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Edu 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

Spring 2019

Treise McCarthy
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 1

Introduction of Tutee

Mariah is a girl in the first grade. She is very shy at first meeting, but once she is

comfortable, she is a happy, joyful, and incredibly funny student. Mariah loves to hear stories

because her mother often reads to her at home. For this reason, her rewards was that if she stayed

focused during the tutoring sessions, I would read part of a story to her with the last few minutes

of the session. I have learned that Mariah loved to be praised. When she does something good,

and you praise her she takes it to heart and remembers it. Often she would remind me of times

that she mastered a skill or attempted something difficult and I praised her. I was happy to instil

self-confidence in her. I also learned that Mariah had an extremely good memory, this came in

handy because we could only meet twice a week; therefore it was so helpful that she usually

remembered everything we learned from previous sessions.

Pre-Assessment Results

I started testing Mariah at part two of the assessment on 2/5/19. Mariah was able to move on to

the third part of the assessment as well. The results of the assessment are listed in the table



Sight Words No. Mastered the first set only For this section, mastery is considered
SW-1: Recalls essential sight words on 2/5/19 100%. Mariah mastered the 1st set, but
not the others. She knew a lot of the
words by sounding them out, but her
automaticity was not strong at all.

Word Skills No. Mastered sets 1-3 on During the pre-assessment, Mariah moved
WS1: Read words using blending 2/5/19 very slowly-especially in this section. It
took her a very long time to sound out all
of the words. At this point, I thought
Mariah definitely had a lot of growing to
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 2

do when blending her words fluently.

Word Skills Two No. Mastered the first set only Mariah was able to spell all of the words
WS2: Spells a word by breaking it into on 2/5/19. in the first set and one word in the second
seperate sounds set. I noticed her that she is a
perfectionist. She rewrote each letter in
each word several times until she thought
it looked perfect.

Word Skills Three no. Mastered the first set on Although Mariah was able to pass the first
WS3: Read words with base words 2/7/19. set of this section, she struggled very
hard. She had trouble sounding out these
words because they were longer. She also
could not use the chunking strategy or
find smaller words she knew within the
larger word.

Word Skills Four no. Passed set #2 only on Mariah struggled with multisyllabic
WS4: Read Multi-syllable words that contain 2/7/19. words. She did not pass the first section,
regular vowel sounds but I let her keep trying because I taught
her how to break up the word into smaller
parts and I wanted to see if she could use
that strategy. She was able to pass the
second set.

Word Skills Five No. Mariah did not get any Mariah was not able to get any words
WS5: Read multi-syllable words that contain words right on the pre- correct on her own. I did help her to get
some irregular vowel sounds. assessment for this section. the word “radio”.

Tracking No. The only skill that Mariah The other two objective were prompted,
a. Read from left-to-right mastered was reading from but Mariah did not do them on her own.
b. Reads with one-to-one left to right.
c. Reads without losing place or
skipping words

Fluency No. Mariah was very inconsistent in her

---------------------------------------------- reading accuracy.
5- Accurate, smooth, expressive, and at the Mariah scored a two for her
appropriate rate fluency.
4-accurate and smooth
3-accurate WCPM: 19 words
2- inaccurate WCPM Goal: 40 words
1- non-reader
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 3

Words correct per minute

Comprehension No. Mariah only mastered the Mariah cannot focus on comprehension
C1 (1) Previews material before reading to first two sets and was until she improves her accuracy because
predict content developing in the next two she is spending too much mental energy
C1 (2) Recognizes and attempts to correct sets. on trying to say the correct words.
errors in text
C1 (3) Uses sound blending to read unknown
words in text
C1 (4) Uses word parts or chunking with
unknown words in text
C1 (5) Rereads text to identify unknown
C1 (6) Uses context clues to identify
unknown words in text
C1 (7) Uses different word strategies flexibly
in text

Writing One No. Mariah only mastered the Mariah said a longer response to me, but
W1 (1) Writes a single word in response to a first objective in this section. when I asked her to write it, she only
question or prompts wrote one word.
W1 (2) Writes a phrase in response to a
question or prompts
W1 (3) Writes a sentence in response to a
question or prompts
W1 (4) Writes multiple connected sentences
in response to a question or prompts

At the end of this section, I stopped because Mariah did not pass all objectives in C1 and

W1. Based on the results of the pre-assessment, Mariah and I started with tutoring plan number

three. Tutoring plan number three had a large focus on the New Story section. This was good

because Mariah and I were able to devote 7 minutes of each session to practicing her fluency and

accuracy. This tutoring plan also a ]allowed for a lot of practice in the area of word reading using

blending which Mariah also needed.

Formative Report #1
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 4

Skill Objective Activity Growth/Notes

LS1 The student will identify letter Letter sound match Mariah has stayed consistently strong in this area.
sounds (Mastered) (LS-1-C) (2 minutes) During her initial assessment, she was not tested on
specific sounds, only reading words, so I do not
have anything to compare it to. However, Mariah
receive 100% in this section consistently. The
success in this section, although Mariah performed
well, has not transferred completely to other areas
of reading. For example, Mariah can identify the
letters “b” and “d” during this activity, but if I were
to give her the word “bat” on a sheet of paper she
may say it is “dat”.

WS1 Read words using blending Blending sounds into Reading words using blending is another strong
(Mastered) words (WS-1-A) (3 area for Mariah. When I first assessed her on WS1,
minutes) she mastered the first three sets. The first time she
started to struggle in this part of the assessment was
when the words that ended with “e” and had a long
vowel sound started to come up. For her tutoring
sessions we did not make it to working on those
long vowel sounds because I spent all four tutoring
sessions working on distinguishing the “b” from the
“d” with Mariah. In her next set of sessions, we will
most likely start to work on those long vowel sound
words. For the first two days of Mariah’s sessions
we simply focused on three phoneme words that
Mariah had been previously exposed to, and we
specifically worked with words with the “d” and
“b” sounds. For the second two sessions we added
in some four phoneme words which was a
challenge Mariah happily accepted. Mariah did not
struggle as much in this activity because the words
were broken down into individual sounds. For
example she would read “B……….a………...d”
slowly which made it easier to distinguish the “b”
from the “d”.

WS2 Spell a word by breaking it into Spelling words (WS-2- This is the first objective that I did not mark as
sounds (Not Mastered) C) (3 minutes) “met”. Although Mariah improved throughout the
sessions, I think she is still developing. This is the
area where her struggle with “b” and “d” really
came to light. She could tell me verbally that “bat”
was spelled with the letter “b”, “a”, “t”, but she
could was inconsistent with how she spelled it
(either starting with a “b” or a “d”). Mariah shared
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 5

with me that she did not see any difference between

the two letters, so we worked heavily on
identifying, reading (sounds), and writing those
letters. By the last two sessions, Mariah was
improving and we added in a few 4 phoneme
words. Mariah received a sticker for attempting to
spell a four phoneme word. She loved this
challenge and it made her more confident to receive
a sticker.

SW1 Recall essential sight words Reading red words in Mariah struggled in this area. She did not master
(Not Mastered) S.S (SW-1-A) (2 this objective, but she did show improvement. I had
minutes) to keep reminding Mariah that sight words are
automatic or “super fast” and that we do not sound
them out. Instead of her reading out of the Shared
Story, I took the sight words from the Shared Story
and wrote them on index cards with colorful
markers. These flashcards helped her to understand
the automaticity involved with sight words. By the
end she had mastered all four words, but I still feel
she needs more work in this area, possibly with new
words. She is developing in this area.

F1 Reads words accurately Reading words Although Mariah did not master this objective, this
(Not Mastered) correctly (F-1-A) (6 is the area in which I saw the most improvement.
minutes) Mariah struggled with reading when we first
started. When I initially assessed her she told me
over and over that she “could not read”. I tried to
make her read five pages and she felt that it was
impossible which made her discouraged and
unresponsive. When she attempted to read she
struggled with almost every word. For our tutoring
sessions, to work on fluency, I decided to take it
down to one page per tutoring session. This seemed
a lot more manageable to Mariah. She started to
read more confidently, and to self-correct rather
than just making a mistake and giving up. She has
become so confident that I might be able to bump
up to two pages per tutoring session for the next set
of sessions. Mariah’s goal was to read one page of a
story with <3 errors. By the last two days Mariah
had started to accomplish this! It was such a joy for
me to see her engaged in her reading! One this we
need to work on is reading with expression.
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 6

After completing four lessons with Mariah, I completed my formative report. This report

is based off of just the pre-assessment and the first four lessons since I was unable to reassess

Mariah yet at this point. At the beginning of my time with Mariah, I felt very defeated. But as

soon as we started our actual sessions after the assessment, I really started to connect with

Mariah, which I believe is part of what helped her to succeed and progress quickly. Mariah really

started to respond well to tutoring. She used to whisper so quietly that I could not even hear her,

but now she responds to me loudly and confidently. Mariah mastered two of the objectives, and

the other three I would like to keep working on in our next set of sections. I am hoping that after

reassessing I can move on to the fourth tutoring plan, but I am not positive Mariah is ready for

that yet. I will judge the situation after we reassess.


After the pre-assessment and four lessons, I reassessed Mariah on 3/20/19. Because of

several snow days and sick days for my students, I was not able to reassess Mariah until late

March. The results of the first reassessment are in the table below.


Sight Words No. On 2/5/19, Mariah It is clear to me that for the next tutoring
SW-1: Recalls essential sight words mastered set number one, and sessions, Mariah needs to spend more
she did not master a set time practicing her automaticity when
during this reassessment. naming sight words.

Word Skills Yes. Mastered the remaining One of my goals after the pre-assessment
WS1: Read words using blending sets, 4-9 on 3/20/19 was to work on Mariah’s blending skills
and she was able to succeed at that during
the reassessment. I am incredibly proud
that she mastered this whole section.

Word Skills Two No. Mastered the second and Mariah was able to master two sets but
WS2: Spells a word by breaking it into third sets only on 3/20/19. not the whole section. Although she
seperate sounds improved in this area during tutoring, she
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 7

still has work to do.

Word Skills Three No. Mariah mastered the Mariah has not made much progress in
WS3: Read words with base words second set on 3/20/19 but this area. She still sounds out letter by
could not master the fourth letter rather than chunking. However, I
set. think this skill will continue to improve as
her blending and segmenting skills

Word Skills Four No. Mariah has now passed Mariah attempted these words which is an
WS4: Read Multi-syllable words that contain the first and second sets, but improvement because during the pre-
regular vowel sounds did not pass the third. assessment, she didn't even want to
attempt them.

Word Skills Five No. Mariah only got the word Mariah was not able to get any words
WS5: Read multi-syllable words that contain country right on the besides ‘country’ correct on her own.
some irregular vowel sounds. reassessment for this section.

Tracking No. The only skill that Mariah The other two objective were prompted,
d. Read from left-to-right mastered was reading from but Mariah did not do them on her own.
e. Reads with one-to-one left to right. However Mariah is getting better at
correspondence reading with one to one correspondence.
f. Reads without losing place or Sometimes she remembers to use her
skipping words finger to help her track.

Fluency Yes. Mariah is accurate with her words now,

---------------------------------------------- but she does not read with expression at
5- Accurate, smooth, expressive, and at the Mariah scored a three for her all. Now that she can read accurately, we
appropriate rate fluency. will shift our focus towards reading with
4-accurate and smooth expression.
3-accurate WCPM: 23 words
2- inaccurate WCPM Goal: 40 words
1- non-reader
Words correct per minute

Comprehension No. Mariah mastered the third Mariah’s accuracy has improved and it
C1 (1) Previews material before reading to set and the 5th set. But she has helped her comprehension to
predict content needs to master more sets in improve! She is doing so well with
C1 (2) Recognizes and attempts to correct order to master the section. reading now. Her blending has also
errors in text improved so much which has helped her
C1 (3) Uses sound blending to read unknown reading skills/
words in text
C1 (4) Uses word parts or chunking with
unknown words in text
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 8

C1 (5) Rereads text to identify unknown

C1 (6) Uses context clues to identify
unknown words in text
C1 (7) Uses different word strategies flexibly
in text

Writing One No. Mariah only mastered the Mariah said a longer response to me, but
W1 (1) Writes a single word in response to a first objective in this section. when I asked her to write it, she only
question or prompts She is developing in the wrote one word still.
W1 (2) Writes a phrase in response to a second set.
question or prompts
W1 (3) Writes a sentence in response to a
question or prompts
W1 (4) Writes multiple connected sentences
in response to a question or prompts

Formative Report #2

Skill Objective Activity Growth

T-3 Reads words without Point to words while Mariah performed fairly well in this section. She started off only
losing place or reading (4 minutes) skipping two words on the first day. From there on she skipped
skipping words either one or no words on the other days. I think Mariah
(Mastered) performed well here because I was reminding her to use her finger
to track while reading. I think that she was not in the habit of
doing this before I brought attention to it which is why she would
often miss words. Once we made this an objective to work on, she
quickly picked up the habit, and reduced the amount of words she
skips over when reading.

WS-3 Read words with Endings on base This is an area that I was so impressed with Mariah’s progress in.
base words words that do not When Mariah first started tutoring with me, she never used to
(Mastered) change (4 minutes) chunking reading strategy. When I would assess her on this
section of the assessment, she would not perform well. When I
would ask her “Mariah, do you see any parts of that word that you
recognize?” She would tell me no. However, after this
objective,Mariah improved in this area so much. She is no longer
hesitant to attempt these words, and if there is one she cannot read
automatically, she looks for a smaller word that she can recognize.
Mariah was able to master three more sets since her first
assessment in this section.
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report) 9

WS2 Spell a word by Spelling words (WS- Mariah has constantly been a strong speller, but she still struggles
breaking it into 2-C) (3 minutes) with distinguishing herBs and Ds. This hurts her when it comes to
sounds the spelling section of the assessment. She can sound out and spell
(Mastered) most words, but she struggles with words involving those letters.
Mariah did move from spelling three phoneme words to four or
five phoneme words. If she attempted to spell a four or five
phoneme word I praised her and gave her a sticker. When Mariah
started tutoring with me, she was very hesitant to attempt anything
“hard”. To try to break this habit I rewarded her for attempting
something she thought was hard more than praising her for
mastering something that she deemed easy. The more she
practiced spelling these longer words, the more she improved!

SW1 Recall essential sight Reading red words in Mariah did well in this area on her reassessments. She
words S.S (SW-1-A) (2 occasionally fell into the habit of spelling out sight words, but I
(Mastered) minutes) prompted her to try to say them from memory. Although Mariah
did not significantly struggle in this area, I would still say it is her
weakest area. She should be exposed to more sight words
everyday, so that she can improve this automaticity.

F-3 Reads with Reads with expression Mariah mastered this objective. She moved from reading two
expression using (6 minutes) pages a session to four. She started off at two pages because when
punctuation she focused on reading with expression, it slowed her down a bit.
appropriately. But she started to read a little faster, and her expression improved.
(Mastered) By the end of this set of lessons, when she would read a sentence
without expression, due to not noticing the punctuation at the end,
she would go back and reread the sentence with more expression.
This might be where I was most proud of Mariah because I could
tell she truly wanted to improve this skill for herself and not just
to please me!

Mariah is an amazing student and is so teachable. She has continued to grow in skill and

confidence. I feel that we have continued to build a strong relationship, and I have been able to

celebrate her victories with her. She recently received a metal in class for reading the whole list

of third grade words (she is in first grade). This is great because it means that tutoring is

translating to the classroom. Mariah has worked very hard and it shows! Mariah mastered all of

the objectives from tutoring plan four, and her reassessment from March was such an

improvement from the pre-assessment.

EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

Final Reassessment Results

For the final reassessment, I started at part two and moved on through part four. Some

sections that Mariah mastered in the first reassessment were excluded from this table because

they were not reassessed a third time after she mastered them.


Sight Words Yes. Mastered the remaining Mariah mastered the remainder of the set
SW-1: Recalls essential sight words sets, 2-5, on 4/8/19. on the final reassessment.

Word Skills Two No. Mastered the 4th set on Mariah took more risks with spelling, and
WS2: Spells a word by breaking it into 4/8/19. was not afraid to attempt 3, 4, or 5
seperate sounds phoneme words!

Word Skills Three No. Mastered the 3rd-5th sets Mariah improved in this area so much
WS3: Read words with base words on 4/8/19. when we started practicing chunking

Word Skills Four Yes. Passed all sets by 4/8/19. This section was very hard for Mariah,
WS4: Read Multi-syllable words that contain but she was able to pass!
regular vowel sounds

Word Skills Five No. Mariah did pass the first Although Mariah did not pass the third
WS5: Read multi-syllable words that contain two sets, but she did not pas set, I am so proud of her for passing the
some irregular vowel sounds. the third. first two.

Tracking Yes. Mariah mastered all sets. Mariah now completed all sets without
g. Read from left-to-right prompting.
h. Reads with one-to-one
i. Reads without losing place or
skipping words

Fluency yes. . Mariah is definitely improving with her

---------------------------------------------- expression, but she still forgets to read
5- Accurate, smooth, expressive, and at the Mariah scored a 3.5 for her with expression often and then has to go
appropriate rate fluency. back and reread the sentence with it.
4-accurate and smooth Mariah also reached the goal for WCPM
3-accurate WCPM: 40 words which was very exciting!!
2- inaccurate WCPM Goal: 40 words
1- non-reader
Words correct per minute
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

Comprehension yes. Mariah also mastered the Mariah has improved in her
C1 (1) Previews material before reading to 4th and 7th set. comprehension skills.
predict content
C1 (2) Recognizes and attempts to correct
errors in text
C1 (3) Uses sound blending to read unknown
words in text
C1 (4) Uses word parts or chunking with
unknown words in text
C1 (5) Rereads text to identify unknown
C1 (6) Uses context clues to identify
unknown words in text
C1 (7) Uses different word strategies flexibly
in text

Writing One No. Mariah only mastered the Mariah is still developing in the second
W1 (1) Writes a single word in response to a first objective in this section. set.
question or prompts
W1 (2) Writes a phrase in response to a
question or prompts
W1 (3) Writes a sentence in response to a
question or prompts
W1 (4) Writes multiple connected sentences
in response to a question or prompts

Summative Assessment Reflection

Although Mariah did not meet every objective, she still made incredible strides. She

improved her blending, and went from struggling, to passing every set in the detection. She also

improved her WCPM, accuracy, and fluency. Improving these skills also lifted her spirits. When

I first started tutoring her, she never wanted to read, but by the ends should would ask if we

could spend any extra time reading. I enjoyed watching Mariah gain this confidence over the past

few months. Another success that Mariah had was moving from tutoring plan three to tutoring

plan four. Mariah was so excited when I told her we would be moving to a more challenging

tutoring plan.
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

One section that Mariah could still continue to improve on is her sight words. Although

Mariah would master words that we worked on together, she did not know words that her class

knew. This is most likely because in tutoring she has someone helping her to memorize the

words one on one, but in class she does not get the same attention. This would be helpful to note,

so that maybe Mariah can receive extra support to learn future sight words. Another skill Mariah

could continue working on is using chunking to sound out multisyllabic words.

Final Recommendation for Tutee

Based on what I have observed with Mariah, I think she is incredibly bright. She

struggled with reading, but has improved in that area greatly. I think Mariah should receive

another semester of tutoring, but after that I think she will be fine with simply being closely

observed to ensure that she does not fall behind again.

Two Significant Ideas That You Learned In This Experience

The first idea that I could discuss during a possible job interview is the effect that a

students confidence can have on their success. Further, the positive effect that a teacher can have

on a student’s success by choosing to empower that student. Mariah was able to succeed so much

more during tutoring when she started to realize she was capable of this success. The first week

or two of tutoring was frustrating because she was not improving, and she was so quiet.

However, by making empowering her the first priority over the objectives I wanted to meet, she

was able to succeed.

A second idea that I learned throughout this semester, is the idea of perseverance. While

Mariah loved to learn, my other tutee did not. Everyday I would have to try to convince him to
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

sit in his seat, pay attention to me, and have less distracting conversations. Often he told me that

he was too smart for tutoring, so he does not have to pay attention. Learning how to overcome

my own frustration for the sake of that student was a powerful learning experience for me.

Reflecting on your reading research articles, write a brief reaction of two of your favorite

articles. Did it have application to your specific tutoring opportunity, school climate, leadership,

teaching, community? If so, explain.

Research Article Reflection

My favorite article that I read was the poverty article written by Pressler, Raver, and

Masucci (2016). This article looked at the parental education of families living in poverty, and

specifically touched on it in relation to mothers. Although, as the article points out, this

education process for parents is very stop and go, there seems to be an incredible drive for

mothers who live in poverty to continue their educators. This article made me think of Mariah’s

mother because Mariah often told me about how her mother read to her every night. I thought

that despite not having money, her mother still valued education greatly.

My second favorite article that I read was the trauma article written by RB-Banks &

Meyer (2017). This article was based off of a college class who had group discussions with a

professional therapists paired with classroom field experiences. The purpose of this study was to

allow teacher candidates the opportunity to learn and discuss with a professional specifically

trained in trauma, while they are placed in an urban field setting. This article was interesting to

me even though it did not directly apply to my tutee. Mariah was a well cared for child who

mostly likely has not been through a lot of trauma. However, she talked to me about her friends

and classmates sometimes, and it was helpful for me to be able to understand what some of the
EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

students that I pass in the hall everyday might be feeling. This article did a great job of helping

future teachers to recognize signs of trauma.

EDU 345 Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)


Banks, Y. RB., & Meyer, J. (2017). Childhood trauma in today’s urban classroom: Moving beyond

the therapist’s office. The Journal of Educational Foundations, 30, 63-75.

Masucci, M. D., Pressler, E., Raver, C. C., (2016). Increasing low-income mothers’ educational

attainment: Implications for anti-poverty programs and policy. Journal of Applied

Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk, 7.

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