Ramappa 1

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Sri B. V ,?

x a Rao,
/ Trustcc
Pro[, M. Pandu R:nga Rro :

E$d 2009 Trustce

Rcgd. No 83/:009 1A [a fi! o 71e ri tag e Tr w f

Iztter dabd 1/ Jah.2019

Shri. Yogendra Triprthi, IAS,
Secretary, Ministry of Tourism,
Govemment of India, R.No.l09,
Transport Bhavi/an, 1, Parliament Street,
New Delhi - I l0 0l I

Dear Sir.

Sub: Clarification on MoU for Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple under'Adopt a

Heritage Project" - Reg.
Ref: l) Meeting with DG, ASl, New Delhion the 5h September,20l8 at
the o/o. Dc, ASI
2) Meeting by MoT, Gol with Seffetary, Departrnent of Culture and Tourism,
Govemment ofTelangana on 86 October,2018
3) Signing of the MoU by the Trustee, KHT for further forward to ASI on
156 November, 2018 at the O/o. MoT, GoI, New Delhi
4) lenerNo. F.No.T -19067ll3/2018-M dated 8s May,20l9 from Director,
Monuments, ASI, Nev Delhi

In response to the invitation for a discussion on Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple Palampet,

Telangana under "Adopt a Heritage Projecf', Kakatiya Heritage Trust (KHT) participated in
the same on 56 September, 2018 as per I cited above of and noted the revisions to be made
in the Vision bid document and the items of work to be taken up by KHT.

2) Meanwhile on receipt of a mail from Adopt a Heritage CeU, Ministry of Tourism (MoT),
Govemment of India, Kakatiya Heritage Trust (KHT) has revised Vision Bid document,
incorporating the advice of ASI of 5/9/2018. Based upon which Draft MoU was shared by

3) A Consultative meeting was convened on the request of MoT, Gol on 8s October,20l8 with
Secretary, Department of Tourism and Culture. Govemment of Telangana, wherein it was
agreed upon by priorotising tasks and moving ahead for signatures and receipt of MoU. This
meeting was convened for the ollicers of MoT. KHT, ASI and Department of Heritage
Telangana on various other projects being taken up along with Ramappa ternple by KHT.

4\ On hnalization of these and after a few corrections incorporated in the MoU a resolution of
KlfT was submitted and {irst signatures on 4 sets of MoU was made by Prof. M.Pandu Ranga
Rao, Trustee, KHT on 156 November, 2018 for further forwarding by MoT to ASI for
approval and further signatures.

5) While KHT was awaiting for receipt of the approved MoU and date for receiving the MoU,
KHT received a letter 46 cited above from Director . Monuments, ASI asking KHT to
provide clarity on funds availability for moving ahead

-bQ-o t-
Contd ....2 P

* !r-a91t Sid{eltf, Negar" IEC [oc*, Wrrengal- 506004; !h. No,: oaTo- 2{5923E

t\. Yn* qJrr f,*t,ll [r1])

Sri B. V Pape Rao, _:+
/ Trurtcc
t.A.s. (R.d)

Prof. M. Pendu Renp

E$d 2009
Rcgd No 83:009 Ka[atla Tleifaje Trusf

6) KHT encloses the (i) minutes of 2M cited,

(ii) extract ofDraft MoU referring to the clause l,
(iii) balance sheets and fmancial documents oflast 3 years

for your pemsal and further action. KHT wishes to brins to your kind notice once again that
KHT had be€n shortlisted for Adopt a Heritage scheme based on submission of application
stating its past activities. credibilitv and financial capability. l-ater a Vision Bid and the
revised Vision Bid documents were prepared after several consultations with authorities
concemed. Our financial statemenls of last 3 vears also indicate the capabililv to raise funds
and handle the activities. as KHT is a Not for Profit oreanization and does not run from
Drofits ofany commercial activities and actions.

7) Upon scrutiny and perusal of the same, KHT requests once again to take the MoU forward
and KHT expresses willingness once again to commence the activities upon approval of

Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,

F'or Kakatiya Heritage Trust

Copy to for necessary action along with all the documents paragraph (6) above

g/t t Smt. Ushr Sherma, IAS. Director General, Archaeological Survey oflndia, 24, Tilak Marg,
New Delhi- I l0 001
2) Sri TJ Alone, Dtector (Monuments), Archaeological Survey of India, 24, Tilak Marg, New
Delhi- I l0 001
3) SmL Nrndini Bbattrcharye Sehu, Regional Director, Southem region, Archaeological
survey of India, KSIMC Building, Industrial Estage, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru - 5600t0,
4) Sri C Gangedhar, Assistanl Director General , Ministry of Tourism, Transport Bhawan, l,
Parliament stree! New Delhi - I l0 0l I
5) Sri Milan Kumar Chauley, Superintending Archaeologist, ASl, Hyderabad Ctcle
6) Sri A. Dinakar Bsbq IAS, Dtector, Departrnent ofHeritage Telangana, Hyderabad

# l -l -a9{, Siddrrtl Ne r, REC Poet, Watan al- 5o6o04; Ph. No.: OE70- 245923t
File No. TT-100/50/2018-A.A.H. (Computer No. 35843 ) 1


A meeting of the "Adopt a Heritage, Apni Dharohar Apni Pehchan" project was held under the
chairpersonship of the Secretary (Tourism), Government of Telangana. ln the meeting the following
officers were present along with the Monument Mitras:

Shri. B. Venkatesham, lAS, Secretary (Tourism), Govt. of Telangana - ln Chair

l. smt. Aashima Mehrotra, oirector (TT), MoT

2. Smt. Sunita M. Bhagwat, lFS, Commissioner (Tourism), Govt. Of Telangana
3. smt. N. R. Visalatchy, Director, Dept. ofArchaeology & Museums, Hyderabad
4. Mr. Gangadhar Chilka, Assistant Director General, MoT
5. 5hri. C.V. Shankar Reddy, Assistant Director, lndia Tourism, Hyderabad
6. Dr. Milan K Chauley, SA, Hyderabad Circle, ASI

Monument Mitras:
7. Prof. M. Pandurang Rao, Kakatiya Heritage Trust
8. Mr. J. Sreedhar Rao, Kakatiya Heritage Trust
9. Mr. Rajesh Vetcha, GMR
10. Mr. V. Razdan, ITC Hotels
11. Mr. K. Venkatesh, Sr. Architect, KSHETRA - Kakatiya Heritage Trust
12. Mr. Manthan Joshi, Architect, KSHETRA - Kakatiya Heritage Trust

1. The agenda of the meeting wasto appraise and onboard the Government of Telangana about
the "Adopt a Heritage, Apni Dharohar Apni Pehchan" project and to inform them about
Monument Mitras and their proposal to develop tourism amenities at different monuments in

2. Oirector (TT) welcomed the attendees and briefed them about the project's inception, vision and
the current progress. The meeting progressed with a detailed presentation which covered the
process of adoption, the committees, the role of the asset owners & stakeholders, process of
onboarding the Monument Mitra and the various intervenfions/amenities whose development
and operation and maintenance could be taken up under the project.

3. Secretary (Tourism), Gow. of Telangana enquired about the selection and evaluation process for
monuments and process of bidding or whether any tendering is involved. The chairperson
expressed an opinion that the word "Adopt" does not convey the actual principles of the project
and may be reconsidered.

4. Director (TT) clarified that all Expression of lnterests (Eols) received, after initial shortlisting of a
monument/site by the Oversight & Vision Committee were awarded a Letter of lntent (Lol) at a
public event. Further, she explained the unique process for selection known as vision bidding
wherein if there are multiple proposals received for a single monument/site they are evaluated
based on criteria's mentioned in the project guidelines. 5he clarified that the spirit of the project
stems from its Hindi tagline i.e. "Apni Dharohar Apni Pehchan" wherein the private stakeholders
associate pride with social responsibility for development and operations & maintenance of
tourism amenities at the heritage site.
File No. TT-100/50/2018-A.A.H. (Computer No. 35843 ) 2

5, Secretary (T), Govt. of Telangana suggested that the Monument Mitra should be directed to
develop lesser known monuments on priority and then the popular monument.

6. Director (TT) welcomed the suggestion for the name change to "Heritage Mitra,, and informed
that the project aims to develop lesser known tourist places, and as per the guidelines of the
project if a Monument Mitra selects a monument of hither visibility and footfall they also need
to select a monument from the lesser known category. she also suggested that since the project
scope is not limited to monuments, it has been proposed that the agencies participating can be
called "Heritage Mitra".

Director (TT), then asked the Monument Mitras to highlight the interventions proposed for their
selected monuments and points where assistance is required from the state government.

Golconda Fort by GMR Group

7. Mr. Rajesh vetcha, GMR elaborated on the proposal for Golconda Fort and listed the concerns
for the monument given below:
o He informed that Asl has identified certain amenities at the Fort proposed for enhanced
visitor experience with basic amenities like drinking water, toilets, signage, railing,
shelters, seating areas, souvenirs, dustbins, safety and security, upgradation of services
(electrical/ plumbing), crowd management, universal accessibility, housekeeping &
hospitality, waste management etc.
o Also advanced amenities like audio guides, interpretive signage, solar power for lighting
pathways, illumination of fortifications, reiuvenation of historic gardens, promotion
activities, interpretation centre, storm water management etc.
o He raised that coordination with urban Local Bodies (ULBs) is required for security of
infrastructure developed and parking space at the fort.
. Alternative entry/exit from Mudra Gate after removal of encroachments on the path
connecting the eutb Shahi Tomb to Golconda Fort
o Designated space for conducting festivals (Bonalu, Battukhamma, Navratri, and
lndependence Day etc.) in the Golconda Fort

8. Director (TT) informed that a joint visit was conducted at Golconda Fort in the presence of State
Tourism, ASI and Monument Mitra and the following points were discussed:
o The location for the SEL show at Golconda Fort was identified and unanimously agreed
as it provided a better approach for tourists and better visibility of the monument.
o Director (TT) proposed that the O&M of the SEL show can also be taken over the by the
Monument Mitra.
. oirector (TT) stated that issue of parking area & encroachment for which land transfer
situation needs to be addressed at Golconda Fort have been resolved in the past with
the State Government's intervention. She also informed that initial action may be
initiated at the State level, in case of difficulty same be raised at the Ministry of Tourism.
. Director (TT) informed that there is need to identify designated space for conducting
fes$vals in the Golconda Fort as crowd management is a huge issue and that a joint visit
by the State Government, ASI and Monument Mitras may be conducted to identify the

9. SA (Hyderabad Circle) concurred on the issues and stated the following information:
File No. TT-100/50/2018-A.A.H. (Computer No. 35843 ) 3

The land area identified for parking is ASI property, currently being used by as
accommodation for the armed forces, this would require intervention from the State
Government for resolution.
The corridor through the Mudra Gate has few encroachments and continues to grow. He
emphasized that the development of the corridor requires the state government's
There is an urgent need to move the festive location near the fort as the crowd size is
increasing every year which later damage the interventions created at the Fort.

10. Secretary (Tourism), Govt.of Telangana, agreed that the state would look into the concerns
especially to sensitize the crowd and look into identifying an appropriate location for the
upcoming festivals. He proposed that that solution can be found and advised sA (Hyderabad
Circle) for a separate meeting with the department.

Qutb Shahi fombs by Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC!

11. Director (TT) informed that for the Qutb Shahi Tombs the State Government is the asset owner
and for any proposal preparation, it is to be ensured that the state has no objections with
regards to the pro.iect.

12. Director (TT) queried that there is an existing MoU between the State and the Monument Mitra
i.e. Aga Khan Development Network which as per the information available it is inclined towards
conservation activities. She informed that AKTC is also interested for taking over the operations
& maintenance of facilities at the monume0t, which is possible under the Adopt a Heritage

13. Director (TT) informed that under the comprehensive plan for Golconda tort, development of a
path linking the Qutub Shahi Tombs is being explored, which is not only important from a
historical point but would also resolve tourist movement at the fort.

14. Secretary (Tourism), Govt. of Telangana, directed Director, Dept. of Archaeology & Museums, to
share the details of scope of work to be undertaken under the existing MoU.

Char Minar by ITC Hotels Ltd.

15. Director (fi) a joint site visit for need gap analysis was conducted by the
informed that recently
Monument Mitra i.e. ITC Hotels and ASI for Char Minar and raised the below concerns:
. Amenities like e-toilets created by other agencies in the surroundings have not been
aesthetically placed.
. The pedestrian paths have been laid with little or no drainage system, and hawkers have
occupied pathway obstructinB pedestrian movement.

16. Secretary (Tourism), 6ovt. of Telangana, informed about the Swachh lconic Places project,
wherein work has been initiated by Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) at char
Minar. He suggested there the discussion regarding interventions and such associated proiects
should be planned in a holistic manner, to avoid confusion with regards to execution of projects
secretary (Tourism), Govt. of Telangana, also expressed that the State Government should also
be involved in implementation of a project/scheme.
File No. TT-100/50/2018-A.A.H. (Computer No. 35843 ) 4

17. Director (TT) assured that she would raise the concerns of the chairperson with the Oversight
and Vision Committee.

Ramappa Temple by l(akatiya Heritage Trust

18. Director (TT) informed the members that the Monument Mitra is already involved with
conservation efforts at Ramappa Temple and has also proposed provision of certain basic
amenities like signag€, Wi-Fi, parking, security, cloak rooms, illumination, waste management
etc. Also, advanced amenities like battery operated vehicles, multilingual audio guide,
interpretation center etc.
Alampur Temples by Mytrah Energy lndia Pvt. Ltd.
19. Director (TT) informed that the Ministry of Tourism had recently received an Eot for Alampur
Temples and queries whether there were any objections related to the proposed adoption of the
monument as live monuments are outside the purview of the project.

20. SA (Hyderabad Circle) informed that ASI is the asset owner for Alampur Temples. He informed
that among the group of temples only one temple had higher footfall, i.e. Navabrahma temple
and stated that there is no objection with regard to the proposed adoption of the site under the
project for these temples.

21. Secretary (Tourism), Goyt. of Telangana, further queried on the various roles & responsibilities
of the parties involved in the project. Director (TT) explained the same and informed about the
guidelines of the project and a copy of the same was also shared.

22. Secretary (Tourism), Gow. of Telangana, affirmed that the state will provide necessary support
to the project and directed that Director, Dept. of Archaeology & Museums, Hyderabad is being
nominated as the nodal officer from the State of Telangana.

23. The meetint ended with a vote of thanks to chair

Memorandum of Understanding

THIS QUADRIPARTITE Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is executed on this

2018 at New Delhi among

MINISTRY OF TOURISM, Government of lndia, having its office at Transport Bhawan,

1 -
, Parliament Street, New Delhi 1 10001 acting through its Secretary, hereinafter
called "MoT' which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning
thereof, include its successors and permitted assigns of the FIRST PARTY


MINISTRY OF CULTURE, Government of lndia, having its office at'C'Wlng, Shastri

Bhawan New Delhi -1 1001 5 acting through its Secretary, hereinafter called "MoC"

which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its
successors and permitted assigns of the SECOND PARTY


ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA (ASl), Department of Culture, Government

of lndia, having its office at 24, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-1 10001 acting through its Director
General (hereinafter called "ASl" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context of meaning thereof, include its successors and permiued assigns) of the THIRD


Kakatiya Heritage Trust (KHT) a Not-for-Profit Trust with Reg. 83/2009 incorporated
under the lndian Trust Act, 1882 and governed by Government of Telangana having its
registered office at 1-1-894, Siddarth Nagar, NIT Post, Warangal, lndia,506003 and
administrative office at 11794-5-2, Flat No. 103, 1 st Floor, Circuit House Road,
Subedari Warangal, lndia, 506001 acting through its Authorised Signatory
Prof.M.Pandu Ranqa Rao Man aoino Trustee vi de Board Resolution dated:14!
November, 2018. (hereinafter referred to as Office) of the FOURTH PARTY to be called
henceforth'Monument Mitras'.


a) The Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with Ministry of Culture and ASI has
announced a project "Adopt a Heritage" for adoption of heritage sites/monuments
in collaboration with the Monument Mitras, which enables adoption of heritage
sites/monuments and other tourist sites to provide and maintain various basic
and advanced amenities as decided by the 'Oversight and Vision Committee',
such as public conveniences, drinking water, cleanliness of the monument,
accessibility for all, signage, Wi-Fi, cloakroom, illumination and night viewing,
cafeteria, surveillance system, tourist facilitation cum interpretation center, digital
interactive kiosk. light and sound shows etc.,

b) WHEREAS Monument Mitra through raising funds from institutions having

Corporate Social Responsibility and other related initiatives, intends to take up
Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Palampet, Jayashankar Bhupalapally
District, Telangana under "Adopt a Heritage" project.

c) WHEREAS destinations proposed in this project are under supervision of

nodal department Archaeological Survey of lndia (ASl).


1.1. "Nodal Department" means Archaeological Survey of lndia (ASl).

1.2 "Cost" means the cost of preparing a development plan, execution and
maintenance of the work, detailed project report as contained in the estimate.

1.3 "Development" means the construction, landscaping, illumination, operation

and maintenance activities related to provision, development and maintenance of
tourist amenities.

1.4 "Tourist amenities" means various essential and experiential tourist

facilities meant to be provided for the tourist. The amenities can be bifurcated into
below categories as per project guidelines.

A. Basic amenities

Basic amenities are important aspect in tourism as it triggers the popularity of the
place; it also facilitates repeated visits and oral publicity as a promotional aspect.
Basic amenities at any tourist place are first and foremost right of the tourist as
every single visit to the monuments gives impetus to the local economy. Basic
amenities are important irrespective of their financial feasibility in project

The basic amenities within and surrounding areas are categorized as below:

Public conveniences
Ease of Access
F No.T-1 9067/1 3/201 8-M
Government of lndia
Archaeological Survey of lndia

Dharohar Bhawan
24 f llak Marg, New Delhi
Dated-08 05 2019

Shri Gangadhar C.,
Assistant Director General,
Ministry of Tourism,
Transport Bhawan,
Parliament Street, New Delhi-1 10001


Please refer to this office lelter of even number dated 18 03.2019 related to
eJ"pi-r--if *trgescheme of Mbf, wherein it was requested to provide information
regarding position of funds with Monument Mitra'

It is once again mentioned that the clause 1 of the Mou refers to raising
from other institutions.

clear so far, four MoUs (in original) are being returned herewith with a request
pr*ia"1f""i position oi trnO- available with tne Monument Mitra for the said
Yours faithfullY'
' .-
- 1t
,,, (Monuments)
1T.-J. Atone)
Enclosed- 04 set oi MoUs in Original


Flat Nc.s 103 & 104, H.No. 11-27-195
Vasavi CoIony, WARANGAL.
SCV & ASSOCIATES Ph : 0870-2552590, 24282OO
Fax . 087 0-2422997
Chartered Accountants email : scvandassociates@gm3il.com


Report on the financial statements

we have audited the accompanying financiar statements of the KAKATTYA
HERTTAGE TRusr, sidda-rtha. Nagar, kazipet, warangar District
wrricrr comliise the
Balance sheet as at 31* March, zbtS and the IncomE and
Expenditure AcJount
the.year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting poricies and for
explanatory information.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsibre for the preparation ofthese financial
statements that give
a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance
in accordance
with the AccountinE standards issued by the Institute of chartered Accountants
India. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and mtrintenance
internal control relevant to preparation and presentation of the financial
that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether
to fraud or error.
Auditor's Responsibility
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our
audit. we conducted our audit in accordance with the standards on Auditing issued
by the Institute of chartered Accountants of India. Those standards requireihat
comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the
and disclosures on the financial statements. The procedures selected depend
on the
auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement
of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to Institutions
preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in
order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, an audit
arso incrudes
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness
of the accounting estimatFs made by the Management, as well as evaluating the
overall presentation of the financial statements.

we believe that the audit evidence, we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our audit opinion.
Flat lio.s fC3 & i04, ii.l.lc. 11-27-:!
sev & ASsocrATEs "SAryAM", Vasavi Colony, W,ARANGA
Ph : 0870-2552590, 2428200
Fax : 087 0-2422997
Chartered Accountants email : Scvandassociates@gmaii. ccn

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according
given to us, the said accounts read together
to the expranations
with the schedures and notes thereon
give the information in the manner
so required and give a true and fair view:
affairs as at 31st March,2}]^g.
b) In the case of the Income and Expenditure account,
of the deficit for the year
ended on that date; and

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

We report that :
a we have obtained aI the information and expranations,
which to the best of
our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose
of our audit;
]:_::l-oltp", proper books of accounts have been kept by KAKATIYA
HERTTAGE TRUsr, so far as it appears r.om ou," eramination oF those books;
c The Balance Sheet, Inco_me and Expenditure Account
Payments Account of KAKATIyA HERITAGE
and Receipts and
TRUSi Oeatt with this ;.;;;;;
in agreement with the books of accounts;


Chartered Accounta nts
Firm's Registration No: OO s

M.Ho t;21:t
I'lembership No. 012725

Date: 23.07.2018
H. NO : I-I -894. SIpE ERTEII N.E G.[.R.,ffARINGAL

To Opening Balance: PAYMBIFIS AMOUNT
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. A./c By Purchase of books
No:62103102223 By Kakatiya Gate (painting)
2,32,927.0O 25,00(
To Bank Interest By Honorarium
79,385.00 l,15,00(
To Sale of Books By Office Rent
17,050.00 t,42,OOC
To Singareni Colories By Telephone BiI<
25,00,000.00 I4,40C
(Construction & Restoration of 3y Ramappa llikutalayam Cleaning
(akatiya Temple on By Electricity charges
Ramappa 1,429
Tank Bund) By TYavelling & D.A Allowance
To Donation received 3y Office Maintenance
75,000.00 52,459
By Expenditure on Guide Books
By Colfee Table Book on Ramappa
By Dr.Choodamani
By Kshetla Architechrres
By Ajr Conditioner
By Pridge

By Closing Balance:
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. A,zc


) !,1 rio


N cF
,=.Piace: Wa-rangal
II. NO : l - I -894. SIDE ERTILIT N.f,

R 4 I
To Purchase of books INCOME AMOi'IvI
t 2,87s.00 By Batlk interest
To Kakatiya Gate painting) 79,38
2s,000.00 By Sale of Books
To Honorarium r 7,0s
I , 15,000.00 By Donations
To OfEce Rent 75,00
I,42,000.00 By Interest on FDRs
To Telephoae Bills I,10,90
To Ramappa thikutalayam Cleaning
20,000.00 By Excess of Expenditrue
To Electricity charges
I,429.00 over Income
To TYavelling & D.A Allowance 4,85, t 5
To Office Maintenance
To Expenditure on Guide Books
1,6 i ,379.00
To Coffee Table Book on Ramappa
To KshetraArchitectures

</ 7 ,67.491

CE A I 8
Capital Resewe pund 24,3I,642.00
Less:Excess of Expenditure Cash ar S.B.H. S.B. A,/c
No:62 i 0310222S
over Income 4,85,I53.50 18,89,978
I9,53,488.50 lDRs with Bank
15,99,8r 0
Corpus Fund foom land pu:chase
Singareni Colorles comPuter
25,00,000.00 OIIice Furniture 42,800
(For Restoration ol I,44,650
?emple on Ramappa Air Conditioner
Tank Bund) Fridge
Advance paid on Coffee Table
Book on Ramappa
Office Rent Advance
prepaid Telephone 3s,000.
Expenses I,386.
TDS Receivable
I I,099.




) l !r:i,lriailritr
M N. Cl:7:5 sAlYAlrIxxYANA )
Place: Warangal
Date: 23.07.2018
Flat No.s 103 & 104, H.No. 11-27-195
'SATYAM", Vasavi Colon% WARANGAL.
Ph : 0870-2562590, 2428200
Fax : 087 0-2422997
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS email : satyam_veerabhadra@yahoo.cor




ToO 0enrnq Balance By

Book on Goddess of folk
Cash on Hand '1,017 (Sammakka & Saralamma ) 3,43,990
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. A,/c By Printing of Books 60,000
No:62103102223 3,ffi,474 By Project Documentation 1,50,000
By Kshetra Architects 16,500
To Bank lnterest 17,543 By Honororium 31,000
Office Rent 1,32,000
To Sale of Books 20,47,150 By Telephone Bills 13,250
Travelling charges 31,800
To Return of Advance of By Electricity charges 1,733
Documentary film 1 00 000 By F.D.R.A,/o 15,00,000
By Office Maintenance 18,984

Bv Closino Balanc€:
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. AJc
No'62103102223 2,32,927

25.32,1U :
,' -,-t.
Date: 19.04.2017 |'.-/,....\-,.''" fcT SATYAM & VEERABHADRA


V P*'uN^-u [r.-
/ ,4 rl*,t
t Prol. M'Pand"""n1,X3;
i!age rust "
for Kakatt ya
Flat No.s 103 & 104, H.Nc. i1-27-196
"SAJYAM", Vasavi Coiony, WARANGAL.
Ph : 0870-2562590, 24Za2OA'
SATYAM & VEERABHADRA Fax : 087 0'2422997
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS email : satyam-veerabhadra@yahoo coi-



TO 31'03'2017

By Sale of Books 20,47,150.00

To Book on Goddess of folk
(Sammakka & Saralamma ) 3,43,990
To Printing of Books 60,000 By Bank lnterest
To Project Documentation 1,50,000
By Documentary film 1,00,000
To Kshetra Architects 16,500
To Honororium 31,000
To Office Rent 1,32,000
To Telephone Bills 13,250
To Travelling charges 31,800
To Electricity charges 1,733
To Office Maintenance 18,984
To Excess of lncome over ExP 13,65,436.00

H T3 2 7

Capital Reserve Fund 10,73,206

Add: Excess of lncover Cash at S.B.H. S.B. AJc

No:62103102223 2,32,927.00
OverExpenditure 13,65,436
FDRS with Bank 15,00,000.00

Land purchase 4,85,265.00

Officed Rent Advance 33,000.00

Office Fumiture 1,44,650.00

Computer 42,800.00



tl CA-,..-/
Flat No.s 103 & i04, H.No. 11-27-196
"SATYAM", Vasavi Colony, WARANGAL_
SATYAM & VEERABHADRA Ph : 0870-2562590, 242A2OO
Fax : 087 0-2422997
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS email : satyam_veerabhadra@yahoo.cot




To ODeninq Balance: By €ook on Goddess of fcrk

Cash on Hand 1,017.00 (Sammakka & Saratamma )
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. A,/c Photography 3,69,000
No:621 031 02223 2,16,029.00 Photo restorataon 97.500
Telugu Script Writing 30,000
To Bank lnterest 8,796.00 Printing of Books 8,00,000
Outlay Design 1,U,345
To Donati on from Telugu compilation 10,000
Singareni Coltaries 10,00,000.00 Adv.to documentary fi 1,00,000 15,90,845.00
Kapil Consultancy Services 2,00,000.00 By Heritage Run 5,000.00
Kapil Property Developers Ltd. 2,00,000.00 By Office Rent 1,32,000.00
Kail Food & Structures Pvt.Ltd. 2,00,000 00 By Telephone Bills 13,444.00
Ujwala Publication & Developers 2,00,000.00 By Conveyance & Offic e Assistance 13,000.00
Shilpa Avenues Pvt. Ltd. 2,00,000.00 By Electricity charges 1,793.00
By Report preparation on )(
To Sale of Books 6,000.00 Restoration of Kakatiya Temples)( 8,200.00
By Memontos & Boques 16,050.00
By T. A. & D.A 69,870.00
B ,! Office Maintenance 14,1lK).Oo
B v Closino Balance
Cash on Hand 1 ,017 .00
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. AJc
No:62103102223 3,66,474.00

22,31,842.00 22,31,842.00

Date: 03.05.2016 SAryAM & VEERABHADRA



Flat No.s 103 & 104, H.No., tt-27-i
'SATYAM", Vasavi Cotory WAaANGT
SATYAM & VEERABHADRA Ph : 0870-2562590, 242A206
email : satyam_veerabhadra@yaho(


H 1-1-8 SI AL

To Book on Goddess of folk

(Sammakka & Saralamma
By Donation from
) Singareni Collaries
Photography 3 69,000 Kapil Consultancy Se!.vices
Pholo resbradofi 97, S00
KapI Property Develope$ Ltd. 2,€BiS.00
IeluguSdiprwriting 30,000 Kait Food & Structures pvt.Ltd.
Printing ofBooks 8,00,000 Ujwala Publication & Developers
Outlay Design 1,U,Us Shilpa Avenues pvt. Ltd.
Telugu compilation i0,O0O 2,00,000.00

- fi 1,00,000 15,90,g45.00
Adv.to documentary
By Sale of Books
To Heritage Run OO0.OO O,
To Office Rent
ro re,ephone
To Conveyance
Bins ''11r',!#33
By Bank lnterest 8.796.00
& Office Assistance 13,OOO.O0
To Elecbicity charges 1,793.00
To Report preparation on
Restoratjon of Kakatiya Temples
_ro )( 8,2OO.OO
Memontos & Boques 16,050.00
To T. A. & D.A
office Maintenanfe ?i,?1333
Excess of lncome over Exp_ 1,50,445.00


Capital Reserve Fund g,22,261

Cash on Hand 1,017.00
Add: Excess of lncover
Cash at S.B.H. S.B. A/c
Over Expenditure 1.50,445 No:62103102223 3,66,474.00
Land purchase 4,85,265.00

Officed Rent Advance 33,000.00

Ofnce Fumiture 1,44,650.00

Computer 42,800.00
i0 ,73.206.00
Date: 02.05 2016


{P""" /,/
" /


Drrector of Income Tax (Fxemptions)
F.No.DITf E) / Hyp . 124l69&70(08) /
10_1 1 Dated:12.O1.2011.

SUB: Registra on u/s.tZAA oj_t!"

ItT Act, 1961
Heritage Trust, 1_1_894, siao.rtt in the case of Kakatiya
oo4 -Grant of order_ Issue oF _ '---', ''- post, warangal_5o6
REF: Apelication in Form No.10A
fited on 27.08.2010 by the said Trust,/Assn.
/l nstn
DE u/ I )rb )(i) T EI c OME TAX ACT, 19,61
L. As constituted Trust Deed/Memorandum or Articles
dt.07.07 .2A09, .,by_the
the Trust/Instituhon has filed an - of Association
Registration u/s 124(a) application ,n-ior-m No.10A for
of the I.T. Act on 27.OB.ZOLO.
2. Acco!'dingty, the said ,-rli:fSI"O, registered in
the regisrer
r i ini,
ror ",;;;,
. ljn.51f ",;* Llf E ) /i v i7 ;\iZJ i'i c'r o c I u, o meant
apptications In
' I#',.f:f.:i:i3?l: rro,." to the rulfiilment orthe conditions taid down u/s.t2A (a) or
1: Trre reqistrat'ion does not ipso_ facto
exempt the income unless .re privisions
Sections 11 , .12- an( 13 of the f .f act. pf or
f f J;e .A",,"."i,"
Thrs resistration may be cancered
in ter,Trs of the provisions of section
any stag€ it is found that the activ;tiei oi 12AA(3) if
Irri,.r", trust/institutior) afp nart
not beins carried out i" u.i".iJri"
"" with rhe objects of rhe
f;:l/l"rr,:,i ,j;e
5. 'i-he appticant sha comply with the provisions of Section 139(4A).
T Any amen'Jment to the 'Trustl-e-go/iv1m-o13nc m of Association wourd be effected

ff rfl:ffi?3,";:";[;j::-'J'"'"q'''"J' ]"i[;s;i';l;" resistration s."tuo


Directo r of Income Tax (Exem ptions)
CoPv to: rabad

!-.' 1 . Kakativa Heritage Trust,

1-l -894,. Slddarth Nagar, REC post, r{
Warangal-S06 004. Ii
2. Copy ro the DDIT (E), Hyderabad. d.'


Director of Income Tax (Exemptions)

F.No. DIi (E) / HYD / 8oG / 69&70(08)./ 10- 11 Oated:12.O1.2011

SUB Granting of an approval or for continuance thereof to an Institution

or a fund (referred to u/s. 80G(2) & (5) of the I.T .Act, 1961) - Reg.
REF: The application in Form No.10G filed by Kakatiya Heritage Trust, 1-1-894,
Siddarth Nagar, REC Post, Warangal-5o6 OO4.

The application filed in Form No.10G seeking apil:-oval in the above case on 27.08.2010 has been
examined and I am satisfied that:

(i) This is a fund/trust as mentioned in clause (iv) of sub-section 2 of Sec.80c of the

I.T. Act, 1961;

(,i) The donations made to the said trust/fundlsociety do qualify for deduction in
aomputing the income oFa person who makes the donation i.e, in the hands cfthe
don or.

C According.ly the approval sought for is herebr!, accorded u/s.80G(5)(vi) of the LT.Act, 1961.
2. The app!-oval shall have eFfect from 01.04.2010 onwards subject to all other provisions of
the l.T. Act, 1961 as applicabl€ and the following conditions:-
i) The receipts issued to the donors should bear the number and the date of this order and the
period of valid ity.
ii) The fund or institution shall submit the statement of income ahd expenditure anij other
financial statements for the year ended on 31.03.2009 and subsequent year(s) within the
prescribed time befcre the prescribed authority.
iii) The fund or institution shall maintain the boo,ks cf account regularty and also get them auCited
as !-equired under Clause (b) of Subsection (1) of Section 12A of the I.T. Act.
i!) T;'a iurtd or anstitijtion shail fiie ttre Returir oi iflco,ne reguiariy as stipuiaied uncier Sectieir
139(1) read with section 139(44).
v) I'lo change in the Deed of the Trust/Society/'Association/Company shall be effected without due
proceCure of lalv i.e. by the order of the jurisdictional High Court and its intimation shall be given
imrnediately tc fhis Office.
vi) The fund or institution shall marntain separate books of account in respect of bL,siness aatrvit-)-
as stipuiateci in the proviso to Clause (i) of Sub-section (5) of Section 80G. The Ccnations
received should not be used directly or indirectl,v for the purpose of business.
vii) No Expenditure should be incurred which js a religious nature in any previous /ear in er:cess of
five percent of its Total Incorne o{ tfrat previous year.
viii) Charitable purPose does not include any pu:'pose the v,,hole or substantiaily the whole of which
is of a ieligious nature.
ix) Nc deduction under Section 80G shall be allowed in respeC of any donation unless suctl
donation is of a suni of money.
x) The fund or institution Shall not violate the provisions of Section 13.
The fonci or institution seeking exemption shall fulfil the conditions specified ;,r Sub-
Secticn (5) of Section 80G of LT.Act, 1961.

K. K. T THY )
Income Tax ( Exe m ptions )
ir ydera bad
Copy to

1. Kakatiya Heritage Trusi, -;;

7- l-8-a4, Si,Jdarth '*
REC Dost, Warangal-506 004
fo.- -,.-:.-
2 CopyiJc:he DDIT{E)- , Hyderabad

R*r lEt
qRiI ${6rt
qdz-{ riTrdq

File No TT- I 00/39/20 I 8-A.A.H. Dated:04.07.2019

Sh. T. J. Alone,
Director (Monuments)
Archaeological Survey of India
24,Tilak Marg, New Delhi - I 10001

Subject: Signing of MoU for Ramappa Temple under Adopt-a-Heritage project of the
Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.


Please refer to your letter no. F.N.T- 1906711412018-M dated 25.06.2019 and 08.05.2019
regarding the signing of MoU for Ramappa Temple, Telangana submitted by Kakatiya Heritage
Trust under the Adopt a Heritage project.

As discussed in the Implementation Committee meeting held on 18.06.2019, the

committee concluded that given the prospective Monument Mitra is a Trust and does not have
much financial strength, the committee suggested that they may generate the funds from different
sources at no cost to the Govemment of India under the project. O&VC was also agreed and
apprised with the Kakatiya Heritage Trust financial condition.

In this regard, the signed copies of Ramappa Temple, Telangana MoU in original (4 sets)
are re-submitted for signing at your end.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

e bu
(C. Cangadhar)
Asst. DC (AAH Project)
Enclosed as above:


{ rudr!flrdr
ck{€;{ qsq, 1 dsq qrd, q$ fud-rroool (rTrrd)
Transport Bhawan, 1 Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001 (lNDlA)

THIS QUADRIPARTITE Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is executed on this 15th

November, 2018 at New Delhi among

MINISTRY OF TOURISM, Government of India, having its office at Transport Bhawan, 1,

Parliament Street, New Delhi '1 '10001 acting through its Secretary, hereinafter called
"MoT" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof,
include its successors and permitted assigns of the FIRST PARTY


MINISTRY OF CULTURE, Government of lndia, having its office at'C'Wing, Shastrl

Bhawan New Delhi - 1 100 15 acting through its Secretary, hereinafter called "MoC" which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context of meaning thereof, include its
successors and permitted assigns of the SECOND PARTY


ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA (ASl), Department of Culture, Government of

lndia, having its office al 24, r.i€k Marg, New Delhi- 1 10001 acting thiough its Director
General (hereinafter called "ASl'which expression shall, unless repugnant to the ccntext
of meaning thereof, include its successors and permitted assigns) of the THIRD


Kakatiya Heritage Trust (KHT) a Nolfor-Profit Trust with Reg. 83/2009 incorporated
under the lndian Trust Act, 1882 and governed by Government of Telangana having its
registered office at 'l -1-894, Siddarth Nagar, NIT Post, Warangal, lndia, 506004 and
administrative office at 11794-5-2, Flat No. 103, 1st Floor, Gircuit House Road,
subedari warangal, lndia, 506001 acting through its Authorized signatory Prof. It/l.
Pandu Ranga Rao, Managing Trustee vide Board Resolution dated:14th November,
20,18.(hereinafter referred to as office) of the FOURTH PARTY to be called henceforth
'Monument Mitras'.

! )

a) The Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with Ministry of Culture and ASI has
announced a project "Adopt a Heritage" for adoption of heritage sites/monuments
in collaboration with the Monument Mitras, which enables adoption of heritage
sites/monuments and other tourist sites to provide and malntain various basic and
advanced amenities as decided by the 'Oversight and Vision Committee', such as
pubtic conveniences, drinking water, cleanliness of the monument, accessibility for
all, signage, Wi-Fi, cloakroom, illumination and night viewing, cafeteria,
surveillance system, tourist facilitation cum interpretation center, digital interactive
kiosk, light and sound shows etc.,

b) WHEREAS Monument Mitra through raising funds from institutions having

Corporate Social Responsibility and other related initiatives, intends to take up
Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Palampet, Jayashankar Bhupalapally
District, Telangana under "Adopt a Heritage" project.

c) WHEREAS destinations proposed in this project are under supervision of

nodal department Archaeological Survey of lndia (ASl).


.1. "Nodal Department" means Archaeological Survey of lndia (ASl).

1.2 "Cost" means the cost of preparing a development plan, execution and
maintenance of the work, detailed project report as contained in the estimate.

1.3 "Development" means the construction, landscaping, illumination, operation

and maintenance activities related to provision, development and maintenance of
tourist amenities.

,,Tourist amenities" means various essential and experiential tourist facilities
meant to be provided for the tourist. The amenities can be bifurcated into below
categories as per project guidelines.

A. Basic amenities
Basic amenities are important aspect in tourism as it triggers the popularity of the
place; it also facilitates repeated visits and oral publicity as a promotional aspect.
Basic amenities at any tourist place are first and foremost right of the tourist as every
single visit to the monuments gives impetus to the local economy. Basic amenities are
important irrespective of their financial feasibility in project structuring.

/ P*
The basic amenities within and surrounding areas are categorized as below:

t. Public conveniences
2. Ease of Access
3. Aesthetics and cleanliness of site
4. lllumination
s. Backlit signages
6. Point of Sale Terminal (PoS) machines at the Ticketing Counters to
promote cashless transactions

Representative list of inter alia basic amenities:

7. Public conveniences of international standard

8. Clean drinking water facilities
9. Swachh Monument (Cleanliness of the monument, including complete
polythene ban)
10. Barrier Free Monuments/Accessibility for All: differently-abled friendly
toilets, ramps, wheelchair facility, braille signages, heritage
site/monument models
11. lnformatory and Directional Signages
12. wi-Fi
13. App based Multi lingual Audio-Guide
14. Cloak room, shoe-racks/covers, washing facility etc.
15. Canteen (with souvenir shop promoting local art and craftsmanship)
16. lllumination
17. Wheelchair

B. Advanced amenities

Advanced amenities shall be planned as per the identified monument's tourist footfall
and financial feasibility of proposed interventions.
List of inter alia advanced amenities:

18. Cafeteria
19. Facilitation of night visits to monuments under adaptive use within
permissible guidelines of ASI
20. Advanced surveillance system (Like PTZ based CCTV cameras)
21. Tourist Facilitation cum lnterpretation Centre (Tourist Multi-Purpose
Centre) with facilities like museum, shoppingisouvenir shop, cafeteria,
cloakroom, toilet, drinking water, money exchange etc.
22. Digital lnteractive Kiosk, Digital (LED) screening
23. Light and Sound Shows with regular cultural shows
24. Battery-operated vehicles
25. Advanced tourist flow management system linked with carrying capacity
of the monuments

\w l2* I\-,*V
,,Heritage sites
1.5 [1]" means works of man or the combined works of nature and
man, and ireas including archaeological sites which are of outstanding universal
value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological point of view. The
definition incorporates below categories:

1.5.1 "Monuments" means architectural works, works of monumental

sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological
nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features,
which are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of
history, art or science. Monument here shall refer sites of national
importance by the Central Government as per the Ancient Monument
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 and corresponding
states' acts related to it.

1.6',Heritage sites/monuments" mean those that have been identified under the
Adopt a Heritage programme by'oversight & Vision committee" and other places
added as & when the 'Oversight and Vision Committee' desires'


1 MONUMENT MITRA is interested to take up the cause of adoption of monument

raising funds from institutions having corporate social Responsibility and other
relatel initiatives and accordingly has identified Rudreshwara (Ramappa)
Temple, Palampet, Jayashankar Bhupalapally District, Telangana and intends
to piovide various tourism amenities in consultation with Nodal Department
(hereinafter called the "Project").

2 The'Oversight and Vision Committee'has consented to the developmental

activities proposed by the MONUMENT MITRA at the monument and agrees to
the same.

3 For the purpose of this MoU, details of the amenities/facilities to be undertaken

by the Monument Mitra are detailed below:

# Basic Amenities
1 lopment of Main APProach Road
etup of external signage's (en-route to the monument) and O&M of
lnternal si na
3 i-Fi (Setup & UPgradation)

[1 ]http://whc.unesco.org/en/conventiontexU

wv y Pu \^^.d\..--
# Basic Amenities
1 Development of Main Approach Road
Setup of external signage's (en-route to the monument) and O&M of
lnternal signage
3 Wi-Fi (Setup & Upgradation)
4 Security and Surveillance
5 Underground Electrification and lllumination-Operation & Maintenance
b Housekeeping- Waste management and Dustbins
Advanced Amenities
7 Multi Lingual Audio Guide

8 Visitors lnformation Centre

I Landscaping andHorticulture
10 lectric and Plumbing Services

(The MONUMENT MITRA agrees to carryout complete operations and maintenance

of the adopted monument including payment of utility bills of the adopted monument
for the period of this MoU.)

4. MONUMENT MITRA shall prepare a comprehensive plan for the project within
thirty days of signing of this MoU. The detailed plan is required to be shared with
the nodal agency prior to commencement of actual work at the destination.
MONUMENT MITRA shall undertake the execution work directly or outsource the
work through a competent agency under its overall supervision and that of Nodal

5. Oversight and Vision Committee will acknowledge the contribution by the

MONUMENT MITRA towards developmental activities by way of
signage/plaques etc. at appropriate place. The placement, contents and size of
the signage/plaques etc. will be decided with mutual consent with the'Oversight
and Vision Committee'while ensuring that the same is in tune with the aesthetic
value of the monuments and surroundings of destinations. Detail of proposed
visibility requirement is attached in Annexure - ll.

6. Detail of the work schedule to be undertaken by the MONUMENT MITRA is as

per Annexure - l.

r-/ Pe
7. The worUexecution of the activities shall not cause any hindrance to ASI or its
representatlve in carrying out other works in the monument or in free movement
of the visitors.

8. Monument Mitra shall not violate the provisions of the AMASR Act, 1958 and
Rules, 1959.


9.1. MONUMENT MITRA agrees to finance the activities, operate and maintain the
facilities on their own as approved by the committee rather than transfer of funds to
any Government body or department.

9.2. MONUMENT MITRA agrees to ensure that adequate funding is provided to

improve and maintain the facilities for initial 5 years.

9.3. The adoption period is for initial 5 years subject to annual review of performance
of staff, quality of work, operation & maintenance, tourist feedback, impact on
tourism etc.

9.4. MONUMENT MITRA agrees during period of adoption that no revenue shall be
generated from the public as collection fee, convenience fee etc. However, in case
any fees are planned to be charged it will be subjected to specific clearance of the
relevant Government parties to the MoU. Any revenue generated through the
proposed activities is required to be put back to sustain development, operations
and maintenance activities at the adopted monument.

9.5. lt is mutually agreed that this MoU shall not in any way alter the legal status of
the monumenudevelopmental activities that vests and shall always remain vested
with the Nodal Department.


'10.1. This MoU shall be valid initially for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of
commencement of work, extendable further for a period of 5 (five) years based on
recommendation of Oversight & Vision Committee based on periodic review on the
performance of staff, quality of work, operation & maintenance, tourist feedback,
impact on tourism etc.
10.2. ln the event of a delay in the commencement of work by the Nodal
Department, the term of the MoU shall be extendable by a period equivalent to such

wry f P* l\/-.4*-
11..1 .
The management structure would consist of the following committees and
stakeholders whose functioning would be as such:

A. Oversight and Vision Committee

Committee ComPosition

1 Co-chaired by Secretary (Tourism) and Secretary (Culture) Chairperson

2 Director General (ASl) Member

J Director General (Tourism) Member

4 Additional Secretary (Culture) Member

Additional Director General (Tourism) /Joint Convener of

6 the committee
Secretary (Tourism)
Representatives from other M in istries/departments who can
o be co-opted as and when req uired forco-ordination

lndicative Roles & Responsibilities:

(i) Enunciate the vision and chalk out the road map for the project and provide
platform for exchange of ideas.

(ii) coordinate to oversee all operations, steer, and review and monitor overall
performance of the project and provide guidance on specific issues relating to
the project.

(iii) conduct the.Vision Bidding, and select the.Monument Mitra, from the
bidders after evaluation

(iv) oversee the planning, sanctioning and execution of the project sites and
also the overall monitoring.

B. lmplementationCommittee

Committee ComPosition

1 Chaired by Director General (Tourism) & DG' ASI hairperson

2 Member Secretary, National Monument Authority Mem ber

'l ditional Director General (Tourism) ember

4 oint Secretary (Culture) ember

IP4 f7 Pe A,^*'l\*-
5 Additional Director General (ASl) Member
lConvener of the
b irector (Travel & Trade)
To support
7 MC (Project Management Consultant) lmplementation

lndicative Roles & Responsibilities:

(i) Guide the selected 'Monument Mitra'for getting the necessary clearances,
approvals and NOCs.

(ii) Assist the 'Monument Mitra' in the 'joint inspection' exercise in each of the
heritage sites/monuments for the 'Need-Gap Analysis'.

(iii) Recommend mid-course corrections in the implementation tools.

(iv) Periodical oversight and review of proposed/ongoing projects.

(v) Ensure co-ordination between Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture and


C. Monument Committee:

Committee ComPosition

1 Director (Travel & Trade) Chairperson

2 Assistant Director General (Travel & Trade) Convener

Superintending Archaeologist(s) of the various circles
involved / Representative of State Archeology Department
J / Concerned representative of State Government. Member

4 Representative of the Monument Mitras Mem ber

5 Concerned Regional Director of India Tourism Member

Representative of Tourism & Travel lndustry can be Member
coopte d as and when required for lndustry lnputs
To support
7 PMC (Project ManagementConsultant) Monument

lndicative Roles & Responsibilities:

(i) Providing Noc for executing planned interventions at the selected heritage

Lv V ?*
(ii) Assisting the Executing/lmplementing Agencies (of the selected
'Monument Mitra') in the implementation of works.

(iii) Assisting the Executing/lmplementing Agencies (of the selected

'Monument Mitra') in the Operations and Maintenance of the heritage
sites/mo n um ents.

D. Monument Mitra

public/Private sector companies or individuals successfully selected through the

process of 'Vision Bidding', on a competitive basis for the project shall be called as
Monument Mitra. Various roles and responsibilities of the Monument Mitra shall be
as mentioned below.

lndicative Roles & Responsibilities:

(i) Prepare detailed Vision Bidding document for all the heritage
sites/monuments that they plan to adopt.

(ii) Carry out need gap analysis in each of the heritage sites/monuments that
they are taking up for adoPtion.

(iii)Get the necessary approvals, clearances, NOCs etc. soliciting the guidance
of the Monument Committee.

(iv) Do the entire end to end work of creation of assets and services of the
iequireO levels and standards as per approved vision, proposal and MoUs'

(v) Carry out Operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the assets and services

(vi) Assist the lmplementation committee in the mid-course corrections and

provide feedback in a periodic manner.

E. Project Management Consultant

other than the Roles & Responsibilities of the PMC as parUmember of oversight
and Vision committee, lmplementation committee and Monument committee, PMC
has to adhere to following:

lndicative roles and responsibilities:

(i) coordination with the Monument Mitra for vision presentations and final
preparation of the Vision Bidding document.

W r/ P.a,^
(ii)Assist the Oversight and Vision Committee in the evaluation of the Vision
Bidding documents from the Monument Mitra.

(iii) Assist lmplementation Committee in project

implementation, periodic
reporting of implementation status and mid-course corrections if any.

(iv) After completion, compilation and analysis of survey data of tourist

experiences and feedback and service level achievement details as provided
by the Monument Miha.


12.1 . For the purposes of this MoU, "Force Majeure" means an event which is
beyond the reasonable control of a Party, and which makes a Party's performance
of its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be
consldered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war,
riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather
conditions, strikes, lockouts or other domestic action (except where such strikes,
lockouts or other domestic action are within the power of the Party invoking Force
Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by government agencies'
12.2. Force Majeure shall not include:
a. Any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a Party
or such Party's Subcontractors or agents or employees;
b. Any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected to:
(i) Take into account at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement, and

(ii) Avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations hereunder'


13.1. The scheme guidelines shall remain enforced for the entire period of MoU

14.1 . This MoU once operative shall continue to be in full force until terminated'
14.2. This MoU can be terminated by any party giving not less than six months'
notice in writing of intended termination to other parties hereto. The non - terminating
parties shall be at liberty to re-negotiate fresh MoU amongst them, as the
circumstances may permit, to the exclusion of the terminating party'

,/ ?* lE*/,il'*
14.3. Under exceptional circumstances and/or in the public interest, the
Government of lndia through Ministry of Culture reserves the right to terminate the
MoU with immediate effect.


'15.1. All disputes arising out of MoU shall be settled by discussion and failing
which, the decision of the 'Oversight and Vision Committee' shall be final and binding
upon the parties.


16.1. The MoU will be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance
with, the laws of lndia/ rules and law promulgated by concerned State Government.
Any action brought by either party against the other concerning the transactions
contemplated by this MoU shall be brought only in the courts of Delhior in the courts
located in the respective State. All the parties and individuals signing this Agreement
agree to submit to the jurisdiction of such courts.


17.1. The Monument Mitra agrees to exercise adequate precautions in executing
the Roles & Responsibilities defined herein. ln the provision of the roles and
responsibilities defined herein, the Monument Mitra will indemnify and hold harmless
against any claim for damages, the Ministry of Tourism' Ministry of Culture,
Archaeological Survey of lndia as a result of any claims or proceedings brought
against them by a third party, which arises from activities performed by the
Monument Mitra pursuant to this MoU.


The Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture and Archaeological Survey of lndia /

Asset owner shall have the right to review within a reasonable period of time, before
issuance of any advertisement, press release, or any other public statements with
respect to the activities contemplated herein; the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of
Culture and Archaeological Survey of lndia / Asset Owner prior to press release /
publication shall be provided with a copy thereof and be given a minimum of seven
days'time to comment, modify or restrict the publication of such advertisement,
public statement or press release.

lN WITNESS THEREOF the parties set their respective hands on this MoU on the date,
month and year first written above.

1 SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the above Ml RY OF TO URISM

j",mqt trrtatZ e'shima Mehiolra)
WITNESS: ' ft-t{r6 / Director
qta{ {4ffiq /Minislry ol TotJdsn

qRil ffiR/ Govemment of lndla
Tt Rd'/New Delhi

2. SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the above MINISTRY OF




3. SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the above ARCHAEOLOGICAL




4. SIGNED AND DELIVERED for and on behalf of the above MONUMENT MITRA

BY r/ P"l'^ t\'-"'/t\''
ua'"1 r1 Pa''' d"^' e<'nV &*
Designation : Aa+, ,.tr; a7 Tt,*:


7 P_-*.
Annexure ll: Time Schedule for Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Palampet,
Jayashankar Bhupalapally District, Telangana

# Basic Amenities Time

1 Development of Main Approach Road 00- 30 months

Setup of external (enroute to the monument)signages
and O&M of lnternal signage
00- 30 months
3 Wi-Fi (Setup & Upgradation) 00 -30 months

4 Security and Surveillance 00- 36 months

Underground Electrification and lllumination- Operation & 00- 36 months
b ousekeeping- Waste management and Dustbins Continuous Activity

Advanced amenities
7 Multi Lingual Audio Guide 00- 24 months

8 itor I nformation Centre 00- 60 months


I Landscaping and Horticulture Annual Activity

10 lectric and Plumbing Services Annual Activity

To - date of commencement of works

f P* t\*<4V
Annexure lll: Proposed Visibility Requirement for Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple,
Palampet, Jayashankar Bhupalapally District, Telangana.

Limited visibility on Signage will be deployed at the monument indicating that the
monument has been adopted by Kakatiya Heritage Trust under Adopt a Heritage
Project, Government of lndia in a discreet manner and tastefully. Size and design of the
standardized signage has to be approved by Archaeological Survey of lndia prior to the
installation at site.

\-ry v P,*

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