Communication in Business

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Managing Organizations

Semiotics – Signs that mean something

- Dove = Peace

Poor communication can be drastic

Functions of Communications
- Control
o Authority hierarchies
o Formal Guidelines
 Induction guides / course guide
o Informal Communication
 Teasing / Shunning
- Motivation
o Informs you with Notifcations
- Emotional Expression
o Socially / let off steam
- Information

The communication Process

- Sender Encodes
- Reciever Decodes

The Issue of Noise

- Confusing (useless) information that can
unintentionally be passed through due to poor

Non-Verbal Communication
- Actions without words
- Normally un/subconscious (not 100%)

Thinking about what you communicate

- Fanta = Nazi
Barriers to Communication
- Filtering
- Selective Perception
o Hear what they want to hear / information Bias
(they don’t want to hear the case)
- Information Overload
o Important points
- Recievers Feelings
o Best way to send them messages?
- Words
o Correct meanings – different interpretations
- Interpersonal Dynamics
- Channels and Media
- Defence Mechanisms
- Meanings
o Slang
- Inconsistent Cues
- Status / Power
- Departmental Needs
- Lack of Formal Channels
- Unsuitable Communication Network
- Lacking Co-ordination
- Containers
o Independent –
- Social Constructionist
o No they way you chose to communicates
structers the organisation
o One person – centeralised

Communication Networks

Certain types of task work better with different networks

Simple – Centeralised
- They can assist and get who they need
- Takes time to complete

Complex Task – Vice Versa

- Centeralised – Gatekeeper
- Easy to track information
- Team problems
- Heirarchical
- Formal flow
- (standard manager to employee)

- Centeralised – Gatekeeper
- Fast and Efficient
- single person controls / dictator

Com Con / All channel

- Active communication between all members

- Weber
o Charaismatic
 Exeptional person
 Often “Lead”
o Traditional
 Power legitimised
o Bureacucratic
 Legal and active rules and regulations
 Organizations preferred
Bureaucracy (Rule from the desk)
- Clearly defined hierarchy
o Characterised by division of labour and a
centralisation of decision-making power
- Chain of Command
o Formal authority and reporting structure of an

Scientific Management
- Organisation communication functioned to organiz
task performance and to clarify rules and reg.
- Theorists described messages as flowing via the chain
of command going downwards

Human Behaviour School

- Less structure to more interaction based
- “There is no such thing as an organization,
organizations are composed of people”
- The Hawthorne Effect
o 1924 – 1932
o Workers are more productive in levels of light
o Improved when changes are made but stop when
it stopped
o Was then about performing better when being

Effective Communication
- Communication is much more complex than thought
- If you want to encourage clear communication through
an organization you need to look at a complex

Social Media
- Rise of usage from orgs

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