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Model Weapons Hits Nerve Shoot HtH Rep
1 Honcho Plethora of Pistols 5 2+ +1 0 6
0-1 Charro Plethora of Pistols 4 3+ +2 0 5
Plethora of Pistols, rifle or repeater; up
2+ Caballeros 4 4+ 0 0 2
to 1 may have a shotgun
0-4 Vaqueros Pistol; up to half may have rifles 3 6+ -1 -1 1

Plethora of Pistols: A model armed with a plethora of pistol may have no other weapon. The model ignores the
out of ammo result on the shooting table and instead counts it as a miss.

Strength in numbers: Whenever called upon to make a nerve test against shooting, the target gets a -1 bonus
if the Bandito player has more models on the gaming table.

Ambush: Played at the start of the game after models have been set up. The Bandito player may remove a dude
from the game. This model has set up an ambush. At the start of any turn, before initiative cards are placed,
this model may be set up anywhere on the gaming table, as long as it is not within 20cm of any enemy.

Model Weapons Hits Nerve Shoot HtH Rep
1 Chief Pistol, hand weapon 5 2+ +1 +2 6
0-1 Dog Soldier Pistol, hand weapon 4 3+ +2 +1 5
Hand to hand weapon plus pistol. Rifle
2+ Warriors 4 4+ 0 +1 2
or repeater
0-4 Braves Hand to hand weapon 3 6+ -1 0 1

Hand to Hand Weapon: All Indian Renegades with pistols as their sole weapon are armed with a fighting knife,
tomahawk, war club or similar close combat weapon. This confers an additional +1 to their HTH value.

Keen as the Hare: Once per turn, a model may move 20cm when using a Duck Back interruption, instead of
the normal 10cm.

Counting Coup: This ability may be used once per game when an opposing model is killed by one of yours
in Hand to Hand combat. The killer makes an immediate 10cm move if the move results in getting into base
contact with another enemy model. An immediate hand-to-hand fight is resolved. If the target of this attack
survives and has not yet activated, he may “break off” from the combat (see DMH, page 13)

Model Weapons Hits Nerve Shoot HtH Rep
1 Special Agent Pistol 5 2+ +1 +1 6
0-1 Bounty Hunter Pistol 4 3+ +2 0 5
Pistol or repeater; up to 2 may have
2+ Detectives 4 3+ 0 0 2
0-4 Nightwatchmen Pistol or repeater 3 5+ -1 -1 1

Relentless: Once per game, for a single turn, all Pinkerton models may ignore negative modifiers for Nerve

"We Never Sleep": Once per turn, one Pinkerton that has line of sight to an opposing model, may take a free
move as long as it brings him closer to an enemy model. This move does not affect the model’s three actions
in any way, including for shooting modifiers.

Model Weapons Hits Nerve Shoot HtH Rep
1 Officer Pistol, Sword 5 2+ +1 +1 6
0-1 Indian Fighter Pistol 4 3+ +2 0 5
2+ Troopers Carbine 4 4+ 0 0 2
0-4 Recruits Carbine 3 6+ -1 -1 1

Sword: The Officer is armed with a sword which allows him to force an opponent to reroll his HTH score.

NCO: In scenes without an officer, one trooper acts as an NCO, receiving a -1 bonus to his Nerve.

Bugle: Any trooper may be designated as the troop’s bugler (best to use a model with a bugle to avoid confusion)
whilst alive the gang receives an additional +1 to any Big Nerve Tests that have to be taken. This ability works
whether the officer is present or not.

Drilled: 7th Cavalry do not receive a -1 penalty for shooting with a carbine when they take two move actions.

Cavalry: For one off games, 7th Cavalry troops may all be mounted in final scenes at a cost of 1 Rep instead
of 3.

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