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Interactive Whiteboards

An interactive whiteboard (IWB), also known as an electronic or digital whiteboard, is a large touch
sensitive display screen that connects to a computer and projector. To operate the IWB, the user
controls it directly from the screen in the same way a mouse is used to control a computer. IWBs also
have many multimedia functions, such as Internet access, images, sound and video files.

Together, these features allow the user to enhance and provide content that is interactive, dynamic and
engaging. Consequently, IWBs are commonly used in education within primary, secondary and post-
secondary institutions to deliver lessons as well as within businesses and governments for meetings and
training (Higgins, S. et al., 2007). Interactive whiteboards generally vary in price from $1100 to $3000
(excluding additional hardware) depending on the brand and model. Most IWBs are purchased through
local resellers, which can be found by searching within a particular location on the manufacturers
website. Common brand names of interactive whiteboards include SMART
Board, ActivBoard, eBeam, DualBoard™Mimio, ēno and StarBoard; two common software names are
SMART Notebook and ActivInspire.


The interactive whiteboard was originally envisioned by David Martin and Nancy Knowlton in 1987. Soon
after, they co-founded the company SMART Technologies and introduced the world’s first SMART Board
in 1991. While the original concept was to create a device that would function as a whiteboard and
computer, by the time it was presented to the market the touch sensitive application had also been
added (SMART Tech, 2012). The purpose of that key feature was to include the ability to control the
board with the touch of a finger in a way that allowed the user to write over Microsoft Windows
applications presented on the screen (“Interactive Whiteboards”, 2010).
In addition to the first IWB, many other models and resources have been introduced over the past
twenty years by SMART Technologies and other prevailing companies like Promethean World and
Numonics. For instance, in 1992, SMART Technologies produced IWBs with rear projection and in 1994
Numonics added an interactive products division to their company, which established the first pen-
centric interactive whiteboard. Then, in 1997, SMART Technologies created a collaborative software
program called the SMART Notebook (“Interactive Whiteboards”, 2010).

By 2001, recording software had been developed in addition to the basic features, so that now its users
could play videos, audio files and record their own lessons or presentations (Radcliff, 2010). In 2009,
Promethean designed ActivInspire software for the ActivBoard and PolyVision made ēno, the world’s
first environmentally certified and low cost interactive whiteboard. As a result of the increasing
popularity of these developments, the sales of interactive whiteboards, in a global context, tripled from
one quarter to three quarters of a million from 2005 to 2009 (Lee, 2010). One of the latest models
released in 2012, is the four-touch interactive whiteboard designed by SMART Technologies (SMART
Tech, 2012).


The use of interactive whiteboards has grown significantly over the past decade. Schools and businesses
are not only using the technology to improve learning but to also foster communication and inspire
collaboration. Interactive whiteboards offer a range of tools that make meetings and presentations over
a video conferencing easier. They can support multi-media materials including texts, images, audio and
video, which make presentations more elaborate. Unlike the traditional whiteboards, interactive
whiteboards are not restricted to paper documents, chalks and/or cards. Hence it's something every
business or school should consider adopting.

Here Are Main Advantages of Interactive Whiteboard:

1. Improves Learning among Students and Employees
Interactive whiteboards are basically designed to help people participating in a class or meeting better
understand a given concept. Some students and/or employees are good at grasping information
presented in spoken word while others find it easier to master concepts brought out in visual form.
Whiteboards allow for multiple formats of relaying information to participants of a meeting or class.
That increases the level of information absorption, synthesis and retention.

The online interactive whiteboard is easier to use. Once each student has been connected to the online
cloud meeting, he or she will be able to view and follow through what the teacher or colleague is
presenting. While on the same page, multiple attendees can see and even edit the interactive screen
shared by the presenter. Everything is simply shared and discussed in real-time.

2. Increases Engagement among Meeting Participants

Most corporate meetings, done over a video conferencing system, spend a lot of time on one-way
presentations. As much as the information shared through PowerPoint digital slides might be important,
it doesn't often spur further discussions. But with interactive whiteboards, colleagues can engage one
another more elaborately when discussing a project plan or solving a certain business problem.

Top video conferencing software like ezTalks Cloud Meeting provide convenient interactive whiteboard
options. With the software, you can share, access, edit and save important files on the whiteboard
without any hassle. Colleagues do not necessarily need to take notes during the meeting. That means
they can be more focused when engaging one another in a collaborative session. The ezTalks interactive
whiteboard feature also allows meeting leaders and participants to emphasize on crucial details in real-
time. That facilitates immediate feedback, quick identification of grey areas and strong affirmation or
correction of key points.
3. Enhances Collaboration
Making a business presentation or teaching a class mostly involves feeding information to a group of
individual. That may deny participants the opportunity of engaging themselves fully in the learning
process. Use of interactive whiteboards encourages everyone to be part of the learning process or
corporate discussions rather than simply being recipients of the already prepared information. Cross
team collaboration brings more unique ideas to the table, inspires new direction and increases
productivity. In the learning environment, interactive whiteboards can foster learning of new things, in-
depth coverage of topics and improved performance.
4. Facilitates Better Communication
Interactive whiteboard tools can allow a presenter to either share files at the meeting or share a screen
for remote attendees to view the information. That means regardless of the location of the attendee, he
or she will be served with exactly the same information being shared in the meeting. Also, that ensures
members are on the same page and that all attendees move forward together.
In any case, meeting attendees can record information shared during the whiteboarding session for later
playback and review. The meeting leader can also email, print and/or share all the information discussed
in the meeting to absent employees.
5. Allows For Effective Annotation of Documents
One of the benefits of using interactive whiteboard is that you can make persistent and elaborate
changes to files during a presentation. For instance, ezTalks whiteboard allows users to utilize 3D
models, video links, hyperlinks, estimates and other applications during a presentation. That improves
communication and makes updating information much easier. Interactive whiteboards allow for clear
and concise writing, which makes it harder for anyone to misconstrue the document.
Annotating documents on an interactive whiteboard also allows students to take note of important
points in class. It can be even more useful if they record the presentation session for later playback. A
student can find it easier to revisit and revise the notes of the previous classes or topics. And what's
more, he or she can always refer to the updated notes at any time and from anywhere.

6. Allows For Interconnectivity with Mobile Devices

Use of interactive whiteboards is not only limited to computers that are connected to video
conferencing system. Users can actually connect the whiteboards to Android and iOS smart devices. It
only requires one to download a single application that will facilitate compatibility. With that, students
and colleagues can enjoy unlimited data sharing options and advanced interconnectivity. In the long run,
students and colleagues can enjoy a more convenient, efficient and productive learning or collaborative
process. That minimizes physical interaction while steering performance in class or at work.
7. Facilitates Sharing Of Information through Touch Technology
When using interactive whiteboards, you can enjoy the convenience of using your fingers to note your
point. You do not need any mouse, pointers or ink anywhere on the computer screen. This is not
definitely possible in document sharing. But with whiteboards, multiple individuals can annotate a
document or file while engaged in group discussions. That makes sharing of information on digital
whiteboards instant, convenient and elaborate. All you need is to have well-functioning desktop
computer, laptop or smartphone and a video conferencing system or software that's whiteboard


How Interactive Whiteboards Work

Every interactive whiteboard system requires three basic components: a computer, projector and the
interactive whiteboard. To use it, the projector is connected to both the computer and IWB so that the
document or media opened on the computer is displayed for the audience on the screen. In contrast to
previous conventional computer and projector setups, the user controls the IWB directly from the
surface of the screen either by using the special pens accompanied with the board or with the touch of a
finger. In this way, the user can interact with the IWB so as to more readily engage the audience. While
most IWBs only allow for one input or finger/pen to be used at a time, the new models recently released
in 2012 can allow up to four users to simultaneously select, write or draw on the board (“SMART Tech,

In terms of ease of use, interactive whiteboards are designed so that novice users, who are familiar with
computer software, can use it with minimal training. Then, as experience grows, the user can utilize the
related software, usually offered by the manufacturer of the IWB to carry out more advanced and
flexible operations. The following video links demonstrate how an IWB is used and explains some of the
general software features: ActivBoard Demoand SMART Board Demo.

Most IWB manufacturers also provide the user access to an online community wherein complete
lessons, ranging by grade and subject can be searched and downloaded. Among those lessons, some
offer professionally designed content with sophisticated multimedia and interactive capabilities that you
can purchase from publishers, magazines and other content providers. Examples include SMART
Exchange, MimioConnect, Hitachi Educators Portal and Promethean Planet.

Additional Software
Most interactive whiteboard manufacturers provide software
programs as a collaborative tool so as to enhance the visual and
audio quality for any lesson or presentation given. In general,
software applications designed for use with interactive whiteboards
contain the following features:
Pages - This application functions as a design work area that can be
created and modified before or during the lesson or presentation.
Each page can include text, images, videos, website links and
anything drawn directly on the IWB. Afterwards, all of the work done
can be saved for reference and future use.
Pens and highlighters - These tools are used to write and draw on the IWB. They can also be used to
take a snapshot of the screen, highlight a specific area by creating a spotlight around it or use a
magnifier to enhance a portion of the screen.
Interactive activities - This includes a series of tools, games and activities, most of which are animated
and powered by Java.
Backgrounds and objects - The purpose of the background option is to apply color or patterns to a
document. The objects tool can be used for drawing or hiding other information. Both of these features
have the option to add animation to it.
Digital galleries - This is a large bank of ready-made images, multimedia and subject specific tools that
can be easily incorporated into a lesson or presentation.
Page recording capabilities – The main function of this is to record the activity taking place on the IWB,
which can also be saved and replayed for immediate or later review.

SMART Notebook
One of the most commonly used interactive whiteboards is the SMART Board, manufactured by SMART
Technologies. In collaboration with it, many of its users employ the companion software SMART
Notebook to create lessons and presentations. In general, two of the leading reasons it has become
popular is because it is user-friendly and offers a variety of interactive and animated activities. The
software is organized so that all of the activities, games and tools are listed in sub-folders within one
main menu called the lesson activity toolkit. A demonstration of how SMART Notebook works can be
viewed here. Some of the features found within each of these sub-folders include the following:


Category sort - An activity used to organize items into their

appropriate groups through classification.
Tiles - The purpose of this activity is to hide words or images and then
reveal them. The tiles can be used to cover one large picture or
multiple words or images behind each tile.
Hotspot - An interactive map used to identify various cities, countries
and continents throughout the world.

Anagram - A word scramble wherein the audience uses the hints provided
to rearrange the letters given to uncover the answer.
Sudoku - An interactive game based on numbers and logic wherein some of
the numbers are provided and the rest is left for the audience to complete
according to the game rules.
Crossword puzzle - A multimedia version of the classic crossword puzzle
game. By simply entering the words and clues to be used, the media tool will
automatically mix up and generate the puzzle for you.


Click and reveal - This tool covers up a word, page or image to be revealed
at a later time by selecting the object over top.
Pull tab - This tool allows the user to add an image or text to an object,
which can be hidden on the side of the screen and revealed when needed.
Dice - A multimedia dice that can start and stop spinning on command by
clicking on it.

ActivInspire is a software program designed by Promethean and is used to create educational lessons
geared for its interactive whiteboard called ActivBoard. Originally, Promethean had developed two
separate software applications, ActivStudio which was intended for educators and presenters and
ActivPrimary was directed towards primary education. Since then, ActivInspire was created as a newer
version to include both within the same application (“ActivInspire”, 2012). A demonstration of how
ActivInspire works can be viewed here. Similar to SMART Notebook, a variety of activities, games and
widgets among other tools are arranged in sub-folders within the main shared resource browser. Some
of the features found within each of these sub-folders include the following:


Fraction maker - A colorful visual representation that is broken

down into different size rectangles to represent various fractions
within a whole.
Which one is it? - An activity that has the audience answer questions
by selecting the correct image from a series of images.
American states - A map meant to teach the location of states
within the United States. To use this, each state is positioned outside of the map and can be correctly
placed by clicking and dragging it onto the desired location.

Label instruments - This game can be used to teach musical instruments by clicking and dragging the
label to its correct image.
Sliding puzzle - A puzzle that is solved by clicking and dragging the pieces around the screen to complete
the picture.
Matching pairs - This is a classic memory game wherein the goal is to click and match the cards into
ordered pairs.


Balancing activity - A tool used to compare the weights of two

different objects.
Color wheel - A color wheel used to teach primary colors as well as
various hues, tints and shades.
Interactive clock - This widget teaches telling time by correctly
identifying and labeling the hours and minutes on the clock.
Additional Hardware

The majority of IWB manufacturers also develop supplementary hardware to accompany IWB products.
Some of the additional hardware comprise of the following:

 Learner Response System – This device is an electronic remote or clicker used by an audience as a
means to directly respond to a particular lesson or presentation. While the specific features of this
tool vary from model to model, most units contain a USB receiver that sets up a radio frequency in
the room with a range of approximately 100' (30m) as well as an LCD screen that allows the user to
edit and change their response. The types of responses that can be requested include true or false,
yes or no, numeric, opinion or word answers and complete mathematical or scientific equations.
When an instructor requests feedback, the audience enters their response on the clicker. Once
submission is complete the results are stored within the accompanying software, which, the
instructor can present on the interactive whiteboard with each entry listed or anonymously.

Since its initial development, many different versions of this device, such as the SMART Response
interactive response system or Prometheans ActiVote have become available and can be applied to
various settings. However, it is still most commonly used within the classroom to generate a variety of
responses from individual students in group activities or on a test, exam or quiz. Then, once all of the
responses have been submitted, the results can be automatically entered into a grade book program to
keep track of student performance. A visual demonstration of how the SMART Response interactive
response system works and its application can be viewed here.

As the learner response systems has continued to evolve, some companies have developed special
software or applications that allow the user to enter interactive responses on a smartphone, laptop
or iPod touch. This enables the same features of the interactive clicker only without the hardware.
 Wireless Tablet/Slate – This instrument was designed to allow participants to interact with the IWB
from other locations in the room. They have an electromagnetic screen and typically use a Class 2
Bluetooth adapter with an expected range of 32' (10 m) within a room. Some of the key benefits
from this are that it provides greater mobility to the instructor during the lecture and prevents
anxiety for those who may be reluctant to present in front of their peers. Most companies that
manufacture interactive whiteboards also have a wireless tablet or slate available as an accessory
like the SMART slate, ActivTablet or ActivSlate.

 Document Camera - The purpose of this camera is to display 2D objects like paper or a textbook and
images of real 3D objects on the interactive whiteboard. The images from these cameras can be
captured and manipulated or saved for use with the IWBs proprietary software. Other features
offered are: zoom in/out, autofocus, extra light sources, microscope adapters, SD card capture slots,
still image and video capture. Two of the most common document cameras available as an
accessory by IWB manufacturers are ActiView and SMART document camera.

 Audio classroom amplification system - The intention of the audio system is to provide the user
with the ability to control and enhance the sound level of one’s own voice or any multimedia being
shown during a presentation or lesson. This is beneficial to presenters as it can help keep the
audience focused on the task at hand, especially when there are often external noises that can be
distracting. Most of the models designed by IWB manufacturers like the SMART amplification
system and ActivSound contain a wireless microphone, four speakers that can be mounted on the
wall or ceiling and audio input and output to connect it to an MP3, DVD player or camera. Another
feature included in the SMART models is that it can be integrated to its collaborative software by
touching one button.

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