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09/08/2019 Mail - Owen Ward - Outlook

RE: Conflict of Interest

Laura Ganderton <>
Fri 09/08/2019 12:11
To: Owen Ward <>
Dear Mr Ward,

We are very sorry that your email below was overlooked. I have made responses in purple below.

Warm regards
Miss L Ganderton

Laura Ganderton
Company Secretary & Data Protec on Officer
The Schools of King Edward VI in Birmingham
Founda on Office, Edgbaston Park Rd
Birmingham, B15 2UD

Telephone: 0121 472 1147

Direct Dial: 0121 415 6006
Mobile: 07827 441618

From: Owen Ward <>

Sent: 04 July 2019 10:43
To: Office <>
Subject: Conflict of Interest

Dear Sir/Madam,

In reading the consulta on responses for the catchment plans, I have noted a few remarks regarding
a conflict of interest. Would you be able to clarify exactly which member(s) this conflict of interest
concerns, how it arose, and how it was resolved? I would also like to know why it was not adequately
publicly addressed. – please can you provide more informa on or direct us to the relevant responses
so that we can suitably respond to your query?

I would also like to know exactly how the conflict of interest between the running of the private
schools and the grammar schools has been addressed and whether this has already been
complained about. – this has been addressed in the Ar cles, at s.98A, of the Academy Trust which
are publicly available on Companies House.

I would also like to lodge a complaint that the catchment plans have been enforced despite the
evident opposi on from the public and the manifold concerns that were raised but not addressed
and I would even go so far as to say hidden and misrepresented to the public by your organisa on,
or at least certain members of the organisa on. I would also like to complain about the fact that the
consulta on responses were not released to the public and significant resistance was shown towards
releasing them to me. – please see the complaints policy available publicly on our website here:
h ps://www.schoolso

I know that some of this classifies as a FOI request, but I am really asking these ques ons more
informally rather than demanding a comprehensive explana on with suppor ng evidence etc.… 1/2
09/08/2019 Mail - Owen Ward - Outlook

Best regards,
Owen Ward… 2/2

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