Ethics Yel

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Ethics derived from the greek word “ethos” which means “characteristic way of acting”. It’s latin equivalent is
“mos,mores” meaning “tradition or custom”. Ethics defined as the science of the morality of human acts. It said to be
the study of human motivation and ultimately of human rational behavior. It is rules of bahavior based on ideas about
what is morally good and bad. Ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make their decisions and
lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also describes as moral
philosophy. Ehics also is a moral principle that governs a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.


Ethics for me have plenty of meanings and understanding,but all I understand is ethics helps in answering the question
of human morality providing a set definition for the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, vice and virtue and so
on. When in doubt we always think about moral and ethical values we have benn taught since our early years and
almost immediately get clarify of thoughts.

Ethics define the way a person should behave in any given situation. They are embedded in us from childhood and
almost every decision we make in our life is largely influenced by our ethical values. A person is considered as good or
bad based on his or her ethical conduct.

Ethics hold immense importance in both our personal and professional life. A person who holds high ethical values, truly
believes in them and follow them would be much more sorted as compared to those who follow the set ethical norms
but do not really believe in the same. Then, there is yet another category of people – those who do not believe in the
ethical norms and thus do not follow them. These may be cause of distruption of peace in the society.


The minds of the people are conditioned as per accepted moral and ethical values existent in the society they are
brought up in. The im portamce of ethics cannot be undermined. A child needs to be taught what behaviour is accepted
in order for him to live in harmony with the society. This system has basically been put in place so that people know how
to act right and maintain peace and harmony in the society.

Taking decisions bacomes easier for people ad the right and wrong has already been defined. Imagine of the right doings
and wrong doings were not defined, everyone would act as per their will based on their own version of right and wrong.
This would make things chaotic and give rise to crime.

Marielle Loisse R. Beringuel “A MAN WITH OUT ETHICS IS A

Prof. Francisco P. Canapi WORLD”.

Maintaning ethical conduct is extremely important at work place. Besides the basic ethics and values defined by the
society, every organization determines its set of ethical values. Every individual working in that organization must follow
them to maintain the code of conduct. Some examples of common ethical codes set by organizations can be to treat
employees fairly, deal with honesty,never leak the company’s inside information,respect your co-workers and of
something appears wrong with the company’s management or some employee it must be addressed politely and
directly rather tgan creatingunnecessary issues.

Setting these workplace ethics helps in smooth functioning of the organization. Any employee seen violating the ethical
code is issued warning letter or penalized in different ways bassed on the severity of tge issue. In case of absence of the
set ethical codes in an organization, things are likely to become chaotic and unmanageable. It is thus essential for every
organization to set tgese norms. Ethical codes in an organization do not help in ensuring good work environment but
also teach the employees as how to deal with the cients in different situations.

I have a beautiful example of man as a person:

While the ethics have been set for the well being of society and the overall good of the people living there,these can
even br a cause of unhappinessfor some. This is because people have gove overboard with these. For instances,in earlier
times women in Filipino culture were seen as home makers. They were not allowed to go out and work or question the
decisions of the male members of the family. While these days women are being given freedom to go and out work and
taje various decisions on their own, many people still stick to the ethics and norms defined centuries back. They still
believe that woman’s place is in the kitchen and that it is ethically wrong for her to go out and work. So while ethics and
moral values must be embedded in people for the smooth functioning of the society and must be redefined from time to
time for the proper growth and development of individuals as well as the society as a whole.

LOVE FOR GOD (My favorite discussion)

Love is in the air. We breath this air and so it is in us to love. Just like the involuntary need to breath in oxygen and
breath out the carbon dioxide we need to love and be loved. God created us diligently and therefore ha has by default
bestowed upon us his greatness. We are born with the ability to receive love,reciprocate it and the true deep desire to
do both. God made us to love and I mean two things when I say that:

Firstly, we were made up to comprehend the love of God has for us. He wants us to feel the love he feels towards each
and every one of us which explains our senses. We can see the darkness, hear the depression, feel tha disconnect, smell
the rotting and taste the bitterness of love deprived place. God made us to love us and so it only makes sense we try to
serve our purpose. We are not here on earth to serve him as he does not require anything to continue to be himself. The
beautiful construction of humans the way our minds work with our heartd allow us to receive love and understand it.
For example.your mom wakes up early every morning to give you a kiss before you go to school and you take that kiss as
her love. In the same way, everything you have been blesses with you can see and understamd that we are truly
loved,reciprocating becomes easy.

Secondy, your faith for our almighty God,although you can’t see him nor hear his words but in your heart his true
because you have a strength faith for him. We don’t know really the very beginning of our life and our earth although
there are plenty of theories about it but you don’t know where you should believe. But for me God created us.


If you compare your self to others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons
than yourself.
Chapter 12
1. What values are integral to our development as person?
 Biologically,intellectual and moral values are integral to our development as a person.
2. Why do men have the right to life on the basis of natural law?
 The right to life is alienable. No one may take or life. Neither are we to risk our life.
3. How can you prove that every man has the right to property?
 Since man has the right to life, he also acquires to have the right to have property.
4. What is your correlative duty toward your right to property?
 Is the possitive duties where am I able to pay taxes of mybproperties.
5. In what sense is eduation is matter of right? In what sense is it a duty?
 Having an education is a natural rights,where it is my duty to study well and make my parents proud.

1. What os the meaning of health?
 Health refers as bodily fitness,consisting in the absence of pain or illness.
2. Why is there a need for mental and emotional balance? How can we achieveit?
 We really need to be balance on mental and emotional so that we never think for any negatively that caused
unreasonable actions. We can achieve it by having faith in God and healthy lifestyle.
3. If drug addiction is evil,how come that many indulge in prohibited drugs?
 In my own opinion, I guess it is called evil when we used it absusively and addictively.
4. Cite the evil consequences of drug addiction in our society?
 When you are in spirit of drugs you are not able to think well, you are becoming un conscious on what you are
doing like rape.
5. Would you favor the legalization of abortion? Why?
 For me I am not favor for legalization of abortion because it is still a mortal sin in the eye of God and we don’t
have the right to kill someone.

1. Why fo we have the duty to work?
 Because we need to earn money for our family.
2. Are capital and labor, by their natural set up, directly opposed to each other?
 For me I thinks this two are not opposed to each other because we really need a capital and labor.
3. What is family wage? Is the right to a just wage absolutely?
 I think 2000 pesos per family per day, and it is reasonable.
4. What other benefots if any, are deserved by workers other than their wages?
 They deserve a universal health care and it is automatic having this kind of benefits.
5. What factors may render a strike immoral, if not illegal?
 I think, hunger stike.
1. Explain what various type of justice:
 Commutative justice-regulates and harmonizesthe exercise of rights between man and man.
 Distributive justice-regulates and exercise of rights between the individual and the community.
 Legal justice-regulates the exercise of rights between community and the authority charged woth the welfare of
the community.
 Social justice-presupposes commutative justice as a condition.
2. Whatfarctors contribute to the development of people?
 Must begin woth the fulfillment of basic education.
3. What is restitution?
 Is a reparation of the violated right of another.

1. What is the purpose of marriage?
 Marriage has the two fold purpise of establishing a conjugal life and the establishing a family .
2. Why is “live-in” arrangement a morally dangerous venture?
 Because it has no guarantee that you and your partner will succeed in life and you both are not bind to
each other.
3. What factors prove the indissolubility of marriage?
 It comes from the natural law which demands that no one may use another person for his own personal
4. How can couples avoid ending up tgeir relationship?
 When your in relationship you must need time,trust and communication to have a best relationship.
5. What evils be expected from legal separation?
 When legal separation is achieved,evils action may occuredin both parties.

1. What is ideal family?
 Ideal family is where you can achieve all your plans and proposses in life for having a bright future.
2. What is duty not removed by the right of emancipation?
 The independence of parent authority.
3. What are the fundamental duties of parents towards their children?
 To keep children in their company,to support,educate and instruct them by right precept and good
manners and conducts.
4. Should parent punished for neglecting their children?
 Yes,because it is a parents responsibility to take charge of their children.
1. What are the three meanings of the word “country”?
 The land, the people and the government.
2. Why is the state an essential institution?
 State is natural society because it is expressive of human nature towards group cohesiveness.
3. What is nationalism?
 Is a moral value that sums up one’s love for the country and countrymen.
4. What do you think the primary purpise of government?
 I thinks the primary purpose of government id is to govern his country,to govern the countrymen.
5. Why is it essential tgat we fight graft and corruption in public service?
 It is very true that we need to fight the graft and corruption in oyr country because it is the reason why
our country is not really developed.

1. What is the purpose of environmental ethics?
 Is how we preserved our environment.
2. What are the evil effects of environmental degradation on man.
 Is the large scale despoliation of earth and its resources as a result of human activities.
3. How would you explain man’s relatedness to his environment?
 Man is really related in environment because ge is the one primary uses it.
4. What should be the general aim of technology?
 Is to make this work fully developed and make things easier.
5. Is science above morality so that scientist are value neutral?
 Yes, because they have the knowledge that doesn’t have by everyone.

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