Genetic Origin of Low Birth Weight

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OPINION Genetic origins of low birth weight
Hanieh Yaghootkar a and Rachel M. Freathy a,b

Purpose of review
Smaller size at birth is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes in later life, but the mechanisms
behind this association are poorly understood. Genetic variants which influence susceptibility to type 2
diabetes via effects on insulin secretion or action are good candidates for association with birth weight
because foetal insulin is a key foetal growth factor. This review will focus on recent progress in identifying
associations between common genetic variants and birth weight.
Recent findings
Foetal genetic variants at two loci (near CCNL1 and in ADCY5) were robustly associated with birth weight
via the foetal genotype in the first genome-wide association study of birth weight. The birth weight-lowering
allele at ADCY5 also predisposes to type 2 diabetes. In addition, evidence from studies of other type 2
diabetes loci is accumulating for association between the foetal risk alleles at CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE and
lower birth weight, and the maternal risk alleles at GCK and TCF7L2 and higher birth weight.
The associations with birth weight at ADCY5, CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE support the foetal insulin hypothesis,
which proposed that type 2 diabetes and lower birth weight could be two phenotypes of the same
genotype. The associations at GCK and TCF7L2 illustrate that maternal genes are also important
determinants of birth weight.
birth weight, genome-wide association, single nucleotide polymorphism, type 2 diabetes

INTRODUCTION variants which influence insulin secretion or action

A clear understanding of the genetic and environ- may both reduce foetal growth and increase the risk
mental determinants of foetal growth is important of type 2 diabetes in later life. Such an association
because it is correlated with considerable morbidity between a genotype and the two temporally distinct
in both the short term and long term. Babies with phenotypes would explain some of the observed
extremely high or low birth weights are at consider- correlation between lower birth weight and type 2
able risk of perinatal complications [1,2], and there diabetes.
is a large body of evidence linking lower size at birth This review will focus on recent progress in
with a higher risk of chronic adult diseases such as identifying associations between common genetic
type 2 diabetes [3]. However, the mechanisms variants and birth weight, and how some of these
underlying the associations with disease in later life associations have enhanced our understanding of
are unclear. It is likely that both genetic and non- the relationship between birth weight and type 2
genetic factors are responsible. Much work has diabetes.
focused on the developmental origins of health
and disease hypothesis, which attributes poor adult
health outcomes to adaptations made by the foetus
under adverse conditions in utero, at critical devel- a
Genetics of Complex Traits, Peninsula College of Medicine and
opmental periods [3]. Twin studies have shown
Dentistry, University of Exeter, Exeter and bThe MRC Centre for Causal
support for a nongenetic basis of the association Analyses in Translational Epidemiology, School of Social and Community
[4,5]. However, evidence from monogenic con- Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
ditions and epidemiological studies (reviewed in Correspondence to Dr Rachel M. Freathy, Genetics of Complex Traits
detail by Shields et al. [6]) suggests that genetic Peninsula Medical School St. Luke’s Campus, University of Exeter, EX1
factors are also likely to play a role. Foetal insulin 2LU, UK. Tel: +44 1392 722925; e-mail:
is a key foetal growth factor, and the foetal insulin Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2012, 15:258–264
hypothesis [7] proposes that common genetic DOI:10.1097/MCO.0b013e328351f543 Volume 15  Number 3  May 2012

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Genetic origins of low birth weight Yaghootkar and Freathy

Heterozygous GCK mutations cause impaired glu-

KEY POINTS cose sensing, which reduces an affected individual’s
 To date, two genetic loci (ADCY5 and CCNL1) have ability to secrete insulin and results in stable fasting
been robustly associated with birth weight (P < 5  10 –8) hyperglycemia throughout life [11]. In an analysis
via the foetal genotype. of mother–offspring pairs, unaffected offspring
born to mothers with a GCK mutation were, on
 Variants at four other loci show promising evidence of
average, 600 g heavier at birth than the offspring
association: CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE via the foetal
genotype; GCK and TCF7L2 via the of unaffected mothers [10]. This was due to higher
maternal genotype. foetal insulin secretion in response to maternal
hyperglycemia. Conversely, offspring with a GCK
 The foetal associations at ADCY5, CDKAL1 and mutation born to an unaffected mother secreted less
HHEX-IDE support the foetal insulin hypothesis, which
foetal insulin and were approximately 530 g lighter
proposes that lower birth weight and type 2 diabetes
may be two phenotypes of one genotype. at birth. In cases in which both mother and foetus
had a GCK mutation, the two opposing effects
 The associations between maternal GCK and TCF7L2 resulted in birth weights that were no different from
variants and higher offspring birth weight are probably those of unaffected mother–offspring pairs [10].
mediated by a primary effect on maternal glucose
To identify genetic loci that influence birth
levels, which result in increased foetal insulin secretion
and increased foetal growth. weight, it is, therefore, necessary to study both
maternal and foetal genetics. In addition, studies
need to be large to provide sufficient statistical
power to detect common variants of modest effect,
BIRTH WEIGHT IS INFLUENCED BY which typically underlie common multifactorial
Birth weight is a complex trait influenced by GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION STUDIES
multiple genetic and environmental factors. Esti- HAVE IDENTIFIED FOETAL GENETIC
mates of the heritability of birth weight are generally VARIANTS ASSOCIATED WITH BIRTH
between 10 and 40% [8,9]. Importantly, two WEIGHT, SOME OF WHICH ARE ALSO
distinct, but related, genomes contribute to this ASSOCIATED WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES
genetic variance: foetal genes influence foetal Success in identifying strong, reproducible associ-
growth directly, whereas maternal genes influence ations between common genetic variants and birth
the intrauterine environment, which in turn affects weight has been made possible by genome-wide
the growth of the foetus (Fig. 1). This principle has association (GWA) studies. Such studies typically
been clearly illustrated by a study of families with enable 2.5 million or more common single nucleo-
rare mutations in the glucokinase (GCK) gene [10]. tide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be analysed in
thousands of individuals in a single experiment.
The level of significance generally agreed to consti-
tute robust evidence of association (‘genome-wide
Maternal genes Paternal genes significance’) in such studies is a ¼ 5  10 –8, and to
achieve the necessary statistical power, meta-
analyses of tens to hundreds of thousands of indi-
viduals are performed by large collaborations of
External investigators [12].
Intra-uterine environment
Foetal genes The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium
performed the first meta-analysis of GWA studies of
birth weight (n ¼ 10 623 individuals, with replica-
tion in n ¼ 27 591 European individuals) and iden-
tified two robust associations at P < 5  10 –8 [13 ].

Foetal insulin levels

The first associated locus contained a cluster of
correlated SNPs near the CCNL1 and LEKR1 genes.
Foetal growth Each additional foetal C-allele of SNP rs900400 was
associated with an approximately 42 g [95% confi-
FIGURE 1. Genetic and environmental factors influencing dence interval (CI): 35–48 g] lower birth weight
foetal insulin levels and foetal growth. Reproduced with (P ¼ 2  10 –35). It was also strongly associated with
permission from [6]. reduced ponderal index at birth (P ¼ 5  10 –21), with

1363-1950 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 259

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

an effect size similar to that of the FTO locus on BMI candidate gene studies that foetal variants in the
[14]. Effect size estimates of the associations CDKAL1 gene and near the HHEX and IDE genes are
between rs900400 and head circumference or birth also associated with birth weight. Several groups of
length were comparatively much smaller, sug- investigators have performed large genetic associ-
gesting this locus influences soft tissue, rather than ation studies of birth weight using risk variants
skeletal, mass. An independent follow-up study by discovered in GWA studies of type 2 diabetes
& &
Ryckman et al. [15 ] showed that the same SNP was ([17 ,21–23] Table 1). These are considered good
associated with birth weight in a study of preterm candidates for association with birth weight due
neonates, thus demonstrating a clear influence on to their potential effects on insulin secretion or
birth weight irrespective of gestational age. In action. Evidence of association between the type 2
another follow-up study of repeated foetal ultra- diabetes risk alleles at CDKAL1 or HHEX-IDE and
sound examinations, Mook-Kanamori et al. [16 ] lower birth weight has been reported in a number of
found evidence of association between rs900400 independent studies [17 ,21,24–26], with the larg-
and foetal growth measures from the second trimes- est and most recent meta-analyses showing associ-
ter onward, demonstrating its effects on growth ations of 20 g (95% CI: 29 to 11 g) (P ¼ 5  10 –6)
from early in pregnancy. Despite the very strong and -16 g (95% CI: 24 to 8 g) (P ¼ 8  10 –5) per risk
evidence of association with birth weight, the allele, respectively [17 ]. As with the association at
CCNL1 and LEKR1 genes have no known link with ADCY5, these associations between lower birth
foetal growth, and the biological mechanism has yet weight and type 2 diabetes risk alleles support the
to be elucidated. foetal insulin hypothesis [7]. Both the CDKAL1 and
The second cluster of SNPs to be robustly associ- HHEX-IDE have been associated with reduced
ated with birth weight centred on the ADCY5 gene pancreatic b-cell function and reduced insulin
& &
[13 ,17 ]. Each additional foetal C-allele at SNP secretion in studies of nondiabetic adults [27,28].
rs9883204 is associated with a lower birth weight Further studies will be needed to confirm their
by approximately 30 g (95% CI: 23–38 g) associations with birth weight at genome-wide sig-
(P ¼ 7  10 –15 [13 ]). Importantly, this SNP is in link-
nificance and to determine whether they influence
age disequilibrium with SNP rs11708067 (r2 ¼ 0.75), foetal insulin secretion.
which was previously shown to predispose to type 2
diabetes (P ¼ 1  10 –20 [18]). The C-allele of
rs9883204 is associated both with lower birth weight NOT ALL TYPE 2 DIABETES LOCI ARE
and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, ASSOCIATED WITH BIRTH WEIGHT
genetic variation at ADCY5 must explain part of the It is clear that association with birth weight is not a
observed correlation between lower birth weight characteristic of all type 2 diabetes loci (Table 1).
and type 2 diabetes, which supports the foetal insu- Genetic studies of birth weight can, therefore, give
lin hypothesis [7]. It is not known how genetic clues as to whether a defect in b-cell function exists
variation at ADCY5 alters foetal growth or risk of early in development or appears later in life. For
type 2 diabetes. Robust associations (P < 5  10 –8) example, TCF7L2, which confers the largest risk of
have been demonstrated between the type 2 dia- type 2 diabetes in Europeans and strongly influences
betes risk allele and higher fasting glucose levels b-cell function and insulin secretion in adulthood,
[18], higher 2-h glucose during an oral glucose has been studied extensively in relation to birth
tolerance test [19] and lower Homeostatic Model weight and shows no association via the foetal
Assessment (HOMA)-derived index of beta-cell func- genotype [17 ,22,24,26,29]. This suggests that, in
tion (HOMA-B) [18] in adults, in addition to a strong contrast to the likely effects of ADCY5, CDKAL1
association (P ¼ 1  10 –6) with lower 2-h serum insu- and HHEX-IDE, any b-cell defect conferred by
lin levels, adjusted for 2-h plasma glucose levels [19]. TCF7L2 is not present in foetal life.
Together, these suggest a role in insulin secretion,
though it is unlikely that the locus is directly
involved in early insulin response to a glucose GENETIC LOCI ASSOCIATED WITH ADULT
challenge (P > 0.1 for insulinogenic index [19,20]). BMI DO NOT INFLUENCE BIRTH WEIGHT
Further studies will be needed to determine whether High birth weight is correlated with high BMI in
the ADCY5 locus influences birth weight by affect- adulthood [30]. To investigate whether common
ing foetal insulin secretion in utero. genetic variants are associated with body weight
No common genetic variants apart from those at in both foetal and adult life, two recent studies
the CCNL1 and ADCY5 loci have been associated tested associations with birth weight of loci known
with birth weight at genome-wide levels of signifi- to influence adult BMI and measures of adiposity.
cance. However, evidence is accumulating from Between 12 and 24 loci were tested in sample sizes

260 Volume 15  Number 3  May 2012

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Published associations between birth weight and common foetal genetic variants (primarily associated either with birth weight or type 2
diabetes in genome-wide association studies at P < 5  108), analysed in at least 10 000 individuals
Changec in birth Change in birth weight
weight per foetal per foetal risk allele in n in analysis
Known Total n in largest risk allele in grams grams, adjusted for adjusted for Source(s)
Gene(s) marking associated Risk Nonrisk reported (95% confidence maternal genotype maternal of data
association signal SNP(s) adult trait(s) allele allele meta-analysisb interval) P-value (95% confidence interval) genotype (references)

CCNL1 rs900400 – C T 37 745 42 (48 to 35) 2  1035 55 (72 to 39) 7659 [13 ]
15 &
ADCY5 rs9883204 T2D, FPG C T 38 214 30 (38 to 23) 7  10 43 (60 to 24) 7910 [13 ]
d 6 &
CDKAL1 rs10946398, T2D C A 24 885 20 (29 to 11) 5  10 36 (56 to 16) 5399 [17 ,21]
HHEX-IDE rs1111875 T2D C T 25 164 16 (24 to 8) 8  10 – 5 29 (48 to 10) 5480 [17 ,21]
d e &
GCK rs4607517, T2D, FPG A G 10 623 21 (4–39) 0.01 18 (NA) 2102 [13 ], 23
TCF7L2 rs7903146 T2D, FPG T C 19 745 12 (3–22) 0.01 9 (9 to 31) 6044 [17 ,22]
CDKN2A,CDKN2B rs10811661 T2D T C 25 957 12 (2–22) 0.02 2 (27 to 23) 5493 [17 ,21]
MTNR1B rs10830963 T2D, FPG G C 10 623 16 (1–31) 0.04 NA NA [13 ]
SLC30A8 rs13266634 T2D, FPG C T 24 908 7 (2 to 15) 0.10 7 (28 to 14) 5342 [17 ,21]
CDC123,CAMK1D rs12779790 T2D G A 10 623 11 (5 to 27) 0.19 NA NA [13 ]
IGF2BP2 rs4402960 T2D T G 24 393 6 (3 to 14) 0.20 10 (31 to 10) 5507 [17 ,21]
GCKR rs780094 T2D, FPG C T 10 623 8 (21 to 5) 0.21 NA NA [13 ]
KCNQ1 rs2237892 T2D C T 10 623 12 (40 to 15) 0.37 NA NA [13 ]

1363-1950 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

KCNJ11 rs5215 T2D C T 10 623 6 (18 to 7) 0.38 NA NA [13 ]
ADAMTS9 rs4607103 T2D C T 10 623 7 (8 to 22) 0.39 NA NA [13 ]
WFS1 rs10010131 T2D G A 10 623 6 (18 to 7) 0.39 NA NA [13 ]
PROX1 rs340874 T2D, FPG C T 10 623 5 (18 to 7) 0.40 NA NA [13 ]
FTO rs8050136 T2D A C 10 623 5 (8 to 18) 0.43 NA NA [13 ]
TSPAN8 rs7961581 T2D C T 10 623 6 (21 to 9) 0.45 NA NA [13 ]
TCF2 rs4430796 T2D G A 10 623 4 (10 to 19) 0.55 NA NA [13 ]
PPARG rs1801282 T2D C G 10 623 3 (21 to 15) 0.74 NA NA [13 ]
NOTCH2 rs10923931 T2D T G 10 623 2 (22 to 17) 0.82 NA NA [13 ]
DGKB rs2191349 T2D, FPG T G 10 623 1 (11 to 14) 0.87 NA NA [13 ]
THADA rs7578597 T2D T C 10 623 2 (24 to 20) 0.88 NA NA [13 ]
JAZF1 rs864745 T2D T C 10 623 1 (13 to 12) 0.91 NA NA [13 ]

NA, not available; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; T2D, type 2 diabetes; FPG, fasting plasma glucose.
The risk allele is the type 2 diabetes susceptibility allele. There are no known associations between common genetic variation at CCNL1 and traits other than birth weight, so the effect is reported for the birth weight-
lowering allele.
b & & & &
The samples meta-analysed [13 ,17 ] are not independent (83% of the individuals meta-analysed in [13 ] are also in [17 ]). Therefore, for each locus analysed in both studies (CDKAL1, HHEX-IDE, TCF7L2, SLC30A8,
IGF2BP2, PPARG, KCNJ11 and JAZF1), the result with the larger sample size is presented.
c &
The effect sizes in [13 ] were reported as z-scores. To facilitate comparison, they have been converted to the equivalent effect sizes in grams by multiplying by 484, which is the median standard deviation of birth
weight in grams, from studies included in [13 ].
Different SNPs have been (meta)-analysed at the CDKAL1 and GCK loci, depending on the study. However, the SNPs within each locus are highly correlated: r2 > 0.67 at CDKAL1; r2 ¼ 1 at GCK. The risk/nonrisk
Genetic origins of low birth weight Yaghootkar and Freathy

alleles relate to the underlined SNPs.
The reported effect size in [23] compares birth weights of individuals who carried one or two risk alleles with those who did not (P > 0.05).

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

ranging from n ¼ 4744 to n ¼ 28 219 [31 ,32]. How-

ever, there was no strong evidence of association, AT THE GCK AND TCF7L2 LOCI ARE
suggesting little overlap between the foetal genetics ASSOCIATED WITH OFFSPRING BIRTH
of foetal growth and adult adiposity. WEIGHT VIA MATERNAL GLUCOSE LEVELS
Studies of the associations between common
maternal genetic variants and offspring birth weight
GENETIC ASSOCIATION STUDIES OF have been less extensive than those of foetal genetic
BIRTH WEIGHT SHOULD ADJUST FOR THE variants, both in terms of the number of loci studied
CORRELATION BETWEEN FOETAL AND and the available sample sizes ([21,22,33,34 ];

MATERNAL GENOTYPES Table 2). Despite this, common maternal variants

The opposing effects on birth weight of maternal at two loci have shown strong evidence (P < 0.001)
and foetal heterozygous GCK mutations [10] demon- of association in large meta-analyses (n > 12 500).
strate that an analysis of birth weight which considers Common maternal variants at GCK and TCF7L2
only the foetal, or only the maternal, genotype predispose both to type 2 diabetes and higher fasting
could produce spurious results. For example, if the glucose levels, and their estimated effects on
foetal genotype only is analysed when there are truly offspring birth weight are increases of 30 g (95%
equal but opposing effects of maternal and foetal CI: 15–44 g) and 23 g (95% CI: 11–35 g) per
genotype, there is a high probability that the analysis maternal risk allele, respectively [34 ]. The common
would find no evidence of association with birth maternal GCK and TCF7L2 variants are both asso-
weight. Alternatively, if there is no effect of foetal ciated with maternal glucose levels in pregnancy
genotype, but a true association between maternal and with the recent consensus definition of gesta-
genotype and birth weight, an analysis of only the tional diabetes from the International Association of
foetal genotype might find evidence of association, Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups [34 ,35]. As
but this would be purely attributable to the corre- maternal glucose levels in pregnancy are strongly
lation between maternal and foetal genotypes. An predictive of offspring birth weight [36], it is likely
example of the latter was observed in a study that the associations at GCK and TCF7L2 are medi-
of TCF7L2: an initially strong association between ated by raised fasting glucose, which crosses the
foetal genotype and higher birth weight [18 g (95% CI placenta, causing the foetus to respond by secreting
7–29 g); P ¼ 0.001] was greatly reduced after adjust- more foetal insulin, which acts as a growth factor.
ing for maternal genotype [9 g (95% CI 9 to 31 g); The associations between maternal GCK or
P ¼ 0.29] [22]. Analysis of foetal genotype, con- TCF7L2 and offspring birth weight are little altered
ditional on maternal genotype, has been carried on adjustment for foetal genotype (Table 2). This is
out for common variants at several loci [13 ,21, in line with the results of foetal genotype analyses of
22,33]. The effect size estimates at CCNL1, ADCY5, these loci, which show no association with birth
CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE do not decrease on adjust- weight [22,23,33,34 ]. For the common GCK variant
ment for maternal genotype (Table 1), confirming this lack of foetal effect contrasts with the strong
that these associations are with the foetal genotype. foetal effect of the rare mutations at the locus [10].
Moreover, at each of these loci, the maternal- Given the clear importance of maternal glucose
adjusted effect size estimates are larger than the levels on birth weight, we might expect all genetic
unadjusted estimates. For example, an analysis of loci which influence maternal glucose levels to be
ADCY5 in n ¼ 7910 mother–offspring pairs showed also associated with offspring birth weight. This
a 44 g (95% CI: 25–62 g) lower birth weight per hypothesis remains to be tested in well powered
foetal C-allele after adjustment for maternal geno- analyses.
type [compared with 33 g(95% CI: 17–49 g) before
adjustment]. This is consistent with an opposing
effect of maternal genotype, which, given the NEXT STEPS
known glycemic associations at this locus, may For a clearer understanding of the genetic contri-
be due to higher maternal glucose levels. However, bution to foetal growth, it will be necessary to per-
the sample sizes available to date for analysis of form larger GWA studies, which include separate and
both maternal and foetal genotypes are relatively conditional analyses of foetal and maternal geno-
small (typically between n  5000 and n  8000 types. ‘Next generation’ genetic approaches, includ-
mother–offspring pairs). Larger samples will be ing whole genome and exome sequencing and denser
necessary to provide sufficient statistical evidence or exome-specific genotyping microarrays should
to distinguish between changes in effect size that additionally prove useful for capturing lower fre-
are due to adjustment for maternal genotype or due quency genetic variation. In addition, associations
to chance. between confirmed birth weight loci and key-related

262 Volume 15  Number 3  May 2012

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Genetic origins of low birth weight Yaghootkar and Freathy


[33,34 ]
[22,34 ]



Log (odds ratio) for type 2 diabetes


Table 2. Published associations between birth weight and common maternal genetic variants, analysed in at least 5000 mother-offspring pairs

foetal genotype
n in analysis
adjusted for




weight per maternal

risk allele in grams,

confidence interval)
adjusted for foetal

31 (9–48)
7 (12 to 26)
16 (9 to 41)
20 (0–41)
21 (1–42)
7 (13 to 27)

26 (NA)
Change in birth

genotype (95%

The reported effect size in [33] compares birth weights of offspring born to mothers who carried one or two risk alleles with those born to mothers who had no risk alleles.

−40 −20 0 20 40
Change in birth weight per risk allele, in grams

FIGURE 2. Five type 2 diabetes risk loci associated with

birth weight (P < 0.001). The plot shows the type 2 diabetes

5  10
3  10

effect size (y-axis) against the birth weight effect size (x-axis).
White bars indicate associations with foetal genotype, and
shaded bars indicate associations with maternal genotype.
The underlined (ADCY5) locus is associated with birth
(95% confidence interval)

weight at P < 5  10 – 8. The error bars show 95% confidence

30 (15, 44)
23 (11, 35)

17 (1 to 35)
8 (7 to 23)
4 (11 to 19)
2 (13 to 17)
14 (28 to 0)
weight per maternal

intervals. The effect sizes for birth weight relate to the SNPs
risk allele in grams
Change in birth

shown in Tables 1 and 2. The effect sizes for type 2

diabetes are from published genome-wide association meta-
analyses [18,38] [for ADCY5 and HHEX-IDE, the type 2
diabetes SNPs were rs11708067 and rs5015480,
respectively (r2 > 0.8 with the birth weight SNPs)].
FPG, fasting plasma glucose; NA, not available; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphisms; T2D, type 2 diabetes.
argest reported

traits such as foetal insulin levels and maternal meta-

12 643
13 406
Total n in l

bolic traits in pregnancy will enable us to begin to

The risk allele is the type 2 diabetes susceptibility allele and/or the fasting glucose-raising allele.

understand the mechanisms underlying the associ-

ations. Finally, most genetic association studies of
birth weight have focused on individuals of European
ancestry, and to date, there have been only a few



studies of non-European populations [13 ,37]. Large

studies will be necessary to assess whether the
observed associations are present in other ethnic
groups, and may help to narrow down the regions


of association to locate the causal variants.



adult trait



To date, two genetic loci (ADCY5 and CCNL1) have

been robustly associated with birth weight in large
studies of Europeans, and four others (CDKAL1,


HHEX-IDE, GCK, TCF7L2) show promising evidence

of association. Five of the six loci are also associated

with type 2 diabetes, with birth weight effects from

either the foetal genotype or the maternal genotype
(Fig. 2). This demonstrates that there is a clear

overlap between the genetics of type 2 diabetes

association signal
Gene(s) marking

and foetal growth. The foetal associations at ADCY5,

CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE support the foetal insulin


hypothesis, which proposes that lower birth weight


and type 2 diabetes may be two phenotypes of one


1363-1950 ß 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 263

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16. Mook-Kanamori DO, Marsh JA, Warrington NM, et al. Variants near CCNL1/
genotype [7]. However, as they explain only a small & LEKR1 and in ADCY5 and fetal growth characteristics in different trimesters.
amount of variation, much of the low birth weight – J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 2011; 96:E810–E815.
This study showed that the birth weight-associated variant near CCNL1 influences
type 2 diabetes correlation remains to be explained. foetal growth from early in pregnancy, as it is associated with anthropometric
It will be important to understand clearly the measures taken via foetal ultrasound from the second trimester.
17. Andersson EA, Pilgaard K, Pisinger C, et al. Type 2 diabetes risk alleles near
relative contributions of genetic and nongenetic & ADCY5, CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE are associated with reduced birthweight.
factors in order to develop effective intervention Diabetologia 2010; 53:1908–1916.
This is an important study because it meta-analyses previously published data on
strategies to prevent type 2 diabetes. associations between birth weight and foetal genotype at several type 2 diabetes
susceptibility loci. It shows that there is strong cumulative evidence of association
at the CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE loci.
Acknowledgements 18. Dupuis J, Langenberg C, Prokopenko I, et al. New genetic loci implicated in
We are grateful to Professor Tim Frayling for helpful fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk. Nat
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Conflicts of interest ization reveals diverse mechanisms for novel genetic Loci regulating glucose
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come Trust grant: 085541/Z/08/Z). genotypes alter birth weight: a study of 24 053 individuals. Am J Hum Genet
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264 Volume 15  Number 3  May 2012

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