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Student´s name:__________________________ Score:_______________ Date:_______________

I.- Complete the missing words from the quotations. Use the words in parenthesis.

(hearts-gift- faith-Christ- grace-sign-God)

a.- “When we come to ______________and accept his pardon and _____________, love develops in our ___________”

b.- Salvation is God´s___________, and we recieve it by ____________

c.- Obedience is the true ______________of love, it is also the sign we are followers of_________.

II.- Match the adjectives and the sentences.

1.- Stubborn a.- I´m interested in learning about people and things around me.

2.- Optimistic b.- I´m friendly, and I like people.

3.- Adventurous c.- I set highgoals for myself

4.- Careful d.- I look on the bright side of things

5.- Easygoing e.- I do things slowly and with attention to detail

6.- Outgoing f.- I don´t like to change my mind

7.- Curios g.- I am relaxed, and I don´t worry about Little things

8.- ambitious h.- I love trying new, exciting activities

III.- READING COMPREHENSION. Read and then answer

Money is what you use to buy things. You may earn money from completing household chores, getting good grades, for
your allowance, or for losing a tooth! Money is very important in our world and comes in many different forms.

People have been using money for hundreds of years. Before money gave specific values for things, people simply traded
items. In the United States, we use the dollar as our currency or money, but people in different parts of the world use
different currencies, though some countries also use or accept our dollars.

People earn money from the jobs they work and use that money to save for the future or pay for their houses, cars, good,
taxes, medical needs, and household items, among other things.” Even things such as turning the lights on, using the air
conditioning or heat, and connecting to the internet cost money.

1.- How long have people used money?

A. Hundreds of years B. Thousands of years

C. Since the beginning of time D. They started recently

2.- Select all of the things that money might be used for.

A. to save for the future B. to pay bills

C. to buy things D. to pay you for doing your chores

3.- What did people do before there was money?

A. People traded to get what they needed B. They just never got what they needed

C. The story doesn't tell D. They made everything themselves

4.- According to the author of this story, money is ____________.

A. only used in America B. not very important

C. very important D. only earned by adults

5.- The dollar .....

A. is not used very much in the United StateS B. is never used in other countries.

C. is used in every country in the world D. is used in the United States

A Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

an award an extreme sport a new city a roller coaster

a bone a mountain a play whale-watching

1. They’re planning to ride __________________________ this weekend.

2. The director won __________________________ for his new movie.

3. They acted in __________________________ by Shakespeare last year.

4. Ann and her husband went __________________________ last summer.

5. While I was skiing, I fell and broke __________________________ in my foot.

6. He went to Africa last year and climbed __________________________.

7. Skydiving is __________________________. I’m not brave enough to try it!

8. Last year I moved to __________________________. It’s an exciting place with

a great subway system.

C Complete the conversations with the words in parentheses and the correct present
perfect or simple past form of the verbs. Use short answers where needed.

1. A: _______________________________ (you / ever / lose) your phone?

B: Yes, _______________________________ (I).
_______________________________ (I / lose) it last summer
at the beach.

2. A: _______________________________ (you / try) the sushi

at the restaurant last night?

B: No, _______________________________ (I), but


_______________________________ (I / eat) sushi


at that restaurant many times.

3. A: _______________________________ (your boss / ever / be) upset

with you?

B: No, but _______________________________ (my wife’s boss / get) upset

with her yesterday.

B Complete the statements and questions with the words in parentheses and the correct present perfect form of the verbs.
Use contractions where possible.
1. _______________________________ (I / never / chat) online with my friends.

2. _______________________________ (Janet / ever / go) camping?

3. _______________________________ (they / not / call) their parents this week.

4. _______________________________ (you / ever / have) Mexican food?

5. _______________________________ (we / not / see) any new movies this month.

6. _______________________________ (Meg / do) her homework today?

II.- READ CAREFULLY: You’re having a conversation with Jenny. What she says is true for you too. Put in ‘so --- I’
or ‘neither --- I’, choosing which auxiliary verb you need:

1. Jenny: Sarah loves chocolate. Me: _________________

2. Jenny: I can’t play the piano. Me: _________________

3. Jenny: Catherine is English. Me: _________________

4. Jenny: She isn’t coming to the party. Me: _________________

5. Jenny: Lucy will come early tomorrow. Me: _________________

6. Jenny: I have to study this weekend. Me: _________________

7. Jenny: Dan lives in Madrid. Me: _________________

E Read the comments on Joe’s Blog. Check () the correct answer for
each question.

Who . . . ? Burt Larry Fran

1. thinks children make life interesting and exciting   
2. likes to go to the theater with friends   
3. has a life that is most similar to Joe’s   
4. travels sometimes but doesn’t do extreme sports   
5. doesn’t enjoy staying home   
6. doesn’t have enough money to travel now   



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