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GRADE 12 School : JOSE V.


Teaching Date: JULY 18, 2019 Semester / Quarter 1st Semester / 1st Quarter

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of clientele and audiences in counseling.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to use acceptable research protocols, conduct a survey among young adults (i.e., ages 18–21) on their counseling needs and present
results and recommendation for class discussion.
C. Learning Competencies
Write the LC Code for each 9. describe the clientele and audience of counseling HUMSS_DIASS 12-Id-11

D. Specific Objectives
Students will be able to…

1. identify the different types and needs of clientele and audience of counseling;
2. articulate the characteristics and needs of the different types of clientele and audiences for counseling; and
3. appreciate the services of the counselors render in different types and audiences of counseling through active participation in the class discussion.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide- Humanities and Social Sciences page 2 of 7
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Dela Cruz, “Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences”, Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2016, pp 47-50.
Cleofe, “DIWA Senior High School Series: Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences”, Diwa Learning System Inc., 2016, pp 41-43
Cleofe, M., Liquigan, B., Madrigal, C.; DIWA Senior High School Series: Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences Module [Diwa Learning Systems Inc. pages 37-
38, 2016

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Activity: “Hugot-in Mo Ako.” The teacher will ask students to pick a piece of paper in the box containing “hugot lines”. These hugot lines represent problems encountered
by people under the following categories: 1. Individuals 2. Groups and Organizations 3. Community.

1. There should be 6 volunteers for the said activity.

2. Students will pick a piece of paper containing hugot lines. These hugot lines represent concerns of different groups of individuals.
3. The volunteer will read it aloud and the rest of the class will guess who they think is being represented the hugot line.
4. All correct answer will be written on the space provided.

Sample Hugot Lines:

1. “Hithit ka nang hithit, baka ikay magipit”

2. “Papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako.”
3. “Laklak ka ng laklak baka ikaw ay lumagapak.”
4. “Hindi ako sa palagay na isang bagay, lalong hindi rin ako isang hayop, ako ay tao.”
5. “Hindi ako ‘Na ano lang’”
6. “Wastong nutrisyon ng pamilya ay makakamtan kung taas ng sweldo ng mga guro ay agad aprubahan”

B. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson Tell the class (confirm) that the lesson will be about CLIENTELE and AUDIENCES of COUNSELING. Outline the structure of the lesson and briefly explain what they will
be doing/learning.

Students will…

1. identify the different types and needs of clientele and audience of counseling;
2. articulate the characteristics and needs of the different types of clientele and audiences for counseling; and
3. appreciate the services of the counselors render in different types and audiences of counseling through active participation in the class discussion.

C. Presenting examples / instances

of the new lesson Recall an instance/s or experience/s wherein you were able to help somebody who has personal troubles and difficulties. Describe what you did in order to be of help to
that person.


1. How did you help him/her?

2. What made you realize that he/she really needs your help?
3. Why is it necessary for you to understand your audiences/clientele?
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1 Picture Analysis: CLIENTELE AND AUDIENCES OF COUNSELING: INDIVIDUAL

 Divide the class into six groups of six/seven

 Hand out “Photograph” and question sheet.
 Go through the questions as a class and have each group provide their response to each question
 Instruct the class to go through the photograph and have each group answer the following:

1. Who is/are the individuals and groups who needs counseling?

2. What are his/her/their needs and demands?
3. How do we address these issues properly?

 After groups have completed their report, give each group about 1-2 minutes to present their ideas
 Follow up discussion will be made by the teacher
 Task the learners to show and discuss their group work before the class. Give feedback when things are going in the right direction or for redirecting problem
 Whenever possible make suggestions by including practical, feasible examples.
 Collect their answer sheets as assessment.
 Use the following format:

Clientele Characteristics Needs

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2 Task the learners to show and discuss their group work before the class. Give feedback when things are going in the right direction or for redirecting problem

Whenever possible make suggestions by including practical, feasible examples.

The teacher will present and identify the different types of special counseling population according to (Gibson and Mitchell, 2003).

1. People Who Abuse Drugs

2. People Who use Tobacco
3. People Who Abuse Alcohol
4. Older Adults
5. People with AIDS
6. Victims of Abuse
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Formative Assessment 3) Whole-Class Discussion

Individual counseling will help you understand the challenges you face. The challenges may be depression, grief and loss, anxiety, stress, fear, self-esteem or sexual
abuse. Here, the counselor will listen to you and understand your life situation and help you explore your thoughts, feelings and emotions regarding your life situations.
Personal or Individual Counseling is done one-to-one in a private, confidential and safe environment.

The advantages of Individual counseling are:

 It helps you have a better understanding of your own self and your emotions
 It helps you discover your personal strengths and weakness.
 Encourage you attempt at new ways of thinking and behavior
 Sharing your worries with an expert helps you feel less alone with the problem
 Helps you identify goals for yourself and how to progress towards those goals.

The disadvantages of Individual counseling are:

 Chances of getting too personal and emotionally attached to the counselor are high.
 The outcomes or the solutions will be from one person only that is the counselor.
 Sometimes, Counselors have limited knowledge to tackle the situation or give a solution to a problem.

G. Finding Practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living Ask the students and call volunteers to answer the following questions…

1. Do you need to be a social worker to help someone in need? Why?

2. What are you going to do if you see a mentally deranged woman roaming around the street?

H. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson Ask the students and call volunteers to answer the following questions…

1. What have you learned about the activity/lesson today?

2. Why do think is it important for the clientele / audience of counseling to share information about themselves?

I. Evaluating Learning
Ask: Identify the needs of the following clienteles:

1. Abandon babies – foster parents, adoptive home

2. Homeless elderly – Adoptive home, medical care, nutritional needs
3. Substance dependent – rehabilitation, counseling, proper education
4. Battered women – protection, counseling, empowerment
5. People with disability – nutritional needs, training and equipping for employment, recognition
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation PRACTICAL RESEARCH ACTIVITY


1. The teacher will provide a Needs Assessment Tool. This assessment tool will be used by the students to address the needs and concerns of the following
a. Grade 11 students
b. Grade 12 students
c. Teaching Personnel
d. Non- teaching Personnel

2. After the data gathering activity the students will consolidate/ tally the results of the survey.

3. From the result of the survey, the students will come up with conclusions and recommendations on the prevalent counseling needs of the respondents. They will
present it in the class through a powerpoint presentation/ visual aids. See attached appendix A: Self-Assessment Tool

 Groupings will be heterogeneous based on levels of readiness, and those who may need more assistance should be grouped with students with a higher level
of understanding
 For students who struggle with taking notes, photocopy a completed perspectives organizer from another student who is a strong note-taker to give to them
 Here this lesson has been tightly structured and scheduled to fit into one day, but may require more time depending on the class; therefore, it can be spread out
over two days if needed – on the first day, students read, gather information, and design, then on the second day they present and give other groups feedback
and ask questions
 Reading of the information packages within the groups should be done aloud for any students with weaker independent reading skills to follow along
 Provide additional assistance during the group activity to students with weaker vocabulary who may need help understanding the environmental problems
mentioned or how to formulate a right or responsibility statement
 Students who struggle with writing can be given additional time to complete the personal written response
 Students can draw or write in point form if they struggle with writing
 Use a PowerPoint or other visual aid (i.e. overhead projector) to display sections of the teacher notes for those who struggle with only auditory learning
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment Number of learners: ________
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for Number of learners: ________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Yes ________ No ________
Number of learners: ________
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation Number of learners: ________
E. Which of my teaching strategies ________ Experiment
worked well? Why did these ________ Role play
work? ________ Collaborative Learning
________ Lecture
________ Differentiated Instruction
________ Discovery
________ Complete IMs
Why? _______________________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter ________ Bullying among pupils
which my principal or supervisor ________ Students’ behavior/ attitude
can help me solve? ________ Colorful Ims
________ Technology/ Equipment Unavailable
________ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab
Others _______________________________
G. What innovation or localized ________ Localized videos
materials did I use / discover ________ Making big books from views of the locality
which I wish to share with other ________ Recycling plastics for contemporary arts
teachers? ________ Local music composition
Others _______________________________

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Observed by:

Master Teacher II, HUMSS Principal II Principal II
1. “Hithit ka nang hithit, baka ikay magipit.”

2. “Papunta ka pa lang, pabalik na ako.”

3. “Laklak ka ng laklak baka ikaw ay lumagapak.”

4. “Hindi ako sa palagay na isang bagay, lalong hindi rin ako isang hayop, ako ay
5. “Hindi ako ‘Na ano lang.”

6. “Wastong nutrisyon ng pamilya ay makakamtan kung taas ng sweldo ng mga guro

ay agad aprubahan”

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