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Complete Internet Repair

© Rizone Technologies. All rights reserved.

Release Date: December 7th 2010
System Requirements: Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Disk Space: 1 MB


We are living in an Internet age and with any widely used technologies, come a new set of problems.
That is why we developed Complete Internet Repair to solve these problems as they arrive. Complete
Internet Repair does exactly what it says. It attempts to repair everything internet related, including
networking problems. With any repair utility, you will need to remember only two golden rules. Firstly;
don’t try and repair something that is not broken, you might break it. Secondly; the utility can’t repair
it all, we are not like the all-seeing and all-knowing Oracle, we cannot anticipate each and every
situation, but this all said, this utility should be able to help with most situations. Rizone Complete
Internet Repair is basically a combination of Internet Recovery KIT and Winsock Repair. It could help if
you are experiencing any of the following problems:

 Internet or network problem after removing adware, spyware, virus, worm, Trojan
horse, etc.
 Loss network connection after installing/uninstalling adware, spyware, antispam, vpn,
firewall or other networking programs.
 Unable to access any webpage or can only access some webpages.
 Pop-up error window with network related problem description.
 No network connectivity due to registry errors.
 DNS lookup problem.
 Fail to renew the network adapter’s IP address or other DHCP errors.
 Network connectivity issue with limited or no connections message.
 Windows update does not work
 You are having problems connecting to secured websites (ex. Banking).
 Internet Explorer stopped working or crashes all the time.
 Other networking problems.


Winsock Repair is very simple utility and, for this reason, does not demand any installation utility.
Simply unzip all files to any folder and run the executable file (usually, " WinsRepair.exe").

No Nonsense License Version 1.1:

You may use our software anywhere and anytime for any purpose you want. We will just not be held
responsible if you mess your computer up or use our software for illegal purposes. We will also not be
held responsible for any bodily harm you could sustain while using our software. You may however
decompile (if you can, good for you), disassemble and use our software in your business. We did not
include the source code, because, to be honest, we don’t want to.
If you use our software, you agree that most software companies are full of it and that our software
might not work the way you expect it to. You agree that no developers are perfect and for that reason
our software is less than perfect. It could in some cases crash your computer, render something
unusable and maybe just not work, but you agree that this is your problem and not ours. Let’s face it;
software companies really don’t care.

You are entitled to free support from us and we will try to help you the best we can. If we are too
stupid to help you, sorry, at least we tried. Furthermore, this license was not copied or adapted from
any other licenses and for this reason is like the software it tries to protect, could be faulty.


Version (December 7th, 2010)

No history recorded.

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