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Walking on a Knife!s Edge - The Last Days of Our Soul!

s Journey
through Duality: A Roadmap to Ascension
by Brigitta Keck, July 2008

In discussions about the Journey to the Golden Age we are fascinated with the identification
of the end date and what will happen then. I was always interested in another important
question. How do we actually get there with 2012 only a few years away? In this article I
present a rough guide through the final days of our journey to the 'Golden Age', based on my
still limited, but ever expanding understanding as it is coming from my heart in July 2008.

I know various ideas exist especially about the end date, all debated with great passion, but
still based on the thinking of "If I am right then you must be wrong." I believe it is time to let go
of the 'either - or' concept. What if we are all so passionate about what we believe because
we ALL are right? Each of us being presented with a small piece of a puzzle to form a larger
picture, to help other people to get inspired, to provide a stepping stone for someone else's

For my personal inspiration I needed two 'stepping stones'. One was !The Calleman Matrix" by
Carl Calleman (, a chart of
prophecy that illustrates the ruling periods of the thirteen deities in the National, Planetary,
Galactic and Universal Underworlds. The other was the article 'Harmonic Equation of
Ascension' by George Kavassilas (

It all started with being curious, and just having fun.

I have read articles about the Mayan Calendar, but I never studied it in detail. Then I came
across 'The Calleman Matrix'. I had a closer look and started to play with the dates. I realised
that in just 18 days today we are living the energy patterns of one year in our more recent
past . Intrigued I calculated how individual years of the 20 year cycles would correspond to
dates during the 360 day cycles. One particular period immediately caught my eye, a number
I recognise everywhere - the year 1956. That was the start of an exciting journey.

You might wonder, what is so special about 1956? It is the year of my birth, the start of my
current incarnation. A question popped into my head straight away: ”What is the significance
of re-living the energy patterns of my !birth" while I am still alive?“ And not only once, during
the Universal Underworld in 2011 this will happen again. A picture formed in my mind, a circle
within a circle within a circle, all connected at the bottom. And that was as far as I could go
that day. I was curious, but impatient. I knew there was !more", but nothing came to mind.

Copyright 2008 Genuine Choices - Brigitta Keck based on a Creative Common License.
You may share this file freely for non-commercial purposes, but you may not make any changes to the original.
I was pushing too hard, using my intellect, trying to force an answer. So I decided to let it go
for the moment.

A few days later I was sitting on the front veranda of our house, just
!staring at the grass" (my way of meditating), and the picture of those
three embedded circles appeared, floating in front of my eyes. This
time I just quietly asked the question: ”What is your message?“
Suddenly a copy of the three circles slowly flipped down, creating a
perfect mirror image, the whole picture depicting - an 8 within an 8
within an 8 => 888, the Greek Gematria value of IESOUS => Jesus.

I will now share with you my interpretation.

Let's start with an overview:

The top circles are a symbol for our conscious journey through our life.
The lower circles are a symbol of our shadow, what we do not want to see, and which is then
mirrored back to us through the world around us.

The outer circle represents physicality and materialism, a time when we are dominated by
male energies, logic, thinking, domination, power, closed hearts, conditional love, fear. It is the
time of the Ego, the lower self.

The middle circle represents the time when we are challenged to leave Ego and materialism
behind. The feminine energies will now come to the fore with an emphasis on feeling,
intuition, to go with the flow, caring, the opening of our hearts, to let go, compassion, learning
about unconditional love and leaving fear behind.

The smallest circle is the time when we will finish the process and balance the male and
feminine energies, when we will experience harmony within ourselves, be at peace, have
integrated the dark, have open hearts and are ready to live unconditional love.

The point in the middle, where all six circles touch, is our consciousness in our physical body.
This is the location where both are going through a process of transformation, in Greek

The overall process of transformation happens in phases, stages or steps.

The major phases we will experience as transitions, in Greek !Metabolismos".

Copyright 2008 Genuine Choices - Brigitta Keck based on a Creative Common License.
You may share this file freely for non-commercial purposes, but you may not make any changes to the original.
So what does that mean for us in more detail?
One thing is for sure. The !old days" are gone and our lives will never return to what we
consider to be !normal". It is a time of completion when we prepare to leave the lower
universes. This process has started years ago, but from now on, July 2008, it will speed up,
be incredibly intense and condensed.

There are two main processes involved.

!Transformation" can be defined as a qualitative change, conversion or modification. It is the
overall process we are going through, a change of our whole being, a refinement, being on
the road to our true selves. It is not a matter of creating a better version of this world, of
planting a few trees and changing our business practices. These ideas are only stepping
stones on our way to a profound, all encompassing change of our minds and our bodies.

!Transition" is the act of passing from one state or place to the next. William Bridges, an
expert in transition management, defines a transition as a period of change where you first
have to deal with an ending, a time between the old and the new called ”the neutral zone“,
and then with a new beginning. Major transitions will be the times when we 'change circles'.
This can be difficult sometimes, because something has to !die" first, but it will help us to turn
around and move forward to a new !birth". Doing that voluntarily can feel like a roller coaster
ride, but if we miss the point where we were supposed to !change tracks" we will experience
events and situations that will literally !derail" us, jolt us out of our complacency as a chance to
prevent us from !going around in circles" (the same one that is). It encourages us to look at
situations from a new perspective, to question the status-quo, to start searching for new
answers within ourselves, to constantly adjust and fine tune our understanding.

I was also curious about the deeper meaning of 'Transformation' and 'Transition' and used the
method of Greek Gematria to gain more insights. Here is a list of what I found so far:

Transformation -> METAMORPHOSIS = 1536 - True Geometry // 1536 = 64 x 24 with 64 =

ALHTHEIA - Truth or Birth & 24 hours of the day // considering that there are two sets of
circles 1536 = 2 x 768 correlates with 769 = PYTHIOS // 1536 = 2 ( 32 x 24) or 2 (64 x 12)

Transition -> METABOLISMOS = 96 // 9968 / Pi = 308 correlates with 318 HELIOS //

968 / PHI the Golden Number, Golden Ratio = 598 correlates with 600 KOSMOS (world,
universe) // square root of 968 = 10.33 correlates with 10.40 Microcosm //
Metabolismos in Greek means 'change as you move forward', while Metaboli means 'turning
back, as in folding in on itself" // medical term Metabolism: "The chemical processes

Copyright 2008 Genuine Choices - Brigitta Keck based on a Creative Common License.
You may share this file freely for non-commercial purposes, but you may not make any changes to the original.
occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In
metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other
substances, necessary for life, are synthesized." The perfect balance of 'constructive'
and 'destructive' processes to maintain 'Life' // also 968 = 2 x 484 -> IDOU - Behold!

Looking at the picture of the embedded 8s, it is obvious that the circles in themselves are
getting smaller. I was wondering what image would help me to understand the significance of
this. What came to mind was a fishing net. Imagine your are standing in a boat and you are
casting out a fishing net in a wide circle. To harvest your catch you have to pull it in again.
That is exactly what we are doing at the moment, 'harvesting' the results of our experiences,
the 'good' and the 'bad' ones, reduced to pure wisdom.

On our path to the 'Golden Age', with an ever increasing level of consciousness, we have the
opportunity to consciously integrate aeons of learning from the light and the dark. At the very
end there will be no more 'circles', we will have integrated everything, even our shadow. Then
I remembered, a friend of mine had a vision of the 'Golden Age' and told me that "there are no

Another interesting clue can be found when looking at the dates involved, linked to the 'The
Calleman Matrix'.
I was born in 1956 and as a result I had to travel quite a distance through the outer circle.
Looking back I feel that my first birthday was on an individual level, granted together with a
couple of thousand other people on Earth, but it feels like 'my' birthday. Because of time
acceleration the second birthday will be experienced by a much larger group of people. In
2011 though that will happen to everyone incarnated on Earth in less than a year. It feels like
we are coming together now, not only as physical beings, but on a consciousness level as
well. That also explains the appearance of the Indigo and Crystal children. They are highly
evolved souls who can 'jump in' right at the time of completion. We can look forward to a
rather intriguing future, because we will experience that our traditional way of 'judging' people
will change dramatically. Biological age, our education and titles will become useless as
indicators. What will become important is what we know in our heart and soul, e.g. parents
and teachers might realise that while they helped a child with its physical development, on a
spiritual level they may be the students.

Now it is time to have a look at the timeframe for our journey to the 'Golden Age'. I believe
that with knowledge revealed in the article 'Harmonic Equation of Ascension' we can go to
the next level of understanding how the process of Ascension works. Synchronistically it also
contains a variety of additional meanings for the values '24' and '32' as discussed above.

Copyright 2008 Genuine Choices - Brigitta Keck based on a Creative Common License.
You may share this file freely for non-commercial purposes, but you may not make any changes to the original.
George Kavassilas states that "On 21 March 2013 this planet, our beloved Lady Gaea
(Sophia) will ascend into the Golden Age". I know that this 'new' end date might catch your
attention, but I want to make a different point here. It is paramount to understand who is
actually involved with this process. We, as humankind, are not alone during this journey.
'Mother Earth' and 'Father Sun' are vital partners and we are all working together as a team!
We will move forward together, so all actions and developments are synchronised to the
benefit of all parties involved. We only have to get used to the idea that two of our partners
happen to have celestial bodies and therefore have 'requirements' on a rather cosmic level.

In November 2006 we have started to change tracks and to move onto the second circle.

In 2010 we will begin to start changing tracks again, moving onto the inner circle in 2011.

With 28 October 2011 humankind will have basically finished its transformation. You might
also look at it this way. Imagine you take a block of marble and you start to create a sculpture.
Eventually you will come to the point where you know you are 'finished'. You put away your
heavy tools, but there is still some more work to be done, such as minor corrections and
polishing. That is what I believe we will be doing until the 21 December 2012 - some

During 2012 it is Mother Earth's time to finish her preparations, e.g. some major changes of
her celestial body which we in today's terms might judge to be devastating on a global scale.
However by then we will assemble in places of safety, probably already in the 5th dimension.

The next major date is the 21 December 2012, a cosmic event, when all necessary
preparations are finalised, waiting for the 21 March 2013.

As per George Kavassilas: "On the 21 March 2013 The Planetary Light Body, the Merkabah
Vehicle of Lady Gaea will be activated!!!" and "After this day nothing will exist on this planet
below the 5th Dimension!!!"

Here is another interesting clue. George Kavassilas states: "To leave linear time and go into
no-time one needs to exit this reality at 90°." I noticed on 21/12/2012 there are exactly 90
days left before final 'take-off'.

By now you might wonder, how can this ever happen? The world seems to be getting worse,
not better. That's because there was another MAJOR event, the winter/summer solstice in

Copyright 2008 Genuine Choices - Brigitta Keck based on a Creative Common License.
You may share this file freely for non-commercial purposes, but you may not make any changes to the original.
June 2008. We have finally reached the point were the feminine energies have grown
sufficiently to reach critical mass. Many of us, who have worked hard in the last four years,
felt like they were walking through mud. From now on it will be easier. A softness is coming to
the world, easily overlooked, underestimated, but unstoppable. It is like looking at a sea with a
storm raging on the surface, but underneath a different current is coming in. Like the incoming
tide, it looks deceptively harmless, but nothing can stand in its way.

It is now your turn to ponder the ramifications of this information. Make wise choices and
decide which path you want to follow. I know where I want to go and will leave you with a
dream I had in February 2008:
! ! ! ! ! !
I stand tall on top of a thin line leading straight ahead of me. In the far distance I see a
shimmer of Golden Light. On my right there is white light, on my left there is no light at all,
only darkness. My arms are spread out wide and my right hand holds the light, my left hand
holds the dark. I look down and see my feet standing on the thin line on the ground. I look up
again and see the Golden Light in the distance and I start walking towards it. I feel a tug from
the right, a tug from the left. Someone or something tries to pull me on to "its# side, but I am
strong. I hold my balance and only concentrate on the Golden Light in front of me, never
taking my eyes off it. My soul is yearning to get there. Peace. Balance. Patience. A profound
feeling of warmth and quiet joy bursts forth from within me, suffusing my whole being. At last.
A single tear is slowly running down my cheek. I smile. I am going home.

! ! ! ! ! ! ***

Copyright 2008 Genuine Choices - Brigitta Keck based on a Creative Common License.
You may share this file freely for non-commercial purposes, but you may not make any changes to the original.

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