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Arlington Elementary School

Art Class Behavior Contract

As a student in __________________________ grade and in Mrs. ______________________

class, I, ________________________ (student’s name) acknowledge and agree to the
following exceptions and procedures on _______________________ (date) so that the Art
classroom can run smoothly and productively. They are as follows:

1. Always do your Best.

2. Respect the classroom, teacher, classmates, and visitors.
3. Take care and use the supplies properly.
4. Inside voices and proper language in the classroom.
5. Stay on task and meet the expectations of the classroom.
6. Turn my mistakes into masterpieces and always be thankful for the opportunities Art
and Mrs. Lane offer me.

I am aware that following the classroom expectations and procedures will create a safe and fun
environment to learn about Art and create some of my own Art. Following these expectations
and procedures will allow rewards such as a Free Art Day and wonderful prizes.

If I choose to break or fail to follow any expectation and/or procedure within the Art Class, my
consequences are as follow:
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: Seat change/Additional Assignment
3rd Offense: Call/Email/Text to Parent
4th Offense: Office/Referral

X ___________________________________________________________________
(signature of parent/guardian)

X ___________________________________________________________________
(signature of student)

(parent/guardian contact)

(additional contact information)
Arlington Elementary School
Art Class Behavior Contract

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