the value
of ourselves. It is a process of focusing attention on ourselves to get
the answer of the questions i.e what we are and what we really
want to be? . If these two are the same, then there is no problem. If
on investigation we find that these two are not the same, then it
means we are living with this contradiction (of not being what we
really want to be) and to the expectations of others rather than
ourselves. It is a process of discovering that there is something
invariant and universal in all human beings. This enables us to look at
our confusions and contradictions within and resolve them by
becoming aware of our natural acceptance. By Self exploration we
get the value of ourselves.
Self Exploration has two aspects:-

1. Natural acceptance: Natural acceptance explains the unconditional

and total acceptance of the self, people and environment. Once we
fully and truly commit to ourselves on the basis of natural
acceptance, we feel inner harmony and fulfilment.
2. Experience validation: Experience validation is a process that
mixes direct experience with the learning of environment and
content. It may be regarded as a philosophy and methodology in
which the direct experience and focused reflection of the individual
helps to increase knowledge, develop skill and clarify values. Self
exploration takes place in the self and not the body.
This process of self exploration helps us to identify our swatva and
through that acquiring Swantantrata and Swarajya.
 Swatva means innateness of self – The natural acceptance of
 Swatantrata means being self- organized – Being in harmony
with oneself
 Swarajya means self-expression, self- extension – Living in
harmony with others
Swatva→ Swatantrata→ Swarajya
For example:-
My Friend Ayushi, has her family full of lawyers, since the childhood
she has imagined herself as a proficient lawyer, and worked hardly
for the same. Her parents want the same for her. The moment she
passes highschool exams, she experienced herself falling for
mathematics, and in 11th standard decided to go for engineering
exams rather than that of law enterance. She was confused in the
starting but after consulting a psychologist and undergoing self
exploration therapy , she chose what she wanted (engineering
aspirant) rather that what she was( a law aspirant).

Q2. What do you mean by natural acceptance? illustrate with

Ans. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection”, the famous words certainly
describe the what natural acceptance is, To accept yourself the way
you are.
Natural acceptance is process to understand ourselves first. Natural
acceptance tends to unconditional and total acceptance of oneself,
people and environment. It also refers to the absence of any
exception from others. In other words, Natural acceptance is way to
accept the good things naturally. Once we fully and truly commit
ourself on the basis of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of
inner harmony, tranquility and fulfillment. Actually natural
acceptance is way to accept the good things naturally. Learn
everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in our own
way absorb it; do not become others.
For example:-
act of taking or receiving something offered. For example, if
someone is giving you a gift and you receive it, then you have
accepted the gift; therefore, having natural acceptance without
Buddhism's first noble truth, "All life is suffering", invites people
to accept that suffering is a natural part of life , thus an example
of natural acceptance.

Q3. Is it invariant with time and space?

Ans. Natural acceptance does not change with time. It remains
invariant with time. For example our natural acceptance for trust
and respect does not change with age.
b) It does not depend on the place. Whatever we have
accepted, in our life, at any time of our age, does not change,
even if we move from one place to another one.

Q4. What is pre conditionings? What is its source?

Ans. Preconditioning means we have assumed something
about our desires on the basis of prevailing notion about it.
They come from what we read, see hear, what our parents tell
us, our friends talk about what the magazines talk of, what we
see on the TV etc. We have not self-verified the desires in our
own right. As a result, we are not clear about what we will get
out of fulfilment of that desire. The problem with that is, unless
we verify our desires, we may not even know whether they are
our. We may end up spending an entire lifetime accumulating
desires that are not ours, and in running about trying to fulfil



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