Drugs in Sport

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in Sport
Drugs in Sport

Business Manager: Silke Friedrich
Consulting Editor: Marlize Smuts, M.Pharm
Senior Designer: Eona Smit
Sales Executives: Barbara Milroy
Loren Chimes
Production Manager: Mercy Baloyi

Published by MIMS, 4 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank 2196

© 2015 Times Media (Pty) Ltd/Marlize Smuts. All rights

reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair
dealing for the purposes of private study, criticism or
review permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be
reproduced by any method without prior written permission.
All medicines and supplements listings featured in this
publication are based on information released by the World
Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and prepared in South Africa by the
Consulting Editor, Marlize Smuts. The A-Z Trade Name Index and
the Therapeutic/Trade Name Index are based on the DrugSearch
in Sport database – no part may be reproduced by any purpose
without prior written permission from Marlize Smuts.
This publication is an index of information, and not an
assessment or recommendation of the various preparations.
It is intended to serve as a reference source for athletes and
sports enthusiasts and their professional advisors. Although
every effort has been made in compiling, editing and checking
the information to ensure accuracy, the publishers, editors
and their employees or agents will not be responsible for
the continued currency of the information, or for any errors,
omissions or inaccuracies in this publication, whether arising
from negligence or otherwise, or for any consequences
arising therefrom.
While comprehensive, this guide does not list each and
every medicine and supplement available in South Africa.
When considering the use of any medicine or supplement,
athletes and sports enthusiasts are urged to consult their
medical doctor as well as the South African Institute for
Drug-Free Sport (www.drugfreesport.org.za).

Drugs in Sport


This guide provides all athletes and serious sports enthusiasts

with a handy reference source on which medicines
(prescription and over-the-counter) and natural supplements
are prohibited and permitted in competitive sport. If you
participate in events like the Comrades, Cycle Tour or any other
organized sport, this guide is for you.
MIMS Drugs in Sport lists medicines and supplements
(colour-coded for easy reference) available in South Africa,
explanatory information and anti-doping guidelines relevant
to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s 2015 stipulations for
competitive sport. Under WADA’s strict liability policy,
athletes are responsible for any substance found in their body,
regardless of how it got there. Yet, irrespective of their status
and ability, all sportspeople should acquaint themselves with
the dangers of doping in sport – in the spirit of fair play and for
their own health and wellbeing.
This guide is not intended to replace medical advice, and if in
doubt over any personal medicines/supplements or training
issue, please consult your doctor as well as the South Institute
for Drug-Free Sport (www.drugfreesport.org.za).

Drugs in Sport


Introduction............................................................................... 6

What is Doping?...................................................................... 10

Drug-Testing In Sport............................................................. 12

2015 WADA Prohibited Substances....................................... 14

A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index........................................ 26

Prohibited and permitted medicines/
nutritional supplements in sport –
arranged in alphabetical order

Therapeutic Classes Index...................................................... 90

Prohibited and permitted medicines/
nutritional supplements in sport –
arranged according to the
therapeutic class in which they fall

Notes [1-9]............................................................................. 154

Hydration in Sport............................................................... 158

Sports Nutrition................................................................... 161

Sports Supplements............................................................ 164

Preventing Sports Injuries.................................................. 166

Treating Sports Injuries........................................................ 169

Sports First Aid Kit................................................................ 176

Drugs in Sport


The use of drugs to improve performance in competitive sport

(known as “doping”) still occurs today, despite widespread
regulations and controls to keep sport “clean”. Witness the
case of cyclist Lance Armstrong who, in a 2013 interview with
Oprah Winfrey, finally admitted to using EPO, testosterone,
cortisone, human growth hormone and blood doping – in
various combinations – to help secure each of his seven
consecutive Tour de France wins.
While some argue that performance-enhancing drugs are
no different to new, high-tech materials found in sports
equipment and clothing that bestow a competitive edge
(such as drag-reducing swimsuits), most sports organisations,
including the International Olympic Committee, consider them
unethical. Why? Doping can be a health hazard with sometimes
fatal consequences; it gives performance-drug-taking athletes
an unfair advantage over their non-drug-taking counterparts,
thereby negating the spirit of fair play; and it gives those
sports where abuse is rife a bad name.
The practice of taking in substances to improve performance
dates back thousands of years. Competitors in the ancient
Greek Olympics used mushrooms and herbs to improve speed
and endurance. Later, in the 19th century, athletes commonly
used alcohol, opium and caffeine to up their game. The winner
of the Summer Olympics of 1904, Thomas Hicks, was revived
more than once during the race by his trainer, who each time
injected him with strychnine sulphate (a common rat poison
which stimulates the nervous system) mixed with brandy.
After winning, Hicks had to be carried off the track and may
have died had several doctors not treated him in the stadium.
At the time, strychnine and other stimulants were regarded
by the sports authorities as necessary performance aids in
demanding events.
Over time, doping fell into wide disfavour, but also became
more sophisticated and covert. Allegations of in-sport drug-
taking and even drug-related deaths (including that of British
cyclist Tommy Simpson, who overdosed on amphetamine
during the 1967 Tour de France) encouraged the International
Olympic Committee (IOC) to set up a medical commission
in 1967, which banned the use of certain drugs and other
performance-enhancing substances. Small-scale testing was
introduced at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico, followed by full-
scale testing at the next games in 1972 in Munich.

Drugs in Sport

Drugs in Sport

Following a large number of doping offences committed in the

mid-1990s, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was formed
to promote and co-ordinate the fight against drugs used in
sport on an international level. It formulated the World Anti-
Doping Code – a document that sets out anti-doping rules and
procedures governing the conditions under which sport should
be played. Providing the framework for the harmonisation
of anti-doping policies and regulations across all sports and
all countries around the world, it was adopted by the South
African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) in 2005.
As the promoter and enforcer of anti-doping regulations and
policies in South Africa, SAIDS has an enormously challenging
task. It needs to ensure that organised sport stays clean – a
requirement for the national sports federations, their member
(and accredited member) bodies, and even for activities or
events affiliated to the sports federations. Not only must the
professional athlete comply with the Code, but also the sports
enthusiast who competes in such organised sporting events
as the Comrades or Cycle Tour. In the spirit of fair play and for
their own health and wellbeing, all athletes should acquaint
themselves with the South African Anti-Doping Rules.
As part of its enforcing role, SAIDS runs extensive education
as well as in- and out-of-competition testing programmes.
While the damaging effects of, for example, anabolic steroids
are widely known, even innocuous-seeming nutritional
supplements, cough mixtures or diet pills can lead users to test
positive for doping. There is no excuse; athletes are personally
responsible for any prohibited substance or its metabolites or
markers found to be present in their urine or blood samples.
Accordingly, it is not necessary that intent, fault, negligence or
knowing use on the athlete’s part be demonstrated in order to
establish an anti-doping rule violation.
Aware that steroid abuse is on the rise at South African
schools, SAIDS recently devised the pilot School Steroid
Testing Programme, to implement standardised drug-testing
at specific South African schools. To date, 72 rugby-playing
schools have signed up with the Programme. Education forms
a key component of this programme; it plays a deterring role,
ensures learners are aware of the dangers of doping, and
encourages them to stay healthy.

Drugs in Sport

Drugs in Sport
What is Doping?

What is Doping?
Doping is a deliberate or unintentional use by athletes of
medicines, dietary supplements (vitamin, mineral, herbal or
other nutritional preparation) or methods that may enhance
performance during a sporting event. Performance-enhancing
substances are banned in organised sport.

Deliberate doping
Those who deliberately use performance-enhancing
substances to give them an edge over other competitors
in sport are engaging in deliberate doping. The penalties
for being discovered through testing can be severe; an
anti-doping rule violation in sport – whether deliberate or
not – may lead to disqualification of the result obtained in
that competition with all resulting consequences, including
forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes. Depending on
the findings of the South African Institute for Drug-Free
Sport (SAIDS), the athlete may further be banned from
participating in any sporting event for a fixed period of time –
or indefinitely.

Inadvertent (unintentional) doping

Inadvertent doping takes place when an athlete uses a
medicine to treat an illness, or takes in a food supplement or
drink, without realising that it contains a banned substance.
Consequently, the athlete returns a positive drug test result.
In this situation, even though the athlete is not taking
the substance deliberately to enhance performance, a
positive test may still result in sanctions. A policy of
strict liability exists in elite sports, whereby athletes are
responsible for any prohibited substance detected.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Some examples of medicines that contain prohibited drugs
are commonly-used cough suppressants and cold and flu
remedies. In most cases, alternative medications that do
not contain the prohibited substance can be used to treat
the illness.

Therapeutic Use Exemption

In some cases, a doctor may not be able to find an alternative
medication to treat an illness. Athletes with a documented
medical condition requiring the use of a prohibited substance
or a prohibited method may be eligible to receive a
Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) certificate from SAIDS.

Drugs in Sport
What is Doping?

If an athlete must use a medication that does contain a banned

substance for a genuine therapeutic reason, the following
steps should be taken:

 The athlete must apply to SAIDS for a Therapeutic Use

Exemption (TUE). The TUE application form can be
downloaded from the SAIDS website: www.drugfreesport.
 The completed application form, together with supporting
medical documentation, should be emailed to: rado-tue@
drugfreesport.org.za (The sender should keep a copy for
his or her records.)
 The application must be submitted for approval before
the medication regimen is started. TUE applications take
approximately 30 days for the applicant to receive an
 Submitting an application is not an automatic waiver to use
the medication.
 SAIDS will approve/not approve the TUE.

Drugs in Sport
Drug-Testing in Sport

Drug-Testing in Sport
Drug testing – enforced by the South African Institute for
Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) – has become an increasingly large
part of both professional and amateur sports in this country.
An athlete can be called for drug-testing at any time, in- or out-
of- competition. Testing may be random or targeted.

The athlete may be notified by an official about a drug test,
and asked to sign a form acknowledging this notification. The
athlete is entitled to have a representative (such as his coach
or team doctor) present to verify that the testing occurs in
accordance with the prescribed guidelines. A urine sample of
approximately 90 ml is required (under close scrutiny of an
official of the same gender); the urine is split into two bottles,
marked A and B and sealed by the athlete. Each set of test kit
bottles has a unique code number which is recorded on the
relevant paperwork. The laboratory staff never knows the
athlete’s name; only the bottle identification number. This
ensures that the correct result is given to the athlete whilst
retaining his/her anonymity.
Following the sampling procedure, the athlete must complete
a medical declaration, which states all medicines and
substances that he or she has taken during the previous seven
days. It is important to record everything – from prescribed
drugs to over-the-counter medicines and supplements. If any
of these substances appear on the prohibited list, the athlete
must be in possession of a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
The athlete, representative and official all check the form
before the official and athlete sign it, and both parties
hold a copy.
The samples are then sent to a laboratory accredited by
the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) where sample A is
tested. If sample A tests positive for any banned substance,
the laboratory will notify SAIDS which in turn notifies the
governing body of the sport; it in turn notifies the athlete. The
athlete may request to have his/her sample B analysed. The
athlete is entitled to be present at the opening and verification
and testing of the B sample. If this, too, is positive, the
athlete will have the opportunity to present his/her case to an
independent tribunal which will determine the merits of the
case presented by both parties, namely the athlete and SAIDS.
The independent tribunal will then decide on the matter.

Drugs in Sport
Drug-Testing in Sport

Blood-testing is used to detect drugs such as human
Growth Hormone (hGH), erythropoietin (EPO) and artificial
oxygen carriers or plasma expanders. Similar anonymity
and representative procedures apply as for urine sampling
where the athlete is asked to select and check the testing and
collection equipment. Depending on the type of test required,
either one or two samples of blood are collected. Once
collected, the blood tubes are inserted directly into the A and
B sample collection bottles and sealed by the athlete. Samples
are sent to an accredited laboratory for testing.
More recently, WADA is leading the development of a strategy
against doping in sport called the Athlete Passport Program,
which is based on following an athlete's biological variables
over time. The objective of this strategy, which will be added
to other anti-doping strategies, including "traditional" testing,
is to detect abnormal variations of determined biological
variables in order to better target testing and/or sanction
those found with abnormal variations.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

The 2015 World Anti-Doping Agency

(WADA) Prohibited List
Below is an extract of the list of prohibited drugs, as detailed
by WADA, which is effective from 1 January 2015. It is valid until
further notice.

The List covers different doping classes to illustrate the doping

definition. No substances belonging to the prohibited classes
may be used even if they are not listed as examples. For this
reason, the term “and related substances” is introduced. This
term describes drugs that are related to the class by their
pharmacological actions (how the active ingredients affect the
body) or chemical structure.

Listed substances are examples and are not exhaustive, and

also include analogues of substances (substances that are
similar but not identical) and related substances.

In accordance with Article 4.2.2 of the World Anti-Doping Code,

all Prohibited Substances shall be considered as Specified
Substances except substances in classes S1, S2, S4.4, S4.5, S6.a,
and Prohibited Methods M1, M2 and M3.


(In and Out of Competition)


S0. Non-Approved Substances

Any pharmacological substance which is not addressed by
any of the subsequent sections of the List and with no current
approval by any governmental regulatory health authority for
human therapeutic use (eg drugs under pre-clinical or clinical
development or which have been discontinued, designer
drugs, or substances approved only for veterinary use) is
prohibited at all times.

S1. Anabolic Agents

Anabolic agents are prohibited.
1. Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS)
For purposes of this section:
* “exogenous” refers to a substance which is not ordinarily
produced by the body naturally.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

** “endogenous” refers to a substance which is ordinarily

produced by the body naturally.
a. Exogenous* AAS, including:
• 1-androstenediol (5α-androst-1-ene-3β,17β-diol )
• 1-androstenedione (5α-androst-1-ene-3,17-dione)
• bolandiol (estr-4-ene-3β,17β-diol )
• bolasterone
• boldenone
• boldione (androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione)
• calusterone
• clostebol
• danazol ([1,2]oxazolo[4’,5’:2,3]pregna-4-en-20-yn-17α-ol)
• dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (4-chloro-17β-hydroxy-17α-
• desoxymethyltestosterone (17α-methyl-5α-androst-2-
• drostanolone
• ethylestrenol (19-norpregna-4-en-17α-ol)
• fluoxymesterone
• formebolone
• furazabol (17α-methyl [1,2,5]oxadiazolo[3’,4’:2,3]-5α-
• gestrinone
• 4-hydroxytestosterone (4,17β-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one)
• mestanolone
• mesterolone
• metandienone (17β-hydroxy-17α-methylandrosta-1,4-
• metenolone
• methandriol
• methasterone (17β-hydroxy-2α,17α-dimethyl-5α-androstan-


According to the South African Institute for Drug-Free
Sport (SAIDS), the following definitions apply:
In Competition: Unless provided otherwise in the rules
of an international federation or other relevant anti-
doping organisation, "In Competition" means the period
commencing 12 hours before a competition in which the
athlete is scheduled to participate through to the end
of such competition and the sample collection process
related to such competition.
Out of Competition: Any doping control which is not
In Competition.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

• methyldienolone (17β-hydroxy-17α-methylestra-4,9-dien-
• methyl-1-testosterone (17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-5α-androst-
• methylnortestosterone (17β-hydroxy-17α-methylestr-4-en-
• methyltestosterone
• metribolone (methyltrienolone, 17β-hydroxy-17α-
• mibolerone
• nandrolone
• 19-norandrostenedione (estr-4-ene-3,17-dione)
• norboletone
• norclostebol
• norethandrolone
• oxabolone
• oxandrolone
• oxymesterone
• oxymetholone
• prostanozol (17β-[(tetrahydropyran-2-yl)oxy]-1’H-
• quinbolone
• stanozolol
• stenbolone
• 1-testosterone (17β-hydroxy-5α-androst-1-en-3-one)
• tetrahydrogestrinone (17-hydroxy-18a-homo-19-nor-17α-
• trenbolone (17β-hydroxyestr-4,9,11-trien-3-one);
• and other substances with a similar chemical structure or
similar biological effect(s).

b. Endogenous** AAS when administered exogenously:

• androstenediol (androst-5-ene-3β,17β-diol)
• androstenedione (androst-4-ene-3,17-dione)
• dihydrotestosterone (17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one)
• prasterone (dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA,
• testosterone
• and their metabolites and isomers, including but not
limited to:
5α-androstane-3α,17α-diol; 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol;
5α-androstane-3β,17α-diol; 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol;
5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol; androst-4-ene-3α,17α-diol;
androst-4-ene-3α,17β-diol; androst-4-ene-3β,17α-diol;
androst-5-ene-3α,17α-diol; androst-5-ene-3α,17β-diol;
androst-5-ene-3β,17α-diol; 4-androstenediol (androst-4-ene-
3β,17β-diol); 5-androstenedione (androst-5-ene-3,17-dione);
androsterone (3β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one); epi-
Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

dihydrotestosterone; epitestosterone; etiocholanolone;

7α-hydroxy-DHEA; 7β-hydroxy-DHEA; 7-keto-DHEA;
19-norandrosterone; 19-noretiocholanolone

2. Other anabolic agents

Including, but not limited to:
• clenbuterol
• selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs, eg
andarine and ostarine)
• tibolone
• zeranol
• zilpaterol

S2. Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors,

Related Substances and Mimetics
The following substances, and other substances with
similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), are
1. Erythropoietin-receptor agonists:
1.1. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), including
darbepoietin (dEPO); erythropoietins (EPO); EPO-
Fc; EPO-mimetic peptides (EMP), eg CNTO 530 and
peginesatide; and methoxy polyethylene glycol-
epoetin beta (CERA)
1.2. Non-erythropoietic EPO-receptor agonists, eg ARA-
290, asialo EPO and carbamylated EPO
2. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) stabilizers, eg cobalt and
FG-4592; and HIF activators, eg argon, xenon
3. Chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) and luteinizing hormone
(LH) and their releasing factors, eg buserelin, gonadorelin
and triptorelin, in males
4. Corticotrophins and their releasing factors, eg corticorelin
5. Growth hormone (GH) and its releasing factors including
growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and its
analogues, eg CJC-1295, sermorelin and tesamorelin;
growth hormone secretagogues (GHS), eg ghrelin and
ghrelin mimetics, eg anamorelin and ipamorelin; and GH-
releasing peptides (GHRPs), eg alexamorelin, GHRP-6,
hexarelin and pralmorelin (GHRP-2).
Additional prohibited growth factors:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs); hepatocyte growth fac-
tor (HGF); insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and its ana-
logues; mechano growth factors (MGFs); platelet-derived
growth factor (PDGF); vascular-endothelial growth factor
(VEGF) and any other growth factor affecting muscle,
tendon or ligament protein synthesis/degradation, vascu-
larisation, energy utilization, regenerative capacity or fibre
type switching.
Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

S3. Beta-2 Agonists

All beta-2 agonists, including all optical isomers (eg d- and l-
where relevant) are prohibited.
• Inhaled salbutamol (maximum 1600 µg over 24 hours);
• Inhaled formoterol (maximum deliverable dose 54
micrograms over 24 hours)
• Inhaled salmeterol in accordance with the manufacturers’
recommended therapeutic regimen
The presence in urine of salbutamol in excess of 1000 ng/ml
or formoterol in excess of 40 ng/ml is presumed not to be
an intended therapeutic use of the substance and will be
considered as an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) unless the
athlete proves, through a controlled pharmacokinetic study,
that the abnormal result was the consequence of the use of the
therapeutic inhaled dose up to the maximum indicated above.

S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators

The following hormones and metabolic modulators are
1. Aromatase inhibitors, including, but not limited to:
aminoglutethimide; anastrozole; androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-
dione (androstatrienedione); 4-androstene-3,6,17 trione
(6-oxo); exemestane; formestane; letrozole and
2. Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs)
including, but not limited to: raloxifene; tamoxifen and
3. Other anti-oestrogenic substances, including, but not
limited to: clomiphene; cyclofenil and fulvestrant.
4. Agents modifying myostatin function(s), including, but not
limited, to: myostatin inhibitors.
5. Metabolic modulators:
5.1 Activators of the AMP-activated protein kinase
(AMPK), eg AICAR; and peroxisome proliferator
activated receptor δ (PPARδ) agonists, eg GW 1516
5.2 Insulins
5.3 Trimetazidine

S5. Diuretics and Masking Agents

The following diuretics and masking agents are prohibited,
as are other substances with a similar chemical structure or
similar biological effect(s).
Including, but not limited to:
• Desmopressin; probenecid; plasma expanders, eg glycerol
and intravenous administration of albumin, dextran,
hydroxyethyl starch and mannitol.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

• Acetazolamide; amiloride; bumetanide; canrenone;

chlortalidone; etacrynic acid; furosemide;
indapamide; metolazone; spironolactone; thiazides,
eg bendroflumethiazide, chlorothiazide and
hydrochlorothiazide; triamterene and vaptans, eg
• Drospirenone; pamabrom; and topical dorzolamide and
• Local administration of felypressin in dental anaesthesia.
The detection in an athlete’s sample at all times or
In Competition, as applicable, of any quantity subject
to threshold limits – of formoterol, salbutamol, cathine,
ephedrine, methylephedrine or pseudoephedrine, in
conjunction with a diuretic or masking agent, will be
considered an Adverse Analytical Finding unless the athlete
has an approved TUE for that substance, in addition to the one
granted for the diuretic or masking agent.


M1. Manipulation of Blood and Blood

The following are prohibited:
1. The administration or reintroduction of any quantity of
autologous, allogenic (homologous) or heterologous
blood, or red blood cell products of any origin into the
circulatory system.
2. Artificially enhancing the uptake, transport or delivery of
Including, but not limited to:
Perfluorochemicals; efaproxiral (RSR13) and modified
haemoglobin products, eg haemoglobin-based blood
substitutes and microencapsulated haemoglobin products,
excluding supplemental oxygen.
3. Any form of intravascular manipulation of the blood or
blood components by physical or chemical means.

M2. Chemical and Physical Manipulation

The following are prohibited:
1. Tampering, or attempting to tamper, in order to alter the
integrity and validity of samples collected during doping
Including, but not limited to:
Urine substitution and/or adulteration, eg proteases.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

2. Intravenous infusions and/or injections of more than 50 ml

per six-hour period except for those legitimately received
in the course of hospital admissions, surgical procedures or
clinical investigations.

M3. Gene Doping

The following, with the potential to enhance sport performance,
are prohibited:
1. The transfer of polymers of nucleic acids or nucleic acid
2. The use of normal or genetically modified cells.


In addition to the categories S0 to S5 and M1 to M3 defined
above, the following categories are prohibited In Competition:

S6. Stimulants
All stimulants, including all optical isomers (eg d- and l- where
relevant) are prohibited.
Stimulants include:
a: Non-specified stimulants:
• adrafinil
• amfepramone
• amphetamine
• amfetaminil
• amiphenazole
• benfluorex
• benzylpiperazine
• bromantan
• clobenzorex
• cocaine
• cropropamide
• crotetamide
• fencamine
• fenetylline
• fenfluramine
• fenproporex
• fonturacetam [4-phenylpiracetam (carphedon)]
• furfenorex
• mefenorex
• mephentermine
• mesocarb
• metamfetamine(d-)
• p-methylamphetamine
Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

• modafinil
• norfenfluramine
• phendimetrazine
• phentermine
• prenylamine
• prolintane.
A stimulant not expressly listed in this section is a Specified
b: Specified stimulants.
Including, but not limited to:
• benzfetamine
• cathine**
• cathinone and its analogues, eg mephedrone, methedrone,
and α- pyrrolidinovalerophenone dimethylamphetamine
• ephedrine***
• epinephrine**** (adrenaline)
• etamivan
• etilamfetamine
• etilefrine
• famprofazone
• fenbutrazate
• fencamfamin
• heptaminol
• hydroxyamfetamine (parahydroxyamphetamine)
• isometheptene
• levmetamfetamine
• meclofenoxate
• methylenedioxymethamphetamine
• methylephedrine***
• methylhexaneamine (dimethylpentylamine)
• methylphenidate
• nikethamide
• norfenefrine
• octopamine
• oxilofrine (methylsynephrine)
• pemoline
• pentetrazol
• phenethylamine and its derivatives
• phenmetrazine
• phenpromethamine
• propylhexedrine
• pseudoephedrine*****
• selegiline
• sibutramine
• strychnine
• tenamfetamine (methylenedioxyamphetamine)
• tuaminoheptane
Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

• and other substances with a similar chemical structure or

similar biological effect(s).
Imidazole derivatives for topical/ophthalmic use and those
stimulants included in the 2015 Monitoring Program*.
* Bupropion, caffeine, nicotine, phenylephrine,
phenylpropanolamine, pipradrol, and synephrine: These
substances are included in the 2015 Monitoring Program, and
are not considered Prohibited Substances.
** Cathine: Prohibited when its concentration in urine is
greater than 5 µg/ml.
*** Ephedrine and methylephedrine: Prohibited when the
concentration of either in urine is greater than 10 µg/ml.
**** Epinephrine (adrenaline): Not prohibited in local
administration, eg nasal, ophthalmologic, or co-administration
with local anaesthetic agents.
***** Pseudoephedrine: Prohibited when its concentration in
urine is greater than 150 µg/ml.

S7. Narcotics
• buprenorphine
• dextromoramide
• diamorphine (heroin)
• fentanyl and its derivatives
• hydromorphone
• methadone
• morphine
• oxycodone
• oxymorphone
• pentazocine
• pethidine

S8. Cannabinoids
• Natural, eg cannabis, hashish and marijuana, or synthetic
• 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
• Cannabimimetics, eg “Spice”, JWH-018, JWH-073, HU-210.

S9. Glucocorticoids
All glucocorticoids are prohibited when administered by oral,
intravenous, intramuscular or rectal routes.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

P1. Alcohol
Alcohol (ethanol) is prohibited In Competition only, in the
following sports. Detection will be conducted by analysis
of breath and/or blood. The doping violation threshold is
equivalent to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10 g/L.
• Air Sports (FAI)
• Archery (WA)
• Automobile (FIA)
• Motorcycling (FIM)
• Powerboating (UIM)

P2. Beta-Blockers
Beta-blockers are prohibited In Competition only, in the
following sports, and also prohibited Out of Competition
where indicated.
• Archery (WA)*
• Automobile (FIA)
• Billiards (all disciplines) (WCBS)
• Darts (WDF)
• Golf (IGF)
• Shooting (ISSF, IPC)*
• Skiing/Snowboarding (FIS) in ski jumping, freestyle aerials/
halfpipe and snowboard halfpipe/big air
• Underwater sports (CMAS) in constant-weight apnoea with
or without fins, dynamic apnoea with and without fins, free
immersion apnoea, Jump Blue apnoea, spearfishing, static
apnoea, target shooting and variable weight apnoea.

*Also prohibited Out of Competition

Beta-blockers include, but are not limited to:

• acebutolol
• alprenolol
• atenolol
• betaxolol
• bisoprolol
• bunolol
• carteolol
• carvedilol
• celiprolol
• esmolol
• labetalol
• levobunolol
• metipranolol

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

• metoprolol
• nadolol
• oxprenolol
• pindolol
• propranolol
• sotalol
• timolol


The World Anti-Doping Code (Article 4.5) states: “WADA, in
consultation with signatories and governments, shall establish
a monitoring program regarding substances which are not
on the Prohibited List, but which WADA wishes to monitor in
order to detect patterns of misuse in sport”.
The following substances have been placed on the 2015
Monitoring Program:
1. Stimulants: In Competition Only: bupropion,
caffeine, nicotine, phenylephrine,
phenylpropanolamine, pipradol and
2. Narcotics: In Competition Only: hydrocodone,
mitragynine, morphine/codeine ratio;
tapentadol and tramadol.
3. Glucocorticoids: In Competition (by routes of administration
other than oral, intravenous,
intramuscular or rectal) and Out of
Competition (all routes of administration)
4. Telmisartan: In and Out of Competition.
5. Meldonium: In and Out of Competition.

Drugs in Sport
2015 WADA Prohibited Substances

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index


This index lists prescription medicines,

over-the-counter medicines
and complementary medicines/
supplements which are prohibited or
permitted in competitive sport. It also
lists active ingredients (generic substance
names) of medicines.

The information in this index is based on the DrugSearch in

Sport infobase, a comprehensive reference work on drugs in
South Africa relevant to the latest World Anti-Doping Agency
(WADA)’s stipulations relating to competitive sport – as of
1 January 2015.
The A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index is colour-coded
and marked up for ease of reference. Please refer to the
Explanatory Information alongside, as well as to the Notes
[1-9] on Page 154 – which describe this index. If in any doubt
over a drug or substance you may be taking or are considering
taking before or during a competitive sports event, please
refer to the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport (SAIDS)
at www.drugfreesport.org.za

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Explanatory Information also see Page 154

Code Interpretation
Green Permitted drugs
Prohibited drugs IN and OUT of COMPETITION
(prohibited at all times)
Generic names of prohibited substances: IN and
Red italics
Prohibited drugs IN COMPETITION only
Red underlined
(only during specified competition periods)
Red italics Generic names of prohibited substances:
underlined IN COMPETITION only
Blue Prohibited drugs IN PARTICULAR SPORTS
Generic names of prohibited substances:
Blue italics
[1] – [9] Notes – see page 154
green * / red * / Asterisk (*) indicates a preparation with alternative
red */ blue * ingredients or supplements. Some of these alternative
and substances and/or supplements might cause problems.
green * / red * / If no descriptive information is available, it is recommended
red */ blue * to athletes and their entourage not to take such products.

Aer Aerosol IM inj Intramuscular injection
Aq Aqueous IS inj Intrasynovial injection (local)
Caps Capsules IV inj Intravenous injection
Cr Cream Liq Liquid
Conc Concentrate Oint Ointment
DoU Declaration of Use Ophth Ophthalmic
DP Dry powder capsules OTC Over-the-counter
Caps for inhalation
Emuls Emulsion Paed Paediatric
Inf Infusion PoM Prescription-only medicine
Inh Inhaler (PoM) OTC or PoM for certain
Inhal Inhalation Sol Solution
Inj Injection Supps Suppositories
IA inj Intra-articular injection Susp Suspension
IB inj Intrabursal injection Syr Syrup
ID inj Intradermal injection Tabs Tablets
IL inj Intralesion injection TUE Therapeutic Use Exemption

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

TUE Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or

(Therapeutic conditions that require them to take particular
Use Exemption) medications.
If the medication an athlete is required to take to
treat an illness or condition happens to fall under the
Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)
may give that athlete the authorisation to take the
needed medicine.
The purpose of the International Standard for
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE) is to ensure that
the process of granting TUEs is harmonised across
sports and countries.
For further information, go to the WADA website:
To support the decisions of TUEs regarding the use of
intravenous infusions, attention is drawn to the fact
that medical information is provided on the WADA
website: https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index


A Activir Cold Sore Cream
Abflex-4 Tablets Actonel Tablets PoM
Abic Leucovorin Injection Actophlem Syrup
Abic Vincristine Injection PoM Actos Tablets PoM
Abilify Table, IM Injection PoM Actraphane HM Injection PoM
Abitrexate Injection, Tablets PoM Acuflu P Syrup [6]
ACC 200 Effervescent Tablets Acular Solution 0,4% Solution PoM
Accolate Tablets PoM Aculoid Tablets, Syrup
Accord Escitalopram Tablets PoM Acurate Tablets
Accord Glimepiride Tablets PoM Acutussive Expect Adult,
Accord Metformin Tablets PoM Expect Paed [6]
Accord Midazolam Sol for Inj PoM Acuzole Tablets PoM
Accord Omeprazole Powd Acuzyrt Tablets, Syrup
for Sol for Inf PoM Adacel Quadra Injection
Accord Pioglitazone Tablets PoM Adalat Retard Tablets, XL Tabs PoM
Accord Ropinirole Tablets PoM Adco Abacavir Tablets PoM
Accumax Co Tablets PoM Adco-Acyclovir Cream
Accumax Tablets PoM Adco-Acyclovir Tablets PoM
Accupril Tablets PoM Adco-Alcophyllin Syrup
Accuretic Tablets PoM Adco-Allopurinol Tablets PoM
acebutolol [4] Adco-Alzam Tablets PoM
Acesyl Co Tablets PoM Adco-Amethocaine Cream
Acesyl Tablets PoM Adco-Amoclav BD Tabs PoM
acetazolamide Adco-Amoxycillin Caps, Susp PoM
Achromide Ointment Adco-Atenolol Tablets PoM [4]
Aciclovir Sandoz Tablets PoM Adco-Atorvastatin Tablets PoM
Acitab DT Dispers Tablets Adco-Betamethasone Cream PoM
Acitop Cream Adco-Biohist Lotion
Aclasta Sol for Infusion PoM Adco-Bisocor Tablets PoM [4]
Acnetane Capsules PoM Adco-Captomax Tablets PoM
Acriptaz Tablets PoM Adco-Cefazolin Injection PoM
Actamax Tablets PoM Adco-Cefotaxime Injection PoM
Actemra IV Infusion PoM Adco-Cefoxitin Injection PoM
ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic
Adco-Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Adco-Cefuroxime Injection PoM
Actifed Cold Tablets, Syrup [6]
Adco-Cetirizine Tablets, Syrup
Actifed Dry Cough Linctus [6]
Adco-Cimetidine Tablets PoM
Actifed Dry Cough Sugar
Free Syrup [6] Adco-Combineb Inhalent Sol PoM [1]
Actilyse Infusion PoM Adco-Contromet Tablets, Syrup PoM
activators of the AMP-activated Adco-Co-Trimoxazole Tablets PoM
protein kinase (AMPK) Adco-Cyclizine Tablets, Syrup
Activelle Tablets PoM Adco-Dapamax Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Adco-Dermed Shampoo Adco-Paroxetine Tablets PoM

Adco-Diatussin Syrup Adco-Phenobarbitone Vitalet
Adco-Diclofenac Tablets, Inj PoM Elixir PoM
Adco-Dol Tablets Adco-Prednisolone Syrup PoM [2]
Adco-Efavirenz Tablets PoM Adco-Prodium Tablets
Adco-Emtevir Tablets PoM Adco-Prolief Tablets
Adco-Enalapril Tablets PoM Adco-Quinaretic Tablets PoM
Adco-Enterolyte Suspension Adco-Retic Tablets PoM
Adco-Erythromycin Caps, Susp PoM Adco-Roxy Capsules PoM
Adco-Ethyl Chloride Spray Adco-Roznal Capsules PoM
Adco-Fem 35 Tablets PoM Adco-Salterpyn Syrup
Adco-Fenoterol HBr Inh Sol PoM Adco-Salterpyn Tablets PoM
Adco-Flupain Tablets [6] Adco-Scripto-Lyte Solution
Adco-Glucomed Tablets PoM Adco-Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Adco-Granisetron Injection PoM Adco-Sinal Co Tablets
Adco-Ibuprofen Tablets PoM Adco-Sinal NS Capsules
Adco-Indomethacin Capsules PoM Adco-Sodasol Eff Granules
Adco-Ipratropium Bromide Inhal Sol Adco-Sporozole Capsules PoM
Adco-Irbesartan Tablets PoM Adco-Talomil Tablets PoM
Adco-Lamivudine Tablets, Sol, Adco Tenyl Transdermal
Alcohol Free Sol PoM Therapeutic System PoM
Adco-Linctopent Syrup Adco-Terbinafine Tablets PoM
Adco-Loperamide Tablets, Syrup Adco-Tussend Syrup [6]
Adco-Vascard SR Capsules PoM
Adco-Mayogel Suspension
Adco-Zetofen Syrup
Adco-Medigel Suspension
Adco-Zetomax Tablets PoM
Adco-Mefenamic Acid Susp,
Caps PoM Adco-Zetomax Co Tablets PoM
Adco-Meloxicam Tablets PoM Adco-Zidovudine Tabs, Sol,
Sugar Free Sol PoM
Adco-Metaxol Elixir
Adco-Zildem Tablets, SR
Adco-Metronidazole Tablets PoM
Capsules PoM
Adco-Midazolam Injection PoM
Adco-Zolpidem Tablets PoM
Adco-Mirteron Tablets PoM
Adco-Zopimed Tablets PoM
Adco-Napacod Tablets
Adenocor Injection PoM
Adco-Napamol Tablets, Elixir
Adco-Naphensyl Drops,
adrenaline (epinephrine) [8]
Paediatric Drops
Adrenaline-Fresenius Injection PoM
Adco-Naproxen Tablets PoM
adrenocorticotrophic hormone
Adco-Nebrafen Inh Sol
Adco-Neoderm Cream PoM
Adriblastina Injection PoM
Adco-Nevirapine Tablets PoM Advanced Bio-CoQ10 Complex
Adco-Normospor Cream Capsules *
Adco-Normospor Vaginal Cream Advagraf PR Capsules PoM
Adco-Omeprazole Capsules PoM Advantan Cream, Oint, Fatty
Adco-Otised Drops Oint, Milk, Scalp Sol PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Advil Cold & Sinus Tablets [6] Alfuwin XL Tablets PoM

Advil Liqui-gels Capsules Alimta Infusion PoM
Afinitor Tablets PoM Alkafizz Effervescent Granules
AF Ointment, Powder Alkeran Tablets, Injection PoM
African Ginger Tablets * Allecet Tablets, Syrup
Agarol Lactulose Syrup Allergex Eye Drops
AGE Protect Antioxidant Allergex Mepyramine Cream
Formulation Tabs * Allergex Non Drowsy Syrup, Tablets
Aggrastet Solution for Infusion PoM Allergex Tablets, Elixir
Agiobulk Granules * Allergy Eye Relief Eye Drops #2,
Agiolax Granules * Free Single-Use Droppers *
Agrylin Capsules PoM Allermine Tablets
AICAR (AMPK activator) Allerway 5 Tablets
Akineton Tablets, Injection PoM Allevyn Adhesive / Sterile Wound
Akrinor Injection PoM Dressing
Akrinor Tablets Almadin Tablets PoM
Alapren Tablets PoM Alomide Drops
albumin (intravenous) Alphagan Purite Solution
Albusol IV Infusion PoM alpha-GPC (hGH-secretagogue)
albuterol (see salbutamol) [1] alprenolol [4]
Alchera Tablets PoM Altargo Ointment PoM
alclomethasone [2] Altosec Capsules, Powd for Inj PoM
alcohol [3] Alumag D Suspension
Alcophyllex Liquid Aluvia Tablets PoM
Alvesco Inhaler PoM
Aldactone Tablets PoM
Amaryl Tablets PoM
Aldara Cream PoM
Amaryl Combi Tablets PoM
Alendronate Unicon Tablets PoM
AmBisome IV Infusion PoM
A-Lennon-Dapsone Tablets PoM
amfepramone (diethylpropion)
A-Lennon Diazepam Injection PoM
amfetamine (amphetamine)
A-Lennon Diclofenac Tablets,
Supps (PoM) amfetaminil (amphetaminil)
A-Lennon Doxycycline Capsules PoM Amikacin Fresenius Injection PoM
A-Lennon Fluoxetine Capsules PoM Amiloretic Tablets, Amiloretic-HS
Tabs PoM
A-Lennon Furosemide Injection PoM
A-Lennon Hyoscine Butylbromide Inj
A-Lennon-Reserpine Tablets PoM
A-Lennon-Thiamine HCl Tablets PoM
A-Lennon-Vit B Co Injection PoM
Aminophyllin IM Injection,
A-Lennon-Vit B12 Injection PoM IV Injection PoM
Alepet Sol for Injection PoM Aminophyllin IV-Fresenius
Aleve Caplets Injection PoM
alexamorelin (GH-releasing peptide) Amiotach Injection PoM
alfentanil (fentanyl derivate) amiphenazole

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Amlate Tablets PoM androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione

Amloc Tablets PoM (boldione)
Amlodac Tablets PoM androsta-1,4,6-triene-3,17-dione
Amlosyn Tablets PoM
androstatrienedione (androsta-
Amoclan Tabs, BID Tabs, Forte
Tabs, Susp, Forte Susp PoM
androstenediol (androst-5-
Amoxil Syrup, Forte Syrup, ene-3b,17b-diol)
Paed Drops PoM
Amphojel Suspension
Ampicillin-Fresenius Injection PoM
AMPK activators
Amtas Tablets PoM (4-androstenediol)
Amuco 200 Effervescent Tablets androst-5-ene-3a,17a-diol
Anadin Tablets, Extra Strength Tabs androst-5-ene-3b,17a-diol
Anafranil Tablets, SR Tabs, Inj PoM androst-5-ene-3b,17b-diol
anamorelin (GHS secretagogue) androst-5-ene-3b,17b-diol
anastrozole (androstenediol)
andarine (selective androgen androstenedione (androst-
receptor modulator) 4-ene-3,17-dione)
Andolex Oral Rinse, Spray, androst-4-ene-3,17-dione
Lozenges (androstenedione)
Andolex-C Lozenges, Oral Gel androst-5-ene-3,17-dione
Andolex-C Oral Rinse, Spray
androsterone (3b-hydroxy-
Androcur 10mg Tablets PoM 5a-androstan-17-one)
Androcur 50mg Tabs, 100mg Anela Ocansini Ebusuku Capsule *
Tabs, Depot Inj PoM
Anethaine Cream
1-androstenediol (5a-androst-
Anexate Injection PoM
Angeliq Tablets PoM
1-androstenedione (5a-androst-
Angised Tablets PoM
Angstrom Boron Liquid
4-androstenediol (androst-
4-ene-3b,17b-diol) Angstrom Calcium Liquid
4-androstene-3,6,17 trione (6-oxo) Angstrom Chromium Liquid
5-androstenedione (androst- Angstrom Copper Liquid
5-ene-3,17-dione) Angstrom Germanium Liquid
5a-androstane-3a,17a-diol Angstrom Gold Liquid
5a-androstane-3a,17b-diol Angstrom Indium Liquid
5a-androstane-3b,17a-diol Angstrom Iodine Liquid
5a-androstane-3b,17b-diol Angstrom Iron Liquid
5b-androstane-3a,17b-diol Angstrom Magnesium Liquid
5a-androst-1-ene-3,17-dione Angstrom Manganese Liquid
(1-androstenedione) Angstrom Minerals of Life Liquid
5a-androst-1-ene-3b,17b-diol Angstrom Molybdenum Liquid
(1-androstenediol) Angstrom Platinum Liquid

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Angstrom Potassium Liquid Arigoline Tablets PoM

Angstrom Selenium Liquid Ariknow Tablets PoM
Angstrom Silver Liquid Arimidex Tablets PoM
Angstrom Sulfur Liquid Ariprel Plus Tablets PoM
Angstrom Ultimatium Liquid Arixtra Sol for Inj, Pre-filled Syr PoM
Angstrom Vanadium Liquid Aromasin Tablets PoM
Angstrom Zinc Liquid aromatase inhibitors
Antabuse Dispergettes PoM Aropax Tablets, CR Tablets PoM
Anthisan Cream Arrow Budesonide Nebulis Susp PoM
anti-estrogenic substances Arrow Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Antipeol Ointment Arrow Citalopram Tablets PoM
Antipyn Forte Tablets PoM Arrow Clopidogrel Tablets PoM
Antistax Active Leg Tablets * Arrow Efavirenz Tablets PoM
Arrow Gliclazide Tablets PoM
Antoxivite Tablets *
Arrow Meloxicam Tablets PoM
Anusol Pain Relief Ointment
Arrow Metformin HCl Tablets PoM
Anusol Suppositories, Ointment
Arrow Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Anviro Tablets PoM
Arrow Terbinafine Tablets PoM
Anzatax Injection PoM
Arthrexin Capsules, Supps PoM
Aosept® Plus Solution
Arthro Synergy Colourastro
Apen Capsules, Suspension PoM Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs *
Apex-Isotretinoin Capsules PoM ArthroChoice Tablets *
Apex-Loratadine Tablets ArthroChoice Advanced Tablets *
Apidra Injection PoM Arthrotec Tablets PoM
Apiton Syrup * Arthrovite Tablets *
AP Loratadine Tablets, Syrup Arthro XPS Tablets *
AP Methylpred IV Injection PoM [2] AryCOR Tablets PoM
A-Por Topical Cream Asacol Tablets, Enema, Supps PoM
A-Por Vaginal Cream asalio EPO (non-erythropoietic
Appe-Check Tablets * EPO-receptor agonist)
Aprate Tablets PoM Asasantin Retard Capsules PoM
Aprovel Tablets PoM Ascabiol Emulsion
Aqueous Cream (UEA) BP Ascorbic Acid-Fresenius Injection
ARA-290 (non-erythropoietic ashwaganda *
EPO-receptor agonist) Asic Tablets
Aranesp Injection PoM Asmanex Twisthaler PoM
Arava Tablets PoM Aspavor Tablets PoM
Arcoxia Tablets PoM Aspelone Syrup PoM [2]
Aredia Injection PoM Aspen Abacavir Oral Solution,
Arelix Tablets PoM Tablets PoM
Arem Tablets PoM Aspen Acyclovir Infusion PoM
argon (HIF activator) Aspen Atazanavir Capsules PoM
Aricept Tablets PoM Aspen Azithromycin Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Aspen Bromocriptine Tablets PoM Aspen Simvastatin Tablets PoM

Aspen Carboplatin Injection PoM Aspen Stavudine Capsules PoM
Aspen Carvedilol Tablets PoM [4] Aspen Teicoplanin Injection PoM
Aspen Cefazolin Injection PoM Aspen Tenofovir Tablets PoM
Aspen Cefotaxime Injection PoM Aspen Trazodone Capsules PoM
Aspen Cefoxitin Injection PoM Aspen Vancomycin Injection PoM
Aspen Cefpodoxime Tablets PoM Aspen Vinorelbin Sol for Infusion PoM
Aspen Ceftriaxone Injection PoM Aspen Warfarin Tablets PoM
Aspen Cefuroxime Injection PoM Aspen Zidovudine Tabs, Syrup PoM
Aspen Cetirizine Tablets, Oral Asthavent Inhaler, Ecohaler, DP
Solution Inh Caps [1]
Aspen Clozapine Tablets PoM Asthavent Syrup
Aspen Colchicine Tablets (PoM) Astor Tablets PoM
Aspen Didanosine Tablets PoM Atacand Tablets PoM
Aspen Efavirenz Tablets PoM Atacand Plus Tablets PoM
Aspen Epirubicin Powd for Sol, Atazor Capsules PoM
Sol for Inj PoM atenolol [4]
Aspen Escitalopram Tablets PoM Aterax Tablets, Syrup, Injection PoM
Aspen Etoposide Sol for Infusion PoM Atgam Injection PoM
Aspen Fluconazole Capsules PoM Ativan Tablets, SL Tablets,
Aspen Gentamicin Injection PoM Injection PoM
Aspen Glimepiride Tablets PoM Atolip Tablets PoM
Atorvastatin Unicorn Tablets PoM
Aspen Granisetron Tablets PoM
Atorvastatin Winthrop Tablets PoM
Aspen Lamivudine Tablets,
Solution PoM Atripla Tablets PoM
Aspen Lamotrigine Tablets PoM Atrogel Gel *
Aspen Lamzid Tablets PoM Atroiza Tablets PoM
Aspen Lansoprazole Capsules (PoM) A-Tron Tablets *
Aspen Levofloxacin Tablets, Atropine Eye Drops PoM
Sol for Inf PoM Atropine Sulphate-Fresenius Inj PoM
Aspen Meropenem PoM Atrovent Beta Vials PoM
Aspen Midazolam Injection PoM Atrovent HFA Inhaler
Aspen Mirtazapine Tablets PoM Atrovent Solution, Unit Dose
Vials PoM
Aspen Mometasone Cream PoM
Augmaxcil Susp, Forte Susp,
Aspen Naproxen Tablets PoM
Tabs, Tabs 625, IV Inj PoM
Aspen Nevirapine Tablets,
Augmentin Susp, Forte Susp,
Suspension PoM
375 Tabs, IV Inj PoM
Aspen Paclitaxel Sol for Inf PoM
Augmentin BD Susp, BD Susp
Aspen Pantoprazole IV Inj, Tabs PoM Forte, ES 600 Susp, Tabs BD,
Aspen Pentoxifylline SR Tablets SR Tab PoM
Aspen Pravastatin Tablets PoM Auro Cefepime Injection PoM
Aspen Quinine Tablets (PoM) Auro-Citaloprim Tablets PoM
Aspen Risperidone Tablets PoM Auro-Losartan Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Auro-Lisinopril Co Tablets PoM A Vogel Hot Flush & Night Sweat

Aurone Drops Remedy Tabs *
Aurone Forte Drops A Vogel Molkosan Liquid *
Auro-Paroxetine Tablets PoM A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline
Powder *
Auroprozil Tablets PoM
A Vogel Nephrosolid Oral Liquid * [3]
Austell-Amlodipine Tablets PoM
A Vogel Prostasan Capsules *
Austell-Amoxicillin Capsules PoM
A Vogel Sore Throat Spray *
Austell-Azithromycin Tablets PoM
A Vogel Vegomega-3 Capsules *
Austell-Cefotaxime Injection PoM
Avomine Tablets
Austell-Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Avonex Injection PoM
Austell-Cetirizine Tablets
Axtere Sol for Infusion PoM
Austell-Ciprofloxacin Tablets PoM
Azamun Tablets PoM
Austell-Citalopram Tablets PoM
Azapress Tablets PoM
Austell-Co-Amoxyclav Tabs 375, Azarga Eye Drops PoM
Tabs 625 PoM
Azathioprine 50 PCH Tablets PoM
Austell-Diclofenac Sodium Inj PoM
Azilect Tablets PoM
Austell-Fluconazole Capsules PoM
Azimax Capsules PoM
Austell-Furosemide Tablets PoM
Azithromycin 500mg Tabs Zydus PoM
Austell-Gliclazide Tablets PoM
Azomid Tablets PoM
Austell-Glimepiride Tablets PoM
Azoptic Eye Drops PoM
Austell-Levofloxacin Tablets PoM Azor Tablets PoM
Austell-Lisinopril Tablets PoM
Austell-Losartan Tablets PoM B
Austell-Metformin Tablets PoM Baba C Syrup
Austell-Paracetamol Tablets Bactigras Tulle Gras
Austell-Ramipril Capsules PoM Bactrazine Cream PoM
Austell-Sertraline Tablets PoM Bactrim Tablets, DS Tablets, Inf PoM
Austell-Simvastatin Tablets PoM Bactroban Ointment, Cream,
Austell-Tramadol Capsules PoM Nasal Ointment
Austell-Zopiclone Tablets PoM bambeterol
Autrin Capsules Ban Pain Syrup
Avamys Nasal Spray PoM Baraclude Tablets PoM
Avastin Infusion PoM Bausch & Lomb Concentrated
Avaxim Injection
Bausch & Lomb Conditioning
Avebact Tablets PoM Solution
Avelon Tablets PoM Bausch & Lomb Daily Cleaner
Avigra Tablets PoM Bausch & Lomb Lens Lubricant
Avodart Soft Gel Capsules PoM Bausch & Lomb Moisture Drops
A Vogel Boldocynara Liquid * Bausch & Lomb Moisture Drops PM
A Vogel Echinaforce Drops * [3] Bausch & Lomb Preservision
A Vogel Echinaforce Junior Tabs * Areds Softgels
A Vogel Echinaforce Tabs, Bausch & Lomb Preservision
Forte Tabs * Lutein Softgels

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Bausch & Lomb Renu Fizziclean Beniprosin SR Capsules PoM

Enzymatic Tabs Bennetts Colic Mixture *
Bausch & Lomb Renu Multiplus Benylin Bronchospect Syrup
Benylin DMD Decongestant
Bausch & Lomb Renu Multi- Cough Syrup [6]
Purpose Solution
Benylin Dry Cough Syrup
Bausch & Lomb Saline Plus
Benylin for Colds Tablets [6]
Benylin Four Flu Liquid [6]
Bayer Aspirin Cardio Tablets
Benylin Four Flu Tablets [6]
Bayer Aspirin Tablets
Benylin Original Cough Syrup
Bayer Aspirin Plus C Effervescent
Tablets Benylin Wet Cough Liq,
Children’s Wet Cough Liq
B-Block Tablets PoM [4]
Benylin Wet Cough Menthol Syrup
B Braun Etomidate Emulsion
for Inj PoM Benylin with Codeine Syrup
B Braun Propofol 1% Injection PoM Benzac-AC 5 Gel, Wash
B-Cal-D Chewable Tablets, benzbromarone
Swallow Tablets Benzyl Penicillin-Fresenius Inj PoM
B-Cal-DM Chewable Tablets, benzfetamine (benzphetamine)
Swallow Tablets benzoylethanamine (cathinone
B-Cal Ultra Calcium Swallow analogue)
Tablets benzylpiperazine
BCG Culture SSI Freeze-Dried Bepanthen Ointment
Berberis-Homaccord Drops * [3]
BCG Vaccine SSI Injection
Berberis-Homaccord Injection *
Be-Ampicil Capsules,
Beriglobin P Injection PoM
Suspension PoM
Berotec Inh Solution PoM
Beauty Synergy Colourastro
Biochemic Tissue SaltsTabs * Berotec Syrup, HFA Metered
Beceze Inhaler PoM Dose Inh
Beclate Aquanase Nasal Spray Besemax Tablets
Beclate Cream PoM Besobrial Tablets PoM
Beclate Inhaler PoM beta-blockers [4]
beclomethasone [2] Be-Tabs Ascorbic Acid Tablets
Beconase Aqueous Nasal Be-Tabs Folic Acid Tablets
Spray PoM Be-Tabs Prednisone Tablets PoM [2]
Becoplex IDO Injection Be-Tabs Pyridoxine HCl Tablets
Bedoral Injection PoM Betacin Capsules PoM
BelAIR Chew Tablets, Film Betaclav Tabs PoM
Coated Tablets PoM Betaclomin Gel Suspension
Be-Lax Suspension Betaclopramide Tablets PoM
Bemetrazole Tablets PoM Betacor Tablets PoM [4]
Bendex-400 Tablets PoM Betadine Cream, First Aid
bendroflumethiazide (bendrofluazide) Cream, Oint
benfluorex Betadine Oral Antiseptic Liquid

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Betadine Shampoo Bindoclav 375 Tablets, 625 Tabs,

Betadine Surgical Scrub, 1000 Tabs PoM
Antiseptic Sol Bio-Amara Digestive Aid Tablets *
Betadine Vaginal Gel, Douche Bio-Amiodarone Tablets PoM
Betafed Syrup [6] Bio-Amoksiklav Susp, Tabs PoM
Betaferon Injection PoM Bio-Atenolol Tablets PoM [4]
Betagan Ophthalmic Solution PoM [4] Bio-Baclofen Tablets PoM
Betagesic Tablets Biobalance All-in-One Vitamin &
Betalin Syrup Mineral Supplement Caps *
Betalix Syrup Biobalance Colds & Flu Tablets *
betamethasone [2] Biobalance Fungal Relief Cream *
Betamox Capsules, Suspension PoM Biobalance Immo-Gut Capsule *
Betamycin Syrup PoM Biobalance Immunova+
Effervescent Tabs *
Betanoid Tablets, Syrup,
Injection PoM [2] Biobalance Immunova+ Junior
Syrup *
Betapam Tablets PoM
Biobalance Immunova Kiddi
Betapen Tablets, Granules PoM Tonic Liquid *
Betaperamide Tablets Biobalance Immunova Liquid
Betaphlem Syrup, Capsules Concentrate *
Betaprofen Tablet, FC Tablets (PoM) Biobalance Immunova Ready
Betapyn Tablets to Take Liquid *
Betaretic Tablets PoM Biobalance Immunova Tablet *
Betaroxime Tablets PoM Biobalance Immunova Toddler
Betasleep Capsules Syrup *
betaxolol [4] Biobalance Lip Sore Gel *
Betnesol Drops PoM Biobalance Mouthwash *
Betnesol-N Drops PoM Biobalance Throat Spray *
Betnovate Lot, Cr, Oint, 1/2 St Cr, Biobalance Topical Gel *
Scalp App Sol PoM Biobalance Topical Spray *
Betoptic Ophth Sol, Biobalance UTH/Urihealth Tablets *
S 0,25% Ophth Susp, Biobalance Vaginal Relief Cream *
Single Dose Susp PoM [4] Bio-Captopril Tablets PoM
Bevispas Tablets Bio-Cillin Injection PoM
Bezachole SR Tablets PoM Bio-Cimetidine Tablets PoM
Bezalip Tablets, Retard Tablets PoM Bio Citalopram Tablets PoM
Bicadex Tablets PoM Bio-Colon Clear Tablets *
Bicalox Tablets PoM Biocort Cream
Bigsens Tablets PoM Bio-Domperidone Tablets
Bilocor Tablets PoM [4] Bio-Enzymes for Life Capsules *
Bilocor Co Tablets PoM Bio-Fluconazole Infusion PoM
Bilron Capsules Biogen Bulk 45/150 * [9]
Biltricide Tablets PoM Biogen Carbogen Low GI * [9]
Bindace Tablets PoM Biogen Cytogen Race Mix * [9]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Biogen Diet Protein Ready- Biphasil Tablets PoM

to-drink * [9] Biral Tablets *
Biogen Iso-Whey Protein * [9] Bislo Tablets PoM [4]
Biogen L-Glutamine * [9] Bisohexal Tablets PoM [4]
Biogen Recovergen * [9] Bisolvon Linctus DA
Bio-Ginkgo Smart Capsules * Bisolvon Inhalant Solution
Bio-Glibenclamide Tablets PoM bisoprolol [4]
Bio-L’Lysine Capsules * Bisoprolol Hydrochlorothiazide
Bio-Logic Brain-Logic 1:5 Zydus Tabs PoM
Tincture Formula * [3] Bisoprolol Unicorn Tablets PoM [4]
Bio-Logic Herbal Blend Acid bitolterol
Free Tincture *
Black Cohosh Tablets (NRF) *
Bio-Logic Herbal Blend Lung
Black Forest Herbal Tea *
Tonic * [3]
Bio-Logic Worm-Logic 1:5 Bleolem Lyophilis Powder
Tincture Formula * [3] for Injection PoM
Biolone Injection PoM Blistex Lip Ointment *
Biolon Prime Intraocular Injection PoM bolandiol (estr-4-ene-3b,
17b-diol, 19-norandrostenediol)
Biolyse Paclitaxel Injection PoM
Bio-Metoclopramide Tablets PoM
Bio-Metronidazole Tablets PoM
boldione (androsta-1,4-diene-3,
Bio-Milk Thistle Liver Support
Capsules *
Boldocynara Liquid *
Bio-Naproxen Tablets PoM
Bondronat Injection, Tablets PoM
Bio-Nifedipine Capsules PoM
Bonephos Tablets PoM
Bio-Nifedipine XL Tablets PoM
Bone Renewal Vege-Capsules *
Bion Adult Tablets *
Boniva Injection PoM
Bion Senior Tablets *
Bonnycare Liquid *
Bio-Pen Injection PoM
Bioplasma Colourastro Biochemic Boostrix Tetra Injection
Tissue Salts Tabs * Boston Advanced Cleaner
Bioplasma FDP Lyophilis IV Infus Boston Advanced Comfort
Powder PoM Formula Cond Sol
Bioplus Effervescent Tablets Boston Simplus Solution
Bioplus Syrup Botox Injection PoM
Biopro MultiTM Tablet Brazepam Tablets PoM
Bio-Silica Capsules * Brevoxyl Cream
Bio-Sleep Boost Capsules * Brexecam Tablets (PoM)
Bio-Strath Elixir * Bricanyl Turbohaler
Bio-Strath Tablets * Brilinta Tablets PoM
Bio-Strep Injection PoM Brinerdin Tablets PoM
Biosulin R, N, L, 30/70 Injection PoM Brolene Eye Drops
Bio-Sulpiride Tablets PoM bromantan
Biotech Ciprofloxacin Tablets PoM Bromaze Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Bronchalis-Heel Tablets * Calc Phos Colourastro Biochemic

Bronchette Syrup Tissue Salts Tabs *
Bronchoped Syrup Calc Sulph Colourastro
Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs *
Broncleer Children’s Cough Syrup
Calmettes Nite Tablets *
Broncleer Syrup with Codeine
Calmettes Tablets *
Broncol Cough Linctus
Caloxa Tablets PoM
Bronkese Compound Linctus
Calpol Syrup
Brufen Retard Tabs PoM
Caltrate D Tablets
Brufen Suspension (PoM)
Caltrate Mint Tablets
Brumalt Syrup *
Caltrate Plus Tablets, Chewable
BSS Alcon Plus Solution Tablets
BSS Alcon Solution calusterone
Budeflam Aqueous Nasal Spray Camcolit Tablets PoM
Budeflam Inhaler, DP Inhaler Campto Solution for Infusion PoM
Caps PoM
Canalba Cream
budesonide [2]
Canalba Vaginal Cream
Cancidas Infusion PoM
bunolol [4]
Candacide Suspension
Candaspor Cream
burra gokhru (Tribulus terrestris,
Candaspor Vaginal Cream
puncture vine) *
Candizole Topical Cream
Buscopan Co Tablets, Injection PoM
Candizole V Vaginal Cream
Buscopan Tablets, Syrup, Injection
Canesten Topical Cream
Canesten Troche Lozenges PoM
buserelin [5]
Canesten Vaginal Cr, 1 Vag Tabs,
Busilvex Injection PoM 1 Vag Cr, Duopak
Butobloc Tablets PoM [4] Canex T Cream
Byetta Solution for Injection PoM Canex Vaginal Cream
Bye Mouth Ulcer Gel * cannabimimetics
Bye Wart Topical Cream * cannabinoids
cannabis *
C canrenone
Caduet Tablets PoM Canstat Cream
Caelyx Injection PoM Canstat Suspension
Cafergot Tablets Canstat Vaginal Tablets
Caladryl Cream * Caplin Injection PoM
Calasthetic Cream CaptoHexal Tablets PoM
Calbloc Tablets PoM carbamylated EPO (non-
Calci-Dense Tablets erythropoietic EPO-receptor
Calc Fluor Colourastro Biochemic agonist)
Tissue Salts Tabs * Carbilev Tablets PoM
Calciferol Oily Solution Lennon PoM Carbocaine L 2% Dental Injection PoM
Calcitone Tablets * Carbocaine 3% Dental Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Carbosin Solution for Injection PoM Celluvisc Solution

Cardicor Tablets PoM [4] Centrum Kids Chewable Tablets
Cardifen Capsules PoM Centrum Tablets
Cardiject Injection PoM Centrum Materna Tablets
Cardiomax Q10 Vegicap Capsules * Centrum Materna DHA Tablets
Cardiovite Tablets * Centrum Mynutrients Antioxidant
Cardiozen Capsules * Tablets *
Cardugen Tablets PoM Centrum Mynutrients Omega-3
Cardura XL Tablets PoM Capsules *
Carloc Tablets PoM [4] Centrum Select 50+ Tablets
Carnimag Capsules * Cepacol Cough Discs
Carvedilol Unicorn Tablets PoM [4] Cepacol Cough Linctus
Carvetrend Tablets PoM [4] Cepacol Lozenges, Gargle
Carzin XL Tablets PoM Cepodem Tablets, Suspension PoM
carphedon (fonturacetam, CERA (methoxy polyethylene
4-phenylpiracetam) glycol-epoetin beta)
carteolol [4] Cerezyme Injection PoM
carvedilol [4] Ceroxim Tablets PoM
Casodex Tablets PoM Certican Tablets PoM
Cataflam-D DispersTabs, Cerumol Drops
Powder Sachets (PoM)
Cervarix Injection
Cataract Care (Eye Drops) –
Multidose * Cetaphil Skin Range
cathine (d-norpseudoephedrine) [8] Cetaphil UVA / UVB Defense Cream
cathinone Cetirizine-Hexal Tablets, Oral
cathinone analogues
Cetlev 5 Tablets
Cathejell with Lidocaine Gel
catuaba * Cetralin Adult Cough Syrup *
Caverject Injection PoM Cetralin Children’s Cough Syrup *
Ceestim Tablets Cetrotide Injection PoM
Cefazolin Fresenius Vials PoM C-Gard Tablets *
Cefotaxime Fresenius Injection PoM CG (chorionic gonadotrophin) [5]
Celebrex Capsules PoM Champix Tablets PoM
Celestamine Syrup, Tablets PoM [2] Chamiflor Ocean Nasal Spray *
Celestone IA/IL Injection PoM Chela-Fer Tablets
Celestone Tablets, IM/IV Chelaplus Calcium Daily
Injection PoM [2] Supplement Caps
Celestone Soluspan IA/IB/ID Chelaplus Iron Anaemia
Injection PoM Supplement Caps
Celestone Soluspan IM Chelaplus Iron & Folic Acid
Injection PoM [2] Pregnancy Formula Caps
celiprolol [4] Chelaplus Magnesium Daily
Cellcept Capsules, Oral Susp, Supplement Caps
IV Inf, Tablets PoM Chelaplus Multi Mineral Vitamin
Cellufresh Drops Supplement Caps

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Chelaplus Super Antioxidant Cipla-Actin Tablets

Formula Caps Cipla-Azithromycin Tabs, Powd
Chelaplus Zinc Daily Supplement for Sol for Inf PoM
Caps Cipla-Cyproterone Acetate Tablets PoM
Chela-Preg Tablets Cipla-Docetaxel Sol for Infusion PoM
Chest-Eeze Syrup * Cipla Doxorubicin Sol for Injection PoM
Children’s Earache Relief Drops * Cipla-Duovir Tablets PoM
Chirocane Injection PoM Cipla-Duovir & Cipla-Efavirenz
Chloramex Ophthalmic Oint PoM 600 Tabs PoM
Chlorcol Capsules, Ointment PoM Cipla-Efavirenz Tablets PoM
Chlornicol Ointment PoM Ciplaflam Tablets PoM
4-chloro-17b-hydroxy-17α- Cipla-Fluconazole Capsules PoM
methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one Cipla-Indapamide Tablets PoM
(dehydrochlormethyltestosterone) Cipla-Irinotecan Solution for Inf PoM
Chloromycetin Redidrops PoM Cipla-Lamivudine Tabs PoM
Chloropect Suspension Cipla Lamivudine & Tenofovir
chlorothiazide 300/300 Tabs PoM
chlorthalidone (chlortalidone) Cipla Letrozole Tablets PoM
Chocaton Syrup Cipla Lisinopril Tablets PoM
Choleste Tablets PoM Cipla-Loperamide Tablets
choriogonadotrophin alpha [5] Cipla-Loratadine Tablets
chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) [5] Cipla-Nevirapine Tablets PoM
chorionic gonadotrophin-releasing Cipla-Ondansetron Tablets PoM
factors [5] Cipla-Paclitaxel Conc Sol for Inf PoM
Cialis Tablets PoM Cipla-Perindopril Tablets PoM
Cibace Tablets PoM Cipla-Pioglitazone Tablets PoM
Cibadrex Tablets PoM Cipla-Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Cica-Care Silicone Gel Sheeting Ciplasyl Tablets PoM
ciclesonide [2] Ciplatec Tablets PoM
Cifloc Tablets PoM Cipla-Tenofovir 300 Tablets PoM
Cifran Tablet PoM Ciplavasc Tablets PoM
Cilapen Powd for Injection PoM Cipla-Vinorelbine Injection PoM
Cilate Tablets PoM Cipla-Warfarin Tablets PoM
Cilest Tablets PoM Ciplazar Tablets PoM
Cilift Tablets PoM Cipla-Zidovudine Caps, Tabs,
Cilodex Ear Drops PoM Syr PoM
Ciloram Tablets PoM Ciploxx Tablets PoM
Ciloxan Drops, Ointment PoM Cipralex Tablets PoM
Cineraria Maritima Eye Drops * Cipramil Tablets PoM
Cipalat Retard Tablets PoM Ciprobay Tabs, XR Tabs,
Cipex Suspension, Tablets Susp, Inf PoM
Cipla-Abacavir Tablets, Oral Ciprocina IV Solution PoM
Solution PoM Ciprofloxacin Actor Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Ciprogen Tablets, IV Solution PoM Clusivol Syrup

Cipro-Hexal Tablets PoM CNTO 530 (EPO-mimetic peptide)
Ciprol Tablets PoM Coaprovel Tablets PoM
Circutron Tablets * Coartem Tablets PoM
Citalopram Actor Tablets PoM cobalt (hypoxia-inducible factor
Citalopram-Winthrop Tablets PoM (HIF) stabilizer)
Citenavir Tablets PoM cocaine
Citraz Tablets PoM Co-Codamol Effervescent Tablets
Citro-Soda Granules Co-Diovan Tabs, Plus Tabs,
CJC-1295 (GHRH analogue) Tabs 320/12.5, Tabs 320/25 PoM
Clacee Tablets PoM Codomill Syrup
Clamentin Susp, Forte Susp, Codoxol Tablets
Tabs, 1000mg Tabs PoM CoEnzyme Compositum Injection *
Claren Suspension PoM Co-Enzyme Q10 Tablets (NRF) *
ClariHexal Tablets, 500 HL Tabs, Co-Exforge Tablets PoM
Susp PoM
Cofendyl Syrup [6]
Clarinese Tablets, Syrup
Co-Gel Suspension
Clarityne Tablets, Syrup
Co-Iprasal Unit Dose Vials PoM [1]
Clear Cough Syrup
Co-Irbewin Tablets PoM
Clearnail Application *
Colchicine Houde Tablets PoM
Colite Tablets PoM
Clenil Aqueous Nasal Spray
Colofac Tablets
Clexane Injection PoM
Coloplex Capsules *
Climara Patches-50, Patches-100 PoM
Climen Tablets PoM Colo-Prep Powder
ClindaHexal Capsules PoM Combi 15 Capsules *
Clindamycin-Fresenius Inj PoM Combiforte Capsules *
clobenzorex Combiforte Spray *
clobetasol [2] Combigan Eye Drops PoM [4]
Clindoxyl Gel PoM Combivent Unit Dose Vials PoM [1]
Clobex Shampoo PoM Combivir Tablets PoM
Cloment Tablets PoM Comega Vite Omega 3 + 6 Extra
Clomidep Tablets PoM Strength Vegicaps
ClomiHexal Tablets PoM Co-Micardis Tablets PoM
clomiphene Co-Migroben Tablets PoM
clopamide Complete Immune Tablets *
Clopamon Tablets, Syrup, Inj PoM Complivite Tablets
Clopidogrel-Winthrop Tablets PoM Compral Headache Tabs,
Clopivas Tablets PoM Headache Powder
Clopixol Tablets, Depot Inj, Computer Eye Relief Drops *
Acuphase Inj PoM Comtan Tablets PoM
clostebol Conceive Plus Lubricant
Cloxacillin-Fresenius Injection PoM Concerta ER Tablets PoM
Cloxin Capsules PoM Concor Tablets PoM [4]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Conoran Tablets PoM Co-Zomevek Tablets PoM

Convulex Capsules, Syrup PoM CPL Alliance Alprazolam Tablets PoM
Copaxone Sol for Injection PoM CPL Alliance Cephalexin Caps,
Copegus Tablets PoM Susp PoM
Co-Pritor Tablets PoM CPL Alliance Ciprofloxacin
Coralan Tablets PoM Tablets PoM
Cordarone X Tablets, Injection PoM Crack Stop Heel Balm
Co-Renitec Tablets PoM Cranberry Tablets (NRF) *
Corenza-C Effervescent Tablets Cream E45
Corenza Cold & Flu Syrup [6] Creon Capsules
Corenza Para-C Effervescent Crestor Tablets PoM
Tablets CRF (corticotrophin releasing
Coronary Care Tablets * factor)
Corsodyl Original/Mint CRH (corticotrophin releasing
Mouthwash hormone)
Cortaject Powd for Injection PoM [2] Crinone 8% Vaginal Gel PoM
corticoliberin Crixivan Capsules PoM
corticorelin CromoHexal Eye Drops
corticotrophins cropropamide
corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) crotetamide
corticotrophin releasing hormone Cubicin Powd for Sol Inf PoM
(CRH) Cruciale Capsules
cortisone acetate [2] Curam Tablets, 1000 Tabs, Susp PoM
Cortoderm Ointment, Cream PoM Curitaz Injection PoM
Coryx Effervescent Tablets [6] Curosurf Intracath Suspension PoM
Coryx Paediatric Syrup [6] Cuticura Antiseptic Ointment
Coryzalia Tablets * Cutivate Cream, Ointment PoM
Cosmofer Injection PoM
Cyclidox Capsules PoM
Cosopt Solution PoM [4]
Cyclimorph Injection PoM
Co-Tareg Tablets, Plus Tablets PoM
Cyclimycin Capsules PoM
Coughcod Junior Syrup,
Cyclivex Tablets PoM
Senior Syrup
Covancaine Drops
Cyclogest Pessaries PoM
Covarex Cream, Cr Athlete’s
Foot, Cr Junior Cyclogyl 1% Solution PoM
Coveram Tablets PoM Cyclomydril Solution PoM
Coversyl Tablets PoM cyclopenthiazide
Coversyl Plus Tablets PoM Cyklokapron Tablets, Injection PoM
Covocort Tablets PoM [2] Cymbalta Capsules PoM
Covostet Drops PoM Cymevene Injection PoM
Coxflam Tablets PoM Cymgen Capsules PoM
Cozaar Comp Tablets PoM Cynt Tablets PoM
Cozaar Tablets PoM Cyproplex Tablets PoM
Cozole Tablets, Suspension PoM Cys-Control Powder *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Cysticide Tablets PoM dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA,

Cytarabine-Faulding Injection PoM prasterone; 3b-hydroxyandrost-
Cytigem Powd for Sol Infusion PoM 5-en-17-one)
Cytosar Injection PoM delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(∆9-tetrahydrocannabino, THC)
Cytotec Tablets PoM
Deladex Capsules PoM
D Demazin NS Repetabs [6]
Dacef Capsules, Suspension PoM
Demazin Syrup
dagga *
Demelan Cream *
Daktacort Cream PoM
Demetrin Tablets PoM
Daktarin Cream
Denol Swallow Tablets
Daktarin Oral Gel
Dentopain Capsules
Dalacin VC Vaginal Cream PoM
Dentopain Forte Capsules PoM
Dalacin-C Capsules, Inj PoM
Dalacin-T Solution, Lotion PoM Deparoc Tablets PoM
Dalmadorm Capsules PoM Depnil Tablets PoM
danazol ([1,2] oxazolo[4’,5’:2,3] Depo-Medrol IA/IL Injection PoM
pregna-4-en-20-yn- 17- α-ol) Depo-Medrol Injection
Danogen Capsules PoM (as retention enema) PoM [2]
Danset Injection PoM Depo-Medrol with Lidocaine
Daonil Tablets PoM
dePO (darbepoietin)
Daraprim Tablets
Depo-Provera Injection PoM
darbepoietin (dePO)
Depo-Testosterone Injection PoM
Daunoblastin Injection PoM
Depramil Tablets PoM
Daxas Tablets PoM
Dazit Tablets Deprevite Tablets *
d-bol (metandienone) Deprozan Capsules PoM
DDAVP Nasal Spray, Intranasal Depuran Capsules *
Sol, Tabs, Inj PoM Dequa-Coff Syrup
D-Drops Dequadin Mouth Paint
deanol (DMAE, Dequa-Flu Capsules
Deriva Gel PoM
Deblaston Capsules PoM
Dermadine Ointment
Decasone IA/IL Injection PoM
Dermadine Oral Antiseptic Liquid
Decasone IV/IM Injection PoM [2]
Dermatix Gel
Decofed Tablets, Syrup [6]
Dermazole Cream
Degoran C Capsules
Dermovate Cr, Oint, Scalp
Degoran Plus Tablets
Applic Sol PoM
degraded gelatin polypeptides
Desaway Tablets
(plasma expander)
Deselex Tablets, Syrup
Degranol Tablets PoM
Desferal Injection PoM
(4-chloro-17b-hydroxy-17α- desmopressin
methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one) Desodene Tablets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
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A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

desonide [2] diethylpropion (amfepramone)

desoxymethyltestosterone Differin Gel, Cream PoM
(17α-methyl-5α-androst- Diflucan Capsules, Susp, Inf PoM
Difluzole Capsules PoM
Detoxivite Tablets *
diflucortolone [2]
Detrunorm Tablets PoM
Digestif Rennie Tablets
Detrusitol SR Capsules PoM
Digestive Enzymes Capsules *
Dettol Antiseptic Range
Digestron Tablets *
Devil’s Claw Tablets (NRF) *
dihydrotestosterone (DST,
dexamethasone [2]
dexamphetamine 3-one)
dexfenfluramine 4,17b-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-
Dexona IV/IM Injection PoM [2] 3-one (4-hydroxytestosterone)
dextran (intravenous) Dilair Tablets PoM
dextromoramide Dilatrend Tablets PoM [4]
Dextrose-Fresenius Injection PoM Dilinct Dry Cough Syrup
DF 118 Tablets, Injection PoM Dilinct Junior Syrup
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone; Dilinct Syrup
prasterone; 3b-hydroxyandrost-
5-en-17-one) Dilucort Cream, Ointment
DHT (dihydrotestosterone, dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE,
17b-hydroxy-5α-androstan- deanol)
3-one) Dimetapp Paed Elixir [6]
Diabecinn Cholesterol Tablets * dimethylamphetamine
Diabecinn Extra Capsules * 1,3-dimethylamylamine
Diabecinn Original Capsules * (methylhexaneamine)
Diabion Capsules dimethylamylamine (DMAA)
Diacare Tablets PoM (methylhexaneamine)
Diace Co Tablets PoM dimethylpentylamine
Diaglucide Tablets, MR Tablets PoM
Diolo Tablets PoM
Diamicron MR Tablets PoM
Diamin Tablets PoM Diolo Co Tablets PoM
diamorphine (heroin) Diotroxin Tablets PoM
Diamox Tablets PoM Diovan Tablets PoM
dianabol (metandienone) Dipentum Capsules PoM
Diane-35 Tablets PoM Dipeptiven Conc Sol for Infusion
Diaphage Tablets PoM Diprivan 1% Injection, 1%
Infusion, 2% Inf PoM
Diaran MR 30 Tablets
Diclofenac 25, 100 Biotech Diprogenta Cream, Ointment PoM
Tablets PoM Diprosalic Ointment, Lotion PoM
Dicloflam Dispers Tablets (PoM) Diprosone Cream, Ointment PoM
DicloHexal Gel Disipal Tablets
DicloHexal Tablets, Disprin Cardiocare Dispers Tabs
Suppositories PoM Disprin Regular St Tabs, Extra
Didivir Tablets PoM St Tabs, Melts

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
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Ditropan Tablets PoM Dristan Tablets

diuretics Drixine Nasal Spray, Nasal
Dixarit Tablets Pump Spray
DMAA (dimethylamylamine) DRL-Citalopram Tablets PoM
(methylhexaneamine) DRL-Moxifloxacin Tablets PoM
DMAE (deanol, DRL-Risperidone Tablets PoM
dimethylaminoethanol) droloxifene
Dobutamine-Fresenius Infusion PoM dronabinol
Dobutrex Solution for Injection PoM drostanolone
Docefrez Sol for Infusion PoM
Dry Red Eye Relief Drops,
Docetere Sol for Infusion PoM Preservative Free Single-Use
Docrub Ointment Droppers *
Docsed Syrup DS-24 Iron Free Soft Gel
Dolorol Forte Tablets Capsules
Dolotram Injection, Capsules PoM DS-24 Soft Gel Caps, DS-24 Vegi
Domadol Capsules, Injection PoM Soft Gel Caps
Dona Tablets, Powder * Dukoral Oral Suspension
Donecept Tablets PoM Dulcolax Tablets, Supps,
Dopamine HCl-Fresenius Paediatric Supps
Injection PoM Dumiva Tablets PoM
Dopaquel Tablets PoM Dumoxin Capsules PoM
Dopram-Fresenius Injection PoM Duofilm Liquid
Doribax Powd for Sol for Infusion PoM Duolin Respules Inhal Sol, HFA
Dormicum Tablets, Injection PoM Inhaler PoM [1]
Dormonoct Tablets PoM Duotrav Eye Drop Solution PoM [4]
Dostinex Tablets PoM Duovent HFA Metered Dose
Dovate Cream, Ointment PoM Inhaler
Dovobet Ointment PoM Duovisc PoM
Doximal Tablets PoM Duphalac Syrup, Dry Crystalline
Doxitab Tablets PoM
Duphaston Tablets
Doxorubicin “Ebewe” Sol
for Infus PoM Duratears Ointment
Doxorubicin PCH Powd for Inj, Durogesic Transdermal
Sol for Inj PoM Therapeutic System PoM
Doxycyl Capsules PoM Duromine Capsules PoM
Dozra Capsules, Tablets, Duro-Tuss Linctus
Solution PoM D-Worm Chew Tablets, SD Tablets
D.P.H. Syrup Dyazide Tablets PoM
DPN Powder for Infusion Dyna-Bezafibrate SR Tablets PoM
DPN 37,5mg Tablets Dyna-Cefpodoxime Suspension,
Dormeasan Drops * [3] Tablets PoM
Driclor Roll-on Dynacirc SRO Capsules, Tablets PoM
Drinasal Paed Drops, Paed Spray Dynafil Tablets PoM
Dristan Nasal Spray Dynafloc Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
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Dyna Gliclazide SR Tablets PoM Eglonyl Capsules PoM

Dyna Indapamide SR Tablets PoM Elantan Tablets, LA Capsules PoM
Dyna-Lamotrigine Tablets PoM Electropak Powder
Dyna Levetiracetam Tablets PoM Elev8 Tablets *
Dynamiclear Rapid Liquid * Elidel Cream PoM
Dynamisan Tablets * Eligard Injection PoM
Dyna Pentoxifylline SR Tablets Elimni Rad Tablets
Dynarb Tablets PoM Elmetacin Solution
Dyna Sertraline Tablets PoM Elocon Cream, Ointment, Lotion PoM
Dyna Teicoplanin Injection PoM Eloxatin Infusion PoM
Dynator Tablets PoM Elozart Cream PoM
Dynaval Co Tablets PoM Eltroxin Tablets PoM
Dynexan Ointment * Emadine Eye Drops
Dysport Injection PoM Emend Capsules PoM
Emetrol Solution
E Emex Syrup
E45 Cream Emla Cream, Patches
E45 Lotion EMP (EPO-mimetic peptides)
Earache Relief Drops * Empacod Tablets
Ear Wax Relief Drops * Empaped Suppositories
Ebixa Tablets PoM Emtrix Liquid
Ecotrin EC Tablets Emvit Capsules
ecdysterone * Emvit-M Capsules
Echinaforce Drops * Emvit Sprinkles
Echinaforce Tabs, Forte Tabs, Enablex CR Tablets PoM
Junior Tabs * Enalapril Unicorn Tablets PoM
Edronax Tablets PoM Enap Tablets PoM
efaproxiral (RSR13) (for the use Enap-Co Tablets PoM
of artificially enhancing the Enbrel Injection PoM
uptake, transport or delivery Encephabol Tablets PoM
of oxygen)
Endoxan Injection, Tablets PoM
Efavirenz Winthrop Tablets PoM Energard Capsules *
Efegen XR Capsules PoM Enerlift Syrup *
Efexor XR Capsules PoM Enermag Sport Tablets *
Efferflu-C Effervescent Tablets Engerix-B Injection
Efferflu C Immune Boost Eff Tabs * Engystol N injection, Tablets *
Effersol Granules ENO Active Fruit Salt
Effortil Ampoules ENO Tums Assorted Flavours
Efient Tablets PoM Tablets
Eflaten Tablets PoM ENT Drops, Spray
Efrin Tablets PoM Entocord Enema, Capsules PoM [2]
Eftenem Tablets PoM Epanutin Capsules, Inj, Susp PoM
Efudix Ointment PoM ephedra *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

ephedra sinica * erythropoietin (EPO)

ephedrine [8] ESAs (erythropoiesis-stimulating
Ephedrine Sulfate Injection agents)
Epicord Sol for Injection PoM Escapelle Tablets
epi-dihydrotestosterone esmolol [4]
Epilim Sugar Free Liq, CR Tabs, Espiride Capsules PoM
Crush Tabs, Inj PoM Essentiale Capsules
Epilizine CR Tablets, Powd Essentiale Extreme Capsules *
for IV Inj PoM Estalis Transdermal Patch,
epimedium * Sequi Plus TDP PoM
epimedium sagitatum Estracyt Capsules PoM
(horny goat weed) * Estradot Transdermal Patch PoM
epinephrine (adrenaline) [8] estr-4-ene-3,17-dione
Epipen Auto-Injector, (19-norandrostenedione)
JR Auto-Injector PoM estr-4-ene-3b,17b-diol
Epiproate Injection PoM (bolandiol)
Epirubicin Hexal Sol for Infusion PoM Estring Vaginal Ring PoM
Epirubicin-Lemery Powd for Estrofem Tablets, Forte Tablets PoM
Injection PoM Estro-Pause Tablets PoM
Epitec Tablets PoM Estro-Pause N Tablets, Forte
epitestosterone Tablets PoM
Epitoz Tablets PoM etacrynic acid
Epleptin Capsules PoM etafedrine
EPO (erythropoietin) etamivan
EPO-Fc ethanol (alcohol) [3]
EPO-mimetic peptides (EMP) Ethatyl Tablets PoM
Eposin Injection PoM Ethipramine Tablets PoM
Eprex Injection PoM Ethrane Liquid PoM
Equanil Tablets PoM ethylestrenol (19-norpregna-
Equinorm Tablets PoM 4-en-17α-ol)
Equisin Tablets PoM Ethyol Injection PoM
Equity Methadone Solution PoM etilamfetamine (etilamphetamine)
Eraxis Infusion PoM etilefrine
Erbitux Infusion PoM etiocholanolone
Erectogen Forte Tablets * Etomine Tablets, Injection PoM
Erex 1 Hour Before Capsules * Etoposide-Hexal Sol for Infusion PoM
Ergometrine Maleate-Fresenius Eucarbon Tablets *
Inj PoM Eucerin Dermo Range *
Erige Tablets, Capsules PoM Euglim Tablets PoM
Erymycin AF Capsules, Susp PoM Euphorbium Compositum S Drops *
Erythrocin IV Injection PoM Euphorbium Compositum
erythropoietin-receptor agonists S Injection *
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents Euphorbium Compositum S
(ESAs) Nose Spray *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
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A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Euphyllin Retard Tablets Fedaloc SR Tablets PoM

Eurax Cream Feiba Tim 4 Immuno Injection PoM
Eurycoma longifolia (tongkat ali, Felodipine-Hexal Tablets PoM
long jack) * Femara Tablets PoM
Euthyrox Tablets PoM Femax Tablets PoM
Euvax B Injection Femigel Gel PoM
Everdex Tablets PoM Femodene ED Tablets PoM
Evista Tablets Femoston Tablets, Conti Tablets PoM
evodiamine * Femplex Tablets *
Evorel Conti TDS Patch, Sesqui Femtron Tablets *
TDS Patch PoM
Femular Tablets *
Evorel Patch PoM
Femvite Tablets *
Evra Patch PoM
Femzole 2,5 Tablets PoM
Exelon Capsules PoM
Fenamin Susp, Tabs, Caps (PoM)
Exforge Tablets PoM
Exiplat Powd for Sol for Infusion PoM
Exjade Dispers Tablets PoM
Exocin Drops PoM
Exomax IV Infusion PoM
Fendermal Transdermal
Expectalin Liquid
Therapeutic System PoM
Expectalin with Codeine Liquid
Fenivir Cold Sore Cream
Expigen Syrup
Extraneal Periton Dialysis Solution
Fenovent Syrup
Eye-Gene Eye Drops
Eye Q Baby Capsules *
Eye Q Capsules, Chews, Liquid *
fentanyl derivates
Ezetrol Tablets PoM
Fenryde 5 Tablets PoM
Fentanyl-Fresenius Injection PoM
F Ferrimed Capsules
Factive Tablets PoM
Ferrimed Injection
Ferrimed Syrup, DS Chew
Famucaps Capsules
Ferro Drops L Liquid
Famvir Tablets PoM
Ferrous Forte Chelated Iron
Fansidar Tablets PoM Syrup
Fareston Tablets PoM Ferrous Forte Chelated Iron
Farmorubicin Injection PoM Tablets
Fasigyn Tablets PoM Ferrum Phos Colourastro
Faslodex Injection PoM Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs *
Fastum Gel Fertipil Plus Capsules *
Fastway 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets Fertomid Tablets PoM
Faverin 100 Tablets PoM Fexaway 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Fexo 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets Flora Force Chinese Green Tea
FG-4592 (hypoxia-inducible Capsules *
factor (HIF) stabilizer) Flora Force Cholesterol Aid
FGFs (fibroblast growth factors) Capsules *
Fibolax Powder * Flora Force Circulation Drops * [3]
fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) Flora Force Clove Capsules *
Fibro-Vein Injection Flora Force Colostrum Capsules * [9]
Filibon Capsules Flora Force Comfrey Capsules *
Fincar 5 Tablets PoM Flora Force Dandelion Capsules *
Finpecia Tablets PoM Flora Force Devil’s Claw Tablets *
Firmagon Powd for Susp for Inj PoM Flora Force Dong Quai Capsules *
Fixime Tablets PoM Flora Force Ear Candles *
FKSA Cefuroxime Injection PoM Flora Force Echi-Mune Drops * [3]
Flagyl Tablets, Susp, Flora Force Echinacea Capsules *
Supps, Inf PoM Flora Force Essiac Liquid *
Flamaryx Tablets PoM Flora Force Fennel Capsules *
Flemeze Syrup Flora Force Fenugreek Capsules *
Flexocam Tablets PoM Flora Force Feverfew Capsules *
Flexor Tablets * Flora Force Focus Formula
Flixonase Aqua Nasal Spray, Drops *
Nasules PoM Flora Force Ginger Capsules *
Flixotide Inhaler, Accuhaler PoM Flora Force Ginkgo Capsules *
Flomax SR Capsules PoM Flora Force Gotu Kola Capsules *
Flomist Aqua Nasal Spray PoM Flora Force Guarana Capsules *
Flonase Aqua Nasal Spray Flora Force Hayfever Relief Drops *
Flora-Balance LR Chew Tablet, Flora Force Herbalax Capsules *
Drops *
Flora Force Herbal Cough
Flora-Balance SB Capsules * Mixture Liquid * [3]
Flora Force Allergo Capsules * Flora Force Hypertension
Flora Force Aloe Bitters Capsules * Formula Drops * [3]
Flora Force Anti-Flu Drops * [3] Flora Force Immune Capsules *
Flora Force Arnica Massage Oil * Flora Force Liver Flush Capsules
Flora Force Arthro-Aid Capsules * with Milk Thistle *
Flora Force Billberry Capsules * Flora Force Liver Life Drops * [3]
Flora Force Bladder & Kidney Flora Force Lymph Cleanse
Drops * [3] Drops * [3]
Flora Force Bone & Cartilage Flora Force Mexican Wild Yam
Capsules * Tablets *
Flora Force Bronchi Sooth Drops * Flora Force Migraine Relief
Flora Force Buchu Capsules * Drops * [3]
Flora Force Candida Formula * [3] Flora Force Milk Thistle Capsules *
Flora Force Carcinoguard Flora Force Pain Capsules *
Capsules * Flora Force Parasite & Worms
Flora Force Cayenne Capsules * Capsules *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
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A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Flora Force Phyto-Mone Tablets * Flusin C Syrup [6]

Flora Force Rescue Remedy * Flusin DM Syrup [6]
Flora Force Saw Palmetto Flusin Junior Cough Syrup [6]
Capsules * Flusin Mucous Cough Syrup
Flora Force Siberian Ginseng Flusin S Effervescent
Capsules * Tablets [6]
Flora Force Sinus Relief Drops * [3] Flusin Sinus Tablets [6]
Flora Force Sleep Capsules * Flusin Tablets
Flora Force Sleep Eezy Drops * [3] Flustat Capsules
Flora Force Slippery Elm Tablets * Flustat Syrup
Flora Force Spirulina Capsules * FlutaHexal Tablets PoM
Flora Force St John’s Wort Flutaplex Tablets PoM
Capsules * Flutex Cold and Flu Capsules
Flora Force Taheebo Capsules * with Vit C
Flora Force Tea Tree Oil * Flutex Co Linctus
Flora Force Wormwood Capsules * Flutex Cough Mixture
Flora Force West Coast Kelp Flutex Effervescent Tablets [6]
Tablets * Flutex Junior Cold and Flu Syrup
Floraplex Sachets * fluticasone [2]
Florawin Capsules * Fluzol Capsules, Infusion PoM
Florinef Tablets PoM [2] FML Suspension PoM
Floxapen Syrup PoM FML-Neo Suspension PoM
Fluanxol Depot Injection PoM Folavite Tablets *
Fluanxol Tablets PoM Folcofen Syrup
Fluarix Injection Folic Acid Forte Capsules
Flucon Suspension PoM fonturacetam (carphedon,
Flucoric Capsules PoM 4-phenylpiracetam)
Fludactil Co Linctus [6] Foodstate Anti-ageing Formula
Tablets *
Fludara Injection, Tablets PoM
Foodstate Calcium & Magnesium
fludrocortisone [2] Formula Tabs *
Fluend Capsules Foodstate Chromium GTF
Flugon Capsules * Complex Tablets *
flumethasone [2] Foodstate Enthusiasm and
flunisolide [2] Energy Formula Tabs *
fluocinolone [2] Foodstate Essential Fatty Acid
Formula Tabs *
fluocortolone [2]
Foodstate Immune Formula Tabs *
Fluorescite Injection PoM
Foodstate Iron & Molybdenum
fluorometholone [2]
Complex Tabs *
Fluoxetine Actor Capsules PoM
Foodstate Joint Formula Caps *
Foodstate Magnesium Complex
Fluracedyl Injection PoM Tabs *
Fluroblastin Injection PoM Foodstate Menopause Formula
Flusin Capsules [6] Tablets *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral Fosrenol Chew Tablets PoM

Formula Tabs * Fostimon Injection PoM
Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral Fo-Ti Tieng Capsules, Powder *
Formula for Men Tabs *
Foxair Accuhaler, Inhaler PoM
Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral
Fragmin Single Dose Inj,
Formula for Over 50’s Tabs *
Sol for Inj PoM
Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral
Fraxiparine Injection PoM
Formula for Women Tabs *
French Parad’Ox Capsules *
Foodstate Omega 3 Formula
Capsules * Fresenius Ceftazidime Powd
for Sol Inj PoM
Foodstate Potassium Complex
Tabs * Fresenius Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Foodstate Pregnancy Formula Fresenius Dexamethasone IV/IM
Tabs * Inj PoM [2]
Foodstate Selenium Complex Fresenius Hyoscine Butylbromide
Tabs * Injection PoM
Foodstate Sugar Balance Fresenius Propoven 1% Emuls
Formula Tabs * for Inj PoM
Foodstate Thyroid Formula Freshen Bisacodyl Laxative
Tablets * Tablets
Foodstate Vitamin B Complex Freshen Sodium Sulphate
Tabs * Laxative Powder
Foodstate Vitamin C Complex Frusemide Fresenius Injection PoM
Tabs * Fucidin Ointment, Cream PoM
Foodstate Vitamin D3 Complex Fucidin Tablets PoM
Tabs * Fucithalmic Drops PoM
Foradil Inhalation Capsules PoM [1] fulvestrant
Forane Liquid PoM Fungizone Infusion PoM
Foratec DP-Caps, HFA Met furazabol (17 α-methyl[1,2,5]
Dos Inh [1] oxadiazolo[3’,4’:2,3]-5α-
Forcid Solutab PoM androstan-17ß-ol)
formebolone Furex Ointment
formestane furfenorex
Forminal Tablets PoM furosemide
formoterol [1] Furobe Tablets PoM
Forteo Injection PoM Fybogel Powder *
Fortfen SR Capsules PoM G
forthane (methylhexaneamine) Galvus Tablets PoM
Fortum Injection PoM Galvus Met Tablets PoM
Fortzaar Tablets PoM Ganfort Drops PoM [4]
Forvent Inhalat Caps PoM Gardasil Injection PoM
Fosagen Tablets PoM Gastriwin Tablets, IV Injection PoM
Fosamax Tablets, Once Wkly GastroChoiceTM Capsules *
Tabs PoM GastroChoiceTM IBS Capsules *
Fosavance Tablets PoM Gastron Tablets, Syrup

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
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A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Gastrone Tablets * GHRH analogues

Gastropect Suspension GHRP (GH-releasing peptide)
Gaviscon Aniseed Suspension GHRP-6 (GH-releasing peptide)
Gaviscon 250 Peppermint Tablets GHS (growth hormone
Gaviscon Peppermint Susp, secretagogues)
Advance Aniseed Susp, GI Lean 3 Day Detox
Advance Peppermint Susp Effervescent Tabs *
Gaviscon Plus Peppermint Susp, GI Lean 10 Day Weight Loss
Plus Tabs Booster Caps *
Gaviscon Tablets GI Lean Firm & Lean Snack
Gelacid Suspension Replacement Shake *
Gelacid Tablets Gincosan Capsules *
Gelofusine Infusion Ginette Tablets PoM
Gelumen Suspension Ginkgo Biloba Tablets (NRF) *
Gelusil Peppermint Tablets Ginsana Capsules *
Gelusil-S Tablets Ginseng Super Tablets *
Gemini Eye Drops Gitsalat CR Tablets PoM
Gemtaz Injection PoM Glamaryl Tablets PoM
Gemzar Injection PoM Glaucosan Drops PoM [4]
Genotropin Injection PoM Gleevec Tablets PoM
Gen-Payne Capsules PoM Glenmark-Clotrimazole Vaginal
Gentamycin Sulphate-Fresenius Tablets
Inj PoM Glenmont Chew Tabs, Film-
Gentron (Potency Tablets) Tablets * coated Tabs PoM
Geodon Injection, Capsules PoM Gliadel Wafer PoM
geranamine * (methylhexaneamine) GlucaGen Injection PoM
geranium *methylhexaneamine) Glucobay Tablets PoM
geranium extract * glucocorticoids [2]
Gluconorm Tablets PoM
geranium oil * (methylhexaneamine)
Glucophage Tabs, XR Tabs PoM
geranium root extract *
(methylhexaneamine) Glucoplex Tablets *
Gericomplex Capsules PoM * Glucostop Tablets *
Germolene Medicated Footspray Glucovance Tablets PoM
Germolene Ointment glycerine (see glycerol)
gestrinone glycerol (oral and intravenous) [7]
GH (growth hormone) Glycomin Tablets PoM
ghrelin (GHS secretagogue) Glycron Tablets PoM
gherelin mimetics (GHS Glygard Tablets PoM
secretagogue) GNC Pro Performance® 100%
GH-releasing peptides (GHRPs) Casein Protein * [9]
GHRFs (growth hormone GNC Pro Performance® 100%
releasing factors) Soy Isolate * [9]
GHRH (growth hormone GNC Pro Performance® 100%
releasing hormone) Whey Protein * [9]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

GNC Pro Performance® AMP Granitril Injection, Tablets PoM

Amplified 100% Whey Granocyte Injection PoM
Protein * [9] Green Rooibos Extract Capsules *
GNC Pro Performance® AMP Gripp-Heel Injection *
Amplified Creatine XXX * [9]
Gripp-Heel Tablets *
GNC Pro Performance® AMP
Grippon Capsules
Amplified Gold 100% Whey
Protein Advanced * [9] Grippon Cold & Flu Tablets
GNC Pro Performance® AMP growth hormone (GH)
Amplified Mass XXX™ * [9] growth hormone releasing
GNC Pro Performance® Creatine factors (GHRFs)
Complex Chews * [9] growth hormone releasing
GNC Pro Performance® Creatine hormone (GHRH)
Monohydrate * [9] growth hormone secretagogues
GNC Pro Performance® (GHS)
L-Glutamine Powder 5000 * [9] Guronsan-C Effervescent Tablets
GNC Pro Performance® Oatmeal GW 1516 (PPARδ-agonist)
Protein Bar Deluxe * [9] Gynaecare Syrup *
GNC Pro Performance® Gyno-Daktarin Vaginal Cream,
RapidDrive BCAA 5000 * [9] Vag Capsules, Combipak
GNC Pro Performance® Gyno-Pevaryl Vaginal Cream,
RapidDrive Glutamine 2500 Ovules, Depot-Ovule
Power Chews * [9]
GNC Pro Performance® 100% H
Whey Isolate * [9] Haemoclear Tablets *
GNC Puredge™ Daily Haemofer Capsules, Junior
Powdered PB * [9] Capsules
GNC Puredge™ Complete Haemogel Gel *
Amino * [9]
haemoglobin-based blood
GNC Puredge™ Complete substitutes (for the use of
Protein * [9] artificially enhancing the uptake,
GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing transport or delivery of oxygen)
hormone) [5] haemoglobin products,
Goldex Throat Lollies microencapsulated (for the
gonadorelin [5] use of artificially enhancing the
uptake, transport or delivery
gonadotropin-releasing hormone
of oxygen)
(GnRH) [5]
haemoglobin products, modified
Gonal-F Injection PoM
(for the use of artificially
Gonapeptyl Depot Injection PoM [5] enhancing the uptake, transport
Go-Pain P Syrup or delivery of oxygen)
Go-Pain Syrup Haemoplex Chewable Tablets *
Go-Pain Tablets PoM Haemosolvate Factor VIII
Grand-Pa Headache Powders, Powder PoM
Tablets Haemosolvex Factor IX Powder PoM
Grand-Pa Paracetamol Tablets Haemovite Tablets *
Granicip Tablets PoM Haes-Steril Infusion PoM

Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index


L52190-4/ADVERT 1


No overstated protein value - with 24 g high-quality
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Available in selected stores STORES
green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic
@GNC_SA GNC*South= refer toAfrica
alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

hagigat (cathinone analogue) Herpatch Remesense *

Halcion Tablets PoM Herpatch Serum *
Halfan Tablets, Suspension PoM Hexa-Blok Tablets PoM [4]
Halothane Liquid – M&B PoM Hexal-Lisinopril Tablets PoM
hashish * Hexal-Lisinopril Co Tablets PoM
Havrix Injection, Junior Injection PoM Hexal-MPA Tablets PoM
Hay Fever Relief Nasal Spray * hexarelin (GH-releasing peptide)
H-B-Vax II Injection Hexarone Tablets PoM
hCG (human chorionic Hexaxim Injection
gonadotrophin) [5] Hexazide Tablets PoM
Healon Injection, GV Injection PoM hexoprenaline
Heartchoice Energiser Soft Gel H Formula Capsules *
Capsules * HGF (hepatocyte growth factor)
Heartchoice Optimal Soft Gel hGH (human growth hormone)
Capsules *
hGH-secretagogue (alpha-GPC)
Heart Guard Niacin Tablets *
Hibitane Antiseptic Cr, Obstetric Cr
Hebagam IM Injection PoM
Hidrist Tablets
Hedelix Cough Syrup * [3]
HIF activators
Heberbiovac HB Injection
HIF (hypoxia-inducible factor)
hematide (peginesatide) stabilizers
Hemopure Infusion PoM Histacon Capsules
Heparin Sodium-Fresenius Inj PoM Histaglobin Injection PoM
hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) Histak Tablets PoM
heptaminol Histak 75 Tablets
Herbal Tonic Tablets * Histodor Cream
herbal ephedrine * Histodor Expectorant Elixir
herbal testosterone * Histodor Tablets
Herbology Arthro Mobility Tablets * hMG (human menopausal
Herbology B-Complex Tablet * gonadotrophin, menotrophin) [5]
Herbology Libido for Men Tablets * Holoxan Injection PoM
Herbology Libido for Women Homeovox Tablets *
Tablets * Hormeel S Drops * [3]
Herbology Marine Calcium Hormeel S Injection *
Tablets *
horny goat weed (Epimedium
Herbology Mood Lift Tablets * sagittatum) *
Herbology Multivite 40+ Tablets * Hot Flush and Night Sweat
Herbology Multivit Men Tablets * Remedy Tabs *
Herbology Multivit Women Tablets * Hot Toddy Adult Sachets *
Herbology Stress Tonic Tablets * Hot Toddy Tea *
Herceptin Injection PoM HR-Enalapril Maleate Tablets PoM
Hermes Leber-Gallentee No 8 * HU-210 (cannabimetic)
Hermes Nieren-Blasentee No 7 * Humalog Sol for Inj, Mix 25 Susp
heroin (diamorphine) for Inj, Mix 50 Susp for Inj PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index


L52190-6/ADVERT 3


Premium protein blend supports muscle recovery,
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Available at

Available in selected stores STORES
green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic
@GNC_SA GNC*South= refer toAfrica
alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

human chorionic gonadotrophin 17b-hydroxy-17a-methyl-5a-

(hCG) [5] androst-1-en-3-one (methyl-
human menopausal 1-testosterone)
gonadotrophin (hMG, 17b-hydroxy-17a-methylandrosta-
menotrophin) [5] 1,4-dien-3-one (metandienone)
human growth hormone (hGH) 17b-hydroxy-17a-methylestr-4-en-
human plasma albumin 3-one (methylnortestosterone)
(intravenous) 17b-hydroxy-17a-methylestra-4,
Humatrope Injection PoM 9-dien-3-one (methyldienolone)
Humira Injection PoM 17b-hydroxy-17a-methylestra-
4,9,11-trien-3-one (metribolone)
Humulin N Susp for Injection, R Sol
for Inj, 30/70 Susp for Inj PoM 4-hydroxy-19-nortestosterone
Hyalase Injection PoM
Hycamtim Injection PoM (4,17b-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-
Hydrassist Powder 3-one)
Hydrachoice Powder Hygroton-50 Tablets PoM
Hydrea Capsules PoM Hyospasmol Tablets, Syrup
hydrochlorothiazide Hyperphen Tablets PoM
hydrocortisone [2] Hypnomidate Injection PoM
hydroflumethiazide Hypnor Tablets PoM
hydromorphone Hypomide Tablets PoM
Hydro-Less Tablets PoM Hy-po-tone Tablets PoM
Hydrol Powder hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)
hydroxyamfetamine stabilizers
(parahydroamphetamine) Hytenza Tablets PoM
3b-hydroxyandrost-5-en- Hytenza Co Tablets PoM
17-one (prasterone; Hytrin Tablets PoM
dehydroepiandrosterone; DHEA)
17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en- I
3-one (1-testosterone) Iberogast Oral Drops *
3a-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one Iboflam Tablets (PoM)
3b-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one Ibucine Paed Susp, Tablets (PoM)
17b-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one Ibucod Tablets
Ibugesic Suspension (PoM)
Ibumol Suspension, Tablets
Ibupain Capsules
hydroxyethyl starch (intravenous)
Ibupain Forte Capsules PoM
17b-hydroxy-2a,17a -dimethyl-
ICAPS R Caps Eye Vitamin
5a -androstan-3-one
& Mineral Supplement *
Icy Hot Balm, Cream *
3-one (trenbolone) Icy Hot Patch, Vanishing Scent Gel *
17-hydroxy-18 a-homo-19-nor- I-Flex Capsules *
17a-pregna-4,9,11-trien-3-one IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1)
(tetrahydrogestrinone; THG) IGF-1 analogues

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

I-Glo Drops Intas Finasteride Tablets PoM

Iliadin Drops, Spray, Paed Drops, Intas Oxaliplatin Powd for Sol
Paed Spray for Inf PoM
Iliadin Saline Nasal Spray, Drops Inteflora Capsules *
Illovex SR Tablets PoM Integrilin Injection PoM
Ilotycin A Cream, Gel PoM Intelence Tablets PoM
Ilotycin TS Solution PoM Intragam Injection PoM
Ilvico Capsules Intramed Trichazole Infus PoM
Imavec Capsules PoM Intrasite Applipak Gel
Imdur CR Tablets PoM Intron A Powd for Inj, HSA-free
Imigran Tablets, Inj, Nasal Spray Redipen Inj PoM
PoM Invanz Injection PoM
ImmunoChoice Complex Capsules Invega PR Tablets PoM
* Invertron Tablets, Oral Sol PoM
Immuno Synergy Colourastro Invi-Rase Capsules PoM
Biochemic Tissue Salts * Inza Tablets (PoM)
Imodium Tabs, Caps, Syrup, Iodosorb Paste
Melt Tabs Iopidine Solution, 0,5% Solution PoM
Imodium Plus Chew Tablets ipamorelin (GHS secretagogue)
Imovane Tablets PoM Ipvent 40 HFA Met Dos Inhaler PoM
Imovax Pneumo 23 Injection Ipvent Respules Inhal Sol
Implanon NXT Implant PoM Irbewin Tablets PoM
Imuran Tablets, Injection PoM Irinotas Solution for Infusion PoM
Inapsin Injection PoM Irtanel Tablets PoM
indacterol Iruxol Mono Ointment
indapamide Isart Co Tablets PoM
Inderal Tablets, LA Capsules PoM [4] Isentress Tablets PoM
Inegy Tablets PoM Ismo 20 Tablets
Infagard Drops * iso-ephedrine (pseudoephedrine) [6]
Infanrix DTPa Injection, isoetarine
Hexa Injection Isofor Liquid PoM
Infantiforte Capsules, Spray Isoket IV Solution PoM
Inflammide Inh, Novolizer PoM isometheptene
Inflamoxin Tablets * isoprenaline
Inflanaze Aqueous Nasal Spray PoM Isoptin Tablets, SR Tablets PoM
Influvac Subunit Injection Isopto-Atropine Solution PoM
Inhibace Tablets PoM Isopto-Carpine Solution PoM
Inhibace Plus Tablets PoM Isopto-Homatropine Solution PoM
Insect Bites Roll-on * Isordil Tabs, SL Tabs,
Inspra Tablets PoM Tembid SA Tabs
insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) Isotrex Gel PoM
insulins Isovorin RTU Injection
Insuman Comb 30/70 Susp for Ivedal Tablets PoM
Injection PoM Ixempra Infusion PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

J Klarithran Tablets, Susp,

Janumet Tablets PoM MR Tabs PoM
Januvia Tablets PoM Klarizon Tablets PoM
Jelonet Tulle Gras Klean-Prep Powder
Jurnista Extend Release Tablets PoM Kliogest Tablets PoM
JWH018 (cannabimetic) Klodip-5 Tablets PoM
JWH073 (cannabimetic) Kofcare Syrup *
Kogenate Lyophilis Powder PoM
Kolorex Advanced Intestinal
K Care Capsules *
Kaletra Oral Solution PoM
Konakion MM Paed Amps,
Kali Mur Colourastro Biochemic
MM Amps
Tissue Salt Tabs *
Kulair Chew Tabs, Film-coated
Kali Phos Colourastro
Tabs PoM
BiochemicTissue Salt Tabs *
Kytril Injection, Tablets PoM
Kali Sulph Colourastro Biochemic
Tissue Salt Tabs *
Kanamycin 1g Injection L
labetalol [4]
Kantrexil Suspension, Tablets PoM
Lacson Syrup
Kaostatex Suspension
Lactacyd Liquid *
Kavimun Paed Tablets PoM
Lactaze Extra Strength Chewable
Keenmind Capsules *
Tablets *
Keftaz Sol for Injection PoM
Lactocare Tablets and Vegicaps
Kelo-Cote Gel
Lagatrim Tablets PoM
Kelo-Cote Solair Gel
Lamictin Tablets, Dispers Tabs PoM
Kelo-Cote Spray
Lamidus Tablets PoM
Kem-O-Dene Liquid *
Lamisil Cream, Topical Spray,
Keppra Tablets, Oral Solution PoM Dermgel, Sol
Kessar Tablets PoM Lamisil Tablets PoM
Kestine Tablets Lamispor Tablets PoM
Ketamine HCl-Fresenius Inj PoM Lamitor Tablets PoM
Ketazol Cream Lanazyp Tablets PoM
Ketek Tablets PoM Lancap Capsules (PoM)
7-keto- DHEA Lanoxin Tabs, Paed/Geriatric
Ketoflam SR Capsules PoM Tabs & Elixir, Inj PoM
Kexelate Powder Lansoloc Capsules PoM
Keysal Tablets PoM Lansoloc OTC Capsules
Kez Liquid Lansoprazole Unicorn Capsules (PoM)
K-Fenak Tablets (PoM) Lansoprazole-Winthrop
Kiddieforte Chewable Tablets Capsules PoM
Kiddivite Tablets * Lantanon Tablets PoM
Kivexa Tablets PoM Lantus Sol for Injection PoM
Klacid XL Tablets, Susp, Injection PoM Lanvis Tablets PoM
Klafotaxim Injection PoM Lanzor Capsules PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Lanzor HB Capsules Lessmusec Capsules

Laracit Injection PoM Lethyl Tablets PoM
Laradex Tablets PoM Leucovorin-Faulding Injection
Largactil Tablets PoM Leukeran Tablets PoM
Lariam Tablets PoM Leustatin Injection PoM
Lasix Tabs, Inj, Sol, Retard Caps, Levemir Sol for Injection PoM
500mg Tabs, Amps PoM levmetamfetamine
Laspar Powd for Injection PoM levobunolol
Laura 10 Tablets Levitra Tablets, Orodispersible
Laxador Bisacodyl Tablets Tablets PoM
Laxador Senna Tablets * Levofloxacin-Winthrop Tablets,
Laxette Solution, Laxette Dry IV Inf Sol PoM
Powder Levotav IV Infusion PoM
Laxotabs Tablets * Lexamil Tablets PoM
Lays Tissue Oil Spray * Lexan Herbs Powder *
Lazena Tablets PoM Lexan Tablets *
Leanor Herbal Conc Liquid * [3] Lexotan Tablets PoM
Legalon 70 Tablets PoM LH (luteinising hormone) [5]
Legram Tablets, Oral Solution PoM LHRH (luteinizing hormone
releasing hormone) [5]
Lenadol Tablets
Librax Tablets PoM
Lenafen Tablets
Librium Tablets PoM
Lenamet Tablets, Injection PoM
Lignocaine HCl B Braun 2% Inj PoM
Lenamet-OTC Tablets
Lignocaine HCl-Fresenius IM/IV
Lenapain Tablets
Inj PoM
Lenasone IA/IL Injection PoM
Lignocaine HCl-Fresenius
Lenasone IV/IM Injection PoM [2] Local Inj PoM
Lenazine Forte Syrup Lilly-Fluoxetine Capsules PoM
Lenazine Elixir Limbitrol Capsules PoM
Lenditro Tablets PoM Lincocin Injection PoM
Lendormin Tablets PoM Linctifed Wet Cough Expectorant,
Lenisolone Tablets PoM [2] Paed Syrup [6]
Lennon-Codeine Phosphate Tabs PoM Lioresal Tablets PoM
Lennon Glycerin Adult Supps, Lipanthyl Capsules PoM
Paed Supps Lipitor Tablets PoM
Lennon Senna Tablets * Lipogen Tablets PoM
Lennon Strong Calciferol Tablets PoM Lipovit Capsules
Lennon-Sulphacetamide Ointment Lipovit Syrup
Lenolax Dispos Enema, Paed Enema Lisinopril Co Unicorn Tablets PoM
Lenovate Ointment, Cream PoM Lisinozide Tablets PoM
Lentogesic Syrup Lisoretic Tablets PoM
letrozole Lisozide Tablets PoM
Leponex Tablets PoM Litak 10 Injection PoM
Lescol Capsules, XL FC Tablets PoM Litares Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Litha Piperacillin Co Powd Losartan-Winthrop Tablets

for Inj PoM Losec Capsules, Infusion
Liverplex Capsules * Lotem Suspension
Livifem Tablets PoM Lotio Brunel
Liviton Syrup Lotriderm Cream PoM
Livostin ED Eye Drops Lovachol Tablets PoM
Livotibb Syrup * Lovire Cream
Livotibb Tablets * Lovire Dispers Tablets PoM
Lizro Tablets PoM Lovispes Tablets PoM
L-Mesitran Hydrogel Dressings * Loxiflam Tablets PoM
L-Mesitran Ointment * Lozaan Co Tablets PoM
L-Mesitran Soft Wound Gel * Lp299v Capsules *
Locabiotal Spray Lucentis Sol for Injection PoM
Locacorten-Vioform Ear Drops PoM Lucrin Injection, Depot
Injection PoM
Loceryl Nail Lacquer
Ludiomil Tablets, Injection PoM
Lo-Chol Tablets *
Luffeel Tablets, Nasal Spray *
Locoid Cream, Oint, Lot,
Lipocream PoM luliberin [5]
Lodiz Tablets PoM Lumigan Eye Drop Solution PoM
Loftyl Tablets PoM Lumont Chew Tablets,
Film-coated Tabs PoM
Logynon ED Tablets PoM
luteinizing hormone (LH) [5]
Lohype Plus Tablets, Forte Plus
Tablets PoM luteinizing hormone releasing
factors [5]
Lokit Capsules PoM
luteinizing hormone releasing
Lomanor Tablets PoM
hormone (LHRH) [5]
Lomexin Vaginal Cream, Vaginal
lutrophin alpha [5]
Ovules PoM
Luveris Injection PoM [5]
Lomotil Tablets, Liquid
Luvox Tablets PoM
long jack (Eurycoma longifolia,
Lymphomyosot Drops * [3]
tongkat ali) *
Lymphomyosot Injection *
Loniten Tablets PoM
Lyrica Capsules PoM
Lonol PT 300 Tablets PoM
Lyrinel Tablets PoM
Lopedium Effervescent Tablets
Lysin Tablets PoM
Loperastat Syrup
Lopid Tablets PoM
Lopresor Tabs [4]
3M Nexcare Reusable Cold Pack
Loramet Capsules PoM
3M Nexcare Reusable
Lorfast Tablets Cold/Hot Pack
Lorien Capsules PoM Maalox Plus Tablets, Plus
Lormeg Tablets Suspension
Losaar Plus Tablets PoM Maalox Tablets, Suspension
Losacar Co Tablets PoM Mabthera Sol for Infusion PoM
Losartan Co Unicorn Tablets PoM Macaine Injection with Adrenaline PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Macaine Injection, Spinal mecasermin (IGF-1 analogue)

Injection PoM mechano growth factors (MGF)
Macaine Spinal Injection with meclofenoxate
Dextrose PoM Medaspor Cream
Macorel SR Capsules PoM Medaspor Vaginal Cream
Macrodantin Capsules PoM Medazine Tablets, Syrup
Macropen Capsules, Syrup PoM Medifed Linctus [6]
Macuna pruriens * Medi-Keel A Lozenges
Madopar Tablets, HBS Capsules PoM Medi-Keel A Throat Gargle
Magnesit Granules, Tablets Medilyn Syrup
Magnesium SR Tablets Med-Lemon Cold & Flu Capsules
Magneplex Syrup * with Vitamin C
Mag Phos Colourastro Biochemic Med-Lemon Flu & Congestion
Tissue Salt Tabs * Powder
ma huang (herbal ephedrine) * Med-Lemon Hot Med for Children
Malanil Tablets, Paed Tablets PoM with Vit C Sachets
mannitol (intravenous) Med-Lemon Hot Medication with
Marcus Rohrer Spirulina * Vit C Sachets
marijuana * Med-Lemon Wet Cough Syrup
masking agents Medoxicam Tablets PoM
Marvelon Tablets PoM Medploz Tablets PoM
Mavik Capsules PoM Medrol Tablets PoM [2]
medrysone [2]
Maxaderm Cream PoM
Maxalt Tablets, RPD Wafers PoM
Mefliam Tablets PoM
Maxidex Suspension PoM
Melflam Tablets PoM
Maximor Advance for Men
Capsules * Melodene Tablets PoM
Maximor Advance for Women Melolin Sterile Dressing
Capsules * Melotone Syrup *
Maxipime Injection PoM Meloxicam Unicorn Tablets PoM
Maxisleep Capsules * MenaCal 7 Tablets, Chews
Maxitone Syrup for Kids
Maxitrol Suspension, Ointment PoM Mencevax ACW135Y Injection
Maxivit 25 Capsules Mengen Tablets PoM
Maxivit Plus Capsules Menoclove Day/Night Capsules *
Maxolon Tablets, Syrup, Injection PoM Menoclove Forte Capsules *
Mebo Ointment * Menoclove Plus Capsules *
M-Cam Tablets PoM Meno-Expert Water Balance
Capsules *
MDA (methylenedioxyamphetamin,
tenamfetamine) Menograine Tablets
MDMA(methylenedioxymethamp Menomune Powd for Injection PoM
hetamine) Menopur IM Injection PoM [5]
MDPV(3,4- menotrophin [5]
methylenedioxypyrovalerone) Mental Fitness Tablets *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

mephedrone (cathinone analogue) (MDA, tenamfetamine)

mephentermine methylenedioxymetham-
mepitiostane phetamine (MDMA)
Mepyraderm Cream 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone
(MDPV) (cathinone analogue)
Mepyramine Maleate-Fresenius Inj
methylephedrine [8]
Mercide Injection PoM
Mercilon Tablets PoM
Meroject Injection PoM
Meronem Injection PoM
Merthiolate Tincture
mesocarb (17b-hydroxy-17a-methylestr-
mestanolone 4-en-3-one)
mesterolone 17a-methyl[1,2,5]
Mestinon Tablets PoM oxadiazolo[3’,4’:2,3]-5
metabolic modulators a-androstan-17b-ol (furazabol)
Metalyse Solution for Injection PoM methylphenidate
metandienone (17β-hydroxy- Methylphenidate HCl-Douglas
17a-methylandrosta-1, Tablets PoM
4-dien-3-one, methandienone, methylprednisolone [2]
methandrostenolone, methylsynephrine (oxilofrine)
dianabol, d-bol)
Metazol Tablets PoM
Metforal Tablets PoM (17b-hydroxy-17α-methyl-5a-
metenolone androst-1-en-3-one)
methadone methyltrienolone (metribolone)
methedrone (cathinone analogue) Meticorten Tablets [2]
metamfetamine (methamphetamine) metipranolol [4]
d-metamfetamine metolazone
methandriol metoprolol [4]
methandrostenolone(metandienone) Metored Tablets PoM
methasterone (17ß-hydroxy- Metphage Tablets PoM
2a,17a -dimethyl-5a- Metrazole 400 Tablets PoM
androstan-3-one) metribolone (methyltrienolone;
Methotrexate-Lederle Tablets PoM 17b-hydroxy-17a-methylestra-
methoxy polyethylene glycol- 4,9,11-trien-3-one)
epoetin beta (CERA) Metris Tablets PoM
methylamphetamine Metrogel V Vaginal Gel
p-methylamphetamine Metronidazole B Braun IV Infusion PoM
17a-methyl-5a-androst-2-en-17b-ol Metvix Cream PoM
(desoxymethyltestosterone) Mezavant PR Tablets PoM
methyldienolone (17b-hydroxy-17a- MGFs (mechano growth factors)
methylestra-4,9-dien- 3-one) mibolerone
methylenedioxyamphetamine Micardis Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Michol Tablets PoM Mistabron Nasal Spray

Microcidal Tablets PoM Mistro Tablets PoM
Micro-Novum Tablets PoM Mitil Tablets PoM
Microval Tablets PoM Mitoxantrone-Hexal Infusion PoM
Mifegyne Tablets PoM Mivacron Injection PoM
Migrastick Roll-on Vial * Mobic Tablets, Injection PoM
Migrex Tablets PoM modafinil
Migril Tablets Modecate Injection PoM
Migroben Tablets PoM Moducare Capsules *
Milk Thistle & Dandelion Tablets Moducare Kiddies Chewable
(NRF) * Tablets *
Minair Chew Tabs, Film-coated Moducare Plus+ Tablets *
Tabs PoM
Moduretic Tablets PoM
Minamino Capsules
Molipaxin Capsules PoM
Minamino Syrup
Mometagen Cream PoM
Minerva Tablets PoM
Monicor SR Tablets PoM
Minesse Tablets PoM
mometasone [2]
Minidiab Tablets PoM
Monte-Air Chew Tabs,
Minims Chloramphenicol Film-coated Tabs PoM
0,5% Sol PoM
Montelukast Specpharm Chew
Minims Cyclopentolate HCl
Tabs, Film-coated Tabs PoM
1% Sol PoM
Minims Fluorescein Sodium
2% Sol Morphine Sulphate-Fresenius Inj PoM
Minims Lidocaine & Fluorescein Morwak Tablets PoM
Solution PoM Motilium Tablets, Suspension
Minims Oxybuprocaine Movicol Powder
Hydrochloride 0,4% Sol PoM Moviprep Powder PoM
Minims Phenylephrine HCl Moxibay Tablets PoM
10% Solution
Moxotens Tablets PoM
Minims Prednisolone Sodium
Moxypen Capsules, Syrup PoM
Phosphate 0,5% Sol PoM
MST Continus Tablets PoM
Minims Proxymetacaine HCl
0,5% Sol PoM Mucaine Suspension, Tablets
Minims Tetracaine Hydrochloride Mucatak 200 Effervescent Tablets
1% Sol PoM Mucofizz Effervescent Tablets
Minims Tropicamide 1% Solution PoM Mucospect Syrup, Ped Syrup,
Minotabs Tablets PoM Capsules
Minulette Tablets PoM muira pauma *
Miochol-3 Injection PoM Multiforce Alkaline Powder *
Mircera Injection PoM Multi-VitChoice Tablets
Mirelle Tablets PoM Multi-VitChoice PlusOmega-3
Mirena IU System PoM Capsules
Mirquin Prophylax Syr, Multivit XPS Tablets *
Treatment Syr PoM Mumomega Pregnancy Capsules *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Murine Clear Eyes Drops Mylan Olanzapine Tablets PoM

Murine Moisture Eyes Drops Mylan Ondansetron Injection PoM
Muscuron Injection PoM Mylan Oxcarbazepine Tablets PoM
Muthi Wenyoni Antacid Suspension * Mylan Oxybutynin Tablets PoM
MVX Tablets Mylan Paclitaxel Conc Sol for Inf PoM
Mybucod Tablets PoM Mylan Pantoprazole Tablets PoM
Mybulen Tabs, Caps, Susp PoM Mylan Quetiapine Tablets PoM
Mycobutin Capsules PoM Mylan Terbinafine Tablets PoM
Mycocept 500 Tablets PoM Mylan Vancomycin Powd for Sol PoM
Mycorest Capsules PoM Mylan Zolpidem Tablets PoM
Mycospor Cream, Solution Myleran Tablets PoM
Mycota Cream, Powder Mylocort Cream, Ointment
Mydriacyl Solution PoM Mymox Capsules PoM
Myfortic Tablets PoM myostatin function modifying agents
Mylacand Tablets PoM myostatin inhibitors
Mylacand Plus Tablets PoM Myozyme Conc Infus Solution PoM
Mylan Aciclovir Infusion PoM Mypaid Capsules
Mylan Alprazolam Tablets PoM Mypaid Forte Tablets PoM
Mylan Anastrozole Tablets PoM Mypaid Night Pain Tablets
Mylan Captopril Tablets PoM Myprocam ER Capsules PoM
Mylan Cefazolin Powd for Sol Myprodol Caps, Tabs, Susp PoM
for Inj PoM
Mysoline Tablets PoM
Mylan Clarithromycin Tablets PoM
Mytra Tablets PoM
Mylan Dexamethasone IV/IM
Injection PoM [2]
Mylan Diclofenac Tablets PoM N
Mylan Escitalopram Tablets PoM nadolol [4]
Mylan Fluconazole Capsules PoM Nafasol EC Tablets, Supps (PoM)
Mylan Furosemide Tablets PoM Naloxone HCl Fresenius Amps PoM
Mylan Gemcitabine Sol for nandrolone
Injection PoM Napflam Tablets (PoM)
Mylan Gliclazide Tablets PoM Naramig Tablets PoM
Mylan Granisetron Injection PoM Naropin Injection, Infusion PoM
Mylan Indapamide Tablets PoM Nasacor Nasal Spray PoM
Mylan-Irinotecan Solution for Inf PoM Naseptin Cream PoM
Mylan Itraconazole Capsules PoM Nasonex Aqua Nasal Spray PoM
Mylan Levofloxacin Tablets PoM Natacyn Suspension PoM
Mylan Mebeverin Tablets Nat Mur Colourastro Biochemic
Mylan Metformin FC Tablets PoM Tissue Salt Tabs *
Mylan Methyldopa Tablets PoM Nat Phos Colourastro Biochemic
Mylan Methylprednisolone Tissue Salt Tabs *
IV Injection PoM [2] Natrilix SR Tablets PoM
Mylan Mirtazapine Tablets PoM Nat Sulph Colourastro Biochemic
Mylan Naproxen Tablets PoM Tissue Salt Tabs *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Nat’Sure Brevi-Col Capsules * Nexmezol Tablets PoM

Nat’Sure Natural Detox Bowel Nexomist Aqua Nasal Spray
Cleanser Capsules * Nicorette Chewing Gum
Nature’s Own Blood Pressure Nifedalat Capsules,SR Tablets PoM
Herbs Tea *
Nature’s Own Slimming Herbs Tea *
Nimbex Injection PoM
Nausetron Injection PoM
Nimotop Tablets, IV Infusion PoM
Nauzine Tablets, Syrup
Nitepax Suspension
Navalpro CR Tablets PoM
Nitrocine IV Solution PoM
Navelbine Injection, Capsules PoM
Nitrolingual Spray PoM
Nazene Adult Nasal Spray
Nivaquine Prophylaxis Tablets
Nazene Z Spray
Nivaquine Treatment Tablets PoM
Nebcin Sol for Injection PoM
Nizcreme Cream
Nebido Oily Sol for Injection PoM
Nebilet Tablets PoM [4]
Nobligan Injection PoM
nebivolol [4]
Nolvadex D Tablets PoM
Nectadyn Cough Syrup *
non-erythropoietic EPO-receptor
NeoClarityne Tablets
Neoloridin 5 Tablets
Nootropil Capsules, Tablets, Inj PoM
Neo-Mercazole Tablets PoM
19-norandrostenediol (bolandiol)
Neophedan Tablets PoM
19-norandrostenedione (estr-4-
Neostigmine Methylsulphate- ene-3,17-dione)
Fresenius Inj PoM
Neotigason Capsules PoM
Nephrosolid Oral Liquid * [3]
Norcard Tablets PoM
Nerisone Cream, Fatty Ointment,
Forte Oint PoM
Nordette Tablets PoM
Nervoheel Tablets *
Netrasol Co Tablets PoM Nordiol Tablets PoM
nettle root (Urtica dioica) * Norditropin Nordilet Injection PoM
Neulastim Injection PoM norethandrolone
Neupogen Injection PoM 19-noretiocholanolone
Neurexan Tablets * norfenefrine
Neurobion Injection PoM norfenfluramine
Neurobion Tablets Norflex Co Tablets
Neurontin Capsules, Tablets PoM Norflex Tablets
Neuroforce Formula Liquid * [3] Norfloxacin Actor 400 Tablets PoM
Neurotron Capsules * Norimode Tablets
Nevanac Eye Drops PoM Norinyl Tablets PoM
Nevasta Tablets PoM Norlevo Tablets
Nevir Tablets PoM Normacol Plus Granules *
Nexavar Tablets PoM Normacol Granules *
Nexiam Mups Tablets, IV Inj/ Normison Capsules PoM
Infus, Granules PoM Norprolac Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

19-norpregna-4-en-17a-ol Nux Vomica Injection *

(ethylestrenol) Nuzak Capsules PoM
d-norpseudoephedrine (see Nystacid Ointment
cathine) [8] Nystacid Suspension
Norstan-Isoniazid Tablets PoM Nyxe Tablets PoM
Norstan-Theophylline &
Ethylenediamine Tabs
Norvasc Tablets PoM
Obesan-X Tablets PoM
Norvir Capsules, Oral Solution PoM
Obex-LA Tablets PoM
Nova-T Contraceptive Device PoM
Octin Drops PoM
Novesin Wander Drops PoM
Novofem Tablets PoM
Oculerge Eye Drops
Novomix 30 Injection PoM
Oculet Eye Drops Solution
Novonorm Tablets PoM Oculosan Drops
Novorapid Sol for Injection PoM Ocuprost Ophthalmic Solution PoM
NovoSeven Powder for Injection PoM Ocuvite Complete Capsules
Noxafil Oral Suspension PoM Ocuvite Dry Eye Softgel Capsules
Noxidem Tablets PoM Ocuvite Lutein Capsules
Nozohaem Gel Ocuvite Preservision Tablets
Nozoil Nasal Spray * Ocuvite Tablets
Nuelin Tablets, SA Tablets, Liquid Odimune Tablets PoM
Numal Tablets PoM Odiven Tablets PoM
Numoxx Tablets PoM Oframax Injection PoM
Nur-Isterate Injection PoM Oilatum Bar
Nurofen Cold & Flu Tablets [6] Oilatum Emolient
Nurofen Plus Tablets Oilatum Junior Cream
Nurofen Tabs, Period Pain Tabs, Oilatum Plus Liquid
Susp, Sugar Free Syr Olbetam Capsules PoM
Nutraderm Cream, Lotion Oleanz Tablets, Rapitabs PoM
Nutraplus Cream, Lotion Olexar Tablets PoM
Nutrineal PD4 with 1.1% Amini Omegachoice General Soft
Acids Periton Dialysis Solution Gel Caps *
Nutriplex Lipid Peri IV Infus PoM Omegachoice Odourless Soft
Nutriplex Lipid Plus IV Infus PoM Gel Caps *
Nutriplex Lipid Plus Without Omegachoice Ultraheart Soft
Electrolytes IV Infus PoM Gel Caps *
Nutriplex Lipid Special IV Infus PoM Omegatone 3 Tablets *
Nutriplex Lipid Special Without Omegavite Tablets *
Electrolytes IV Infus PoM Omez Capsules PoM
Nutritional Support for Hormone Omnair Nasal Spray PoM
Replacement Tablets * Omnopon-Fresenius Ampoules PoM
Nutrivite Tablets * Omsal MR Capsules PoM
Nuvaring Vaginal Ring PoM Onbrez Powder Inhalant
Nux Vomica Drops * [3] Capsules PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Oncogem Injection PoM oxabolone (4-hydroxy-19-

Ondansetron Fresenius nortestosterone)
Injection PoM Oxaliwin RTU Sol for Infusion PoM
One-Alpha Capsules PoM oxandrolone
Onglyza Tablets PoM [1,2] oxazolo[4’,5’:2,3]pregna-4-
Onicit Sol for Injection PoM en-20-yn-17-a-ol (danazol)
Opsite Wound Dressings oxilofrine (methylsynephrine)
Opti-Free Daily Cleaner, Suspension Oxis Turbohaler PoM [1]
Opti-Free Express MPDS Solution 6-oxo (4-androstene-3,6,17 trione)
Optilast Eye Drops Oxpola Tablets PoM
Opti-Tears Comfort Drops oxprenolol [4]
OPV-Merieux Solution oxycodone
Oramed Solution Oxycontin PR Tablets PoM
Orap Tablets PoM Oxylin Solution
Oratane Capsules PoM oxymesterone
Orchid Cefuroxime Tablets PoM oxymetholone
orciprenaline oxymorphone
Orelox Tablets, Suspension PoM Oxynorm Capsules PoM
Orencia Sol for Infusion PoM oxypolygelatin (plasma expander)
Organic Vita/Min/Herb for Men Ozurdex Intravitreal Implant PoM
Tablets *
Organic Vita/Min/Herb for Women P
Tablets *
Pabal Sol for Injection PoM
Padax Granules, Syrup
Orochlor Solution, Spray Solution
Painagon Syrup
Orpic Tablets, IV Infus PoM
Painagon Tablets PoM
Oscillococcinum Granules *
Painamol Plus Tablets
ostarine (selective androgen
Painamol Syrup, Tablets
receptor modulator)
Painil 400 Tablets
Ostena Tablets PoM
Panado Medsip Honey Lemon,
Osteobon Tablets-10, Tablets-70 PoM
Ginger Powder
OsteoChoice Tablets *
Panado Tabs, Eff Tabs, Caps, Inf
Osteoflex Tablets * Drops, Child Meltabs, Paed Syr
Osteoflex Ultra Tablets * Sug & Alc Free, Syr, Paed Syr
Osteonate 70 Tablets PoM Strawberry
Osteo Synergy Colourastro Panado Plus Capsules
Biochemic Tissue SaltsTabs * Panafcort Tablets PoM [2]
Osteovite Tablets * Panamor Gel
Otosporin Drops PoM Panamor Injection,
Otrivin Drops/Spray, Paed Drops/ Suppositories PoM
Spray Panamor Tablets, SR Tablets (PoM)
Ovidrel Injection PoM [5] Pancuronium Bromide-Fresenius
Ovitrelle Injection PoM [5] Inj PoM
Ovral Tablets PoM Pantocid IV Injection, Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Pantoloc Tablets, IV Injection PoM Pearinda Plus 4 Tablets PoM

Pantoprazole Specpharm 40 IV Pectin-K Suspension
Inj PoM Pectrolyte Suspension
Pantor Tablets PoM Pedea Sol for Injection PoM
Papaverine 60 Sol for Injection Pedi-Relax Creams *
Paracetamol Fresenius Sol for Pedi-Relax Diabetic’s Foot Care
IV Inf PoM Cream *
Paradote Injection Pegasys Injection PoM
Parafizz 500 Effervescent Tablets Pegicol Powder
parahydroamphetamine peginesatide (hematide)
(hydroxyamfetamine) Pegintron Injection PoM
parahydroxyamphetamine pemoline
Paramed Tablets Pendine Tablets PoM
Paraspen IV Sol for Infusion PoM Penilente LA Injection PoM
Pariet Tablets PoM Pentasa Tablets, Suppositories PoM
Parkilyne Tablets PoM pentazocine
Parlodel Tablets PoM Pentazocine-Fresenius Injection PoM
Parnate Tablets PoM pentetrazol
Paroven Capsules Pentoz Tablets PoM
Paroxetine Unicorn 20 Tablets PoM Pentoz OTC Delayed Tablets
Parvolex Injection pentylamine (methylhexaneamine)
Paser DR Granules PoM Peploc Tablets, IV Injection PoM
Pasrin Tablets PoM Peptopro Powder * [9]
Patanol Solution Peptopsport Powder * [9]
Patrick Holford Advanced Brain Peptopsport Multivitamin
Food Caps Capsules *
Patrick Holford Advanced Perfalgan Sol for Inf, Paed Sol
Optimum Nutrition Caps for Inf PoM
Patrick Holford Chill Food Tablets * perfluorochemicals (for the use of
Patrick Holford Cinnachrome artificially enhancing the uptake,
Capsules * transport or delivery of oxygen)
Patrick Holford H Factor PerformaChoice Capsules *
Capsules Pergoveris Injection PoM [5]
Patrick Holford Mood Food Periactin Tablets
Tablets * Perindopril Co Unicorn Tablets PoM
Pax Tablets, Injection PoM Perindopril Unicorn Tablets PoM
Paxil Tablets PoM Perizal Tablets PoM
Paxitas Conc for Infusion PoM peroxisome proliferator receptor δ
PCH Acetylsalicylic 80 Tablets (PPARδ) agonists
PCH Paclitaxel Sol for Infusion PoM Persantin Retard Caps, Amps PoM
PDGF (platelet-derived growth Persivate Cream, Ointment PoM
factor) pethidine
PEA (phenylethylamine) Pethidine HCl-Fresenius
Pearinda Tablets PoM Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Petogen Injection PoM Pharma-Q Verapamil Injection PoM

Pevaryl Cream, Powder, Spray Pharmaton Fizzi Effervescent
Solution Tablets *
Pevisone Cream PoM Pharmaton Kiddi Chewable Tablets
Pexola Tablets, ER Tablets PoM Pharmaton Kiddi Syrup
Pharfem Solution * Pharmaton Matruelle Capsules
Phargel Solution * Pharmaton Proactive Caplets *
Pharma Dynamics Amlodipine Pharmaton Soft Gelatine Capsules *
Besylate Tabs PoM
Pharmo-Gyne Solution *
Pharma Dynamics Clopidogrel
Pharmyderm Solution *
Tablets PoM
Pharyherp Solution *
Pharmapress Tablets PoM
Pharylex Adults, Children
Pharmapress Co Tablets PoM
Solution Spray *
Pharma-Q Adrenaline Injection PoM
Pharysor Solution *
Pharma-Q Atropine Injection
Pharma-Q Betamethasone
Injection PoM [2] Phenergan Cream
Pharma-Q Bupivacaine Injection PoM Phenergan Injection PoM
Pharma-Q Bupivacaine Spinal Inj Phenergan Tablets
with Dextrose PoM phenmetrazine
Pharma-Q Cimetidine Injection PoM phenpromethamine
Pharma-Q Clindamycin Injection PoM Phensedyl Linctus
Pharma-Q Co-Trimoxazole IV Inf PoM phentermine
Pharma-Q Dexamethasone Phenylephrine Covan Drops
Phosphate IV/IM Inj PoM [2] Phenylephrine Injection
Pharma-Q Diazepam Injection PoM Phenytoin Sodium Tablets PoM
Pharma-Q Diclofenac Injection PoM phenylethylamine (PEA)
Pharma-Q Dopamine Injection PoM phenylethylamine derivates
Pharma-Q Fentanyl Injection PoM 4-phenylpiracetam (fonturacetam,
Pharma-Q Furosemide Injection PoM carphedon)
Pharma-Q Gentamicin Pholtex Junior Linctus, Forte Linctus
Injection PoM
Pholtex Linctus
Pharma-Q Hydroxyzine Injection PoM
Phosphate-Sandoz Eff Tablets
Pharma-Q Hyoscine
Physeptone Linctus PoM
Butylbromide Injection
Physiogel A.I. Cream
Pharma-Q Metoclopramide
Injection PoM Physiogel A.I. Lotion
Pharma-Q Midazolam Injection PoM Physiogel A.I. Protect Cream
Pharma-Q Morphine Injection PoM Physiogel Body Lotion
Pharma-Q Naloxene HCl Injection PoM Physiogel Cream
Pharma-Q Pethidine Injection PoM Physioneal 40 Glucose Periton
Pharma-Q Sufentanil Inj, Dialysis Solution
Forte Inj PoM Physiotens Tablets PoM
Pharma-Q Suxamethonium Phyto-Force Black Cohosh
Injection PoM Tincture * [3]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Phyto-Force Hypoxis Cream * Plendil Tablets PoM

Phyto-Force Kigelia Cream * Plenish-K SR Tablets
Phyto-Force Pelargonium Pneumovax Injection
Tincture * [3] Podine Mouthwash & Gargle
Phyto-Force Propolis Cream * Solution
Phyto-Force Sage Tincture * [3] Podine Ointment
Phyto-Force Valerian Tincture * [3] Polioral Liquid
Phytogard Capules, Syrup * Pollentyme ND Tablets
Phyto Nova African Ginger Tablets * Pollentyme Tablets, Syrup
Phyto Nova Cystemme Capsules * Polygam IV Infusion PoM
Phyto Nova Natural Cough and Polyrinse Contact Lens Solution
Cold Syrup *
Polytar Liquid
Phyto Nova Sutherlandia Gel *
Ponac Susp, Capsules, Forte
Phyto Nova Sutherlandia SU1 Tabs (PoM)
Tablets *
Ponstan Caps, Susp, Paed
Phyto Nova Warburgia Supps (PoM)
Tablets *
Ponstel Capsules, Susp, Forte
Phyto Soya Capsules Double Tablets (PoM)
Strength *
Postoval Tablets PoM
Phyto Soya Capsules Regular
Strength * Potassium Chloride-Fresenius Inj PoM
Phyto Soya Vaginal Gel * PPARδ-agonists
Pic-Carb Shampoo Poxclin Coolmousse *
Picksan Lice Stop Shampoo * Pradaxa Capsules PoM
Picolax Powder for Solution PoM pralmorelin (GHRP-2)
(GH-releasing peptide)
Picoprep Powder
Piloherb Tablets * Pramex Tablets PoM
pindolol [4] Pramiola Tablets PoM
Pink Eye Relief Drops * Prandin E2 Vaginal Gel PoM
pirbuterol prasterone (dehydroepiandrosterone;
DHEA; 3b-hydroxyandrost-5-
Piroxicam Actor DT20 Dispers
Pratsiol Tablets PoM
Tabs PoM
Precedex Conc Sol for
Pixeta Tablets PoM
Infusion PoM
Pixicam Dispers Tablets PoM
Pred-Mild Susp, Pred-Forte Susp PoM
plasma expanders
prednisolone [2]
Plasmoquine Prophylaxis
Capsules prednisone [2]
Plasmoquine Treatment Prefrin Eye Drops
Capsules PoM Pregamal Tablets
platelet-derived growth factor Pregnatone Tablets
(PDGF) Pregnavit M Capsules
Plato Tablets PoM prenylamine
Platosin Injection PoM Pregomega Day Pack,
Plavix Tablets PoM Plus Day Pack

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Pregvit MR Tablets ProHexal Capsules PoM

Prelone Syrup, Tablets PoM [2] Prohist Syrup
Premarin Cream prolintane
Premarin injection, Tablets PoM Promato Capsules *
Premelle Tablets, Cycle 5 Tablets, Promethazine HCl-Fresenius Inj PoM
LD Tablets PoM Promune Capsules *
Premular Tablets * Propain Tablets
Preparation H Ointment, Propan Gel-S Suspension
Propan Mist. Pot. Cit. Simplex Liq
Prep Cream *
Propecia Tablets PoM
Prepidil Gel PoM
propranolol [4]
Pressure-Eeze Forte Tablets *
Pressure-Eeze Tablets *
Propess Vaginal Insert PoM
Preterax Tablets PoM
Propofol-Fresenius 1% Inj,
Prevenar Susp for Inj,
2% Inj PoM
13 Susp for Inj
Prexolan ODT Tablets PoM Proscar 5 Tablets PoM
Prexum Tablets PoM Prospan Syrup *
Prexum Plus Tablets PoM Prostaflo SR Capsules PoM
Prezista Tablets PoM prostanozol
Primapore Adhesive Dressings
Prime 1 Liquid *
Primeve Plus Capsules *
Prostasan Capsules *
Primolut-N Tablets PoM
Prostasan Liquid Drops *
Priorix Injection
Prostavite Tablets *
Priorix Tetra Injection PoM
Prostavor Capsules *
Pritor Tablets
Prostin E2 Tablets PoM
Pro-Banthine Tablets
Prostin F2 Alpha Injection PoM
Proben Tablets PoM
Prostin VR Injection PoM
Protaphane HM Injection PoM
Probetix Capsules *
Protecflor Capsules *
Probiflora Adult Intensive Rescue
Caps * Prothiaden Capsules PoM
procaterol Protopic Ointment PoM
Procof Syrup Protos Grans for Oral Suspension PoM
Pro Collagen Capsules * Provera Tablets PoM
Proctosedyl Ointment PoM [2] Provigil Tablets PoM
Proctosedyl Suppositories PoM [2] Proviron Tablets PoM
Procutan Cream Provisc Intraocular Viscoelastic Inj PoM
Procydin Capsules * Provive 1% Emul for Injection PoM
Profina Tablets PoM Prozac Capsules, Tablets PoM
Prograf IV Infusion, Capsules PoM Prozef Tablets, Suspension PoM
Progynova Tablets PoM Prozen Capsules *
Prohep Tablets pseudoephedrine (iso-ephedrine) [6]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Psyquet Tablets PoM Quatro-Soda Granules

P&U Carboplatin CSV Injection PoM Quetoser Tablets PoM
P&U Cisplatin CSV Injection PoM Quietude Syrup *
P&U Cytarabine CSV Injection PoM Quilonium Tablets PoM
P&U Etoposide CSV Injection PoM Quinaspen Tablets PoM
P&U Methotrexate CSV Injection PoM quinbolone
P&U Vincristine CSV Injection PoM Quit Metered Dosage Spray
Pulmicort Turbuhaler, Nebulis Solution
Susp PoM
Pulmison Tablets PoM [2] R
Pulmozyme Inhal Solution PoM R1 – Anginacid Inflammation
Puma Balm * Drops, Inj *
puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris, R2 – Aurin Gold Drops, Inj *
burra gokhru) *
R3 – Corvosan Heart Drops *
Purata Tablets PoM
R4 – Enterocolin Diarrhoea Drops *
Purbac Tablets, DS Tabs,
R5 – Gastreu Stomach Drops, Inj *
Susp, Inj PoM
Pur-Bloka Tablets PoM [4] R6 – Gripfektan Influenza
Drops, Inj *
Pure Radiance C Powder,
Vege-Capsules * R7 – Hepagalen Liver &
Gallbladder Drops, Inj *
Pure Synergy Powder,
Vege-Capsules * R8 – Jutussin Cough Syrup *
Puresis Tablets PoM R9 – Jutussin Cough Drops *
Pure Synergy Colourastro R10 – Klimakteran Climacteric
Biochemic Tissue Salts Tablets * Drops, Inj *
Purgoxin Tablets PoM R11 – Lumbagin Rheuma Drops,
Puricos Tablets PoM Injection *
Puri-Nethol Tablets PoM R12 – Multojodin Arteriosclerosis
Puritone Bisacodyl Laxative Drops, Inj *
Tablets R13 – Prohämorrhin Haemorrhoid
Purmycin Capsules, Suspension PoM Drops, Inj *
Puromylon Tablets PoM R14 – Quieta Nerve & Sleep
Drops, Inj *
Pynmed Pain & Fever Syrup
R15 – Vita-C Nerve Tonic Liquid *
Pynstop Tablets
Pyralvex Liquid * R16 – Cimisan Migraine &
Neuralgia Drops, Inj *
Pyrazide Tablets PoM
R17 – Cobralactin Tumour
Pyridium Tablets PoM
Drops, Inj *
Pyrocaps Capsules PoM
R18 – Cystophylin Kidney &
a -pyrrolidinovalerophenone Bladder Drops, Inj *
(cathinone analogue)
R19 – Euglandin-M Glandular
Drops for Men *
Q R20 – Euglandin-F Glandular
Qlaira Tablets PoM Drops, Inj for Women *
Quadriderm Cream PoM R21 – Medorrhan Skin
Quatro-Flora Capsules Reconstituant Drops, Inj *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

R22 – Najasthen Nerve (Cardio) R50 – Sacrogynol Sacroiliac Drops *

Drops * R51 – Thyreosan Thyroid Drops *
R23 – Nosoderm Eczema Drops * R52 – Vomisan Nausea Drops *
R24 – Pleurasin Pleurisy R53 – Comedonin Acne Drops *
Drops *
R54 – Imbelion Brain Disorder
R25 – Prostatan Prostatitis Drops, Inj *
Drops, Inj *
R55 – Rutavine Injury Drops, Inj *
R26 – Remisin Draining &
Stimulating Drops * R56 – Oxysan Vermifuge Drops *
R27 – Renocalcin Renal Calculi R57 – Scorosan Pulmonary Tonic
Drops, Inj * Drops *
R28 – Secalen Hypermenorrhoea R58 – Vernadon Drops *
Drops * R59 – Vesiculine Obesity
R29 – Theridon Vertigo Drops * Drops, Inj *
R30 – Atomare-Beckeron R60 – Purhaemine Blood
Universal Ointment * Purifying Drops *
R31 – Contraemin Energizer Drops * R62 – Morbillin Measles
Drops *
R32 – Antihydrosin Hyperhydrosis
Drops * R63 – Endangitin Impaired
Circulation Drops, Inj *
R33 – Buforan Epilepsy Drops *
R64 – Nephralbin Albuminuria
R34 – Calcossin Recalcifying Drops *
Drops, Inj *
R66 – Arrythmin Cardiac
R35 – Chadontin Teething Drops * (Arrhythmia) Drops *
R36 – Choresan Nerve Drops * R67 – Kollapsin Circulatory
R37 – Colinteston Colic Drops, Inj * Collapse Drops *
R38 – Dextronex Lower Abdomen R68 – Herpezostin Shingles Drops *
Drops * R69 – Intercostalin Neuralgia
R39 – Sinistronex Lower (Intercostal) Drops *
Abdomen Drops * R70 – Prosopalgin Neuralgia
R40 – Diaglukon Diabetes Drops * Drops *
R41 – Fortivirone Neurasthenia R71 – Ischialgin Sciatica
Drops, Inj for Men * Drops, Inj *
R42 – Haemovenin Varicosis R72 – Pankropatin Pancreas
Drops, Inj * Drops *
R43 – Herbamine Asthma R73 – Spondarthrin Joint
Drops, Inj * Drops, Inj *
R44 – Hypotonol Heart R74 – Nocturnin Enuresis Drops *
(Circulation) Drops, Inj * R75 – Dolomensin
R45 – Laryngin Larynx Drops * Dysmenorrhoea Drops *
R46 – Manurheumin Rheumatism R76 – Broncho Asthma Forte
Drops, Inj * Drops *
R47 – Neuroglobin Hysteria Drops * R78 – Opthalmo Oral Opthalmic
R48 – Pulmosol Pulmonary Drops * Drops *
R49 – Rhinopulsan Sinusitis R79 – Crataegan Heart-Capsules *
Drops, Inj * R81 – Maldol Analgesic Drops *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

R82 – Mycox Anti-Fungal Drops/ Ran-Perindopril 4 Tablets PoM

Bio-82 * Ran-Ramipril Tablets PoM
R83 – Food Allergy Drops/Bio-83 * Rantral MR Tablets PoM
R84 – Inhalant-Allergy Drops/ Ranzol Powd for Injection PoM
Bio-84 * Rapamune Tablets PoM
R85 – High Blood Pressure Rapifen Injection PoM
Drops/Bio-85 *
Ravamil SR Tablets PoM
R86 – Hypoglycemia Drops/Bio-86 *
Rayzon Powd for Injection PoM
R87 – Anti-Bacterial Drops/Bio-87 *
Rebif 22 Injection, 44 Injection PoM
R88 – Anti-Viral Drops/Bio-88 *
Receptozine Tablets
R89 – Essential Fatty Acid Drops/
Recormon Injection PoM
Bio-89 *
Redilanz Tablets PoM
R90 – Stoma Tablets *
Redilev Tablets PoM
R91 – Sport-Drops/Bio-91 *
Redormin Tablets *
R92 – Digestive Enzyme
Formula/Bio-92 * Reduvit Plus Capsules
Refresh Eye Drops
R93 – Immune System Fortifier
Drops/Bio-93 * Refresh Tears Eye Drops,
Liquigel Eye Drops
R95 – Alfalfa Tonic * [3]
Rehidrat Powder
R96 – Pulsatilla Compositum
Nasal Spray * Relenza Blisters & Diskhaler PoM
R97 – Histaminum Compositum Relestat Eye Drops
Nasal Spray * Relief-Coff Syrup
R188 – Verrucea Warts Drops * [3] Relislim Tablets PoM
R191 – Tinnitus Drops * [3] Relpax Tablets PoM
Rabemed Tablets PoM Remeron Tablets PoM
Rabigam IM Injection PoM Remicaine Gel
Rabipor IM Injection PoM Remicaine IM Inj, Local Inj PoM
raloxifene Remicaine IV Injection PoM
Ramipril Hexal Tablets PoM Remicard Injection PoM
Ramiwin Capsules PoM Reminyl CR Capsules PoM
Rampil Capsules PoM remifentanil (fentanyl derivate)
Ramure Tablets PoM Remotiv Tablets *
Ranamp Injection PoM Renagel Tablets PoM
Ranceph Tablets, Suspension PoM Renezide Tablets PoM
Ranclav 375 Tabs, 625 Tabs, Renicard 50 Tablet PoM
1g Tabs, Susp, Forte Susp PoM Renitec Tablets PoM
Ranfen Tablets PoM Reopro Solution for Injection PoM
Ranflocs Capsules PoM Reparil Gel
Ranihexal Tablets PoM Repivate Cream PoM
Ranit Tablets PoM Replagal Conc Infus Solution PoM
Ranitidine 300 Biotech Tablets PoM Replens Gel
Ranmoxy Capsules, reproterol
Suspension PoM Requip Tablets, XL Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Rescue Cream * Rinex Diffucaps, Syrup,

Rescue Night Drops * Paed Syrup
Rescue Remedy Spray * Risnia Tablets PoM
Rescue Select Blues Tablets * Rispacor Tablets PoM
Rescue Select Panic Tablets * Risperdal Tabs, Oral Sol,
Rescue Select Stress Tablets * Quicklet Tabs, Inj PoM
Rescue Synergy Colourastro Risperidone Hexal Tablets PoM
Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs * Risperlet Tablets PoM
Rescuvolin Tablets, Powd for Inj Risponz Tablets PoM
Respitron Syrup * Ritalin Tablets, LA Caps PoM
Respitron Tablets * Rivotril Tablets, Drops, Injection PoM
Restin Capsules * R-Loc Injection PoM
Retacnyl Cream PoM Roaccutane Capsules PoM
Retin-A Cream, Gel PoM Robaxin Tablets, 750 Tablets
Retrovir Caps, Tabs, Syrup, Robinul Injection
IV Infusion PoM Rocaltrol Capsules PoM
Reuterina Acute Chewable Tablets Rocephin Injection PoM
Reuterina Daily Tablets Rociject Injection PoM
Reuterina Drops Rockhard Weekend Capsules *
Reuterina Femme Capsules Roferon-A Injection PoM
Reuterina Junior Chew Tablets Rosvator Tablets PoM
Revatio Tablets PoM Rotarix Liquid Oral Vaccine
Revellex Powder for Infusion PoM RotaTeq Solution
Reyataz Capsules PoM Rouvax Injection
Rheomacrodex IV Infusion Roxxibid Tablets PoM
Rhesugam IM Injection PoM Rozex Gel PoM
Rheugesic Dispers Tablets PoM RSR13 (efaproxiral) (for the use of
Rheugesic Gel artificially enhancing the uptake,
transport or delivery of oxygen)
Rhineton Tablets
Rumaflam Tablets *
Rhinigine Tablets
Rutra Tablets PoM
Rhinocort Aqueous Nasal Spray PoM
Rythmodan Capsules PoM
Rhinolast Nasal Spray
Rythmol Tablets PoM
rhodiola rosea *
Ribomustin Powd for Sol for Inf PoM
Ricovir Tablets PoM
Sabax Aminophylline IV Injection PoM
Ridaq Tablets PoM
Sabax Atropine Injection
Rifafour e-275 Tablets PoM
Sabax Calcium Chloride
Rifinah-300 Tabs, 150/75 Tabs PoM 10% Injection
Rilutek Tablets PoM Sabax Cimetidine Injection PoM
Rimactane Infusion PoM Sabax Ciprofloxacin IV Infus PoM
Rimactazid Paed 60/60 Tablets PoM Sabax Dianeal Periton Dialysis
rimiterol Solutions
Rinelon Aqua Nasal Spray PoM Sabax Fosenema

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Sabax Furosemide Injection PoM Sandoz Ethambutol HCl Tablets PoM

Sabax Haemocarb & Sabax Liq Sandoz Flucloxacillin Capsules PoM
Bicarbonate Haemodialysis Conc Sandoz Flunitrazepam Tablets PoM
Sabax Magnesium Sulphate Sandoz Fluoxetine Capsules PoM
Sandoz Furosemide Tablets PoM
Sabax-Metoclopramide Injection PoM
Sandoz Gentamicin Injection PoM
Sabax Metronidazole IV Infusion PoM
Sandoz Glibenclamide Tablets PoM
Sabax Potassium Chloride
Sandoz Gliclazide Tablets PoM
15% Injection
Sandoz Granisetron Sol for
Sabril Tablets PoM
Injection PoM
SAB-Saline Irrigation Solution
Sandoz Haloperidol Tablets PoM
Safyr Bleu Drops
Sandoz Hydralazine HCl Tablets PoM
Salazopyrin Tablets, EN Tablets PoM
Sandoz Ibuprofen Tablets PoM
salbutamol (albuterol) [1]
Sandoz Indapamide Tablets PoM
salmeterol [1]
Sandoz Irinotecan Solution for
Salofalk Granules PoM
Infusion PoM
Salv Ointment
Sandoz Isosorbide Dinitrate Tabs,
Sandimmun Inj, Neoral Caps, SL Tabs PoM
Neoral Drink Sol PoM
Sandoz K-600 Tablets
Sandomigran Tablets
Sandoz Ketoconazole Tablets PoM
Sandostatin Inj, LAR Inj PoM
Sandoz Lamotrigine Tablets PoM
Sandoz Alendronate Tablets PoM
Sandoz Levofloxacin Tablets PoM
Sandoz Allopurinol Tablets PoM
Sandoz Mebeverine HCl Tablets
Sandoz Amitriptyline HCl
Tablets PoM Sandoz Metformin HCl Tablets PoM
Sandoz Atenolol Tablets PoM [4] Sandoz Methyldopa Tablets PoM
Sandoz Azithromycin Tablets PoM Sandoz Mirtazapine Tablets PoM
Sandoz Bezafibrate Tablets PoM Sandoz Omeprazole Capsules PoM
Sandoz Bicalutamide Tablets PoM Sandoz Paclitaxel Sol for Infusion PoM
Sandoz Bromazepam Tablets PoM Sandoz Pravastatin Tablets PoM
Sandoz Ca-C Effervescent Tablets Sandoz Pyrazinamide Tablets PoM
Sandoz Calcium Optim+ Eff Tablets Sandoz Spironolactone Tablets PoM
Sandoz Calcium Forte Eff Tablets Sandoz Sulpiride Capsules PoM
Sandoz Carbamazepine CR Sandoz Theophylline Anhydrous
Tablets PoM SR Tablets
Sandoz Cefpodoxime Tablets, Sandoz Topiramate Tablets PoM
Susp PoM Sandoz Venlafaxine XL Capsules PoM
Sandoz Ceftriaxone Injection PoM Sandoz Zopiclone Tablets PoM
Sandoz Cefuroxime Tablets PoM SARMs (selective androgen
Sandoz Cinnarizine Capsules receptor modulators)
Sandoz Co-Amoxyclav Susp, Sartoc Tablets
Forte Susp, Tabs, saw palmetto *
BD Susp, Inj PoM Saw Palmetto & Nettle Root
Sandoz Diclofenac Sodium Tablets *
Simple Regimen Tabs PoM SBR Lipocream

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

SBR Repair Sertra Tablets PoM

Scarscience Scar Management Sertraline-Winthrop Tablets PoM
Programme * Servatrin Tablets PoM
Sceletium 100 Capsules * Sibelium Capsules, Tablets
Sceletium Tortuosum Tablets * Siberian Ginseng Tablets (NRF) *
Scheriproct Ointment, Supps PoM [2] sibutramine
Schizorol Tablets PoM
sida cordifolia (herbal ephedrine) *
Scopex Co Tablets PoM
Sidroga Herbal Tea for
Scopex Tablets, Injection, Syrup Breastfeeding Mothers *
Scorbex Tablets Silbecor Cream (PoM)
Scripto-Metic Tablets PoM Silicea Colourastro Biochemic
Secadine Tablets PoM Tissue Salts Tabs *
Sectral Capsules, Tablets PoM [4] Silodyx Hard Gel Capsules PoM
Secura Barrier Cream * Similasan Allergy Eye Relief
Secura No-sting Barrier Film * Drops *
Sedabarb Tablets PoM Similasan Children’s Earache
Relief Drops *
Sedatif PC Tablets *
Similasan Computer Eye Relief
selective androgen receptor
Drops *
modulators (SARMs)
Similasan Dry Red Eye Relief
selective estrogen receptor
Drops *
modulators (SERMs)
Similasan Earache Relief Drops *
Similasan Ear Wax Relief Drops *
Selenivite Tablets *
Similasan Hay Fever Relief
Senokot Tablets *
Nasal Spray *
Sensipar Tablets PoM
Similasan Insect Bites Roll-on *
Septadine Antiseptic Ointment
Similasan Pink Eye Relief Drops *
Septadine Oral Antiseptic Liquid
Similasan Sinus Relief Nasal
Septogard Syrup * Spray *
Septogard Tablets * Similasan Sore Throat Relief Spray *
Serc Tablets PoM Simply Aloe Bitter Crystals *
Serdep 50 Tablets PoM Simply Aloe Health Drink *
Sereflo HFA Inhaler PoM Simply Aloe Regenerating Gel *
Serenace Tablets, Capsules, Inj PoM Simponi Solution for Injection PoM
Serepax Tablets, Forte Tablets PoM Simulect Injection PoM
Seretide Accuhaler, Inhaler PoM [1] Simvacor Tablets PoM
Serevent Accuhaler, Inh [1] Simvotin Tablets PoM
Serez Tablets PoM Sinemet 25/250 Tabs,
Serlife Tablets PoM 25/100 Tabs, CR Tabs PoM
sermorelin (GHRH analogue) Sinugrain Tablets *
SERMs (selective estrogen Singulair Film-coated Tabs, Chew
receptor modulators) Tabs, Sprinkles PoM
Seroquel Tablets, XR Tabs PoM Sinopren Tablets PoM
Serrapress Tablets PoM Sintair Chew Tablets, Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Sintrine Chew Tablets, Solian Tablets PoM

Film-coated Tablets PoM Solmucol Granules, Lozenges
Sinuclear Capsules Solphyllex Syrup
Sinuclear Paediatric Syrup [6] Solphyllin Syrup
Sinucon Tablets Solu-Cortef IV Injection PoM [2]
Sinuend Tablets Solu-Medrol Injection IV PoM [2]
Sinu-Flu Tablets Soluvit Novum IV Infusion PoM
Sinugesic Tablets somatomedins (IGF-1 analogue)
Sinugraine Tablets * somatorelin (GHRF)
Sinumax Allergy Nasal Spray somatropin (somatotrophin)
Sinumax Allergy Sinus Caplet, Somnil Tablets
Paed Liq [6]
Sonke-Abacavir Tablets PoM
Sinumax Cold & Flu Caplet [6]
Sonke-Abaclamizid Tablets PoM
Sinumax Tablets, Paediatric
Sonke-Didanosine Tablets PoM
Syrup [6]
Sonke-Efavirenz Capsules,
Sinumax with Codeine Tablets [6]
Tablets PoM
Sinu-Med Tablets, Syrup PoM [6]
Sonke-LamiNevStav Tablets PoM
Sinupret Syrup * [3]
Sonke-Lamivudine Tablets PoM
Sinus Relief Spray *
Sonke-Lamivudine + Zidovudine
Sinustat Capsules Tabs PoM
Sinustat Flu Capsules Sonke-Nevirapine Tablets PoM
Sinustat Flu Syrup Sonke-Stavudine Tablets PoM
Sinutab 3-Way Tablets [6] Sonke-Tenofovir 300 Tablets PoM
Sinutab Nasal Spray
Sonke-Zidovudine Tablets PoM
Sinutab Sinus Allergy Tablets,
Sore Throat Relief Spray *
Oral Solution
Sosenol Injection PoM
Sinutab Sinus Allergy Congestion
& Pain Tabs [6] sotalol [4]
Sinutab Sinus Pain Extra Sotohexal Tablets PoM [4]
Strength Tablets [6] Sovenor Transdermal Patch PoM
Sizonorm Tablets PoM Spascupreel Tablets, Inj, Supps *
Skabi-Rid Lotion Spasmend Tablets
SkinCalm Cream Spasmo-Canulase Bitabs
Skinoren Acne Cream, Acne Gel Spasmogel Suspension
Skin Scripts MSM Rub * Spatone Sachets
Sleepchoice Capsules * Spec Bicalutamide 50 Tablets PoM
Sleepeze-PM Tablets Spec-Budesonide Aqueous
Slow-K 600 Tablets Nasal Spray PoM
Slow Mag Capsules, Effervescent Spec Levofloxacin IV Infus PoM
Tablets Spec-Losartan Tablets PoM
Slow Mag Tablets Spec-Nifedipine SR Tablets PoM
Soflax Tablets * Spec-Oxytocin Injection PoM
Sofradex Drops PoM Spec-Perindopril Tablets PoM
Sojourn Liquid PoM Spec-Perindopril Plus Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Spec-Teicoplanin Sol for Injection PoM Strattera Capsules PoM

Spec-Topistin IV Infus PoM Strepsils Coolmint Lozenges
Spectrapain Forte Tablets PoM Strepsils Eucalyptus Menthol
Spersadex Drops PoM Lozenges
Spersadex Comp Drops PoM Strepsils Intensive Lozenges
Spersallerg Drops Strepsils Orange with Vit C
Spersatear Drops Lozenges
“spice” (cannabimetic) Strepsils Original, Soothing
Honey & Lemon Lozenges
Spiractin Tablets PoM
Strepsils Plus Lozenges
Spiriva Inhal Caps, Respimat
Sol for Inhal PoM Streptase Injection PoM
spironolactone Stresam Capsules PoM
Sporanox Capsules, Oral Stress-Away Syrup *
Solution PoM Stress-Away Tablets *
Spregal Aerosol Stressvite Tablets *
Sprycel Tablets PoM strychnine
SRM-Rhotard Tablets PoM Stugeron Tablets
Stalevo 50/12,5 Tabs, 100/25 Sublimaze Injection PoM
Tabs, 150/37,5 Tabs PoM Suboxone Sublingual Tablets PoM
Stamaril Injection Subutex Sublingual Tablets PoM
stanozolol succinylated gelatin
Staminogro Tablets Sudafed Sinus Pain Tablets [6]
Starlix Tablets PoM Sufenta Injection, Forte Injection PoM
Stat10Choice Soft Gel Capsules * sufentanil (fentanyl derivate)
Stelara Solution for Injection PoM Sulphonur Tablets PoM
Stelazine Tablets PoM Suncodin Tablets
Stemetil Tablets, Injection, Supps PoM Supachews Tablets
stenbolone Supahealth Elixir *
Sterimar Solution Supahealth Junior Elixir Orange
Steromien Syrup PoM [2] Flavour *
Stiemycin Solution PoM Supiroban Ointment
Stilnox Tablets, MR Tablets PoM Suplasyn Injection PoM
Stilpane Capsules PoM Suprane Liquid PoM
Stilpane Syrup Suprefact Implant PoM [5]
Stilpane Tablets PoM Suramin Powd for Injection PoM
Stocrin Tablets PoM Survanta Liquid
Stodal Syrup * Sutent Capsules PoM
Stop-Allerg Eye Drops Sutherlandia Tablets *
Stopayne Syrup Sutherlandia 350 Tablets *
Stopayne Tablets, Capsules PoM Suxamethonium Chloride-
Stopitch Cream Fresenius Inj PoM
Storwin Tablets PoM Symbicord Turbuhaler PoM [1]
Stradexa Tablets PoM Symmetrel Capsules PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Synacthen Depot Injection PoM Tegretol Tablets, CR Tablets,

Synagis Injection PoM Susp PoM
Synalar Cream, Ointment, Telament Paediatric Drops
Gel PoM Telament Paediatric Gripe Water *
Synalar-C Cream, Ointment PoM Telfast Tablets, 180 Tabs,
Synalar-N Cream, Ointment PoM Suspension
Synaleve Capsules PoM Tellerge 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets
Synap Forte Tablets PoM Telzir Tablets PoM
Syndol Tablets Temgesic Injection, Sublingual
Synflex Tablets (PoM) Tablets PoM
Synflorix Susp for Injection Temintas Capsules PoM
Syntocinon Injection PoM Temodal Capsules PoM
Syntometrine Injection PoM tenamfetamine
Synvisc Injection PoM (methylenedioxyamphetamine,
Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye MDA)
Drops Tenarenz Tablets PoM
Ten-Bloka Tablets PoM [4]
T Tenchlor Tablets, -HS Tablets PoM
Tafloc Tablets PoM Tencitab Tablets PoM
Tambocor Tablets, Injection, Tenemine Tablets PoM
CR Capsules PoM Tenofovir Winthrop Tablets PoM
Tamiflu Capsules, Oral Tenopress Tablets PoM [4]
Suspension PoM Tenoret-50 Tabs PoM
Tenoretic Tablets PoM
Tamoplex Tablets PoM
Tenormin Tablets PoM [4]
Tamoxihexal Tablets PoM
Tensodol Tablets
Tamsul SR Capsules PoM
Tensolve Tablets
Tarceva Tablets PoM
Tensopyn Paed Syrup
Tareg Tablets PoM
Tensopyn Tablets, Eff Tablets
Targocid Injection PoM
Tenston SA Tablets, SA Capsules PoM
Tarivid Tablets, Infusion Solution PoM
Tenston Syrup
Tarka Bi-Layered Tablets PoM
Tenuate Dospan Tablets PoM
Tasigna Capsules PoM
Terbane Cream
Tavaloxx Tablets PoM
Terbane Tablets PoM
Tavanic Tablets, Infusion PoM
Terbicil Cream
Taxol Injection PoM
Taxotere Infusion PoM Terbicil Tablets PoM
Taziject Injection PoM terbutaline
Tazobax Injection PoM Terivalidin Capsules PoM
Tazocin 4 EF Injection PoM Tertroxin Tablets PoM
Teargel Liquid Gel tesamorelin (GHRH analogue)
Tears Naturale II Solution testis extracts *
Tears Naturale Preservative testolactone
Free Liquid testosterone

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

1-testosterone (17β-hydroxy- Tibb-Completone Tablets *

5α-androst-1-en-3-one) Tibb Flu-Relief Capsules *
Tetagam IM Injection PoM Tibb Flu-Relief Syrup *
Tetavax Injection Tibb-Immunocare Capsules *
Tetmosol Soap Tibb-Renotone Tablets *
tetracosactide tibolone
∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Tienam 500 Infusion PoM
Tilazem CR Capsules PoM
tetrahydrogestrinone (THG;
timolol [4]
17-hydroxy-18 α-homo-19-nor-
17α-pregna-4,9,11-trien-3-one) Timoptol Solution, XE Gellan
Sol PoM [4]
1’H-pyrazolo[3,4:2,3]- Tinaderm Cream
5α-androstane (prostanozol) Tinset Tablets, Suspension
Tetralysal Capsules PoM Tisseel Kit PoM
Teva-Baclofen Tablets PoM Tixylix Linctus
Teva Carbi-Levo Tablets PoM Tobradex Susp, Oint PoM
Teva-Vinorelbine Conc Sol for Inf PoM Tobramycin Sulphate-Fresenius
Texa Allergy Tablets, Syrup Inj PoM
Texine Tablets PoM Tobrex Solution, Ointment PoM
Thaden Tablets, Capsules PoM Tofranil Tablets PoM
Thalidomide Celgene Capsules PoM tolvaptan (vaptan)
THC (∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol), tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia,
synthetic) long jack) *
Theophen Elixir Tonzil Liquid *
Theophen Comp Syrup Topalex Tablets PoM
Theoplus Tablets Topamax Tablets PoM
THG (tetrahydrogestrinone) Topirol Tablets PoM
thiazides Topla Cream
Thinz Alcachofra Tablets * Toplep Tablets PoM
Throflam Oral Rinse Topraflux IV Injection PoM
Throflam Co Oral Rinse Topraz Chew Tablets, Film-coat
Thrombophob Gel Tablets PoM
Thromboreductin Capsules PoM Topzole Tablets PoM
Throsyn Tablets PoM Topzole OTC Tablets
Thymoglobuline IV Infusion PoM Tora-Dol Injection, Tablets PoM
Threshold Real MSM Tablets * torasemide
Thyreoidea Compositum Injection * toremifene
Thyrogen Powd for Sol for Inj PoM Torisel Sol for Inj PoM
Thyrovite Tablets * Toxogonin Injection PoM
Tibb-Antiflam Tablets * Tracrium IV Injection PoM
Tibb-Arnica Oil * Tractocile Sol for Inj, Sol for Inf PoM
Tibb Blackseed Capsules * Traditional Fibre Powder *
Tibb Blackseed Rub * Tramacet Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

TramaHexal Caps, SR Tabs, Inj PoM Trisporal Capsules PoM

Tramal Injection, Caps, SR Tabs PoM Tritace Tablets, Capsules PoM
Tramaspen Injection, Capsules PoM Tritace Plus Tablets PoM
Tramazac Capsules, Injection PoM Trivenz Tablets PoM
Tramazac Co Tablets PoM Trizivar Tablets PoM
Tramgesic Flashtabs PoM Tropivent Nebuliser Solution
Trandate Injection PoM [4] Trozolt Tablets PoM
Tranic Tablets PoM Trusopt Solution PoM
Tranqipam Tablets PoM Trustan Mups Tablets PoM
Transact LAT Patch Truvada Tablets PoM
Tranxene Capsules PoM Truvalin Tablets PoM
Traumeel S Drops * [3] tuaminoheptane
Traumeel S Injection, Tablets * Tuberculin PPD RT/23 Injection
Traumeel S Ointment, Gel * tulobuterol
Travatan Solution PoM turkesterone *
Travocort Cream PoM Tussitot Syrup
Tredaptive Tablets PoM Twinrix Injection PoM
trenbolone (17b-hydroxyestr- Twynsta Tablets PoM
4,9,11-trien-3-one) Tydamine Tablets, Capsules PoM
Trepiline Tablets PoM Tygacil Powder for Infusion PoM
tretoquinol Tykerb Tablets PoM
triamcinolone [2] Tylenol PM Tablets
triamterene Typhim Vi Sol for Injection
Triazine Tablets, Syrup, Supps Tyricten Tablets PoM
Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine, Tysabri Conc for Infusion PoM
burra gokhru) *
Tribuss Tablets PoM
Trichazole Tablets PoM
Ulsanic Tablets, Eff Tabs, Susp
Tricilest Tablets PoM
Ultak Tablets PoM
Trifen Expect Adult Solution,
Ultane Liquid PoM
Paed Sol [6]
Ultimag Effervescent Tablets
Trileptal Divitablets PoM
Ultimag Tablets
TrimegaTM Capsules *
Ultimate A-Z Nutrition Tablets *
Ultimate Brain Fuel Tablets *
Trimovax Injection
Ultimate Immune Booster Tablets *
Trinovum Tablets PoM
Ultimate Nutrition for Bright
Triodene ED Tablets PoM Sparks Chew Tabs *
Triphasil Tablets PoM Ultimate Omegas Capsules *
Triplavar Tablets PoM Ultimate Omegas for Bright
Tri-Plen Tablets, Forte Tablets PoM Sparks Caps *
Triptam Tablets PoM Ultipot SR Tablets
triptorelin [5] Ultiva Injection PoM
Trisequens Tablets PoM Ultracal Plus Tablets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Ultracet Tablets PoM Vari-Econazole Nitrate Vaginal

Ultragard Forte Combo * Cream
Ultreon Tablets PoM Varilrix Injection
Unat Tablets PoM vascular-endothelial growth factor
Ung Vernleigh Ointment (VEGF)
Uniphyl CR Tablets Vasomil Tablets PoM
Universal Earache Drops vasopressin V2 antagonists
Universal Eye Drops (vaptans)
Universal Nasal Drops Vastor Tablets PoM
Uralyt-U Granules Vaticol XL Tablets PoM
Urbanol Tablets, Capsules PoM Vativio 100 Capsules PoM
Uri-Alk Effervescent Tablets Vavirex Tablets PoM
Uricon Tablets Vaxigrip Injection
Urirex-K Tablets PoM Vazigam IM Injection PoM
Urispas Tablets Vectoryl Tablets PoM
Uritron Tablets *
Vectoryl Plus Tablets PoM
Urizone Granules PoM
Vediblok Tablets PoM [4]
Uromax Capsules PoM
VEGF (vascular-endothelial
Uromitexan Injection PoM
growth factor)
Ursofalk Capsules PoM
Velcade Powd for Sol for Inj PoM
Ursotan Tablets PoM
Veltex CR Capsules (PoM)
urtica dioica (nettle root) *
Venlafaxine Unicorn XR
Utin-400 Tablets PoM
Capsules PoM
Utrogestan Capsules PoM
Venlafaxine XR Adco Capsules PoM
Venlor XR Capsules PoM
Venofer Injection PoM
Vagarsol Gel PoM
Venteze CFC Free Inhaler [1]
Vagifem Vaginal Tablets
Venteze Respirator Solution PoM [1]
Vagiforte® Plus
Venteze Syrup, Tablets
Vagiforte® Plus Combo
Ventolin Inh, Accuhaler [1]
Valant Tablets PoM
Ventolin Injection, Infusion PoM
Valcyte 450 Tablets PoM
Ventolin Resp Sol, Nebules PoM [1]
Valdoxane Tablets PoM
Valium Tablets, Injection PoM Ventolin Syrup
Vallergan Forte Syrup PoM Verahexal SR Tablets PoM
Valoid Tablets, Syrup, Paed Vercef Suspension, MR Tablets PoM
Supps, Adult Supps Vermox Tablets, Susp, 500
Valoron Drops PoM Tablets, SD Susp
Valsartan Unicorn Tablets PoM Verorab Injection
Vanapro CR Tablets PoM Vertigoheel Drops * [3]
Vancocin Injection PoM Vertigoheel Tabl, Injection *
Vannair Inhaler PoM [1] Vesanoid-Roche Capsules PoM
vaptans (vasopressin V2 Vesicare Tablets PoM
antagonists) VFend IV Solution, Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Viagra Tablets PoM Vital Allergy Ease Capsules *

Vibrocil Drops, Nasal Spray, Vital Arthrit Ease Capsules *
Gel PoM Vital Bio Fibre Sachets *
Vibrocil-S Solution, Gel Vital Blood Pressure Capsules *
Viburcol Suppositories *
Vital Calcium Complex Tablets *
Victoza Solution for Injection PoM
Vital Cholesterol Ease Capsules *
Vi-Daylin Drops, Syrup
Vital Cod Liver Oil Capsules
Vi-Daylin Plus Iron Drops
Vital Co-Enzyme Capsules *
Vi-Daylin with Minerals Syrup
Vital Cranberry Complex
Vidaza Injection PoM Capsules *
Videx EC Capsules PoM Vita Lemon Food Supplement
Vidol Gripe Water * with Vit C and Ginseng *
Vidol Teething Powders Vital Enduramax Capsules *
Vigamox Solution PoM Vital Eye Boost Capsules *
Vimovo Tablets PoM Vital Fat Burner Capsules *
Vinblastine PCH Injection PoM Vital Flaxseed Oil Capsules *
Vinceel Mouth & Throat Spray * Vital Ginkgo Biloba Capsules *
Vinorel Injection PoM Vital Gold Capsules *
Vinorelbine “Ebewe” Conc Sol for Vital Hair, Skin & Nails Capsules *
Inf PoM
Vital Herbal Elixir *
Vinorelbine Pierre Fabre
Vital IQ Boost Capsules *
Injection PoM
Vital Liver Rescue Tablets *
ViralChoice Capsules *
Vital Maxi B Capsules
ViralChoice C Capsules *
Vital Maxi C Capsules *
ViralChoice Cough Syrup *
Vital Menopause Capsules *
ViralChoice Effervescent Tablets *
Vital Omega 3 Concentrate
ViralChoice Junior Liquid *
Capsules *
ViralChoice Junior Multivitamin
Vital Omega 3, 6, 9 Concentrate
Chew Tablets *
Capsules *
ViralChoice Vegetabs *
Vital Prostate Gland Capsules *
Viramune Tablets, Suspension PoM Vital Spasticol Ease Tablets *
Viread Tablets PoM Vital Viral Boost Capsules *
Viref Tablets PoM Vital Vitacharge Capsules *
Viropon Tablets, Suspension PoM Vital Vitacharge Multiboost Syrup *
Vitrium Tablets PoM Vital Vita-Slim Capsules *
Visanne Tablets PoM Vitamag Forte Tablets
Viscoat Viscoelastic Injection PoM Vitamin E Oil (Brunel)
Visionvite Tablets * Vita Royal Food Supplement with
Visudyne Injection PoM Royal Jelly *
Vita C 2000 Effervescent Powder * Vita-Thion Capsules *
Vitachoice Capsules * Vita-Thion Effervescent Tablets *
Vita Chromag Tablets * Vita-Thion Sachets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Vita Zinc Tablets * Xanor Tablets, SR Tablets PoM

Vit E Cream (Brunel) Xarelto Tablets PoM
Vivaxim Injection Xatral XL Tablets PoM
Vividrin Nasal Spray Xefo Injection, Tablets, Rapid
Voltaren Acti-Go Tablets, Tablets PoM
Soft Gel Capsules Xeloda Tablets PoM
Voltaren Drops, Injection, Supps PoM Xenical Capsules PoM
Voltaren Emulgel xenon (HIF activator)
Voltaren Ophtha Eye Drops, Xenovate Ointment, Cream PoM
Single Dose Unit Xeplion PR Susp for IM Injection PoM
Voltaren Tablets, 75 Tablets, XET Tablets PoM
SR Tablets (PoM) xipamide
Volulyte Infusion PoM X-Prep Liquid *
Voluven Infusion PoM Xycam Capsules, Dispers
Vomeeze Syrup * Tablets PoM
Vomidon Tablets, Suspension Xylocaine Pump Spray (topical)
Vomifene Tablets Xylotox E80A Injection Solution PoM
Vomiz Tablets, Injection PoM Xylotox L Injection Solution PoM
Vusor Tablets PoM Xylotox SE Plain Injection PoM
Xyzal Tablets, Oral Solution
Warbugia Tablets * Y
Wartec Solution Yasmin Tablets PoM
Wart Magic Liquid Yaz Tablets PoM
Waxsol Drops Yeast Defence Essentials
Capsules *
Wellbutrin SR Tabs, XL Extend
Rel Tabs PoM Yelate Capsules PoM
yohimbe *
Wellvone Suspension PoM
Yomax Capsules PoM
Wizz Kidz Gummyz *
Yomesan Tablets
Womenschoice Cranberry Max
Tablets * Yondelis Solution for Infusion PoM
Womenschoice Intimacy
Capsules * Z
Woodward’s Celebrated Gripe Zaditen Eye Drops
Water * Zaditen Tablets, SRO Tablets
Woodward’s Paracetamol Syrup Zaneril Tablets PoM
Wormgo Tablets Zanidip Tablets PoM
Wormstop Suspention, Tablets, Zantac 75 Tablets, Effervescent
500mg Tablets 75 Tablets
Zantac Tablets, Eff Tablets,
X Syrup, Inj PoM
Xalacom Eye Drops PoM [4] Zaprine Tablets PoM
Xalatan Eye Drops PoM Zapto Tablets PoM
Xamiol Gel PoM Zapto-Co Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

Zarontin Syrup PoM Zofran Tablets, Inj, Zydis

Zartan Co Tablets PoM Dispers Tabs PoM
Zartan Tablets PoM Zoladex Injection PoM
Zavedos Injection PoM Zolid Tablets PoM
Z-Dorm Tablets PoM Zolnoxs Tablets PoM
Zeel Injection *
Zoloft Capsules PoM
Zeel Ointment, Tablets *
ZolpiHexal Tablets PoM
Zeemide Tablet PoM
Zomabon Conc Sol for Inf PoM
Zefin Tablets PoM
Zefkol Powd for Injection PoM Zomedron Powd for Sol for Inf PoM
Zefroxe Tablets PoM Zometa Conc Sol for Infusion PoM
Zefurime Tablets PoM Zomevek Tablets PoM
Zelitrex Tablets PoM Zomig Tablets, Rapimelt Tablets PoM
Zelivire Tablets PoM Zopax Tablets PoM
Zentel Tablets, Suspension PoM Zopigen Tablets PoM
Zopivane Tablets PoM
Zeptol 200 Tablets PoM
Zostavax Injection PoM
Zestoretic Tablets PoM
Zovirax Cream PoM
Zestril Tablets PoM
Zetop Syrup, Tablets Zovirax Inf, Dispers Tabs, Susp PoM
Ziabeta Tablets PoM Zovirax Ophthalmic Ointment PoM
ZiagenTablets, Oral Solution PoM Zoxadon Tablets PoM
Ziak Tablets PoM Zoxil Capsules, Suspension PoM
Ziapro Tablets PoM [4] Zuvamor Tablets PoM
Zidomat Tablets PoM Zybact Tablets PoM
Zyban Tablets PoM
Zinacef Injection PoM
Zydus Escitalopram Tablets PoM
Zineryt Topical Lotion PoM
Zydus-Fluoxetine Capsules PoM
Zinmag Sport Caplets
Zinnat Tablets, Suspension Zydus-Meloxicam Tablets PoM
Zinoxime Tablets PoM Zylin Tablets PoM
Zinplex Forte Tablets Zyloprim Tablets PoM
Zinplex Junior Syrup Zymafluor Tablets, Drops
Zinplex Tablets Zymar Eye Drops PoM
Zinplex Triple Tablets Zyncet Tablets PoM
Zithrogen Tablets PoM Zyprexa Tablets, Velotabs,
Zithromax Tabs, Susp, PR Injection PoM
Granules for Susp, Inf PoM
Zyrtec Tablets, Drops, Solution
Zitolex Tablets PoM
Zobone Powd for Sol for Inf PoM Zysim Tablets PoM
Zocor Tablets PoM Zytomil Tablets PoM
Zofer Tablets, Rapitabs, Zyvoxid Tablets, Infusion,
Injections PoM Suspension PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
A-Z Medicines/Supplements Index

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index


(Therapeutic classification of medicines
according to illness or injury, including
nutritional supplements)

This index lists prohibited or permitted

medical prescription medicines, over-the-
counter medicines and complementary
medicines/supplements – arranged
according to therapeutic classes
(eg analgesics/painkillers) into which
they fall. (Please note that a particular
drug/supplement can fall into more
than one therapeutic class.)

The Therapeutic Classes Index is colour-coded and marked

up for ease of reference. Please refer to the Explanatory
Information alongside, as well as to the Notes [1-9] on
Page 154 – which describe this index. If in any doubt over a
drug or substance you may be taking or are considering taking
before or during a competitive sports event, please refer to
the South African Institute for Drug Free Sport (SAIDS) at

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Explanatory Information also see Page 154

Code Interpretation
Green Permitted drugs
Prohibited drugs IN and OUT of COMPETITION
(prohibited at all times)
Generic names of prohibited substances: IN and
Red italics
Prohibited drugs IN COMPETITION only
Red underlined
(only during specified competition periods)
Red italics Generic names of prohibited substances:
underlined IN COMPETITION only
Blue Prohibited drugs IN PARTICULAR SPORTS
Generic names of prohibited substances:
Blue italics
[1] – [9] Notes – see page 154
green * / red * / Asterisk (*) indicates a preparation with alternative
red */ blue * ingredients or supplements. Some of these alternative
and substances and/or supplements might cause problems.
green * / red * / If no descriptive information is available, it is recommended
red */ blue * to athletes and their entourage not to take such products.

Aer Aerosol IM inj Intramuscular injection
Aq Aqueous IS inj Intrasynovial injection (local)
Caps Capsules IV inj Intravenous injection
Cr Cream Liq Liquid
Conc Concentrate Oint Ointment
DoU Declaration of Use Ophth Ophthalmic
DP Dry powder capsules OTC Over-the-counter
Caps for inhalation
Emuls Emulsion Paed Paediatric
Inf Infusion PoM Prescription-only medicine
Inh Inhaler (PoM) OTC or PoM for certain
Inhal Inhalation Sol Solution
Inj Injection Supps Suppositories
IA inj Intra-articular injection Susp Suspension
IB inj Intrabursal injection Syr Syrup
ID inj Intradermal injection Tabs Tablets
IL inj Intralesion injection TUE Therapeutic Use Exemption

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

TUE Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or

(Therapeutic conditions that require them to take particular
Use Exemption) medications.
If the medication an athlete is required to take to
treat an illness or condition happens to fall under the
Prohibited List, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)
may give that athlete the authorisation to take the
needed medicine.
The purpose of the International Standard for
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE) is to ensure that
the process of granting TUEs is harmonised across
sports and countries.
For further information, go to the WADA website:
To support the decisions of TUEs regarding the use of
intravenous infusions, attention is drawn to the fact
that medical information is provided on the WADA
website: https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Acid reducers (see Antacids) Allergic disorders (see

Acnetane Capsules PoM agents & effects; Skin agents:
Adco-Fem 35 Tablets PoM bites & stings)
Androcur 10mg Tablets PoM
Androcur 50mg Tabs, 100mg Aricept Tablets PoM
Tabs, Depot Inj PoM
Ariknow Tablets PoM
Apex-Isotretinoin Capsules PoM
Donecept Tablets PoM
Benzac-AC 5 Gel, Wash
Ebixa Tablets PoM
Brevoxyl Cream
Exelon Capsules PoM
Clindoxyl Gel PoM
Reminyl CR Capsules PoM
Cyclidox Capsules PoM
Cyclimycin Capsules PoM AMINO-ACIDS
Dalacin-C Capsules, Inj PoM Dipeptiven Conc Sol for Infusion
Dalacin-T Solution, Lotion PoM
Deriva Gel PoM
(see Haematinics/anaemia)
Diane-35 Tablets PoM
Differin Gel, Cream PoM ANAESTHETICS
Doxycyl Capsules PoM B Braun Etomidate Emulsion
Ginette Tablets PoM for Inj PoM
Haemoclear Tablets * B Braun Propofol 1% Injection PoM
Ilotycin A Cream, Gel PoM Diprivan 1% Injection, 1%
Infusion, 2% Inf PoM
Ilotycin TS Solution PoM
Isotrex Gel PoM Ethrane Liquid PoM
Minerva Tablets PoM Fentanyl-Fresenius Injection PoM
Minotabs Tablets PoM Forane Liquid PoM
R53 - Comedonin Acne Drops * Fresenius Propoven 1%
Emuls for Inj PoM
Retin-A Cream, Gel PoM
Halothane Liquid – M&B PoM
Roaccutane Capsules PoM
Hypnomidate Injection PoM
Roxy Capsules PoM
Isofor Liquid PoM
Skinoren Acne Cream, Acne Gel
Stiemycin Solution PoM Ketamine HCl-Fresenius
Injection PoM
Tetralysal Capsules PoM
Pharma-Q Fentanyl Injection PoM
Tricilest Tablets PoM
Pharma-Q Sufentanil Inj,
Triphasil Tablets PoM
Forte Inj PoM
Zineryt Topical Lotion PoM
Precedex Conc Sol for Infusion PoM
Zinplex Tablets
Propofol-Fresenius 1% Inj,
ZinplexTriple Tablets 2% Inj PoM
ALCOHOLISM Provive 1% Emul for Injection PoM
Antabuse Dispergettes PoM Rapifen Injection PoM
Besobrial Tablets PoM Sojourn Liquid PoM
DPN Powd for Infusion Sublimaze Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Sufenta Injection, Forte Adco-Salterpyn Syrup

Injection PoM Adco-Salterpyn Tablets PoM
Suprane Liquid PoM Adco Tenyl Transdermal
Ultane Liquid PoM Therapeutic System PoM
Ultiva Injection PoM Advil Liqui-gels Capsules
Anadin Tablets, Extra Strength
Adco-Amethocaine Cream
Antipyn Forte Tablets PoM
Adco-Ethyl Chloride Spray
Austell-Paracetamol Tablets
Anethaine Cream
Austell-Tramadol Capsules PoM
Carbocaine L 2% Dental
Injection PoM Ban Pain Syrup
Carbocaine 3% Dental Injection PoM Ban Pain Tablets PoM
Cathejell with Lidocaine Gel Bayer Aspirin Tablets
Chirocane Injection PoM Bayer Aspirin Plus C Effervescent
Emla Cream, Patches Tablets
Lignocaine HCl B Braun 2% Bedoral Injection PoM
Injection PoM Besemax Tablets
Lignocaine HCl-Fresenius Local Betagesic Tablets
Injection PoM Betapyn Tablets
Macaine Injection, Spinal Inj PoM Calpol Syrup
Macaine Injection with Co-Codamol Effervescent Tablets
Adrenaline PoM Codoxol Tablets
Macaine Spinal Injection with
Compral Headache Tabs,
Dextrose PoM
Headache Powder
Naropin Injection, Infusion PoM
Cyclimorph Injection PoM
Pharma-Q Bupivacaine Injection PoM
Dentopain Capsules
Pharma-Q Bupivacaine Spinal Inj
Dentopain Forte Capsules PoM
with Dextrose PoM
DF 118 Tablets, Injection PoM
Remicaine Gel
Disprin Regular St Tabs, Extra St
Remicaine IM Inj, Local Inj PoM
Tabs, Melts
Topla Cream
Dolorol Forte Tablets
Xylocaine Pump Spray (topical)
Dolotram Injection, Capsules PoM
Xylotox SE Plain Injection PoM
Domadol Capsules, Injection PoM
Xylotox L Injection Solution PoM
Doxsyn Tablets
Xylotox E80A Injection Solution PoM
Durogesic Transdermal
Abflex-4 Tablets Ecotrin EC Tablets
Acurate Tablets Empacod Tablets
Adco-Dol Tablets Empaped Suppositories
Adco-Mefenamic Acid Equity Methadone Solution PoM
Suspension, Capsules PoM Fenamin Suspension, Tablets,
Adco-Napacod Tablets Capsules (PoM)
Adco-Napamol Tablets, Elixir Fendermal Transdermal
Adco-Prolief Tablets Therapeutic System PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Flora Force Feverfew Capsules * Painagon Syrup

Flora Force Guarana Capsules * Painagon Tablets PoM
Flora Force Pain Capsules * Painamol Syrup, Tablets
Gen-Payne Capsules PoM Painamol Plus Tablets
Go-Pain Syrup Painil 400 Tablets
Go-Pain P Syrup Panado Tabs, Eff Tabs, Caps,
Go-Pain Tablets PoM Inf Drops, Child Meltabs,
Paed Syr Sug & Alc Free,
Grand-Pa Headache Powders,
Syr, Paed Syr Strawberry
Paracetamol Fresenius Sol
Grand-Pa Paracetamol Tablets
for IV Inf PoM
Ibucod Tablets
Parafizz 500 Effervescent Tablets
Ibumol Suspension, Tablets
Paramed Tablets
Ibupain Capsules
Paraspen IV Sol for Infusion PoM
Ibupain Forte Capsules PoM
Pentazocine-Fresenius Injection PoM
Inflamoxin Tablets *
Perfalgan Sol for Inf, Paed Sol
Jurnista Extend Release Tablets PoM for Inf PoM
Lenadol Tablets Pethidine HCl-Fresenius
Lenafen Tablets Injection PoM
Lenapain Tablets Pharma-Q Morphine Injection PoM
Lennon-Codeine Phosphate Pharma-Q Pethidine Injection PoM
Tablets PoM Physeptone Linctus PoM
Lentogesic Syrup Ponac Suspension, Capsules,
Lo-Aspirin Tablets Forte Tablets (PoM)
Lotem Suspension Ponstan Caps, Susp, Paed
Morphine Sulphate-Fresenius Supps (PoM)
Injection PoM Ponstel Capsules, Suspension,
MST Continus Tablets PoM Forte Tablets (PoM)
Mybucod Tablets PoM Propain Tablets
Mybulen Tablets, Capsules, Pynclear Effervescent Tablets
Suspension PoM Pynmed Pain & Fever Syrup
Mypaid Capsules Pynstop Tablets
Mypaid Forte Tablets PoM R6 - Gripfektan Influenza Drops,
Myprodol Capsules, Tablets, Inj *
Suspension PoM R69 - Intercostalin Neuralgia
Nobligan Injection PoM (Intercostal) Drops *
Norflex Co Tablets R70 - Prosopalgin Neuralgia
Norton-Mefenamic Acid Drops *
Capsules, Tablets PoM R81 - Maldol Analgesic Drops *
Nurofen Plus Tablets Rayzon Powd for Injection PoM
Nurofen Tablets, Period Pain Sinugraine Tablets *
Tabs, Susp, Sugar Free Syrup Sosenol Injection PoM
Omnopon-Fresenius Injection PoM Sovenor Transdermal Patch PoM
Oxycontin PR Tablets PoM Spasmend Tablets
Oxynorm Capsules PoM Spectrapain Forte Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

SRM-Rhotard Tablets PoM Adco-Medigel Suspension

Stilpane Capsules PoM Altacite Tablets
Stilpane Syrup Alumag D Suspension
Stilpane Tablets PoM Amphojel Suspension
Stopayne Syrup Betaclomin Gel Suspension
Stopayne Tablets, Capsules PoM Co-Gel Suspension
Suboxone Sublingual Tablets PoM Deopens Tablets
Subutex Sublingual Tablets PoM Digestif Rennie Tablets
Suncodin Tablets ENO Active Fruit Salt
Synaleve Capsules PoM ENO Tums Assorted Flavours
Synap Forte Tablets PoM
Gaviscon Aniseed Suspension
Syndol Tablets
Gaviscon 250 Peppermint
Temgesic Injection, Sublingual Tablets
Tablets PoM
Gaviscon Peppermint Susp,
Tensodol Tablets Advance Aniseed Susp,
Tensopyn Paed Syrup Tensopyn Advance Peppermint Susp
Tensolve Tablets Gaviscon Plus Peppermint Susp,
Tablets, Effervescent Tablets Plus Tabs
Tenston Syrup Gaviscon Tablets
Tenston SA Tablets, Gelacid Suspension
SA Capsules PoM Gelacid Tablets
Tora-Dol Injection, Tablets PoM Gelumen Suspension
Tramacet Tablets PoM Gelusil Peppermint Tablets
TramaHexal Capsules, SR Gelusil-S Tablets
Tablets, Injection PoM Maalox Plus Tablets, Plus
Tramal Injection, Capsules, Suspension
Supp, SR Tablets, Drops PoM Maalox Tablets, Suspension
Tramaspen Injection, Mucaine Suspension, Tablets
Capsules PoM Muthi Wenyoni Antacid
Tramazac Capsules, Injection PoM Suspension *
Tramazac Co Tablets PoM Propan Gel-S Suspension
Spasmogel Suspension
Tramgesic Flashtabs PoM
Telament Paediatric Drops
Ultracet Tablets PoM
Telament Paediatric Gripe Water *
Valoron Drops PoM
Viburcol Suppositories * ANTHELMINTICS/
Woodward’s Paracetamol Syrup WORM INFESTATION
Xefo Injection, Tablets, Rapid Bendex-400 Tablets PoM
Tablets PoM Biltricide Tablets PoM
Bio-Logic Worm-Logic
Angina 1:5 Tincture Formula * [3]
(see Anti-anginal agents) Cipex Suspension, Tablets
INDIGESTION D-Worm Chew Tablets,
Adco-Mayogel Suspension SD Tablets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Flora Force Clove Capsules * Cardifen Capsules PoM

Flora Force Parasite & Worms Cipalat Retard Tablets PoM
Capsules * Concor Tablets PoM [4]
Flora Force Wormwood Capsules ** Coralan Tablets PoM
Padax Granules, Syrup Elantan Tablets, LA Capsules PoM
R56 - Oxysan Vermifuge Drops * Fedaloc SR Tablets PoM
Vermox Tablets, Susp, 500 Gitsalat CR Tablets PoM
Tablets, SD Susp
Hexa-Blok Tablets PoM [4]
Wormgo Tablets
Imdur CR Tablets PoM
Wormstop Suspension, Tablets,
500mg Tablets Inderal Tablets, LA
Capsules PoM [4]
Yomesan Tablets
Ismo 20 Tablets PoM
Zentel Tablets, Suspension PoM
Isoptin Tablets, SR Tablets PoM
Anti-allergy (see Anti- Isordil Tablets, SL Tablets,
histamines/anti-allergy agents Tembid SA Tablets PoM
& effects; Skin agents: bites Lopresor Tablets PoM [4]
& stings/allergy) Macorel SR Capsules PoM
ANTI-ALLERGY Monicor SR Tablets PoM
HOMEOPATHIC Nebilet Tablets PoM [4]
PREPARATIONS Nifedalat Capsules, SR Tablets PoM
Flora Force Allergo Capsules * Nitrocine IV Solution PoM
Vital Allergy Ease Capsules * Nitrolingual Spray PoM
Norvasc Tablets PoM
Adalat Retard Tablets, Pharma-Q Verapamil Injection PoM
XL Tablets PoM Prodorol Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Atenolol Tablets PoM [4] Pur-Bloka Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Propranolol LA Ravamil SR Tablets PoM
Capsules PoM [4] Sandoz Atenolol Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Vascard SR Capsules PoM Sandoz Isosorbide Dinitrate
Adco-Zildem Tablet, Tablets, SL Tabs PoM
SR Capsules PoM Sectral Capsules, Tablets PoM [4]
Amloc Tablets PoM Spec-Nifedipine SR Tablets PoM
Amlosyn Tablets PoM Ten-Bloka Tablets PoM [4]
Angised Tablets PoM
Tenopress Tablets PoM [4]
Aprate Tablets PoM
Tenormin Tablets PoM [4]
B-Block Tablets PoM [4]
Tilazem CR Capsules PoM
Betacor Tablets PoM [4]
Vasomil Tablets PoM
Bilocor Tablets PoM [4]
Verahexal Tablets PoM
Bilocor Co Tablets PoM
Ziapro Tablets PoM [4]
Bio-Atenolol Tablets PoM [4]
Bio-Nifedipine Capsules PoM ANTI-ARRHYTHMIC
Bio-Nifedipine XL Tablets PoM AGENTS
Butobloc Tablets PoM [4] Adenocor Injection PoM
Caduet Tablets PoM Amiotach Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

AryCOR Tablets PoM Amoclan Tabs, BID Tabs, Forte

Bio-Amiodarone Tablets PoM Tabs, Susp, Forte Susp PoM
Cordarone X Tablets, Injection PoM Amoxil Syrup, Forte Syrup,
Paediatric Drops PoM
Hexarone Tablets PoM
Ampicillin-Fresenius Injection PoM
Inderal Tablets, LA
Capsules PoM [4] Apen Capsules, Suspension PoM
Isoptin Tablets, SR Tablets PoM Arrow Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Lignocaine HCl B Braun 1% Aspen Azithromycin Tablets PoM
Injection, 2% Injection PoM Aspen Cefazolin Injection PoM
Lignocaine HCl-Fresenius IM/IV Aspen Cefotaxime Injection PoM
Injection PoM Aspen Cefoxitin Injection PoM
Prodorol Tablets PoM [4] Aspen Cefpodoxime Tablets PoM
Pronestyl Injection PoM Aspen Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Pur-Bloka Tablets PoM [4] Aspen Cefuroxime Injection PoM
Ravamil SR Tablets PoM Aspen Gentamicin Injection PoM
Remicaine IV Injection PoM Aspen Levofloxacin Tablets,
Remicard IV Injection PoM Sol for Inf PoM
Rythmodan Capsules PoM Aspen Meropenem Injection PoM
Aspen Teicoplanin Injection PoM
Rythmol Tablets PoM
Aspen Vancomycin Injection PoM
Sectral Capsules, Tablets PoM [4]
Augmaxcil Susp, Forte Susp,
Tambocor Tablets, Injection,
Tabs 375, Tabs 625, IV Inj PoM
CR Capsules PoM
Augmentin Susp, Forte Susp,
Tenormin Tablets PoM [4]
375 Tabs, IV Inj PoM
Vasomil Tablets PoM
Augmentin BD Susp, BD Susp
Anti-asthmatics (see Forte, ES 600 Susp,
Tabs BD, SR Tab PoM
Auro Cefepime Injection PoM
Auroprozil Tablets PoM
ANTIBIOTICS Austell-Amoxicillin Capsules PoM
Adco-Amoclav BD Tabs PoM Austell-Azithromycin Tablets PoM
Adco-Amoxycillin Capsules, Austell-Cefotaxime Injection PoM
Suspension PoM
Austell-Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Adco-Cefazolin Injection PoM
Austell-Ciprofloxacin Tablets PoM
Adco-Cefotaxime Injection PoM
Austell-Co-Amoxyclav Tabs 375,
Adco-Cefoxitin Injection PoM Tabs 625 PoM
Adco-Ceftriaxone Injection PoM Austell-Levofloxacin Tablets PoM
Adco-Cefuroxime Injection PoM Avebact Tablets PoM
Adco-Co-Trimoxazole Tablets PoM Avelon Tablets, IV Infusion PoM
Adco-Erythromycin Capsules, Azimax Capsules PoM
Suspension PoM Azithromycin 500mg Tabs Zydus PoM
Adco-Roxy Capsules PoM Bactrim Tablets, DS Tablets,
A-Lennon Doxycycline Infusion PoM
Capsules PoM Be-Ampicil Capsules,
Amikacin Fresenius Injection PoM Suspension PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Benzyl Penicillin-Fresenius Cloxin Capsules PoM

Injection PoM Cozole Tablets, Suspension PoM
Betaclav Tabs PoM CPL Alliance Cephalexin
Betamox Capsules, Suspension PoM Capsules, Suspension PoM
Betamycin Syrup PoM CPL Alliance Ciprofloxacin
Betapen Tablets, Granules PoM Tablets PoM
Betaroxime Tablets PoM Cubicin Powd for Sol Inf PoM
Bindoclav 375 Tablets, 625 Tabs, Curam Tablets, 1000 Tabs, Susp PoM
1000 Tabs PoM Curitaz Injection PoM
Bio-Amoksiklav Susp, Forte Cyclidox Capsules,
Susp, Tabs 375, Tabs 625, EC Capsules PoM
Tabs 1000 PoM Cyclimycin Capsules PoM
Bio-Cillin Injection PoM Dacef Capsules, Suspension PoM
Bio-Pen Injection PoM Dalacin-C Capsules, Injection PoM
Bio-Strep Injection PoM Doribax Powd for Sol for Infusion PoM
Biotech Ciprofloxacin Tablets PoM Doximal Tablets PoM
Caplin Injection PoM Doxitab Tablets PoM
Cefazolin Fresenius Vials PoM Doxycyl Capsules PoM
Cefotaxime Fresenius Injection PoM DoxyHexal Capsules PoM
Cepodem Tablets, Suspension PoM DRL-Moxifloxacin Tablets PoM
Ceroxim Tablets PoM Dumoxin Capsules PoM
Chlorcol Capsules PoM Dyna-Cefpodoxime Suspension,
Cifloc Tablet PoM Tablets PoM
Cifran Tablet PoM Dynafloc Tablets PoM
Cilapen Powd for Injection PoM Dyna Teicoplanin Injection PoM
Cipla-Azithromycin Tabs, Powd Eryko-250 Tablets PoM
for Sol for Inf PoM Erymycin AF Capsules,
Ciploxx Tablets PoM Suspension PoM
Ciprobay Tablets, XR Tabs, Erythrocin IV Injection PoM
Susp, Inf PoM Factive Tablets PoM
Ciprocina IV Solution PoM FKSA Cefuroxime Injection PoM
Ciprofloxacin Actor Tablets PoM Fixime Tablets PoM
Ciprogen Tablets, IV Solution PoM Floxapen Syrup PoM
Cipro-Hexal Tablets PoM Flupen 250 Capsules PoM
Ciprol Tablets PoM Forcid Solutab PoM
Clacee Tablets PoM Fortum Injection PoM
Clamentin Susp, Forte Susp, Fresenius Ceftazidime Powd for
Tabs, 1000mg Tabs PoM Sol Inj PoM
Claren Suspension PoM Fresenius Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
ClariHexal Tablets, 500 XL Tabs, Fucidin Tablets PoM
Susp PoM Gentamycin Sulphate-Fresenius
ClindaHexal Capsules PoM Injection PoM
Clindamycin-Fresenius Injection PoM Invanz Injection PoM
Cloxacillin-Fresenius Injection PoM Kanamycin 1g Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Keftaz Sol for Injection PoM Pharma-Q Co-Trimoxazole

Ketek Tablets PoM IV Inf PoM
Klacid XL Tablets, Suspension, Pharma-Q Gentamicin Injection PoM
Injection PoM Prozef Tablets, Suspension PoM
Klafotaxim Injection PoM Purbac Tablets, DS Tablets,
Klarithran Tablets, Suspension, Suspension, Injection PoM
MR Tablets PoM Purmycin Capsules, Suspension PoM
Klarizon Tablets PoM Ranamp Injection PoM
Kocef Injection PoM Ranceph Tablets, Suspension PoM
Lagatrim Tablets PoM Ranclav 375 Tabs, 625 Tabs,
Levofloxacin-Winthrop Tablets, 1g Tabs, Susp, Forte Susp PoM
IV Inf Sol PoM Ranmoxy Capsules,
Levotav IV Infusion PoM Suspension PoM
Lilly-Cephalexin Capsules, Ranzol Powd for Injection PoM
Suspension PoM Rocephin Injection PoM
Lincocin Injection PoM Rociject Injection PoM
Litares Tablets PoM Roxxibid Tablets PoM
Litha Piperacillin Co Powd Sabax Ciprofloxacin IV Infus PoM
for Inj PoM Sandoz Azithromycin Tablets PoM
Locabiotal Spray Sandoz Cefpodoxime Tablets,
Macropen Capsules, Syrup PoM Suspension PoM
Maxipime Injection PoM Sandoz Ceftriaxone Injection PoM
Mercide Injection PoM Sandoz Cefuroxime Tablets PoM
Meroject Injection PoM Sandoz Co-Amoxyclav Susp,
Meronem Injection PoM Forte Susp, Tabs,
Minotabs Tablets PoM BD Susp, Inj PoM
Moxibay Tablets PoM Sandoz Flucloxacillin Capsules PoM
Moxypen Capsules, Syrup PoM Sandoz Gentamicin Injection PoM
Mylan Cefazolin Powd for Sol Sandoz Levofloxacin Tablets PoM
for Inj PoM Spec Levofloxacin IV Infus PoM
Mylan Clarithromycin Tablets PoM Spec-Teicoplanin Sol for
Mylan Levofloxacin Tablets PoM Injection PoM
Mylan Vancomycin Powd for Sol PoM Spec-Topistin IV Infus PoM
Mymox Capsules PoM Tafloc Tablets PoM
Nebcin Sol for Injection PoM Targocid Injection PoM
Norfloxacin Actor 400 Tablets PoM Tarivid Tablets, Infusion Solution PoM
Numoxx Tablets PoM Tavaloxx Tablets PoM
Oframax Injection PoM Tavanic Tablets, Infusion PoM
Orchid Cefuroxime Tablets PoM Taziject Injection PoM
Orelox Tablets, Suspension PoM Tazobax Injection PoM
Orpic Tablets, IV Infus PoM Tazocin 4 EF Injection PoM
Penilente LA Injection PoM Tetralysal Capsules PoM
Pharma-Q Clindamycin Throsyn Tablets PoM
Injection PoM Tienam 500 Infusion PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Tobramycin Sulphate-Fresenius Bicnu Injection PoM

Injection PoM Biolyse Paclitaxel Injection PoM
Tygacil Powder for Infusion PoM Blenoxane Injection PoM
Ultreon Tablets PoM Bleolem Lyophilis Powder for
Urizone Granules PoM Injection PoM
Utin-400 Tablets PoM Busilvex Injection PoM
Vancocin Injection PoM Caelyx Injection PoM
Vercef Suspension, MR Tablets PoM Campto Solution for Infusion PoM
Yomax Capsules PoM Carbosin Solution for Injection PoM
Zeemide Tablet PoM Cipla-Docetaxel Sol for Infusion PoM
Zefkol Powd for Injection PoM Cipla Doxorubicin Sol for Injection PoM
Zefroxe Tablets PoM Cipla-Irinotecan Solution for Inf PoM
Zefurime Tablets PoM Cipla-Paclitaxel Conc Sol for Inf PoM
Zinacef Injectio PoM Cipla-Vinorelbine Injection PoM
Zinnat Tablets, Suspension, Cytarabine-Faulding Injection PoM
Sachets PoM Cytigem Powd for Sol Infusion PoM
Zinoxime Tablets PoM Cytosar Injection PoM
Zithrogen Tablets PoM Daunoblastin Injection PoM
Zithromax Tabs, Susp, PR Docefrez Sol for Infusion PoM
Granules for Susp, Inf PoM Docetere Sol for Infusion PoM
Zoxil Capsules, Suspension PoM Doxorubicin «Ebewe» Sol
Zybact Tablets PoM for Infus PoM
Zyvoxid Tablets, Infusion, Doxorubicin PCH Powd for Inj,
Suspension PoM Sol for Inj PoM
Eloxatin Infusion PoM
ANTIBIOTIC/ANTI- Endoxan Injection, Tablets PoM
INFECTIVE EFFECTS Epicord Sol for Injection PoM
R87 - Anti-Bacterial Drops/
Epirubicin Hexal Sol for Infusion PoM
Bio-87 *
Epirubicin-Lemery Powd for
& EFFECTS Eposin Injection PoM
Abitrexate Injection, Tablets PoM Erbitux Infusion PoM
Adriblastina Injection PoM Estracyt Capsules PoM
Alimta Infusion PoM Etopophos Injection PoM
Alkeran Tablets, Injection PoM Etoposide-Hexal Sol for Infusion PoM
Anzatax Injection PoM Exiplat Powd for Sol for Infusion PoM
Aspen Carboplatin Injection PoM Farmorubicin Injection PoM
Aspen Epirubicin Powd for Sol, Fludara Injection, Tablets PoM
Sol for Inj PoM Fluracedyl Injection PoM
Aspen Etoposide Sol for Infusion PoM Fluroblastin Injection PoM
Aspen Paclitaxel Sol for Inf PoM Gemtaz Injection PoM
Aspen Vinorelbin Sol for Infusion PoM Gemzar Injection PoM
Avastin Infusion PoM Gleevec Tablets PoM
Axtere Sol for Infusion PoM Gliadel Wafer PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Herceptin Injection PoM Sandoz Irinotecan Solution for

Holoxan Injection PoM Infusion PoM
Hycamtim Injection PoM Sandoz Paclitaxel Sol for
Hydrea Capsules PoM Infusion PoM
Imavec Capsules PoM Sprycel Tablets PoM
Intas Oxaliplatin Powd for Sol Sutent Capsules PoM
for Inf PoM Tarceva Tablets PoM
Irinotas Solution for Infusion PoM Tasigna Capsules PoM
Ixempra Infusion PoM Taxol Injection PoM
Lanvis Tablets PoM Taxotere Infusion PoM
Laracit Injection PoM Temintas Capsules PoM
Laspar Powd for Injection PoM Temodal Capsules PoM
Leukeran Tablets PoM Teva-Vinorelbine Conc Sol
Leustatin Injection PoM for Inf PoM
Litak 10 Injection PoM Thyrogen Powd for Sol for Inj PoM
Mabthera Sol for Infusion PoM Torisel Sol for Inj PoM
Metvix Cream PoM Tykerb Tablets PoM
Mitoxantrone-Hexal Infusion PoM Vativio 100 Capsules PoM
Mylan Gemcitabine Sol for Velcade Powd for Sol for Inj PoM
Injection PoM Vesanoid-Roche Capsules PoM
Mylan-Irinotecan Solution Vidaza Injection PoM
for Inf PoM Vinblastine PCH Injection PoM
Mylan Paclitaxel Conc Sol Vinorel Injection PoM
for Inf PoM
Vinorelbine “Ebewe” Conc Sol
Myleran Tablets PoM
for Inf PoM
Navelbine Injection, Capsules PoM
Vinorelbine Pierre Fabre
Nexavar Tablets PoM Injection PoM
Oncogem Injection PoM Xeloda Tablets PoM
Oxaliwin RTU Sol for Infusion PoM Yondelis Solution for Infusion PoM
Paraplatin RTU Injection PoM Zavedos Injection PoM
Paxitas Conc for Infusion PoM
PCH Paclitaxel Sol for Infusion PoM ANTI-CHOLINERGICS
Platosin Injection PoM Atropine Sulphate-Fresenius
Provera Tablets PoM
Detrunorm Tablets PoM
P&U Carboplatin CSV Injection PoM
Detrusitol SR Capsules PoM
P&U Cisplatin CSV Injection PoM
P&U Cytarabine CSV Injection PoM Ditropan Tablets PoM
P&U Etoposide CSV Injection PoM Enablex CR Tablets PoM
P&U Methotrexate CSV Injection PoM Lenditro Tablets PoM
P&U Vincristine CSV Injection PoM Lyrinel Tablets PoM
Puri-Nethol Tablets PoM Mylan Oxybutynin Tablets PoM
R17 - Cobralactin Tumour Pharma-Q Atropine Injection
Drops, Inj * Robinul Injection
Ribomustin Powd for Sol for Inf PoM Sabax Atropine Injection

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Uricon Tablets Bio-Sulpiride Tablets PoM

Vesicare Tablets PoM Camcolit Tablets PoM
Cilate Tablets PoM
Arixtra Sol for Inj, Pre-filled Syr PoM
Ciloram Tablets PoM
Arrow Clopidogrel Tablets PoM
Cipralex Tablets PoM
Aspen Warfarin Tablets PoM
Cipramil Tablets PoM
Brilinta Tablets PoM
Citalopram Actor Tablets PoM
Cipla-Warfarin Tablets PoM
Citalopram-Winthrop Tablets PoM
Clexane Injection PoM
Citraz Tablets PoM
Clopidogrel-Winthrop Tablets PoM
Cymbalta Capsules PoM
Clopivas Tablets PoM
Cymgen Capsules PoM
Efient Tablets PoM
Deparoc Tablets PoM
Fragmin Single Dose Inj,
Sol for Inj PoM Depnil Tablets PoM
Fraxiparine Injection PoM Depramil Tablets PoM
Heparin Sodium-Fresenius Deprevite Tablets *
Injection PoM Deprozan Capsules PoM
Mistro Tablets PoM DRL-Citalopram Tablets PoM
Pharma Dynamics Clopidogrel Dyna Sertraline Tablets PoM
Tablets PoM Edronax Tablets PoM
Plavix Tablets PoM Efegen XR Capsules PoM
Pradaxa Capsules PoM Efexor XR Capsules PoM
Xarelto Tablets PoM Eglonyl Capsule PoM
Equinorm Tablets PoM
AGENTS & EFFECTS Espiride Capsules PoM
Accord Escitalopram Tablets PoM Ethipramine Tablets PoM
Adco-Mirteron Tablets PoM Faverin 100 Tablets PoM
Adco-Paroxetine Tablets PoM Flora Force St John’s Wort
Adco-Talomil Tablets PoM Capsules *
A-Lennon Fluoxetine Capsules PoM Fluanxol Tablets PoM
Anafranil Tablets, SR Tabs, Inj PoM Fluoxetine Actor Capsules PoM
Aropax Tablets, CR Tablets PoM Hexal-Paroxetine Tablets PoM
Arrow Citalopram Tablets PoM Illovex SR Tablets PoM
Aspen Escitalopram Tablets PoM Lamictin Tablets, Dispers Tablets PoM
Aspen Mirtazapine Tablets PoM Lantanon Tablets PoM
Aspen Trazodone Capsules PoM Lexamil Tablets PoM
Auro-Citaloprim Tablets PoM Lilly-Fluoxetine Capsules PoM
Auro-Paroxetine Tablets PoM Limbitrol Capsules PoM
Austell-Citalopram Tablets PoM Lorien Capsules, Tablets PoM
Austell-Sertraline Tablets PoM Ludiomil Tablets, Injection PoM
Bio-5HTP Griffonia Seed Luvox Tablets PoM
Complex Capsules * Molipaxin Capsules PoM
Bio Citalopram Tablets PoM Mylan Escitalopram Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Mylan Mirtazapine Tablets PoM Zoloft Capsules PoM

Nuzak Capsules PoM Zydus Escitalopram Tablets PoM
Odiven Tablets PoM Zydus-Fluoxetine Capsules PoM
Parnate Tablets PoM Zylin Tablets PoM
Paroxetine Unicorn 20 Tablets PoM Zytomil Tablets PoM
Paxil Tablets PoM
ProHexal Capsules, Dispersible
Cinnachrome Capsules *
Prothiaden Capsules PoM
Diabecinn Cholesterol Tablets *
Prozac Capsules, Tablets PoM
Diabecinn Extra Capsules *
Prozen Capsules *
Diabecinn Original Capsules *
Quilonium Tablets PoM
Diabion Capsules
Ramure Tablets PoM
Flora Force Billberry Capsules *
Ranflocs Capsules PoM
Glucogex Capsules *
Remeron Tablets PoM
Glucostop Tablets *
Remotiv Tablets *
Patrick Holford Cinnachrome
Sandoz Amitriptyline HCl Capsules *
Tablets PoM
Pedi-Relax Diabetic’s Foot
Sandoz Fluoxetine Capsules PoM Care Cream *
Sandoz Mirtazapine Tablets PoM Probetix Capsules *
Sandoz Sulpiride Capsules PoM R40 - Diaglukon Diabetes Drops *
Sandoz Venlafaxine XL
Serdep 50 Tablets PoM INSULINS
Serlife Tablets PoM Actraphane HM Injection PoM
Serrapress Tablets PoM Apidra Injection PoM
Sertra Tablets PoM Biosulin R, N, L, 30/70 Injection PoM
Sertraline-Winthrop Tablets PoM Humalog Solution for Inj,
Texine Tablets PoM Mix 25 Suspension for Inj,
Mix 50 Suspension for Inj PoM
Thaden Tablets, Capsules PoM
Humulin N Susp for Inj, R Sol
Tofranil Tablets PoM for Inj, 30/70 Susp for Inj PoM
Trepiline Tablets PoM Insuman Comb 30/70 Susp
Tydamine Tablets, Capsules PoM for Injection PoM
Valdoxane Tablets PoM Lantus Sol for Injection PoM
Venlafaxine Unicorn XR Levemir Sol for Injection PoM
Capsules PoM Novomix 30 Injection PoM
Venlafaxine XR Adco Novorapid Sol for Injection PoM
Capsules PoM
Protaphane HM Injection PoM
Venlor XR Capsules PoM
XL Extend Rel Tabs PoM ORAL AGENTS
XET Tablets PoM Accord Glimepiride Tablets PoM
Yelate Capsules PoM Accord Metformin Tablets PoM
Zitolex Tablets PoM Accord Pioglitazone Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Actos Tablets PoM Novonorm Tablets PoM

Adco-Glucomed Tablets PoM Onglyza Tablets PoM
Amaryl Tablets PoM Sandoz Glibenclamide Tablets PoM
Amaryl Combi Tablets PoM Sandoz Gliclazide Tablets PoM
Arrow Gliclazide Tablets PoM Sandoz Metformin HCl Tablets PoM
Arrow Metformin HCl Tablets PoM Starlix Tablets PoM
Aspen Glimepiride Tablets PoM Sulphonur Tablets PoM
Austell-Gliclazide Tablets PoM
Austell-Glimepiride Tablets PoM ANTI-DIABETIC AGENTS:
Austell-Metformin Tablets PoM OTHERS
Byetta Solution for Injection PoM
Bigsens Tablets PoM
Victoza Solution for Injection PoM
Bio-Glibenclamide Tablets PoM
Cipla-Pioglitazone Tablets PoM ANTIDIARRHOEALS
Daonil Tablets PoM Adco-Enterolyte Suspension
Diacare Tablets PoM Adco-Loperamide Tablets, Syrup
Diaglucide Tablets, MR Tablets PoM Adco-Prodium Tablets
Diamicron MR Tablets PoM Betaperamide Tablets
Diamin Tablets PoM Chloropect Suspension
Diaphage Tablets PoM Cipla-Loperamide Tablets
Diaran MR 30 Tablets PoM Gastron Tablets, Syrup
Dyna Gliclazide SR Tablets PoM Gastropect Suspension
Euglim Tablets PoM Imodium Tablets, Capsules,
Forminal Tablets PoM Syrup, Melt Tabs
Galvus Tablets PoM Imodium Plus Chew Tablets
Galvus Met Tablets PoM Kantrexil Suspension, Tablets PoM
Glamaryl Tablets PoM Kaostatex Suspension
Glucobay Tablets PoM Lomotil Tablets, Liquid
Gluconorm Tablets PoM Lopedium Effervescent Tablets
Glucophage Tablets, XR Tabs PoM Loperastat Syrup
Glucovance Tablets PoM Norimode Tablets
Glycomin Tablets PoM Pectin-K Suspension
Glycron Tablets PoM Pectrolyte Suspension
Glygard Tablets PoM R4 - Enterocolin Diarrhoea Drops *
Hypomide Tablets PoM
Janumet Tablets PoM
DDAVP Nasal Spray, Intranasal
Januvia Tablets PoM Sol, Tabs, Inj PoM
Mengen Tablets PoM
Metforal Tablets PoM Anti-emetic (see Anti-vertigo/
Metored Tablets PoM anti-emetic & anti-nauseant
Metphage Tablets PoM agents)
Minidiab Tablets PoM ANTI-EPILEPTICS
Mylan Gliclazide Tablets PoM Aspen Lamotrigine Tablets PoM
Mylan Metformin FC Tablets PoM Convulex Capsules, Syrup PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index


Dyna-Lamotrigine Tablets PoM & EFFECTS
Dyna Levetiracetam Tablets PoM Adco-Sporozole Capsules PoM
Epanutin Capsules, Inj, Susp PoM Adco-Terbinafine Tablets PoM
Epilim Sugar Free Liq, CR Tabs, AmBisome IV Infusion PoM
Crush Tabs, Inj PoM Arrow Terbinafine Tablets PoM
Epilizine CR Tablets, Powd Aspen Fluconazole Capsules PoM
for IV Inj PoM Austell-Fluconazole Capsules PoM
Epiproate Injection PoM Bio-Fluconazole Infusion PoM
Epitec Tablets PoM Cancidas Infusion PoM
Epitoz Tablets PoM Candacide Suspension
Epleptin Capsules PoM Canesten Troche Lozenges PoM
Keppra Tablets, Oral Solution PoM Canstat Suspension
Lamictin Tablets, Dispers Tablets PoM Cipla-Fluconazole Capsules PoM
Lamidus Tablets PoM Daktarin Oral Gel
Lamitor Tablets PoM Diflucan Capsules, Susp, Inf PoM
Lyrica Capsules PoM Difluzole Capsules PoM
Mylan Oxcarbazepine Tablets PoM Eraxis Infusion PoM
Mysoline Tablets PoM Exomax IV Infusion PoM
Myrta Tablets PoM Flora Force Candida
Navalpro CR Tablets PoM Formula * [3]
Neurontin Capsules, Tablets PoM Flucoric Capsules PoM
Phenytoin Sodium Tablets PoM Fluzol Capsules, Infusion PoM
R33 - Buforan Epilepsy Drops * Fungizone Infusion PoM
Redilev Tablets PoM Lamisil Tablets PoM
Rivotril Tablets, Drops, Injection PoM Lamispor Tablets PoM
Sabril Tablets PoM Microcidal Tablets PoM
Sandoz Carbamazepine Mycorest Capsules PoM
CR Tablets PoM Mylan Fluconazole Capsules PoM
Sandoz Lamotrigine Tablets PoM Mylan Itraconazole Capsules PoM
Sandoz Topiramate Tablets PoM Mylan Terbinafine Tablets PoM
Sedabarb Tablets PoM Nystacid Suspension
Tegretol Tablets, CR Tablets, R82 - Mycox Anti-Fungal Drops/
Suspension PoM Bio-82 *
Topalex Tablets PoM Sandoz Ketoconazole Tablets PoM
Topamax Tablets, Sprinkle Sporanox Capsules, Oral
Capsules PoM Solution PoM
Topirol Tablets PoM Terbane Tablets PoM
Toplep Tablets PoM Terbicil Tablets PoM
Trileptal Divitablets PoM Trisporal Capsules PoM
Vanapro CR Tablets PoM Vagiforte® Plus
Zarontin Syrup PoM Vagiforte® Plus Combo
Zeptol 200 Tablets PoM VFend IV Solution, Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

ANTI-GOUT AGENTS Histodor Tablets

Adco-Allopurinol Tablets PoM Kestine Tablets
Aspen Colchicine Tablets (PoM) Laura 10 Tablets
A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline Lenazine Elixir
Powder * Lorfast Tablets
Colchicine Houde Tablets PoM Lormeg Tablets
Lonol PT 300 Tablets PoM Mepyramine Maleate-Fresenius
Proben Tablets PoM Injection
Puricos Tablets PoM NeoClarityne Tablets
Sandoz Allopurinol Tablets PoM Neoloridin 5 Tablets
Zyloprim Tablets PoM Periactin Tablets
Phenergan Injection PoM
Phenergan Tablets
Pollentyme ND Tablets
Acuzyrt Tablets, Syrup Pollentyme Tablets, Syrup
Adco-Cetirizine Tablets, Syrup Prohist Syrup
Adco-Zetofen Syrup Promethazine HCl-Fresenius
Injection PoM
Allecet Tablets, Syrup
R83 - Food Allergy Drops/
Allergex Non Drowsy Syrup,
Bio-83 *
R84 - Inhalant-Allergy Drops/
Allergex Tablets, Elixir
Bio-84 *
Allermine Tablets
Receptozine Tablets
Allerway 5 Tablets
Rhineton Tablets
Anthisan Cream
Rhinigine Tablets
AP Loratadine Tablets, Syrup
Sinutab Sinus Allergy Tablets,
Apex-Loratadine Tablets Oral Solution
Aspen Cetirizine Tablets, Telfast Tablets, 180 Tabs,
Oral Solution Suspension
Austell-Cetirizine Tablets
Tellerge 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets
Cetirizine-Hexal Tablets,
Texa Allergy Tablets, Syrup
Oral Solution
Tinset Tablets, Suspension
Cetlev 5 Tablets
Vallergan Forte Syrup PoM
Cipla-Actin Tablets
Xyzal Tab, Oral Solution
Cipla-Loratadine Tablets
Zaditen Tablets, SRO Tablets
Clarinese Tablets, Syrup
Zetop Syrup, Tablets
Clarityne Tablets, Syrup
Zyncet Tablets
Dazit Tablets
Zyrtec Tablets, Drops, Solution
Desaway Tablets
Deselex Tablets, Syrup ANTI-HYPERTENSIVE
Desodene Tablets AGENTS & EFFECTS
Fastway 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets Accumax Co Tablets PoM
Fexaway 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets Accumax Tablets PoM
Fexo 120 Tablets, 180 Tablets Accupril Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Accuretic Tablets PoM Bisoprolol Hydrochlorothiazide

Acesyl Co Tablets PoM Zydus Tabs PoM
Acesyl Tablets PoM Bisoprolol Unicorn Tablets PoM [4]
Adalat Caps, Retard Tabs, Brinerdin Tablets PoM
XL Tabs PoM Butobloc Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Atenolol Tablets PoM [4] Caduet Tablets PoM
Adco-Bisocor Tablets PoM [4] Calbloc Tablets PoM
Adco-Captomax Tablets PoM CaptoHexal Tablets PoM
Adco-Enalapril Tablets PoM Cardicor Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Irbesartan Tablets PoM Cardugen Tablets PoM
Adco-Quinaretic Tablets PoM Cardura XL Tablets PoM
Adco-Zetomax Tablets PoM Carloc Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Zetomax Co Tablets PoM Carvedilol Unicorn Tablets PoM [4]
Alapren Tablets PoM Carvetrend Tablets PoM [4]
A-Lennon-Reserpine Tablets PoM Carzin XL Tablets PoM
Alfuwin XL Tablets PoM Cibace Tablets PoM
Almadin Tablets PoM Cibadrex Tablets PoM
Amlate Tablets PoM Cipalat Retard Tablets PoM
Amloc Tablets PoM Cipla Lisinopril Tablets PoM
Amlodac Tablets PoM Cipla-Perindopril Tablets PoM
Amlosyn Tablets PoM Ciplasyl Tablets PoM
Amtas Tablets PoM Ciplatec Tablets PoM
Aprovel Tablets PoM Ciplavasc Tablets PoM
Ariprel Plus Tablets PoM Ciplazar Tablets PoM
Aspen Carvedilol Tablets PoM [4] Coaprovel Tablets PoM
Atacand Tablets PoM Co-Diovan Tabs, Plus Tabs,
Atacand Plus Tablets PoM Tabs 320/12.5,
Auro-Losartan Tablets PoM Tabs 320/25 PoM
Auro-Lisinopril Co Tablets PoM Co-Exforge Tablets PoM
Austell-Amlodipine Co-Irbewin Tablets PoM
Tablets PoM Co-Micardis Tablets PoM
Austell-Lisinopril Tablets PoM Co-Migroben Tablets PoM
Austell-Losartan Tablets PoM Concor Tablets PoM [4]
Austell-Ramipril Capsules PoM Co-Pritor Tablets PoM
B-Block Tablets PoM [4] Co-Renitec Tablets PoM
Beniprosin SR Capsules PoM Co-Tareg Tablets, Plus Tablets PoM
Bilocor Tablets PoM [4] Coveram Tablets PoM
Bindace Tablets PoM Coversyl Tablets PoM
Bio-Atenolol Tablets PoM [4] Coversyl Plus Tablets PoM
Bio-Captopril Tablets PoM Cozaar Tablets PoM
Bio-Nifedipine XL Tablets PoM Cozaar Comp Tablets PoM
Bislo Tablets PoM [4] Co-Zomevek Tablets PoM
Bisohexal Tablets PoM [4] Cynt Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Diace Co Tablets PoM Lohype Plus Tablets, Forte

Dilatrend Tablets PoM [4] Plus Tablets PoM
Diolo Tablets PoM Lomanor Tablets PoM
Diolo Co Tablets PoM Loniten Tablets PoM
Diovan Tablets PoM Lopresor Tablets PoM [4]
Dynacirc SRO Capsules, Losaar Plus Tablets PoM
Tablets PoM Losacar Co Tablets PoM
Dynarb Tablets PoM Losartan Co Unicorn Tablets PoM
Dynaval Co Tablets PoM Losartan-Winthrop Tablets PoM
Enalapril Unicorn Tablets PoM Lovispes Tablets PoM
Enap Tablets PoM Lozaan Co Tablets PoM
Enap-Co Tablets PoM Lysin Tablets PoM
Exforge Tablets PoM Macorel SR Capsules PoM
Fedaloc SR Tablets PoM Mavik Capsules PoM
Felodipine-Hexal Tablets PoM Micardis Tablets PoM
Flomax SR Capsules PoM Migroben Tablets PoM
Flora Force Hypertension Moxotens Tablets PoM
Formula Drops * [3] Mylacand Tablets PoM
Fortzaar Tablets PoM Mylacand Plus Tablets PoM
Gitsalat CR Tablets PoM Mylan Captopril Tablets PoM
Hexa-Blok Tablets PoM [4] Mylan Methyldopa Tablets PoM
Hexal-Lisinopril Tablets PoM Nature’s Own Blood Pressure
Hexal-Lisinopril Co Tablets PoM Herbs Tea *
HR-Enalapril Maleate Tablets PoM Nebilet Tablets PoM [4]
Hyperphen Tablets PoM Netrasol Co Tablets PoM
Hy-po-tone Tablets PoM Nifedalat Capsules, SR Tablets PoM
Hytenza Tablets PoM Norcard Tablets PoM
Hytenza Co Tablets PoM Norvasc Tablets PoM
Hytrin Tablets PoM Pearinda Tablets PoM
Inderal Tablets, LA Capsules PoM [4] Pearinda Plus 4 Tablets PoM
Inhibace Plus Tablets PoM Pendine Tablets PoM
Inhibace Tablets PoM Perindopril Co Unicorn Tablets PoM
Irbewin Tablets PoM Perindopril Unicorn Tablets PoM
Irtanel Tablets PoM Pharma Dynamics Amlodipine
Isart Co Tablets PoM Besylate Tablets PoM
Isoptin Tablets, SR Tablets PoM Pharmapress Tablets PoM
Keysal Tablets PoM Pharmapress Co Tablets PoM
Klodip-5 Tablets PoM Physiotens Tablets PoM
Lisinopril Co Unicorn Tablets PoM Plendil Tablets PoM
Lisinozide Tablets PoM Pratsiol Tablets PoM
Lisoretic Tablets PoM Pressure-Eeze Forte Tablets *
Lisozide Tablets PoM Pressure-Eeze Tablets *
Lizro Tablets PoM Preterax Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Prexum Tablets PoM Twynsta Tablets PoM

Prexum Plus Tablets PoM Valant Tablets PoM
Pritor Tablets PoM Valsartan Unicorn Tablets PoM
Prostaflo SR Capsules PoM Vectoryl Tablets PoM
Pur-Bloka Tablets PoM [4] Vectoryl Plus Tablets PoM
Quinaspen Tablets PoM Vediblok Tablets PoM [4]
R85 - High Blood Pressure Verahexal SR Tablets PoM
Drops/Bio-85 * Vital Blood Pressure Capsules *
Ramipril Hexal Tablets PoM Xatral XL Tablets PoM
Ramiwin Capsules PoM Zaneril Tablets PoM
Rampil Capsules PoM Zanidip Tablets PoM
Ran-Perindopril 4 Tablets PoM Zapto Tablets PoM
Ran-Ramipril Tablets PoM Zapto-Co Tablets PoM
Rantral MR Tablets PoM Zartan Co Tablets PoM
Renicard 50 Tablet PoM Zartan Tablets PoM
Renitec Tablets PoM Zestoretic Tablets PoM
Sandoz Hydralazine HCl Tablets PoM Zestril Tablets PoM
Sandoz Methyldopa Tablets PoM Ziabeta Tablets PoM
Sartoc Tablets PoM Ziak Tablets PoM
Sectral Capsules, Tablets PoM [4] Zildem Tablets PoM
Servatrin Tablets PoM Zomevek Tablets PoM
Silodyx Hard Gel Capsules PoM
Sotacor Injection, Tablets PoM [4] AGENTS
GlucaGen Injection PoM
Sotahexal Tablets PoM [4]
R86 - Hypoglycemia Drops/
Spec-Losartan Tablets PoM Bio-86 *
Spec-Nifedipine SR Tablets PoM
Spec-Perindopril Tablets PoM ANTI-INFLAMMATORY
Spec-Perindopril Plus Tablets PoM AGENTS & EFFECTS
Tamsul SR Capsules PoM Adco-Diclofenac Tablets,
Injection PoM
Tareg Tablets PoM
Adco-Ibuprofen Tablets PoM
Tarka Bi-Layered Tablets PoM
Adco-Indomethacin Capsules PoM
Ten-Bloka Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Mefenamic Acid
Tenchlor Tablets, -HS Tablets PoM
Suspension, Capsules PoM
Tenopress Tablets PoM [4]
Adco-Meloxicam Tablets PoM
Tenoret-50 Tabs PoM
Adco-Naproxen Tablets PoM
Tenoretic Tablets PoM
A-Lennon Diclofenac Tablets,
Tenormin Tablets PoM [4] Suppositories (PoM)
Tilazem CR Capsules PoM Aleve Caplets
Trandate Injection PoM [4] Arcoxia Tablets PoM
Tri-Plen Tablets, Forte Tablets PoM Arrow Meloxicam Tablets PoM
Tritace Tablets, Capsules PoM Arthrexin Capsules,
Tritace Plus Tablets PoM Suppositories PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Arthrotec Tablets PoM Orencia Sol for Infusion PoM

Aspen Naproxen Tablets PoM Panamor Injection,
Austell-Diclofenac Sodium Suppositories PoM
Injection PoM Panamor Tablets, SR Tablets (PoM)
Betacin Capsules PoM Pedea Sol for Injection PoM
Betaprofen Tablets, FC Tablets (PoM) Pharma-Q Diclofenac Injection PoM
Bio-Naproxen Tablets PoM Piroxicam Actor DT20 Dispers
Tabs PoM
Brexecam Tablets (PoM)
Pixicam Dispers Tablets PoM
Brufen Retard Tabs PoM
Ponstan Caps, Susp, Paed
Brufen Suspension (PoM) Supps (PoM)
Cataflam-D Dispers Tabs, Powder Pyrocaps Capsules PoM
Sachets (PoM)
R1 - Anginacid Inflammation
Celebrex Capsules PoM Drops, Inj *
Coxflam Tablets PoM R11 - Lumbagin Rheuma Drops,
Diclofenac 25, 100 Biotech Injection *
Tablets PoM R24 - Pleurasin Pleurisy Drops *
Dicloflam Dispers Tablets PoM R50 - Sacrogynol Sacroiliac
DicloHexal Tablets, Drops *
Suppositories PoM Ranfen Tablets PoM
Flamaryx Tablets PoM Rayzon Powd for Injection PoM
Flexocam Tablets PoM Rheugesic Dispers Tablets PoM
Flexor Tablets * Rumaflam Tablets *
Flora Force Arthro-Aid Capsules * Sandoz Diclofenac Sodium
Fortfen SR Capsules PoM Simple Regimen Tabs PoM
Iboflam Tablets (PoM) Sandoz Ibuprofen Tablets PoM
Ibucine Paed Susp, Tablets (PoM) Synflex Tablets (PoM)
Tora-Dol Injection, Tablets PoM
Ibugesic Suspension (PoM)
Veltex CR Capsules (PoM)
Inza Tablets (PoM)
Vimovo Tablets PoM
Ketoflam SR Capsules PoM
Vital Arthrit Ease Capsules *
K-Fenak Tablets (PoM)
Voltaren Acti-Go Tablets, Soft
Lenafen Tablets Gel Capsules
Loxiflam Tablets PoM Voltaren Drops, Injection,
M-Cam Tablets PoM Suppositories PoM
Medoxicam Tablets PoM Voltaren Tablets, 75 Tablets,
Melflam Tablets PoM SR Tablets (PoM)
Meloxicam Unicorn Tablets PoM Xefo Injection, Tablets, Rapid
Tablets PoM
Mobic Tablets, Injection PoM
Xycam Capsules, Dispers
Mylan Diclofenac Tablets PoM
Tablets PoM
Mylan Naproxen Tablets PoM Zydus-Meloxicam Tablets PoM
Nafasol EC Tablets,
Napflam Tablets (PoM) AGENTS, TOPICAL
Nurofen Tabs, Period Pain Tabs, Atrogel Gel *
Susp, Sugar Free Syr DicloHexal Gel

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Docrub Ointment Triptam Tablets PoM

Elmetacin Solution Zomig Tablets, Rapimelt Tablets PoM
Fastum Gel
Fenisun Emulgel
(see Anti-vertigo/anti-emetic
Flora Force Arnica Massage Oil *
& anti-nauseant agents)
Icy Hot Balm, Cream *
Icy Hot Patch, Vanishing Scent ANTI-PARKINSON AGENTS
Gel * Accord Ropinirole Tablets PoM
3M Nexcare Reusable Cold Pack Akineton Tablets, Injection PoM
3M Nexcare Reusable Cold/ Azilect Tablets PoM
Hot Pack Carbilev Tablets PoM
Panamor Gel Comtan Tablets PoM
R30 - Atomare-Beckeron Disipal Tablets
Universal Ointment * Madopar Tablets, HBS Capsules PoM
Reparil Gel Oxpola Tablets PoM
Rheugesic Gel Parkilyne Tablets PoM
Skin Scripts MSM Rub * Parlodel Tablets PoM
Tibb-Arnica Oil * Pexola Tablets, ER Tablets PoM
Tibb Blackseed Rub * Pramex Tablets PoM
Transact LAT Patch Pramiola Tablets PoM
Voltaren Emulgel Requip Tablets, XL Tablets PoM
Sinemet 25/250 Tabs, 25/
A-Lennon-Dapsone Tablets PoM
Stalevo Tablets PoM
Rimactane Infusion PoM
Symmetrel Capsules PoM
ANTI-MIGRAINE AGENTS Teva Carbi-Levo Tablets PoM
Cafergot Tablets ANTI-PROTOZOAL
Dixarit Tablets AGENTS
Acuzole Tablets PoM
Flora Force Migraine Relief
Drops * [3] Adco-Metronidazole Tablets PoM
Imigran Tablets, Injection, Aspen Quinine Tablets (PoM)
Nasal Spray PoM Bemetrazole Tablets PoM
Maxalt Tablets, RPD Wafers PoM Bio-Metronidazole Tablets PoM
Menograine Tablets Coartem Tablets PoM
Migrastick Roll-on Vial * Daraprim Tablets PoM
Migrex Tablets PoM Fansidar Tablets PoM
Migril Tablets Fasigyn Tablets PoM
Naramig Tablets PoM Flagyl Tablets, Suspension,
R16 - Cimisan Migraine and Suppositories, Infusion PoM
Neuralgia Drops, Inj * Halfan Tablets, Suspension PoM
Relpax Tablets PoM Intramed Trichazole Infus PoM
Sandomigran Tablets Lariam Tablets PoM
Sibelium Capsules, Tablets Malanil Tablets, Paed tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Mefliam Tablets PoM Olexar Tablets PoM

Mirquin Prophylax Syr, Orap Tablets PoM
Treatment Syr PoM Perizal Tablets PoM
Metazol Tablets PoM Prexolan ODT Tablets PoM
Metrazole Tablets PoM Psyquet Tablets PoM
Metris Tablets PoM Quetoser Tablets PoM
Metronidazole B Braun IV Redilanz Tablets PoM
Infusion PoM
Risnia Tablets PoM
Nivaquine Prophylaxis Tablets
Rispacor Tablets PoM
Nivaquine Treatment Tablets PoM
Risperdal Tabs, Oral Sol,
Noxafil Oral Suspension PoM Quicklet Tabs, Inj PoM
Numal Tablets PoM Risperidone Hexal Tablets PoM
Plasmoquine Prophylaxis Risperlet Tablets PoM
Risponz Tablets PoM
Plasmoquine Treatment
Capsules PoM Rutra Tablets PoM
Sabax Metronidazole Sandoz Haloperidol Tablets PoM
IV Infusion PoM Schizorol Tablets PoM
Suramin Powd for Injection PoM Scripto-Metic Tablets PoM
Trichazole Tablets PoM Serenace Tablets, Capsules,
Wellvone Suspension PoM Injection PoM
Zentel Tablets, Suspension PoM Serez Tablets PoM
Seroquel Tablets, XR Tabs PoM
Abilify Tablets, IM Injection PoM
Solian Tablets PoM
Aspen Clozapine Tablets PoM
Stelazine Tablets PoM
Aspen Risperidone Tablets PoM
Stemetil Tablets, Suppositories,
Cloment Tablets PoM Injection PoM
Clopixol Tablets, Depot Injection, Truvalin Tablets PoM
Acuphase Injection PoM
Xeplion PR Susp for IM Injection PoM
Dopaquel Tablets PoM
Zoxadon Tablets PoM
DRL-Risperidone Tablets PoM
Zyprexa Tablets, Velotabs,
Etomine Tablets, Injection PoM Injection PoM
Fluanxol Depot Injection PoM
Fluphenazine Decanoate- Antirheumatoid conditions
Fresenius Injection PoM (see Anti-inflammatory
Geodon Injection, Capsules PoM agents & -topical)
Lanazyp Tablets PoM STOMACH CRAMPS
Largactil Tablets PoM A-Lennon Hyoscine Butylbromide
Leponex Tablets PoM Injection
Modecate Injection PoM Bennetts Colic Mixture *
Mylan Olanzapine Tablets PoM Bevispas Tablets
Mylan Quetiapine Tablets PoM Bio-Enzymes for Life Capsules *
Oleanz Tablets, Rapitabs PoM Bonnycare Liquid *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Buscopan Tablets, Syrup, Sandoz Pyrazinamide Tablets PoM

Injection Terivalidin Capsules PoM
Buscopan Co Tablets, Injection PoM
Colofac Tablets ANTI-VERTIGO,
Fresenius Hyoscine Butylbromide ANTI-EMETIC &
Gastrone Tablets * Aculoid Tablets, Syrup
Hyospasmol Tablets, Adco-Contromet Tablets, Syrup PoM
Syrup Hypoten Adco-Cyclizine Tablets, Syrup
Iberogast Oral Drops * Asic Tablets
Kem-O-Dene Liquid * Avomine Tablets
Kolorex Advanced Intestinal Betaclopramide Tablets
Care Capsules * Bio-Domperidone Tablets
Librax Tablets PoM Bio-Metoclopramide Tablets PoM
Mylan Mebeverine Tablets Clopamon Tablets, Syrup,
Nat’Sure Brevi-Col Capsules * Injection PoM
Nat’Sure Natural Detox Bowel Emetrol Solution
Cleanser Caps * Emex Syrup
Pharma-Q Hyoscine Hidrist Tablets
Butylbromide Injection Inapsin Injection PoM
Pro-Banthine Tablets Kytril Injection, Tablets PoM
R37 - Colinteston Colic Drops, Inj * Maxolon Tablets, Syrup,
Sandoz Mebeverine HCl Tablets Injection PoM
Scopex Tablets, Injection, Syrup Medazine Tablets, Syrup
Scopex Co Tablets PoM Mitil Tablets PoM
Spascupreel Tablets, Injection, Motilium Tablets, Suspension
Supps * Nauzine Tablets, Syrup
Spasmo-Canulase Bitabs Pharma-Q Metoclopramide
Telament Paediatric Drops Injection PoM
Vidol Gripe Water * R29 - Theridon Vertigo Drops *
Vital Spasticol Ease Tablets * R52 - Vomisan Nausea Drops *
Woodward’s Celebrated Sabax Metoclopramide
Gripe Water * Injection PoM
Sandoz Cinnarizine Capsules
ANTI-TUBERCULOTICS Scripto-Metic Tablets PoM
Ethatyl Tablets PoM
Serc Tablets PoM
Mycobutin Capsules PoM
Sibelium Capsules, Tablets
Norstan-Isoniazid Tablets PoM
Stemetil Tablets, Injection,
Paser DR Granules PoM Supps PoM
Pyrazide Tablets PoM Stugeron Tablets
Rifafour e-275 Tablets PoM Triazine Tablets, Syrup, Supps
Rifinah-300 Tabs, 150/75 Tabs PoM Valoid Tablets, Syrup, Paed
Rimactane Infusion PoM Supps, Adult Supps
Rimactazid Paed 60/60 Tablets PoM Vertigoheel Drops * [3]
Sandoz Ethambutol HCl Tablets PoM Vertigoheel Tabl, Injection *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Vomeeze Syrup * Cipla-Abacavir Tablets,

Vomidon Tablets, Suspension Oral Solution PoM
Vomifene Tablets Cipla-Duovir Tablets PoM
Cipla-Duovir & Cipla-Efavirenz
& EFFECTS Cipla-Efavirenz Tablets PoM
Aciclovir Sandoz Tablets PoM Ciplaflam Tablets PoM
Acitab DT Dispers Tablets PoM Cipla-Lamivudine Tablets PoM
Acitop Cream Cipla Lamivudine & Tenofovir
Acriptaz Tablets PoM 300/300 Tabs PoM
Activir Cold Sore Cream Cipla-Nevirapine Tablets PoM
Adco Abacavir Tablets PoM Cipla-Tenofovir 300 Tablets PoM
Adco-Acyclovir Cream Cipla-Zidovudine Capsules,
Adco-Acyclovir Tablets PoM Tablets, Syrup PoM
Adco-Efavirenz Tablets PoM Citenavir Tablets PoM
Combivir Tablets PoM
Adco-Emtevir Tablets PoM
Copegus Tablets PoM
Adco-Lamivudine Tablets, Sol,
Alcohol Free Sol PoM Crixivan Capsules PoM
Adco-Nevirapine Tablets PoM Cyclivex Tablets PoM
Adco-Zidovudine Tabs, Sol, Cymevene Injection PoM
sugar Free Sol PoM Deladex Capsules PoM
Aluvia Tablets PoM Didivir Tablets PoM
Anviro Tablets PoM Dozra Capsules, Tablets,
Arrow Efavirenz Tablets PoM Solution PoM
Dumiva Tablets PoM
Aspen Abacavir Oral Solution,
Tablets PoM Efavirenz Winthrop Tablets PoM
Aspen Acyclovir Infusion PoM Eflaten Tablets PoM
Aspen Atazanavir Capsules PoM Efrin Tablets PoM
Aspen Didanosine Tablets PoM Eftenem Tablets PoM
Aspen Efavirenz Tablets PoM Erige Tablets, Capsules PoM
Aspen Lamivudine Tablets, Famvir Tablets PoM
Solution PoM Fenivir Cold Sore Cream
Aspen Lamzid Tablets PoM Intelence Tablets PoM
Aspen Nevirapine Tablets, Invertron Tablets, Oral Sol PoM
Suspension PoM Invi-Rase Capsules PoM
Aspen Stavudine Capsules PoM Isentress Tablets PoM
Aspen Tenofovir Tablets PoM Kaletra Oral Solution PoM
Aspen Zidovudine Tablets, Kavimun Paed Tablets PoM
Syrup PoM Kivexa Tablets PoM
Atazor Capsules PoM Lamivir Solution PoM
Atripla Tablets PoM Lazena Tablets PoM
Atroiza Tablets PoM Legram Tablets, Oral Solution PoM
Baraclude Tablets PoM Lodiz Tablets PoM
Bio-L’Lysine Capsules * Lovire Cream

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Lovire Dispers Tablets PoM Vari-Stavudine Capsules PoM

Mylan Aciclovir Infusion PoM Vavirex Tablets PoM
Nevasta Tablets PoM Videx EC Capsules PoM
Nevir Tablets PoM Viramune Tablets, Suspension PoM
Norvir Capsules, Oral Solution PoM Viread Tablets PoM
Odimune Tablets PoM Viref Tablets PoM
Prezista Tablets PoM Viropon Tablets, Suspension PoM
R68 - Herpezostin Shingles Vitrium Tablets PoM
Drops * Zefin Tablets PoM
R88 - Anti-Viral Drops/Bio-88 * Zelitrex Tablets PoM
Relenza Blisters & Diskhaler PoM Zelivire Tablets PoM
Retrovir Caps, Tabs, Syrup, ZiagenTablets, Oral Solution PoM
IV Infusion PoM Zidomat Tablets PoM
Reyataz Capsules PoM Zovirax Inf, Dispers Tabs,
Ricovir Tablets PoM Susp PoM
Sonke-Abacavir Tablets PoM Zovirax Cream PoM
Sonke-Abaclamizid Tablets PoM Anxiety (see Sedatives)
Sonke-Didanosine Tablets PoM
Sonke-Efavirenz Capsules,
Appetite suppressants
Tablets PoM (see Slimming Products)
Sonke-LamiNevStav Tablets PoM Arthritis (see Musculoskeletal
Sonke-Lamivudine Tablets PoM agents, other)
Sonke-Lamivudine + Zidovudine
Tablets PoM Asthma (see Bronchodilators/
Sonke-Nevirapine Tablets PoM anti-asthmatics)
Sonke-Stavudine Tablets PoM ASTHMA PREVENTION
Sonke-Tenofovir 300 Tablets PoM & CONTROL
Sonke-Zidovudine Tablets PoM Xolair Powder for Injection PoM
Stocrin Tablets PoM Backache/muscular pain
Symmetrel Capsules PoM (see Anti-inflammatory
Tamiflu Capsules, Oral agents)
Suspension PoM
Telzir Tablets PoM BIOLOGICALS
Tenarenz Tablets PoM (including vaccines,
Tencitab Tablets PoM
Tenemine Tablets PoM
inoculations, antiserums,
Tenofovir Winthrop Tablets PoM
Tribuss Tablets PoM Actemra IV Infusion PoM
Triplavar Tablets PoM Adacel Quadra Injection
Trivenz Tablets PoM Albusol IV Infusion PoM
Trizivar Tablets PoM Atgam Injection PoM
Truvada Tablets PoM Avaxim Injection
Tyricten Tablets PoM BCG Culture SSI Freeze-Dried
Valcyte 450 Tablets PoM Powder

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

BCG Vaccine SSI Injection Rotarix Liquid Oral Vaccine

Beriglobin P Injection PoM RotaTeq Solution
Boostrix Tetra Injection Rouvax Injection
Cerezyme Injection PoM Stamaril Injection
Cervarix Injection Stelara Solution for Injection PoM
Dukoral Oral Suspension Synagis Injection PoM
Engerix-B Injection Synflorix Susp for Injection
Erbitux Infusion PoM Tetagam IM Injection PoM
Euvax B Injection Tetavax Injection
Fluarix Injection Thymoglobuline IV Infusion PoM
Gardasil Injection PoM Trimovax Injection
Granocyte Injection PoM Tuberculin PPD RT/23 Injection
Havrix Injection, Junior Twinrix Injection PoM
Injection PoM Typhim Vi Sol for Injection
H-B-Vax II Injection Varilrix Injection
Hebagam IM Injection PoM Vaxigrip Injection
Heberbiovac HB Injection Vazigam IM Injection PoM
Hexaxim Injection Verorab Injection
Histaglobin Injection PoM Vivaxim Injection
Imovax Pneumo 23 Injection Zostavax Injection PoM
Infanrix DTPa Injection,
Hexa Injection
Birth control
Influvac Subunit Injection
(see Contraceptives)
Intragam Injection PoM Bites & stings
Intron A Powd for Inj, HSA-free (see Skin agents: bites
Redipen Inj PoM & stings/allergy)
Mencevax ACW135Y Injection
Menomune Powd for Injection PoM
Bleeding (see Haemostatics/
blood stopping)
Myozyme Conc Infus Solution PoM
Neulastim Injection PoM Blisters (see Skin agents:
Neupogen Injection PoM antibacterial/ antiseptic)
OPV-Merieux Solution
Blood clots
Pneumovax Injection
(see Anticoagulants)
Polioral Liquid
Polygam IV Infusion PoM Bronchodilators
Prevenar Susp for Inj, (see Bronchodilators/
13 Susp for Inj anti-asthmatics)
Priorix Injection
Priorix Tetra Injection PoM
Pulmozyme Inhal Solution PoM Accolate Tablets PoM
Rabigam IM Injection PoM Adco-Alcophyllin Syrup
Rabipor IM Injection Adco-Fenoterol HBr Inh Sol PoM
Replagal Conc Infus Solution PoM Adco-Ipratropium Bromide
Rhesugam IM Injection PoM Inhal Sol

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Adco-Zetofen Syrup Lumont Chew Tablets,

Alcophyllex Liquid Film-coated Tabs PoM
Alvesco Inhaler PoM Minair Chew Tabs, Film-coated
Aminophyllin IM Injection, Tabs PoM
IV Injection PoM Monte-Air Chew Tabs, Film-
Aminophyllin IV-Fresenius coated Tabs PoM
Injection PoM Montelukast Specpharm
Arrow Budesonide Nebulis Chew Tabs, Film-coated
Susp PoM Tabs PoM
Asthavent Inhaler, Ecohaler, Norstan-Theophylline &
DP Inh Caps [1] Ethylenediamine Tablets
Asthavent Syrup Nuelin Tablets, SA Tablets, Liquid
Asmanex Twisthaler PoM Omnair Nasal Spray PoM
Atrovent Beta Vials PoM Onbrez Powder Inhalant
Capsules PoM
Atrovent HFA Inhaler
Atrovent Solution, Unit Dose Oxis Turbohaler PoM [1]
Vials PoM Pulmicort Turbuhaler, Nebulis
Beceze Inhaler PoM Susp PoM
Beclate Inhaler PoM Pulmison Tablets PoM
BelAIR Chew Tablets, Film Sabax Aminophylline IV
Coated Tablets PoM Injection PoM
Berotec Inh Solution PoM Sandoz Theophylline Anhydrous
SR Tablets
Berotec Syrup, HFA Metered
Dose Inh Seretide Accuhaler, Inhaler PoM [1]
Bricanyl Turbohaler Serevent Accuhaler, Inh [1]
Budeflam Inhaler, DP Inhaler Sereflo HFA Inhaler PoM
Caps PoM Singulair Film-Coated Tabs,
Clenil Aqueous Nasal Spray Chew Tabs, Sprinkles PoM
Daxas Tablets PoM Sintair Chew Tablets, Tablets PoM
Dilair Tablets PoM Sintrine Chew Tablets,
Euphyllin Retard Tablets Film-coated Tablets PoM
Fenovent Syrup Solphyllin Syrup
Flixotide Inhaler, Accuhaler PoM Spiriva Inhal Caps, Respimat
Sol for Inhal PoM
Foradil Inhalation Capsules PoM [1]
Theophen Elixir
Foratec DP-Caps, HFA Met
Dos Inh [1] Theoplus Tablets
Forvent Inhalat Caps PoM Topraz Chew Tablets, Film-coat
Tablets PoM
Foxair Accuhaler, Inhaler PoM
Tropivent Nebuliser Solution
Glenmont Chew Tabs, Film-
coated Tabs PoM Uniphyl CR Tablets
Inflammide Inh, Novolizer PoM Venteze CFC Free Inhaler [1]
Ipvent Respules Inhal Sol Venteze Respirator Solution PoM [1]
Ipvent 40 HFA Met Dos Inhaler PoM Venteze Syrup, Tablets
Kulair Chew Tabs, Film-coated Ventolin Inh, Accuhaler [1]
Tabs PoM Ventolin Injection, Infusion PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Ventolin Resp Sol, Nebules PoM [1] R2 - Aurin Gold Drops, Inj *
Ventolin Syrup R3 - Corvosan Heart Drops *
Zaditen Tablets, SRO Tablets, R26 - Remisin Draining and
Syrup Stimulating Drops *
R44 - Hypotonol Heart
Burns/sunburn/sun protection (Circulation) Drops, Inj *
(see Skin agents: burns/ R58 - Vernadon Drops *
sunburn/sun protection) R66 - Arrythmin Cardiac
Cancer (see Anti-cancer (Arrhythmia) Drops *
agents & effects) R79 - Crataegan Heart-Capsules *


Lanoxin Tabs, Paediatric/Geriatric ION EXCHANGE
Tabs & Elixir, Inj PoM PREPARATIONS
Purgoxin Tablets PoM Desferal Injection PoM
Exjade Dispers Tablets PoM
Akrinor Tablets
Cardiject Injection PoM Adco-Atorvastatin Tablets PoM
Dobutamine-Fresenius Infusion PoM Adco-Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Dobutrex Solution for Injection PoM Arrow Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Dopamine HCl-Fresenius Aspavor Tablets PoM
Injection PoM Aspen Pravastatin Tablets PoM
Pharma-Q Dopamine Injection PoM Aspen Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Astor Tablets PoM
ALTERNATIVE Atorvastatin Unicorn Tablets PoM
PREPARATIONS Atorvastatin Winthrop Tablets PoM
Cardiomax Q10 Vegicap
Austell-Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Capsules *
Bezachole SR Tablets PoM
Cardio-Soy Isoflavones Capsules *
Bezalip Tablets, Retard Tablets PoM
Cardiovite Tablets *
Caduet Tablets PoM
Cardiozen Capsules *
Choleste Tablets PoM
Circutron Tablets *
Cipla-Simvastatin Tablets PoM
Coronary Care Tablets *
Colite Tablets PoM
Flora Force Cayenne Capsules *
Crestor Tablets PoM
Heartchoice Energiser Soft
Dyna-Bezafibrate SR Tablets PoM
Gel Capsules *
Dynator Tablets PoM
Heartchoice Optimal Soft
Gel Capsules * Ezetrol Tablets PoM
Heart Guard Niacin Tablets * Flora Force Cholesterol Aid Caps *
Omegachoice Ultraheart Soft Inegy Tablets PoM
Gel Caps * Lescol Capsules, XL FC Tablets PoM
Patrick Holford H Factor Lipanthyl Capsules PoM
Capsules Lipitor Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Lipogen Tablets PoM Proctosedyl Suppositories PoM

Lo-Chol Tablets * R13 - Prohämorrhin Haemorrhoid
Lopid Tablets PoM Drops, Inj *
Lovachol Tablets PoM R42 - Haemovenin Varicosis
Michol Tablets PoM Drops, Inj *
Olbetam Capsules PoM R63 - Endangitin Impaired
Circulation Drops, Inj *
Omegavite Tablets *
R67 - Kollapsin Circulatory
Pixeta Tablets PoM
Collapse Drops *
Rosvator Tablets PoM
Scheriproct Ointment, Supps PoM
Sandoz Bezafibrate Tablets PoM
Thromboreductin Capsules PoM
Sandoz Pravastatin Tablets PoM
Xigris Solution for Infusion PoM
Simvacor Tablets PoM
Simvotin Tablets PoM Colds (see Coughs/colds/flu)
Storwin Tablets PoM Colon maintenance
Tredaptive Tablets PoM (see Gastro-intestinal
Vastor Tablets PoM tract agents)
Vaticol XL Tablets PoM
Vital Cholesterol Ease Capsules * CONCENTRATION &
Vital Co-Enzyme Capsules * MEMORY AGENTS
Bio-Ginkgo Smart Capsules *
Vusor Tablets PoM
Bio-Logic Brain-Logic 1:5 Tincture
Zocor Tablets PoM
Formula * [3]
Zuvamor Tablets PoM
DPN 37,5mg Tablets
Zysim Tablets PoM
Flora Force Chinese Green
Tea Caps *
Mestinon Tablets PoM Flora Force Focus Formula Drops *
Neostigmine Methylsulphate- Flora Force Ginkgo Biloba Caps *
Fresenius Inj PoM Flora Force Gotu Kola Caps *
Folavite Tablets *
CIRCULATION Gincosan Capsules *
DISTURBANCES/ Herbal Tonic Tablets *
Keenmind Capsules *
Patrick Holford Advanced Brain
Agrylin Capsules PoM
R12 - Multojodin Arteriosclerosis
Antistax Active Leg Tablets *
Drops, Inj *
Anusol Pain Relief Ointment
R54 - Imbelion Brain Disorder
Anusol Suppositories, Ointment Drops, Inj *
Circutron Tablets * Vital Ginkgo Biloba Capsules *
Flora Force Circulation Drops * [3] Vital IQ Boost Capsules *
Haemogel Gel * Vital Vitacharge Multiboost Syrup *
Paroven Capsules
Piloherb Tablets * Constipation (see Laxatives)
Preparation H Ointment, CONTACT LENS CARE
Suppositories Bausch & Lomb Concentrated
Proctosedyl Ointment PoM Cleaner

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Bausch & Lomb Conditioning Mirelle Tablets PoM

Solution Mirena IU System PoM
Bausch & Lomb Daily Cleaner Nordette Tablets PoM
Bausch & Lomb Lens Lubricant Nordiol Tablets PoM
Bausch & Lomb Moisture Drops Norinyl Tablets PoM
Bausch & Lomb Moisture Norlevo Tablets
Drops PM Nova-T Contraceptive Device PoM
Bausch & Lomb Renu Fizziclean Nur-Isterate Injection PoM
Enzymatic Tablets
Ovral Tablets PoM
Bausch & Lomb Renu Multiplus
Petogen Injection PoM
Qlaira Tablets PoM
Bausch & Lomb Renu Multi-
Purpose Solution Tricilest Tablets PoM
Bausch & Lomb Saline Plus Trinovum Tablets PoM
Solution Triodene ED Tablets PoM
Boston Advanced Cleaner Triphasil Tablets PoM
Boston Advanced Comfort Visanne Tablets PoM
Formula Cond Sol Yasmin Tablets PoM
Boston Simplus Solution Yaz Tablets PoM
Opti-Free Daily Cleaner,
Suspension Corns/callouses/warts
Opti-Free Express MPDS
(see Skin agents: corns/
Solution calluses/warts)
Opti-Tears Comfort Drops Corticosteroids
Polyrinse Contact Lens Solution (see Glucocorticoids)
CONTRACEPTIVES Coughs (see Coughs/colds/flu)
Adco-Fem 35 Tablets PoM
Biphasil Tablets PoM
Actifed Cold Tablets, Syrup [6]
Cilest Tablets PoM
Actifed Dry Cough Linctus [6]
Depo-Provera Injection PoM
Actifed Dry Cough Sugar
Diane-35 Tablets PoM Free Syrup [6]
Escapelle Tablets Actophlem Syrup
Evra Patch PoM Acuflu P Syrup [6]
Femodene ED Tablets PoM Acutussive Expectorant
Ginette Tablets PoM Adult, Expect Paed [6]
Logynon ED Tablets PoM Adco-Diatussin Syrup
Marvelon Tablets PoM Adco-Flupain Tablets [6]
Melodene Tablets PoM Adco-Metaxol Elixir
Mercilon Tablets PoM Adco-Sinal Co Tablets
Micro-Novum Tablets PoM Adco-Sinal NS Capsules
Microval Tablets PoM Adco-Tussend Syrup [6]
Minerva Tablets PoM Advil Cold & Sinus Tablets [6]
Minesse Tablets PoM African Ginger Tablets *
Minulette Tablets PoM A Vogel Echinaforce Drops * [3]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

A Vogel Echinaforce Junior Tabs * Decofed Tablets, Syrup [6]

A Vogel Echinaforce Tabs, Degoran C Capsules
Forte Tabs * Degoran Plus Tablets
Benylin DMD Decongestant Demazin NS Repetab [6]
Cough Syrup [6] Demazin Syrup
Benylin Dry Cough Syrup Dimetapp Paediatric Elixir [6]
Benylin For Colds Tablets [6] Dequa-Coff Syrup
Benylin Four Flu Liquid [6] Dequa-Flu Capsules
Benylin Four Flu Tablets [6] Dilinct Dry Cough Syrup
Benylin Original Cough Syrup Dilinct Junior Syrup
Benylin Wet Cough Liq, Dilinct Syrup
Children’s Wet Cough Liq
Docsed Syrup
Benylin Wet Cough Menthol
D.P.H. Syrup
Dristan Tablets
Benylin with Codeine Syrup
Efferflu-C Effervescent Tablets
Betafed Syrup [6]
Euphorbium Compositum
Betalin Syrup
S Drops *
Betalix Syrup
Euphorbium Compositum
Biobalance Colds & Flu Tablets * Injection *
Bio-Logic Herbal Blend Lung Expectalin Liquid
Tonic * [3]
Expectalin with Codeine Liquid
Bronchoped Syrup
Famucaps Capsules
Broncleer Children’s Cough Flora Force Anti-flu Drops * [3]
Flora Force Bronchi Soothe
Broncleer Syrup with Codeine Drops *
Broncol Cough Linctus Flora Force Hayfever Relief
Bronkese Compound Linctus Drops *
Cepacol Cough Discs Flora Force Herbal Cough
Cepacol Cough Linctus Mixture * [3]
Cetralin Adult Cough Syrup * Flora Force Sinus Relief
Cetralin Children’s Cough Syrup * Drops * [3]
Chest-Eeze Syrup * Fludactil Co Linctus [6]
Clear Cough Syrup Fluend Capsules
Codomill Syrup Flugon Capsules *
Cofendyl Syrup [6] Flusin Capsules [6]
Corenza-C Effervescent Tablets Flusin C Syrup [6]
Corenza Cold & Flu Syrup [6] Flusin DM Syrup [6]
Corenza Para-C Effervescent Flusin Junior Cough Syrup [6]
Tablets Flusin S Effervescent Tablets [6]
Coryx Effervescent Tablets [6] Flusin Sinus Tablets [6]
Coryx Paediatric Syrup [6] Flusin Tablets
Coryzalia Tablets * Flustat Capsules
Coughcod Junior Syrup, Flustat Syrup
Senior Syrup Flutex Co Linctus

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Flutex Cold and Flu Capsules Puma Balm *

with Vit C R8 - Jutussin Cough Syrup *
Flutex Cough Mixture R9 - Jutussin Cough Drops *
Flutex Effervescent Tablets [6] R49 - Rhinopulsan Sinusitis
Flutex Junior Cold and Flu Syrup Drops, Inj *
Folcofen Syrup Relief-Coff Syrup
Grippon Capsules Rinex Diffucaps, Syrup, Paed
Grippon Cold & Flu Tablets Syrup
Histacon Capsules Sinuclear Capsules
Histodor Expectorant Elixir Sinuclear Paediatric Syrup [6]
Hot Toddy Adult Sachets * Sinucon Tablets
Hot Toddy Tea * Sinuend Tablets
Ilvico Capsules Sinu-Flu Tablets
Kofcare Syrup * Sinugrain Tablets *
Lenazine Forte Syrup Sinugesic Tablets
Linctifed Wet Cough Expectorant, Sinupret Syrup * [3]
Paed Syr [6] Sinumax Allergy Sinus Caplet,
Luffeel Tablets * Paed Liq [6]
Medifed Linctus [6] Sinumax Cold & Flu Caplet [6]
Medilyn Syrup Sinumax Tablets, Paediatric
Med-Lemon Cold & Flu Capsules Syrup [6]
with Vitamin C Sinumax with Codeine Tablets [6]
Med-Lemon Flu & Congestion Sinu-Med Tablets, Syrup [6]
Powder Sinustat Capsules
Med-Lemon Hot Medication for Sinustat Flu Capsules
Children with Vitamin C Sachets
Sinustat Flu Syrup
Med-Lemon Hot Medication with
Vitamin C Sachets Sinutab 3-Way Tablets
Med-Lemon Wet Cough Syrup Sinutab Sinus Allergy Congestion
& Pain Tabs [6]
Nectadyn Cough Syrup *
Sinutab Sinus Pain Extra
Nitepax Suspension
Strength Tablets [6]
Nurofen Cold & Flu Tablets [6]
Solphyllex Syrup
Panado Medsip Honey Lemon,
Stodal Syrup *
Ginger Powder
Sudafed Sinus Pain Tablets [6]
Panado Plus Capsules
Phensedyl Linctus Theophen Comp Syrup
Pholtex Junior Linctus, Tibb Flu-Relief Capsules *
Forte Linctus Tibb Flu-Relief Syrup *
Pholtex Linctus Tixylix Linctus
Physeptone Injection, Linctus PoM Tonzil Liquid *
Phyto-Force Pelargonium Trifen Expect Adult Solution,
Tincture * [3] Paediatric Sol [6]
Phyto Nova Natural Cough and Tussitot Syrup
Cold Syrup * Vicks Honey & Ginger Cough
Procof Syrup Syrup [3]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

ViralChoice Cough Syrup * Furobe Tablets PoM

Warbugia Tablets * Furosemide Fresenius Injection PoM
Hexazide Tablets PoM
Cuts/grazes/blisters (see
Skin agents: antibacterial/ Hydro-Less Tablets PoM
antiseptic) Hygroton-50 Tablets PoM
Inspra Tablets PoM
Cystitis Lasix Tabs, Inj, Sol, Retard Caps,
(see Urinary system agents) 500mg Tabs, Amps PoM
Cytostatics (see Anti-cancer Moduretic Tablets PoM
agents & effects) Mylan Furosemide Tablets PoM
Mylan Indapamide Tablets PoM
Depressants Natrilix SR Tablets PoM
(see Anti-depressant agents) Pharma-Q Furosemide
Dermatitis/Eczema Injection PoM
(see Skin agents: other) Puresis Tablets PoM
Renezide Tablets PoM
Diabetis (see Antidiabetic Ridaq Tablets PoM
agents: insulins; Antidiabetic Sabax Furosemide Injection PoM
agents: oral agents; Sandoz Furosemide Tablets PoM
Antidiabetics, alternative) Sandoz Indapamide Tablets PoM
Diarrhoea Sandoz Spironolactone
(see Antidiarrhoeals) Tablets PoM
Spiractin Tablets PoM
Diet products/diet control Unat Tablets PoM
(see Slimming products)
Urirex-K Tablets PoM
Creon Capsules EAR/EYE/NASAL
Digestive Enzymes Capsules * PREPARATIONS
Acular Solution 0,4% Solution PoM
DIURETICS Adco-Naphensyl Drops,
Adco-Dapamax Tablets PoM Paediatric Drops
Adco-Retic Tablets PoM Adco-Otised Drops
Aldactone Tablets PoM Allergex Eye Drops
A-Lennon Furosemide Injection PoM Allergy Eye Relief Eye Drops #2,
Amiloretic Tablets, Amiloretic-HS Free Single-Use
Tablets PoM Droppers *
Arelix Tablets PoM Alomide Drops
Austell-Furosemide Tablets PoM Alphagan Purite Solution PoM
Azomid Tablets PoM Atropine Eye Drops PoM
Betaretic Tablets PoM Aurone Drops
Cipla-Indapamide Tablets PoM Aurone Forte Drops
Diamox Tablets PoM Avamys Nasal Spray PoM
Dyazide Tablets PoM Azarga Eye Drops PoM
Dyna Indapamide SR Tablets PoM Azoptic Eye Drops PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Bactroban Ointment, Cream, DriNasal Paed Drops, Paed

Nasal Ointment Spray
Beclate Aquanase Nasal Spray Dristan Nasal Spray
Beconase Aqueous Nasal Duotrav Eye Drop Solution PoM [4]
Spray PoM Drixine Nasal Spray, Nasal Pump
Betagan Ophthalmic Spray
Solution PoM [4] Dry Red Eye Relief Drops,
Betnesol Drops PoM Preservative Free Single-Use
Betnesol-N Drops PoM Droppers *
Betoptic Ophth Sol, S 0,25% Duovisc
Ophth Susp, Single Dose Duratears Ointment
Susp PoM [4] Earache Relief Drops *
Biolone Injection PoM Ear Wax Relief Drops *
Biolon Prime Intraocular Emadine Eye Drops
Injection PoM
ENT Drops, Spray
Botox Injection PoM
Euphorbium Compositum S Nose
Brolene Eye Drops Spray *
BSS Alcon Plus Solution Exocin Drops PoM
BSS Alcon Solution Eye-Gene Eye Drops
Budeflam Aqueous Nasal Flixonase Aqua Nasal Spray,
Spray PoM Nasules PoM
Cataract Care (Eye Drops) - Flomist Aqua Nasal Spray PoM
Multidose *
Flonase Aqua Nasal Spray
Cellufresh Drops
Flora Force Ear Candles *
Celluvisc Solution
Flucon Suspension PoM
Cerumol Drops
Fluorescite Injection PoM
Chamiflor Ocean Nasal Spray *
FML-Neo Suspension PoM
Children’s Earache Relief Drops *
FML Suspension PoM
Chloramex Ophthalmic Ointment PoM
Fucithalmic Drops PoM
Chlorcol Ointment PoM
Ganfort Drops PoM [4]
Chlornicol Ointment PoM
Gemini Eye Drops
Chloromycetin Redidrops PoM
Glaucosan Drops PoM [4]
Cilodex Ear Drops PoM
Hay Fever Relief Nasal Spray *
Ciloxan Drops, Ointment PoM
Healon Injection, GV Injection PoM
Cineraria Maritima Eye Drops *
I-Glo Drops
Clenil Aqueous Nasal Spray
Iliadin Drops, Spray, Paed Drops,
Combigan Eye Drops PoM [4] Paed Spray
Computer Eye Relief Drops * Iliadin Saline Nasal Spray,
Cosopt Solution PoM [4] Drops
Covancaine Drops Inflanaze Aqueous Nasal
Covostet Drops PoM Spray PoM
CromoHexal Eye Drops Iopidine Solution, 0,5% Solution PoM
Cyclogyl 1% Solution PoM Isopto-Atropine Solution PoM
Cyclomydril Solution PoM Isopto-Carpine Solution PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Isopto-Homatropine Solution PoM Octin Drops PoM

Lennon-Sulphacetamide Oculerge Eye Drops
Ointment Oculet Eye Drops Solution
Livostin ED Eye Drops Oculosan Drops
Locabiotal Spray Ocuprost Ophthalmic Solution PoM
Locacorten-Vioform Ear Drops PoM Optilast Eye Drops
Lucentis Sol for Injection PoM Otosporin Drops PoM
Luffeel Nasal Spray * Otrivin Drops/Spray, Paed Drops/
Lumigan Eye Drop Solution PoM Spray
Maxidex Suspension PoM Oxylin Solution
Maxitrol Suspension, Ointment PoM Ozurdex Intravitreal Implant PoM
Minims Chloramphenicol Patanol Solution
Solution PoM Phenylephrine Covan Drops
Minims Cyclopentolate Pink Eye Relief Drops *
Hydrochloride 1% Solution PoM Pred-Mild Susp, Pred-Forte
Minims Fluorescein Sodium Susp PoM
Solution Prefrin Eye Drops
Minims Lidocaine & Fluorescein Provisc Intraocular Viscoelastic
Solution PoM Inj PoM
Minims Oxybuprocaine R78 - Opthalmo Oral Opthalmic
Hydrochloride 0,4% Solution PoM Drops *
Minims Phenylephrine HCl 10% R96 - Pulsatilla Compositum
Solution Nasal Spray *
Minims Prednisolone Sodium R97 - Histaminum Compositum
Phosphate Solution PoM Nasal Spray *
Minims Proxymetacaine HCl 5% R191 - Tinnitus Drops (oral) * [3]
Solution PoM Refresh Eye Drops
Minims Tetracaine Hydrochloride Refresh Tears Eye Drops,
1% Solution PoM Liquigel Eye Drops
Minims Tropicamide Solution PoM Relestat Eye Drops
Miochol-3 Injection PoM Rhinocort Aqueous Nasal Spray PoM
Mistabron Nasal Spray Rhinolast Nasal Spray
Murine Clear Eyes Drops Rinelon Aqua Nasal Spray PoM
Murine Moisture Eyes Drops Safyr Bleu Drops
Mydriacyl Solution PoM Similasan Allergy Eye Relief
Nasacor T Nasal Spray PoM Drops *
Naseptin Cream PoM Similasan Children’s Earache
Relief Drops *
Nasonex Aqua Nasal Spray PoM
Similasan Computer Eye Relief
Natacyn Suspension PoM
Drops *
Nazene Adult Nasal Spray
Similasan Dry Red Eye Relief
Nazene Z Spray Drops *
Nevanac Eye Drops PoM Similasan Earache Relief Drops *
Nexomist Aqua Nasal Spray Similasan Ear Wax Relief Drops *
Novesin Wander Drops PoM Similasan Hay Fever Relief Nasal
Nozoil Nasal Spray * Spray *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Similasan Pink Eye Relief Drops * Zovirax Ophthalmic Ointment PoM

Similasan Sinus Relief Nasal Zymar Eye Drops PoM
Spray *
Ear preparations (see Ear/
Sinumax Allergy Nasal Spray
eye/nasal preparations)
Sinus Relief Spray *
Sinutab Nasal Spray ENZYMES
Sofradex Drops PoM Actilyse Infusion PoM
Spec-Budesonide Aqueous Hyalase Injection
Nasal Spray PoM Metalyse Solution for Injection PoM
Spersadex Drops PoM
Epilepsy (see Anti-epileptics)
Spersadex Comp Drops PoM
Spersallerg Drops Eye preparations (see Ear/
Spersatear Drops eye/nasal preparations)
Sterimar Solution EXPECTORANTS/
Stop-Allerg Eye Drops MUCOLYTICS
Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye ACC 200 Effervescent Tablets
Drops Amuco 200 Effervescent Tablets
Teargel Liquid Gel Betaphlem Syrup, Capsules
Tears Naturale Preservative Bisolvon Inhalant Solution
Free Liquid
Bronchette Syrup
Tears Naturale II Solution
Expigen Syrup
Timoptol Solution, XE Gellan
Flusin Mucous Cough Syrup
Sol PoM [4]
Hedelix Cough Syrup * [3]
Tobradex Suspension,
Ointment PoM Lessmusec Capsules
Tobrex Solution, Ointment PoM Medphlem Syrup
Travatan Solution PoM Mucatak 200 Effervescent
Trusopt Solution PoM
Mucofizz Effervescent Tablets
Universal Earache Drops
Mucospect Syrup, Ped Syrup,
Universal Eye Drops
Universal Nasal Drops
Prospan Syrup *
Vibrocil Drops, Nasal Spray,
Solmucol Granules, Lozenges
Gel PoM
Vibrocil-S Solution, Gel EXPECTORANTS /
Vigamox Solution PoM MUCOLYTICS WITH
Viscoat Viscoelastic Injection PoM BRONCHODILATORS
Visudyne Injection PoM Adco-Combineb Inhalent
Vividrin Nasal Spray Solution PoM [1]
Voltaren Ophtha Eye Drops, Adco-Linctopent Syrup
Single Dose Uni PoM Adco-Nebrafen Inhal Sol PoM
Waxsol Drops Benylin Bronchospect Syrup
Xalacom Eye Drops PoM [4] Bisolvon Linctus DA
Xalatan Eye Drops PoM Bronkese Compound Linctus
Zaditen Eye Drops Co-Iprasal Unit Dose Vials PoM [1]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Combivent Unit Dose Vials PoM [1] GastroChoiceTM Capsules *

Duolin Respules Inhal Sol, HFA GastroChoiceTM IBS Capsules *
Inhaler PoM [1] Infantiforte Capsules, Spray
Duovent HFA Metered Dose Inteflora Capsules *
Kiddieforte Chewable Tablets *
Duro-Tuss Linctus
Lp299v Capsules *
Flemeze Syrup
Multibionta Tablets
Symbicord Turbohaler PoM
Nux Vomica Drops * [3]
Vannair Inhaler PoM [1]
Nux Vomica Injection *
Eczema (see Skin agents: Probiflora Adult Intensive Rescue
other) Caps *
Protecflor Capsules *
Fever (see Analgesics/ Quatro-Flora Capsules *
painkillers) R5 - Gastreu Stomach Drops, Inj *
FIBRINOLYTICS R72 - Pankropatin Pancreas
Actilyse Infusion PoM Drops *
Metalyse Solution for Injection PoM R90 - Stoma Tablets *
Streptase Injection PoM R92 - Digestive Enzyme Formula/
Bio-92 *
Flu (see Coughs/colds/flu)
Reuterina Acute Chewable
Fungal infections (see Anti- Tablets
fungal agents; Skin agents: Reuterina Daily Tablets
fungicidal) Reuterina Drops
Reuterina Femme Capsules
Reuterina Junior Chew Tablets
Revellex Powder for Infusion PoM
A Vogel Molkosan Liquid *
Salazopyrin Tablets, EN Tablets PoM
A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline
Powder * Xenical Capsules PoM
Biobalance Immo-Gut Capsule *
Combi 15 Capsules * Adco-Prednisolone Syrup PoM [2]
Combiforte Capsules * AP Methylpred IV Injection PoM [2]
Combiforte Spray * Aspelone Syrup PoM [2]
Digestron Tablets * Be-Tabs Prednisone Tablets PoM [2]
Flora-Balance LR Chew Tablet, Betanoid Tablets, Syrup,
Drops * Injection PoM [2]
Flora-Balance SB Capsules * Celestamine Syrup, Tablets PoM [2]
Flora Force Comfrey Capsules * Celestone IA/IL Injection PoM
Flora Force Essiac Liquid * Celestone Tablets, IM/IV
Flora Force Ginger Capsules * Injection PoM [2]
Flora Force Slippery Elm Celestone Soluspan IA/IB/ID
Tablets * Injection PoM
Floraplex Sachets * Celestone Soluspan IM
Florawin Capsules * Injection PoM [2]

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Cortaject Powd for Injection PoM [2] Cosmofer Injection PoM

Covocort Tablets PoM [2] Eprex Injection PoM
Decasone IV/IM Injection PoM [2] Ferrimed Capsules
Decasone IA/IL Injection PoM Ferrimed Injection
Depo-Medrol IA/IL Injection PoM Ferrimed Syrup, DS Chew Tablets
Depo-Medrol Inj (as retention Ferro Drops L Liquid
enema) PoM [2] Ferrous Forte Chelated Iron Syrup
Depo-Medrol with Lidocaine Ferrous Forte Chelated Iron
IA/IB Inj PoM Tablets
Dexona IV/IM Injection PoM [2] Haemofer Capsules, Junior Caps
Florinef Tablets PoM [2] Haemovite Tablets *
Fresenius Dexamethasone Leucovorin-Faulding Injection
IV/IM Inj PoM [2] Mircera Injection PoM
Lenasone IV/IM Injection PoM [2] Pregamal Tablets
Lenasone IA/IL Injection PoM R31 - Contraemin Energizer
Drops *
Lenisolone Tablets PoM [2]
Recormon Injection PoM
Medrol Tablets PoM [2]
Repotin Injection PoM
Meticorten Tablets PoM [2]
Venofer Injection PoM
Mylan Dexamethasone IV/IM
Mylan Methylprednisolone IV OXYGEN CARRIERS
Injection PoM [2] Hemopure Infusion PoM
Panafcort Tablets PoM [2]
Pharma-Q Betamethasone
Injection PoM [2] STOPPING
Bioplasma FDP Lyophilis IV Infus
Pharma-Q Dexamethasone Powder PoM
Phosphate IV/IM Inj PoM [2]
Cyklokapron Tablets, Injection PoM
Prelone Syrup, Tablets PoM [2]
DDAVP Injection PoM
Pulmison Tablets, Paed
Feiba Tim 4 Immuno Injection PoM
Solution PoM [2]
Haemosolvate Factor VIII
Solu-Cortef IV Injection PoM [2] Powder PoM
Solu-Medrol IV Injection PoM [2] Haemosolvex Factor IX Powder PoM
Steromien Syrup PoM [2] Kogenate Lyophilis Powder PoM
Gout (see Anti-gout agents) Konakion MM Paed Amps, MM
Grazes (see Skin agents: Morwak Tablets PoM
antibacterial/antiseptic) NovoSeven Powder for Injection PoM
Nozohaem Gel
Abic Leucovorin Injection Tisseel Kit PoM
Tranic Tablets PoM
Aranesp Injection PoM
Autrin Capsules Haermorrhoids (see
Chela-Fer Tablets Circulation disturbances/
Chelaplus Iron Anaemia haermorrhoidal conditions/
Supplement Caps varicose veins)
green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Hay fever (see Antihistamines/ Intas Finasteride Tablets PoM

Anti-allergy agents & effects) Kessar Tablets PoM
Laradex Tablets PoM
Heartburn (see Antacids/
Mifegyne Tablets PoM
Mylan Anastrozole Tablets PoM
Headache Neophedan Tablets PoM
(see Analgesics/painkillers) Nolvadex D Tablets PoM
Heart pain Norprolac Tablets PoM
(see Anti-anginal agents) Parlodel Tablets PoM
Profina Tablets PoM
Heart rhythms, abnormal
(see Anti-arrhythmic agents) Propecia Tablets PoM
Proscar 5 Tablets PoM
High blood pressure Sandostatin Inj, LAR Inj PoM
(see Anti-hypertensive agents Sandoz Bicalutamide Tablets PoM
& effects)
Sensipar Tablets PoM
HORMONE INHIBITORS Spec Bicalutamide 50 Tablets PoM
Androcur 50mg Tablets, Stradexa Tablets PoM
Depot Inj PoM
Tamoplex Tablets PoM
Arigoline Tablets PoM
Tamoxihexal Tablets PoM
Arimidex Tablets PoM
Aromasin Tablets PoM Trozolt Tablets PoM
Aspen Bromocriptine Tablets PoM Hyperacidity (see Antacids/
Avodart Soft Gel Capsules PoM heartburn/indigestion)
Bicadex Tablets PoM
Bicalox Tablets PoM Hypertension
Caloxa Tablets PoM (see Anti-hypertensive
Casodex Tablets PoM agents & effects)
Cipla-Cyproterone Acetate HYPNOTICS (SLEEPING
Tablets PoM
Cipla Letrozole Tablets PoM
Accord Midazolam Sol for Inj PoM
Cyproplex Tablets PoM
Adco-Midazolam Injection PoM
Danogen Capsules PoM
Adco-Phenobarbitone Vitalet
Dostinex Tablets PoM
Elixir PoM
Equisin Tablets PoM
Adco-Zolpidem Tablets PoM
Everdex Tablets PoM
Adco-Zopimed Tablets PoM
Fareston Tablets PoM
Alchera Tablets PoM
Faslodex Injection PoM
A-Lennon Diazepam Injection PoM
Femara Tablets PoM
Femzole 2,5 Tablets PoM Arem Tablets PoM
Fenryde 5 Tablets PoM Aspen Midazolam Injection PoM
Fincar 5 Tablets PoM Austell-Zopiclone Tablets PoM
Finpecia Tablets PoM Betasleep Capsules
Firmagon Powd for Susp for Inj PoM Calmettes Nite Tablets *
FlutaHexal Tablets PoM Dalmadorm Capsules PoM
Flutaplex Tablets PoM Dormicum Tablets, Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index


Flora Force Sleep Capsules * IMMUNE BOOSTERS
Flora Force Sleep Eezy Avonex Injection PoM
Drops * [3] A Vogel Echinaforce Drops * [3]
Halcion Tablets PoM A Vogel Echinaforce Junior Tabs *
Hypnor Tablets PoM A Vogel Echinaforce Tabs,
Imovane Tablets PoM Forte Tabs *
Ivedal Tablets PoM Betaferon Injection PoM
Lendormin Tablets PoM Biobalance Immunova+
Effervescent Tabs *
Lethyl Tablets PoM
Biobalance Immunova+ Junior
Loramet Capsules PoM Syrup *
Magneplex Syrup * Biobalance Immunova Liquid
Maxisleep Capsules * Concentrate *
Medploz Tablets PoM Biobalance Immunova Ready
Mylan Zolpidem Tablets PoM to Take Liquid *
Mypaid Night Pain Tablets Biobalance Immunova Tablet *
Normison Capsules PoM Biobalance Immunova Toddler
Noxidem Tablets PoM Syrup *
Biopro MultiTM Tablet
Patrick Holford Chill Food
Tablets * C-Gard Tablets *
Redormin Tablets * Complete Immune Tablets *
Rescue Night Drops * Copaxone Sol for Injection PoM
Sandoz Flunitrazepam Tablets PoM Echinaforce Drops *
Sandoz Zopiclone Tablets PoM Echinaforce Tabs, Forte Tabs,
Junior Tabs *
Sedatif PC Tablets *
Efferflu C Immune Boost Eff Tabs *
Sleepchoice Capsules *
Elimni Rad Tablets
Sleepeze-PM Tablets
Flora Force Carcinoguard Tablets
Somnil Tablets
Flora Force Echi-Mune Drops * [3]
Stilnox Tablets, MR Tablets PoM
Flora Force Echinacea Capsules *
Tylenol PM Tablets
Flora Force Immune Capsules *
Z-Dorm Tablets PoM
Flora Force Lymph Cleanse
Zolid Tablets PoM Drops * [3]
Zolnoxs Tablets PoM French Parad’Ox Plus Capsules *
ZolpiHexal Tablets PoM Immunochoice Complex
Zopigen Tablets PoM Capsules *
Zopivane Tablets PoM Immuno Synergy Colourastro
Biochemic Tissue Salts *
Hypoglycaemia (see Anti- Infagard Drops * [3]
hypoglycaemic agents) Intron A Powd for Inj, HSA-free
Redipen Inj PoM
Hypolipidaemic agents
Marcus Rohrer Spirulina *
(see Cholesterol control)
Moducare Capsules *
Immunisations Moducare Kiddies Chewable
(see Biologicals) Tablets *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Moducare Plus+ Tablets * Simponi Solution for Injection PoM

Oscillococcinum Granules * Stelara Solution for Injection PoM
Pegasys Injecion PoM Thalidomide Celgene Capsules PoM
Pegintron Injecion PoM Tysabri Conc for Infusion PoM
Phytogard Capules, Syrup * Zaprine Tablets PoM
Phyto Nova Sutherlandia SU1 Indigestion (see Antacids/
Tablets *
Procydin Capsules *
Promato Capsules * Infections
R62 - Morbillin Measles Drops * (see Antibiotics; Antibiotic/
R93 - Immune System Fortifier Anti-infective effects)
Drops/Bio-93 * Inflammation (see Anti-
R193 - Immuno Fortification inflammatory agents)
Drops * [3]
Rebif 22 Injection, 44 Injection PoM Inocculations (see Biologicals)
Roferon-A Injection PoM Insomnia (see Hypnotics)
Septogard Syrup *
Septogard Tablets * Ion exchange preparations
Tibb Blackseed Capsules *
(see Chelating agents, ion
Tibb-Immunocare Capsules *
exchange preparations)
ViralChoice Capsules * Irritable bowel syndrome
ViralChoice C Capsules * (see Antispasmodics/
ViralChoice Junior Liquid * stomach cramps)
ViralChoice Vegetabs * LAXATIVES
Agarol Lactulose Syrup
Agiobulk Granules *
Advagraf PR Capsules PoM
Agiolax Granules *
Afinitor Tablets PoM
Be-Lax Suspension
Azamun Tablets PoM
Bio-Colon Clear Tablets *
Azapress Tablets PoM
Black Forest Herbal Tea *
Azathioprine 50 PCH Tablets PoM
Brooklax Senna Laxative
Cellcept Capsules, Oral Susp, Chocolate *
IV Inf, Tablets PoM
Coloplex Capsules *
Certican Tablets PoM
Colo-Prep Powder
Humira Injection PoM
Depuran Capsules *
Imuran Tablets, Injection PoM
Dulcolax Tablets, Supps,
Mycocept 500 Tablets PoM Paediatric Supps
Myfortic Tablets PoM Duphalac Syrup, Dry Powder
Prograf IV Infusion, Capsules PoM Eucarbon Tablets *
Rapamune Tablets PoM Fibolax Powder *
Revellex Powder for Infusion PoM Flora Force Aloe Bitters Capsules *
Sandimmun Inj, Neoral Caps, Flora Force Herbalax Capsules *
Neoral Drink Sol PoM Freshen Bisacodyl Laxative
Simulect Injection PoM Tablets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Freshen Sodium Sulphate Boldocynara Liquid *

Laxative Powder Detoxivite Tablets *
Fybogel Powder * Essentiale Capsules
Klean-Prep Powder Essentiale Extreme Capsules *
Lacson Syrup Flora Force Dandelion Capsules *
Laxador Bisacodyl Tablets Flora Force Liver Flush Capsules
Laxador Senna Tablets * with Milk Thistle *
Lexan Herbs Powder * Flora Force Liver Life Drops * [3]
Lexan Tablets * Flora Force Milk Thistle Capsules *
Laxette Solution, Laxette Dry Guronsan-C Effervescent Tablets
Powder Hermes Nieren-Blasentee No 7 *
Laxotabs Tablets * Legalon 70 Tablets PoM
Lennon Glycerin Adult Supps, Liverplex Capsules *
Paed Supps Livotibb Syrup *
Lenolax Dispos Enema, Livotibb Tablets *
Paediatric Enema Milk Thistle Liver Remedy
Lennon Senna Tablets * Capsules *
Movicol Powder Prohep Tablets
Moviprep Powder PoM R7 - Hepagalen Liver and
Normacol Granules * Gallbladder Drops, Inj *
Ursofalk Capsules PoM
Normacol Plus Granules *
Ursotan Tablets PoM
Pegicol Powder
Vital Liver Rescue Tablets *
Picolax Powder for Solution PoM
Picoprep Powder Malaria
Puritone Bisacodyl Laxative (see Anti-protozoal agents)
Memory problems
R60 - Purhaemine Blood
Purifying Drops *
(see Concentration
R192 - Digesto Constipation
& memory agents)
Drops * [3] Menopause/menstruation/
Sabax Fosenema PMS (see Supplements
Senokot Tablets * for women)
Simply Aloe Bitter Crystals *
Soflax Tablets *
(see Anti-migraine agents)
Traditional Fibre Powder *
Vital Bio Fibre Sachets * MINERALS &
Adco-Scripto-Lyte Solution
Leprosy (see Anti-leprotics) Angstrom Boron Liquid
LIVER, GALL BLADDER Angstrom Calcium Liquid
AND BILE AGENTS Angstrom Chromium Liquid
A Vogel Boldocynara Liquid * Angstrom Copper Liquid
Bilron Capsules Angstrom Germanium Liquid
Bio-Milk Thistle Liver Support Angstrom Gold Liquid
Capsules * Angstrom Indium Liquid

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Angstrom Iodine Liquid Rehidrat Lemon/Lime, Orange,

Angstrom Iron Liquid Blackcurrant Powder
Angstrom Magnesium Liquid Sabax Calcium Chloride 10%
Angstrom Manganese Liquid Injection
Angstrom Minerals of Life Liquid Sabax Magnesium Sulphate
Angstrom Molybdenum Liquid
Sabax Potassium Chloride 15%
Angstrom Platinum Liquid Injection
Angstrom Potassium Liquid Sandoz Calcium Forte
Angstrom Selenium Liquid Effervescent Tablets
Angstrom Silver Liquid Sandoz K-600 Tablets
Angstrom Sulfur Liquid Silicea Colourastro Biochemic
Angstrom Ultimatium Liquid Tissue Salts Tabs *
Angstrom Vanadium Liquid Slow Mag Capsules, Effervescent
Angstrom Zinc Liquid Tablets
Calc Fluor Colourastro Biochemic Slow Mag Tablets
Tissue Salts Tabs * Slow-K 600 Tablets
Calc Phos Colourastro Biochemic Ultimag Effervescent Tablets
Tissue Salts Tabs * Ultimag Tablets
Caltrate Mint Tablets Ultipot SR Tablets
Electropak Powder Zymafluor Tablets, Drops
Ferrum Phos Colourastro
Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs * MOTILITY ENHANCERS
Hydrassist Powder Adco-Contromet Tablets,
Hydrachoice Powder Syrup PoM
Hydrol Powder Betaclopramide Tablets PoM
Kali Mur Colourastro Biochemic Clopamon Tablets, Syrup,
Tissue Salt Tabs * Injection PoM
Kali Phos Colourastro MOUTH & THROAT
BiochemicTissue Salt Tabs *
Kali Sulph Colourastro Biochemic Andolex Oral Rinse, Spray,
Tissue Salt Tabs * Lozenges
Magnesit Granules, Tablets Andolex-C Lozenges, Oral Gel
Magnesium SR Tablets Andolex-C Oral Rinse, Spray
Mag Phos Colourastro Biochemic A Vogel Sore Throat Spray *
Tissue Salt Tabs *
Betadine Oral Antiseptic Liquid
Nat Mur Colourastro Biochemic
Biobalance Mouthwash *
Tissue Salt Tabs *
Biobalance Throat Spray *
Nat Phos Colourastro Biochemic
Tissue Salt Tabs * Bye Mouth Ulcer Gel *
Nat Sulph Colourastro Biochemic Cepacol Lozenges, Gargle
Tissue Salt Tabs * Corsodyl Original/Mint
Phosphate-Sandoz Eff Tabs Mouthwash
Plenish-K SR Tablets Daktarin Oral Gel
Potassium Chloride-Fresenius Dequadin Mouth Paint
Injection PoM Dermadine Oral Antiseptic Liquid

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Dynexan Ointment * Norflex Co Tablets

Goldex Throat Lollies Norflex Tablets
Homeovox Tablets * Pancuronium Bromide-
Locabiotal Spray Fresenius Inj PoM
Medi-Keel A Lozenges Pharma-Q Suxamethonium
Medi-Keel A Throat Gargle Injection PoM
Oramed Solution Robaxin Tablets, 750 Tablets
Orochlor Solution, Spray Solution Suxamethonium Chloride-
Fresenius Inj PoM
Phargel Solution *
Teva-Baclofen Tablets PoM
Pharylex Adults, Children
Solution Spray * Tracrium IV Injection PoM
Podine Mouthwash & Gargle Muscular pain (see Anti-
Solution inflammatory agents)
Pyralvex Liquid *
R35 - Chadontin Teething Drops *
R45 - Laryngin Larynx Drops,
Aclasta Sol for Infusion PoM
Tabs *
Actamax Tablets PoM
Septadine Oral Antiseptic Liquid
Actonel Tablets PoM
Similasan Sore Throat Relief
Spray * Alendronate Unicon Tablets PoM
Sore Throat Relief Spray * Aredia Injection PoM
Strepsiles Coolmint Lozenges Bondronat Injection, Tablets PoM
Strepsils Eucalyptus Menthol Bonephos Tablets PoM
Lozenges Boniva Injection PoM
Strepsils Intensive Lozenges Evista Tablets PoM
Strepsils Orange with Vit C Femax Tablets PoM
Lozenges Fosagen Tablets
Strepsils Original, Soothing Fosamax Tablets, Once Wkly
Honey & Lemon Lozenges Tabs PoM
Strepsils Plus Lozenges Fosavance Tablets PoM
Throflam Oral Rinse One-Alpha Capsules PoM
Throflam Co Oral Rinse Ostena Tablets PoM
Vidol Teething Powders Osteobon Tablets-10,
Vinceel Mouth and Throat Spray * Tablets-70 PoM
Osteonate 70 Tablets PoM
Protos Grans for Oral
(see Expectorants/mucolytics)
Suspension PoM
MUSCLE RELAXANTS R34 - Calcossin Recalcifying
Bio-Baclofen Tablets PoM Drops, Inj *
Lioresal Tablets PoM Rocaltrol Capsules PoM
Mivacron Injection PoM Sandoz Alendronate Tablets PoM
Muscuron Injection PoM Ultracal Plus Tablets
Myprocam ER Capsules PoM Zobone Powd for Sol for Inf PoM
Nimbex Injection PoM Zomabon Conc Sol for Inf PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Zomedron Powd for Sol for Inf PoM R71 - Ischialgin Sciatica Drops,
Zometa Conc Sol for Infusion PoM Inj *
R73 - Spondarthrin Joint Drops,
AGENTS, OTHERS Salazopyrin Tablets, EN Tablets PoM
(INCLUDING GOLD Suplasyn Injection PoM
AGENTS AND AGENTS Synvisc Injection PoM
FOR ARTHRITIS, Traumeel S Drops * [3]
RHEUMATISM, Traumeel S Injection, Tablets *
SPRAINS, STRAINS) Traumeel S Ointment, Gel *
Arava Tablets PoM
Zeel Ointment, Tablets *
Arthro Synergy Colourastro
Biochemic Zeel Injection *
Tissue Salts Tabs *
Nasal preparations (see Ear/
ArthroChoice Tablets *
eye/nasal preparations)
ArthroChoice Advanced Tablets *
Arthrovite Tablets * Nausea/vomiting
Arthro XPS Tablets * (see Anti-vertigo/anti-emetic/
A-Tron Tablets * anti-nauseant agents)
Bio-Logic Herbal Blend Acid
Free Tincture *
Emend Capsules PoM
Bone Renewal Vege-Capsules *
Chelaplus Calcium Daily Nutrition (see Special foods/
Supplement Caps drinks/supplements)
Dona Tablets, Powder *
Enbrel Injection PoM
(see Musculoskeletal agents,
Flora Force Bone & Cartilage
Capsules * osteoporosis)
Flora Force Devil’s Claw Tablets * OXYTOCICS
Foodstate Joint Formula Ergometrine Maleate-Fresenius
Capsules * Injection PoM
Herbology Arthro Mobility Pabal Sol for Injection PoM
Tablets * Prandin E2 Vaginal Gel PoM
Herbology Marine Calcium Prepidil Gel PoM
Tablets *
Propess Vaginal Insert PoM
I-Flex Capsules *
Prostin E2 Tablets PoM
Magneplex Syrup *
Prostin F2 Alpha Injection PoM
Osteoflex Tablets *
Spec-Oxytocin Injection PoM
Osteoflex Ultra Tablets *
Syntocinon Injection PoM
Osteo Synergy Colourastro
Biochemic Tissue SaltsTabs * Syntometrine Injection PoM
Plasmoquine Treatment Painkillers (see Analgesics/
Capsules PoM painkillers)
Pro Collagen Capsules *
R46 - Manurheumin Rheumatism PARATHYROID &
R55 - Rutavine Injury Drops, Forteo Injection PoM
Injectable * Miacalcic Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

PEPTIC ULCER Rabemed Tablets PoM

Accord Omeprazole Powd for Sol Ranihexal Tablets PoM
for Inf PoM Ranit Tablet PoM
Adco-Cimetidine Tablets PoM Ranitidine 300 Biotech Tablets PoM
Adco-Omeprazole Capsules PoM R-Loc Injection PoM
Adco-Roznal Capsules PoM Sabax Cimetidine Injection PoM
Altosec Capsules, Powd for Inj PoM Sandoz Omeprazole Capsules PoM
Aspen Lansoprazole Capsules (PoM) Secadine Tablets PoM
Aspen Pantoprazole IV Inj, Tabs PoM Topraflux IV Injection PoM
Bio-Cimetidine Tablets PoM Topzole Tablets PoM
Conoran Tablets PoM Topzole OTC Tablets
Cytotec Tablets PoM Trustan Mups Tablets PoM
Denol Swallow Tablets Ulcerone Liquid
Gastriwin Tablets, IV Injection PoM Ulsanic Tablets, Eff Tabs, Susp
Histak Tablets PoM Ultak Tablets PoM
Histak 75 Tablets Zantac 75 Tablets, Eff 75 Tabs
Lancap Capsules (PoM) Zantac Tablets, Eff Tabs, Syrup,
Inj PoM
Lansoloc Capsules PoM
Lansoprazole Unicorn Albusol IV Infusion PoM
Capsules (PoM) Gelofusine Infusion
Lansoprazole-Winthrop Haes-Steril Infusion
Capsules PoM Rheomacrodex IV Infusion
Lanzor Capsules PoM Volulyte Infusion PoM
Lanzor HB Capsules Voluven Infusion PoM
Lenamet Tablets, Injection PoM
Lokit Capsules PoM INHIBITORS
Aggrastet Solution for Infusion PoM
Losec Mups Tablets, Infusion PoM
Asasantin Retard Capsules PoM
Mylan Pantoprazole Tablets PoM
Bayer Aspirin Tablets
Nexiam Mups Tablets, IV Inj/
Bayer Aspirin Cardio Tablets
Infus, Granules PoM
Disprin Cardiocare Dispers Tabs
Nexmezol Tablets PoM
Ecotrin EC Tablets
Omez Capsules PoM
Integrilin Injection PoM
Pantocid IV Injection, Tablets PoM
Lo-Aspirin Tablets
Pantoloc Tablets, IV Injection PoM
PCH Acetylsalicylic 80 Tablets
Pariet Tablets PoM
Persantin Retard Caps, Amps PoM
Pantoprazole Specpharm 40
Plato Tablets PoM
IV Inj PoM
Reopro Solution for Injection PoM
Pantor Tablets PoM
Pentoz OTC Delayed Tablets Paradote Injection
Peploc Tablets, IV Injection PoM Parvolex Injection
Pharma-Q Cimetidine Injection PoM Toxogonin Injection PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Reduce risk of infection Calmettes Tablets *

(see Immunostimulants, CPL Alliance Alprazolam Tablets PoM
alternative/reduce risk Demetrin Tablets PoM
of infection) Dormeasan Drops * [3]
Elev8 Tablets *
Equanil Tablets PoM
Dopram-Fresenius Injection PoM Flora Force Rescue Remedy *
Naloxone HCl-Fresenius Amps PoM Herbology Mood Lift Tablets *
Pharma-Q Naloxone HCl Herbology Stress Tonic Tablets *
Injection PoM Lexotan Tablets PoM
Librium Tablets PoM
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Mylan Alprazolam Tablets PoM
AGENTS & EFFECTS Nervoheel Tablets *
Bronchalis-Heel Tablets *
Neurexan Tablets *
Curosurf Intracath Suspension PoM
Neuroforce Formula Liquid * [3]
Flora Force Fenugreek Capsules *
Neurotron Capsules *
Gripp-Heel Injection *
Pasrin Tablets PoM
Gripp-Heel Tablets *
Patrick Holford Mood Food
R43 - Herbamine Asthma Tablets *
Drops, Inj *
Pax Tablets, Injection PoM
R48 - Pulmosol Pulmonary Drops *
Pharma-Q Diazepam Injection PoM
R57 - Scorosan Pulmonary Tonic
Pharma-Q Hydroxyzine
Drops *
Injection PoM
R76 - Brocho Asthma Forte Drops *
Pharma-Q Midazolam Injection PoM
Respitron Syrup *
Phyto-Force Valerian Tincture * [3]
Respitron Tablets *
Purata Tablets PoM
Survanta Liquid
Quietude Syrup *
Rheumatism R14 - Quieta Nerve and Sleep
(see Musculoskeletal Drops, Inj *
agents, others) R15 - Vita-C Nerve Tonic Liquid *
R22 - Najasthen Nerve (Cardio)
Fibro-Vein Injection
R36 - Choresan Nerve Drops *
SEDATIVES (ANXIETY/ R47 - Neuroglobin Hysteria Drops *
STRESS) Rescue Remedy Spray *
Adco-Alzam Tablets PoM Rescue Select Blues Tablets *
Aterax Tablets, Syrup, Injection PoM Rescue Select Panic Tablets *
Ativan Tablets, SL Tablets, Rescue Select Stress Tablets *
Injection PoM Rescue Synergy Colourastro
Azor Tablets PoM Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs *
Betapam Tablets PoM Restin Capsules *
Bio-Sleep Boost Capsules * Sandoz Bromazepam Tablets PoM
Biral Tablets * Sceletium 100 Capsules *
Brazepam Tablets PoM Sceletium Tortuosum Tablets *
Bromaze Tablets PoM Sedatif PC Tablets *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Serepax Tablets, Forte Tablets PoM Estradot Transdermal Patch PoM

Stresam Capsules PoM Estring Vaginal Ring PoM
Stress-Away Syrup * Estrofem Tablets, Forte Tablets PoM
Stress-Away Tablets * Estro-Pause Tablets PoM
Tranqipam Tablets PoM Evorel Patch PoM
Tranxene Capsules PoM Femigel Gel PoM
Urbanol Tablets, Capsules PoM Implanon NXT Implant PoM
Valium Tablets, Injection PoM Nuvaring Vaginal Ring PoM
Xanor Tablets, SR Tablets PoM Premarin Injection, Tablets PoM
Zopax Tablets PoM Progynova Tablets PoM
Synapause-E3 Tablets PoM
SEROTONIN Vagifem Vaginal Tablets
Adco-Granisetron Injection PoM SEX HORMONES:
Alepet Sol for Injection PoM PROGESTOGENS
Aspen Granisetron Tablets PoM Adco-Fem 35 Tablets PoM
Cipla-Ondansetron Tablets PoM Crinone 8% Vaginal Gel PoM
Danset Injection PoM Cyclogest Pessaries PoM
Granicip Tablets PoM Depo-Provera Injection PoM
Granitril Injection, Tablets PoM Diane-35 Tablets PoM
Kytril Injection, Tablets PoM Duphaston Tablets PoM
Mylan Granisetron Injection PoM Ginette Tablets PoM
Mylan Ondansetron Injection PoM Hexal-MPA Tablets PoM
Nausetron Injection PoM Minerva Tablets PoM
Ondansetron Fresenius Mirena IU System PoM
Injection PoM Primolut-N Tablets PoM
Onicit Sol for Injection PoM Provera Tablets PoM
Sandoz Granisetron Sol for Utrogestan Capsules PoM
Injection PoM
Vomiz Tablets, Injection PoM
Zofer Tablets, Rapitabs, Injection PoM
Zofran Tablets, Injection, Zydis Activelle Tablets PoM
Dispers Tabs PoM
Angeliq Tablets PoM
SEX HORMONES: Climen Tablets PoM
ANDROGENS & Estalis Transdermal Patch, Sequi
Depo-Testosterone Injection PoM Estro-Pause N Tablets, Forte
Nebido Oily Sol for Injection PoM Tablets PoM
Evista Tablets PoM
Proviron Tablets PoM
Evorel Conti TDS Patch, Sesqui
OESTROGENS Femoston Tablets, Conti
Climara Patches-50, Tablets PoM
Patches-100 PoM Kliogest Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Livifem Tablets PoM SKIN AGENTS:

Novofem Tablets PoM ANTI-PARASITIC
Postoval Tablets PoM Antipeol Ointment
Premelle Tablets, Cycle 5 Tablets, Ascabiol Emulsion
LD Tablets PoM Eurax Cream
Trisequens Tablets PoM Picksan Lice Stop Shampoo *
Skabi-Rid Lotion
Caverject Injection PoM Tetmosol Soap
Cialis Tablets PoM
Levitra Tablets, Orodispersible SKIN AGENTS: BITES
Viagra Tablets PoM Adco-Biohist Lotion
Anthisan Cream, Elixir
Sinusitis Caladryl Cream *
(see Coughs/Colds/Flu) Calasthetic Cream
SKIN AGENTS: ANTI- Histodor Cream
Altargo Ointment PoM Mepyraderm Cream
Bactigras Tulle Gras Phenergan Cream
Bactrazine Cream PoM Poxclin Coolmousse *
Bactroban Ointment, Cream, Similasan Insect Bites Roll-on *
Nasal Ointment
Betadine Antiseptic Ointment, BURNS/SUNBURN/
First Aid Cream
Betadine Surgical Scrub, Cetaphil UVA/UVB Defense
Antiseptic Solution Cream
Biobalance Topical Gel * Phyto-Force Propolis
Biobalance Topical Spray * Cream *
Cuticura Antiseptic Ointment Prep Cream *
Dermadine Ointment
Dettol Antiseptic Range COLD SORES
Fucidin Ointment, Cream PoM Biobalance Lip Sore Gel *
Furex Ointment Blistex Lip Ointment *
Germolene Ointment Dynamiclear Rapid Liquid *
Germolene Medicated Footspray Fenivir Cold Sore Cream
Hibitane Antiseptic Cream, Hermes Leber-Gallentee No 8 *
Obstetric Cream Hermes Nieren-Blasentee
Iodosorb Paste No 7 *
Merthiolate Tincture Spray Pharyherp Solution *
Podine Ointment Simply Aloe Regenerating Gel *
Septadine Antiseptic Ointment Zinplex Forte Tablets
Silbecor Cream (PoM) SKIN AGENTS: CORNS/
Supiroban Ointment CALLOUSES/WARTS
Ung Vernleigh Ointment PoM Aldara Cream PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Bye Wart Topical Cream * Daktarin Cream

Duofilm Liquid Dermazole Cream
R188 - Verrucea Warts Emtrix Liquid
Drops (oral) * [3] Ketazol Cream
Wartec Solution Kez Liquid
Wart Magic Liquid Lamisil Cream, Topical Spray,
Dermgel, Solution
SKIN AGENTS: Loceryl Nail Lacquer
PROTECTIVES Mycospor Cream, Solution
Bepanthen Ointment
Mycota Cream, Powder
Blistex Lip Ointment *
NizCreme Cream
Conceive Plus Lubricant
Crack Stop Heel Balm
Nystacid Ointment
Cream E45
Pevaryl Cream, Powder, Spray
E45 Cream Solution
E45 Lotion Terbane Cream
Lactacyd Liquid * Terbicil Cream
Lotio Brunel Tinaderm Cream
Nutraderm Cream, Lotion
Nutraplus Cream, Lotion SKIN AGENTS:
Oilatum Emolient ANTI-INFECTIVE
Adco-Betamethasone Cream PoM
Oilatum Junior Cream
Adco-Neoderm Cream PoM
SBR Lipocream
Advantan Cream, Oint, Fatty
SBR Repair
Oint, Milk, Scalp Sol PoM
Vitamin E Oil (Brunel)
Aspen Mometasone Cream PoM
Vit E Cream (Brunel)
Beclate Cream PoM
SKIN AGENTS: Betnovate Lot, Cr, Oint,1/2
FUNGICIDAL Strength Cr, Scalp Applic Sol PoM
Adco-Dermed Shampoo Biocort Cream PoM
Adco-Normospor Cream Cortoderm Ointment, Cream PoM
AF Ointment, Powder Cutivate Cream, Ointment PoM
A-Por Topical Cream Daktacort Cream PoM
Biobalance Fungal Relief Cream * Dermovate Cream, Ointment,
Canalba Cream Scalp Application Sol PoM
Candaspor Cream Dilucort Cream, Ointment
Candizole Topical Cream Diprogenta Cream, Ointment PoM
Canesten Topical Cream Diprosalic Ointment, Lotion PoM
Canex T Cream Diprosone Cream, Ointment PoM
Canstat Cream Dovate Cream, Ointment PoM
Clearnail Application * Elocon Cream, Ointment, Lotion PoM
Covarex Cream, Cr Athlete’s Elozart Cream PoM
Foot, Cr Junior Lenovate Ointment, Cream PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Locoid Cream, Oint, Lot, Physiogel Cream

Lipocream Cr, Topical Phyto-Force Kigelia Cream *
Emulsion PoM
Phyto-Force Sage Tincture * [3]
Lotriderm Cream PoM
Phyto Nova Sutherlandia Gel *
Maxaderm Cream PoM
Prep Cream *
Mometagen Cream PoM
Protopic Ointment PoM
Mylocort Cream, Ointment
R21 - Medorrhan Skin
Nerisone Cr Fatty Oint, Reconstituant Drops, Inj *
Forte Oint PoM
R23 - Nosoderm Eczema Drops *
Persivate Cream, Ointment PoM
R32 - Antihydrosin
Pevisone Cream PoM Hyperhydrosis Drops *
Procutan Cream Rescue Cream *
Quadriderm Cream PoM Retacnyl Cream PoM
Repivate Cream PoM Rozex Gel PoM
SkinCalm Cream Salv Ointment
Stopitch Cream Secura Barrier Cream *
Synalar Cream, Ointment, Secura No-sting Barrier Film *
Gel PoM
Simply Aloe Regenerating
Synalar-C Cream, Ointment PoM Gel *
Synalar-N Cream, Ointment PoM Thrombophob Gel
Travocort Cream PoM
Xenovate Ointment, Cream PoM SKIN AGENTS: PSORIASIS
Clobex Shampoo PoM
Dovobet Ointment PoM
SKIN AGENTS: OTHER Neotigason Capsules PoM
Achromide Ointment Polytar Liquid
Aqueous Cream (UEA) BP Xamiol Gel PoM
Beauty Synergy Colourastro
Biochemic Tissue SaltsTabs * SKIN AGENTS:
Cetaphil Skin Range SEBORRHOIC
Driclor Roll-on SCALP, DANDRUFF
Efudix Ointment PoM Betadine Medicated Shampoo
Elidel Cream PoM NizShampoo
Eucerin Dermo Range * Pic-Carb Shampoo
Flora Force Tea Tree Oil * Polytar Liquid
Metvix Cream PoM
Oilatum Plus Liquid DRESSING/HEALING
Pedi-Relax Creams * Allevyn Adhesive Dressing,
Pharmyderm Solution * Sterile Wound Dressing
Physiogel A.I. Cream Cica-Care Silicone Gel Sheeting
Physiogel A.I. Lotion Dermatix Gel
Physiogel A.I. Protect Cream Intrasite Applipak Gel
Physiogel Body Lotion Iruxol Mono Ointment

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index


Kelo-Cote Solair Gel Champix Tablets PoM
Kelo-Cote Spray Nicorette Chewing Gum
Lays Tissue Oil Spray Quit Metered Dosage Spray
L-Mesitran Hydrogel Dressings Solution
L-Mesitran Ointment Zyban Tablets PoM
L-Mesitran Soft Wound Gel Sore throat (see Mouth &
Mebo Ointment * throat preparations)
Melolin Sterile Dressing
Opsite Wound Dressings
Pharysor Solution *
Advanced Bio-CoQ10 Complex
Phyto-Force Hypoxis Cream * Capsules *
Primapore Adhesive Dressings AGE Protect Antioxidant
Scarscience Scar Management Formulation Tabs *
Programme * A Vogel Vegomega-3 Capsules *
Sleeping disorders Bausch & Lomb Preservision
(see Hypnotics) Areds Softgels
Bausch & Lomb Preservision
Appe-Check Tablets * Bio-Amara Digestive Aid Tablets *
Duromine Capsules PoM Biogen Bulk 45/50 * [9]
GI Lean 3 Day Detox Biogen Carbogen Low GI * [9]
Effervescent Tabs *
Biogen Cytogen Race Mix * [9]
GI Lean 10 Day Weight Loss
Biogen Diet Protein Ready-
Booster Caps *
to-drink * [9]
GI Lean Firm & Lean Snack
Biogen L-Glutamine * [9]
Replacement Shake *
Biogen Iso-Whey Protein * [9]
Leanor Herbal Concentrate
Liquid * [3] Biogen Recovergen * [9]
Nature’s Own Slimming Herbs Bion Adult Tablets *
Tea * Bion Senior Tablets *
Obesan-X Tablets PoM Bioplasma Colourastro Biochemic
Obex-LA Tablets PoM Tissue Salts Tabs *
R59 - Vesiculine Obesity Drops, Inj * Bio-Silica Capsules *
Relislim Tablets PoM Bio-Strath Elixir *
Tenuate Dospan Tablets PoM Bio-Strath Tablets *
Thinz Alcachofra Tablets * Carnimag Capsules *
Vital Fat Burner Capsules * Centrum Mynutrients Antioxidant
Vital Vita-Slim Capsules * Tablets *
Xenical Capsules PoM Centrum Mynutrients Omega-3
Capsules *
Smoking cessation Chelaplus Zinc Daily Supplement
(see Smokers supplement/ Caps
Anti-smoking agents) CoEnzyme Compositum Injection *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Co-Enzyme Q10 Tablets (NRF) * GNC Pro Performance® Oatmeal

Comega Vite Omega 3 + 6 Extra Protein Bar Deluxe * [9]
Strength Vegicaps GNC Pro Performance®
Devil’s Claw Tablets * RapidDrive BCAA 5000 * [9]
Dextrose-Fresenius Injection PoM GNC Pro Performance®
Enermag Sport Tablets * RapidDrive Glutamine 2500
Eye Q Capsules, Baby Capsules * Power Chews * [9]
Eye Q Chews * GNC Pro Performance® 100%
Whey Isolate * [9]
Eye Q Liquid *
GNC Puredge™ Daily
Fertipil Plus Capsules *
Powdered PB * [9]
Flora Force Colostrum Capsules * [9]
GNC Puredge™ Complete
Flora Force Spirulina Capsules * Amino * [9]
Flora Force Taheebo Capsules *
GNC Puredge™ Complete
Foodstate Anti-Ageing Formula Protein * [9]
Tabs *
Gojivit AFR Capsules *
Foodstate Enthusiasm and
Green Rooibos Extract Capsules *
Energy Formula Tabs *
Foodstate Essential Fatty Acid H Formula Capsules *
Formula Caps * ICAPS R Caps Eye Vitamin &
Foodstate Immune Formula Tabs * Mineral Supplement *
Foodstate Omega 3 Formula Immunochoice Complex Caps *
Capsules * Lactaze Extra Strength Chewable
Foodstate Sugar Balance Tabs *
Formula Tabs * Marcus Rohrer Spirulina *
GNC Pro Performance® 100% Melotone Syrup *
Casein Protein * [9] Moducare Capsules *
GNC Pro Performance® 100% Moducare Kiddies Chewable
Soy Isolate * [9] Tabs *
GNC Pro Performance® 100% Moducare Plus+ Tablets *
Whey Protein * [9]
Mumomega Pregnancy Caps *
GNC Pro Performance® AMP
Amplified 100% Whey Nutriplex Lipid Peri IV Infus PoM
Protein * [9] Nutriplex Lipid Plus IV Infus PoM
GNC Pro Performance® AMP Nutriplex Lipid Plus Without
Amplified Creatine XXX * [9] Electrolytes IV Infus PoM
GNC Pro Performance® AMP Nutriplex Lipid Special
Amplified Gold 100% Whey IV Infus PoM
Protein Advanced * [9] Nutriplex Lipid Special Without
GNC Pro Performance® AMP Electrolytes IV Infus PoM
Amplified Mass XXX™ * [9] Nutrivite Tablets *
GNC Pro Performance® Creatine
Ocuvite Complete Capsules
Complex Chews * [9]
Ocuvite Dry Eye Softgel Caps
GNC Pro Performance® Creatine
Monohydrate * [9] Ocuvite Tablets
GNC Pro Performance® Ocuvite Lutein Capsules
L-Glutamine Powder 5000 * [9] Ocuvite Preservision Tablets

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index


L52190-7/ADVERT 4


High-quality source of amino acids, including
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Available at

Available in selected stores STORES
green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic
@GNC_SA GNC*South= refer toAfrica
alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Omegachoice General Soft Vita Royal Food Supplement with

Gel Caps * Royal Jelly *
Omegachoice Odourless Soft Yeast Defence Essentials Caps *
Gel Caps * Zinplex Forte Tablets
Omegatone 3 Tablets * Zinplex Junior Syrup
Peptopro Powder * [9]
Sprains/strains (see Anti-
Peptopsport Powder * [9]
inflammatory agents, topical)
Prime 1 Liquid *
Procydin Capsules * STIMULANTS
Pure Radiance C Powder, Anexate Injection PoM
Vege-Capsules * Concerta ER Tablets PoM
Pure Synergy Powder, Encephabol Tablets PoM
Vege-Capsules * Methylphenidate HCl-Douglas
Pure Synergy Colourastro Tabs PoM
Biochemic Tissue Salts Tabs * Nootropil Capsules, Tablets, Inj PoM
R91 - Sport Drops/Bio-91 * Provigil Tablets PoM
Selenivite Tablets * Ritalin Tablets, LA Capsules PoM
Siberian Ginseng Tablets (NRF) * Strattera Capsules PoM
Simply Aloe Health Drink *
Stomach cramps
Staminogro Tablets
(see Antispasmodics/
Stat10Choice Soft Gel stomach cramps)
Capsules *
Supahealth Elixir * Stress (see Sedatives)
Supahealth Junior Elixir Orange
Flavour *
(see Skin agents: burns/
Sutherlandia Tablets *
sunburn/sun protection)
Sutherlandia 350 Tablets *
Threshold Real MSM Tablets * Sun protection
TrimegaTM Capsules * (see Skin agents: burns/
Ultimate Brain Fuel Tablets * sunburn/sun protection)
Ultimate Omegas Capsules * SUPPLEMENTS FOR
Ultimate Omegas for Bright FATIGUE & STRESS
Sparks Caps * Stressvite Tablets *
Visionvite Tablets * Vitachoice Capsules *
Vital Eye Boost Capsules *
Vita Lemon Food Supp with SUPPLEMENTS FOR MEN
Vit C and Ginseng * [3] Anela Ocansini Ebusuku Capsule *
Vital Omega 3 Concentrate Erectogen Forte Tablets *
Capsules * Erex 1 Hour Before Capsules *
Vital Omega 3, 6, 9 Concentrate Gentron (Potency Tablets) Tablets *
Capsules * Herbology Libido for Men Tablets *
Vital Flaxseed Oil Capsules * Herbology Multivit Men Tablets *
Vital Gold Capsules * Maximor Advance for Men
Vital Hair, Skin & Nails Capsules * Capsules *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index


L52190-5/ADVERT 2


You need carbs, quality proteins and healthy fats to
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Available in selected stores STORES
green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: South
See pageAfrica
154 www.gnc.co.za
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Organic Vita/Min/Herb for Men Nutritional Support for Hormone

Tablets * Replacement Tabs *
R19 - Euglandin-M Glandular Organic Vita/Min/Herb for Women
Drops for Men * Tablets *
R41 - Fortivirone Neurasthenia Phyto-Force Black Cohosh
Drops, Inj for Men * Tincture * [3]
R89 - Essential Fatty Acids Phyto Soya Capsules Double
Drops/Bio-89 * Strength *
Rockhard Weekend Capsules * Phyto Soya Capsules Regular
Saw Palmetto & Nettle Root Strength *
Tablets * Phyto Soya Vaginal Gel *
Vital Enduramax Capsules * Premular Tablets *
Vital Prostate Gland Capsules * Primeve Plus Capsules *
R10 - Klimakteran Climacteric
WOMEN (INCLUDING R20 - Euglandin-F Glandular
FOR MENOPAUSE/ Drops, Inj for Women *
MENSTRUATION/PMS) R28 - Secalen Hypermenorrhoea
A Vogel Hot Flush & Night Sweat Drops *
Remedy Tabs * R38 - Dextronex Lower Abdomen
Black Cohosh Tablets * Drops *
Femplex Tablets * R39 - Sinistronex Lower
Femtron Tablets * Abdomen Drops *
Femular Tablets * R75 - Dolomensin
Femvite Tablets * Dysmenorrhoea Drops *
Flora Force Dong Quai Capsules * Sidroga Herbel Tea for
Breastfeeding Mothers *
Flora Force Libido Capsules *
Vital Evening Primrose Oil
Flora Force Mexican Wild Yam
Capsules *
Tabs *
Vital Menopause Capsules *
Flora Force Phyto-Mone Tablets *
Womenschoice Intimacy
Foodstate Menopause Formula
Capsules *
Tabs *
Gynaecare Syrup * SUPPLEMENTS IN
Herbology Libido for Women PREGNANCY &
Tablets * POST-NATAL
Hormeel S Drops * [3] Centrum Materna Tablets
Hormeel S Injection * Centrum Materna DHA tablets
Hot Flush and Night Sweat Chelaplus Iron & Folic Acid
Remedy Tabs * Pregnancy Formula Caps
Maximor Advance for Women
Filibon Capsules
Capsules *
Folic Acid Forte Capsules
Menoclove Day/Night Capsules *
Menoclove Forte Capsules * Lactocare Tablets and Vegicaps
Menoclove Plus Capsules * Lipovit Capsules
Meno-Expert Water Balance Mumomega Pregnancy Capsules *
Caps * Pharmaton Matruelle Capsules

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Pregomega Day Pack, Pharmaton Soft Gelatin Caps *

Plus Day Pack R95 - Alfalfa Tonic Liquid * [3]
Tibb-Completone Tablets *
Vital Herbal Elixir *
Vita-Thion Sachets
Adrenaline-Fresenius Injection PoM
Ephedrine Sulfate Injection Travel sickness
Epipen Auto-Injector, JR Auto- (see Anti-vertigo/anti-emetic/
Injector PoM anti-nauseant agents)
Pharma-Q Adrenaline Injection PoM
THYROID AGENTS Cetrotide Injection PoM
& EFFECTS Clomid Tablets PoM
Diotroxin Tablets PoM ClomiHexal Tablets PoM
Eltroxin Tablets PoM Eligard Injection PoM
Euthyrox Tablets PoM Fertomid Tablets PoM
Flora Force West Coast Kelp Fostimon Injection PoM
Tabs * Genotropin Injection PoM
Foodstate Thyroid Formula Tabs * Gonal-F Injection PoM
Neo-Mercazole Tablets PoM Gonapeptyl Depot
Injection PoM [5]
Phenylephrine Injection
Humatrope Injection PoM
R51 - Thyreosan Thyroid Drops *
Lucrin Injection, Depot Inj PoM
Tertroxin Tablets PoM
Luveris Injection PoM [5]
Thyreoidea Compositum Injection *
Menopur IM Injection PoM [5]
Thyrovite Tablets *
Norditropin Nordilet Injection PoM
TONICS Ovidrel Injection PoM [5]
Apiton Syrup * Ovitrelle Injection PoM [5]
Bioplus Syrup Pergoveris Injection PoM [5]
Bioplus Effervescent Tablets Suprefact Implant PoM [5]
Energard Capsules * Synacthen Depot Injection PoM
Enerlift Syrup * Zoladex Injection PoM
Flora Force Siberian Ginseng Tuberculosis (TB)
Caps * (see Anti-tuberculotics)
Fo-Ti Tieng Capsules, Powder *
Gericomplex Capsules PoM * ULCERATIVE COLITIS
Asacol Tablets, Enema, Supps PoM
Ginsana Capsules *
Dipentum Capsules PoM
Ginseng Super Tablets *
Entocord Enema, Capsules PoM
Liviton Syrup
Mezavant PR Tablets PoM
Maxitone Syrup
Pentasa Tablets, Suppositories PoM
Minamino Capsules
Salofalk Granules PoM
Minamino Syrup
PerformaChoice Capsules * URINARY ALKALINIZERS
Pharmaton Fizzi Effervescent Adco-Sodasol Effervescent
Tabs * Granules

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Alkafizz Effervescent Granules Phyto Nova Cystemme

Citro-Soda Granules Capsules *
Effersol Granules Prostaflo SR Capsules PoM
Medi Soda Granules Prostasan Capsules *
Propan Mist. Pot. Cit. Simplex Liq Prostasan Liquid Drops *
Quatro-Soda Granules Prostavite Tablets *
Uralyt-U Granules Prostavor Capsules *
Uri-Alk Effervescent Tablets Pyridium Tablets PoM
R18 - Cystophylin Kidney and
Deblaston Capsules PoM R25 - Prostatan Prostatitis
Macrodantin Capsules PoM Drops, Inj *
Puromylon Tablets PoM R27 - Renocalcin Renal Calculi
Drops, Inj *
URINARY SYSTEM R64 - Nephralbin Albuminuria
AGENTS Drops *
A Vogel Nephrosolid Oral R74 - Nocturnin Enuresis Drops *
Liquid * [3] Renagel Tablets PoM
A Vogel Prostasan Capsules * Sabax Dianeal Periton Dialysis
Beniprosin SR Capsules PoM Sol
Bennetts Colic Mixture Silodyx Hard Gel Capsules PoM
Berberis-Homaccord Drops * [3] Tamsul SR Capsules PoM
Berberis-Homaccord Injection * Tibb-Renotone Tablets *
Biobalance UTH/Urihealth Tablets * Uricon Tablets
Cys-Control Powder * Urispas Tablets
Detrusitol SR Capsules PoM Uritron Tablets *
Enablex CR Tablets PoM Uromax Capsules PoM
Extraneal Periton Dialysis Uromitexan Injection PoM
Solution Vital Cranberry Complex
Flomax SR Capsules PoM Capsules *
Flora Force Bladder & Kidney Womenschoice Cranberry
Drops * [3] Max Tablets *
Flora Force Buchu Capsules * Xatral XL Tablets PoM
Flora Force Fennel Capsules * UTERINE
Flora Force Saw Palmetto ANTISPASMODICS
Caps * Tractocile Sol for Inj, Sol for Inf PoM
Fosrenol Chew Tablets PoM Ventolin Injection, Infusion PoM
Hermes Leber-Gallentee No 8 *
Nephrosolid Oral Liquid * [3]
inoculations (see Biologicals)
Nutrineal PD4 with 1.1% Amini
Acids Periton Dialysis Sol VAGINAL PREPARATIONS
Omsal MR Capsules PoM Adco-Normospor Vaginal Cream
Physioneal 40 Glucose Periton A-Por Vaginal Cream
Dialysis Solution Betadine Vaginal Gel, Douche

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Biobalance Vaginal Relief Isoket IV Solution PoM

Cream * Loftyl Tablets PoM
Canalba Vaginal Cream Nimotop Tablets, IV Infusion PoM
Candaspor Vaginal Cream Papaverine 60 Sol for Injection
Candizole V Vaginal Cream Prostin VR Injection PoM
Canesten Vaginal Cr, 1 Vag Tabs, Serc Tablets PoM
1 Vag Cr, Duopak
Canex V Vaginal Cream VITAMINS/MINERALS/
Canstat Vaginal Tablets HOMEOPATHIC
Dalacin VC Vaginal Cream PoM SUBSTANCES
A-Lennon-Thiamine HCl
Diflucan Capsules, Susp, Inf PoM
Tablets PoM
Glenmark-Clotrimazole Vaginal
A-Lennon-Vit B Co Injection PoM
A-Lennon-Vit B12 Injection PoM
Gyno-Daktarin Vaginal Cream,
Vag Capsules, Combipak Ascorbic Acid-Fresenius Injection
Gyno-Pevaryl Vaginal Cream, A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline
Powder *
Ovules, Depot-Ovule
Baba C Syrup
Lomexin Vaginal Cream, Vaginal
Ovules PoM B-Cal-D Chewable Tablets,
Swallow Tablets
Medaspor Vaginal Cream
B-Cal-DM Chewable Tablets,
Metrogel V Vaginal Gel
Swallow Tabs *
Micomisan Vaginal Cream PoM
B-Cal Ultra Calcium Swallow
Pharfem Solution * Tablets
Pharmo-Gyne Solution * Becoplex IDO Injection
Premarin Cream Be-Tabs Ascorbic Acid Tablets
Replens Gel Be-Tabs Folic Acid Tablets
Vagarsol Gel PoM Be-Tabs Pyridoxine HCl Tablets
Vari-Econazole Nitrate Vaginal Biobalance All-in-One
Cream Vitamin & Mineral
Supplement Caps *
Varicose veins
Biobalance Immunova Kiddi
(see Circulation disturbances/ Tonic Liquid *
haemorrhoidal conditions/ Brumalt Syrup *
varicose veins) Calci-Dense Tablets
VASOCONSTRICTORS Calciferol Oily Solution Lennon PoM
Akrinor Tablets Calcitone Tablets *
Akrinor Injection PoM Caltrate D Tablets
Effortil Ampoules Caltrate Plus Tablets, Chewable
VASODILATORS Ceestim Tablets
Accupril Tablets PoM Centrum Kids Chewable Tablets
Aspen Pentoxifylline SR Tablets Centrum Tablets
Avigra Tablets PoM Centrum Select 50+ Tablets
Dynafil Tablets PoM Chelaplus Calcium Daily
Dyna Pentoxifylline SR Tablets Supplement Caps

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Chelaplus Magnesium Daily Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral

Supplement Caps Formula for Women Tabs *
Chelaplus Multi Mineral Vitamin Foodstate Potassium Complex
Supplement Caps Tablets *
Chelaplus Super Antioxidant Foodstate Pregnancy Formula
Formula Capsules Tablets *
Chela-Preg Tablets Foodstate Selenium Complex
Tablets *
Chocaton Syrup
Foodstate Vitamin B Complex
Clusivol Syrup Tablets *
Complenatal FF Capsules Foodstate Vitamin C Complex
Complivite Tablets Tablets *
Cruciale Capsules Foodstate Vitamin D3 Complex
D-Drops Tabs *
Diabecinn Cholesterol Haemoplex Chewable Tablets *
Tablets * Herbology B-Complex Tablet *
Diabecinn Extra Capsules * Herbology Multivite 40+ Tablets *
Diabecinn Original Capsules * Herbology Multivit Women
Tablets *
Diabion Capsules
Isovorin RTU Injection
DS-24 Iron Free Soft Gel
Kiddivite Tablets *
Lennon Strong Calciferol
DS-24 Soft Gel Caps, DS-24
Tablets PoM
Vegi Soft Gel Caps
Lipovit Syrup
Dynamisan Tablets *
Maxivit 25 Capsules
Elimni Rad Tablets
Maxivit Plus Capsules
Emvit Capsules
MenaCal 7 Tablets, Chews
Emvit-M Capsules for Kids
Emvit Sprinkles Multiforce Alkaline Powder *
Essentiale Capsules Multi-VitChoice Capsules
Execusmart Capsules * Multi-VitChoice PlusOmega-3
Filibon Capsules Capsules
Foodstate Calcium & Magnesium Multivit XPS Tablets *
Formula Tabs * MVX Tablets
Foodstate Chromium GTF Neurobion, Injection PoM
Complex Tablets * Neurobion Tablets
Foodstate Iron & Molybdenum Osteovite Tablets *
Complex Tabs * Patrick Holford Advanced
Foodstate Magnesium Complex Optimum Nutrition Caps
Tablets * Peptopsport Multivitamin
Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral Capsules *
Formula Tabs * Pharmaton Kiddi Chewable
Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral Tablets
Formula for Men Tabs * Pharmaton Kiddi Syrup
Foodstate Multivitamin & Mineral Pharmaton Matruelle Capsules *
Formula for Over 50’s Tabs * Pharmaton Proactive Caplets *

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Therapeutic Classes Index

Pregnatone Tablets Vital Maxi C Capsules *

Pregnavit M Capsules Vital Viral Boost Capsules *
Pre-Natal Forte Tablets Vital Vitacharge Capsules *
Pregnavor Capsules * Vital Vitacharge Multiboost Syrup *
Pregvit MR Tablets Vitamag Forte Tablets
Reduvit Plus Capsules Vita-Thion Capsule *
Rescuvolin Tablets, Powd for Inj Vita-Thion Effervescent Tablets *
Sandoz Ca-C Effervescent Vita Zinc Tablets *
Tablets Whizz Kidz Gummyz *
Sandoz Calcium Optim+ Zinmag Sport Caplets
Effervescent Tablets
Zinmag Caplets
Scorbex Tablets
Soluvit Novum IV Infusion PoM Weight control/management
Spatone Sachets (see Slimming products)
Stressvite Tablets * Weight loss support
Supachews Tablets & body toner
Ultimate A-Z Nutrition Tablets * (see Slimming products)
Ultimate Immune Booster Tablets *
Ultimate Nutrition for Bright
Worm infestation
Sparks Chew Tabs * (see Anthelmintics)
Vi-Daylin Drops, Syrup OTHERS
Vi-Daylin plus Iron Drops Dysport Injection PoM
Vi-Daylin with Minerals Syrup Engystol N Injection, Tablets *
ViralChoice Effervescent Tablets * Ethyol Injection PoM
ViralChoice Junior Multivitamin Intron A Powd for Inj, HSA-free
Chew Tabs * Redipen Inj PoM
Vita C 2000 Effervescent Powder * Lymphomyosot Drops * [3]
Vitachoice Capsules * Lymphomyosot Injection *
Vita Chromag Tablets * Rilutek Tablets PoM
Vital Calcium Complex Tablets * SAB-Saline Irrigation Solution
Vital Cod Liver Oil Capsules Suboxone Sublingual Tablets PoM
Vital Maxi B Capsules Subutex Sublingual Tablets PoM

green = permitted blue = prohibited in particular sports
red = prohibited in and out of competition red = prohibited in competition only
red/red /blue italic = prohibited generic * = refer to alternative substance(s)
NOTES [1] - [9]: See page 154
Drugs in Sport
Notes [1] - [9]

NOTES [1] – [9]

All beta-2 agonists (including all optical isomers, eg d- and
l- where relevant) are prohibited In and Out of Competition
except inhaled salbutamol (maximum 1 600 µg over 24 hours),
inhaled formoterol (maximum delivery of 54 µg over 24 hours)
and inhaled salmeterol in accordance with the manufacturers’
recommended therapeutic regimen.
To clarify, when used by inhalation, salbutamol, formoterol
and salmeterol no longer require a DoU or a TUE.
Refer to section S3 (Beta-2 Agonists) of the WADA 2015
Prohibited List on Page 18.

All glucocorticoids are prohibited In-Competition when
administered via oral, intravenous, intramuscular or
rectal routes.
To clarify, when used by inhalation or nasally, glucocorticoids
no longer require a DoU or a TUE.
Refer to section S9 (Glucocorticoids) of the WADA 2015
Prohibited List on Page 22.

Alcohol (ethanol) is prohibited In Competition only, in the
following sports. Detection will be conducted by analysis
of breath and/or blood. The doping violation threshold is
equivalent to a blood concentration of 0.10 g/L.
• Air Sports (FAI)
• Archery (WA)
• Automobile (FIA)
• Motorcycling (FIM)
• Powerboating (UIM)
Refer to section P1 (Alcohol) of the WADA 2015 Prohibited List
on Page 23.
NOTE: Homeopathic medicines in liquid formulations, can
contain alcohol as a solvent for ingredients. Where the alcohol
content is too small to be of significance, the homeopathic
preparations are not indicated as containing alcohol.

Unless otherwise specified, beta-blockers are prohibited
In Competition only, in the following sports.
• Automobile (FIA)
• Billiards (all disciplines) (WCBS)

Drugs in Sport
Notes [1] - [9]

• Darts (WDF)
• Golf (IGF)
•S kiing/Snowboarding (FIS) in ski jumping, freestyle aerials/
halfpipe and snowboard halfpipe/big air.
•U nderwater sports (CMAS) in constant-weight apnoea with
or without fins, dynamic apnoea with and without fins, free
immersion apnoea, Jump Blue apnoea, spearfishing, static
apnoea, target shooting and variable weight apnoea
Unless otherwise specified, beta-blockers are prohibited
In and Out of Competition in the following sports.
• Archery (WA)
• Shooting (ISSF, IPC)
Beta-blockers include, but are not limited to, the following:
•A cebutolol, alprenolol, atenolol, betaxolol, bisoprolol,
bunolol, carteolol, carvedilol, celiprolol, esmolol,
labetalol, levobunolol, metipranolol, metoprolol,
nadolol, nebivolol , oxprenolol, pindolol, propranolol,
sotalol, timolol.
Refer to section P2 (Beta-Blockers) of the WADA 2015
Prohibited List on Page 23.


ONLY (In and Out of Competition)
Certain hormones in section S2:
Chorionic gonadotrophin (CG), luteinizing hormone (LH) and
their releasing factors are prohibited in males.
Refer to section S2 (Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors,
Related Substances and Mimetics) of the WADA 2015
Prohibited List on Page 17.

Pseudoephedrine is prohibited In Competition only when its
concentration in urine is greater than 150 µg/ml. Refer
to section S6 (Stimulants) of the WADA 2015 Prohibited List
on Page 20.
Clarifying information (WADA):
•T he established threshold levels may be reached (rarely, but
possibly) by some individuals within 6-20 hours of intake of
some long-lasting therapeutic formulations.
 dvise athletes to stop taking pills containing
pseudoephedrine at least 24 hours before competition.
For therapeutic applications during the In-Competition
period, consider the use of alternative permitted
medications upon previous consultation with a physician, or

Drugs in Sport
Notes [1] - [9]

apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for the use of

pseudoephedrine for therapeutic purpose(s).
 he threshold level has been established based on the
intake of therapeutic doses of pseudoephedrine, defined as
a maximum daily dose of 240 mg pseudoephedrine taken
either as:
i) f our (4) daily administrations (one every 4-6 hours) of a
60 mg pill (or 2 x 30 mg pills), or
ii) t wo (2) daily administrations (one every 12 hours) of a
120 mg pill, or
iii) o
 ne (1) daily administration of a 240 mg pill.
• I n line with this dosing regimen, the intake, for example,
of a single daily dose of 3 x 60 mg pills constitutes a
supratherapeutic administration that may lead to an Adverse
Analytical Finding.

Glycerol is prohibited as a plasma expander which requires the
ingestion of quantities far beyond that which are commonly
found in foodstuffs and toiletries. The normal use of foodstuffs
and toiletries that contain glycerol (glycerine), will not cause a
competitor to test positive.
Refer to section S5 (Diuretics and Masking Agents) of the
WADA 2015 Prohibited List on Page 18.


 drenaline (epinephrine): Local administration (eg nasal,
ophthalmologic) of adrenaline or co-administration with
local anaesthetic agents is not prohibited.
 athine (nor-pseudoephedrine): Prohibited when its
concentration in urine is greater than 5 µg/ml.
 phedrine & methylephedrine: Each of ephedrine and
methylephedrine is prohibited when its concentration in
urine is greater than 10 µg/ml.
Refer to section S6 (Stimulants) of the WADA 2015 Prohibited
List on Page 20.


It is recommended that sports supplements are to be used at
own risk. Consumers should research the safety profiles of any
supplement they are considering taking.
Unfortunately, not all supplements on the market have been
tested according to sound, scientific and objective standards.

Drugs in Sport
Notes [1] - [9]

Where these tests have not been performed, the products’ claims
of efficacy and safety are not proven and cannot be guaranteed.
In its position statement on sports supplements, the South
African Institute for Drug-Free Sport states that consumers
should be aware of the risks involved with supplement use,
both in terms of health and risk of being banned from sport.

Drugs in Sport
Hydration in Sport

Hydration in Sport
Adequate hydration is vitally important in sports activities.
Drinking too little (hypohydration) impairs the body’s ability to
regulate heat, elevating body temperature and heart rate. The
athlete feels more fatigued than usual at a given performance
level, finds it harder to focus and take decisions, and can
experience stomach discomfort. Most types of exercise are
impacted by hypohydration, especially in South Africa’s generally
warm weather conditions, and athletes have been shown to be
negatively affected when their fluid deficiency is as low as two
percent (ie, a deficiency of 1.4 litres for a 70-kilogram athlete).
At the same time, drinking too much water can have negative
effects, among them a decrease in sodium levels, which can
lead to muscle cramping.
Drinking the right amount of fluid before, during and after
physical exertion is key.

Factors affecting fluid loss

Fluid requirements vary among athletes and sporting situations.
Factors influencing fluid loss through sweat include air
temperature, workout intensity, body size, gender, duration of
workout and fitness level. It is impossible to prescribe a general
fluid replacement plan to suit everyone. To help ascertain their
optimal fluid replacement, athletes should weigh themselves
before and after an exercise session. Each kilogram of weight lost
is equivalent to about one litre of fluid. For example, if an athlete
is one kilogram lighter after training, and has consumed one litre
of fluid during training, he or she has a total fluid loss of two litres.
Once an athlete’s individual sweat losses are known, a plan can be
prepared to achieve optimal fluid replacement during sports.

How much fluid intake is adequate?

Generally speaking, athletes should drink 200-600 ml of fluid
pre-match and as close to the match as possible. Thirst is
not an accurate predictor of hydration levels – to keep
performing optimally, most athletes can tolerate 200-300 ml
of fluid every 15 minutes, if the sport allows. It is better to
drink early in exercise and to consume small amounts
at regular intervals rather than large volumes in one go.
Rehydrate after exercise by drinking enough fluid to replace
the fluid lost during exercise.

What fluids are best?

Sports drinks are widely considered more appropriate than
water for moderate- to high-intensity sports that last an hour

Drugs in Sport
Hydration in Sport

Drugs in Sport
Hydration in Sport

or longer. Studies have shown that fluid intake is enhanced

when beverages are cool (-15 °C), flavoured and contain
electrolytes (such as sodium). In addition to the meticulously
researched flavouring of sports drinks, which encourages
athletes to drink during exercise, their carbohydrate
concentration allows refuelling to take place during exercise,
and their electrolyte levels replace sodium (and sometimes
potassium) lost through sweating. A study conducted
with the Australian Institute of Sport basketball players in
1999 demonstrated better fluid balance with a sports drink
compared to water. (Since the acid and sugar found in some
sports drinks can hurt your teeth in the long term, dentists
recommend that athletes brush their teeth at least
30 minutes after consuming energy drinks, to avoid driving
these ingredients deeper into the enamel and dentin.)
Water is still the drink of choice during exercise of up to one
hour and where competition is not so serious. Says Prof Louise
Burke of the Australian Institute of Sport: “If you’re in the
gym pedalling to lose weight while you read a magazine,
then you don’t need a sports drink – just drink water.” Prof
Clare Collins, a spokesperson for the Dieticians Association of
Australia, agrees: “For ordinary people who play soccer on a
Saturday, there’s no need for them to use energy drinks because
their fluid requirements can be met by water and generally
you’re not sweating enough to lose excessive amounts of
electrolytes.” But when the outcome of a competition is
important to you and you need to perform at your very best,
opt for sports drinks.


Know the signs of dehydration. According to the
US-based Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, early
signs include:
 Thirst
 Flushed skin
 Premature fatigue
 Increased body temperature
 Faster breathing and pulse rate
 Increased perception of effort
 Decreased exercise capacity
Later signs include:
 Dizziness
 Increased weakness
 Difficulty breathing with exercise

Drugs in Sport
Sports Nutrition

Sports Nutrition
by Amanda Claassen-Smithers, Registered Dietician & Exercise
Scientist, PhD

Optimal nutrition, training and rest are the cornerstones of

exercise performance and health. The amount, type and
timing of food intake not only affect muscle strength,
endurance and recovery, but also other aspects affecting
performance, such as body composition, and short- and
long-term health. Several key, scientifically proven nutritional
strategies are available to athletes to enhance sporting
performance whilst preserving good health.
Consumers are faced with many conflicting messages about
nutrition, making it difficult to know which route to take. It
is therefore important to seek guidance from appropriately
qualified experts who can help identify effective and safe
nutritional strategies – those with substantial, sound scientific
evidence. Then, importantly, they should tailor these evidence-
based strategies to meet their specific individual needs, lifestyle
circumstances, preferences and goals.
An overview of the key sports nutrition principles is provided
below. The devil is in the detail, though, with various sports-
specific guidelines on the ideal amount, type and timing
of nutrient intake to optimise training and competition
performance. A registered dietician with appropriate sports
nutrition expertise would be a good resource to assist you in
this regard.

Overview of the key nutritional

performance-enhancing principles:
These core principles are backed by a strong body of evidence
from credible scientific institutions and consensus from leading
global sports nutrition experts and various international
sporting bodies (eg, the International Olympic Committee [IOC],
Australian and English Institutes of Sport, “Team USA”, the
World Anti-Doping Agency, and the South African Institute for
Drug-Free Sport).
 A “food first” approach still has the strongest evidence for
positively affecting various aspects of optimal performance
whilst preserving short- and long-term health.
 Nutrients from “real” foods are typically better absorbed
and utilised by the body, working in synergy and functioning
more optimally whilst limiting the risks of health-threatening
effects. Strategies that over-emphasise one particular food

Drugs in Sport
Sports Nutrition

or the use of a dietary supplement(s) at the expense of a

balanced food intake are not advisable.
 Eat enough to meet your energy needs and include a variety
of wholesome foods from all the different food groups.
Doing so assists with providing a variety of nutrients,
including vitamins and minerals, in the right proportions
needed to sustain a healthy body, and optimise muscle
adaptation, recovery and performance.
 Carbohydrates play an important role in a sportsperson’s
diet. There is a strong body of evidence linking optimal
carbohydrate intake with performance-enhancing effects in
various sports (eg, sprint-type, team sports and endurance
events). Carbohydrates constitute the primary fuel source
to the working muscles and various organs, support optimal
brain and central nervous system functioning (improving
concentration and fatigue resistance), play a key role in
the repair, maintenance and building of muscle mass – a
function often neglected by those wanting to boost recovery
or muscle-up. In addition, they can help dampen the stress
response, reduce the inflammatory response and improve
immune system functioning during and after exercise.

What about carbohydrates and health?

Recently a group of researchers from the USA and UK reviewed
the evidence on the health benefits associated with
whole-grain carbohydrates (Journal of Nutrition, 2013).
Current evidence indicates that whole grains play an important
role in lowering the risk of chronic diseases, such as coronary
heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and also contribute to
body-weight management and gastro-intestinal health.
The unique mix of nutrients, including the phytonutrients
present in whole grains, synergistically contributes to their
beneficial effects.
Your training diet should therefore revolve around wholesome,
nutrient-rich food choices such as whole-grain/rye bread,
cereals, regular oats, pasta, brown/basmati rice, vegetables,
fruit, low-fat dairy, lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, and vegetable
oils. This should also take care of vitamin and mineral needs.
Similar to protein and fat intake, the exact amount and
proportion of wholesome and concentrated carbohydrate
should be tailored towards your age, gender, body size, body
composition, health and your training and performance needs.
 Protein is well known for its role in growth, muscle-
building and recovery. But there is a limit to the amount
of protein your body can use, even when highly active.

Drugs in Sport
Sports Nutrition

Overdoing it does not provide additional benefits for health

or performance and could be detrimental (eg replacing
other essential foods and nutrients, dehydration, increased
calcium [bone] loss, and increased risk of cancer). It is fairly
easy to meet protein needs by eating a variety of common
everyday foods, eg lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy,
legumes/pulses, nuts and seeds. Many of the wholesome
carbohydrates also provide protein.

Did you know: Milk has been scientifically proven as a
superior recovery beverage. It offers the ideal ratio of
carbohydrate-to-protein, provides fluid and many other
nutrients that work synergistically to enhance recovery.
 A low-fat intake has been shown best for most athletes
to help manage body fat and gain various health benefits.
Focus on healthy fats (vegetable fats and oils high in
poly- and mono-unsaturated fats such as canola) and limit
saturated fats (eg animal fats) and trans-fats (eg highly
processed, high-fat foods).
In conclusion, good nutrition is an integral part of a
performance strategy – of which preserving health should be
an important objective. As with exercise training, performance
nutrition should be tailored and “trained in” for best results.
Supplementation may be useful to help meet nutritional goals.
However, it also calls for an individually tailored approach and
a more circumspect process where the risks and benefits are
carefully considered to obtain the best possible outcome.

Drugs in Sport
Sports Supplements

Sports Supplements
Nutritional supplementation in sport is on the rise, with more
and more athletes all over the world taking sports supplements,
with the aim of maximising the effects of their training
programme and enhancing their performance during events.
As health supplements have only recently been regulated
(in terms their quality, safety and efficacy), in South Africa,
consumers need to be vigilant and aware of the pitfalls of
taking certain sports supplements. Sportspeople should
choose their supplements carefully when participating in
sporting codes and events.
The Health Products Association of South Africa (HPASA)
highly recommends that sportspeople seek professional advice
about what supplementation they should be using (eg, from
their doctor or other healthcare professional). Furthermore,
HPASA recommends that they check each individual product
carefully in terms of quality, safety and efficacy; that they
evaluate the product’s label so as to ensure that the product
has been manufactured in a good manufacturing practice
(GMP)-accredited plant, that all ingredients are listed (and none
are on the WADA prohibited list), that all potential side effects
are evaluated and considered, and that claims made by the
manufacturer regarding the product are realistic.
– HPASA provides an educational forum for consumers,
manufacturers, distributors and consumers. It has access to
data from around the world that detail current developments in
nutritional supplementation and dietetic fields.
Contact HPASA at: hpasa@hpasa.co.za

Drugs in Sport
Sports Supplements


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Drugs in Sport
Preventing Sports Injuries

Preventing Sports Injuries

Sport and exercise have great benefits that all South Africans
can choose to enjoy. All sports carry a risk of injury, but this
risk can be minimised by following a safe warm-up regimen
to prepare the body for the activity ahead. After exercise,
stretching and cooling-down improve the recovery of the
muscles, heart and other tissues.

Warming-up helps to reduce the risk of injury and prepares the
body for optimal performance.
An effective warm-up:
 prepares the muscles, tendons and joints for the movement
required during exercise
 increases flexibility
 enhances muscle contraction, efficiency and co-ordination
 increases body and muscle temperature
 increases blood and oxygen supply.

The warm-up activity should be related to the intended

sporting activity. Research has shown that changes in muscle
temperature are localised and may not occur in muscles not
involved in the warm-up activities. As a general guide, the
warm-up should comprise 10 to 15 minutes of a controlled
activity using the major muscles to be exercised during the
subsequent sporting activity. The activities should be gentle, of
low intensity and easy to perform. A good indication of a sound
warm-up is a light sweat.

The main purpose of regular stretching is to lengthen muscle and
tendon tissue and to increase the range of movement at a joint.
Without stretching, muscles will gradually lose their flexibility and
may fail to respond effectively during sporting activity.
Stretching activities should only be performed once the
muscles have been warmed up. The increase in muscle
temperature improves the “stretch-ability” of the muscles.
Stretching cold muscles is far less effective and may cause
injury, such as strains and tears, to muscle tissue.
Stretching activities should also be performed at the end
of every workout or sporting activity while the muscles are
still warm. This may reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness.

Drugs in Sport
Preventing Sports Injuries

Drugs in Sport
Preventing Sports Injuries

Stretching at the end of a session, particularly if the stretches

are held for a minimum of 20 seconds, is one of the best ways
to improve flexibility.

The cool-down is a gradual decrease in activity level. The
cool-down involves a series of low-intensity exercises to allow
the body to recover from effort and it reduces the effects of
fatigue, including muscle soreness.
Cooling-down also prevents the pooling of blood in the limbs,
which can lead to fainting or dizziness. Following exercise,
cooling down and stretching improves the recovery of the
muscles, heart and other tissues.
An effective cool-down consists of a gradual reduction in
activity levels for five to 10 minutes (eg a slow jog or walk, or
some simple activity requiring moderate effort) followed by
general stretching.

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

Treating Sports Injuries

Accidents happen, especially during sports. While it may be
possible to limit the number and severity of injuries with
injury-prevention strategies, one wrong step or a collision
on the field can result in a sudden, painful injury. When this
happens, you need to be prepared to act quickly. Ideally, you
will have access to a well-stocked first aid kit or have medical
help nearby.

Acute injuries
The primary goal of sports injury first aid is to stop activity
and prevent further injury or damage. Most sport injuries that
require immediate treatment are called acute injuries. These
injuries occur suddenly, eg a rugby tackle or being hit by a
cricket ball, and cause the following symptoms or conditions:
 Pain and swelling
 Cuts and abrasions
 Fractures
 Dislocations
 Sprains or strains
 Concussion

Hard-tissue injuries
Hard-tissue injuries are those acute injuries that affect the
bone and include fractures and dislocations.

A fracture is a break or crack in a bone. Fractures can be
classified as either open or closed. An open fracture will involve
an open wound having the bone appear through the skin, whilst
a closed fracture occurs when the skin remains intact.
The symptoms of a fracture include:
 Pain and tenderness at the site
 Feeling/sound of bone ends grating or the sound of a snap
at the time of injury
 Tingling or numbness
 Symptoms of shock
The precise management of a fracture depends on the
location of the injury. However, the following steps apply to
most fractures.
 Immobilise the injured limb in the position you found it to
restrict the range of movement.

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

 Be sure to immobilise the area above and below the

 Control bleeding if there is an open wound and cover with
a sterile dressing to reduce infection.
 Assess for shock and treat as required.
 Send for medical assistance.

A dislocation is an injury in which a bone is moved out of its
normal position in relation to another bone with which it forms
a joint. The most common examples of this are in the fingers
and shoulder joint. Dislocations often cause considerable pain
and muscle spasm. With minor dislocations, it is often difficult
to tell the difference between a dislocation and a fracture.
Dislocations may be associated with fractures of nearby bones.
Signs of a dislocation include loss of function, swelling at the
site and deformity.

The following steps should be followed in the management of

a dislocation:
 Immobilise the injured limb in the position you found it.
 Gently apply a splint and sling. Be sure to immobilise the
area above and below the injured joint. Do not attempt to
reposition the dislocated joint.
 Treat for shock where appropriate.
 Send for medical assistance.

Soft tissue injuries

Soft tissue injuries involve tissues other than bone. With respect
to musculoskeletal injuries they include sprains and strains. The
first treatment for most acute soft tissue injuries is to prevent,
stop and reduce swelling. When soft tissue is damaged, it swells
or possibly bleeds internally. This swelling causes pain and loss
of motion, which limits use of the muscles.
Injury first aid with rest, ice, compression
and elevation
The primary treatment to stop swelling of injured soft
tissue is with the rest, ice, compression and elevation
(R. I. C. E.) method.

R – Rest the injured part for 24-72 hours directly after the
injury to prevent further tearing or bleeding.

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

I – Apply ice or a cold compress to the injured part two to

three times a day for the first 24-36 hours to limit internal
bleeding, swelling and numb the pain. The ice should be
wrapped in a thin towel and applied to the injured part for
10-20 minutes at a time. You can ice an acute injury several
times a day for up to three days.

C – Compression. Bandage, strap or fit a double layer of

stretch stocking over the injured part immediately after the
ice treatment to prevent further secondary swelling. Wind
the bandage over a large area of the arm or leg to prevent a
tourniquet effect that could hinder circulation.

E – Elevation. Raise the injured limb above heart level for the
first 24-48 hours to encourage the drainage of blood and fluids
and so relieve swelling.
Topical pain medications are applied directly to the skin
and come in a variety of forms, including creams, gels,
lotions and patches. They are effective pain-relievers that
reduce inflammation when absorbed by the skin and used
appropriately. Side effects of these medications often include
burning, stinging or irritated skin. Never use these medications
on broken or irritated skin.
Regarding oral pain medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) help to reduce aches, pains and inflammation.
These drugs may be supplemented by analgesics and/or
muscle relaxants.
The second stage of treating a sprain or a strain is
rehabilitation to restore normal function. When the pain
and the swelling are reduced, you can generally begin
gentle exercise. A customised programme, compiled
by a physiotherapist, that prevents stiffness, improves
range of motion and flexibility and builds strength is often
very useful. A moderate ankle sprain may require three to
six weeks of rehabilitation and a severe sprain can take six
to eight months to recover completely and prevent re-injury.
Patience and learning to cope with an injury are essential to
complete recovery.

Chronic/overuse injuries
Chronic injuries are also known as overuse injuries and are a
result of continuous stress on an area. Examples of overuse
injuries are Achilles tendonitis, shin splints or tennis elbow.

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

These injuries tend to come on gradually over a period of time

and one often can’t recall when the pain first started.
The treatment of chronic overuse injuries can be very difficult;
therefore the emphasis is on prevention. Whether you are
involved in competitive sport or not, it is advisable not to push
yourself too hard, or continue to exercise despite an existing
injury. The majority of overuse injuries are due to a too-long or
too-demanding exercise programme.

Symptomatic treatment of an overuse injury, such as pain-
killing injections, to enable the athlete to compete despite
an injury, is not recommended and not in the best interests
of the athlete. The indiscriminate use of long-acting anti-
inflammatory steroid injections near major tendons, has
resulted in the premature termination of many promising
athletes' careers due to the undesirable complications
of these medications, eg rupture of a tendon.
All overuse injuries are basically an inflammation and can
be treated by rest, physical treatment modalities and other
specific medical treatment.

Rest is the basis of the treatment of the majority of
these injuries. A change in the exercise programme
and a reduction in the quality and quantity of exercises
is required. Complete immobilisation should be avoided,
however, because it can cause later complications such
as degeneration of cartilage, bone, connective tissue and
muscles. Activity in moderation strengthens tendons,
muscles and bones; inactivity weakens them.
Exercises and activities that cause pain in the injured part should
be avoided. When an overuse injury worsens, all sporting activity
should be discontinued and a doctor’s advice sought.

Physical methods
Cold, heat, ultrasound and electromagnetic waves are all
used to limit inflammation. The objective of the treatment
is to reduce swelling and pain, enhance blood supply and
promote healing.

Ice treatment
This is a very effective treatment for an overuse injury. Place ice
blocks, wrapped in a towel, on the injured part for 15-20 minutes
three or four times a day. Continue this treatment for a few days.

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

Heat treatment
Therapeutic heat may be administered after the acute phase
(48-72 hours) to encourage relaxation of and blood supply to
the muscles.

Stretching exercises
Stretching exercises are not only preventive, but also
therapeutic, and should be done conscientiously before
and after exercise sessions. It is important to warm up
lightly before stretch exercises are done – cold muscles
should not be stretched.

Strapping can be used effectively to both treat and prevent a
sports injury. Strapping with tape exerts pressure and holds a
structure together, thereby allowing athletes with, eg a hand
or ankle injury, to keep performing in certain cases.

Massaging of injured muscles or tendons by an experienced
therapist is important in the treatment of certain overuse
injuries. Deep friction massage can be used to break down scar
tissue in chronic overuse injuries.

Drugs in Sport
Treating Sports Injuries

Drugs in Sport
Sports First Aid Kit

Sports First Aid Kit

Product Used for
Gauze swabs Bathing of wounds
Thermal blanket Covering casualty – (when cold or windy) –
treating shock
Sports tape Rigid strapping – suitable for strapping ankle
Latex gloves Hygiene
Plastic bag Disposal of blood-soiled dressings and soiled
Orthopaedic support Can help prevent blisters from rubbing
foam 10 cm x 15 cm
Triangular bandage Fracture immobilisation – sling
Adhesive dressings Wound dressing – covering of minor wounds
7 cm x 5 cm
Adhesive dressings Wound dressing – covering of larger wounds
10 cm x 8 cm
Butterfly strips Wound closure, ie bringing wound edges
Betadine Antiseptic purposes – cleaning wounds
Saline ampoules Eye irrigation, cleaning wounds
Gauze bandage – Securing dressing in place – for small, medium
different sizes and large wounds
Crepe bandage Covering wounds – securing dressing in place.
medium weight General purpose: light compression
Crepe bandage Compression strapping /support (ankle and
heavy duty knee). Wound-covering – secures dressing in
Salbutamol inhaler Asthma attacks
and spacer
Hypo-allergenic Securing dressings – ideal for sensitive skin
adhesive tape
Tweezers Splinter removal
Scissors Cutting dressings and bandages
Sports tape 2.5 cm x 5 m Rigid strapping – strapping ankles
Resuscitation mask Trainer should have received recent training
in use
Cold pack and Initial treatment of soft tissue injuries. RICE –
compression bandage Rest Ice Compression Elevation
Water bottle Fluid replacement
Sunscreen 15 Plus Protection from sun and ultraviolet rays
Reference: Sports Medicine Australia: Sports Medicine for Sports Trainers,
9th edition. Mosby 2008.



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