JSTSE History 2018 Set-I & Set-II

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1. Which was the first metal used by man?

(a) Copper (b) Silver (c) Bonze (d) Brass

2. Which one of the following contains the Gayatri Mantra?

(a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda (c) Upanishad (d) samaveda

3. The expounder of yoga philosophy is

(a) Patanjali (b) Gautam (c)Jaimini (d) Shankaracharya

4. During the time of Harshavardhana a great Buddhist assembly was held at:
(a) Patliputra (b) Nalanda (c) Prayag (d) Purushapura

5. Which one of the following places was famous as a seat of Mahayana learning?
(a) Nalanda (b) Taxila (c) Varanasi (d)Sarnath

6. The first foreigner to invade India was:

(a)Cyrus (b)Darius I (c) Agrammes (d) Cambyses

7. Who among these, was the Nanda ruler at the time of Alexander’s invasion?
(a) Kalasoka (b) Mahapadma (c)DhanaNanda (d)Nagadaska

8. Chandragupta Maurya’s Empire extended in the north-west upto:

(a) Ravi (b) Indus (c)Sutlej (d)Hindukush

9. Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty?

(a)Ajatashatru (b) Bimbisara (c) Agnimitra (d)Pushyamitra

10. Which one of the following kings controlled the famous silk –route of central Asia?
(a)Harsha (b)Chandragupta-II (c)Ashoka (d)Kanishka

11. Decimal System was introduced by:

(a)Aryabhatta (b)Bhaskara (c)Bhramagupta (d)None of these

12. The Arab conquest of Sind took place in:

(a)712 A.D (b)740 A.D (c)1001 A.D (d)1009 A.D
13. Indians in ancient times learnt a lot from the Greeks in the field of:
(a)music (b)coinage (c)sculpture (d)painting

14. Who among the following was not an exponent of Bhakti movement?
(a)Ramananda (b)Kabir (c)Shankracharya (d)Nanak

15. The court language of Mughal was:

(a)Arabic (b)Hindi (c)Persian (d)Urdu

16. Who was known as the ‘Plato of the JAT TRIBE’?

(a)Gokul (b)Suraj Mal (c)Badan Singh (d)Churaman

17. In 1757, Siraj-ud-daula was defeated by:

(a)Canning (b)Hastings (c)Clive (d)Cornwallis

18. Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS?

(a)Surendranath Banerjee (b)Sarojini Naidu (c)Lala Lajpat Rai (d)C.R.Das

19. Delhi became the capital of India in:

(a)1910 (b)1911 (c)1916 (d)1923

20. Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Jallianwala Bagh masscare?
(a)Lord Curzon (b)Lord hardinge (c)Lord Chelmsford (d)Lord Irwin

1. With which of the following periods do we associate the ‘microlith’ implements?

(a) Palaeolithic (b) Mesolithic (c ) Neolithic (d) Chalcolithic

2. The greatest invention of man in palaeolithic age:

(a) Fire (b) potter’s wheel (c) metal implements (d) spinning of cloth

3. The expounder of yoga philosophy is

(b) Patanjali (b) Gautam (c)Jaimini (d) Shankaracharya

4. The Aryans at first settled in:

(a) Sindh (b) Gujrat (c) Kashmir (d)Punjab

5. Ashoka was much influenced by a Buddhist monk called:

(a) Upagupta (b)Vasubandhu (c)asvaghosha (d)Ambhi

6. Who among the following usurped the throne of Magadha in 322BC?

(a) Bindusara (b)Ashoka (c) Chandragupta Maurya (d)Kanishka

7. Before ascending the Mauryan throne. Ashoka served as Viceroy of:

(a) Patliputra (b) Taxila (c)Tosali (d)Kaushambi

8. In ancient India, the earliest capital of Magadha Kingdom w as of:

(a) Patliputra (b)Rajgir (c) Vaisali (d)Varanasi

9. Satvahanas belong to:

(a) Maharashtra (b) Andhra region (c)Konkan region (d)Kalinga

10. Panchatantra was written by:

(a) Kalidas (b)Vishnu Sharma (c)Tulsidas (d)Banabhatta
11. Who among the following has been called the ‘Napoleon of India’?
(a) Samundragupta (b)Chandragupta (c)Ashoka (d)Harshavardhana

12. Al Beruni came to India along with:

(a) Mahmud of Ghazni (b)Muhammad-bin-Qasim (c)MhuammadGhuri (d)Timur

13. Who among the following saints wrote ‘Bijak’?

(a) Ramdas (b)Tulsidas (c)Guru Arjun (d)kabir

14. The Bhakti movement was first organized by:

(a) Ramanuja (b)Kabir (c)Ramananda (d)Nanak

15. Babar came to India originally from:

(a) Ferghana (b)Khiva (c)Khorasan (d)Seistan

16. Akbar assumed actual control over the administration of his empire in:
(a) 1556 (b)1562 (c)1558 (d)1560

17. The earliest Surat factories were established by the:

(a) Portugese (b)Dutch (c)English (d)French

18. The oldest surviving newspaper in India is the:

(a) Bombay Samachar (b)Bombay Herald (c)Bombay Courier (d)Samachar Darpan

19. The first Muslim President of Indian National congress was:

(a) Ajmal Khan (b)Abul Kalam Azad (c)M.A.Jinnah (d)Badruddin Tyyabji

20. Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Jallianwala Bagh masscare?
(a) Lord Curzon (b)Lord hardinge (c)Lord Chelmsford (d)Lord Irwin

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