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Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

The answer is, ‘as long as human is involved,

Assuring DevOps
variations and contexts involved, activities and
outcomes involved, there is a role for Quality
Analyst to perform constructively,’
Delivers Well!
DevOps Focus
DevOps Excitement DevOps implementation in Engagements has
several key driving factors. However, few of the
important drivers are,

 Automation & Environment

In this article, we will focus on the role of Quality

Analyst in a DevOps engagement. The journey
starts either from scratch or transformation from
The moment the name DevOps we here, there is an existing delivery model. The Quality Analyst can
an excitement in our minds, and we are certain play an important role in Transformation and in
another personal certi cation getting added in our run mode of the DevOps engagements. Often,
career. After overcoming the initial days of engagements go for DevOps, because it's sold
excitement, I started to learn DevOps in the way futuristically to client stating DevOps is the future
they teach to the dev & ops team. Within a few and we have it for you now. With the reality of
hours it pushed me into the land of codes and delivery, they are not sure why we need DevOps.
mountains of tools and plug-ins.
How many times continuous delivery or
Automation and lots of automation and code move continuous deployment done in a week and do we
from one state to another state based on really need it, is a question arises at a later stage.
validation conditions met and nally it reaches to Next comes culture, where the team is not ready
staging or production environment. This is it, for shorter cycles and never worked using
Automating the pipeline of development and collaborative and automated tools, then there are
release cycle to the production environment with challenges on the rise. The simpler way is to make
many tools, so no one manually intervenes or them use to Agile Scrum kinds of short cycles
delays the ow. When I understood this way, the where requirements collection to releases they get
rst reaction is the role of a quality analyst? Does used to. Automation is the next driver which often
this mean we are losing our jobs with DevOps? people misunderstand that once automated, the
What can I contribute in the world of automation pipeline will remain the same.
and tool pipelines? There were many questions.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

It depends on how compatible each of the The human e ort, prioritization and application of
software packages is and how they get upgraded skill to develop product/application features to be
and what trainings we provide to people. Also, paid adequate attention. Application of the Agile
there is someone to monitor the pipeline runs method helps stories/smaller functionalities,
without issues. Next comes Architecture with simpli ed development cycle and supports
Micro-service architecture, dockers, shipping ,etc continuous integration. Agile Methodologies
where the architectural team has to take complete (Kanban, SAFe, etc can well manage the upstream
advantage of the model and the environment they part of development). This improves the
use. These drivers also help a quality analyst know application of DevOps automation , as periodic
, each part has a role, failure points, needed delivery and deployment is possible with
improvements, monitoring performances, automated pipelines.
veri cation and validation needs.
A Quality Analyst can spend adequate time in

DevOps Work ow ensuring the agile practices or suitable shorter

cycle time methods followed, resources available,
pipelines are checked, licenses are available,
Automated veri cation tools (code quality),
continuous integration & delivery tools with
reporting abilities are maintained in the
engagement. Further to make the system of
DevOps Succeed the stakeholders and business
analyst shall provide features/functionality needs
on time to a development team.

There are multiple context exist when we talk The regression test cases release schedules to be
about DevOps, so here we will take the case of maintained for the context. In addition, usage of
DevOps engagement using Agile Practices and cloud should control security practices to ensure
Cloud Environment for development and delivery. authentication & it maintains authorization
The Engagement has to ensure it has the practices.
environment as per its expectations achieved and
they sign Performance SLA with cloud providers. Continuous monitoring of the deployed code and
The licenses needed for the tools are managed by addressing of the incidents can be handled as per
cloud provider or any of existing licenses will be typical IT service management practices.
used from organization has to be decided. We Continuous improvement plays an important role
design the work ow architecture with the number in reducing the waste and minimizing the failures
of user, server required, tools con guration to at any stage. In one case, we saw there were too
enable the pipeline set up. Automating the many quality gates and approvals, which delayed
work ow of development and delivery doesn’t & denied the faster deployment bene t itself.
mean the requirement, design and coding will get
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Change management will play an important role,

Quality Assurance in
as the context variation and need variation will
evolve; hence the following shall we shall check

DevOps hence the following

As Quality Analyst what do we need to ensure in   nvironment Change

DevOps projects are Team Culture & Readiness,  Pipeline ow change
Process Flow & Criteria, Con guration of Scripts,  Approval for changes
Veri cation and Validation practices of pipeline &  Deployment of changes
Product/application and KPI based Analysis and  Impact analysis of change
improvements. There are organizations that have
We shall check continuous delivery practices for
developed ‘DevOps Maturity’ assessments and
the following,
scoring models. It's de nitely a good practice to do
the maturity assessments, as it give the
benchmark for improvements.   pproval process for con guration
 Code / Scripts Review
 Code / Scripts con guration
The following are key elements we need to check
 Access management of tools/environment
as Quality Analyst in DevOps engagements.
for team
 Policies for Dev /Test/Ops group
To ensure that the DevOps work ow is clean and
adequate clarity is there, then we need to have We shall perform security Con guration checks on
the following:

  e ned Work ow
 Pipeline con guration blueprint/architecture   ccess to Tools–log
 Work instructions of pipeline  Security key storage
 Training material/Guideline  Licenses management
 SLA for cloud( as Applicable)
Veri cation & Validation in Development practices
shall have the following: Monitoring of the pipeline and health of the
pipeline to be checked with the following:

  alidated User Story/

 Defects log   pplication Performance Report
 DOD criteria  Automated Health Check Report of
 Automated Code Review Report & Action application
 Unit Test report & action  Roll back failure analysis
 Test cases review & Versioning Besides the above given checks, it's important that
 Traceability of user story vs automated test we have adequate measures as an indicator in
case version DevOps engagements.
 Build failure log
 Deployment Roll back log
 Test failure report
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

  ead Time to Requirement to Deploy

 Deployment Rate per day or week
 Build failure in a period
 Deployment Roll back & others

DevOps thinking for

DevOps is neither a magic wand nor it’s a
complete Automated Development Platform on
today’s context. There are still human elements,
Synchronization elements, Tool Con gurations of
process activities, which needs attention from
Quality Analyst. One small error in con guration
can create chain events until production and can
create business impact even more than once.
Hence, it's important that all aspects are validated
well before it launches the platform for
development. Similarly, the validation practices
would have dynamic features testing with aids;

Hence, there needs human intervention and

maintenance of con gurations. In every context
there needs to high traceability maintained and
sometimes the domain would also want the logs of
every activity with relevant approvals. This needs
attention from Quality Analyst. DevOps in a
redesign’s quality assurance, as the skills to know
technology like the cloud, the method like agile
and the set of tools in CI/CD before we jump in
and focus on Speed of Delivery, Security of
practices, Failures based Improvements.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Quality Assurance in a project to have a clear

Quality is
focus to enable the project team to succeed in
their work. Let the delivery model be any there can
be two ways in which we can look at quality
Retaining Clients assurance, a) circle of risk and b) circle of
improvement. Often we believe the project is
stable, so assurance team has nothing to do or the
Business Value of project is in re ghting so they don’t want
assurance person to visit them. Both scenarios
Quality show how missed the chance to in uence and
deliver better. Most assurance teams get confused
The contractual terms and delivery models have in setting up a clear focus and how to build on to
drastically changed with technology upgrades. The it.
challenges faced by Quality Assurance few years
before is no longer seems to be critical. The
To make the case simple, we will assume the
involvement of the client in delivery has brought
clients give us 3 or 5 year contract of digitizing
in better functionality delivery and control over
their application portfolio and mange the existing
milestones. Quality Assurance in many
Infra and applications. The focus for the
organizations focused as multi-point weighted
assurance team should be progressive quality
activity, where we try to cover each and
assurance to enable the project to develop
abilities and perform to the context and build
maturity. The result would be obvious; the project
However, the critical focus areas have loosened shall be able to renew the contract successfully
up, as the defect or schedule slippage is not the with the client irrespective of market competition.
concern, but few others are. So, we have Quality The progressive journey of assurance is not an
Assurance which has no focus, but delivers accident, but a strategy to build focus and abilities
compliance score. In some places, it is a just task to perform in the next level.
by task observations and misses the point. So
where is the Business Value Addition from
The Assurance roadmap shall enable stabilizing
Quality? Can quality assurance have a critical
the account and converting the account to
focus and show how it's important? We will
capable. From there lead towards contract
discuss here.

Strategizing Focus in
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

In the progress of unstable account to stable We focus circle of Improvement on improving the
account, the application of “Circle of Risk” as a performance to move from the stable state to a
focus is critical to address the challenges and capable state , where client expectations are
make compliant and productive outcomes. In the ful lled e ectively and e ciently. The circle of
progress of Stable account to Capable account, the improvement is about using opportunities and
application of “Circle of Improvement” is critical to being foresighted to achieve the results and
address the opportunities and excel the getting ready for renewing the contract.
The faster we achieve stability by applying the

Circle of Risk and circle of risk, the more cycle time is available to
improve the performance with the circle of

Circle of improvements. This would ensure that the client is

more delighted and we as the service provider has

Improvements more understanding about the systems and can

develop better contractual negotiations.
The parameters of projects don’t change for a life
cycle; however, the context changes and The Circle of Risk focus would be with the
environment changes. So let's take anyone types following areas,
of life cycle like development projects. There are
various parameters and components we as
  esource Skill & Availability
assurance team monitor and support. However,
 Dependencies & Timelines
the support is valuable only when we associate a
 Standards & Procedure
purpose and show the impact it can make.
 Tools Application
 Security Awareness & Adoption
The Circle of Risk focuses on identifying failure  Requirement Clarity
points and arrest it. The project shall be able to  Validation Methods
meet its expectations and wherever it can fail and  Customer Collaboration
whatever can make it fail, are proactively analyzed  Compliance, Security & Regulations
and associated risks are highlighted. The risk-  Reports and Actions
based focus is very important in building stability  Problem Analysis
in the project.  Governance and structure

The initial few months to year, the project has to

ensure they are on top of building stability.

The circle of improvement focus would be with the

following areas,
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

I ndustrialization These data are vital for the client and for the
 Automation organization to know and take any calculated risk
 Knowledge Database & Reusable in the delivery and pricing model. Every
Components organization undergoes many changes in a few
 Tools Enhancement years of the contract period of the project; hence,
 Technology upgrade there can be many new improvisers or changes
 Innovation available to the project team. These has to taken
 Process changes & Upgrade in to consideration as improvisers. Ideally, 5 to
 Client intimacy 20% cost reduction of a similar scope is possible
 Continual Improvement with the improvisers and people's knowledge gain.
 Simpli cation & Integration
 Cost Saving The assurance team not only baseline and
The more year on year savings and make the supports in the binding of improvisers from
project ready for contract renewals are done with multiple corners, they also can take part in
the above given practices. developing process architecture, building request
for proposal components and involve in due
diligence participation. The assurance team can
Contributing in review the delivery model for successful delivery.

contract renewal
This is not about communicating what certi cation
Roadmap to Renewal
in assurance the organization has to a client. It's with Assurance
about building on to the “Circle of Improvement”
to focus on competitive and unique solutions for Contract Renewal is not the last 2 months
the contract. The assurance team can play a vital performance based activity, but it’s the outcome of
role in the contract's journey renewal process. client realization of service/product of quality for
the given cost and meets their business need. The
project has to cross the hurdles of instability and
reach stable delivery and then reach performing
state. The Assurance team has to ensure these
transformation happens and the goal they want to
achieve is , to enable renewing the contract. Its
easy to loose the path or relax by delivering in the
same manner, however this wont make the
organization has the undeniable leader to get the
contract renewed.
Taking ahead from Circle of Improvement , the last
6 to 8 months ahead of contract renewal time, it's
The Circle of Improvement and combined Contract
important that we start baselining the project
renewal focus can get enormous success.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Cooking an
This is possible, as we like few abilities and
characteristics across the regions. Does this mean
the globally successful products are successful in
Arti cial every region at the same level, and are they better
successful than regional products? The answer is

Intelligence (A.I) No. The regional variation, culture variation, likings

all still has in uence but still there are something

Recipe for Client common always. This is the reason I feel A. I recipe
is better suited for making the service for client


There is a huge amount of client satisfaction data

available in major companies. It even spreads
across years. One of the important expectations
from any quality analyst is to oversee how the
product or service is realized by the client. And
what opinions do they carry about the service
provider? In many organizations, the client
satisfaction score is still a surprise result, and then
re ghting or appreciation chain starts. They store
the data for overall baselining of how many satis ed
clients they have. However, rarely we apply can we I believe the one who reads has a basic
predict what the client will feel and rate our understanding of the Connectivity between A. I vs
product/service based on existing data. Machine Learning vs Deep Learning. In case if you
are not, then go through the youtube video
Hold on, every client is unique and every point of When a project
contact of the client can be di erent; This is an starts with a client, by knowing the key drivers, we
invalid argument. I too agree with the view, they are should be able to tell if we will achieve client
unique. However, among the uniqueness also there delight or we will fall short of it. This would help
can also be a pattern and common likings and us follow the drivers and take actions that can
appreciations.    Let's take few common examples, better o in handling it.    As our intention is to
across globe people have di erent behavior, know the drivers and result achievement, going
culture, likings, values but still there are books ahead with deep learning is not a choice.
which sell across world, there are services and Food
sold across, there are movies which are making
maximum revenue irrespective of regions.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Instead, we can apply machine learning technique For example, we might get the result like in 15
like Decision Tree. As said earlier, we believe we percent of client dissatisfaction the key
have a reasonable amount of data for us to combination of drivers were, Private Sector >
construct the decision tree. The data shall have aerospace> product development> Germany>
relevant characteristics (Drivers) like Sector Cloud Technology> Time & Material > Incremental
(private vs public), Domain (Healthcare, aerospace, models. In this when the incremental model
etc), Type of service (Application maintenance, changed to Agile, the value is much lesser.
Product development, etc), Region (countries or
states), Technology (Digital, cloud, big data, Such insights about client satisfaction are gold for
mainframe,  .Net, etc), year of contract (1st year, any quality or delivery person to work towards
2nd year, etc), Type of contract (Fixed price, Time building a better recipe for developing software
and Material, etc), Method (Agile, DevOps, with the client.    The strength of these machine
Incremental, etc) and many more relevant data. learning models is that it can read a volume of
It's always certain there will be few who will look data and correct the learning to give better
for a pattern in every organization, however results.  
pattern in a condition of other variables are
di cult for simple visual inspection. It needs
better application models like a decision tree to
The application of Decision Tree is only an
provide insights and give results quickly. To know
example, like that they are many algorithms exists
more on the decision tree, watch the youtube
which are better or comparative.    The reason we
are talking about it here is, that we as a quality
analyst shall not just baseline client satisfaction
We can use the existing data in the organization for and leave it there. We can predict the behavior
training the decision tree and for this we might split and we can nd the in uencing characteristics
2 parts for training and 1 part of data for testing. which makes the good recipe for client delight.
We can use the Scikit learning library with Python Let's explore A.I for application in Quality Engine.
for supervised and unsupervised learning of
data.    The decision tree was established and
visualized with the decision branches. The nodes
from which the branches starts are the drivers
which we need to watch out for and their values
which leads to client dissatisfaction shall be
controlled or actions to be taken to balance it out.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

This will make enormous transformation in the

Agile Culture
way IT and business interacts, which will fetch
quality deliverables to business with speed to
market. Building the right skills on emerging
adoption and technologies with combination to team
restructuring will bring in more awareness about

Client agile culture at organization level.

Author – Aarti Patil

Agile has become default choice for development,

simply because it delivers more success rate than
other delivery models. The 2018 chaos report
(Standish Group) classi ed projects with agile Equalization of agile culture and client satisfaction
under 42% succeeds, 50% challenged and only 8% is the toughest challenge with respect to reality.
failed. This is lucrative o er for everyone to start Organizations are o ering agile development
going agile way. The core of agile success revolves solutions to business, but agile is actually
around Agile culture and it’s very robust but at the executed in agile way? Is it steadily becoming
same time impenetrable to implement without hybrid? Or eventually moving back to waterfall?
well-built senior management support. Few Timeboxed deliveries or stand up meetings alone
important basic factors which can improve don’t make up as agile culture, in fact they create
probability of success while implementing are false con dence.
strong reason for mindset shift, clear visibility on
new ways of working, upskilling on process and End to end agile delivery is hard to adopt. Today,
tools , motivation, compensation and reward IT organizations and other industries are
programs. acquiring the business to deliver software faster
and meets market demands, same time it is vital
Business readiness is crucial where IT for both vendor and client to understand agile
organization needs to demonstrate how agile methodology and various frameworks used within
development will drive value with pros and cons to to execute the projects. Client satisfaction is
business rather than just selling agile. Business critical for long term business association.
speci c training programs and workshops on agile
methodology can facilitate to follow agile
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

IT Organizations set focus on agile requirements

gathering in form of user stories which should be
clear with supporting artifacts, align with business
expectation, estimable, testable and utmost
important is infrastructure need, well de ned
environment setup for quick transition which
sometimes is major reason of delayed delivery to
business further it a ects cycle time and cost.

User stories should be independent as much as

possible. Handling client expectation in such
scenarios becomes di cult, so thorough
understanding of client business, expectation,
industry background and market trend should be
prioritize by involving experts, which will make the
project execution and transition smoother. This
will also ensure and open new opportunities and
areas in business by respecting client
contentment in future. Agile culture is not
independent of client contentment, but it’s the
way we collaborate and adapt to achieve client
expectations through agile practices.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Where many organizations hesitate and continue

with their on-premise IT System is also when they
know their landscape of IT well and then not
having much clarity on Migration and what kind of
E ective Cloud outcome they can see with less pain.

Migration with QA
  Cloud will cover the IT world soon, with 60%
global market growth in next 3 years and 80%
organization to move to cloud by 2025(Reports
from Gartner and computer world UK). Many
organizations have principally embraced the
cloud, but often there is one challenge ‘The Detail’. Cloud service providers understand the problems
Organizations choose cloud for multiple reasons and expectations of the organizations. Most of the
including data center reduction, increase global top service providers have come out with their
presence, need of processing power, cost bene t, own migration life-cycle with phases and
etc. As they move from principal agreement to the deliverables list. They start from an initial
evaluation of public or hybrid cloud service assessment to the tool which can simplify the
providers and services they need, they have to get migration activities. These are important to boost
in to detail. the IT team’s con dence in the Business
Organizations. However, migration is not a simple
process even with current level of capabilities,
hence a stronger life-cycle based phased
The details include the various applications,
approach can enable smoother migration.
servers, dependent con gurations, criticality,
compliance, users, etc. Getting an understanding
of their own IT systems and their criticality takes
adequate time. Then they need to prioritize what
applications or servers have to be moved to cloud
rst. Which also involves who is the cloud service
provider and what kind of migration support they
will provide.

Most organizations select the less critical

applications that often need changes (ex:
Websites, etc) and then get comfort towards
migrating other applications or servers.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

As a IT organization most of them involved are SOW/ Contract Review

involved as Service Providers who help Business
Organization to take service from Cloud Service Check the Migration and Any Speci c
Providers and migrate the on-premise Performance/Security targets, Third party
application/servers, etc to Public or Hybrid or dependencies
private cloud. The image given here is a generic
approach of the existing cloud service provider’s
Portfolio Assessment/ Catalog of Source - Review
migration model. The initiation phase involves
understanding the needs and establishing
agreements between all parties. The Discovery Check if the report is shared with client and
and Assessment phase involves, Portfolio approved. They update any related risks in risk
Assessment, dependencies and CloudFit log/any client shared register.
assessment then migration items pipeline.
Source Analysis Report (or) Cloud A nity Index &
Decision Tree
The planning or design phase involves, Migration
plan with acceptance, a migration strategy and Check Dependencies details are lled in & Current
landing zone architecture, a training plan and a performance of system/components are
pilot go/no go. The migration phase involves setup baselined. Is the report is signed o / agreed with
infrastructure instance migration ready, migrate, client
rightsizing of service. Here it can refactor or re-
platform or re-host or repurchase. The
Migration Plan (& Migration RACI)
Integration/Validation phase involves Integration
of IT, Cut Over, UAT Signo , Training and post
migration report. The optimization and closure Check for the Timelines, phases and deliverables,
phase involves, Optimization assessment, Acceptance & Success Criteria, To be Performance
performance monitoring reports and closure State, Resources needs, RACI. Check for approval
reports. of the Migration Plan. Check if any tool selection
done for migration, if so relevant factors
nalization is documented.
Quality Analyst shall ensure that they follow the
phases and deliverables with no deviation. Each of
the critical deliverables shall undergo relevant Migration Strategy
veri cation/validation activity, and the users shall
get trained to operate. The acceptance criteria Check for the pattern of migration (Refactor/Re-
meeting and performance monitoring the Quality host/Re-platform/etc). Check the Security
Analyst to check all to ensure the migration responsibilities, reliability, performance needs and
program is going well. The following are some key Cost consideration of Target/landing architecture
activities and deliverables in which the QA has to is documented)
review relevant aspects addressed.

Migration List /Prioritized list (or) Migration

information form
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Check for the updated list of migration ready Post Migration Report & Acceptance
The success criteria meeting, performance
Pilot Report (As Applicable) measures, recorded issues/resolution, etc. Check
for the approval.
Check for Go/No Go Decision and the
challenges/risks & lessons learnt documented. The Pre & Post Migration Technical Review Checklist
lessons to be taken to migration activities.
Check if the project team used the pre & post
Migration schedule migration checklist & any tool for evaluating the
migration. Also, the checklists are used in the
Check for the intermediate milestones and project.
percentage completion planned. Check for
dependencies identi ed for meeting schedules Migration Metrics
and the risks.
Agree with project on the migration metrics and
Master list with con guration details and Status review the data on a monthly basis/ biweekly
(&/) Run Book basis. De ned threshold and violations supported
with analysis
Check for the schedule, Status of Migration,
Pending issues, Runbook - Detailed steps/activities The checks on the above given activities and
with con gurations & checkpoints & status detail deliverables will enable the cloud migration to
resolve the challenges quickly and to have a clear
Test Report view on work items progress. Often migration is
the process weakly addressed after an
enthusiastic start. Then based on time availability,
Check for the functional, security, and the depth of migration happens in the accounts,
performance test cases and the test report
which often impacts the quality of migration. So
it's important for us to ensure a right level of
Cut Over Plan progress happens in every front in migration. The
above given thought process can help in building
Check for the Readiness and Roll back plan. stronger connect.

Training Plan & Records

Training materials, training plan and training

report/Completion details to be maintained for
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

So, at that point in time, it struck evidently that

Agile @ Scale–
Agile is here to stay and now almost 9 years in that
line, it's seen that Agile has stayed and now Agility
has taken up predominant importance at next
What does it levels as well i.e., Agile @ Scale.

mean to Quality In Agile world, almost every aspect of governance

and implementation including quality of

professional? deliverables is a shared responsibility of the whole

Scrum team and there is always a question on
Author–Vasanthi Veerappan where does the independent role like QA t in to
the whole gamut. What is required to be noted
here is that it's not just about technical code
It was way back in 2010, when one of the US
quality of deliverables is of importance, but how
banking client had started their Agile journey as
do we sustain the quality in the longer run? This
part of IT transformation program and my
needs to be achieved using the in-built quality
organization was supporting them in this journey
practices that ensure team agility.
as O shore software Vendors. It was my rst
association with an Agile project as a quality
analyst and to be frank; I was very apprehensive As a Quality professional in this era, I strongly
about the way the entire process works in an agile believe that processes hold even more importance
fashion. I was zapped by terms like sprint, poker than it did way back then for smaller programs
estimation, retrospection etc.. Everything sounded and just like the Agile practices and principles are
new and I was constantly on my toes trying to extended to scale up to larger programs, our qa
identify any problem, any alert or risks or any processes also needs to be scaled up accordingly
slippage that will reassure me that traditional to be integrated in the system.
waterfall development methods still works and IT
process world is still the same one that I am There are some areas which I have learnt from the
comfortable with. engagements I have supported during the last few
years and I think these are some areas that every
Needless to say, the project faced some delivery QA professional should take in to account or take
issues related to quality and schedule but overall, up responsibility for when large Agile programs
when a customer satisfaction survey was done 10 are being supported by them.
months later after 3 releases, it was a moment of

Think Large
celebration for every stakeholder associated with
the project for the success they had experienced
through Agile life cycle.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Design Ways of
Working across all
Agile Teams
While di erent Scaling models like SAFe, LeSS,
Nexus etc would provide guidance on what
practices needs to be de ned, how the team
needs to be structured, how the practices needs to
be implemented etc, as a quality professional we
Always Derive Quality themes and quality still have a lot of work to do for setting up of Ways
strategies for the large program at the overall of Working within the team.It starts right from
account level. Never start at the team level to de ning and agreeing with all scrum masters,
establish quality goals. This is one mistake we do product owners etc on what standards to follow
when we support large programs for quality (eg: development framework, defect tool, testing
assurance. We start o small- trying to de ne a tool, etc) to de ning collaboration mechanisms for
governance plan, tailoring of the processes, various roles within the teams ( eg: between
establishing a measurement system etc for the solution architects, between Business analysts
rst scrum team and then when another scrum etc).
team onboards, we repeat the same process.
It could also be simple things like what should be
Slowly, we realize that what ts one team is not the defect status work ow while tracking defects.
tting another. And it leads to chaos in the middle For eg: if there is a visual board which is decided
of the program execution. So always look at the to be used by one scrum team for tracking, ensure
account/program understand what the Business it gets used in a similar fashion across all teams. It
Organization and technology goals are and then will help remove many overheads during program
derive the Quality themes and strategy such that it level metrics tracking.
gets embedded within the overall account
strategy. When the themes are set at larger
Bigger the team, they require the better
program level, it ows in as quality goals to
facilitation skills to bring every stakeholder to the
individual scrum teams and the focus and
table and agree on the Ways of working for the
importance is in built into the processes itself. Eg:
team. It doesn’t just stop there, once it's agreed, it
De ne KPI for UI/UX teams or test automation
becomes a prime responsibility for the QA
teams; Establish Feedback mechanism at various
professional to determine how it needs to be
levels, etc
introduced to the newly added teams, how they
are trained, and how we monitor the quality and
progress throughout.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

This is what will ensure that the team of agile

teams works together as one unit. While models
like SAFe do talk about functions like LACe(Lean
Agile centre of Excellence) which helps to set up
this, they do not get formed at the very beginning-
the very reason we need to jump in and help them
at the beginning.

Identify systemic
Establishing ways of working also leads to the next
imminent step of managing its implementation.
One of the obvious ways to do this is by
monitoring and understanding the quality trends
from di erent teams. As a QA person, we are
uniquely positioned to see the complete big
picture using the parameters from all the teams
and can assess the overall system quality.

When we receive the input from all teams and its

cross function activities, we get to understand the
overall systemic problems ,identify the
bottlenecks, drill it down to speci c working
practices and be able to come up with right
recommendations of how the practices needs to
be adopted and x that gap.

Scaling with Agile

Scaling requires everyone to collaborate to make it
work. The scrum teams might very well take the
lead in establishing built-in quality through code
quality practices, testing practices etc but it’s not
enough to implement just the advocated models’
current guidance on quality practices. It requires
attention and establishing discipline at every level
and we as quality ambassadors should be ready to
relentlessly help the team in inculcating this
quality culture within.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

  ery common business goals would be like–


Auditing Cloud for

cost savings. Would there be a considerable
reduction in the infrastructure-related
capital expenditure of the banks?
Banking Domain  Would it help bank by removing their
dependency on IT maintenance or hiring a
Authors–Anand Patel, Archita Ghadi, highly technical person and achieve scalable
Sonal Shah good performance?
 In-depth assessment of the driving factors
We have heard of penetration of cloud in many that led to the decision of agreement to
sectors and keep on hearing of its ever-increasing Community Cloud could be a good starting
usage, its pros and cons. point.
 The buy-in of the IT Steering Committee and
But we rarely hear about Cloud going hand in creation of the Cloud Policy Statement could
hand with the BFSI domain. The moment we hear provide a basis for further work.
of the BFSI and Cloud combination, our anxiety  Has there been a formal vendor viability
reaches its peak. Common questions that come to assessment by the bank prior to being a
mind are “Will it be safe?”, “How the hell they are party to the community cloud?
to handle Data Privacy”, “Will sensitive data be
secured” and so on and so forth.

India is the rst country in the world to have a

“Banking Community Cloud”. IDRBT is a Research
and Development Institute established by RBI.
IDRBT in alliance with C-DAC has successfully
achieved this feat. IDRBT has deployed IaaS
services in this community cloud.

This paper majorly talks about what should be an

Auditor’s focus areas and challenges in auditing Regulatory Compliance and Needs - Banks need to
such a system. We will deal with all major comply with multiple national and international
concerns in depth in this paper, beginning from regulations while handling customer data. Many
goals and taking it ahead to technical details. banks need that the nancial details of the
customer must stay within the geographical
Business Goals–To begin with the Auditor needs to boundaries of the country.
verify what business goals have driven this
decision? And is the implementation aligned to
these goals.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

The auditor here can ask for the inventory of the   he auditor should verify the contract to
mandatory compliance needs of the bank. understand services o ered by the CSP and
Depending on the business needs, there could be its impact due to outages.
set of compliance needs common across all banks  Geographical diversity of data center
and the rest would be case basis for the speci c architecture and its fault tolerance.
bank.  Availability management processes of CSP
and BCP of CSP.
  re all the regulatory and compliance needs
A  Impact of non-availability of the database on
satis ed by the CSP? How can that be application and transactions in process.
veri ed?  What communication mechanism is agreed
 Would the CSP provide certi cates that between the CSP and Bank in case of such
validate adherence to compliance needs? outages.
 Extending on the same lines whether the  Impact analysis by the bank which has
CSP can be audited? helped to establish the RTO and RPO
 With the banks, the challenge gets more baselines and the subsequent agreement by
tough. With increasing globalization and CSP.
changing nancial scenarios, certain  Contingency plan developed by Bank for
compliances not applicable may become outage periods.
mandatory in the near future. For these Interoperability and Portability
scenarios, would the CSP have the ability to
comply and provide support?
In the fast-changing business landscape, they may
So, in this community cloud, an auditor needs to sometimes require it to change the CSP. There
focus on speci c compliance needs of the bank could be multiple reasons for doing so. In these
and the controls CSP deploys for the assurance. scenarios, it makes sense to assess portability and
interoperability. Not doing so may cause a risk of
Reliability and Availability - In the digital age and being stuck to the vendor.
with features like mobile banking, availability of
the applications becomes a very critical factor. From an IaaS perspective, the storage capability of
CCID (Cloud Computing Incidents Database) has the CSP would be of highest concern.
shown Cloud outages ranging from few minutes to Interoperability would not be a major issue with
48 hours, which amply shows Cloud is not immune IaaS because the banks would own applications
to outages. themselves. Hence, there would be no impact on
application interfaces.
In our example of IaaS for Community Banking
Cloud–IaaS delivery model would be used for
computing, storage infrastructure along with
certain services like account management,
message queue service, database service, etc.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

  fter migration of infrastructure to a new

A I s there an agreement to have access to
vendor, would the existing CSP release the network level logs of the CSP?
IP’s?  Agreement to investigate and collect
 After potential termination of contract, forensic level data?
portability of data and metadata (for e.g.  How are the IP’s released by the CSP? And
format of the output/extract from the how are they re-assigned?
vendor) and purging of data by the service  SIEM (Security Incident and Event
provider. This data remanence poses a Management) like Firewall, IPS and IDS of the
higher security threat and auditor needs to CSP
double check the mechanisms enforced by  CSP may collect syslog les. Has there been
the former CSP after release of data a risk assessment done to understand what
regarding storage media. all data is going in syslog les (like
 The CSP should have agreed to and evidence authentication and authorization details).
clearing and the Sanitization approach used. The auditor needs to question the bank to
Auditor should refer to certi cates here understand the inventory of this data.
which speci cally mention Media  Regular upkeep, patching, and hardening
Sanitization like NIST (800-88) guidelines processes used by CSP
ensuring the right compliance by CSP  If this community CSP is hosting data of
 The auditor can review the CSP’s data multiple banks, what preventive measures
destruction policy, if accessible. are taken to ensure Bank A cannot
intentionally / accidentally gain access to the
Security and Data Privacy - These forms the meat
database of Bank B. These are technically
of the entire audit. Data security and privacy are
achieved by logical isolation using the
core to any business having customers' sensitive
hypervisor layer.
data, and banking quali es for extra scrutiny.
 Access controls to the hypervisors

Whether the bank has access to a security audit Data Security

report of the CSP
We can further subdivide this critical topic into
We can segregate this topic in multiple areas as multiple arenas as below -
below –

Physical Security

What guarantees are provided by CSP to assure

the physical level security of data centers, storage,
and network resources?

Network Security
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

  oth data in transit and rest should be

encrypted. For data in transit auditor needs
to ensure mechanisms like use of HTTPS/TLS
(with forward secrecy), IPSEC and SSH are
 Steps taken by the bank for safety of the
encryption keys
 Does the CSP provide a clear backup and
data archival policy, which gives assurance
of data recovery in the event of an
unfortunate incident.   uditor can review the SLA’s set for privacy
 Data classi cation to identify what sensitive of data in contract
data resides in the cloud and what controls  Is there any penalty clause associated if
it applies to an accidental deletion of data privacy is breached.
including archived data?  With increasing awareness of data privacy
 Recommended certi cations from CSP are and discussions on it in Parliament, there
(not limited to) ISO 27001, PCI-DSS & PA-DSS. could be further enforcement of regulations.
Additionally, IDRBT recommends Cloud This could have an impact like CSP’s could
Security Framework, SOC1 and SOC2. be termed as una liated parties and data
Auditor can verify these certi cations of CSP privacy regulations would be more stringent.
 Auditor needs to ensure the mechanism Should such a scenario arise auditor can
used to protect data in transit by verifying verify the competency of the CSP to align
use of HTTPS/TLS (with forward secrecy), with the regulations.
Data Loss–Events are beyond human control like
Data Privacy - Privacy is accountability to collect, oods, earthquakes could be a potential cause to
process, disclose, store and destroy data that data loss along with human or technical errors.
could help in identifying an individual. There is no
speci c consensus on what it means to be private
I s there an agreeable policy in place to
data. You might have seen the irony many times in
recover the data? They can achieve this if
banks–where Aadhar card copies are just lying on
the CSP has a concurrent data storage
the desk.
 The auditor can also demand evidence of
This lenient approach is a strong “NO” for privacy proactive testing records by Bank and CSP–
in the cloud. for data loss scenarios. This would provide
enough assurance of data retrieval, should
KPMG has a de ned data life cycle as – an event occur.

Must have terms in the contract - Considering the

criticality of the operations and the catastrophic
impact of failure puts the auditor in the critical
situation to identify and ensure measures taken.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

  eviewing the GRC of CSP. If possible,

reports on risk assessment, controls and
monitoring them should be presented to the
bank by the CSP periodically.
 Reviewing whether Bank has done analysis
on forensic data it needs to collect and
whether it is agreed with CSP along with the
capture process. This is crucial from the
legal aspect.

Termination and Exit Clauses–Auditor needs to

review the contract to understand agreement
between the Bank and CSP in case of termination
and closure. Such an event could occur in multiple
cases like CSP closing operations, dispute with
CSP, transferring operations to another competitor

  o image or data is withheld by CSP and use

this as a bargain.
 Clear and well-established policies are
de ned and agreed should such a scenario
 Legal implications and penalty clauses in the
contract for misuse of residual data by CSP

The above given thoughts are a way of making

compliance practices stronger and derive
meaningful outcome from the Audits performed in
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Measuring Robotic Larger Context of

Process Measurements
Before we do the deep dive in to RPA productivity,
let us understand how the evolution of
measurement varies over time with maturity. This

Productivity will set the context on to what extent we need to

address the challenge. Every new technology
upgrade, which can signi cantly impact the

Ecosystem of Human delivery of results are concentrated

Coverage across, then as more areas already
rst on

bots started implementing we focus on Productiveness

measures and control measures, later move to
Often Companies are interested in knowing what Prediction and Improvement based measures,
is productivity when human and Bots Co-work then we move to Innovation or transformation
together. Shall we consider the bots as one human measures.
or shall we consider them as an equivalent of This is like a cycle in every time a new technology
many humans as they work longer than human or delivery model raises. So today the need is
working time? And some disagree and say the bot more to understand how much we apply RPA in
is faster than human so is that considered as our projects and is there a way we can say ROI is
super human equivalent. There is a genuine high as we expected. The resultant question to
interest in de ning the measure of productivity in support this is, What is the productivity of RPA and
the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) context. If how we can measure it. Th e question of a bot is
we try to understand more carefully the need is how many people is not exactly what the
not exactly to know how to I convert the bots to companies want to do, but to know when they will
human, but to derive e ectiveness or return on get ROI and how the RPA is helping in results.
Investment in the RPA exercise itself. Movement to more detail productivity measures is
not far away.

Productivity Gain
The context of projects where we apply RPA varies,
and it’s tough to have like-to-like comparison. The
simpler way to handle this problem is to compare
the e ort spend to do certain tasks with the known
level of quality and then after implementation of
RPA what is the level of e ort spent to do the same
task with same scope and to the same level of
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

This would ensure the boundary of operation In a better way, we can go for cost reduction by
remains the same and the parameters are also introducing RPA services. In this model, it did the
remained the same, as we measure the e ort work before the RPA period for a scope with a
impact. certain cost and after RPA it reduces the cost. The
In this model, we measure the outcome produced cost computation here will consider all the cost
and e ort spent together. involved in Initial and Operational cost of the bot.

We can use the unit of e ort spent towards

outcome for productivity. However, the outcome
itself can have a multi-dimension in such cases we
may or may not use a composite weightage. The
below given picture depicts a case of Application
maintenance service, how the E ort computation
model with outcome can be used.

This costing will also help in knowing when is the

cut-o period by which the RPA investment will
start giving bene ts. This method is simpler and
provides better clarity in results. However, what if ,
the RPA focus itself is not “Cost Reduction” but to
improve compliance , Improve service Quality,
Improve Turn Around Time, in such cases these
changes has to be converted as Cost gure to add
to saving.
In this outcome and e ort based productivity
approach, we can start measuring them after 3
months of operation. We can either apply a by the In RPA, everyone agrees that it pays bene t, but
cost of human to account the bot, as few works by it's di cult to evaluate exactly to what extent it
junior resource the bot has taken over or with pays back. This happens because not the entire
another method of one license is standard 9 service is getting applied with RPA , but often a
hours. Alternatively, if a bot runs for 24 hrs portion of the work. Hence data collection itself
without interruption, then we may take 3 person has many challenges, hence the above given
equivalents. Under any case, we are trying to methods can help us focus macro number to get
compare the outcome produced by the unit of the right feelers.
e ort , before RPA and after RPA.
Productivity in Upcoming days

The next phase of measuring productivity can

touch on how the licenses are utilized, how do we
improve the processes rst to an optimal stage
and then apply RPA. We would move to speed up
and reduce the RPA scripting process and start
measuring the development practices too.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

RPA itself will have many improvement measures

to aid in building productivity through RPA. The
Simpler way for now is to concentrate on cost for
similar quality in a scope , before and after RPA.
Based on which we can increase the coverage for
RPA across platforms.

My Corner!
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Editor Page Let's start a new journey of collaborative progress

with everyone in the Quality Analyst and
Who moved my jobs! Who made my toolbox un t!
compliance eld to refocus our energy in building
Where is my business! The questions have
new concepts, sharing and de ning the best for
emerged in the minds of Quality Analyst more
future. This platform is for everyone to express
often than ever. The landscape of information
their views and thoughts of future openly without
technology projects is changing, so does the
bound by the legacy.
business delivery model. Reinvent and Re-
Come, let’s join our thoughts, let’s refocus and
energize Quality concepts to the new Digital
rede ne concepts for Digital Quality!
World! This is the automation era of the
technology industry, where codes are automated,
and so does delivery environment is! There is Connect and share your views and articles here
nothing wrong in the old techniques of Quality ‘’
Assurance which we used successfully, just the
context is changed and we no longer deal only
with the human to control variations, but with bots
and Tools. The environments have become
simpli ed and have many controls in-built within
the service delivery platform. We are slowly
moving from prevent failure with more time to
detect failure quickly.

Speed of delivery and collaborative working models

achieved high priority, and they aid the same with
advanced tools. The quality de nition and
techniques should understand the priorities and be
integrated with tools. The days are not the long
where assurance part is automated, and it
automates Audits. This is the time for the experts in
quality to share and develop the new focus and
concepts to build the business with support of tools.
The evolution of cloud, data speed, tools,
collaborative methods, and lean applications have
changed the delivery models, and it indeed made
many of our previous challenges void. So our focus
is to get aligned with newer delivery models and
technologies to meet client expectations with the
Digitized Delivery Platforms.
Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

Content Articles are

Disclaimer Welcome
The content expressed in this magazine is the We welcome articles over new ideas, concepts,
thought process of individuals, and we are not pilots, analysis and researches on Quality to shape
responsible for validating or ltering the contents. up the focus to today’s Digital IT World. You can
We do not ask for references, as the new ideas share your thoughts with us in complete article
and innovative thoughts need not evolve from and use this platform to communicate thousands
past. We encourage people to share information of IT professionals and build a stronger new
that can create the spark in the reader's mind and Quality Community. To digitize the new world of
apply in their own context. We leave the Quality you can send your article to us at
judgement over the content to the reader. If any ‘’
plagiarism is present, then the author is
responsible, and we don’t own the content. Points to care: Use smaller paragraphs, own
Similarly, the concepts presented in this magazine images or copyright free images and limit the
are assumed to be open for the public to analyze articles within 3 or 4 pages. Avoid marketing and
and apply in their own cases. We encourage this objectionable languages. Also by sending the
magazine as an open platform to share new articles to us, you are agreeing for publishing to
thoughts, concepts, results, and good practices public media for free usage.
that can lead to digitizing quality to t the new
digital era.
Edited by Vishnu Varthanan Moorthy

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